VRSf f "7 "W5 CTV! :t ;& . B'W 'y t & H "J. J I " ( 7 t ?v ' .":. .. 4tfSTR4k PIGTU ' IT PEES MONDAY APRIL 30, 1917 a tts av -4iVZ? merger Etrening scrpp: T vttt BUtf' -B JT &J$ricK?jE3ztift&& y- Ml L.1 M, IW? .V" S?V v K liliaflfBfBBfBfBfBfJ t ? X& d HhhIHII Is r ' fee r VFi '-H ! - J Hi vVf ,fe A 4 ftx-?1 .- ;, ftlfftftftftftHftftftftH AuvwMiMibtf ,sr--?fHftM T iftT .fAV jYftaB MiTftTiMMMMV'iftMMMMMMfciMMtij v 4 . , , IftaVrBBHMHHHBU. fl r K9Ba I lHHSwp t m (EiftaK W uIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI ftB MSUBRt jrBuDBMK .iSHHJftaHL MHHfeiSftaVL viHftaBm ! OF am jIk kl vHbhLIh ' !VfeJK "' ',r -iSasflftaaaal lftaaaaavAaBftflflaftl W9IUw?mJKEMu3k ftaaawBaivr . ftaaaaaaflftBaaaaaaaaVkk w X )! The Youne Lady Across the Way THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY ' MMM- i. Tho younB lady acioss the way says this Is a war between democracy and monarchy and she expects to sco other proletariats fall before the popular will just as Kupla's did. Name Was Familiar The woman asked tho negro his namo when he applied for a Job. "Mali namo Is Poe, ma'am." "PoeV Perhaps some of your fam ily worked for Edgar Allan Poe." The negro's eyes opened in sxr- I prise. "Why " he gaaped, "why, Ah Ulll JW(,X 1'UU Wi.. By FONTAINE FOX r I j-- fV THET THERE Vr jL flCKE IN NOVY (fvl " y- The skipper fd-? HAS F0UN0 some U? The skipper. has founo so'me o'd stove, pipe and IS EXPERIMENTING WITH A PAY-ASr-Ybu-ENTER SYSTEM FOR THE TRolEY MNE. Bu 'iBBSBBl Swli WEST CHESTER'S ONLY TRAFFIC COP KEEPS A VIGILANT LOOKOUT FROM HIS GUARD ROX ON GAY STREET. "HELLO, UNCLE SAM, THIS IS THE BELL TELEPHONE RESERVE CORPS- lelphla employes of the organized in the State Philadelphia employes of the company have contributed this company to the battalion All tnc memners are SKinea iciepnonu wurnvta. THE PADDED CELL TIftlHpSlrW mm mmJLJhir r unfit. I- P lllliftnniIiK? Ctill&l ftVSilaflKinHlBBIBBBHHniB3ft'J KB SbHH WBBBHftl HBBBLftaiL J Kjw -ftftftftftBsalBllBBIVCVBVBftHHraBi llnimHi ' jHHftaBfH BIlBftftftfllftftftBftaKBfl lftV dHBBE5ftW9HBlftBUBBBft9JiBlftnB.4BHVftftftBft KftftftftBftftftftftftBftfl w'9 'ftftHftaKlftlBHftHHiwBlflftaftBfl fta HjBiBJBjkSHMjVjVVEBIvBJBJBJy iHHJHjVjVjVjVjVjVjVjVjVjB; harv WEEK P.EGINS SPUING "SWAT-TIIE-FLY" CAMPAIGN Pupils of the Mount Vernon School show their worth as embryo citizens by partici pating in health pai'ade. JBSvSHVsflftVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsHftBVsVsVsVsVsVMft Hb ANOTHER DANIELS JOINS THE UNITED STATES NAVAL FORCES He is Josephus Daniels, Jr., and is shown standing next to his much-talked-of dad. Young Daniels has been assigned to duty-with the marine corps here in Philadelphia. The other good-looking lads are his younger brothers. 1 9H ,W9MAM ' MS OO CHIEY IM V V J MUGHTT AUTOMM? a ' 'I )( Does he WANT HIS k 'S I ) A1ICE 'ITTt-E iDOLEAi Vt V ( JACKET ON, MICE. M&X s7 X. V'lTTLE WARM ACKY "r, .0'O f Too Familiar "Ah iay, Ma-y, would yo Jes'a ' soon " "lK)ok yere, Jim Jackson, don' yo' git fresl wit me; mah name's Miss Smlf, no: Mar'. I don 'low only mah " bes' andmos' pa'tlc'lar fren'a to call mo Mar?." "Ah lgs yo pahdon, Miss Smlf. j But, ea Miss Smlf, would yo' shir i to do oicr knee? Dla ono's gettln' tired." Quite True A. i 9 , . .r . if .'. a jiavff.f MmWMMwJ p London Opinion. jjnuuury ;uaiu wnu nun iiupt uuacu 'Vnlnnrmf" nf Rnltrl frannnt for ?( smaller1 brother) There ain't many Httlo boys as can ride about in a car riage and dress shirt 1 ti Harsh, Cruel Man ! BB I m fli 'JflBw5 mi'JMJ ''1KS rr" riBBi SI IBHrTl,,lBf,,'f?H!imBTlVfMrTyr ' li i--if om Ideas. I'ugnaclous Female (to parish clerk) Say, young man, don't you feel ashamed o' yerself comln' round 'ere every week tryln' ter 'ustlo me olo man ter the land when yer know 'e's tho sole pro tection of a poor, weak woman? QUITE LIKELY m? ILfiiS'fl 'J:Wm London Bystander. Sergeant What d'yer mean by leavln' that pall lyln abaht? 'Avent yer got senee enough to know tlmt some bloko might fall over it and 'urt 'Isself? SCHOOL DAYS ffi3 Tnornir? rnis'Kim o -you Techen J could pNJ Mv Political Points "Tou keep, pens in this shop?" . "We have' all kinds, air." "Then kindly put ma up om trenchants and sort in a few caua. tics. I've a political article to write." & W iomj iTonltiefo come rjisWci I'M &iyfrt .-o , ; ' '.' .- V-i.,i ,. . ""; i ' T k ;? . ? " ; ' -' fi The Reason IP Aive Wm all the worms" f Sivc Wm all the worms" "T2K?a he du$ ; . ' V'.V 1 i'-v An r-v&ii ?. 2i r-'Aji mtcSAiHMS ATt-IJ :?!',. a W&-Z .5?! . "! F.SC' t?A -. j! VT m mmmw, wC 'Vpt? .! rwcs mMh i.i r,4S-' -f'v i,"4 ; (.4'). -i! il?jr't? 1 '!&& i 3i8&a 0A Puppet. h i'S ?t?. 5 .-. m . S '.. ' J . do you work eo liardr koo nerrou tc- steal." & VlWi4J. iV'!'' Cft w 1 -s EJ a AJtl Ml St M a.. fk I 1 L- u LLI .1 1 ..'"V" i '1 LB Riiia M "k IflSiK J j r . . rrKX i I nil -!L h It ,r& .sv,mf-tif!i.sfti:,'? , xM. 5 4Ltk '' 4T ?