P1 l i r t -",-!--" 'tt jurir ?, il ,'"W L IIMHIMPWI!'! Wlljl IIHRinM wrngzomr'V v.- -T. , , V " -- -" - -," . v-v '1 . . "r4" ... ' ' j . vv r-: ''"'wsfT'V v -u :. tt-j",,,'' - w.r'wrr' w--;;.'.! ' .- i ' '. ., . ,v ,- ," '- ' , - U.V ;.,,. -"v. -, fx , A v EVENING' LEDGJ3R-PH1LADEL1HIA, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1917 " r V !w. Htt ' d ?, &1; 4 fi cw feA A r i? .JO :U V m- L r r kits E& fed ?, ii , Bi if Mij' K sy w fe t 'Y IV' J M? v LSfv &.r hi. r. V. P., REILLY, MOCK A CO. IIANKKItS PENNSYLVANIA TAX FREE " AND TAX REFUND PUBLIC UTILITY ISSUES NETTING FROM 5 TO 6.25. DETAILED OFFERINGS ON REQUEST 306 CHESTNUT STREET riin..M)i:i,iMii Suggested Revision of The Income Tax Important changes in. the Income Tax Law have been suggested by the Secretary of the Treasury. We have prepared a chart deal'ng with incomes ranging from $3,000 to $3,000,000. This tabulation shows the sug gested rates and amounts in comparison with those in force and those originally levied. A copy of this suceested sihelule ent upon reeiuest for Chart PK 11" TheNationalCity Company 1421 Chettnut St., Phila. New York Chicago Hon Krinrlsco Boston Pittsburgh Omn Finney & COMKANY AUTOMODILE BANKERS Offer special facilities for In dividuals or automobile deal ers to finance the acquire ment of pleasure cars nnd for business houses to finance the acquirement of commer. clal cars or trucks. If you are thinking of purchasing n. car of any kind for any purpose the FINNUY SYS TEM will make a better busi ness transaction for you. REAL ESTATE TRUST PHILADELPHIA BUILDING E. E. Delp Grain Co. GRAIN Export nd Domtitlo FDTCnES CormpondenU BAKTLETT. Fit V.ZIKB CO. CHICAGO 453 Bourse, Philadelphia Private wires all Grain Markets Members Chicago Board Trad VMWVMWV llECkERCo. ANKERS and BROKERS 6th &. CHESTNUT STS., N. E. Cor. JInbr or J'niia. stock Exchanro Ulrect wire lo .Vev York A PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION Booklet Edition on Request REED A. MORGAN & CO. WKST EM THIINT lILIMi., Pllll.. Membera of the 1'hlla. stock Kvilinnce LKOAL ADVKRH H KMEN TS KS KSTATJ3 Of THOMAS U. IIUKKE. Dl. erased Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to 'IHr W'KS I' PHII.ADKLPHIA TITI.ITn. TltUST COMPANV and KRANCKa M, HUltKK. all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make fayment, and those having ilalms to present he lame, without delay, at tho office of said Company, S. W. corner Lancaster ave. und Fortieth at. A I WOOD President ' rt2S KSTATE OF OOTTI IMI STAl'I", III:. 3SC erased Ijettera lestnmentarx on the above estate having been granted to Tltn vrCT PHII-ADKLPHIA TITLi: t TIU1HT COMPANV ail persons Indebted to tho aild estate nre re quested to make pavment. and those havens claims to present the same, without delav, at the office of said Company. S. w corner Lan- cicc Hre, nuu uriio.o su a r wood - . Prfsldent 1535. KSTATE OF EI.I.KN J.IIF.STO.N, DK 3 reased letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to TlfK W'HST PH1LADKLPHIA T1TI.R & THUST COMPANV. all persona Indebted to the bald estate, are re Quested to make payment, nnd those having claims to present the same, without delay, ut the office of said Company. S. W corner Lan caster ave. and Fortieth at. A. f, WOOD - President VKSS-KHTATI. OF II. HOWAKll (Olrl.V JR.. ps deceusrd Letters of administration on the above estate having been grunted to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, nnd those having claims to present the same, with, out jdejay. to HAI11TA COFFIN, Admlnistratri. or to her Attorney, "" i r. j. iiupnurtN. kiu, . 3J BHroad st., Philadelphia. RSi KNTATK OF FANNY IMRRAm, UK ps rrased letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to TIIK PP.OVIDKNT I.IKI5 AND THU8T CmiPANV OF PIlILAnELPJIIArall persons Indebted to tho aald eatate are requested to make pay. men., and those having claims to present the same, without delay, at the office of said Com pany, 0 Chestnut at., Philadelphia. ASA 8. WINO, President. . j . DIVIDENDS THB SIXTH NATIONAL DANK . Philadelphia, April .7th. 11)17 The Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Ote per rent, payable May 1 1S1T. to stockholders of record at the close o eiwlnsss April -7, 1017. Checks -will be mailed. W1M..AM BAI.TKn. Cashier. I-ANKXIN NATIONAL BANK "" 1 Phlbxilslnhla. Anrll a mtv ovnciorsi osvb utia ur aeciarea a aeml etlvid.nd ot ttn 10) per cent., frss of uraoiaaiaj. 1. jkij, 10 aioc-noicMra) ot , at. tbo clooo of business April SO. win M ilea. ' t rr trlncvn -.ki " .. .... ,im, i,.fiii,r. -" NATIONAL BANK 1 . Hlhidalphia, April . 1S1T. .ir; T -eclared.a dirt. ). r-bl lay iM, Mr at raoor- at Ihs eloao Ihs e Utrc -ffS Jii-i. a. CalAJl- JL ABJITUN, ' - Cashli Cashier. MAtltNATIRANK Z April. aa. hit. .oaoia red. a divl Jlor JUUvla-t sin it JsW-N t atr ,. A. - . . FINANCIAL NEWS RAPID TRANSIT TRUST CERTIFICATES TAKE THE LEAD IN LOCAL TRADING More Than 2800 Change Hands and Price Advances to 30Yi, Up 'Yi Nearly Everything Else Is a Little Higher Cramp Declines Tlu volume nt litiyllirnH vvns not lingo In (lie Mailing on the Philadelphia Stock I'xrhungc tod ty, but with feu exceptions, itdvtuicen were In oidet Itnplil TrnriHlt triiKt certificates, vvhleh hive tint clone much for inino time, took on new life nnd ncutl nil Interest was centered In translation"! In that Issue More than 2800 ih.trei li.ul tli itiReil handM ti to near the close, nnd tho lithe wan up nt SO The niaJorlH of transactions took place at 3Hij AlthoiiKh there nai no dcllultc Infmmi lion foithininltiK as to the caue of the tutlvitv nnd strength of this Icoie the opinion wan cviti'si-cd In linldeix of the cirtlfk"itos that the puhlle ui becoming more conllilcnt tint an agreement helwicn tho loinpun and the rltj foi llm nplratlmi of the new hlKh"p(ed IIM" mis Kr.nlnully In Inn nipioa lied and that there was every prohahlllH that Miinetlilni; dellnlte In the n of f.mirnhle ihh would he autioumtd mi I'hlladdiihla Triiethui n.is iinchaniiod at TU. hut did not ilewlnp niuih moinentuui .NcM to tin- Itapld Trunlt Auarli.tii Milling a the iiiikI aitle home Mod, on ik" aKKrK.itliiK mirl loin) yharts, It ndxnneed h ilf n point to r I.ihe Sii IHtlor Corporation after ndv anting to PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AM) I'LOUR Will: VI- It-reints til .-,() I l.ui TIik mir kt fulfil linn nn I further mlwiiueil ' lu to lirht lftci tnH Hti 1 a .oimI i urt ilni mil flotation ur loin in xjn)ri Hntnr Nn -' r-il. r" JJ li'pii 1 Nn J Himthrrn ml J-'UIH J lis M.'inn.T So J red Jtii.""l Nn .) ic-'l J.'l't'i.' I'M rjt. it A fj sifi.'VJ rnjietnl II S.' sKij ss i'eHN Kr.ipts m",t lius 'I hero whs an ntlvnno- of 1i in ihl.i iiurkt 'Uk to IlKht ofrer lnit nnd a fclr ilemand ijuoi.itlnns Cur lols for lot il iradf an to ltnatlon Wcflrrn No I iHluw SI Tll I "I do No I vnlluw Jl hsl l.'l ilo .No wiiim $i iiii vi "I" i-ijutliirn .N'u ,! vtllow S) Hsii 7o fllTu I,...,.... ,, n. t t m,.- ....-I... .... , ,k, iriina vi iii iiu i on oiiiriti'i I rulcil tlrm umlnr light nm rlni.s hut ili-mmil I was onl tnoihratr Cjuolatlolis No 1! while Miwslc rtimlinl whim. TufiMk No .1 whin- IstjiTli, s, ,i,t, 7;hi;ki i l.ni'II IticelptH Ho-, I his and 017 fill lh" In sdikH Tin ri wis little trailltite hut nlu' wiri ilrnilv maintnlnul (Juotallnns Winter Hlralcht Slit) u "ii Kanm Oeir llJVitcll iln utrutBht tll'nll'n 'In patf-m Jl.l '.!ii 1 1 fnrlnB tirnt char MJ "ntM l 1" pitrni n.'ioWH ilo fcvorlti hranils illJUH-. iltv mllln iholro anil ruin patent S14 J"iWl" Hi: Kl.Oflt Was In nnMll nuppb anl llrmli nelil We iiuoti ln J"ii 1 1 J'i per hhl" n U 'luilltj I'ROVISIOXS Thn inirket ruled llrm'wllh n fair Inl liliu: demand The. quotations nn as follow City Leef In sets nmol.id and nlr dried .1"t V estern beef In seta atnoked .l."e, Clt beef ktiueklen and temi'ra smoked and air dried ltlc W'eali ru beef knuckles and tenders smoked 3r,i nP(.f hams S1U61J l'ork famllv, lis ADS IS Hams S 1". lured, loose -5W-V4C do skinned loose, 'i1 fJJUc do do smoked, .fl?ii2v Othei hiins smoVed tltv eurtd s tu brand nnd aver.iue jiHiiJil'sc Hams smoked westirn curnl -ipli) Jfi' , do. boiled honeliss 3it Plinli shouldi rs S I cured loose Jt, do Mliokc d 'e IllllliS III pltkle nctordlns to nvcrace loose J"e llreak fast nieiin as lo brand and averate dt Hired 3-'c Hrcakfast lueon estcln cored, 32c l.drd westirn reilntd tlercts LMc do, do do tubs 1' Ic Lard puro tlt kettlo rendered In tiercel .Mi Lard ru o titj kettlo rendered. In tuts jJc KEPINED SUGARS The market ruled nrtii l'ranklln took a little I usIneKs nt 7 30 while the last nuota tlon of Iho Pennslanla Suar Conipan wac S 50c Uctlners were rtstrUtine ordtri DAIRY PRODUCTS nt'TTKIt Thro m a Tulr .lonitiM nml lh mnrkpt rulftl firm nml l'fc WJt hthrr uthIt IlKht rerriptH cjuotatlonw owtprn f n sh iollI nut keil ( rnmcr) fittiM hppiIhIh, I4'a x tra -IJ1! r4 1-a xtri UrBtK ll'at tlrsls -Jili 8M(nni I lie nettrbj print a ihiic Kir do aprnce tra 14 It 4" Ilrsts 4JrVA b nf nnlfl 4M4hc Hpfilnl fumy brands ot prtntn Joblilnir nt inff'ijr 1((1 Hulrd ilrm uriflor tnodrritp r-fppts nnd mo1 ilnian. nnd prkt h advantfd 1" ppr cape Quotation NHrh flrPtB ?1(l "n per chp nc.irhj current rriflptfl, $in jn nor i mp stprn cxtri tlrsin $10 l"i pr taw do tirnt $ln Jll prr i HBP fltlM Hc tP(1 c tndl d .,." rri jnMiinc at .'lfliT K'c pt dnpfi riUKS,: (ifTtrliistf of iS-.rbie atnl- rr llBht anil tIuph wvrr ull nulntatii'-d with d ma ml fair Quotation! n Vnrl ful' -pn fancj new liT1 tfJi-it hppiIhI hlkh r dn )i fnlr to Rood nnn JU'-a fJ"c do, pirt nKlm 141?2Je POULTRY I.I VII I he market ruled stead) under mod erite olTerlncs and a filr demTnd for ibslrthli .slock cjuolatlons fowls hh to ouillo JJ'2 fl'Jte stasiev roosters ISfi.'Mi old roosters lnci'17e ehhkens soft-meated JI17j"i( rtui ki. Pekln jofuje Indian liunner 17W1K Plseons old per pilr, jstraoc, do oun? per pair, so'ft'J'ie HHI:sm:i Iteiclpts were not heav hut demind was llcht and prices of fowls wen '2 lower Quotations were as follows Pnwls J! to box. dr-plck d fimj selei ted Jo do wttsh tnc -t'j lbs and over apiee -"i'ji, do d 1 a'a lbs apiece lile do do .1 lbs iipbei J Ifii L'li Kovis in hbls fanij dr-pliked velh Inu V-2 Ihs and over apleic, -Vac smaller sl?i s -JffJ'ic old roosters dr picked Jlc roasllii ihkkens wistern drj-Iilrked In buxes velt,to Ing 8WI0 Ihs per pair, L'7W.'be, do western, In boxes weighing 7 lis pi r pilr -oftjclc ib do In bids weikhlm; slo lbs per pair, J7'-'i-Ne do do do weighing 7 lbs per pair, "llrJ'c broiling chickens, vcestern in boxes, weighing 301 I lbs ier pair, -sif?3.'c chickens weighing fiWil lbs per pair. -I'&J'ie do mixed sizes o ft'L'Jc. broilers Jcrsiv, fancy numeric, do, other nearby, weighing I'i - Ihs apiece 'o!far,",p turkejs tier in rnncs western, J33c, fair to g rod airir.HC. old Toms "O&C.llle. niinmiii. L'lm.'ts fcc suual s per elo7in White weighing 11 lbs per dozen, $1 J"(i?4 HI, do, weighing j 1. tlrlO lbs Her do7etl SI l,0ffel4 to. rin uelchlni? lbs per dozen tSfos 10, do weighing 7 lbs per rt07en, S2 111 ffriT 7'i, do weighing llf()lj lbs per dozen. 1 7l-."-,0, dark $1 ."Oiifl i'O. smill nnd Vo. 2, 30c Jl " FRESH FRUITS Cholie slock met with fair sale nnd values general! ruled steady under moderate nffetlngs (Quotations Apples per bid Hen Davis J3 l 1 7.1 llcldwln No 1 fl "5 n 4 "II do un graded Ilfl',n eireinlng Xo, I .4 "01i 1; do ungrndtd ITi 4 " Kings, No 1 JMii " "in. d 1 ungraded 11 fa I Wines ip Vo 1 14 Vilj it do ungraded J 'itiSi.l "0 Apples northwestern per box l"anc J.'fi - Au eholee $1 TiOW.' lemons per box J15il Oranges Florida per crate lirlgllt fane l?3 ,'(). Itusset fanr ."iii "4 poor, tint.'"! (irapefrult, Klorlda per crme nslil Pineapples I'orto niio per crate $.l'ir4riO Mrawlii rrles North Carolina per qt IoL'-h VEGETABLES The general market was eiuiet and vclthout Ini pi riant 1 hange Quotations White rotaloes old - Pennsylvania, choice per bush S3 J1W3 40 N'w Vork, choice, per bush , SJ '33 4, Maine choice, per bush, $ I (03 .VI, Jersey, per harket IIMfflK White ; potatAes; new, Ffor Idi per bbl No 1, S. No .', f88 Bu, cullo frt7 bweet potutoes Kastern Shore, per bbl No 1 IJI WOI. No 2. Sl.r.03 Sweet pota toes Xielawaro and Maryland ner hamr"--No ) II 71O.' 2 No 2 SI -'.' nil 11 culls Si' Sweet liotatoes Jerse per basket No 1. St 2S 17.'. No. 2 50 9 (13c rinlons. Texas per crate No. 1 SI -"., No 2. S3 7SW4 Onions old? pee 10O-lb. Uig. S510 Cabbage Florida per hamper lW4 2i, do California, per trato SJ ft 10 Spinach Norfolk per bbl.. S20J Ml. do Texas per hamper. 11,7102 Kale Norfolk per bbl, $1 7riWJ. Cau mower, California, per crate il..10 I 7S Ithuharb California, p" box. Sl.j'iftir.O Lettucei Florida, fancy, per basket. SI; do, do, poor to good, per basket, S11 SO. do North Carolina, per basket SI 6002 Celery. Florida, per 10 Inch crate St fvu. Uenna Florida, per basket Green 11.73 2 23: wax. SI. 3002 50. Fggplant. Florida. ier box Hell Sll, Pepncra, Florida, per box 3 6004. Squash. Florida per box. Si I 50 Peas, Florida, per basket. SI 7.102 J". Curum! bers, Florida, per basket, SI, 7302. Ueets. Mor. Ida, per lnu bunches. S40. liadlshes. Norfolk, per basket. 21ePSl. Tomatoes, Florida, per crate. 3 BO03.7S. Asparagus, per dozen bunches Colossal, S4M.1; fancy. S2 GO01 choice, SI, 500.' 23. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. bas ket. I1.40OI.TS. Cotton Buyers and Sellers NUW YOniv, April 30. May Bartlett bought; Newman rolcl. uly Hentz, R. Hubbard, Ilyman, W. aumoeiis, Newman, McGee nnd Lovvensteln bou.ht : AVIlson, Hannemann, Schley, Atoun tree. Mite-hell, Harnett nnd Olovcr sold. October Wilson. Kelffer, Clearmaii. Itountree, Newman, Burnett, Itosenberc and Schlll bought; Downs, Orvls nnd Mitchell sold, December Schlll, Munda and Deacon bought; Wilson, Hopkins, Clifford and Illack cold, anuary Downs, Parrott and Schlll bought; Mitchell und Rosenberg- sold. March Lehman, Kchltl and Wilson bought; Rosenberg1 and Hartcorn sold. P1KBCTOBY OT ACCOPNTANT- CoctMU- PoMX Awt--t 19,. lost n trifle nnd held nt 1'i'a. up " iiunrter Camhil.i Steel calned ' I.ehlKli Valley Itallrond uhlih had been weak the latter put of hint weiU, Rained more than a point nnd l'emiH luiiilu mis up n frno tlnn Philadelphia llleitrle. Tonopali Mill Ins Illeitrlo Stoinse ltitterv and I'nlted Uiis Impiovemunl ueru nil until tiiKed I'nlted states Steel common reached 116'2 In the foienoon, hut latei i cm led to lli whkli was i nhore .inturdaj'n iloe Sales were not larne the total belmr milv n little more than l.'iOO shaics William Crnmp tttist ceitllkates woe one of the few Issues leeotdlns dei lines Tlu sold nt ST, off U There was furlhei talk .u the Street of the pro'peits of nn ndvance to I per cent In the enrU future for tall money And while no definite nctlon was taken by the larce banks the opinion was expressed that eer. IndUatlon points to n hlKhei lato helnij ihaiKed soon One of the laiRe downtown Institutions Is now charslnR 4 pei cent for new piper, and, It was pointed out todaj lij heernl bankers that, while the New York rate s.iRRed after leaching. 4 per cent, theie was ecr probability that It would toon harden nRaln This would naturallv brliiK about the expected advance In this elt COTTON ADVANCES AFTER POOR START Reports of Decreased Acreage Bring Buying of New Crop Months and Prices Rise (in ion iihi.r w i:tiii n comhtmins M.W illltk nrll 30 Temperatures vcere somewhat lower In the northwestern see lion of the cotton belt this morning. It wns clouilc In the western section unci clrnr Inrnuklioiit the eastern part The following tempi rntiires were recorded: lll.ljhnmi I Itv. tli Millene. IGt Kalrlgh. ...'! AshrtH'e, .lit Fort Smith, Kit Vmlullle. AHi Himwllle ImtbinociKii und W llmliigton. Mil I lltlo Kin k d(!i Memphis Mcksburg Mont getmerc August 1. Mlltiti I liomiisvllle nnd I hariestou, (iKi .liickMinville, shreveport, Del llio nnd lllrinliiglium, l)t Tnnnii. sun Antonio, (oilveslon, M icon nnd New Or leans, 77t i eirpus ( lirlstl, Vliibl'r rensacnlil and suviinn ih 71, lliere vcas 01 Inrh of pree t'lttatlon nt Wilmington .7(1 bull nt Ulivlllr unci Okla houit ( It und .78 bieli nt Fort .smith, N'i:W YORK April 3D Liverpool cables did not advance as time It as due but the openltiir here was xle.id.v and prices showed dec lines of onlv 2 to in points Commis sion houses New Orleans and rade In terests were Rood buvem, nnd the "iipplv came from room traders, Wall Street nnd l.lveipool At the time of the start here Liverpool was about U points net hlKhei,; pi lees were due to come 28 to 30 points up. A private cable slid theie was some cov ering apralnst cotton sunk and ronslcieiable short covering and ttaele calllnir was met by laiso lone liquidation cm scale-up limits Reports of dec teased auoaKO seemed to bo brlnsliiK In more limine of new crop months, with October sellltiK up to 19 27 or 7 points net hlnhot 'J'd crop deliveries did not full respond to the stictiRtli of llm later months however and turned easier after 11 o clock under active liquidation, part I v In the vvaj or stop orders This un settled tho tone of the edict al list, with the market nervous 1 ilci In the mornlne One of the private wires received from Teas predicted a decrease of s per cent In ncreaee and a numbei of local cotton men who have tetutneil hcic from the South this mornlne expressl(i bullish Ideas of the new crop outlook .Sat close Open High l.nw Close Mil .'0.17 .0.0 20 II 2 I "1 20 Jl lUl JO Jl ! Ill JOIM lOPt JOIII (li tnber l'l to 111 Jll I'l VI 111 17 I'l 2J December 111.17 1'IJI VI III 10 21 l'l 2li innuar 111 11 10 Jl m 10 111. 'I pi 11 March ill .Is l'l IS 111 Is 10 Is Spot Jll 111 11 -,-, Liverpool Cotton UVKRTOOI, April 30 A fair business was done in spot cotton today on the btsls of 13d for mid-upland, an advance of 12 points The sales vveie 8000 bales, includ ing 6700 bales American Tho lecelpts weio 1(1 (100. including 8800 bales American Tim market for futures were barely steady at a net advance of 4 and 9 points Aeroplane Awakens Bellefonte Folk m:i.M:FONTK, P Apill SO A mini ber of Bellefonte residents were startled out of their sleep In tho passine of nn aeroplane oer the town. From the loud vvhlrrlne of the motors the machine waH llvlne low and almost due west No liehts could bo seen The Government Loan Mexican War 0 N April 26, 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico. The financial condition of our country at that time was not strong, and President Polk, and Secretary Walker of the Treasury, resorted to the use of short term Treasury Notes and Stock, the latter bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. The total indebtedness incurred by this country during the Mexican War amounted to $43,000,000. Economic developments following the war led to a period of extraordinary industrial pros perity only to be checked by a change in the fiscal policy of our Government, which resulted in the Panic of 1857. However, the debt contracted in conse quence of the Mexican War was paid in full by 1874. The conditions of today are markedly different, the credit of our country stands at the highest in its history, and its obligations are the strongest and best investments in the financial world. Subscriptions to the new Government Loan, when offered, will be received by this Company without cost to the subscriber. CommerciaLTrust Company City Hall Square Sales in Philadelphia Net chge. W IIIrIi. Low, Close, nun am .inning n 11 o h Am lts pf 01 01 ot Cnm Steel. 11314 ',4 ,3V V 10 nice stor, Ai (IT ai 300 Krlo 2714 37 ,, 27 A 74 II I nn Co N A 2 00 I.k Sup C. Ill 54 10 I.fh Nnv, 70 Si I.ch Vn .. 01 100 Midvnln ,., 077n 23 Mlnehlll .. S loo Miami Cop 4314 007 Pentin R R 3314 10 Pa Salt M. 041, 00 1'lill.t Co.. 34 1.1 do cum pf 37 73 I'hlla Hlec. 32 '4 2020 1'RT tr cfs. soli 81 Phlla Trnc. 70 to Ton Mln . 04 10 I'n True . 43 ll I'n (i Imp. 804 2A 20 ... I014N1HW 70 3?i 37T4 37 '4 43V4 VA lll'i 31 37 '4 31 30'4 70 'i 41 70 01 114 37 Vm (I7H 14 4.1V4 3114 ',4 n .14 Vi 3514 32 30"i 70 011 13 8014 iiort nnv. 014 80 14 Vt, ' 14 1", A 1 '4 Net (hge f4 "Ji 1 804 2370 V S Steel. Ilfla, MSN. 20 L'tali (op.llfli4 I10V4 210 Wnr I & S 04 014 no Win Clamp 87 Hfl'4 IIOM1S . .. . Hlsh Low Close 91Va 01 Vt niiiini Allegheny Vnl Is 0114 300 Am (Ins cS. i:i os ... mi, 1000 Bald Loco 1st Cs . .101 2000 Llec . I'eo Tr 4s .. 82 14 2000 Key Tel 1st or . ... 0714 SOOO I.eh Nnv cons t'is 101 0000 Lehigh Vnl 04 inn lilt 101 824 85'j "I 14 07 4 07 1 -i li 101 101 cons 41.S 2001 . . . looo Nat Pi op 100 077i 07'Ji l-fis . . 2onoo Penna fo temp ctfs 4is .. fli 01 07 001, e1 103?i 1014 81 81 3000 Uo cons Has . . 1031 10000 l'eo Pass t c Is .81 3000 Phila Co cons 1st lis 102', 700O Phlla i:iec 1021,4 ). 1st r,s 101 Vi I0H4 1000 Read cell li . 031, looo do 2d Ks .Km lnoo Vn Rwy Inv 5s . o'i. 0!W 108 Oil 108 not, 094 l.x dividend IoiItv Lehigh Navigation 2 per cent Lehlsb V.il Transit preferred l' per cent and Warwick Iron and Steel, 3o rents Financial Briefs There have been placed on the regular list of tho Philadelphia Stock i:clinngc ad ditional shaies of various companies, as follows 131,000 American Teleeraph and Telephone, 512800 Interstate Rallvas pre fericd, nlsn addition il SK'j.UOO 5 per cent bonds of tin Midvnle Steel nnd Ordnance Company and addition il Cirnril Tiust C0111 pan deiinslt receipts for J42.75U Lelilgli Vnllev Transit preferred and $17,'JUI) common Tho Hercules Ponder Compan.v reports for three months ended March .31 gross re ceipts of $13,148,610, against $12 300,298 for tho sainti iiuaiter last ear. or an In crease of $1,21.' 311 After deductions for manufacturing expenses, extiaordlnar re palis, 1n.1lntcn.1ncc and depreciation net earnings show a deficit ot $3,08.',297 Tho rcpoit continues 'This quarter marks tho completion of the carlv and more prolltnblo contracts for military explosives nnd tho beeinnlng of manufacture on lower-priced contracts Pioflts are, therefore, much less than In tho tot responding period of last vear and higher than can be expected in subse quent quarters of mis jear " Cross earnings of the Citizens' Traction Compiny foi the month ot March vveie $10,007, against $34,775 for the same month last c.u Net cai nines decreased $799 Cross earnings for tho twelve months ended March 31 weio $171,888, compared with $197,717, vvltli net for the period Increasing $026J The New Vork Subtreasury gained $197 000 fro mthe b-inks on Saturday making a cash net Rain since Friday of $5,265,000. Copper Met.il Advances Ni:W YORK, April 30 Quotations for copper metal show an advancing tendency and the tone of the market Is firm The upward trend Is due to tho good sties that were made late on Kilday and early Sat urday About 2,000,000 pounds of coppei for August nnd .Septcmbei sold late on Friday at 26'- cents per pound, nnd the business done by one Inteicst In tho two dnjs neercgated moie than 3,000, 000 pounds Lending producers and dealers nre Inclined to quote July copper nt nbout :9'jT(30 cents per pound, while August nnd September clcllveilcs arc hold nt about jsi.flll cents WHEAT PRICES DROP AFTER GOOD START Fears of Government Regulation nnd Improved Crop News Force Lower Bids ORU.V I1KI.T WKATIir.R FORECAST rillC.M.O. April 30. The weather fore east for Ihlrtr-slx hours! Illinois Knln lonlxht, noLVSRhnt colder west nnd south tomorrow, Missouri Kaln this afternoon, fnlr to night, with frost In enst, . , .Minnesota Lnsettled unit rolder (onlght. fnlr tomorrow. loivn ( Inudy In west nml central sec tions tonight, ruin In the east nnd probable frost In west tomorrow. North Dakota Colder tonight, fnlr nnd wnrmer tomorrow. Smith Dakota I'alr tonight nnd colder tomorrow, Kansas nnd Nelirnskn t'nsetlled tonight nnd tomorrow, continued cold, CHICAOO, April 30. Talk 'f labor dlf cultlcs In Germany, fears of Government regulation nnd Improved crop nevvs'foreed n sharp drop In wheat today after It had dlsplajed renewed strength early In the ses sion The close was mlzed, with May 3c lower. July higher nnd September easier The high point on May, $2 78, was made nt the opening and It fell to ii 70, closing at $2.71, ngalnst $2,74 nt the end Saturday, tho best on ,lul vvns $.'.31, the bottom $.'-'31, and the final $-'2Gi, to $-' 2T. ; . compared with $.' 2" at the closo Satin clay, the top on September was $195, the low $1 8G-2, and the close $1 89 to $1 S8B, ngalnst $1.90-, Saturdays l.mt pilcc. The top prices on Saturday vveie $J791 for Mav, $2.16 for July and $2 for September. The big trading toda wns In July, but even In this position the volume of business was not large Commission houses urged their clients to bug the shore Closer observers of the market Bald that .Jioirdlng on the tnrt of panicky housewives was paitlally ie sponsible for the great upuatil movemrnt Authorities on llour said that the demand for tho staple should bo fnlrl well satis fied in the next two or three weeks nnd with consumers supplied for n lone tlmo It was natural to assume thnt there would be a reaction There was talk ot bringing Canadian wheat here for delivery on Mnj contincts. but the difference Is not sufficiently wide 'to wan ant such nctlon There will be no deliveries here tomorrow on May contracts The decision of the Kchango ut Winnipeg to testrict speculative operations lost Its Influence In the Initial dealings when the market vvns strong Dealings In corn were restricted to trad ers having been Interested In the erratic movements In wheat Prices moved Irregu iarly, opening caslei, developing Amines and then weakening, closing firm Oats also vveie Irregular The market was strong nnd nctlve early, hut the ndvance was lost Theie vvns a iccovciy fiom the bottom May ended unchanged, but July and September finished a little lower There is little prospect of deliveries on Mav con trac ts tomorrow , Leading futures ranged ns follows Saturel i'h Wheal Open High Low. Close close Ma). 'J 7N 2 7s 7o 2 7t 2 74'j luh 2 111 J. II J 211. 2 2tl'i J 211 t-eplcmber I li l' 1 111 1 Ml'j I s'l 1 Ml e'orn (new deltcercl .Mil 1 4V, I .-ill', 1 k 1 I'lJ.tt .".0 1 11 I 4I1J, 4, 1 41'. 1 III .tulv I i'i i I en i i -i i i ii1, i in 1 3S 1 ,l'l 1 3-,l, 1 lll, 1 I7l4 bcplembe r Oats Mav .luly September Julj Hcptember lilts Mi luh beptcmber Cork Mnv 70 .7 (14 .Ml tfls", l.l'l FH.-. r.7' 21 SO 21 'in J I 'I". '.0 do .0 Sll 20 SI IS 20 21 S7 21 lil 21 7 21 77 2J no 21 so tJ- oo j iij .'.' lo 21 'mi jj 07 nn 20 lil I JO Si 2(1 03 3K 21 .is 70 211 47 20 l.O t20 I (I JO 7o 20 SJ t-0 HJ JO 77 JO IIJ 20 ! IS 20 3s II 38 22 3S 70 38 00 :is 7o Jub IH iO Hid tAskcd DIVIDENDS DECLARED (leneral I'ireprnnllne Company, regular nuar terlc of 1' per cent on preferred und common, both p,iable Julv 1 to stock of record June 20. Philadelphia National Hank, regular or A per cent for last six months, poable .May 1 lo stockholders of record toda. Boston Clev.ited An cents, pajable May IS to siorlt of record Mav 2 Cripple Creek Central Railroad Comnam, re-gulir ciuarterlj of 1 per n-nt on preferred and I', per cent on common, pajable Juno 1 to Mock of record .May 13 BAR SILVER . , '"""t 1017 Todaj Sat on High Low New York (cents) 74. 74l, 7J', 7ti 71" London (pence) . 37J 37,. .17 .18,', .v.ij National Shipbuilding Co. of Seattle. Washington. Capitalization: 200,000 shares par $10.00 $2,000,000 Issued, 25,000 shares. In Treasury, 175,000 shares. No Preferred Stock, Bonds or Mortgages. President: F. G. FISHER, Tacoma, Wash., Capitalist, Vice-President and General Manager: Cant. 0. D. TRIEBER, Seattle, Wash., Naval Architect and Marine Contractor. Secretarji and General Counsel: GEORGE A. LEE, formerly First Assistant Attorney General, and Chairman of the Public Serv ice Commission of the State of Washington. Capt. 0. D. TRIEBER, Vice-President and General Manager. LLOYD JOHNSON (designing and construc tion), formerly on the Construction Staff of the U. S. Battleship "Nebraska" (built in Seattle). The National Shipbuilding Company is now building ships on a highly profitable basis and is offered many times as much business as its present capacity will permit of accepting. The management of the compa'ny is in the hands of men of wide experience in large affairs and of unquestioned standing. Shares in a well-managed shipbuilding company offer the great est opportunity for highly profitable investment ever presented in any manufacturing industry. Ships are selling at from 100 to 1000 profit. For the purpose of increasing its output, and to enable the com pany to accept a greater proportion of the business tendered q i Teiffnnrthe Jlnsold portion of 100'000 shares of its Treasury stock at $10.00 per share. Reservations may be made by telegraph Application will be mqde to list this stock CHAS. E. DODDRIDGE & CO., Finance Building, Philadelphia, Pa. LOCAL LOANS INCREASE Indivldunl Deposits, Reserves nnd Sur plus Arc Smaller The Philadelphia weekly bank statement today showed the total loans to have been $560,270,000, nn Increaso of $8,336,000 oer the previous week. Individual deposits de creased $B,027,000, the reserves held de creased $11,731,000 nnd the surplus dropped $11,006,000, Details follow: April 30 '17. Decrease. May 1. MO Loans .. . , $".flo,27li, non,s,.nn ooo $r,iri,22n noo Dents (Ind 1 4lio 331 ooo r. tiJ7.onn i37.211.noo c ircuintion ,..,oo(i Due from hanks .. 03,118,000 Deposits of 7,0(io 11,(108,000 r.,71 1,000 7,398,000 5.4M 000 78,813 000 181,328.OU0 linnlen 1711.101,000 Lx Clearing House lies, held lies rend Murplus , "".idi nnn 31,821 000 112,411000 17 nss nun :il,737.(K) loi not (100 11,711.00(1 sj on ooo ni i noo 20,090 000 11,000,0011 Hurpbis .Mny .1. 1013, was $3(1 201,000: Mav 4, 1014, $14(17,1000, April 29. 1013. $7,033,000! April I'll, 1U12, $12,183 0011. .HONEY-LENDING RATES M1W YOIIK Call money opened nt 2'i per cent for lending nnd renewing. Advnnces of U cent lmso been made In lime money In the bid prices for ninety dns nnd In the asking figures for foui, five nnd six months on good mixed collat eral For sixty das the quotation Is un changed nt !. tfT 1 per cent , Other prices nre Iff4'( per cent for 90 elavs nnd for four, five nnd six months 41) 4 '2 per cent. I'llll. UH'.l.rillA Call, 3i per cent. Time, 4' 2 ft 5 per cent. Comnerclal paper, three to six months. 4'5'g'4 per cent. LONDON Money 3; unchanged, dis count rate short bills i unchanged, three months 4 13-16 unchanged. -increnee FOREIGN EXCHANGE Ni:V YOIIK. April 30 The market for foreign exehnnge was dull nnd In the main ennlcr. Trench, Itnllan, Scandinavian nnd Tlusslan exchanges all worked easier, Sterling, Swiss and Spanish exchange held steady Quotations were: Demand sterling 4 73 0-16, cables I 76 7-16, CO-dny bills nominally 4 72, 00 dnv bills 4 70 Krano cables C 71 ' , checks 6 72 J. Lire cables 0 93, checks 6 06. Swiss cables S I'. checks f 13',j. Guilder cables 11, checks 40 liublc cables 28. 2-', checks 28 13 Pesetas cables 21 SO, checks 21 70. Stockholm cables 30, checks 20.S0 Chrlstlanla cables 29,40, checks 29,20, Copenhagen cables 28.40, checks 28 20. RANK CLEARINGS Flank clearings loelay compared with corre sponding clnv last two jenrs 1017 lnin mir. Philadelphia Iloston New Vork Chicago lliltlmore St Louis $1J 217.W1 $40 0711 sol $2 jus on an .1111 K17 20,N'.-i 0S7 3R fin 084 30S 011.4JII 341 0'l .170 ri07.ClfiS.210 S'l St J 4'IS 7J 1104 .111.' 71 SKI 1110 nr.uniD 11 :iji 2m 7,101,4111 217'M1,1JS 18 011,147 20,.1J8 (118 More Gold for Cuba Ni:W YORK. April 30 I'nlted States gold coin to the amount of $50,000 was withdrawn from tho Subtreasury for ship ment to Cuba todaV; Paris Bourse Firm TAniS, April 30 Tho Bourse was firm today. FOUNDED 1865 Provident The Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia i Greatcr-than-avcrage financial advantage. Another is more-than-average courtesy in Trust Company practices. FOURTH AND CKi-iSTNUT STREETS OFFICERS AND OPERATING STAFF BELL TELEPHONES sPf- 5185, APRIL CLEARINGS HEAVY Totnl Is Second Largest ot Any pP viou3 iMonth , 41 T-Onnl ha til nlnnc Itirrt 1 1.1- $1,410,313,428, the second laigest V' Wer month, nml .o,M!,ei. .. 1. ...... ?r any month, nnd comparing with $l,001,5ii in ..I'm, earn, Mini 4in, 181,166 p Vr,7, A?.1;',. . .c" . ".."""..":'. wl- Mill?? ... ..,.,. n, ,ln cc-ciii, sun claims th0 reo-Ji - January 1'ehruary .., .March April Mny ,,,, June ., , July August Heptember ,,. October November ,,,,, December .... Twolvo months 1D17 ..-- 1:DT:S1:?? "-SffSa.!, 1.41.7,010 0111 1 ifjfJS; 1.410.31.1, us i,!!,,?:?.;' I.MOtiiJ! '::::::::::. iv.--.:m ::: "mss. :. ..: : ji'.'.isi.i in;,;.'? I'lui; a, .OS3.317.71 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET A "-""m "i" ". 1110 market tori coffeo futures opened firm. 8 i m .1 3 higher. Trading on the call ns moderaWi nctlve. sales nmountlng to C750 bags tJM ndvnnce vvns due In n me-, ,,.... . .. ' .'n HI Itlos cnbles. lne n" Todaj Opening. May . , Juno , . . July . .. August ., Heptember October , November Dei ember Tanuary . Pebruary March ., Hid - 1 Js ",,s 8 185? 8.26 ' R 4nw'H4J 8 411)8.10 Rill R .17 WR 00 S (,08 0(1 ' 8 728 8'.R0 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONorAH STOCKS MncNnmara 117 Midway I..,, lij Mlzpih Extension n Mbntann in North Hlnr n Iteseue Hula ,21 COI.DKIKLD STOCKS Illue Hull IIJ Hontll 117 Comb Traction ni DlamnndHeld II 11 1 Daisy . 01 Ore) .... .02 Sandstorm Kendall . . . .03 Silver l'lrk ... .11 .MISCL'I.LANKOt'S Arlzonn United 38 'Iccopt Mining . . ,2J 31 NEW YORK RUTTER AND EGGS If NUW lOrtK. April 30 lit TTKM - nfcelirti,j 01J4 tubs Higher and tlrmer . Higher scorini If 4P4e, extris 4Jije. firsts. 4I)H fil.T, seconaiS,1 .1811401 Ktato elulrj. Iliel42c, Imitation cream' T. crv, 1-1 'ic , ic. , j KCU'C Iteeclpts 2.1 SPO cases Firmer Ex.'j (ras. ,17c storage 11 "it 1(P e . firsts .tit. aI 14'4c seconds Ufillc white, 10'. J:t.a brown 368'37c, mixed color, 3 lit? 3V jc. ...' lib, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS Market slow fltfUic lovwr. Mixed and hutch. , era", $1.1 21(51.1 RI. Bond, heavy. $13 21 til 11 to ' roM-M henvc. 1.1 21P 1.1 4.1 lloht, 111.708' 15 7.1, Pigs $10571,1 00, bulk. $lfinn15R0 vw e CAT r I.K Hecelpts. Ill olio Market steadr l lower llecvcs. $8 8,"i&13 40, cowa and heifers, J tlllftll Till Mln, Irerv nn.l feeilera t?7i.ffflin... Texnns $0 7.1511173. ealves. $105711. r.O ' 'J SHKKI' Hecelpts. 11 ooo Market lOffJJa higher Native nnd western, $0,;013, Iambs i $12 735T17. No Change in Sugar Prices XnW YOltK, April 30 Fine granulated bugar lemalned unchanged, with the Amerl. can Sugar Tieflnlng Company quoting at ,' 7 50c The last sale in Fpot Cuban raw was nt C 21c. ,1 strength is one great Provident DIRECTORS Treasurer: EDWARD MEATH, Tacoma, Wash., Stato Treasurer, State of Wash ington (1012-1916) j Vice-President Pacific Building and Loan Association. Hon. Judge W. W. ZENT, Spokane (Director), President, Spokane Bar Association; Ex Judge Superior Court, Spokane. DLAN JOHNSON, formerly Superintendent , . ,.V,'tcm sh'P Yards, British Columbia. JAMES McKAY, Assistant Superintendent, for twenty-five years in the employ of boat building concerns on Puget Sound, J. J. JACKSON, Yard Foreman, formerly fore man Victoria Ship Yards, British Columbia. ) i U MOe'S. I sprue 1641 U- " V -i'ftiM' tj.? 5 MA,.: l-i