uifontfriu'T-srij Vn' V?' "Vr - j - - - - - j jr-V t. yj i ti' iSTON BRAVES, WITH 1.000 SCORE IN IILBANE SAYS HE ftOM WELSH, BUT MAY BE TOO MUCH featherweight Champ, h ton,,L. I., Feels Confident of Flattening Eng- l' HclimPTI "R'1V"V4 Arvni'n 7711 J M.i 1 ,,u""m" uiu" xgaui riivs as motorist Uy KOBKRT HOl'tiLASTON, !.. I., April so. t()HS I'ATMOIC KILUANi:, world's- ,'fe.illipi weight I'liiiiiiiilnii, Iibs a hunch hat lio will wake up Wednesday morning jrllh tho lightweight crown perched upon Ikls brow, .loliii Is booked In meet Kreddy Welsh In ii ten. round bout tomcr- IOXV lllgllt nt the Manhattan A C. 155th street and Klghth n v e n it o. New York. The little Clevelander Is In wonderful shape, his hitting has Improved nnil I) BRA lie Is ready to step uxeiy through the entire ten stanzas lie plans to keep Kreddy nn the move In the hone or tiring nini near the end and slip ! oxer the knock- I r.. W MAXWHt.l, out wallop. Kllhanc handed us this secret stuff late last night when we wandered Into Pouglas. ton Inn, some p'nee on Long Is'and afte an allday search for the place. H was our Intention t i give .lohnny the up and down ns he worked out in the afternoon. but the bandit who posed as h taxi drixcr Iwas deficient In geography and put on a rersonnlly conducted tour which was en joyed by exery one hut his passenger. Aflr visiting towns and hamlets that were strange and new eeu to the bandit hlms)l. xxh Idlscoxeied the Inn hiding behind a cump bf hushes In the darkness. This Is a famous training canni for boxers, but you can't prove It by us. 1 1 was loo dark to see the spacious giounds nil( beautiful scenery, but conversationally, It has exery oilier place lashed to the mast. Kllhanc wn.s icstlng on the front potch after u hard ilay'.s work nod gladly In formed us that the only thing that would keep him from winning the lightweight . championship was Freddy's reluctance to l.hlt the canvas for a count of ten or more. "I never felt better In my life, said John, "and I have a hunch that I will come II' through my bout with Welsh with (lying colors. Freddy has been In the game a long time and he is sure to take It on the chin n.tm lmn l tiAtle.-n t Ml i.m, no.! itli fniy light befoie the light Is oxer, and If I I'fln llini'.i tt III liii ti ii mi It r lit ti uteris,, i.li 1111. U IIIIIU l III '! l lit" Ilhllll) Vltllli Llllllll- fclon. I! "In nil my previous battles 1 haxo been i confident of wliinlng. hut never befoie have fl felt so certain Welsh cannot hit. so I freed not worry about getting put away my ilelf. I can stmt right In to wear Kreddy down, and If he conies after me and quits .atalllng I will haxo at least one shot at his Irjaw-. i nat a an i want one opening nun (i believe I can upset lilm for the count J First Timol'air Hns Met "It Is the opportunity of u lifetime, and ;1 shall take advantage of II. For years I nave iiicu 10 uox.xveisn. nut tins is tne 'UMP ASSOCIATION FOR TENNIS PLAY Phila. Chapter to Hold Or ganization Meeting at Racquet Club, May 9 Tomorrow's Tennis matches wosii:vs iXTKKu.ru i.i:.mi k I'lilliiileliililn t'rlcket Chili x. Olerlirook Coir ('lull, nt M. Alortlns. Merlon Cricket Club xs. I'ljiiioiilli Coun try ('lull, at llnterford. I'lilkiilehilibi t'ounlrj ('lull x. (jnwjd Chili, at llul.i. 4- f. Uy PAUL GIBBONS " l'r. slilent of I'hlladelphlu Dlslilit Tennis Acsui latlnn The new I'luplie'.s Associat on. of xxlilt'll V,th I'. S. N I., T. A. recently authorized ftth foi uiatlon, Is noxv being actively or J ganlzed In ruder that It may be of some S practical nervier during the piesent season. Although no concictc iilans for sectlona1! ., formation haxe been made, chapters un doubtedly xvlll be foinied ill each of the present U. S. X. 1.. T. A. sectional sub 5 divisions. .' A niembcrshlii committee consisting of Jt. X. Wllllums, Boston; K. K. C'onllu. Nexv tVork: I'aul Clbbons. Philadelphia, for the tKast and Steasra. Clark, Hoelfs and Sensa- Fliaugh, of Chicago. San Francisco and I.os ll Angeles, respectively, each xvlll have charge ttor the territory not embraced by the otncis Vnd xvlll pasH on all appllcatlona for mem ffbeishln In their lesnective sections. g .Mcinherslilp In the association xvlll be :r entirely houoinry. In addition to there jQpbelnc no dues, meinbera of the association y? I.. ... ,..,..i .ii. ...til .i.Mu i win receive insignia which xviu uu'm thcni to nnv tournament under the sanction of tho U, S. X. I.. T. A. Only those fully ? conxersant nun inc. iuie ami muai :,,,. 'nently iiuallfled to umpire xvlll be Invited I,' to join or bo accepted to membership. Tho Philadelphia chapter xvlll hold an organization meeting Mpy !' at the Itacquet Club, at which time plans xvlll be made for providing umpires and linesmen for the sanctioned tournaments In this section. The following tennis men have qualified and probably xvlll constitute the charter membership of the Quaker City Chaper: A. ., Hosklns. William J. Clothier. John J. Whltftker, Joseph -M. Jennings. .1. Tt. Car nenter. Jr.. H. V. Ilanna, Albert J. Batty, Kenneth .Snyder, Warren 1.. Irish, Xorman Vf, Sxvaync. William T. Tllden. 2d. William U Kllnson nnd K. M. Dewhurpt, Phllmont Tennis Schedule The coming season promises to be a very busy one with the tennis player at the Phllmon Country Club. The following nine events have been ncheduled: May la Handicap lnlr. " 'My Sli-Hneclal Invitation exent. MtJT IV MUCH uvuuir. .. . Jim. a Annual norlnir match with l.oan fennla Clnh at rhllmont. I. June v uouDie". . , , . .,,, Hiik. ' June 1-17 Annual prlns ma rh with Sub. srban Club, of Ba llmore, at I hllniont, ' B.Dtember 8-9 Annual fall match with Sub- Urban Club, of nltlmor. at Iiiuimort, ,Ptmlnr in unaminonanip "''" September '12 Comblnat on double". . -w. iSn r rnmmiiM s composed of Frank ?. Wleder. chairman! Milton Hln- i.lelnj John H. Slnberg, Jeon. Hunsiem, i-.u-ene.F. Wleder and Louia Wplf. till School to Keep Busy Rwlght It. Meigs, hcadmWiter of the HUl Mk1 t Potttstown, Pas another of who.nre up in armj aflwnst tne PR, S athletics In Uie colleges nnd ufcj ur, AieigB, iiimiwf a nne " Ben believer Jn mejcreai nenema in a irom an lonna ot comy"""'" 1 tn a. recent lettr:,he goes on rec- illoxvin unmulcble tonei x. ..:- - .: ... WW.lKriWtjWMl.your inn". ,fl 1 Uoxvland, Tcrcy lisuorne, riarry iiuu, ll Bering Wilson. Krnest W. Trench. C. C. 5 Wllllts, kSIantle Kleldlng. A. A. Capello. Bl Henry rttton. Allen Kvans, Peter 1. PI 'Wrleht. cT X. neard.'llarry V. Bctr, Dr. K. WILL WIN TITLE FREDDY'S DEFENRF. FOR K. 0. WALLOP Resting: in Quiet Douo-las- W. .MAXWELL first time he has confuted in get inlo the name rjnf with me." .Johnny has all soils of confidence, and hi' manager. Jimmy Dunn, feels the nme XX.I.V HoxveXer. It tnlia l remember, I il,.,l Freddy Is one of th ciexereit defensixe ' ooeis in th world, and no one -not een If si Wlllnrd can knock him out In ten minds If he ensers the rlnir with the nur. pise of staying the limit. A little thins like I 'oslng the newspaper decision on points docs I not worry the lightweight hoss. Me h.i.s I heen oiitpnlnted hy all of the dubs In the i enuwy and Is used to It. It Is almosc Ini povs bl to break through his Ruaril nod , K'llbane will hae n hard time, despite his cleverness. i II vhtually Is a c'nch thnt Johnny will I win the newspaper erdlct, hut we lannot see where he can put over a knockout In ten rounds. The distance Is too short and Welsh can hang on that long Trains in a Church Ixilbane has been at Douglaslon since last Thursday and put In some hard licks on the road and in lh crvmnanluov The c?vm. iiaslinn, by the way. Is one of the strangest faces a boxer exer trained 'n. There Is no minding large enough tn put up a ilug, so Johnny uses the town chuich when It Is not being utilized for religious purposes, The pastor, xvlio Is a great spoil follower. In sisted that Kllbane use the place and the nialorlty of the congregation nttends each ttnln ng session. They like It eien better than the movies .Mrs. Kllbane and Airs. Iunn also are In the camp, nnd they. too. attend the dally xrorkouts. Johnny has been trying to put on more weight for the bout and hopes to enter the ling weighing 12S pounds. He has an mor mons appetite and Is allowing It to run wild Welsh, on the other hand. Is working hard to get doxvn to 135, which he must make m j o'clock tomorrow afternoon, lie probably xvll weigli lln when he climbs through the ropes. Kllbane will remain In unlet, secluded Houglaston until tomorrow afternoon, and If he can procure a good guide the Journey to New Vork will be made. It Is Just as haid to get out of the toxvn or whatever It lsa.s it Is to get there, so an earlv statt will he made. HAltON HAD IIAUD l.VCK The one sad feature of ycstci day's visit ' was the hard luck of James R Do'ughettv. ! our well-Kiiown taron of I.elpervll'e. The I Haron purchased a nexv auto wlih a ilorni cyllndeis and evcr.xtlilng and made a heroic attempt to drive us oxer to Long Island. At Iselin, N. J., however, the most recent purchase laid down on the Job, refused to work on Sunday and was left leaning against a friendly fence. From there we made the trip In one of Those Things a railroad train and a ferryboat, ni riving In New Vork many hours behind time. A persuasive chauffeur talked his way Into a job at the station, and after a xvilil fourne.x through unfrequented loads, t lie Baron deserted the ship at Jamaica, a town evidently named after a xvell-knoxvn lint 1 powerfu' bexerage. Mr. Dougherty hopes see Mr. Kllbane tnnmrroxv night. He iii"n ins way nrounu .New voik. tennis clubs as far as possili.e. ot :helr ten nis during these rather unceitalu times. We at the Hill have decided to make no change In our athletic calendar, but to keep boxs more busy than exer before at physl ca1 and mental tialnlng xvliich xxxlll (It them for such duties as they may be called to as sume upon reaching the age of selective draft. "ft seems to me that those of us who arc Interested In sports should raise our x'olces against the action of such universities as Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Cornell In relegating baseball, track, tennis and rowing to the discard." Ardmore Plans Tennis Ardmoro Is planning to build a neighbor hood club patterned somewhat after the Cynxvyd Club. A public meeting for this purpose has been called for Monday, Apiil 3D, and ll xvlll be addressed on the subject of "Organization" by Paul Cilbbons and on "Tennis Strokes and Tactics" by William T. Tllden, 2d Last year the Ardmore Tennis Club came into being xxith six fine clay tennis couits. It met xxith such limned ate suc cess that the courts were frequently Inade quate for al those xxho .xvanle.I to play No clubhouse or lockerrom xvas planned at that time, but the llrst year's success caused a unixersal demand for Installa tion along moderate lines of all that goes to make for a comfortable neighborhood club. The Ardmore Tennis Club last year xvon the. championship of the Intertoxvnshlp League. This season, In addition to enter ing again a team (n competition, the club xvlll be represented In the Philadelphia Sub urban Tennis League. Dr. Albert I.. Row land and lloiiert Simpers are the moving spirits In this greater Ardmore movement. Scraps About Scrappers Ity LOUIS II. JAFFE We HKNKVKIt an eleventh hour boxer comes through the breach with a vic tory. It tesuits in a surprise, usuauy ne ansxveis the bell-under the handicap ot hav ing little. If any, training for the mix, and the understudy generally finishes on the Bhort end, This did not occur xxith Johnny Kosner, xxho came over from Xew York to take the p'ace ot One Punch Hogan afalnst Joe Tuber. When Kosner entered the ring It xvas believed that Tuber xvould romp through the contest against the game Ciotbam klddo a mile In the lead, and xxith little trouble. So the bout ptogressed for txvo rounds and n few seconds, but the un expected occurred shortly after the begin ning of the third round. Ilosner had been missing xxith wallops that started from his knees. Tuber easily evaded these wild swings, but Joe was caught with one that appeared to come from the floor and Tuber was knocked down. Some one said It was the first tlino Joe had been flooied. He xx-as dead out on the ropes and the shock of falling to the floor evidently revived the youngster. He gamely staggered to his feet at nine, but Tuber xvas "through." He xvas floored again and the third time Joe xvas counted nut, his first kifockout In about four years of boxing. Surprises seldom come In hunches, hut they did come In a pair Saturday night at the National. The knockout ox-er Pal Moore by Paul Edwards, while not so surprising as the one of Tuber, also xvas of the unexpected, and It also xvas the first time Moore heard the tenth second tolled over lilm, Jne llirat I' In fine fettle for hi bout with I.ockport Jimmy nutty at the' Olympla. tonlsht, and he has a chance of placing hlmitlf In lln for a big match. If Joe auecteda in wlnnlnc from Duff, he probably will be liven bout with llenny lrfonard. Harney Hahn. alto, xvlll fall In line for a featura fracas If h ihowa to ad santaae over Dirk Loadman. A Hahn victory may mean a tilt with Kid Wll lama. IHrry Smith, following- hi win over Jimmy Murray, mrets Ttdy Jacoba, and Youm Uorrell facta Johnny PlaKl. . for threa bouta. Thurtday nliht ha x iff with Dick Loadman at BufH o: on Pete will meet Johnny Coulon at Nay and Ouaalo Mwla virtually Is matched ' tltleholdf r in thla city for Wy S. fnr threl bouts. Thuraday nliht h. will pair' - ,. .., v -n-n f Hiirrin; An i rtm iiih w Orleana, with tha tltleholdtr I Moeletr Kite Mlehela Bolletlno ind Ulas Ter eaa Vaapa will b. marrUd naxt BaturcUy nliht in Camden. Both are wll known In th. youwer t of hat city. er.sst or jnai ciiy. BolMIno a MlVa Paly, whobo.es In this j i, tMtbtrwlM. Thla Is oeut that ur. I .--u ..? y. .-,t.....th Vhim la nu fcAU Hut EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 101T BRAVES' MANAGER AND PAIR OF l XmJT iva ,w I 4 '' 4K - ..W M f'J S. .5. s SfcWLsV U Ml Jt f . ' 0 U J -". X O GE&. Sr7LLNGS LOCAL CREWS WILL MEET NEW YORKERS Schuylkill Navy Oarsmen Practice for Bayonne Re gatta, Memorial Day OTHER RACES The Schuylkill Naxy bladesmen, woilv Ing under the stimulus of their toadies anil capiains uuring uie pasi wick. "--i made ranld strides In rieparlng for the season's big regattas. Hallj pracllc In the club crews Is now an esinbllshed fin, and b'g entry lists nie nsureil In all Hi rowing meets, both at home and abrcad, which Hie scheduled for the next fexv months. The rowing schedule at present Includes the Baxoime regatta, the Naxy day cham pionships and the Independence day races. The llayonne ifgatta. to be rowed on New ark Bay on Memor'al Day under the aus rices of the New Vork P.owing Association Is at present looming large among local Knights of the ashen hlade. New York regattas alwdys have been xvell patronised '' "'c local talent, but this year me en tries assume laiger proportions than exer on account of the stewards of the regatta changing the course from the ciowded waters of the Harlem Itlxer to the unenti gested course on Nexxaik Hay. Kelly at Head The biggest delegation of local oaismen xvho will wage xvar with the Gotham blades will be lecrulted from the ranks of the scullers. The list will be headed by "lion Man" Jack K'eJy. who xvlll row for Vesper In the senior single sculling race. Kellv hopes to bine as one of his oppo- units. Tom Itoonev. the ftaxensxxooil ciacls and present champion single sculler of the Cnlted States. Although fSooney has enlisted In the Naxal Coat P.eerxes It Is thought that he may still he able to compete In the re gatta. Kelly has been training hard since earlv In the season, lie l.s using a new single shell, especially built for hlm. nnd Is being coached hy Joe Dempsey, xvho hns riex eloped many of the best scullers ever turned out by the Schuylkill navy. A number of other Vesper crews xvlll also he found on the firing line on Memorial Day. The I'ndine Barge Club also will make a number of entries In the sculling class. "Matt" I.ukeiis, the Vndine flash, who came to the fore so rapidly last season, has donned his rowing togs again nnd Is row ing In mldseason fonn under the tutelage of Coach llunth, In P.unth'o s'rlng also Is a fast senior doublo xxith Allison In the bow and Shmldhelscr stroke. Unierson Asers, who Is showing promise uf develop ing; Into a fait sculler, nls-j may bear the chevron of Cndine In the Uayonnc laces, making his debut as a junior single sculler. Malta Races The Malta schedule calls for thiee scull Ing crexvs to cioss blades with the Nexv Yorkers on Newark Hay. Illegal, bow. and Shoemaker, slioke. are working as a junior double riexx-, and alieady are mundlng Into the form they dlsplaed when they rowed In the Middle States regatta, nt Washing ton, last Labor D.i.x. An intermediate centipede new, seated Blown, bow; Pettlt, 2; Killers. 3, and Moore, stroke, Is also working exery day under Coach Marsh to enter the New Yoik laces, and Brown and Pettlt also will take a try nt the intermediate double race. One of the latest additions to the crexvs training dally on the Schuylkill Is the senior four-oared shell crexv of the L'ni verslty Barge Club. The ciew- xvas unde. feated last season, and in 1915 xx-as the champion crew of the Cnlted States. The crew Is seated Nalle, how j Whitman, '1 Thayer, 3, and Hoffman, sttoke. Hoffman also is tialnlng as a single sculler to try conclusions In the Schuylkill Navy regatta In the association single race. Commodore .1 Klllolt New lln Is about th onlv Philadelphia llarre man xvorklna conalat entlv. Ha expects to competn in the usaoclntion single race of th navy regatta. Practically t. II the other club crews have been so cut up by the call to th" colors thnt the Philadelphia duos xvlll not ftgure extensively In the rowlne gama thla ur. The Rachelor Rarg I'lub Is another club which hAN lout a lot of oacmrn through enllat menta and c'uach Jamca Bond Is not looking forward to audi an active season aa the last one, when there xvas a big rxlxal of m-tlvtty among the Bachelor blades. Benjamin Frank lin has been doing aome training In a single shell and may be round on the aiurllng line In the navy regatta If he can shoxv the neoessarv speed in time trials before June U rolls around. BLVGLES AND BUNGLES Inconsistency Tie bnll scout ( n sintioe valoot The queerest puiy kiioic Ur amps the rookies eveniriere hr iouwj, arh vear he comb the erdant allcki Where soldi (tori; tyrous, For "rooks' who are devoid nf it-ory coinrs, The scoutlnp H. It scrim lo me full u i.irumlstfiic!. Yesterday's hero iJirry Dnjle. , His blncle In the eleventh enabled the Cubs tn whip the Cards. And 11 took eight pitchers to hurl the Cub Card game at St. Louis. By beating Clexsland two straight the Browns r roosting In fourth place xvph the Indiana today. George Slsler had a bad day. He only reg. lstered three hits and scored one run, Cobb, Young and llellman accounted for thr Detroit hlta and the Tlgera xvon their first gama this season from the White Box, Bobby Beacher aet an example for the Cards, but they couldn't follow hlm, H' rapped out two bits and scored txvo runs. One of his axvats waa a homer. . . Onca again we must msntloji thla fellow Crulx. Seeing two and three hila after hla name Is letting common. Jim Thorpe will have to hit the ball harder It he hopes to keep Kddle, .Itousch out ot the game. Brave Win in Patercon, N. J. rXTKHSON. N. J... AprlltSO. The Boston i , t0 .. a, poherty Oval rasters?. Mayor I !! !?--- I ''i-- Mnkle. of Clifton. tosM4 out tb. first hat) I XA&'jr OtelnWlfi- into Rttur,fnni a.van oCthe iravea.aaaJjA ,X J mwm&i Itrgvea qeieaito in uooriy bum box or a aooi COMPETITION r-Efci ! PHILS ENTERTAflF 0N p 2UDOLPi ..,.. . , ,. ... ,. ,,,,.., nil A I JlAl HAl'l'LlS IX HAS Eli ALL TODAY vtiovi. i.r.xiiii: Vt. I.. I'.C. Mill l.n-e New i.irk . M t .1111! .!! .fil. si. I.nni. . . ii 11 ,r.eo .: ,."..t thlesno .... ii ; ,xr:i ,.isi ..vjii lloklnn , I ,;ril .Hoc ..Mill Inrlnnnll . ll In ,m ..'Oil .I.Mi Phillies . . .-, A .IV ..Mill .11". ritlshurali . . . : II ,:tmi .lit .K llrokl.tn . . .1 ; ,nii .:nil .- AxiKiticw i.i:.iii'i: H. I. .I'.f. Vln l"" iiii.inn , h i ,nn: .nti-; .mr. Chleasn . Hi ,n-l .illJ ..".us .New nrk . .. 11 ft .MS .R:t ..inn Clerelnncl K K ..xixi ,.v:ii .m Nt. Louis .ftiKi .."S.t .nj Alhletlrs fi : .III' .Mm .Jill llrtrnlt ft II .3.-.; .11111 .TM xxiKhinsion i h ,:ci:i ,:ik:, ,:iiih SCHEDULE FOIt TODAY NATIONAL I.LAtil'K Boston nt Philadelphia iloinl.x. Brooklyn nt New vork ruin. Pittsburgh at (inclnmill c Inurlx. Chicago nt St. Iiuls Ihreulenlnc. AXIKKICAN I.KAtil'K Athletics at Boftton cloud. New Aork nt Xtashlnglon clear. St. Iiiils at ftexrlnml clear. Detroit at Chlcngo eloinlj. INTI'.KNATKINAI. I.LAl.t V. Rochester, nt Newark rain. Toronto hI Proildenre r.iln Itwo cnmeHl. Itiittnlo nt Richmond clotnh Itwo giiine). Mnnlreul nt llnltlmor clear llwu g.uneo). mw' ThhrQ i! 4: , a . si.3. ll $850 ght $985 Trices Effective 1st, 1917 Light Fours Touring . X Koadslrr . , Country Club , April Jdp toi'o fro) Dig Tours 7ourin lioadster Coupe . i: ISjo . tS33 , tll0 , two ft Light Sixes Touri'ne , Roadster , Court . , itdan , , , loS J 970 ' i'H1 Willys Six Tourint . 1141 Willys-Knights Four Tourint ttJOS Vour Coupe Jtojo I'eurkedan ." liojo Tour Limouunelieja Lifhl Tourint tloio Adientti in trice Bit Four end Litht iix modtls. May ill r.exidtierred until that dale account too late to correct adter tttements appeanngtnmatazines iirtulalint throughout the month cf April. All trices l.o. b. Toledo Sulijecl to chanti ui:houl notice "ItadtinU.S.A." ii SmWi i " 1 1 nn r ilWI AGAINST PHILLIES, HERE STAR SLABMEN STALLINGS' BRAVES Barnes. Twice Victor Over Quakers This Year, Likely to Oppose Alex OPKN FOUR-GAME SKRIKS lllg Chief Slnllmgs and his tribe ot Hos ton llr.ixes xvlll iimki' their fjuaker city debut tills afli'iiioon at llro.id and limit liiKduii sti-cots and xvlll be the guests of 1'at .Mora n anil his I'lililio gathei Ing for four nlcrtalninoulK. Stallions has his team tjolng well anil mil) last Satuiilay Tyler, his xeleian southpaw, beat Jeff Pfoiffer. or the Ihidgers, blanking Hionkl.xii xxith thiee luls. iiie Phils pt oved to be very good cnter taineis, but imt for tho Uiants. xvho were with us the latter part of last week. Moran's boys took txvo out of thiee from the lead ing (limits and an- out to take I ho series fioni the Itcnutowu boys. It looks like Alo xx ill woik for the home folks, as It has been the custom for the Phils to shoot their best at the xMtors nt the stint of exit) series. Alex usuall.x Is very effect ne against the Iliaxes and about six oilier i-Uibs In the same circuit, though last Wednesday the Uiants treated him none too gentl.x. Alex Is offeilng no alibi, though cxen tin- (Hants admit that they were hitting the great one because he xvas unable to get his low- ones oxer. Opposed lo Alex most likely xvlll be Jess Barnes, xxho twice tills season has gained decisions over the home bo.xs. Last year Barnes was a Plilllle nemesis, and this j ear he has continued to show his effective ness. Alex and Dailies have hooked up befoie and 11 is customary for a leal duel to follow due face that Is very fatnlllnr to Na tional League fans prnbabl, xvlll be missed this afternoon. The xelerr." John ,1. Kvers has been 111 and Is not expected to see sei vice for a 1'cxv clays, i Experience Back of this season's new Over land Big Fours and Light Sixes are a direct line of nine preced ing models from which they were developed. They directly continue the line of models that made the Overland name stand in the public mind for integrity of value. Overland policy has steadfastly sustained that integrity of value in the car throughout its entire service in the hands of owners. Over three hundred thousand of these cars are now in use and the helpful suggestions of their owners and of the more than four thousand dealer and factory-branch organizations that sold and served them, are largely responsible for the balanced greatness of this season's Big Fours and Light Sixes. ITompt Deliveries rW n Tho Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio I j Manufacturers of WIUya.Knlsht and Overland Automobile aWi&iifrii "UI , and uiht Conunercial Cars. a-" , , sjjaj T i ma umwuwTOsj.cjn, t r- , , , Jfe.tSflPI , , , f i, m i n ini i ljfj. X)$$?n'yJ& t 'TWO BITS' WOULD SUPPLY OUR ARMY WITH BATS AND BALLS, SAYS GRIFF Twenty-five Cents From One Person in a 1000 Would Raise Fund for Baseball Equipments, Planned by Manager of Senators ' -I LA I I i Washington American League ball team, has started lo forge a long chain, which xvhen completed Is expected to drag inlo exriv military camp In the country n lonllnuoiis supply of halls, bats and other cipnpnicnt associated with our national pas. tune In letleis to pla.xeis. inaiiagets. tint plies and others Manager tirllUth asks that the recipient send twcntv-IHc cents to his nftlce In Washington nnd In nddltlon send out foul other lelteis lo his friends asking them to do the same tiling. The money lecelxcd xxi': ne used to bu.x baseball eintlpineiit not only for the boys at the ft mil. should this become a reality, but II Is primarily Intended to supply exerv camp where enlisted men nre sent with balls anil bals and cxcithlng else which goes with the game Itcspmisc Has Ilegiin Accoidlng to dlsp.ltrhcs from Washington, money iiheady has slatted to Moxv toxxnid tho nation's capital for tho purpose hull calcd. and ns exery cent xvlll be used III pill -chasing supplies the thud against the horse hide soon may be heard around the world. There Is ample precedent for (Iriilth's scheme. Purine the Spanish-American War many or the camps xvero supplied xxith h.isidmll paraphernalia, and at the outbieak of the l-hiiopeaii conflict President Johnson, or the American League, headed ii campaign to eipilp the Canadian soldiers In Klandeis wit It baseball outfits. It is asserted that vir tually ii carload of balls, bats, protectors and masks xxerc forwaided to the Canadian camps, where the soldleis made full use of the gifts whenever they had a chance to get out of the tl cliches. Hero Is tlu- Letter I'olloxving Is the letter sent out by .Mali nger (irimth: lienr Sir -Whlt n many different ngen-c-Ip4 are at work I" take c-ale of the liHO'l tics and conifoit". for Iho soldier xno are horllv lo lie canen co cue coinrs, wp irci them Is il.niaM lliat nnnlh.r phase. nlrnot iltnl. Hill lie nxerlnnaed. XVe lefor In recreation ror lb men In lb xarlnu minti. In order Hut Iho hundreds nf thousands of xoung Americans who take an arm-, he Klxen the opportunity whenever poile to Indulge III the ureal uatlnnal pa time. baetall. xco take the following method of suppl.clng them xxith balls and bnt: Immedlntel) on receipt or Ibis letter will xou mail lo Clark C. ilrtmth. 403 I'nlnn Saxlngs Hank Building. Washington. I). ('.. Iwenty fixe cents and pledge xourcir lo make four oilr of ibis appeal and send to our friend, who in turn you will ak to do the ame? Of eoure. xou realize that If otl fall lo oniply you break the chain and put an nb slaiie In the way of Hie suicess of the proleil. Jilt a ouarler from ou and h Utile Utile and trouble and eve xvlll he able In stippl Ihe thousands of red blooded xoung Mildleis the material for wholesome and pleaxant retrentlon xebenexer their duties penult It. Very truly nur. ci.ABK O. nttlKlTTH. What GritT Says "The plan to raise p fund by popular sub scription to furnish soldiers in camp xxith baseballs, gloves, uniforms, etc.," says Grif fith, "should bo encouraged by all good Americans. If one peison In 1000 will con tribute txventy-llve cents, ns asked, a big fund can be raise. "Baseball Is one nf the gi cutest and most healthful ot games, and xxith soldiers en abled to play It In their spare time, there xvlll be less sickness in camps and the le ci lilts xvlll be better roldlers by teuson of playing tho same. Baseball will servo as a real recieatlon for men with their minds Their new beauty," their perfected easy riding qualities, their proven sturdincss and mechan ical excellence, their admitted tire, fuel and oil economy make them worthy of the confidence we enjoy, that they will still further enhance Overland pres tige. They embody the wisdom of the unmatched Overland experience in building cars of this type. They arc dominant values, cars of proven dependability and ster ling worth. As long as we have them for de livery before May 1st, the prices arc S850 for the Big Four, S985 for the Light Six thereafter SS95 and $1025. OVERLAND MOTOR CO., Distributors 323.5-7 North Broad St., Phila. Hell Phone, Walnut 4JM r r--M 4' FOR SERIES, " k't W " on the serious business of picpnrlng for xx-iu My sole idea In starting this move utiiie Is to benefit those who answer their coiintry'a call, I do rot know how much money xvlll bo needed, hut It will he it big sum, and every teal patriotic A met lean will, I ii in sure, help this most worthy ot causes." CITY SCHOOLS WIN MANY RELAY CUPS Girard, Northeast, P. I. D., La Salle College and Episcopal Victors ROGERS PROVES THE STAR Philadelphia's scholastic victors In the re lay races Include (llranl College. Penusyb xanla Institute for the Peaf, La Salle Col lege, Cermniilown High School nnd Kplsco pal Academy, the latter winning the In tel academic championship. Northeast High School, after xvlnnlng the city champion ship on Krlday. came within n yard of winning tho High Schoool championship of America the folloxxlng clay. iiermanlown's remarkably good showing was duo in part to tho running of Cap tain Chillies Ynukel, tho great quarter and half mller. (ieimantoxvn xvon from school! from Hartford, Conn.. Camden, West Ches ter. Wilmington and txvo teams from Xew ink. N. J. Youkel ran such splendid races Indoors nnd lu the meets held outdoor! he more than came up to tho lecord ex pected of him at the l clays. (Hard College accomplished a feat cov eled for ninny yeais, winning the class re lay (Siraid's band and some 500 students cheered on tho xiclots. (ilrard heat Swarth more Preparatory and Wennnah Military cadeniy. Captain Strauss. Klotz. J, Stro man and Wetherall ran for Girard and mighty tine races they tan, especially Wctherlll. xvho beat out his rival from Swarthinore on tho final relay. due of the local victories was that of the Pennsylvania institute for the Peaf over such teams as Harrlsburg Academy and Waulloxv High. This was In event No. 1 In the preparatory school relay class. W. Poar sall. A. Puby. K. Ca.xiey nnd B, (Jlitley represented the P. 1. ll. and they made a great shoxxinc. Pexvey Rogers, of the Northeast High School, ran a wonderful quarter. Aittr overcoming a handicap of some txventy aids. he pulled doxvn the lead ot Kunkel, of Nexvnrk Centtal, and Kortesque, of ICast Orange High School, but after taking th pole nnd the lead he weakened In the final stretch and xvas defeated hy scant margin by Kinilicl, Newark High winning the. cham pionship. Philadelphia's subtil bs were xvell repre sented on carnival day. Hatboro High, with Petxxller. Haines, ott and Mnglll run ning, xxas third In Its relay class. Sxvatth mole High finished third to Lansdnle and Kennett Square. Pel haps one of the best relays xvas that xvon by Lansdowne High School, with I'.ldley Park High In second place. i-SaiSj :. SF- r -' "Ii IM- t .til .".' Ki ' it-'i ., '., stda V ti- 4 Pw biitii leS iliwIi'i'i'iiigwisiHsa.s' , irM'MM lA'-'Ji .$ . m In . m Ty.a A w M x '41 m . ":$ 1 mi m v1 -:-m El JTM fm H W wm ji : M Va" ' "5r9 m -M I A'.'. '''VSfSJ -t ). tmmw-'jm.KW mm ; . . " i ;ivu f'j ,'- -v MtV ffifj ' i(K l .ti .'- i.nt.-.-tv"-'