IHWfeSWWT-'WW'i ' -k'"TO-4 ft 75WTCTHRT3; j'l.K "TTTO jA'p 'vv4 , i'rti. i,IW n-r "J "i'tW vy ,v sv ' . ' wywiri .. . ' ' W"P 'A'.H.-Lir-wl'WTj lU"' " ' (T EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 2& 1917 bi-V.i ' m & u 4 V W 4 WJCA DEGLI ABRUZZI MCAPODELLAMISSIONE tXe Batteric Itnlinnc Bombnrdano Important! Obiettivi sulln Parte Settcntnonalc 'fr lrtl Pnwm hUN VOLO SU BRESSANONE ,11 Secondo Prestito Americano Aiulra' nlla Francla cd all'Italia. IfJ, Sara' Fntto Sulnto Ft SW-?4- ltnmn. 28 Annie. .'tit , t Dalle ultlmc notlzic circa II terrcmoto vA In Toscana c ncll'Unbria si rilcva die &&." 1'intero vIllaKRio ill Montcrchi c' rimusto tfi"'wirutto. Ancora non c stato pussthile S'''vre le lite complete dclle vlttlmc r p!r!jf' del feriti. Si s nfinora die dice! pcrsonc I lf-9 'iono rimastc iicctac c trenta fcrite j gravementc. II villagfrio dl Citcrna c' qiiani complctamcnto distrutto, rd una trentlnn dcjli abitanti rimaiero tra Ic rovlnc c nc sono stati cstratti phi o mono gravementc feriti. Ad Angliiari e a San Sepolcro si sono avuti danni uravi, ma nrssunn vittima. 'Come e' facile immaginare, jjli ithituuti del paesi colpiti rifiutano di ritornare lie loro cane. Itti.MA. H Aprili I.a ml.slonr chc il reehctii' ukII Kliiti Unit! per conto dell Italia win o tnln ancora nomlnnta iilll iu lmni. I nnml ill Coloro clio la fnrmeriinuo sono KtatI sulle bocclio til moltl ma siltnnto okkI si e' avuta una pcelo dl I'ontcrmii della Mice scoondo cut lit iiiIhhIiiiic nam' oapitanata ilal iluca degll Abruzzi. 1)1 cs.'a fuianno parte Inoltre II nenatoi-o l!in?liil nc ml i aim i n noml non minn mat. uiirurn lct ..!. II Benatoro Tlttonl. sla' atnliapclatoro illtalla h Parlel. I'uonio i-lie (rutin' ion la l-'raiicia circa rinlcrvento Unltanu nella Riiorra. dioveva pure far parte della inUslouc. ma si ' trovato ticH'Impossibilita ill partlro. Iella mlNslone fnrannu parte hen nntl peivonaKKi rmltltarl e miviill cd uomlui rile hoiio hi alto nol inondo pol'ticn o flnuirslarlu. Si f.i iincho 1J nomo ilcll'rx prcsidente dot I'liiisislio cd I'.lustre economist.! l.u'.Kl l.uzzutti. m.i nulla id Ml ih v iii i iii'.i la j.i .in 'iia Elonc. Ierl sera II Jliniitom ilella. (Siivrra iul bljcava II scRucnte tapporto ilnl Rcneralo Ca. dorna circa la Hltu.iziiiiir allu lroiiti? Italn austrlaca - Aeinp.anl noinicl lianno colitinuato a EpUgarp attlMta' uMla Rimnatii 1 1 ion i Bulla fri ntp dpi TiPiitino lino iiIIp Bile alll ilellp Aljil farnliho !. noMtrc wpiaili'lRllp iiprec II liaiinu ai- taccatl xlgoroHuineute. nun solo, ma hanno fatto anchp una rlcognlzlonp UBll lmpiirtantl centri mllltari austri acl dl Hressanonc (Urlxen) Kran- aonsfestc. aclla vallo dell'Isarco. SuU'altoplano dl Aslago p nclla Val Sugana si spun avute )lu' Io1piiIp azlonl dl artlgllorla. Qucntc bono talp allelic vlgoroslnslmp alia te.vtata ilella xallp del Uut rloxr ei sono axutl scontil di plccoll tcparn di imppp SuU'altoplano del Car.o la unslia artl Rllerla Iia ponci'iitraiu ijn siiivkwi iiii vlolento fuoco mi linportantl obiettivi nella parte (ettentrionalp dell'alti) piano. Attach! ill plccoll repartl ails, triad mi ipiestu paitp delta fronle ill i battaglla sunn stall immediatintientp rrrplnll dalle tmstip tnjppp. Inn dpi noiitrl repartl rlpoito' alle sue 'Ineo una dleulna dl prlglonlcri , L Idroaeroplanl neniicl liannu lascl.it" , it cadcrc bomliu u San r.in.lanu muza farvl xiltlnie ne' dannl. Purante un combattlineuto aereu tin vellvolu aus trlaco fu abhattuto rul I'arso, I 'no degll aviator! rlinase uppiso e 1'altrn ferlto, fu fatto priglonlero SL'I.I-I-; AII III! I'llO NT! Telegraimnl da Uoudra dii'ouo lIip II ge nerale Ilalg h.i attaccato dl nuovo ipipsta tnattlna le lluee inglesi nella zona del tlumo Ecarpe su dl una fronte dl parpcelile mlglla. 11 comandante Inglese telegrafava che le stio truppe Incontravano obtlnata reslstenza da parto del ncntlcn, m.i faeevano juogrpssl. Semlirn die la hattag la ski linpegnata sii tutta 1. 1 fronte di Arrai. i SI en clie lo Stato llaggioie tpdesin Iia portatn suUi iron' etentrioualo della I'rancla tulte lo ritr.e ilisp mllnli per un uprcpm Hfoizo ill ivsixtenza aH'offeusna anirlo-fraiiccw II Minlxteru della liueira tedesco ha chlamatti ale iirnt! quegll uominl cho erano stati llnora scattatl perche' Inabill. Dispaccl ilu Tetrogtail dlcnno ehe. In "eeRiiito ad una vlslta del mlnlxtro della Oucrra CJuchkoff alia fionte russa, :'3 geu erajl, tra eul alcunl comandautl dl divi sion'e, e 114 altl ufflclall supcrlorl in grun parte addettl alio Stato Magglore. hoiio stati rlmossl. II Mlnlstro della liuerra sta rlchiamando dalla fronte dl battuglla opcrai delle fabbrlche di niunizioiil ilie vl prauo tati mandatl potto II regime linpenale. British Troops Turn Germans' 'Wotan' Line Continued from 1'Hffp One region of Hill HOI, west of tlio .Mpusp. during the night We brought bark prlnonero. German troops aitacked cast of Auberive, but were lepulsed. ' Artillery was very active betueeu St Quentln and the OIe nnd in the Cham pagne. 'To'day waa tlio hceond da of the Ciennan effort to relieve pressuie of the French troops encircling St. CJuentin by tiemendous artillery flro and vain attacks. i CLEM EN CE A U AND HERVE CRITICIZE WAR MOVES I'AKIS, April 1'8. f "la the Anglo-Krench offensive too Urn tilted and untimely, and Is there a lack of i'itinity of action betwoen the British and K. French armies?" vvyh. :vrr :r'"::r. ",.' ':.r.v:, "-'. .i' v i Lc-. MThA niiaalAii w f. -a rc IloH liaro Inrifiv , ' 7 9tt ll,u mum auiiJiiit:ii uriiiuiBiiin ut inu i '":,' military situation that have been publislicd VM ."'nee the war began. They arc typical of mm . nome oe mo irunK uueraiures inai uaxe B' ? ' yt fnltnwjtfl Ihn InrrpnRlnp UhfrtlpM nltntp1 thp t -t. ''t!K preiis by the' Government jnifv - The principal articles ere by Georges fU 'Clemenceau. former Premier of France, and gl,',by...dutave Ilerve, editor of La Vlctolre, py.Mt Clemepceau continues to uttack the SLrformer Covernment headed by Aristlde pjy'Brlahd, Saying that mistakes of that minis- fr try are now hearing fruit on the field of jt'-',TMi Matin, In discussing the situation on o. tn western frontk says: . 'The Uerman plan undoubtedly was to retire' on the front where the orlndnal 'Anted attack seemed Imminent, rtealli- ' Mf ..this, the French and British com- ipoers maraea lne ironi oi uiiuck. y.mt-UMiD overlap ine wings or me ene ( ' retreatlna- line. The Germans, elaed at tlfe pivots of their re- a rorcea to ngnt, aeciaea to 4te' alone the first Itno instead K'bacK. to the second or third. ally the. case. Ho great Is '.'it German .reserves Uur- Uvat' the number of the' de- .greater than that ..of the . that-the Uer- (MiliW Killed, ra sra-Ttra vP&ti& - lak01l'AJ4.'Vlrr. rjfe &&' . ,s.& .. i . . MS Aij'B; lAnn&u -IT'! tTJYW. :- IttgW'.. M0V1XC ( I'UTAIN OF FlltF. The nfiicial -tutcmi'iits from the Iiiitisli anil French lieaiiquartcrs in Franco frequently iefer to "the ciecpiiiK barruKc," the artillery lire which has made possible capt ture of German entrenchments with comparatively little los. to the attacking forces. The picttire il luvtrates this effective lire, show ing how it is timed to the second to keep just aiiead of the advancing infantry. -There are two streams of fire, one demolishing the enemy's trenches and the other moving for ward with the advance, .lust be fore the attacking force reaches the enemy's position, both fires lift and make possible its easy capture. PHILADELPHIA WOMAN HEADS NURSING BODY Alias Clayton, of General Hos pital, Only Nominee for Presi dent of National Educa tion League A Philadelphia woman. .Miss S. Lillian Clayton, superintendent of nurses of the Philadelphia General Hospital. Is the new president of Hit- National Li-ngtie of Nuis tug 'Mutation, whlrh is holding Its twenty thlid annual ponvpiitloii al tlm UpIIpwip Slialford In joint session with the Aineriian Nuisrs' Association and the National Or ganization for Public Health N'orsliu; Her name when piesentrd for nomina tion was so satisfactory that no more nominations wpip offered Voting on all olllcprs will not be i-mipletrd and the count taken until iipM week, but because there is only one Humiliation feir each of the nlllces It is possible to announce today that the new olllcers of th oiganl.atlon for the coming year will be as follows- I'rsldeut. .Miss L. Lillian Clayton. Phila delphia. l-'irst vice president. Miss Sara 1-3. Par sons. .Massachusetts Geueial Hospital. Hus ton. Mass. Second ice picsideut. Miss Grace Allison, superintendent of noises. Lakeside Hos pital. Cleveland. O. Secrctai.i. .Miss Ctlle .1. Taylor, the lleiuy I'lupiM iisychlatilc clinic. .lohus Hopkins Hospital. Maltlmoie. Treasurer. .Miss M Helena .McMillan, superintendent of Presbyterian Hospital. Chicago. , .Miss Cla.Mon acted as second vice presi dent last year. The directors, who are to bbo elected for thiee years, Include Miss Mary M. Riddle. Newton Lower Falls, Mass. ; Miss Anna Maxwell, Presbyterian Hospital, New Yoilt: Miss Al. Adelaide Nutting. Teachers' Col. lege. New York; Miss t 'lata I). Noyes, di rector of the Bureau of Nursing of the American Red Cioss. Washington, I. C Directors for one year- AIlss Louise Al Powell, superintendent of nurses of the t'nl erslty Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn. : Miss Lauder Sutherland, Hartford, Conn. ; AIlss Anna C. .lainme, Sacramento. Cal. ; Airs. Ralph Aped, (liaud Rapids, Mich. DOCTOR FAVORS CAKI.Y AtARRIAdF.S Improved economic conditions, so that young people can marry early, and the edu cation of public n-hol students were advo cated today In the joint session of the llneo organlaztlons by Dr. ".. 1" Davis, professm of ohsctrics at he .lelferson Aledical College when talking on the subject, "Xiip Lives and Health of Mothers and Children How Can We Save Them?" lie also plead for education of fatheis and mothers to the need of prenatal caie for prospective mothers anil proper care of the women at all times. Doctor Dals said that on account of Ig norance and carelessness and lack of proper medical and nursing attention the number of women who die annually In clilldhlith equals the number of men, women and chil dren who die with tsphold fever. He pointed out that hundreds of deaths cou'd have been preente und many babies saved last year If the women had had proper caie. lie told of a census taken in three widely separated counties. In South, Middle West and the llast, telling how a large proportion of the women never had any medical or nursing attention at nil. The recoid In the I'nlted States shows no Improvement In lecent years, although many countries In IJuropo through cam paigns of education have helped reduce the fatalities among mothers and babies, by glvlng prenatal care and taking the same precautions with the mothers at the critical time as is taken with surgical cases In tlio matter of antiseptics. "A plain, dignified statement of Important facts in physiological science should be given young people and very properly In the schools," said Doctor Davis when urg ing education of the future fathers und mothers of the race, , lie- deplored the use of the midwife, and also said the Improper nourishment of the mother before the birth of the child und abolishment of the use of alcohol by the mother would all affect the child, He said the use of alcohol Is especially Injurious. Luxury Is responsible for part of the high mortality among mothers and chil dren, according to Doctor Davis, who says: "Luxury produces feeble, nervous, de generate offsprings, making miserable peo ple. Idle and selfish luxury ts foreign to a true democracy. No stronger means can be 'taken against vice than the encourage ment of pure happy family life," "Early marriage between young, healthy and honest men and women Is the best cure for the .conditions of high mortality amotif mothers ana ennaren. rms stiouia by, proper economic condl- lAiuumn ISSs riM tOOIAM. ' l" .TMj. .Mhk&Bi IU lOOIM.' . ." ... a& - A. ..'ri r . ' ?., . ' -10-04 M. ' . ATrri.vvr' . to osam:'0 ''., f tv I . , 'U - , --VinreiTAM '"V' ivJH .' ''iooeAM? . ''. yy. 't' MANY FLAGS THROWN TO BREEZE AT INDUSTRIAL PLANTS TODAY Ceremonies Scheduled for Morning and Afternoon Throughout City and Camden Bands Play and Words of Patriotism Inspire Crowds of Employers. Employes and Guests Mam industrial plants In this cits nnd ne.-trbv points in New Jersey weie scenes of (lag-raising relebratlons today. one of the target- demonstration" was iluii of .inno workers, the majority of them I from the Dlsston plant, who gathered at Longshore and Tulip streets and paraded to I .i his t!ag raising at State toad nnd I'm till j HI l pi i Tin- ,iaiadi. staitid at J o'clock .Mounted pnlipe led tin- piocefslon fo'loneil by the liist"ii Hand Slate I-Vnclbles. Field and Ambiilnni- Corp No. 'i, and fraternal or ganizations hi the paiade also were girls from the Hsston packing plant with a big Hag i'iingre-Kiiian L'osIpIIo nnd Cornnpr Kinghi fii the spenkprs nt the meeting. : SMALL I'LAUS Plini'l'KU Twii ihoiisaml miniature flags dropprd 1 1 urn a In.ge (lag us It was drawn by .Mrs. HiTiinn L. Ilohlfeld to the top of n slM-iiM'-foni pulp at the hammock fartory of the Ilohlfeld Manufacturing Company. Tenth . trpni and Allegheny avenue Thi-ti ands of i-pectators were present at Hi. een Ki". special Invitations hating ! i pied by iillici.ils and employes of Hi- sin pass Leather Company, thp North iiniic.in Laep Company, the Scotl lapel i uupaiiv Thomas V. Drown & Som ll'.-ncrv Company and Hie Alluo-ciein Lie mi'oi Comp.iu. Hoy Scout troops Nos. .1-. is ."il !-' III. Dill and Hi" weie icpie- . I I III rni. in I. Ilohlfeld made the lutroduo ' i nililiPhs following on invocation glen n- tin. Ite. lieorge W. IIpiimmi. district u i i niKiident of the .Methodist Lplscopal i 'iilPi.-nce. other .peakcis were forinet Al.isin John Wciiwr. In- i.'oidon A I Christine, drputv i itiimissliuier and sciinl master, and the Re Walter 11. iltpenwav. nastor of the liiisti.n IMesliytcrian I 'hut ch Hummers Hand plawd and patilotlc songs w-"te sung l-'ollowliig Ihe Mag pm rcises Hip spic tators paraded to Front street and Kile lueniie. where tlio HohllVId Company soccer team played u picked team from the Indus trial Soccer League of Philadelphia, foi Ihe benefit of the Red Cross. 'Neighboring mills paitlclp.ued in a Itag celebration at the woolen mills of's. I!, it II. W rieisher Mam and Rector stipets. M.iit.i.Mink First Regiment bugle corps fuinislnd music A cannon salute was tiled and w-hlstliM un nearby Mauu.vttuk fac ilities were blown for Ihe minutes. S. F. I'leisher. nf the compaii). made an aildiess. Small Hags (lutteied out from a latgp flag that was formally talsed at noon by employes of Thomas .Mills & Hto., mauu factiirers uf conlectlotiPis' anil bakers tools, I iglitd and Tiviiiipsnii i.tieets. Th Re I! C Wells, pastor f the Taberunele Methndlsi Kplscoii-il ciuiich, Klevanth nnd nxtoid lieels. ili.;h,iiil a patilotlc inl diess F.ag i.ilslng esenisps weie held at 1.30 o'clock at the factory of the Phila delphia Hag Company, and tlio associate firms, the Morlce Twine .Mills and the Plilla-delphla-I.ancartpr Hag Company nt Water nnd Tastier streets. The piesentntion ad dress were made h Nell Alexander nnd the acceptance address by C. W. liehiens super ntendent of the facloo. school CI1ILDRKN SI.NO I'upils of the Charles Wood pnlil.c school. Second and Wolf streets, sang p.ililotic isiiigs and t!o Scouts of tin Rrthel M. K. chinch troop gate tingle calls. The iiivocatiim was made by the Rev. .lohii M Tonhey. of tlio Chiiivii of the Sailed He. nt. Thlid and Reed slirets. and the henedieliou li III,. Rpv. ,. " I'clken- will lie leill!led hefore mal I l.lge 111 the present woild t Isis and 111 our entrance upon new conditions, it Is especlall Impor tant that tin- future life of the nation be made as lgoious as possible." WILL NOT UOTIIKR cuNiJRKSS The American Niuses' Association has decided utianhnoiisl. that Congress Is too busj lo be botheied with a leipiesl for a special charter, and has voted to tiy lo get a chattel f l oin the Dlstllct of Columbia, occluding to infoimatioti obtained today Sluie war lias been declared the women feel that It would not be patriotic to at tempt to take the time of Congipss In put ting such legislation I efot-p It. As a mat ter of sentiment, the voinon want the "hest there is." hut decided to forgo this honor for tlie oiKaiilzathin ami gut one In the Dis trict of Columbia insimd The' IMS Joint session or the thiee or ganizations will he In Clew'nud without doubt, accoidlng to officers of the conven tion, who i-av the uhlo city lias been In viting the meeting for some time, and that It Is the turn for the Allddle West to hae It anyway. The selection will take place Wednesday. PHILADELPHIANS AID OCEAN CITY ORCHESTRA The first effoit of the Orchestra Auxiliary of Ocean City toward helping support its summer music was a concert and dance in tlie ballroom of tho Rcllevue-Stratford last evening. The success of the concert was In large mens' re due to the soloists. Airs. Logan Fcland. soprano, and Henri Scott, basso (of the Aletropollt.in Opera Com pau ). with .lohn K. Wltzemanu and incm beis of the Philadelphia Orrhestin. Dancing followed the cotuert. A ptograin of wide variety and gieal In terest was presented Air. Scott Is a noted native of Philadelphia, and Its only repre sentative In the singing personnel of the Metropolitan lirand opera Conip.inv He made a sensational success heio tins week with tlie Mendelssohn Club. Airs. Fcland is a well-known and excellent vocal aitlst. Accompaniments and special selections were played by u large delegation of artists fiotn the Philadelphia Orchestra, under tho ca pable conductorshlp of .John K. AV'ltzeniann, assistant concert master of the Philadel phia Orchestra. The committee of arrangements consisted of Airs. Robert H. Volluni, Airs, Oeorge W. t'rquha'rt, Airs. William K. Hexamer. Airs, (ieorgo B. .Smltheman, Airs. Thomas Watt, son. Airs. F. W. Allchener. Airs. William D. Sherrerd, Airs. O. If. Steelman, Airs. Alfred At. Oray, Airs. H. li Freeman. AIlss Alary Al. Barr nnd Airs. Albert W. Newman, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (il.K.NMIIIC. I'A. Something Really Worth While At Glenside, Pa. $2500 Your Terms $2800 THo.ntnr) niineh-rHHt houi.eH', llullt In liulm. side yarda, l-'ltr roonm anil bath. I.arce reception room, open btalrcate, nininir room, beam i-elllng, Artlntlcally papered, (Jan and electric fixture. Jtoof covered with aaphalt tliluclen) never wear out l can't buru, f'ellur walls of solid concrete. 21 minutes to Readlnc Terminal. Over B0 trains dally. Double-track trolley to 'Philadelphia. A chance to "do your bit" by planllnr vegetables and reduclnr living cost. W Make It Easy to Buy WM. ,TsR .ROBERTS I plnc. of the Abigail Vnte M L chinch. About son employes took part. Five hundred or more employes of the Philadelphia ami Rending Railway who work In the passenger-car storage yard and office at Broad street and Lehigh live nms. talsed a Hag this afternoon Yard- men contributed the money to bus tho flag which measures eight by twelve feet The pole, which wan given by the company was elected this morning on top of Hie office building The ceremonies began al .. .to n locit Representing the past, prcsein and futilie .lohn Potter, a 11. A. R. tcternn. Norman Annlck. a gunner nf Ratten li. Seiotid Pennsylvania Artillery, nnd Kdw-ln Mason of the boy scouts, talsed the flag Mush was furnished by the Hoys' Hand of the Wcaley Al. K. Church, of Kensington llnrry Mason, a car Inspector, and tin j Rev. J. F. Hehrens, of tlio Fiftieth Raptlsl , church. Seventh street nnd Sno,uehnniia avenue, were the oratois of the occasion ' Three gill scouts from 'he IliiptlM Temple, Hroad nnd Ilerlts streets '.nng and recited. They are Aladcllne Mason. Han nah Corm.-ick and Klsle- Kllingei- HISTORIC FLAIl RK-RAISKI' A (lag thai was first raised during the Sp.iulsh-Atner'can war was again raised lids mottling b employes of the Reading Railway at the Chelten atomic station, i Jot -nianlown K R. Holts, station agent, de livered the addles". Kdwatd WIIon. assistant gcncial ageti' of the State Hoard of Charities, and llcorge Welsh, assistant district attnrne were speakers at the Hag raising of cir lighting service employes of tin' Pennsylvania Rall load I'nmpiiii) al Thlrit -second and Market streets nt noon Music was part of the program, which was carried out at the bat tery house, near West Philadelphia pas senger station Throe hundred oinplo.ic- of tin Camden l-'olge ConiMti. at .Mount Kphralm street ami the Atlantic City Railroad, participated in llag-iatslug e.ciclses al noon W. I. ICeilln. secietaiy and treasurer of the com pany, delivered an address, nnd u talk was made by .lohn Maenak. A squad fiotn the Third Regiment, N. i! N. J., also at tended, and phas for enlistments were tiiade Addlts-eS al n Hag leicmony at Ilu r.ret-lin lltotlieis Cnmpaii.v. illoucester, were made by Reprcsetitathrs Ralph Al. KoP.iin and Chailes A Wolveilon. of the 'en-.lerse-, Assetnbl). and Waller L. Slieppiid. of Ihe National SecurltJ League. Com pany (I. of tlie New- .lersej National liuaid. which Includes ninti fotmer Hieslin etn plo,es, nttetidid. The llohllli'Iil Alanilfactui nig Conipanv Alleghenj iixenue between Ninth and Tenth Meets. wiM hate a Hag raising al I 3" o'clocl, K-.Maor .lohn Wesitei toe l!e Di- Wnlifi- It Hiienwa-. ol the I last oi I'lesb.Men.in I'l.nlcli; In liniilon M ' "hi i--tlne mid the Rev. Dr. I hinge W lleusmi. district supetlntcndeiit nf the .Methodist Kplscopal Conference, will speak. Kuminel'i! Rund will play and scleral troops of Hoy Scouts will attend. Resides employps of the compan. theie will also be delegations fioni Ihe Surpass Leather Conipaii.i, the Ninth Amu lean Lace Company. the Scott I'apei Conipan. . Thomas K. Ruiwn & Sons Hoslei) Compan.N and tlio Albro-Clem Klevntnr Compani ! After the Hag. which employes puichased. I Is lalseil, Iheie will be a soccer football game at Iront sticet and l.t ic nvrntie be tween Ihe Ilohlfeld men and a picked team fioni the Industrial Sneer r League of Phila delphia, all proceeds going to the American Red Cioss Soclelt The entile ntidieuce at the llagiaising will paiade to the game gioiinili- LIQUOR SHOP JOBS BARRED TO YOUTHS Child Labor Act Invoked by In dustrial Board of State Labor Department IIARRISIR-R(i. Apnl :'S Chlldien under eighteen ears of age ato piohlhlted from certain unties In wholesale ilipior stoics and In clubs, hotels or other plates when- alcoholic lii;t.ors are dispensed or Muted under a i ullug of the industrial hi). ml of the Di-pai tment of Labor and In dustry. The i tiling follows. "Puisuant to Hie pinusions of section .1 of the child labor ail. .May LI. I!M5. P. L. 1'Sii. the following occupations aie heieby detel mined and declared to be Injurious to the health and morals of minors under the age of eighteen years, and theiefoie un lawful for eniployets lo penult any such minor to work theieln: "Handling of case goods, baneled goods and other heavy materials In wholesale Honor stores. "Any other occupation in wholesale llnuor stoies. ".Serving, handling or care of alcoholic liquors In clubs, hotels or other places where alcoholic liquet s are dispensed or stored." ELIZAUKTH DONATO'S RECITAL Yoimk Pianist lias Able Associates in Ilenefit Program The Italian Federation was the bene lloi.iry of a conceit given last night in Scot, tlsh Rite Hall by Kllzabeth F. Donalo and a number of associates. These Included .Icnny Ktieedlcr .lohuson, the admirably artistic soprano, who has appeared hi this city In opera, concert und oratorio: nusollna tllannlnl, ,iczzo soprano; Antonio Searduzlo. baritone: F. A lilanulnl. tenor; Virginia Snyder, accom panist, and a symphony orchestra directed by (tllhert Raynolds Combs. AIlss Donato has been known as a musical piodlgy of the piano, hut her technical per formance and Interpretative power entitle her to latins as a genulno artist and one with a very definite future ahead. Her play ing Is chacterlzed by a rich sonorous tone nnd nglle, resourceful fingering, AIlss Donato has (Tied a number of engagements, including several with Martini's Orchestra at Atlantic City and with the summrr orchestra at Ocean City. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE lil.KNSIIII-:. PA. Ten minutes to Willow drove. Three iusrr to (ilemilde Station. All department store deliveries. Telephone and telecraph. 70. ft. .wide street In front. All suburban conveniences. Pure air and open country. Stores of every description. Pure 8prlii(llrld water, (las und senerace system, lilies of dellthtful walks. Cement sidewalks everywhere. vtSfflL Glen.i, V JKI5 K 1 xi-v y v'm v: -o .1 ha l. v "i 1MI.1TVM1 T V ?mm. .. mt. y spmapn&ZLi" v t33lB C'-'S'i.f &$? WILL APPEAR AT KEITH'S V. J. Reilly, u juckie on tho U. S. S. Mlchiean, nnd known as "Rag time Reilly," will contribute songs and a pianologuc to next week's program. A recruiting station will lie opened Monday in the theatre. KEITH SINGER WILL AID RECRUITING FOR NAVY Station to lie Opened at Theatre While "Ragtime Reilly" Sings Allurements A re, lulling s'ntlon for enlistments in the I'nlted Slates nnvy set vice will be opened at R. F. Keith's Theatre beginning Alonday. The nation will lie under Hie dliectlon -if olllcers fioni the Phliadc'pliin Navy Yalil. and a tecritltlng sipiad will be detailed for the week to accept applications. Am n special feature during the week. W. .1 Reilly, a .tackle on the V. S. S Michi gan anil known lo eteij member of the licet as "Ragtime Reilly," will appear al Keith's In a song and plaliolorne. Reilly lias been granted a leave of absence for one week only from the Michigan, which Is now "sinninvlietp at sea." and has entered health ly I nt this novel way of enlisting men for the nav.i. An olllcer from the navy yard will accompany the icirultlng Mpiad nnd in tinduee Reilly at each petforinance from the stage mid the lecruitiiig office will be kept open all da As fast as appllcaits are leeched they will be hull led to League Island In motoicais. In tills way It Is hoped that several hundred recruits will bo won during Reilly s engagement here TWO TOWNS WRECKED BY ITALIAN EARTHQUAKE Only Ten Persons Killed, but Villages of Montcrchi and Citeniit Are Destroyed RO.MH. Apnl :' The entile village nf Alonleichl was destinjcd In the earthquake of jeMerday. accoidlng lo until lecelved here today. Complete casualties aio not .vet available. Ten persons were klllej In Ihe eaithquoke shock In Tucany and I'mbila. uti officinl s-atement stated today. Thlrt.v persons weie seveiely lnjuied. Clterna was almost completely wrecked, thirty being caught in the wiecknge and Injured At Anghlaii and Sail Scpoleeo there was great damage done by tlie tieinors. but tin lives were lost. Alost of the Inhabitants of tho stricken dlstticts have fled in terror, and are laiuplug mil In tile open I'll (J MOST PROSPEROUS. SAYS VICTOR COMPANY TnlkiiiK Machine Concern Reports Un divided Profits at End of Year of $10,285,101 The Victor Ta'king Mathine Cumpauv eiijo.veil t cm eplionally prolllable year dining Hi IB. The annual statement of as sets and liabilities for the car ended De cember SI. which was made public toda.v showed the undivided piollts at Ihe end of l!'l In be SlJi.s&ri.tol. against $1 l.63.4 8:s at tlie close of business in 1!Uj and $'.'. 8!i:'.i:iS on December .'11. lnifi .Much money was expended b.v the com pany during last year on Its p'atit and machinery, tlie total valuation for these Items at the close of l!lfi being placed at $8,1(18, SCI. against ll.lu'.i.TO:' al the end nf the pievlous year. There was a big In crease in the inventory of merchaudln at cost, the total on tlie first of this year amounting to $ri,"fi,",,20i! as compared with 4u,18",7-IO tlie beginning' of 1!16. Roses We are liavln? opcclal salei of them oxvry day now. The Century Flower Shop IStU Ddoiu Chestnut St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE fcl'lll'llllAN Homes d-..v rV& WfcaWMVHftka: ..afft.. "i tl; !i' -m tf . "'r V").' rpiitfSs . h- v '. .v..errv.-. 1 ii trros.svwvxiiTftasseiijsi S'wm ,1 ilu v .rs-i-- "PATRIOTIC DAY" STIRS POTTSVUXE Twenty Thousand Parade ofcr'fis in Great Demonstration of Loyalty COTTSVILLK. !.. Apt II .'S. This Is I'arlotlc Day. There Is n great profusion of American flags everywhere in this city and In the other towns and villages In Ihe southern part of the county. There arc a few I'nlon Jacks and French and Italian Haps Inter mingled with Old Hlory, expressive of the alliance of these nations In the war against Prussian militarism. Stnto windows dis play flags nnd former war missiles In con trast with those In present ue, nnd also portrnlta of tho United States I'tesldenis who were prominent In the wars In which this rountr.v took part during the Revolu tion, the War of s, the Mohawk War. the Mexican, Civil, Spanish-American wars nnd Hie present crisis Instead of articles usually dlplajed for sale. The like has never been seen In this patriotic city before, The collieries and other Industrial plants in lower Schuylkill were shut down for the day. The business hoiisesslu this city. In eluding the saloons, closed nt noon, so that proprietors and employes could participate in the parade, which comprised a mlnnm , of fourteen divisions of :0,000 men, women and children. It comprised the Schuylkill County Pa trlotlc League, tlio city officials, the mili tary organizations, among which ate Com pany C, Pennsylvania engineers, and Com pany II, of the Klghth Regiment. N. ti. I'.. 1'. S. A., both of which were at the .Mexican border: lecrultlng olllcers and recruits, the First Aid Corps of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company's collel-les the semlnillltary autliorlths of the city and the county, among which weie- P. O, S, of A Reserves. Hoy .Scouts, flie men, public and parochial school pupils and STONE HARBOR AND THE STONEMEN THE STONEME.V.S FELLOWSHIP, a national relicimis or Kunization whose licadqtitirlcrs arc in Philadelphia, has selected Stone Harbor as their permanent summer incclitic; place. . THE FELLOWSHIP, which numbers 150.000 members, divided inlu liG councils, has entered into a purchase of forty-one bungalows, com prising the Stone Harbor HunRalovv Colony, and of thirty-four new bungalows now being erected. All of these Hungalows have been rented lo members of the Fellowship most of them for the entire seusmi, although there arc slill a few vacant dates. STOXEMEN'S WAIll) EXCLUSIONS are being orpani.cd for Saturday trips to Stone Harbor under the auspices of Ihe Fellow ship at special rates. It is estimated thai l.'i.OOO people will visit the resort on these trips from Saturday, June Oth, to Saturday. September 8th. Other excursions will be run on Wednesdays, which will be Known as Ladies' Day Excursions. A special program has been arranged for ladies and children on these days. A .MUNICIPAL Al'DITOKir.M PIEH. valued at S25.000, is being built on the Boardwalk at lOfith strcel. with a seating capacity of 1100 and four stores. The pier has been leased by the Slouemen and file stores are being sub-let. An interesting Chautauqua program has been prepared by Dr. H. C. Stone. .Music will be furnished by various Stone men's bands. STONE HAKBOK'S NEW BOARDWALK, IU miles long and twenty-four feet wide, equipped with numerous benches and lighted with electric lights, affords a promenade equal to an ocean voyage minus sea sickness. Here hinglish, weahlish and flounders are caught in the surf, even by inexperienced anglers. STONE HAIiOll'S BATH INC BEACH is one of the finest in the world. II affords safe surf bathing, without ropes, in waters warmer than at more northerly resorts. Power boating, fishing, sailing and crabbing may be enjoyed in Great Channel and the famous Stone Harbor Yacht Basins. EXCELLENT HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS are olTered til MODERATE RATES at STONE HARBOR'S several hotels and board ing houses. Write TODAY for particulars. COTTAGES. BUNGALOWS and APARTMENTS tuav be rented, lumished, by week, month or season at REASONABLE PRICES. Improved streets, churches, yacht club, telegraph., telephone, express and numerous stores afford ALL CITY CONVENIENCES. Write for illustrated booklet and maps FREE. SOUTH JERSEY REALTY COMPANY INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING. N. E. Cor. Third and Walnut Sts., Phila. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE di. i:siiii:, i'. Have You Everything You Want? .v' i ii iiifawiiiifVYM '.4fEi rjpURwtripTC 3afejfftl tttftS" r,;j :'--Mi&Mmig r .x - .i i v r to cnanging a men housc Into a At Glenside HOUU STORKS ciiriiciiics .SCHOOLS A dellKhlful place for chllilren, Have your own vegetable Raiilcu. lo Heading Terminal, Over DO trains dally $3800 Your Terms $4500 w ii maki: rr i;am- to ntv co.mi: hi't toii. WM. T. B. ROBERTS llppcKlle Mnllon Itoth srnrniux THE LEADING SUBTO1B 1 2 Minutes, 5c Fare, from 69th Street Terminal On the Media Short Line and Building Sites among the Rollins Hills ''$! Roman Catholic Church societies. Mex. chants' Association nnd employes or store nnd Industrial plants, professional men Schuylkill Comity lloneli and Itar Assodal Hon. Preparedness Division Including th Red Cross nurses, etc. Then, were more than foity bands ami ten drum coips In line, The rolclirailon of a patriotic day was suggested, planned and successfully carried nut by the Patriotic League of Kchuvlkltl County, of which William J. Richards ,,., Ident of the Philadelphia and Rending Coal ami Iron Company. Is tho head, and who gathered about him the captains of Industr Hie conunerclnl men and bankers of SchuvL kill County, In the organization of tint league, which numbers more than finno in membership. Re&dy Money -. United States Loan Society 117 North Uroad St. 41 i S. Mil H. 211s tlfrmanlnn n,. Sccley's Adjuslo Rupture Pad will Increase efficiency of any truss Iin, Pleasure can be adjusted at will. Swltel action III bottom allows edgea to yield to every motion without shifting center or allowing tiipture to slip. Comfortable, safe, durablo and sanitary .Mailed anywlieie on lecelpt of price, si.no. State kind of truss It la for Call or write for circular No agantJ t'roMirntile only fioni I. B. 5EELEY, 1027 Walnut St. Cut out flittf vrcp tor rgcrcticc. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i.i.lnmih:. . .Mum of us arc s'HhuiK anil liiiil.-lui; for t-omcthhiK vvc Itavc in vcr liail and never expect to 1.1 v o You Can Get It .vvevcr. if you arc 1oo1Iiib for iniiiRalovv that Is perfect in ry way. hi aihlltioii to everythlnR nccc i they hav many leally un- in I'.-ysun IhltiRH that ko, how- K - .'ta's home lli minutes & SON, Glenside, Pa. Phones Open SiitufH.v Ji MIIHUUIAK TMuMfl HT PTCNT SCREW ta APPLIED RFGULArOP. sf-TiP TOR J apcrhajwi fi'V'.'rj,' T Xl-V .' MJi?Z2 iiah mmt