Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1917, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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Tom McNamara, Reid
1 and Hoffner Complete
Philmont Match for
1 May 20 -Another
iHl! war-fund polf tourney Idea ban Just
cdUcti n.
fresh Funpli' of Impetus with
41.. 1CI...II1......1 ..
the nnnounccmcni m mu uni-miuuu ui u
erics of profesilonal exhibition matches
to bo played In this city nnd New York.
Tlio first local tournament will bo played
It rhllmont on May 20. Tho plajers will
fee rill Nlcholls, who has been knocking
them nil over backward by hi sudden
return to past brilliance this winter; Tom
McN'amara, homo from a triumphant tour
( the South; Wilfred Held, tho former
International ISiltlsh team player, und
Charllo Itoflnor, tho Phllmorfl pro.
It Is likely that Nlcholls nnd McNamara
will be paired oft nRalnst Hoffner nnd Held.
A great match Is sure to lesult, no matter
how the palrliiRi nrc made. Tho pros will
play for a purho of Ssno. which has been
nut up by n member of the rhllmont Club.
In order to draw the best talent here. The
details of the match hau not been com
pleted, but tho plav will piobably bo oer
thlrty-sK holes. The tap Idea may bo car
fled mil with tho spectators, but nil this Is
unsettled as ct.
Meantime, 11 week from today In New
Tork mw tho Inwood Country Club course,
there will bo another Kre.it four-ball pro
fessional match In which a 1'hlladclphU
ji!acr will appear
Jim Haines tho piofesslonal champion
of the count! y, will hook up with Herbert
Strong pro at Inwood, for his partner.
The will match shots with till Nlcholls
nd Wnltir llntrcn, tho western and metro
politan champion
Pros (ienr-rous
Tho pros liaxo tidnpteil a generous policy
with MK.ird to Kolf this jcar, many of
them havlriK ovpreiM-il a willingness to
Uko pait In exhibition matches without
thought of any p.irtlcul.ir purse.
About the only Rolf In KnRlancl at the
present time Is the occasional exhibition
nialrh for the benelll of tho lied Cross or
cno thine or another between somo of tho
old famous and still-brilliant pros of the
tldv isle They siro Brent ilrawliiR cards.
jut as nie the theutres at this time of
Cannonading for position.
Tim pros are just as wllllns to play In
this countrv It Is even said that the
tenllment of tho Professional (loiters' As
roclatlon is that it would just as soon have
the ptlzo In tho open championship elim
inated and the money turned in to relief
fundi. They are nnMous to have the na
tional which Is hcheduled for Ilrae Uurn
in June, and aro nsrecible to most any
plan3 of tho l'. S (I. A. executive com
mittee. It is ."-aid
The pi os, Just like all tho other KOlfers,
Here lookliiR forward In tho winter time to
one, of tho most prosperous seasons of Rolf
In this country. Hut tho war has caused
tho machinery to back and stall. What the
neelopments will bo lemain to no i-eon.
The Atlantic City opener of tho local sea
son will bo stnRPd on tho day set, tho same
beliiK Thursday of next week to tho finals
on .Saturday. The men's suburban team
championship will be started the follow Iiir
week, tho call beliiR for something In excess
of 200 ii.irticlp.mtH. Hy that tinio tho fato
of the local championships and tho national
title battles will be fully understood no
Another Karly Eagle
Jf. (i. Burton. Philadelphia's official Phi
Beta Kappa student ot the game of golf,
builder of stroko charts and analysis maps,
now steps to the foro by holing out ono qf
those winged mysteiles known to the cllto
ns tho oafite. (iolfer IJurton was playing on
his natle heath at Huntingdon Valley tho
other day when lib Just naturally knocked
oft a long teo shot on tho old eleventh. Ho
then paced off the carry, cocked his glasses,
took aim for tho green with an Iron, sank
tho full shot, so It is said In tho gossip of
tho Noblo club. This makes it reasonably
certain that Eiich bhots aro llablo to happen
t any Mago ot tho game, oven in tho early
or limp hcason. Burton will remembered,
tocletlflcally speaking, as tho Rolfcr who
spilled the beans for ex-Champion Hugh
Wllloughby In last season's local cham
pionship and then took over Sidney Khar
wood, botli coming under tho head of largo
liphets. IJurton will make a good cog in
tho club championships for tho Huntingdon
Valluv team, which now holds tho title and
which generally manages to bo right there
when thero is any holding to bo done.
As to tiyms, Mrs. W. J. Peck, last year's
raptnln of .St. Davids team, awaits tho
call In New Yoik for her bervlces locally.
Sho Joined Jterlon last fall and will likely
play on tho team when somo of the big
matches aro played with Huntingdon Valley
and tho Cricket Club.
Itcmit the Dues
Clubs ot the Philadelphia district may
well follow tho example of tho Philadelphia
Cricket Club and tho Philmont Club In
theho war times. Uotli these clubs have
posted notices to the members that all dues
nnd so forth will be remitted In the case of
those members deciding to enlist. This Is
In lino with tho action started last year
at the Country Club and others, which re
ni'tted the dues of all tho players enlisting
r sent to the Mexican border.
The weather this week has been similar
to that which greeted tho I.akewood tour
nament last year It seems to be the fato
KASTON, Pa., April 28. In spite of tho
severe requirements of Lafayette's compul
sory military course, athletics have not been
nbandoned : In fact, it is felt that they are
needed to supplement the military drill. Tho
practice of tho baseball, track and tennis
teams, however, has been curtailed to one
hour a day. Practice which used to begin
promptly at 3 o'clock and sometimes earlier
and continue until 6 now does not start until
15:30 and hunger brings It to a close not
later than 6:30,
This Is most unfortunate In the case of
tho baseball team, as Conch Frambes would
like to have three or four hours a day
In' which to try to teach his players to
hit. It is Inability to hit the ball that
has deprived Lafayette of tho victor's
laurel most consistently this spring. There
is not a man on the team who wouia oe
classed as a heavy hitter, at least not bo
far as this yoar's accomplishments show.
Martin and Brown, who would have lent
Brcat offensive strength to the team, are
sitting on the bench because of their fail
ure to comply with faculty regulations.
The pltch'lng staff Is also weakened by the
loss of Brown. The veternn Gerard has not
arrived at his normal stride. Dunn Is de
voting his best energies to tho newly formed
Lafayette army. This leaves Miller as the
most valuable o( the Lafayette staff at the
present time and he has not fully trans
i formed from a school boy pitcher to a
collegian. During the coming week the base
ball team will entertain the New York
University nine.' on Wednesday and will
open the annual Lehigh series In South
Bethlehem on Saturday,
Oanlaln TinmA .! -..11,-.. wlin nnnftd
th noma aeaion with a victory 'over 'I!''1
ju oaiura&y, win encounter Amneiii on oi
. r'V n ueorEeiown on Btiuraar. Doin niiiu
i'i t,"ln Played on the. local courti.
.T Jrack team will compete In the ijr
m HA dvULl mftate. mi ttatiirilav nest, when Dick
A.-o .' We-ee .to M Flew. . rron me
James Braid Says Golf
IMvina Comes Suddenly
;':.r:, lr'.-'.,,.!.ir ....?'. .." .
f--i... ., 1",l,,..Inn "cai i.ncinn goir pro
!lr."yC,to the '.".laVr"-' "'"" "' lul r'"" "'"'
r :rj...i.,'jr. '.'"' " ' iMimii; i
hh.Vif ",")1''JIV """ p1''. hen nil rem-.
rn ,...'"" Vhilii n mcckpri, and llio .--.ir-K'!11'
' ir,m ."'."" '"' the like,
oil n the kill Inr triii lirluiig iirrltra, It
! .luit Miimililni! tint mi uni inn rmiiln.
l.'.i "Vua "r"l,l i" Hint In lilinirir Tnr n
oiik, lilttrr rr.l was tillerl. im.ililp lo drhe
V;r5,,rilt,,,'"b Thn II Mi.Mrnly lie.m In
Imtirme, l,. jm,. nt ,P u imt nlilo to ule
mir ri-aiiii ((ir It. slnu he I. nut lonnrlniM
aiir.ii'lF '"' I'', tln or (hum aiiMlilin;
UIITirpiitl)- Hum Im iintl ,ri'i li)iili
llillliiic None or tin minjrrle.. of Hie nee.
Ililnki llrulil, mi th.it tm. nutter IiihiUI init
Ih illMiHini-tril If the l.lt-iliit: ilufirt ninin
runt aw.n
ll'n a Kilt.
of I.akewood t-pring tourneys lo draw a
iiciurc Mrango as it may seem the lain
d'd not dampen anything but tho i-hlrtlng
of the golfers nt the resort, though tho
scores on the nuallfying lound day weio tirt
as fast as they might hae been under dif
ferent conditions, considering tho fact that
thcro were players prernt callable of all
sorts of fancy scoring
After the Atlantic City tournament nert
week comes the Imitation tourney at Hal
timorc, nnd a hnt of players from this
city arc planning the PMol.uid outing
loiters are taking In all the early season
tournaments po.sllih, fearing the shot
shoitauo inter on which Is threatened on
nil sides
AHHOIT. April in. lllNSfK. wlf- nt Uil
Ham A. .tljlioit HcIhUii-i nml frlimK t.i.lv
l.l iiKitone I.n'lK'J. No. 3s Or.ler (-liM.hor.li o(
lSctlilchcm. nml M Kolm A Son lion. ahw.. in
ltcU to iumnil scrlcpi. him., J 'In n. m. rojO
ilencc of SainuM rlpipm-r. .lout . i"M t
Int. Cliclteii HUIh Vm. Auto nrrilip
.A'nVv.ft'1?-'r.1;11 ? "ANN Ml III.IAllinit
AliMiiNU lni' lllHrklniriil lf. or Williiun .1
Almnml H.'lillifM nnil Irl-n.H inMud in fu
in'ral hertleee. Mon . 2 m. lS.ia X lldnlij
ht I'll Muntroo i .'in
aumstiion;; April j: anna maiihj. wife
of l.ilward Annstrunv ntid il.mvntrr fif
Albert 1. and I nttmrlno V Kuhn Duo imtlio
of funeral will b" Blen from li: lliiwrfunl
lltCKI.ny. April 5.-, unsnr. liuihand ot
Anna lllfldoy (nee llrndwas). ngwl 01 Iiola.
lives end mend, fmillnental Lndee. No. mi!
K. of I lnttcd to funnrnl. Sun . .1 p m. More
land ae . Ilutliorn. I'n Int. Itnttinro Cim
Train for Hatboro leaver nendlnn Terminal t.1.1
p. m trolley leaves tvniow Oruve ! 12 p. m
lUll'dllTON. At Oerni.ltltnHli llimpllnl.
April ill, iiIA)tI,l:s II HOl'ilino.V, iik.mI .".if
runoral wrilion nnd Inl Hun, Kllahtth,
miAnnrnv.- April ; many ritii.tiMr.sw
wlfrt or William II, llr.idbury nnd ilaucliti r nf
Catherine nnd late Thomas r. Martin, itwed ,17
HelatlveM und frlendn. I.eaifno or S.li red lle,irt
of St. Veronlcn'a ciiurrh. invited to funeral.
Tu-s.. R-:io a. in.. 711 V. Ontario !. Solrtmi
mass of requiem St Veronica's Chunli 10 n. m.
Int. New Cathedral Com.
IIHADISII-lVb. 17. HUddenls at l'nrktono.
Iloriet. KnRlaml rj.MIt.li: llHADlslt. II Corn
wall Malolons, Kenslnitton Court, Lnndnn,
KnRtnnd, need 7K. widow of l.leut. Col. .Ioerh
Ilradlih. ln.-.th Item . Ilrltlh niinj. of Shi r
home Dorpet Knslnnrl, nnd dnuchter of the lato
Itobert Creluhto. vt rlllludelnhl.i, l'a., V. .!. A
HltAt)l.t:V April I'd. i:i)N.. dnuKliter of
i.divaru J anil .lann llradloy. aired tl Kelt
lives und friends Invited to funeral .Mon , H 10
a in reldonre of pirents. LT.L'o w MontKum
ry nve .Ma St i;il2.itieth's Churrli lo ,t m
lnt Hnlv Crors Cem Auto funeral
IlItASINOTON. April L'S. CATltniJIN'l:.
daUKhter of lato John nnd Catherine P. itraK
Ington. Iteiatlvea and frlendM invltul to funor.il
services, Mon . 2 p m , i:i;il N btli at Int.
private. Central Laurel Hill Com
IIHOW.V April JU MIMIItlll) r. . diuchter
of Adelaide nnd lite Joel Hrown nsed III.
Itelattvca nnd friends Invited to call nt resident-
of Miss Hauek. Sil'i N Hill at Hun., after I
P. m. rteduiom niaaa nnd int. nt Ctntervllle.
Md., Mon. liinrnlnff.
IllIUKItAItDT April 2(1. RKORm:. Iielove.l
husband of Miry llurkh.irdt (neo Wood). ItoU
tlves and frleiid, Hov. Thomas J Harry ltram.li.
No. TJJ. C. K of A . Holy Nn mn Society of
Visitation I'arlsh, lleamers and Twlstcrd' M. V.
and II. employes of W 11. nnd A. !'. Mar.
fterlson & to. and nil other societies of which
he was a member. Invited to funeral, Mon , 1 30
n m , l".l K. I.ehUh nve. Solemn requiem
rrnsi at churrh of Vtsltntlon B. V. M. 10 a. in.
lnt Cathedral Com
llt'ltXK April LM. SAHAIt, wife of Charles
Hums nnd dauxhttr of late John and Antii
Starr, need 41 Kelntlves and frleiuN Invited
to funeral. Mon.. s u m . 2311 S l'ront t.
Solemn requiem nvvsi Churth of Our I.ady of
Mt. Carniel 0 30 n. m. lnt Holy Croa Com,
CAMPUKhl,. April 211, ni.rlAN'OIt V. (neo
Nellto Allen), daughter of nmma nnd lato Joseph
Allen. Itelatlves nnd frlcudn Invited to funrral
services, Mon 2 p. m. 2130 s 11th nt lot
rernwood Cem. Ilemalns may Imi vlvved Sun
ovo. Auto service.
CAMI'Iini.L. April 27, AI1IOAI1, It , wife nf
neome W. Campbell, at her Into, residence. 11)33
Diamond Ht. Duo notice of funeial will bo
" 'cAISUX.-April 28. M1CHAUI, A. son ot
the. lato John and Annie Carltn Helntlves nnd
friend? Invited to funeral. Mon , M 3U a m ,
from tho resldemo nf his brother Wlllloni
c.irlln. 12.11 Cabot st llhib. muss at Ht.
M.ilnchy'e Church, 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedr.il
'cor.LOPY. April 22. In Montreal. Can
MAHY J wife of Michael J Collopv nnd
d.iuKhter of late Neal nnd Hllrabeth Oormley, of
i'oiiiiiv Tvronc. Irulmd Jtcd.vtlvos find frfmd
Invited to funeral, Mon. U'3U a. m. restdenro
nf brother. Ilernnrd (lormlev, 1273 S. 21th st.
Solemn hleli maa of riutem M, Autt.uny a
Cloireh lir.lu u m lot floly ( rot,s Ct in.
COHI1I5TT April 2B. at Rlverton. .V J
CIIAHI.UM J son of Annie Cnrbett (nee Katn)
nnd lato I'cter Corbett, nsod SO. Hd.itlvra nnd
friends. Council No 070. K of C. Invlteil to
funeral, brott.er-ln-livv's resldemo, Chirlr.1
I'lynn. 404 I.lnden no , Illverton. N. J. Mon.,
U a. in Itequlem mass Sic red Heart church,
Illverton. N J . in a. m. lnt Ht Mary's CVni..
Uordenlown, N J
CCS rni.l.O Suddenly. April 211 1'ATItICIC
r? l.uHbanil of Cecolln Costello. ltclatlven and
trlends. llnly Name Heclety of Church of Our
I.Bdy of Mt. Carmel, Nntlonal Cntholle itone
liclal Socletv No, no, Invlteil to funeral. Mon ,
II n m , 2.'no H. 3d st. llluh mnsM of reciulem
Church of Our iJidy of lit. Cnrmd lu:3u a. m.
Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto funeral.
COSTi:r,I.O. April 2il, JOHN, hu'lund of
Ann I Costillo. itelatlves nnd friends Invited to
rnnernl. Mun.. 8. 30 ft m. residence. 30110 W.
Dakota st. lllsli requiem mnss Church of MoM
l'reclous niood 10 a. m. int. New Cathedral
CCOX. April 2fi. JCSSin R. COX (nen Tel
ford), widow of William M Cox, nueil .Tl. Uela
liven nnd friends, t'hlla. Claes Associated Illble
Students. Invited to funeral services .Mc,n.ii :io
a m . 2(113 N. Maschcr st. Int. Hillside. Cem .
via funeral car. Itcmalna may bo viewed Sun.
CUNNINGHAM. April 2S. JOHN. Inishand
nf fito Annie Cunn nuham (nee McCartney),
former" nf 1720 S. lbth et Itelatlves nnd
friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. B:3U a. m
'.nil V tOth St.. LoKan. Solemn muse ot re
quiem Church of Holy Child 10 a. in. Int.
iVolv Cross Cem. Auto funeral.
NINQHAM. J'"unertl Mon., H 30 n. m.. from
late residence. M'r.on rd.. Merlon, l'a. Itequlem
Mass Ht Mathlaa' Chureli, 1MU. l'a. 10 o. m.
DVNIKLU April 2(1, ANNA i:, (nee John
son)', widow of John !'. Daniell. need 73 years
n months. Itelatlves nnd friends Invited to
funeral services. Mon,. 2 p. m parlors of
Sehroeder-Kephart Co.. H. V. cor. 4th and Anil
sis . Camden, N. J. Friends may call Hun. eve.
int' nrlvatc. Harleluh Cem.
iKHiiiN. April 2ii, oi:onoi: j. nonni.v.
huVbind of lato Illlcn Dobbin (neo lloodwln).
nelatlves and friends. Dlv. No. 39. A o H i
Holy Name Society of Church of Onr Mother
of Consolation, Invited to, funeral. Mon.. 8.3(1
i m 414 H. 41st t. Hnleinn requiem masn
Churcd of St. Francis de. Salts 111 n. in. Int.
lrniv Senulohro Cem. Auto funera
DOWDBT April 20 MAHY. wife of Thomas
nowdj (noe o'Donnell). Helntlves nnd frlemH
Invited to funeral. Mon , 8 u. in . asO.1 nils
worth t. Solemn requiem mass Ht. Anthony's
Church 0:3,0 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem.
. TWITY. April 27 WILLIAM, husband of
riien Duffy. Itelatlves and friends, Huly Name,
lien's T. A. It.. Altur and ltosary societies uf
! "..'Ve rr T.ndv of the Rosary. Division ".-..
nurc.., . x....l,.y.B nt llnll llrn. W'n In
.. .t !..! Tna . UrflO n ,n.. l.-.Oit V
Knth at? HoleAin requiem mass Church nf far
Lady of the Itosnry 10 u. m. lut. ht. Denis's
CeEAnLi:. April 2. KLlZADETir rjARLn.
widow of Daniel It. Karle. Uelatlves and
friende Invited to funeral, Mon.. 8-30 a. m.,
fe.ideSce of daughter. Mrs. Edward Carter. 212i
h floth at. Solemn reoulem, mass Church of
the Molt UlMed Sacrament 10 a. m. Int. prl-
"tmSwaIIDS. April 27. OEORQH J , husband
Irene C Edwards, aged 0,1, Relative, and
friend? InVltrdW services. Mun ,8 n. in., 1311
iiitner st. Jnt. Woodward Hill, Cem., Lan
caiter ft., on arrival of trnln lenvlns Uroad
BlPLrMlN(J.-Aprlin2a7 THOMAS, .on of John
anrMary.I'lfmln!r. of ..rKa'a- l-arlsh of
hSSandfrieiin;. Division No. 01, A. O. 1L.
nX5?ed to funeral Mon., 8:3(1 a. m., brother.
S.law's 7e.ld.nce. William Armstrong S1S0W.
uiifnn t Illih requiem ma. Church of Our
Lad? of Boil. 10 a! m. Int. Holy Sepulthro
CeEon.DEn. April 25, susanna, ironDEn.
wldov? of .Henry B. Forder. Helatlve. nmi
TJSSSm Invited, to funera . Mon., 8 '30 a. m
Ji.iIISJra oi aon-ln-law, ratrlcls Will., 11(1
trV.nM.al Coiwy . Del. Co. Solemn hlnti
m.s" St. Clement'. Church, ra.challvllle 10
m ir. Int lloly Cro.. Cem. Auto funeral.
'nA'nilNM April 20. ADA J., daughter of
n.9A. il and R. Francenla Gardner. Rela.
Geora. Ill ana .. funeral s.rvlcrs.
iivas idu iiimir..'-."- - ..-- n- i -' : :- .
Mon.. V P'
in. i fTl .yc.uiii sivit wuuruusu.
M, at Atlantlo
h-tllii. .?.. Iomf "' "ho tan lilt n fair
Mn!L. fl.htlri ,l''' "l10'" ,m.v '"' "'e ml7
ii.i i'i1"" l" ,,"r" iinilMns.
tin. ti.nfhl"lrn.!"' "''i,'" elriiKslcs nlnng In
JiVii nn,ihs ."' ',ihmImii, nimble to pliir
till) Kind of drcrijl shot n all from Hie
IKUIMAN April 27. WILLIAM J., eon nf
I iirneiius nnd Mnrrnrot UnriiMn, of Cappi,
JVondrurr. Cnunty llilwny. lrelninl, need 22.
llelnilves nnd friend", lloly Nntnn Pn letv nf
Our Mniher of Conioi.itloii Church, Invited to
rnnernl. Men . S n, in., tmisln'a residence, Mrs
Jam.. Vltrpnirlil,. r,2ln liershaw st. lllch
mass of rwiulnn St tlrcBiiry. Church 11.30
a. in. lnt Holv Crns Com
,.i,.!,;,.l;lV'. V-"" k- April 27 ritr.nimicK
W,!.' k.' N,T ,E' ' "' Helntlves nnd friend",
Meliln l.od. . No 2ii 1' nnd A M . Jerui
Knl" ,A J''1 ll,,'r Miry Comma ndory. No 3(1,
lvt r : l.u l.vi Temnio, nil other nrannlziMona of
which ho wis 1 in nilier. Invlt.d to funernl. serv
ice". Cur" ,. ... lul, V tl..,.. -t 11a.
tlniln. inv..i- ilewil Moii 7 30 to i n. m.
,.IIHI.VNI' April 27 nt Tlorence, Italy.
ritANl I.-4 M HAIH.AND. widow of EdwarJ
III'.NNT.SSPV t Slnnnvllte. Jtnolcs Co.
Pa. April 21 MAUOAIllVr llRNNESSEY.
widow of WllMalll llennessev, need 72. It In
tlles nnd frbndi Invlteil to funeral. Htnopvllle.
Men n 4i m 'I'rollev for Htnopvllle leaves
Newtown i. lnt SI Andrew's llurjlne
cirmtml N- wiovvii
.1111.1. - rrll 21, MAHY wife of Hnrrlnn
Hill, und duiiKlit, r of lute Richard nnd Emma
Steve K.'iiivo nnd friend" ore invited to
servb'.s Mmi j p m , 2Hnii Onkfnrd st Int,
Mt Mnriiili (Mn Remilin may bn Mewed
Son evn
HOLT April 2rt AMOS T.. hu"bnn.l ot Hmmi
J, Holt. lioiaiiM" nrd frlotuls Invited to funeral
ten lies. Sun 2 p in . 3720 N. Or.us st Int.
riMiiouth Mutlur rrlnidi" Ground. Auto serv
JOHNSON Mini 27. MAHY V. . mother of
OoirKi'll i t Johnson Relatives und friends,
spen, . r I'ntti r Irvltur ('lull, Invited to funeral
Tins. In i m sins resilience. 12IO s 1Mb
st Ilemalns timv In vlewinl Mun . S to 11 p
In lnt prlv it, . Edon Cem
JONi:S nrll 21'., HARRIETT, widow ot
John 11 .lonin, ion d Ii2. Relative" nnd friend"
Invited In fumril Mon . 3 p nT , llvberry ave
llnti-oro l'a lnt II itl'orn (Vm. Train loaves
Kiinllui! Tirmlniil 1 13 p m
MHII.ER- prll 2S. l.Ol'ISA ivlfe of (lus
tnv Ivohler Mi" Char) iurd 1.1 ltelitlves nnd
fri ml". St Paul" liidi tiendent I.uthorati I'hun h
liulti'd to fumril n, rvties. Mon. 2 p In 1123
i: S'jsiiueti.inn.v tve. Int. Hillsldo Cent 'j'i 1
llV flllHTllI
Koll'ENHIIl.rEll At Pnlmvr.l. N J, April
27 I'Al'I.IM ir. of Ch.irle. K ippilllinlfer
(nee Wurslel Du.. liolire ot funeral will bo
" KR1 SE prll 27 JOSEPHINE 1 vvlfoof
John I' Kruse RMiitlxes and trleinl" Invltul
lo service". Tin a 1 1.1 p in.. M.I Wvniiivvood
id Overt ronk Im tirlvale nt Middleiown
liotavne (otinT r.i I'rli luW mi , .it Mon
7 30 to !i p in
liiiKiiiml of the lite M.r Juno 1.111 aitid ""S
Relatives and frl nil" SlnHnili Lndm n
Jl. I nnd A M .md Orl. Ill il Lnls. S" J.I.
L of 1' Invlt-tl to services 'luo" ; .to n ni ,
3ls Hamlltnn M Int. private Ml Mnrlali
i 'em A nt. fntii i il
LANNINO April 20 J VMES W lni"b.inel
of Ell?,ibeth 1 nlnti (mo Wolf) hkhI r.i
llelallvil and f rh ml" llnrrv CI iv Cnuni II No
7, ,1r o I M. Invited to rnnernl sirvhos
Mon , 1 10 p in , :is;,l N Hllli st lnt West
l.iurel lllll Cim
I.i;AV April 27 HONOR V l.EAl V for
nn rly of 1301 N 1.1th st . I'lilladelphli Rel.i
tlv.s nnd friend" InvKed to ruin'r,il Mun s
a in . reslj. in o cif nlo(". Mrs Morrl" .Muiphv
.1.1 I'olllllB" UV' . ColllnPHWOod. X J lllsli
m.tsi M Jnh m ( liuri h 0.30 a, m. Int nld
dihedral Cim Tako Hiddontleld trollev to
Colllm,'" ave . I'olllimsiMiiel
i.rnwni l II 27 JOIINNA 1.1 I AMU
(neo Welnm nml. wife of llclirv Ludwli; aited
on lOlntlvf and rrlends. AiiBiistn liinrli
rrn-iin liuinl li o s It Mirthi WnshiiiBlon
llonellrlMl SihIiIv. No I Invited to film r,il
Ttiet . 2 p. m 2139 Jeffeison st Int. Mt. V, r
non Com
M('lti:OV p-il 21. THOMAS S M
CUElliV Ril.illvii i ml frblid" Homeward
HulldlllK V-1'1. Invltul lo s. rvlies Vlntl J
rill , ,1010 Irvlnil el Inl mull ind" Cm.
'rlellil" m iv i ill 'sun ev
Mc( l.A.Nii- pru -.i .i,v.mi..i. uusintwl ot
late Kate It MeClnti" (nee D.nonl Rilatlves
nnd friend" Piute Tribe. No 211. II P o. E.
No 2 l.!lir.;i Mi Cti llllbel No, 11. li of P
Clements' New Year's Ai'"o . Penrose Perrv
Counlr Club. Y I) Club. Cllititett Club, of
MnrRttn Cltv. 1'lorlst Club I'nlon Ron Club,
I ifae1te circle. No 1. II. A . Lobster New
Year As"o , SnuthwarU field Club, franklin
SlentT rbotul. Smith Phlla Schuotron Vcretn,
and all nth'r suit lbs of wbbh he was n mom
ber. Invited to fumril Sun 13(1 p m, 2U13
S rah m lnt Mi Pin. Com. Auto ucrv ice
Atlnnth 'ltv pipirs copv.
MrCRK'KARll - prll 21 I' TRICK son of
Ellin nnd late John Mi Crli k.inl Relitlves
nnd friends also Hnl Nunc Society of the
Church ol tin1 Assumption nnd T A 11 So
ciety of Cnthedrnl Invltul to funeral. Mon.
h 30 n m . from 1113 H.imlltou st Solemn ri
oulein mass chureh nf tlio A"umpt1nn lo a. m
Int Holv Croh" ('em Aulo f uni ral
Mcf ADDEN April 27 1111111 T . son of lato
Mi and -Mrs Di mils Mi'l'adden. nifil 4S. Rel.i.
tlvc'" .md friend", mi mln rs of South Rethlehom
Elks Division No 1. A. o II : Soudi llethlehem
Aerie, No 2SJ. f O E, Invltul lo runoral,
Tu. " , lo ,i. in Mii" ni Church of Holv In
fnniv. Int Ht Mlih.ul" Coin. South lleih-
1 MmMH.LN April 2ii. MARIA S. widow of
W ill!. im MeMllltili. (iKeil C..1. Relatives nnd
friend" lnvltd to funer.il. Mon., 2 .in p. m,
from fii'tleton M. E. Church, llustloton. Pnlla.
Int. iidjolnliir Kiounds Train" for llnstleton
lovvo 1lrn.nl St Sla, 12'd'l ! Ill and Iteadlm,'
Terminal 1 10 p. m WllmliiBton. Del., papers
,01MeMfLLEN Sii.l.lotilv. April 2 MARY A.,
wtf, ol Wllllnn Mi.Mullin (nee Ccmdjl .iced 73
Relatives and filund". mi mber of Muti hmoro
Memorlil Pn sbvti ilnn church, Invltul to fu
neral sirvbe" Mon 2 p m. Imis drat? st
tilth and MonlKonierv) inl private. Mt. Peace
Ctm Ri mains m,i bo viewed Sun. after 7
ti n-i.
MELIOIt April 2.1 SARAH A. widow of
lemes O. Me'lnr need 77 Relatives find friends
Invited to funeril rervlees, Mon.. 11 n. m.
residence nf son, 3(inil Mellon st. Int. Orecnwood
Cem Auto tuneral
ion of IJ.irliv and Annie Mltilieil (nee ll.inlon)
,.,,l 1 -. !tolntivri anil friend" invited to fu
nernl. Mon S III) a. in . 32.1t N nth it. illull
hum of iroulem St. Vcronb.c's Chup h. jn a. m.
Int llnlv cro"" Cem.
MORRIS April 23. THEODORE T. husband
of Irene D Morrl" and son of lato Henry and
Har.ih Morris naeel 43 Relatives nnd friends of
3'ith Ward Thomas Clements Club, 10 norlal
As"ii of Roi older of Dt eels Office nnd Re.ief
A"n of D-'iit. of Receiver of T.ixf", Invited -
sorvlcis, sun. 2 li m.. nt lato residence, 120
ITrl'onn st lnt 1'ernvvorsl Coin. I'rlends may
Vew remilns Sat 7 to d p in.
NAOLEf April 20 AI.1IERT M . Ilil'hnnd of
Anna M Nnnlee (nee Eekhardl), nited 37. Rel .
tlves olid friend", hosen friend" Loctee, No
30 II. ot A. of P.i . Invited to funeral. Mon. 2
n n . 411S AVInRiihoi klmr st . Krankford Int.
North Cedar lllll dm. Remains may bo viewed
huh nttt r 7 p ni
NIXON April 27. MARTHA E . widow of
James 1. Nixon lb latlvvs und frb nds Invited
to funeral pervlies Sun , 7 P. m , at son's resi
dence, Howard H NUon, 23 7th ave Ilnddon
Heights. N. J Int Mon mornlnil. Cedarville,
'V'o'dONNELL April 2.1 CHARLES P.. son
of Michael niel Mnry o Donnell (nee Loeue),
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Mon .
K 3d a ni , pannti' rreld-nce, 3017 EdKemont
at Solemn requiem inns" Church of Nativity ID
a m lnt New Cathedral Cem.
ONEII.L M'ril 2.1 1IERNAUD s. husband
nfdraee O'N'Ill (nee farrle) mil s n of John
mill 1 itti Marv ONiUI Relatives and rriends
Holv Nam- Socli-n of St htenhi n s Church.
Court Pride, of Nlii'tonn, No. 201. f of A
Star West Lodge, No 32. S of II , elllllo.ves of
vtldvalo Steel Co Invited to funeral, Mon ,
k 'in a m . 43o N 11th st Solemn lilch mass
of requiem Ht. Stephen s Church lu a in. Int.
''NEffi'f-Aprll'"-:!. nt so.,. JOHN J., l,u,.
band of Ire no O Ni III. nephew of '1 nomas
Keocll need 37. 2213 femberlon st.
PETEHrf April 21. MARGARET P wife of
lobn Peters Relatives nnd friend" invlloil to
sirvlee". Mon.. 2'P in .Oliver H. II Up Hide.,
lK"o Chestnut Ft lot Westminster (I m
HCHAEKER April 2ll, CHARLES J., hus
band ot C.erollnw C Miller Schaefcr. Relitlves
in' frlenit", Mt. Morlali Loiluc. No, 131, P. and
AM Harmony, U A Clupt-.r. No. r.J. St.
Alhsiib Comm.mdery. .Sei I.. K. '1 . Lu Lu
Temp.e. A. A. (J. N -l rr , i.inwooa .vssembley,
No 7 A. o. M 1' . Philadelphia. TurnKemolnde,
inemls-rs Zion Lutheran cliurch.lni lied to
funeral, Tues , 2 p in , HUT .V 33d st Int
orivati'. Auto funeral.
CATHERINE. daUKllt-r of Lafaiettn nnd Cath
erine Hell' lllnmr (nee niiKHovv1. UBid S years
"s dJs Helntlves and friends, Henlainln Crls.
nln 1'ublle Sibool Emaiiu. 1 1. .13. Sunday
School. Invited to funeral. Mill . 2 I. m. par
ents n sldenee, 7HI1 Erdrlck st , Holmesburff.
Int Mlliliolllk Cenl
need 71. Relatives nnd friends Invited to tu
neral. Mon.. 3 30 p. in.. 4i!S Krama ave., Rox
boroiiuli. Int. LeverlnKtnn cem.
HEI.I.IE.. 33J H. lltll t . April 27, LOUIS
T hu"tu!nl of Alloc Reed Selller. Notleo of
lunf il will bo elveti from Oliver II. Hair llldc.
SIMMONS. April 20, ELIZA, vvlfo of Jacob
Simmons Relatives ami friends Invited to
funeral. Tues . 2 p. m. 'Join Moore st. Int. fern
wood Cem friend" may (nil Mon. eve.
HlMONMlN April 2(1. SIMON, husband of
Tanettn M. Hlmnnson. Duo notleo will bo Blven,
from 1M0 Gladstone st .... ..
STAPH At llurllnainn. N. J . April 27,
CHARLES STAPH.. Rclitlvei anil friends in
vited to funeral services. Sun.. I P. m.. Stli and
lllah Bt".. Ilurllnston. N. J. Int. private, llelvuo
CCSTf.WARrr. April 27. JANE E. wife of
I.evvls Stewart nnd elaughter of late Andrew and
lann Cook. Relative, nnd friends Invited to
funeral services, Tues., 2 P. m.. 2H1K E. AI
LrliTht at. Int. private. East Ce,ur lllll Cem
siM.LlVAN.-April 27. JOHN J. husband
of' lato Marearet M. Sullivan. Relatives and
fHends Invited to,, funeral Tues n.;w a in..
iii N Mth at , West Phlla Solemn man of
reoulem Church of Our I.ady of Victory 1(1 n,
m lnt Holy Cross Cem
HWIl-r. In Philadelphia. April 27. WIL
T1AM HENRY SWIFT, ueeel ell, l'uneral serv.
Ices will be. held nt lato residence. 13nii Deln
ware a"'.. Wllmlnston. Del.. Mon.. 3:30 p. m.
Int. private.
TANSEY April 27. TIIO.MAS A, eon of
rtrvaiit J. and Anna Tansey Itelutlve. and
frleSSs Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:30 a. in.,
il 4.1 Cedar st. Solemn reeiu em mass Church
nf Nativity 10 a. m. Int. lloly Sepulchro Cem.
TAYLOR. Suddenly, at St. Petersburg. Fla..
M?rch 22, Mr.. JANET TAYLOR. Relative,
s nil friends Invited to funeral service., Mon.,
2:30 P. m Media i-re.uicrian i.nurcn. Jnt. I
''VANSTAN Suddenlj . April 2.1. VALEN.'f
tine, son ot lrenericK anei Annie vnnst.n,
iieiatlvea and friends iioj.' n v. .vi. Hodallt
r.i eholr boy. 01 uesu. inviee.l II
nnd choir poy. oi ". "- ' lunerai.
Mon . B:30 1. m resilience, liim mugo ave.
solemn leaulom maM Church of (le.u lu a. m.
int lloly Crosa Cem.
WAHD. April ST. linNItT. husband of Mnry
A Ward. Itelatlves und friend.. Philadelphia
ra.tle No. U, '- " '' Invlttd to funeral,
Mon.. 2 p. m.. BUT Arpletreo . (near Slit
and Arch at..). Krlend. may call Sun.. 8 to
r.i - m Int. private.
re.iaence, iniu
W-J l.;..,nr Tl U.t.l.l.nli. A n.11 Oft WriTITIleTlll
Willi 11 .. Duuiiciiijr. viiiii .u, iuiii,riii,
husband ot Dolores Whitley and eon of Joseph
ami Mary Whitley, used 40. Itelatlves and
friends. Kensington Iodye. No. 211. V. and A.
Ml Kenslnaton It. A. C, No. 233: )ensInton
Commandery. No. 01. K. T.i Iu l.u Temple.A. A.
Il v ", JI. H.i Chosen I'rlends Castle. No. 33.
f. (1. II.. Invlled to funeral, Sun., :.' p m.. 30
W. luray St., aboe Wayne Juno, lnt, Laurel
1"wiain,MAN, April 21. at Now Cumberland.
W1N1''H"1I U. Funeral at Nw Cumberland,,
wl folfci'ij.funerai wlU be jrtj-ea tnm mM. 1 rt ChMjwi JtJJjaw . , - -. ,, , ' ., i V 1DU ft, myHM
WRIGHT. April 2.1. -MAHY A., widow nf
Thomas H. WrUht. naed 81 Relatives nnd
friends Invited lo funeral services, Mon... 2
P. m., 130H E. Columbia nve. Int. Cedar Hill
Cem lleiimlns inny bo viewed Hun., I lo II
P ni.
WRIGHT. April 20. CATHERINE, widow of
John II. Wrlalil. nurd 43, Relatives nnd friend"
Invlteil to funeral service". Mon.. "J p. m., MS
Hpruco St., Darby, Pa Inl. Mount Zlon Cem,
friends may call Sun nflcr 7 P in
United States
Says Minister
Doctor Wilkinson will lecture Sunday
niplit nt the Gnrrick Theatre on
America's riso and future, as pre
dicted by the prophets.
That tli- Uiolt rrnpli. t lint onlv fnrftnM tli
rim, hut ii Uu tin future nf tnrU.t mihI Iirr
lctcr In tn nn-Kriit r. lll l'i th.- thf him
f.f pttctur lit nj.iinlu ilkitiMou in hit O.irrlrlt
Tho.itro iM-tiiro .Suml.iv iiiitht. "I will rir . "
paid thn O.h inr iIiIm tnnrnliiK in it rt'i"-rtt-r
"th.tt tli1 I uttiMl Hltitf-i will n-er U- Irirmil
li imntlii t tut Imi -ilml hk nt' Imt t hi- niph
ft h.i- for'tnlil Htr.ii.- thttiKM about Iht tu
luro. nml lin utti-riJ nrnliiK lomtinltn;
Intrriul ilatiKi r
lr lrtn J MurRan th wH known inu-lrl in
III prsiili .11 th' ivo oiaan ' hi- ihvatii
lonr will npi n at tl 'Ut
A Ni vv Vli'W nf nn Ol .1 llool,
An ncMrim liv thn 11' v ('hnrlrs V llarvej.
if I'hil.iil-llihli, In th
Church of the New Jerusalem
"il nml (. In stniit Sts
S-itli nt em
Smuts rvi nliiff.
Htifi Inl Music.
llV' rv mi" vveliomi'
cin:iTNt r sTi'i.irr iiitist urnrii
Clirstliul si west of 10th St.
(Illlllllli: li APAMS. 1. II . I'.l'tnr
li IT, n in. Uroilirrhonil of A .itul 1.
llllliinin Wot ship 1'rpRrlilui; hy lh T.is
tor. 'llieino ' Ills Wnjs "
S 10 P 111 llllili Silinol.
7 nil ti in Y.Hinc renpl's Meetlnir.
7:1.1 p ni. Worship t'renchlliK hv tho Tns.
tnr 'Ihune, ' I In' 1'ort of Christ "
lljptlsm nt 1'vtiilne Service.
rt lilf 1 t'ulliiro
III. AI.CI.IIMIV .. I'llllMlV-Kulijeit, "Thn
llfluli.il nf ItellElon In .Mur.illl," ilinnil M.
ThP.it i e 11 it in
at 'i in: rmr.MHA ciuiuh
Ifiih nml .li-j-irfiii !
DANini. i: vi:ioiii:. Pastor.
Morninir !erhe, JU..1U. nermon subject:
l.at-t Weapon."
IIIIilo .school. 2 .".0
Kvenlnvr S-rhi T IT-
Sermon nubje t -Con-rrlptIoi,
Sperial 1'airloLU- Itcinoii-stratlon.
Soli. ciMrt-t ......
Mftlio-lNt rjiNeoMl
uih ii it ml II.iltiniLire ne
7 la n in 'Il iholr, under thi-
direction nf
Mr. llamminn,
thm "
will rt-iuk-r ll.ijdn "Crea-
AIU'II STKI.irr (lintril. Sntlt -and Arch.
h-v ci-aui:nimi i:VAur macahtniit
lu:45 "The Karlhwurd Tendency of tlm Hu
man Spirit "
U. S S . 7 1! : 7.30. reilt il
H. -'Two Voli en Which?" 'Ihlrd In serle-i
Mieceattd hy Intimate cnnirri-alhin
May ' llndst Thou Hut Known "
May 1.1 "U-i True Umht Will Dawn"
May JO I IIelleu. Help 'Hum Ml no Un
lHllef" . .
ysth und MorrH bts. llev Wm tlruha'm.
IMPtor Tho Hov A. A. Holder, a rnncrteil
Hebrew, und son uf u noted Jewish Uabbl. lll
(.ondiirt a preat vaneltstp campaign arid
prophetic llihlo tonferenee, beginning Sabbath
mornliiH: April -U, -nd continuing until Mon
day eentiifr. May 11 Hftblmth m-rlcrn, 11 a
in nnd h p. in ; weeU.lv. evnlUKs, H p m ,
lllblo mnfe.ence. 2 an Mr Hnlnr H a Mam
Ing herald of tho trosa out of Judaism Do
not fall to hear him hpeuk und play tho
lolln. i:urbody wleomo.
IIOPI., ma and Wharton Mh.. Hev. J fJUAY
ItOhTDN, MlnlKter Hi 4T a. in , "l-rajtr
l'rolde4 IaborerH"; 7.1T p. m, "Sorrowa or
ltl.-fl-tlnk-" .special aerlces Tuesday. Wednes
day, Thursdiy ami Trlday ceningH. S pea U err
Hev. John tlr.int Newman, D D , Ht' Wil
liam Muir Auld, Hev. Clan neo IMward Ma
cartney and Hev, Jdhn Allan Hlalr, D D
rrole.tont Kplseopal
nn itt ii or .t.
1,1 ''and thi: i:rii'ii.NV
Thirteenth street helow Spmce,
llev. rAVIl) M. bTVKI.i:. llCLtor.
H a. m. Holy Communion.
1(1 n m Sunday achijol.
11 a in Mornlne pninr nnd srmou.
Ipm i:enln praer. anlhem and addrens.
Tho Hector will preaih ut both service.,
Mi:s', J.'il and Walnut bis.
inllN MOL'KlllDUi:. II. 1), Hector
.i aa n . link i-titnmiinlon.
11 oil a.m. Morning Prayer with Sermon.
4 0pm Uicnlnit Prayer (Choral) with h-r-moi"
Annual servlco of tho (lullit of fct.
Tm fJ5.N-"rr5fcpm.. Kunday S.hools
Weekdays T .30 und l. a.m. l P.m.
Stninaera jlw.a welcome.
l'J5 Chestnut st.
T . iji..irl.i4. .;i.hrn1
ii urn Uev. Albert n. Vail, of I'rhanj.
will nreaeh on "The Ij"
The Power of Thought,'
nrilMlNTOWN UMTAltlAN HOCIirTJ. "reene
st ind Cheltcn av . Hey. A J. Coleman
sun lay School. 10; Wor.hlp. 11 a in Sermon
a,Vhie?t. "Liberalism and th. IJIble."
subject. "Liberalism
Vnunr Men's rlirlntlan Association
SlINIlW rOKL'M. 3:30 1'. M.
i-IAtrai V M. C. A . 1421 Arch t.
(.entrni )I:"T,.Ni,,vl. uviNO "
Inlnir H. Chenoweth will present the suhieet
ind ou will he Klven opportunity to par
tlc'lpato in the dlsi ussion
riiniiTAniT.VIIIAK KCCI.KSIA inoets Sun
C1J5is 1 "nid T 30. In Orund l'raternlty Hull.
?S 8 Arch st. Krco lecturo at T:30 p. m..
Ap'rll 20. hy MH. R. COOPIin. Subject.
"Kesurreetlon. Individual and National."
w. carry a complete lino of all bre.de.
113 E. 9lh St.. New York City
STANGER Bianr-BtNoiNO olabbkb
DUmond 6B10 J. 200 North Thlrlenth at.
sANiTAity awiMMiNo root,
210 fi. nllOAf) ST.
I'll. 1.
RAGTIME jn I0 L1f.S4SiXv!,,l5.-Lvt-i!;i1:' K&r aid flny iir ' I .t a permenent placet In our org.nll
mailed free. CHsUStK-IKN Ma.no Scbeoli, Water n Dnyaor T. I ',Avcij-iPAEfiiA BRTTANNUl.
VrLNTH t'lTV, N. 4.
F-t. ClmrttH I'lrtce. I'lrAt tious from Hfftch,
Kvery comenlcnce. Amfrlcnn A lliiroppftn plani
Wcttmin.tcr ;," ,';rrvr,e"!0.c,ah;hir"A1n!
walpr. $10 up weekly. $2 up (Ully. Chat. Ilubr.
(iOVI.HM, i:nllh r.itiA1lin, httcti nohool
(otlfKc rtiucmion, urndu ilo Toronto .'onsrva
Tory uf Muli- ilc-lrcn position In rrflnetl
fninltyi rpf(-romr U 40L l.MrrCentrjAl.
Gnholl's Hhortliiinil HieO Sorreili" Kdiiau
h-it-uuji IHctatlnu Mirhlnit ftuoj ufunl Ht.
Atiro.MOim!: .J.1U rt-wnrd for recovery within
'2 verk l'or.l louring rar, ronnlruotiti lent in
rear ruht rornfr, IM. Ucrn oitjtt, mfjr No
ll.'fiji, ldio mntlM; hraitd rnillntur. natural
wood whci-ln demountnhlo, .1 I -mo, 1 I'ullimit.
tlrr Min tiro holrt-r. back wlndnw nut
tnketi from front l'luN Chettnut Ht . Hntnntov
tilitht April 1:1 J. i:. WiitlvlnF. udi at-l-w,
HAH TIN I40M. a dlnmond plntlnum bar pin,
with :1J IatK" nnd 0 mnill cllanionds, Hatnr
la AprU IM. hotxM'pn .Molui and ("hfKtor
Htutlun or frcm 'htrr Slutlon on th 4,'2'A
P in tr-ln to lMiilm. Iphla. Liberal luward.
HI l.rdgt-r Ollki
II K 1MN, old koI 1 and 1 K.iruptti, al"u-d im a
lu-pmkp. tnwiir will vm moro than full nlu
for rplurn A II Toy, JUU ti, H.Uford.
l'hon.' Wond'and r.-ll I .T
FnilTIKIt'ATi: Notleo" lx turrh'y Kpyrti tYiat
n-rtlflrato No Itul, for :il hharn of rapttal
Mmk of thn Hcllefont- CVntral Italtroad Ooin-
pnnv. ditMl I t i-emlH r IL', 1M4 In tln nam
nf .To-.-phlnP M 1. Win Inn him been loot or
mlrlntd and that apnllrntlon bai br 11 mado to
mild ronipanv for a n' (i-rMllcnlo.
CnHTiriTi: Uint trtinMitM for lot 17,
ntnKe I . tmn 10. Hol t roiti (Vm'-tfrj
i;i1-n A Kttdiro oinr y lttirklrmhiim jl
DOO Lcpt Wdn-rtda, In or n"ir "V'onnho
horki-n ulrohilrrl fox f-rrlf-r luipry ntmut
1 5 car old, black nnd tan h-ad. uhltn boU .
$l"t rewanl Arthur Hpotmr, Vlllanova.
...T.! phonti llrn Man r rtlli
MICKLAt'i; l.oil. a pfnrl uorkliin e-ontniTiftiK
nhout tun pt-irh lUiurn to .ill N 3d and
oljt ihi jnrwn rMnrd
IOIilOn:.S Lost pTpMu-il policlPM of flrn-Piiranci-
No '-Urt Hcll.in Inauranco Com
piny fltOmi No tl71". Inurnnri (,'onipnnv of
thn Stnt'j of rriMlninta $1'H). No J4i0.t,
lnuranrrt r-nnpnny of North Amcrlri, l.looo,
lm tn bfcn loit tti tlnd-r In rrnti nted to
cnd --.am" to nr notif l.onniKro & llwlnir. 05S
llullttt HulUlnn IMill.i.bdphla
W An'M Lout pold oj 11 f irfd thin wnti h. wlfh
niontn:rini on I a-U I to 11-Aard Rfturn S. H.
. or 'JSd and l.n u-t
A('Uiri(r.Ladh 8' prrfY. t whlto diamond
Mlltart.- rlnu. about tarnt, 3 l.'i. MeCut. hen.
ilL' llultetln Ttullilltie:
Worlc tiear vour humo In TWnnf and
healthful -urroundlnKB with rxeetlent
I'pportunltleH for rapll adanemtnt
There lire tuentv-eUht Hell Central
Oni( In rhlliidelphla, probihly there
Is ono within n few Morka from ou
hom I'r.iiTMiil opportunities for earn
it. Intelligent oun: nomen between 18
nnd l'J j earn ot us.:
New eiupe4 nr patl while learning
And nro readily adMiuicd.
teaint dtnlnjr rooms, where the belt
of fool ! pold nt tost, in tery Cen
tral vtlUf,
Comfortihlo Fitting room- for reading
and relaxation hen uft duty.
ilno.l opportunity for senior and au
peivisltiK position;'.
Apph at Ulrt Market street daily
rept Miti'li. s .10 ii. in to 1 p. ni.
wanted In photonraphlci depart t
Hrown C Harle. His Chestnut.
IOOK, ihnmbermald nnd waitress wanted, a
white I Tot est ant RlrN assist with wu-dilmrj
i eff reiier. J in fatuil. I'hone tttll Hrjn Mawr.
Addrrps Hot 33Ho-"mont. P.i. m
COOK Kxperlf-nccd Pro test ant w hi to woman:
flrat-i'lass H'ferenrns; no waahlnff. Address
Hox 431)1. ClKRtuut Hill l'ofltomcr.
rOHKLADV. tapthle. wnuttd for steel ball In
spe(tlon department: one ijuiIIMmI for tftklnff
full chartie state xpertence, wltJi references,
alsowaneirerulrod M irjH. J;dKer Office.
tlllil. whlto or color"!, for pnernl liouswork
In Oak I.nne. 1" In famllv, $7 per week, ref-
ere nee 1 (Q7, ldcer Office.
OIHI., general houxownrlci Rood wngc-!, small
ffimll . nft-reiid Call -PHI Cellar ae
Clini.5! wanted
hours per d r
In hlndery
to learn
trade. R
hours per div. hlchest w.lir-s paid Williams
&. Marcus Co
11' til
ii.irlen si.
(JIIU.H Additions to our Klnss depnrtnient lunde
opnnlnRH for .Mi alrls. learners pnld $il iveeklv
tidvanr enient In ll weeks; experlimed workers
make $17 and over p. r week Appl lu person
or by letter tu II. K. Mulford, Co , (Uen
oldenPa tllltl.S Manted. with or without experience;
stortlnir up new muchlnery; cood wanes anil
pild ihtlo lenrnlnp. Apply QrlbiNOld Vosted
Company. Drhy.PA.
(11UI.S nnd ounff women wanted: steady em
ployment: good wages. Apply In the evenlnir,
bet. 7 und li. Cluis Swltzer, 3422 Amber st.
Hosmiiv KNrrrr.ns and topphrs
nn Ktimdard V and Scott Williams full
autnmatlo machines, on worsted work; steady
work, best pay In city,
WAi.i.Acn-wir.soN noiinnv co.
4'!.,-i orchard St., Krankford
llOUSIiWOIll". ullneil whim Prut uamiti; 3 In
family; nood wnces: no washlnn. must hav
Rood reference and full parthulars on ioui.
munlcatlon M 2iri, Loditer Central
llOrsl'.WOl'.K Clrl for heniral housework
white: 4 In family 3"l Pelham rd Otn
llorsi'WUtK Colored womnn for Renerul
housHwork. kooiI wages; rcf M0 S 48th st
MOTI!l5l''8 lll.l.Pr.lt or nursery i;oernes,
rnunlry. (1 ns, Ledijer Jentrnl.
Nl'HSl. white, I'rotestnnt. 25 lo 3,1. competent
for entlro cliaren hlld l"i rs. , best recent
refs ; seaahnrn later. Write P. O Hot 311.
' oierhrook Pn . In full for lnteri lew lu Ity
SALESWOMAN for outsldo work, mutt l. well
educated and wllllnc m work for ailianie
ment. snlirj. sl' age, ixperleiue and full
particulars Q47. Ledger Central
SCIIHH wnMi:.V. 21. call Siturdav. 7 a ni :
hrlnir liui Let. brush and cloth. Quaker City
cleaning Co ,0(i Hours nidn;.
SF.Clir.TAHY. sales rapid and an urate
HtenoKraphir, business experience, hlcn sUmol
or iuulnlent Knirllsh cduntlon. to compose
1-tters nnd also -iru- from .llctiitloii. ehemlral
supply houe. Jlh eek"y.M 257. I.d.l ent.
STI.NOC.HAPIlllll. mut and aecurato, some
knnulcdiro of olflce work preferre.1 wnuea
till to start. Applv before noon nr between
J nnd o o'clock, tin Iiellvuo Court IIMr
bTUNO'lKAPiH.US." 2. txeellent opportunities
for ricni Kri.duat.s; iteneral oftu-e work
Apply In persm or by bitter, H 1. Muirori
Co , Clenolden Pa,
TAI'i: Wi:.Cvi:US wanted. Apply, John Side.
bothim, Inc.. J317 llrIsrotnst . Trankford.
WAlTItr.SS i:xperlnced Protestant clrl; Kood
references, s In family. Address llox 4310.
Ohistnut lllll PosioitlcB.
VvAl'l'ltliSS, Irotestant, extierUiit'd: 3 In fam
lly referenie. l'j!is.l.i,lserOiTlre
WI.AVnnS wanted, female, on .Plain white
work; cood wages. Imperial woolen Co .
Main and Hector sts.. Mann, unit
WOMAN for upstairs work In the suburbs! gool
wages to willing helper. Address Box 22.
Ablngton. rai,oj"rhoneOzontz73l!
offers attractive, remunerative work to cul
tured woman. Not rnvtlno work: .Initiative and
personality essential. Immediate ooenlmr.
Personal Intenlew after "2"-lIen?e.on."Ir'
encejjintedJiddres J 4J5. IiedgerCentral.
(lenernl gL
E1L1NO CLERKS, trained, alwaja In demand,
secure 11 position through our rourso of In.
Rtructlon. Philadelphia School of 1'lllnr, 010
Chestnut st.. third floor.
ASSISTANT wanted In photographlo depart'..
William.; Hrown & Earle, Inc.. 018 Chc.tnut.
J1LACKS.M1TJI on fine body ; work: steady posl-
tlon. Robert Chalfont. 47th and Paschall ays.
TjOY Wall & Ocha require a neat boy for
errands; advancement and opportunity to
learn the optical business 17111 Chestnut st,
"Toy Lnrgo manufacturing house has position
for bright, uctue boy, 10 years; good salary;
good chance for adancement, Klvo references,
1 1120, Ledger Oftlco.
HOY. Protestant, for office work, wholesale
house. Address, in own handwriting, a 140,
Ledger Central.
:.v.; iellTf. t, ivi 1110 t at ...
HHOP. A, y.lCHTL ft, CO...
1005 E ST., M,
W,, WAUIllNUlo.ii, u.
BOTI wanted, la run or over. $0 and $10 pr
Contlnurd from l'rcctitina Column
llOVS, 1(1 nnd ovrrt Mrtnatifiit.rosltlons If ml
Isfaituryi tho privileges ot thn Curtis Junior
(lull. IniliulttiR vveelceiiil rnmpliiK. svvlmmltiB,
lsatliiff, lissehnll .nil other outitoor sports,
nri exteii'le,l In our lovs as soon ns em
t'oyril, full C'urtU l'ulillshlnB Co., BaturJny,
Il to II.
UOTS wanted to 1srn thorourhty prlntlnf Imde
Irnlil ninrt 10 iinisii. apiux viiin.ii:i x rfimtus
Co., Sll! to :
! H. Darlen.
HOTS wanted Lareo manufacturing concern In
Tloirii Im. opeiilnir In tho ofllco for neveral
hrlttit, rneraetlo bo.i excellent opportunity
for iWanenient. 1 IlinI.nJRejlifllrn.
UOYH. over in. wanted for Inilnor work: 10 per
vek to ptnrt. Chilton Company, ri. II. vor.
4ttri nml Market
lIOYH"vvnteif,dy work. Apply Btti floor, U00
Chestnut st.
CAlirr.NTI'HH Come rea'ly for workt boo.1
vvnirrs. Ask lor .Mr. C.irr, shop forrinm,
Vler "0. H. nehiwaro nve.
CilAlTlrKITH. white, slnalo, sohor. cutuiietcnt,
uireful; .uhurhan, imuril on plntet stalo ev
perleneo, vvuiri s expected, references. (1 l."i3,
i!!''r .S'""'
ClIAfriTJUH. slnelei can ilo nil rcmtrsi vvlll
i;u to country or seashore for summer. II 11(1,
l.eilner Contrnl.
CII11MIHT for vvork In fsctor. maklni dry colot ;
irooil rhnneo for rulvancement. state full par
thulars. Includ eilu : exp. In ilry cotors not
lieress ir iuu sauuaciory. ll n-il l.eu u.
CI.l . UK Permnnent position open vvllh protfrei
slvo houfo for nmblilous youni man who Is
iiulck und ticcurnto ut lleiires one vvhu can
uso typewriter ami Is oxperleneed in rest
keeplnn proferred; Klvo ni?e, experience, refer
inrea nml aulury vxpecieii. II til', I.cdeur
Centrol. .
CI.IIHK YounB man. about i'i Jours old, l'rot ,
wanted for Kencrsl office work, must be quh I.
nnd iircurntn ntjlgnres I i'.23.I.ei1eer fiftli e
COMI'OiITOlt.b'OnilMAN'for out ot town, tuvvn
Muip in fuetropiilltHti illtrlrt dolmr htKh tlass
booklet and r.italcRuo work, union. Apply
Mr. Davis or .Mr .Miller. Ad"liihti Hotel,
Haturilsv nfinrnoon
COOrr.Il- Sternly vvork, uoM WBEe. Apply In
person, tho llarrctt Co., .M.'irc.irct and Iler
miidi, rr.inkfnrd
C'OHT CI.UHK. experienced, familiar with in"th.
t,ils of nvurlni; costs of manufdcturltut sinnll
tools; ouriK married man preferred. Write,
statins; acs experience and salary desired.
1 ti llox l.,a7 Philadelphia.
v'OST ci.lUtlC fur leather department of "iuanii
faeturlnir rnmpany. unto into, salary experb
ence reference. M U.MI. t.edirer Central,
DHATTSMAN (merhanienM. Klato rxtvTlrMn,e,
palary. refereni'ti. etc: men lifUlnR t-porle(o
In ltjltitr out ork, maehlno dc-lRn and Hotn
knovueaKi r mrc Mt3r. conntructlon
frrrl. O 14. ljrdser t'cntr.il.
UHAFTSMAN Ono exvrlented on aheet nteel;
permenent po-sltlon, pood connection for tlcht
lart. O IT. P. o. llox nSnn.
M :
TiMAN, txperh need on thandeller worlt.
.tt L'-iUer Trnlral
r cTonv PvrniUNTi :ndi:nt
A crowing com ern iieerli b well-finnltfleil man
for tho factorj , must bo nhbs to handle for--inf-n
speofl produetlon, show InlUatHo mid
(IltOW WITH TII13 HC.SlNi:s.s. to full
particulars. 11 017, t-dvcr Oflke.
MJI.DINU 1U)X HAI-USMAN wanted, txper
lenrej, no other need apply, state t-xpcrlenc--,
section tratded. extent of sales references,
salary or commission expected. M HIS. Ledger
rniHOHT HANDLKHH wanteil, 1 on. wages 25c
per hour regular time; .nie per nour nignii,
Sundays nnd hotldas plenty of work. Apply
Steedoro Pier 14. S. Delawaro nve. Mer
chants A Miners Trniiiiportalon Company.
OAHDHNUH Experienced man for Mower on
prlato place between Moorestown und Hler
ton. stalo ape. expf-rlenco und referenco.
iJi5I I.ed5erCentrnl
ClAUPKNl-H for truck patch on private plain
11 tnllei from Philadelphia state aco, eperl--nc
andreferenco 1 ISO, Ledger Central.
Has acanclei for
Hand sandern
Poring niarhlno operatcrs
Hand Jointers
Hand re-saw liters
Hip sawjers
Klttlngup sawers
Machine rarvera
Veneer Jointers
Hardware titters
Pouble-hrad mnlder operators
Draftsmen with woodworking experience
Window cleaners
Stevedores nnd In borers
Apprentice Imjs, oer IS
Office bon. HI yearn nnd over
4Nhour-weeU schedule
TlnMcnl examination necnsiary Apply
Victor Talking Machlno Co,
Application Office. .1. Cooper st. Camden. N..T.
OH riirsfl rEKUKHS J3 OS for 10 hour.
work; citizens Applv I'ninkfonl Arsenil
LMIOllATOItV ASSISTANTS, youns men. to
work and stud In our laboratories excellent
openln- for thoso Interested In eilentlfte work
Appi In person or by letter to II. K. JIulford
Co.. (HenoMen, Plj .
LAHOKlfltS wanted, 11. llerks. Montgomery ave.
and Hlalr nt.. between l'ront and I'rankford
Tb01lllliy wanted, steady work and
wb" Apply Wm. Poster. 1'JHH N.
Laborers, white and colored, wanted for
Penna. It. It.; steady work: udvaneement
for men with ability; can board with tho
company at .ery reasonable cost if desired.
Apply 43 North 17th at.
LAnOREHS wanted; CO good workers: very
high wages. Apply Amber and Venanira t..
liAHOUEHH for outside construction work,
building roads, otc. ; $3 30 for 10 hours' work:
citizens, ApplyKrankford Arsenal.
IIKAl'll ST;
LINEMEN I'lrst-class electrlo" light men:
steady work and good wages. Apply William
I'oster 120S N.31stst.
MACHINIST who can wurk from blueprints;
ono experienced on experimental work pre
ferred: steady tiositlon. In center of city; 34c
an hour to start, with advuneiment If com
pe tent and skillful, not munition work. M
240, Ledgir Central.
MACHINISTS and toolmakers wanted We have
made additions to our plants, highest wages;
good opportunities; lasting position.: no muni
tions: preference given to nonunion men.
Writ, for application blanks today.
MACHINISTS Floor and lee hands wanted;
those accustomed tu machine tool works pre
ferrtd, permanent losltlona. highest wiges,
Uement-NllesWorks 21st und Cnllowhlll sts.
MACHINISTS Hoys wanted to "learn trade;"
largo modern shop; excellent wages paid while
lenrnlng I'.-P,- Ledger Oft Ice.
MAN Aetlvo man of cxecutlo ability and me
chanic al experience wanted In manufacturing
plant, metal works, a careful man who can
Increase tho output can securo a good posl
ttoii 11, Ledger llraluh, Coral and York sis.
MAN Active young man. experienced In running
pneumatlo chipper and alker. b05. Public
Ledger Jlrnneli, Coral and York,
MAN AND WIKE for country place, wlfo to
cook, man for lawn. $45 month, (1 14S. Led
per Centrol
MECHANIC for Autocnr, Tackard and Dorrls
delliery trucks, steady work. 0 days weekly.
Ilrst-rla.s man only, good wages. Ilreyer.
win anu lumueriano sis.
MEN Wanted, tollerrriker., locomotive ma.
rhlntsts, car repair men, laborers, locomn
ttvo cleaners. Penna. It. it., 1741 I'llliert at.
MEN wanted for heaTr outside work; steady
work and good wages. Apply Wm. Poster.
li'OS N 31st st.
MOLDEHS. coremakers and laborers wanted,
llaldwln Locomotive Works. Eddystone. Ap
olv Mr. Thomas.
wage. C Oil,
first aid and
clerical! state
ledger Office.
PAINTERS Come ready for work! good places.
Ask for Mr. Coward, shop foreman. Pier, 20,
PKAUL WOrtKElfs, experlnced. shapers.
grinders und sawyers wanted. New England
Pearl Co., 181 Eddy st . Providence, It. I.
P1ECERS wanted. Applv John and
pobson. Inc.. Hlanlut Mills. Scott's
Tails ot Schuylkill.
POLISHER and nickel buffer wanted.
Dental Co., 33d and Arch.
ar.R orncE.
The ffreatest selling proposition before the
publlo today la the Handy Volume edition of
the Encyclopaedia Urttannlca, which Is being
advertised so extensively by Sears, Roebuck
A Co.
We want salesmen to followup up the In
qulrles receltod by Sears, Roebuck ts Co.
nnd to .ell both the Handy Volume edition and
the large Cambridge edition at the .ame .a.y
terms as advertised.
Tour-fifths of our suocesstul salesmen have
never sold books before. We, teach yoa all
the selling points.
We want salesmen for Philadelphia, as well
as for outside points.
We pay all expens-s ot transportation and
allow drawing accounts.
Within n few weeks every Indln Paper set,
both Handy Volume and Cambridge edition,
will hate been sold then
and we will not want you. Com. In and e.
; V'Jfl
"v, - .
Coittlnuttt from, Vrrctdinn Column
miMMnitf- rirst-elsss trimmer, on tor. an
repair workt cood waee. for flr.t-cl.ra mi
rhanhs. Apply rnss-lluches Motor Car Co.,
'.'1st and Market Hs fourth floor,
VlKflflAU .MANUKACTtmnrt wanted wh
linder.lands tho matin of distilled vlneiar
III Jill It" details; M .OH. l.eilger OfTlco.
WANTnn An experienced, nil-round Jelly,
i res m nnd mirshmallow department helper!
stato experience, tompcnsition wanted, air
and Klvo reference In answering thl. ad,
.M -ti.i. l.einer Office. .
VAN'Ti:i All experienced all-round hard candy
department helper! stalo experience, an. anil
compensation expected nnd give reference with
nnvvcr liithls ad M SI4, I.'dg.r Office.
Men In set ns suarda In larae Industrial plant,
.11 to 4,, vcors. lteply, statlne ae, helaht.
weht and former experience, to J, U, il,,
l'osloltlco llox las.', Philadelphia,
WATCII.Mi:. reldln In 1'rankford. Wls.lno
mlng or Tarony, for nlnht duties! ware. J2.80
per day IL'-hour shift. Apply Time Office.
Henry Mission & Hons, Inc., Tacony, Phlla,
WKAVI.ltH wantnd (mnh?) on plain white TTork:
pood MJKC.
imperial ooien to.. .Main ana
itcfior pis..
CrNO STAN wantrd to l-nrn hoatln-r nnd Vfn
tllatlnt; nnd drafllna; with manual tratnlnc
'ducatlon, Homn experience In u draftlnff roomj
U n month to Ptart. wood rhanco for ad
ancement. J (114, ldRer Ofdw,
TOPNO M,VN for o?rTco of wholesale bakery;
tnuht lmo rxperlenco and bo accurate at
tluuim. 1-111 U llith nt.
COOK AYomun. experienced.
wants position
took only prlvato famll ; roforencrst city or
y t-i hprucM at. wamut
13S W,
OOVI-ltNRSS North flerman (Hanover), exrerl
ineeil In tenthlni? all subjects: takes children
oier (1 -ears oM Mlsa J. 11., care of Mrs.
William Kills, 1lrn Mnwr, l'a.
HOt'Hi:Ki:i:ri:n nellned woman with two
children Minhes position a. mnnaclnic house
kteper M ll.'i, JOser Central.
MAIt) rompetent. rellneil younK colored wotnsnj
experienced Im1's maid; companion to chtl
dnn, riaillnir, aevilnir, llplit cleaning or wait
ing. lstiltiK by flnv or hour. II. Mills. 115
W Ilittenhnus st UTinrinlown.
Nl'llSIl, prnrtlcal Inlddle-asre, desire, position:
smllmilll Indi or euro child l.edcer
llriituh, irim Ttucu
OIUIANIHT deslria rhurcli position. 1' 955,
l,edcrr renlnil -
snt.'lillTAUV. hoolikieper nnd etenoarapher with
in e,irs fxpi'rloiiie. ilfslres to chance: sal
nry nK M I0. Lidifer IVnlral.
STllNOilltAI'lIUlt exp. in" leeaPwork. wUtiei
pTiniincnt tiositlon. Phone Hpruco3401.
WOMAN .niiTiff, experienced ofllee work, wlshe.
position, furnish references Address W. A..
22't S 11,1 st . Ity
WO.MA.V. colored, wishes position In physician's
ordontlst.'s ofllee lull S. IdtlK
POSITION W-ANTKD Companion to lady or
elderly people, dolnir llaht housework, sewing;:
In or out I'hll.ldelphhi II 3J4. Ledeor Offlc.
perienced bookkeeper and Wharton (evening)
K,,linnl man wishes lo ronnect with account.
nut or In accounting dept. of Industrial estab.
r i4H, i.eager central
ACCOUNTANT, puhtlc. will open, close and audit
pooks. install cost siems una prepare nnan
inl statements, rostofflce Box 2815.
flANKEIir 20 yeors' experience In all depart
mcnis, excellent reputation, 38 years old, mar
ried, wants position J1 312. Ledger Office.
IIOOKKEIU'Ell nnd accountant! books" wrlttea
up lu eenlng and protlt and loss statement
compiled! tlatrate per mo H 105. Ledger Off.
ifoOI'I'EEPEIt. experienced, wants position
with wholesalt of mfg. concern: best refs.
1! 303 Ledger Centra
HOOKI'EEI'Ell A'oung man. competent. IhorT
exp., desires jvork egs.; refs. II 230, Led. Off.t
Cllrri"l.l'll.llght colored man, wishes posit
tloti, 11 eurs' experience; prlate preferred:
good referenes:3ll years old. 1713 Titan st,
CIIAUri'El'lt wishes position, prlvato family.
Ity or country; run nny car: do own repair
ing 252N. Sal ford st
cil.l'ri'El'R white, good mechanic. 7 years'
Hxporlenee. furnish bestref. O 41. Led. Cent.
COVl'IPENTIAL MAN nr'nsslstant to executlv
capable uf taking iharge of things generallf.
II 3".M Ledger (UTIce
Y'OL'NO .MAN seeks employment Saturday after.
noons and eienlngs, can run auto, O 50,
aENTI.EMAN. haling recently sold out his busi
ness Interest, would llkoji position aa business
nr olflie manager for some reliable concern;
HO years' buslines exp. II 318. Ledger Office.
COLI.EIJE nilADI'ATE. 2 ears'buslness exp.
now employed, wishes new bus. connection:
pref. Involilng somo travel 11 321. l.od. Off.
WANTED Cooks, laundresses, kltchenmalds.
girls for ihatnberwork and waiting. Apply
heforo 12. Mrs Kune. 511 8. ll)th at.
COOKS, chuinbernialils and chlldnursea want
positions Rose Dougherty. 1313 W. Olrara.
MADAME PLAT-.. 305 H. 11th st.,, want, and
supplies white help. Telephone Walnut 1713.
Tor Sale
Some Parts for All Cars
3339-45 MARKET
IJAKnit clfcttlc Tnoorn 3-pan senile r coupe. x
OAIIDENER. ixtierlenied wants position; no . I 'O
ihlldren H 327. Ledger OfllCQ. ,. I '
MAN and wlfo ns chaurfeur and look or cham- . I X,
bermald. experienced; ref. 2010 Turner st. 1 I )p
orncn MANAOElt. 15 "e"ars" experience; c I $
pnclty manager nnd credit man: employed at "2 tJssJ
present, deslreB a diangp. H 302, Led Office. JiJ. t
LliuV! jlotel.225 S. Hrond st. I'hone Wal. 8253. " c
.... . ..... .A.R ., Hill! m,..1.l. Oin.-H.hlu , ."
JAIMI.IjAI .-i, liiu imi r" ,.,.. r. -, i..v.uu.,
overhauled, repainted and guaranteed by us.
Automobile. Sales Corporation. 142 N. Uroad.
CHALMERS 7-passenger limousine: excellent
condition, rood for hacking, cheap. Vim Motor
Truck Co . Uroad and Huntingdon sts.
CHALMERS Roadster, racing model, perfect
onilltlnn: will sairlOce 2J1 rletoher .t.
EOHD 1015 commercial, panel uoay. excellent
mernanical ronimiuiii isihi.1 in". ,ii iwivi
Truck Co Uroad nnd Huntingdon sts.
Ill'PMOUlLE. 101" Cost $13l0 with equipment:
sell to quick buyer $100 Can bo seen Royal
(lariige Carlisle nnd Olrard
INTERNATIONAL OPEN express, good condi
tion, cheap to quid; buyer. Vim Motor Truck
Co.. Uroad and Huntingdon.
KISSEL 1500-lh. truck, large panel body, good
rendition, cheap. Vim Motor Truck Co.,
Uroad and Huntingdon sts.
Fle-paseenger touring, painted maroon, with
light red strlplm-i nerhauled In our shops 1
very attraction car for fumlly use; far better
xalue than m-wBi", rrlce.
2311 Malket ft.. Phlla.
F. M JHilMican. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept.
MAXWELL. 101" roadster, in very nne snap.;
big bargain.
L. S. Bowers Co.,
llraadt . . .-
iAIOE 1015, (llenwood model, electric light,
and starter, fully equipped. .rebuilt and r.
finished like new. Mr. De Ble, S. W. corner
Uroad and Huntingdon sis.
exchange for gasollnecaTi
IlItOUaifAMl will
Phone Merlon 474.
truck units. $335.
Worm-drive truck
units, $373.
Whv tinv morer
nAYrORD CO.. 2d nnd Indian
ns ave.
RUSH JOl'l. panel body, good running
cheap. Vim Motor Truck co
Uroad and
Huntingdon t.
STANLEY uses kerosene for fuel. Can yoa
beat it? Phone Inent 1000 for demonstration.
"' 2325 Chestnut st.
TO1NTON n-cyl. 2 bodies limousine and T-pass.
touring: fully equipped end In fine condition:
tmsi iiih car li', i,,..,- ...v. . - - - -, -
service: a bargain: $700.
1827 Chestnut st. Spruce 2140.
R TRUCKS, ltt-ton
bodies, IlliHl
THE WHITE .CO,. 218 N,
nrod .t. 'Ti'ii
ed Car Manager.
ehnn.ii llell. Snru'ce 50501 Kevst.. Ttace 1TM.
7wTr'riiIICKS Several wen-anown rnas.a
i.niini from 1 to 8 tons, with and wlthoa
ranging ", i V.1,11. -. . "sna chestnut. 1
nines, nullum . -- - ,j.
TnvfKiTiil'x 1010 Landaulett first-class condition; J
1 JiXft n .in. im, Office. fl lffl
auiru. n... .-.. . . , j, r-
"auto uvery and oakaom
Ilud.on Buprste,JUroouslne f
fipeclal attention to wedding. ni fWNMM H
BDlsmond 046. N.r closed. PajiTrl, '-,
".'-.'.l .;"" 1 ifnv Kit tetnn itir &ntlvygMh
Park 1482: brand-new 6-ps... tour nc cum. '. ,
$1 25 h": also brand-neit J.pass. Uraoilsi4i,p
$1 60 hr.I wedding., funerals. J5 Olnw!.''';,
'it ?!sfr"
New wtmn 92"
1114 Arsei... nii
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1. J1
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