l..-" .''-t IV ,f. JPWI'HHTraSiT'- ', UM ,V VJEnrTOUi VV.'y w V -- fJV'.WU'.-' i " 1 'T . ,l. '-', , ,'TT " - t ' 'V J " EVENING LEDGER-PHTLADELPHIA", FRIDAY, ATRTL 27. 1017 IONOMY IN FOOD NEEDED AT THISTIME WOMAN'S EXCHANGE VARIETY OF HOUSEHOLD HINTS tt1if Kh m ?s & : ty if fit. m 's 9&' rf-i w 54 ' uk AJ -rm rfii. B3E SYMPATHETIC W JTWOOILOO HVliUliNAllVil( rUVVJlilVO )ne Quality Rarely Found Without the Other. Both, When Developed, Make for Ef success Sp f QYMPATHY nnit lm.iRlimtlnn uiunllv s WJf "A1"' ,n "ni'il. The Klrl who N trtilv vi? jlV ih:kl'i e.v iuii.ii.iciu' hid win jinn i Pf''ntao Intensely ImaRlnntlve. titijeivvWr Tftwho could not vtaunllze the tioulilei of ''Vithoso who ronfMc In hei. could not put V 'S, , herself I" tJirlr )lne LfcfgU person who ii deeply vyinpithettr PtKknd at the name time poe-ed of a con K-v troua nnturc. proCM an Ideal romiMi.tm. EfffV'two qualities nie not nliifiv, found to . 1 fr ... s. -a- getiior. ,'My I Know n woman who is iciillv re ,VW maniauiv eu ncillieuiR, slip would take tfoVtf I41hI nl.... ... ,1 i... i . ,'J.vcf """" 1'tiu- in uti a mta it-u ior uiiotuoi K"i 'Vet she H most linnvtnii.itlictlo. One never P"t feels Impelled to poui one's troubles Into S&k'.f her cars, because she is nlwavs si, nl wj i" sorbetl In her own thouclit'nhn smu.niv :rf toAVR nttentlnn Vnt .iu f mint t..... when a situation Is nctuiliv placed before her she will nunn heim-n and eith to help In some a. In contract to hei Is annlbei nmnnn t.i whom one feeln liresltlbly drawn It ecems the natural HiIiik to do to eontlde In her, and one ulvvavN lluds n nmpi thctlc and timleiGtnmiliig listener. Yet her Intel et takes her no further She Will murniui lomfoitiiiB platitudes ret trill Fhlrk am thins which entails a win., flee on hoi pan P.ut the one who ...m- , bines these two qualities is mi civ found vvun such a one o ufeel that "to be i friend Is to be lifted a little u,,v townnl heaven e.ieh eHv " Sentimental peib.ips, but true THE WOMAN'S ih. ..JiZ .?J,L.','",""nl ,h"t'cd to (7il, irimrfinciit tniiw br mitten oil our i,tr oj h,VZP,?L iS ? i s',?""' "- "' ""'ic tl't ,i rllrr hpccUtl -iicrle, like thoir Uivcn ...?Ji?f li. i" V'ii'ciooii thu the cdilni -lor, not iiec-ssarily indorse tie wL tHiiVl,. 'ilfl. .. ul.to"i"'''"cnt(oM or tliii d, vnrlment sicmM br atlJnsitU as lolloios Till. WOMAN-, i:dix.i: :tr,ii.io Ltitncr VhUadclvMa. lt 'TODAY'S i. ,ini Kind or moil fnrnllirs nrnliMn. in . ., I KlC MMrtl? 2. Hon rn cM ncN of mnits iml Ifl-mrr be tit Illicit? ff. W bat ir'ttiPH nf rtmKhic iiI'h t in hr eubfttlttitfil for -nit If? ANSWERS '10 yi:sti:im)ay's i.vquiuiks 1. conI eriilp nf nlrum ircfm N linp Mmf nr pronmrlnl mil riiuiii ti l?p prpfprrd to an Infrrlnr prtil- of butter. . The end of .i I tree liiTe ulilili Ins been Cnt limilil lie liruliifl nrr uith nto'liil lurrllln to keep It tnnUl iiml fri"li 3. A nlrkel ilMflnt: INti i in lie Itriklid nod bT nllilli It Mlth n n:fl ilntll moisten, il llli fimmnnla, then pnlNlilnt. nllli n soft rvz. Twenty Cents I)nil for Pnod To thr Frtilor of UoiMfiii , I'atlr Denr .VlHilirn I ln fminil thnl h nttenunn to three liitntf I mn lie ie!l nuurl-lied mi h relatives emiiil 'luinth, t1 fnol un Ht verv little cot i heee thre are relu Inp the meal ration, thornush mirtl allitii ut nil ftuwi anil ileeti brenthlrur In rla e nf mrht I u.e peoi liennA ml the like ll rntittilni. siep hreHihlnir nfter in jl I full iixjpenUt the inni I have entcn thus less ufflrr Kon1 Is hancllnl in Hi' ll like fuel In a furnace if the draft u prior the coal will not burn s ell jui n shallow bn.itlilna tnennH that the value of the food ! tot tietnc ttallzisl Fl ihelnt. the fist I ihorouifhlv eer ltt nt nourishment In siur I I tlnd that I nn lle on lens than tuent n n diy and what Is more Important than th mi1iik o mone, there la a Kiln In health Nut for anthlnc unuld 1 a;o hack to the old a .if iarile eattnc VVtLI.IASl t This Is nn Itilctestim; litter, other would So well to Irj the experiment pnrtleulmly now, when th re is such netil for ecommij Jn food materials Recipe for Cheese l'ondu. To thr EtUtnr ot II oiuon 'off' Dear Vladani Pleise ale me dire, tt in? for making theem, fnn Iu nNo i heeee eoiiiile and obllce II I, r. Chepso fontlu .soak "lie ttneupful of bread crumbs in one lencupful of milk add one dessertspiinnful of buttei one em.' beaten pe'ppei aiul Halt to tast., and one beapinc tnhlespnonful of Kr.it d rheete Butter n illsh pom the mixture onto It, sprinkle with bread numbs and bake hi n quick oven foi twent minutes Chepe piiiittle One ounce butter, one ounce ttnur unti Kill milk three ounces grated clieeap time ects the white of one extra pek a dash of cajennc and nit Melt the butter, dlssolxc the Horn into It linn add the cheet-e Heal the kks ami milk to- ? getner, aoti tnpse to the iniitcil i in m nits- Vs, ture and when xmooth turn ill the btlllly v Beaten wtuie or the okk Turn Into a but v tered TiaklnK rttfh and set In oven for u. few .'minutes. Yellowed Crepe de Cliino Skirt To thr Editor nt Wamnv s Vna Dear Milium I hue a rene '1e chine eklri hlch. owlnc to frc'iuem laun Irrlnks has turned Suite jetlou. Is there nn wi or whltenluir it or can sou ug&ct an uther means of utltu tm It? V ' Why do )nu not dip It into hhu pink "yellow or any other de ou miy piefer The material takes dp bp.iutlfull and ou will find ouri-elf the pobsessoi of a new Bklrt. Tied or blue Ink. diluted, will do if vnll Mnnnt seotien tliA litres :II J-H.-BIICIIIIIR -t,lllllU lllHUH-1 ''Ai?" To thu Editor of tl'oi'inii Poor L i 3.1" faai MailDm U'Kon u uihlno ilalb uiu onlnr.-l V 'YTt-YE 3 wama .ia"ssm - i" 'iiiriuiii, .ri' ric , "(iiir'i fc'r'?;vbloues an pffpritv rinse water for the lant on can te man n aiMinjr o er 'en nropi m ink i near xn pnna ni t,ooo h pttRirjiP mr jn anc red Ink for aarlou hilfM nf pink In ryin quanmifH srifen ;or green toiet ror irnlA an 1 lllnr. With tart rm will Ka do lahted with th elrar. rt'rth nDnnurnnt in.it pmi f a potPlhl" f.flpii larklimtrr result See trmt four hanfla r rree from kin Ahriftlon" an there A a posslMllty uf sktrt affection MRS. (. i. Header's Appreciative Letter R ajr ij Editor of Wnmnn't Poet: SFi' -v;Ttr Madam I'ermlt me to thank jou most iceraly for jour kliut Intereat In lludlns homes in pair ot miienir mrouxu me coiumnx nr 1 department, u hl h has eo man, IntereNte I dr ilda mtaelf. The flret Ihlnir I do rn openinr my vaner la io turn to our de Iment. shere I alaa flqil eomethlnc new Intrraallng, Thnaa hleaatd kittens walk all mcr mo while sjrrlta this. I love all unlnialu awl am sure i uo too rrom our way or wrttlnK. This la a 1 nf "Free ilimmrv and miiLM.u, etalern JoOi! Intent! 'BeeldeM, thla l "Ho Kind In uanala Week.' it 1 am not mistaken. If there ftnythlnr I can do for you. my dear Ladr Her. ran on m ami ou win una mat i wnai aay. twill communicate at on( with the two M sunn addresses sou sent, Pomeliow, I m,wwrr soi'117 iii.flni eiies u.. iki khjh cna, f'Hkes 'either kind. Kven In Catdom the aw naa tn'take u back seat at leant with aiiDiuen iwitti apoinsies Io Klpllnzl the ot id, epevjee is i;arj more inieresiinx fft4y.'tb spring a surprise on us by rai h niaie. aio morn aaeciionaie, and o aprine a surprise on us iy rai h Jttens anil lir the surnrlilnu- wis nar' "i aniens ami nr me eurprisn MM, In nnnalliff them uo urone liln hiinglnc tnem up prcavrl) If ar mne persona asklnc for males as their name, as I. hava been told - belchbor has two males to Bite .' v Mra.'H.. for the very kind and .aarr'anti.wndlna; jpu the aMTOrjwnicn you asKeci ajajamotmiHit' Ittiwnj ,nv M. GIRL MUST bocially Vyvettes l'rnm the lnm of a lt.it -ubtuict the front pait. Multiply tltc back by thrco and divide the matciials into straw and taffeta. Then add n feathered ornament. Above is the nn'vvor. TAKIN'O it fioln nimlhrr ttwinnt the sMiipathetie liiiaKlnnllve txtunn i ,il most ulwnvH n muicpmi noclalh The whin who piovo moot pnptilni with men are not inure who continual scintillate hut tliiiHe who ennsltit'-ntb adopt the iole of attentive and appreciative llntenei 1 Hav "adopt the role." ot that can not v aitlv be done either Kueeennfullv A tneie attitude of li nlned attention Is not ron inrlnc m Itittfilmt unleim one Inlect Into it noine HttU spnrk of renponne, which endows the other with the clft of self expression If it w run in want to nppeni clever let hei ftiltlv.ttf tin Inblt of bejna an Intel list nt llstenei Men will innivel at her intolb t EXCHANGE INQUmiUS i. h..i,i n.,. i, , i .. .. ...,i " .,!,,. SOI tF l HI 1 I lill I( -IU " U l " I II" .line unir elntt J. Ih It (ornrt fnr mi tnzicrt clrl In iirrpt tirirnls nf jfwir fmni her II imp? A l It pronrr fnr a min tu nr n ftll-Iroi suit mi Hip Mfppt uhtinnt n Inprnit If the wr.thtr U unrin. 1. I niifettl ns a suhMltiiip far nre to he Ihroun at n weilillriK U nuiili Tfer. i V "Sinnil.iiii" siipiur Is nn Inform! Iiuflil slipper The uiipsIh are not veiled al tnh'p. 1. V .niin should notr allow a wnnlin to ho left nliine In a ho at the theitre. Chapped Skin in Spring To li I ilit ni II "mo i Mac ll'itr M id nn l in ou till me ' h im skiii huul I roiikhfii ii In wn1 tod w.ailirr nnl I' ther i ir'iini I inn uc ti eiftin it fiaim TIip off pit of i old nr wind is to dltninisli the cnllb i if tin cutancoii'- blood itcsols bv prortuilnp lontinctlnn "f thou innti. Hi nee thi'tp i a lesfi-nrd sunplv of blood to the akin and a IpssciiciI nutrition .inoinpi. men bj n , r i ctlon of the i titaneoiis cIiiikW The delleient tcretions muM he itplmvii b nn otitw.ud application This old iieiini will bo of litn!lt to miu tine pntt white wax tliico parts boras., one part Julie of bitter nltnnnilH thric parts oatmeal water. Use of (Jljccrin for Hands To III, oVor at II oaua Pil'jr; IVar viadnm How should ltcrln l used on h. hands to siiften them "hould It he dilute I or not! M. VI i Vou mu not llnd It iniesarv to dilute the eljccrin If nu will applx it linmedlateh after washlns the hands and while lh,y ate etill damp, tt ian also be illliitrd with lose water and ud If used full strenetli on dry ImnU.s It h.i-- .i tendemy to dr Ihc skin lAcll.lllU'illK ItillRs Tit thr I lilt 01 of II milt ,1 . I'nyr: Oear VUdam tin ou think thin is un harm In eMhann-tnK rinus'' h,i friend wants in clip me his signet rlnir to wear and wants mi to let him hH mini In return nuid I dn this CI. MIA. It Ib wr fonlih t" (vlianire rincs fm If one of vou tdiotild hnppen Io Inee I lie other's tins then would ahno-t ertolnly be an eptinnKPinpnt. tin re is no ai tu.il batm in it Is He Cngaged? To tin hilllur ot II niooi H Puff fier Vladam V miump man who i "inc in hi hip een week i' hen he Is in town I hs rei ion to hell'M t .ncucd to t nirl Ihina In another cit. Up has not told ma "f It so do nu think I should allow him to r.lll cull nn me1 I onh like hlri a a friend nnd enloc oina around with him tl 8 II If vou are not In love with the ournr man I ian t-ee no i"-non whj he should not i nine to sre ou when he It In town al thoiiKh he phould lertatnly tell jou of his iiKaKement Hut I ip perfei tlv mirp tint 111, tlnni (e does not ibjict to his atttntloiis to ou -lt nation like this must nlwavs be bauillpil i. ii c full fnt "o-iallrd platonlc frlcndahips do not abvavs "pan out " In l.ove With Strange Youth 7n thr Pilltor ill UVmina 9 Pagr; Dear Vladun 1 am i tlrl of eltt'cn etr- of nire nnd love a hoc o' the snie ni.e er d'Mrh This li Iihh snno to .rhool as lona i. 1 Iioh hut I do not know him to talk to When he i-ees in- either i;o past where he works nr tin the street he flllllrs and looks at mo I'nn mi tel me If this hov llk, tne Hint he sinllre and Iooks al tne when he 'ecs me Ttere l nnother bn who loce" tne h" U oiler than t am and h wants to take mo to a sh w rrr time hut I don t eo for I do noi i sre fnr him .1. r M You are a vpr slllv llttln prill to InMCine vourfelf In lnp with this ho) whom sou have neier ripn met If ho really wants to cultivate our acquaintance he will find somn one Io Introdiiie hhn to oti In the meantime. If von wish to retain hip respeit do not okIp him on the street Problem in Etiquette To thr r tiltnr uf It onion Paw Pear VUdam I eiit to meet a ,nunr man whom I know perKnnalli hu hae not seen for a. couple of months Is It proper for me to offer mv hind when 1 met hlm If seated should I rise when dolnn mi1 Please print mv letter and our answer In our columns as noon nn possible as I expect to meet him the lucinnlns nf next week. II. 8ummlt Hill. Pa If nu have not Feen the oiiiik man foi Home time It will neent mote iordl.it If you offer him our hand In Kreetlnc If ou nre Jn jour own house jou should by all means I (ne, otherwise It In not netessarj. although to act on Impulse and rise to Krect anv one jou have not ecen for eeral months In never wronir. Do Not Leave Her To thr Editor ot IPomoii' Poor: Hear Madame-1 have loum Klrl staylnr with me ami slete she lame 1 hae been In vlied to a tea nnd to a dinner. Hhould I accept lha Invitation an I leava her at home nr should t take lir with meJ riKATIlICK It would not be polite to co to the ten or dinner and leave your Kuct at home, but It would be perfectly correct to nak; j-our hoateps ltyou may brlnif her to the tea. Whu jbjf jajrf t, tho dinner nlve the reason SkassssassssssssV 'tKKicam'vriw aaaau .' awr ' an I I VVJUmWI&, VVji 1 hri Irltrr. friim tin VincrleMii iclrl sm Ins it lilt the. rjlit of Unite nint 111 11 Trcntd iiimi huMilbil Inck nf tlie Vlurne nui.tltnle "ore or tlii1 nui.t Inllnitifp mill hul, thlnn iwiImi Inllr tifii in, inI fur mir romrort out nr llif ulilrlpisil nt inilntltril l.iirnpr t Unit III llirf Irtlir Mililr rrjmrnl nf Inir iltnnr litrnt fur the llllirr lll mill Mllliilr nf unr Ihr nurp IrlU llh t ,,onllffll, poUiunt Ituninr ii Jm mill 4nrro nf llic nr In.tiltlll." UK II MID ( ( MIDI. One of llie unrlr icrrilit (rltlii mill litiinitiUI!. I'MII.-. Mm h 1 I'Mh ftei ,Mtl six in ititliH tiii,i slope I imttpil I' iris liel nlil me nine mine Iu tbf mi, nf thp pticliantress llrr emhraip l a bit s'lilins noil her i limine none too iid bill thru I havent had much limine t' fa'l iindor Iipi "pell ptpssed is mi bv tin nfftilts of the moment and haunted by lb ib ,n wistful faces I have left -iii p ionic always been an eiKer for ib bills nf mj life "on ilutv perhaps mid like to know what happens when I'm off it ami oh) of all tlmea when this iiffalr "f Venltiti If at Its In litlu I should take an nppntltinltv to slip ,,ul nf m Irenib Thi truth is that I utn the proud mid swift vaiKiulsher of tin moat Rorcenus attmk of ttilppe iiiu pipr siw I cot the Inet "f It with n (eleritv that slmiihl Win mo a iloi tm s ili'Rro. at baal and a deiointlon fr mv iiimuI i irillr who uitPiidnl to mv vnints with an tnthuslnstlc falthfubu sx Uphold me lhen restored but shnkv with that Indefinite fpelltie in one s prope'lera that follows a fper I returned tn m "aervm but .lldn't fpel brilliant and when I, heard th, I p was prospi t of nnolhei rm -nation bavuiR mntters tn discus with Miiv farnot I loti'ltiilfil It wan Iho tlmt npimlnled to mlprale If I wanted to bo frpsh for thp lomlnc strain v lilt h will In fierce The Vrttertn.t hr, who has neitr fnllnl to show me his lonndeuto and es teem wanted to rp hip an unlimited per mlsalnn with mtirh ndi li e to 'stoke up ' for the Ftnniner Itut I clinic to fl ten dnji" whli h I can prolong later If I rhimne Mv birthday pnrtv whlih cnuldn't b" held on the ilcht div beinuae 1 wn lit p hid on Pi Id iv afternoon two blK inltes, all soft and crennn Insldo with a cniulle for em h lrsr W'r had It Just after sup per for tlipre little thm fnr inlitli and trlflliic and It being iiparlv dtrlt with Inielj ulars outside Hip little i nnstellntlon on the t'ble showed up bnupK Its n" tonlshlnu how these i hlldren nl and vounc love anv thine that shines Indeed it was their dellKht oei Hip tr"i at I'lirlstmas thnt midp hip think nf IuicIiik n blrthdav pait a fete as vou know that I usu.illv prefer to suppress Hut p ns oxcu'o for landles nnd no time for private nveislnns and I admit I nevpr anw stn h ,i siici ess ful party Hven the two frm tures tint Kroan all the time and the -mi ished-tip ritmpnlr who expects o lose his fnnt forcot to bo misernbli and the bltr butcher wlm Is fut Ions with all of us bei ntisi wi THE GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX Uy .I0HX IIAKVKV KCLLOCd, M. 1).. I.I.. 1). t nn if tr M If n it h nw-tiu hot t, i ituoj tin ?tnr i ' n mi nth n r fn t ( . unthfi'U hut 11 i i as m '' hr nK' tl nk nf nt t n ttintji mi nt or jtrt nlm foi mhnt t nuutr i in i i ft tttntin tn ih un SlMATI'W is nfti-n an inll.immatioii nf th. -i l.itb ti.tve nlihuuKh th' piln mav b. dm In ii hIIpx iniir.ilKl.i The selatb nervV inns from the siilne down Hip link nf tin lei: and Is the Innui'st and l.itKist mrvp Iu tin bodv SoniPtlmi s sciatica is due to thp nn sure "f some ciowth or i- c.iusid bv slttiuc ton lmiK on ,i haul ihalr I.nnc tandltiK or a strain nf tin lee nnd Invvii bnk muii Iph mav inusi pilu In the sciatic nerve The pain I" sometimes intense It, lapses rif 'il.itli.i an tn b , Npielid nftet mi has the tlrst utt.nk ' if i nuts' If i tumor has (men) tin pun ft t the Krnuth has been nmowd tin pun will dlsnppeai with the ciufp Vlen must often have this ilbnrdi i with a lilstruv nf rliPUiuallfm or emit Pvpnsur. to mid nod wet frequi ntlv britiK'. nn an at lark Like all neilialBin sct.itii i I tu id bv the nrlous diseases that affn t metalxilmii which Is the iirocess nf cniiMititiK fond intn liv Itiir tissue People wh" fnt vent- have Insufficient food or the wrouc kind will develop tn u ratKla In various paits of ilu bmh nnl frequentlv In the selatb mivi The diet In si lath i must be plun iml wholesome the must dlKistible and uulik Iv nsslmllateil final Alcohol, tea and inff, , mi absoluli h forbidden sometlini penpli' nn advised to take such poisons to hIipm tin pain This Is th" In tch! nl follv Indiid inurh sciatica and othu miunlcia an i.iuieil bv the use nf tea mtfci almlinhc bivilict" and IiiImii fun i tin diirittun of nn ntt n k of iieut.ilKia is vatialile and t elapses in fro. ipiont the path ul ntust iiiake up In iniml tn peislsteullv follnu a sinipli ,1 lot ii From vvtik to ve.iis people have seliln i unless tbev otilei theli llvis aimrdlni. ti btnloKle I lib s P.CKUlatitv In uitnls is impoiliut Ml cub, mmple and hlehlv se.tmned fnnd must be avni'led as well as filed funds pasti.v mill aiivthliiK kimwn to ilis.ii'm with the pitient IllKhl Klassis of puir illlnl.lliL walir should bo taken dailv not moie linn n half Klasa with ineaN 'I he how i Is must be mailo to move three times dailv thinuch the um nf latntive foods. lit in with meals and mineral oil as mi Inlcstln tl lulu l uint time times a dnv nlll bo effntivi if Ihi food dms not prove sufficient Ilr.in biead. .wleb.uk all the flints nnd flesh veKotahles me lost foods foi tin sitatlwi pitient ilepurlspoonful of olive nil with meals is u-eful when K.istrb ,nidit Is pn sent It mav be taken on lettme spinach or other m cetablps. , alen from I he spoon t'tenni with cetenls ,KKnnK. biittunylk and voKiirt milk aie excellent foods when the pal lent Is tubulated anil ndiiced In aildltlon to the diet the nppllcition nf nt.it Is ntrtssnr.v in icIIpvp Hip Inll inini itln and p.tin lint baths packs and fonit nt.i tlonH are of Ktcat spivIcc Hi at In niij form rt nders Krt.itest snvlte In sciatica Heat kills tin Hot situlhiiKS, hot watii Ii.iks tho electtii IlKht oi the simple ho tub bath ate all wnndirfulli , i sl'eiu means of lombultiK sciatica The not full bath Is mi,' of the best of all means Th patient sits In the tub with Icks extended and incieasi'i the temperatum of the bath until hot ns can be borne and then a little more sav to 110 iIckipch to 11", eltertes Pahienhelt In ten in fifteen mlnutis the iialn will Kenerallv cease In acute inses, two or three baths will often i ffect a cute. In chnnlo cases a longer time Is needed . The bowels must bo mailo to ninvo three or four tlmeH a elay by using at enery meal liberal ipiantltles eif bran or nKar airar and paraffin oil In sotno fnrm Herry Seeds To what exenl are blackberry seeds and other lerry seeds Injurious" A N VV These seeds are simply wood, and are not In any vvny nutritious They nre not daiiR-prous. When there, is ulceration of the stomach or an Inflamed condition of that organ, as In lases of uastrlc or In testinal catarrh, they may have an Irritat ing vffect, but this In unusual. Poisons From Meat-Eating How loni da It take to get rid of, the potions which have accumulated In the body aa the rcault of meat-eattnici Q. I', H. That depends upon the amount nf meat that has been eaten. If an Individual has eaten much meat all his lle, or for a urcat many yeam, until the whole system la saturated with the products of putrefaction, ,lt require eMfMftrbl limp fpr the.ttofiMa II don t relieve hlni of his left arm die nwe.irs It - no use to let a Joint like tint crow anv Innrer and treats our realh s.ood and mn. lentlous surKeon for a fool everv time he spps him) softened to a smile 'I hen on Sittudav ninttilni: I took Hie mill train lion t Imagine 1 l,u k the I"" i. tlmi nf the Church It aw.iltid me nt 'In stiiiinn In the shnpe of cood l'iteiir -iliitenii who tcpiesrnts the IMotisti'it in rsiuislon nt the Ambulance In a mild and t"dk w.iv Pol Hip lest, lie dnis tin woik f i simple liffiriiifc!' ntijrlllfiK . tun ei I mils takes the RU.ud and w i-l t illslns prv itibinsalel) nnd clun vou t'i' m preainn that he would toiiit p rs. utim ' na unto the Lord" When be d e tl dlshea In tnv itillr. If I Iuivp a I ssil ie ninnient I nlwavi ro and help with nn Instill' live elTort to efUall?.e tin tinhtnps of thlnps I'nstput S wtiR nwfulh mn cprnrd about mv coltiK off nloin If 'he teient birth of his Infant sou hiidn t put tils Wife In the Impns.slbllltv of rr'PiVinR Msltors he would have Insisted mi mv iiiieptliic his humble hospltnlltv I ttprlv nseUss tn explain Hint Paris wa- a fort of tionip to mn that I bad frlPiids there, and mui h to do Hp must nepila iiippi me mi the platform with his hinds full of let ters addressed to pastors nnd other Rood people In Paris to hp ilrllvrrnl In prrton' In there letters he oxhnits bis frfe ids tn surround me with amptthy and Thrlstlnn affpctlon It was n lovelv mornlnc soft and sll vetpd with Unlit mists thnt veiled the rising sun I rind foicotteti the world was so beautiful tb.it 'print: tints wen so dell i Inus thnt the forms of trees and brooks and i lust, i Im; v IllnRctt weie so nihil Inn I nssuie vou thnt an optical alteration Ukes plnie whin vou have limited at noth tnc enrnestlv liut white sheets nla' to i often qrnv mid pale faies anil red Hound foi a loni! time and vout r. tlnti Kets spii'I tlve to ben lit j In a wav th it I- nmajlt c Vt Chalons there' , nm Into mv compirtnicnt first i lass If vou please v hleh Is ratliei linndsnnip f the inprnm lit a lieutenant of the ;'tst Infnntrv colnp home on Am i,1 is leave of muise in boRan to talk about Verdun nnd If I hnd anv doubts ilimit i vlctorv final nnd mmplete tins stalwart --oldler flesh from the lienches wns leadv to dllpitp them llo'd "sppii wnt ' at Ipss tbnn flflv met' p from the stmt and moreover his wifi mil children mothei mitt .Isters hnd Iipoii held lirlsnners In the invndeil dlstrirt fnr over a veil, hut i" Iri iiiirnvn, li . Ilnrlirs'" Iip kppt leltrrntlnc villi a mnvlctlon that conldn t be doubted AltncMhrr It wis ,, profitable Jnurnev and most surprlslnc we nrrlved nearlv on Fibrillin time At the bpclntiliiB of tin no, tin lialns sometimes look twentj-two boms betwien Pnrli mil Vlttv li olnriaht In IV llutterfleld I , lite ncvl teller will uppeir in lomorrow' I'veiiinu I (dci r In i "iin sniiiritrel with thosp b -I-m tint the kin b 'illnw ind tin In. r pli It Iv svvjimpeel Willi tin i IT i n ,' btnuclit t" it t" In de 1 roved in I ti i off it tniv iiiiiii fr in si p. mi i veil of innMint rt irt ti i' ini sv Jtem MML0m 1310 Chestnut. Street Annual Sale of Suits Most Sensational Event of the Season Taken from Stock, Values $27.50 to $95.00 To be Sold at A4Jmijj These are the ery highest tpe of tailored nnd costume suits a credit to our 30 years of suit making and suit selling. BLUM quality and BLUM individuality are integral parts of every one . Values from $27.50 to $50.00. In s:rf;e, f Vdctir, burclla, taffeta, wool ercy, gnbarcJinc; $22.50 ( rm" cu-d, waistcoat nnd sports eff.cts; also ""' n few embroidered models. ) Values from At 1 xCo Oool . jersey, -r e. -. .- D . J.jU 5erKC, l "'' sui s -on' cf .Votie held m rcaenc jVoiic BOSTOI SAMPLE SHOE SHOP .95 $295 TUi VM.-1&. . - It.'., IN THE MOMENT'S MODES i V CO,T I Ok KIDDIES Chinese Kolil-cnlnied taffeta formt nn :tiproirinte baikgiound for the touches of Chinese cmhinidcry on tlie collar. culTs and patch pockets of (his modish child's coat. Cun ningly slimed fiom tlie quniutl.v plain' hodice. tho lather full sknt allow a plenty of ficedom for lomp inir. Such a garment could piob sililv he pin chafed fnr from S10 to Sl.'l. Kansas and London Where the ns and , loudless sUv wni broken bv on, i row 1 snt upon a hill all alone lone aco But I never felt so lonelv and so out of Hod s wnv V here where I brush elbows with a thoinand everv day Harry Kemp Thin Cake Tins When take this are worn thin f-catter a little sand over tin ovensliPlt before put- tliiB the tin In nnd the i.ike will not burn In the 1 aklnc Flour Barrel Never allow the Hour barrel to stind "n thp floot sc tint It i inised i fpw lnchPs from tho puiinil s. tint the ill m.iv iltiu 1 ite under it and 3 J eT5J 43.UU to V3.UU. In silk or tnffeta, charmcus?, Knki.rvcoj . I I . . I 1 I nnn imported iwoccis. Model a kind. scut on npprmal or C. 0. D, i Women's Pumps $995 Do somethinj: for somebody and do it quick that's service. Do something for somebody nnd do it quickly and correctly that's efficiency. Cut out the "middleman" and sell shoes Vlitcct to wearer at n comparative low price that's economy. These are the fixed policies that made possible sixty-one stores in forty-nine American cities. Values like these always. Colonial or plain effects. White buck skin, white linen, gun-metal, patent colt skin, gray and bronze kid, champagne kid, etc. High. or low heels. All widths and sizes. Boston Sample Shoe Shop S. VV. Cor. 10th and Market Second Floor Over Cbllilii'. Market or Tejitli Street Elevators. Open Saturday nbnk,li iw, PATSY KILDARE; OUTLAW By JUD1) MOKTIMHR LEWIS XXIV i IT WAS pnmnkes nc.iln for blciiMiil t bot I lould lie. In led ntiv mornlnc mid Ciie-FK vvluit I mn koIiik to li.ive for btenlv fnnt When I cot up 1 aa Inte anil mv filher, who hail e nine home tired out fiom vv.itchliuj, vv.ia. In lied nnd .inleep ltody'n pniifiil.es mid mine vvete atliretl up .mil' vvnltlnc to he fried, but they Iiml vvnlteil po lone th.lt tliev li.id aettlcd ulid I had to stir them iik.Uii vihleli wim not inueli trouble, oulv I ellil not trv tliein on the crlddle thl time I a.ivv u in in In it pltehei hrivv fiv hl i.ikei In n fr.vltu; pan unit flop them when they vveie teiuly to till li .ver f'i I fried oum In the frjliu. pan for ir a person li.ia Rot to cat pane.iUen all her 'Ifp rhe tnlRht na well loam to have n Utile fun out of II 'Io Hop n iiiiirnUe la tint na eiv n? It lookn When the llrst enKc wna fried on the bottom Hide 1 llniicd It Iml I tnim have lifted too li.iid for It went up In the air nnd over my head nnd Howdy luuRht It. which wan unfortunate, for It tmmt lnve' been verv lint and he swallowed It and then almost li.nl n fit before lie cooled off The) nest one landed on the Mleheti enblnet, on the lop part where I eoutd tint re. till, eo I left It theie I bejran to nee that tt won quite ii trlek to Hop ptneakea I never did tnnd one In the pan but I think that tn n ilav or two or maybe a week I ahnll bo able to flop them I did not have any hreaUfnst, nnd I'owdy ale the , akes that flew ai'omid the room T Rot ii dime out of mv father's porktt and we rambled and I Rot an all-tliy sueker and some tooklei for hte.ikfiml It li always a Rood thins to start out mllltiK In the mortilnR nnd cinlle at everv one 1li.it put" It up to people eltlmr to smile buk or cet ihclr faios puneln d 1 have npvn.vx Hinlled no matter liovv lone some I felt ! when t Ind eaten mv tookies I started awav smlllns and turned the eorner and miled rlRht In the fate nf Wilbur I'arpenter He slid 'Wlm ne vou ctlntmi,.- it ' I jON'T try to wear I op (OR'SETS- and-AERVC "Wear Nemo for a Purpose!" I designed for soma othdr woman. Wear YOUR OWN Nemo! Below we show examples of three distinct Nemo Services Self-Reducing, Wonderlift and Back Ucstinji representing 31 different models, each made for a distinct purpose; and in the Nemo Kop Scrvicc and "Little Nemo" lines are 12 more models. Each Nemo Corset is designed for some particular figure, from the growing girl to the very mature matron who must wear bize -14. mature matron who must wear bize -B. 11 BACK-RESTING SELF-REDUCING WONDERLIFT g 8 Models 17 Models 8 Modela tn fist jlJi It Reata Your Back Stylish RcducUon Strong, Flexible I Nemo Self-Reducing Service Hydienjcally reduces and support, tho Ore by the use of more than a dozen distinct patented inventions. 17 models $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 and up Nemo Wonderlift Service pie adjustable Wonderlift Handle! lift, up fallen tissues, holds them io place, preserves health, produces perfect fashion tines. 8 models $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 Nemo Back-Resting Service Relieves and prevents backache, gives correct bodily 'poise, flattens the back most modishly. 8 models $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $10 Tho Nemo is the most comprehensive line of corsets in existence. Select your Nemo for a Purpose; and bo sure it Is a Nemo, showing the NEMO trademark the market is ful of worthless imfrsUiona. .., . . .. ., i..:i.,....ft -.; . . I'ancahcH H.,1,1 VobAilv Ho ,,,, ..Vsu nr(, (oo VoiimeRrlnuIiiRatme'' i aM 'Ipntthat what I s H.I?' He said, -yo,, ,hlnk Vou a.e smait don't jou? Hut some day 'our iloi; will Ri.iw old nnd die and then I will nnl 1 ..I. r...t ..- . . "' ' "" K"i J"" Roon. tot tioRti grow old fit.r than folkV I ,,it, ,,0 want h.ilf of iy nll-day tinker-- nnd he wild, "Ves." I mm I ihnuRht so" Then Howdy .ind I , .milled nnd left him looklna at ua I wonder If he IhnuRht he vvouM Ret II .Utei uiu swim we went neai enoush to i-ee JtuiPR houvp, ,m ,), llrll cn tll(,r(, j ant not -..Ihr there for eiiu0 n ttlI(, ,,e i.iuse my father said she mlRht Ret tired of me 1 hcte me onlv two people In all the World who would pot Ret tlre.l or ir and ono of them m In luMien, which , Ercat feir her but touch link foi mo if ,(, had known she whs roIhr to licnven s,e would hue t.itiRht mv f.itho, to lllako s.imcthliiR be-ldes pinenkei, lit ,,r ,,rtnt know- It and neither did we tint it ) an rlcht nnd I shall co out to the Rravejard tomorrow and lm0 a vllt. ihouch she i,nt theie Sim, If she lan't there ho ,nn ,hl turn over In her crave like Mt rarpenter should think she would.' When How.lv and I went horn.. im ftfhn had cone w.it.hlnc ? vve ntr. whit hp hid b ft nnd I s.u on the Mep ,i lone nme vnth Howdy-H head on my knee ami nr m.Ufri the slnti mtil told him all nbout tiiP ni? and Utile nippers nnd the Milkv vny When my mother e omes for me and e Ko lljlnc from star to t,ir she will be surprised t find thu I know the way nearlv ,i mch a- she doe t w.is-erv happv thinking about It and when we praved I inicl near mother, 1 Ind a strance thought todnv be. i mice I have no one f plav with 1 thoiiclu how Imkv It would have- bopp tf when jou ordered me you Ind ni.(.rcti twins That would lnve been line but of .ourro vou did not think of p i ,ii . think of it mMlf till just nov men (' opvrlajht.) I lie ne-vt ixltentiiri. of I'atsv Mblare villi an. ppir in l.ntinrroiv-H l.v.nlnc I eelcf r. a Nemo model that is , s. r i . '" i u. ..!,,. L.,. r t.i' . -Y- 1 M 1 'rt "h i.!..m '"wi ItVJafaatMaL.tJaMratasAis-AJLJf msm