Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 24, 1917, Final, Image 15

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First Time in History of
Country Tnat Champions Have Been
Unable to Defend Titles
As for Service Rendered
To hole Fate in the face,
However grim and dark
To take the name's worst break.
And hold the vital spark
To throw soft flesh aside,
Where Trouble rules the fray,
Nor make one lone complaint
Along thejiarder way
Can you, who've drifted long.
Be ready at the 'sail
To swxm upsh'cam again.
Whatever may befall?
. For service also means
.,Thc courage to endure.
Where those who coma through fire
Shall find the only cure.
No Champions
rTNLESH tome viiiu viuwiku ueveiops ni
ft an early date, 1917 will present no golf
&a tennis champions.
I This means mai uiiick warm anu morris
t'-Vltllams will hold their positions nt the
hw.i.M unchallenged until peace returns
I" ln& tne onslaught can he renewed by the
J" complete field.
"" This will he the flrht lapse In elmmplon-
i? . ... .l1 nlntf Hint l-nl t II Tlfl tmitllii llQfd
vcr Known In America, but It was the only
?flr way to handle the situation.
V . -I.- ...IntiLl, In wnn tlill HMimiiAtv with
JL cimini'.,,.-..,,' - , ......
" .. mfinv ttnrs missing, would not reflect
Mug lasting credit upon the winner. It would
r, be reBafde(' rnore tts n vlctor' b' default.
r After the War
f Thero will he no championship golf In
,'.n. pnuntrv until after the war. Hut the
i rluininlonshln which England holds
i ihan likely will find the greatest
! American entry list on rccoid.
it w imnw unw of nnv number of Ameri
can players who nre plnnnlng to go over
. i,n next British championship when-
Iiver that may be. Kor while CJreat Tlrltaln
p hu I03t many oi ner kuiiuik mm.-., ni n
; Ra a formidable array left one capable
1 Of putting UP a HITOI1B Ufimnio naMi.
'of pu
fc The Only Way
P m, nntinii nf tlin coif, tennis and general
1 .thletic commltteea In nbollshlng all cham-
I? .i...hin u-.iv throuch the duration of the
h war wan the only possible way to handle.
the Pltuatlon.
A chamiilo- Mil) won by some player left
i.Mn.l with many leading competitors
I away on military duty, would be less than
' txh'bltlou matches and tournaments for
v patriotic purposes, where many thousands
can be raised for the Red Cross, the army
, cr the navy.
' There will be a sufficient numuer or mese
competitions to lcecp all games moving for-
l ward. ...
But a champlonslilp is anomer maucr.
Th.rp undoubtedly will be several leading
" placers In both golf and tennis unable to
II compete. It would not be fair to these not
Eft Mr to the game to have the title awarded
f in tneir ausence.
Those in autliorlty in ooin games now are
A making plans to ratfce Red Crass funds by
coming competitions, unerc are various
' ttir want tu ralsp funds which different
tournament committees should take up at
V the earliest possible moment.
C.Itnt Vnl Alu-nva
. "rho : ln.it-pl." h:iv Cnlonel Shakesneare.
izz.;.: :
r j.J(,h 1 ... .
Red and White Inflelders. Will JJig up
Wealth This Season 'in Place
4 of Grounders
1 ITHACA, W. V., APtlt;, wiiuc v-u.-
i, era out of the earth ttjls wrlnc.the Cornell
i' University Athletic Association hopes to dig
wealth this season, ln,th way of potatoes.
" It has been dccldeiAoopIow up the varsity
baseball diamond on.a-Alumnl Field and
plant a bumncr crop for town ime.
( Tl.nn Ifnnn nf 1. a bfJHttCHk fT nirrlrultUre
has been1 put In cfiarge of the work, anil
. the superintendent or grounds win auenu
' to details.
E, io uennue pians nave occn huimu '
' for Ihn IntprplnHSnnil IntprfratemltV series
of athletics that will keen sport3 going at
I Cofnell until college ends.
f '
PaiiaU T) TknMne r9 T)Ann tAillV fltl
" " iliuilias, "i i .,. iwuu, ....
t r unea negoiiaiions ior a game wun uiomuo
Ki.on Franklin Field tomorrow nfternoon.
K. P'y will start at 3 p. m. Either Titzel
1 41 w uernnaru will oe 1110 iiunur jui mo
To Collect Baseball Supplies
Iff JOHNSTOWN. Pa.. Atirll 24. Its nation-
.Wlde campalKn for, the collection of bamniall
J; inppll for the snllors and soldiers In the active
M,' ntvlce of tho United Mates will bo lnaueu-
' '.r "f llle naiionai liaseiiaii j-'cueraiion mi
'( P"1i,te'y unon ,he receipt of the ord from tho
iB Maaa of the urmy and navy departments.
y- TP LACK of fcellne and coolness are esscn-
1'AtIal qualifications, Joe Harvey, former
$ Central High School twirlcr and now a
freshman at Penn, should go big as a var-
rV. sltv nUAl.. A - ii . cn. Pulhartnnn.
-,. ., j,,n.uci, JIUCUIUUlb IAJ 3UII1 4u-.. .
K; on of tho members of the varsity squad,
pJUrvey can absorb moro shocks' and
ft knocks than the cavo man of old.
ClllbertRnii ivhn iifnn tnlrlnir IL bit of bat-
UIUJ nraetlpn tn thn tiAt nn ihn west side of
lilftanklln Field, slammed a high fly In tho
igtnerai direction of Joo Harvey, who, m
't time, Was playing tho outfleld in a
"wnman practice game. ine uau up-
, Wired In lw irnlnir a faw fAt tn Ihn right
flt Harvey and thero was no shout of
i 3ru"K nowever, iiarvey cuimiy i
;M his right a few strides to place himself
P me correct position for tho batter ana
lm ban thumped him, on tho button of
c-" vueDau cap.
r' It mlirlit 1.n. .Ann n ltr tinf (illtrhtPfl
fi Harvey's head for all the attention ho
fcC. l0 lne hump, He lifted nis giovcu
ij", euoKed his head once or twice, u-
ea nis cap, spat on his glove anu
Hatted In trim tinHAhnll fashion with his
ndg on his knees. Never a look around
, from whenco tho missile camel Nary
jTord of complaint! Not even a sign
f US In I
KCtUbertson stood in the net' with mouth
"-and eyes staring. "He's a cave man
f llUre." chlrnAil Sam whtn he recovered.
ltl the nickname' of "Cave Man" prob-
win stay with Iiarvey during nia
Mylvania career.
"WaH Berrr won't have many moments to
air on Friday and Baturday, ths days
.relay carnival at Franklin Field. Fr day
i'try to retain hl pentathlon title, wnicn
a h),r n tu. .. on4 An Hsturday he
m both on ths one' and two-mile Penn
W tiflfna II. I mintw nt fh LAlO
B" which plays Btstaon on tUtarduy. hut
tw siate ne win noi u i inr
Tvfyfy" it 'iy. ?
Golf and Tennis in This
"oft proclaims the man.'
Oft but not r.1.
A certain well-dressed golfer In one of
the southern cities went to Augusta, C-a.,
for a few days. Before leaving ho pur
chased a new. glittering golf outfit well be
yond the ordinary. Ills clothes were three
up on par.
At the end of the ninth hole a dusky
young caddlo approached the golfer's
equally dusky club bearer.
"W man," said the former, "sho' do
dres like a golfer."
"But ho sho' CJawd don't play like one,"
was the caddie's rejoinder, who had wit
nessed the first nine holes.
A baseball season opening with Hans
Wngncr retired nnd Nap Lajolo In the
minors Is a baseball season In name only.
It doesn't sound like tho same old melody,
Shakespeare on the Kaiser
"Set all marks In the State to what tune
pleased his car"
"Made such a Blnner of memory, to credit
his own lie"
"The strain of strutting chanticleer"
"Why, then, tho world's my oyster, which
I, with sword, will open"
"In time the savage bull doth bear the
"In a falfce quarrel there Is no true
"Thus must I front the smoke Into the
"A rotten case abides no handling"
Ball Players Who May Go
oung ball players have become accus
tomed of facing the draft. Many of them
uro drafted by higher minor loagues and
then drafted by tho 11 pjors. But when
the universal service bill -is gone through
many of these will face . new variety of
All unmarried ball players In all leagues
between the ages of twenty and thirty will
be In line to serve, nnd as virtually all
theso can pass any physical examination,
many may be taken before the season Is
over. And the War Department or tho
(lovernment Isn't very likely to pause and
figure what effect upon the pennant race
any such move would have.
An umpire, enlisting, would receive no
great credit for bravery. He more than
probably would be accused of seeking a
softer, less dangerous Job.
So far I-es Darcy has been turned down
In nineteen States. But he's n persistent
cuss, and yet may get by In Mexico It
ho can spring the proper combination.
Sports Served Short
Membem of the Quaker City Cycling1 Associa
tion nre much encouraged over the success of
Matirlco I'rlce of their club. In flnlshlne second
to John l-'areo, winner of the ten-mile "Thou
sand Dollar Handicap." raced Sunday on the
I'elhAin Parkway, the Bronx, New ork. Hie
Quakers sent a team of five riders to tho meet.
I'rlce. who Is secretary of the association, re
turned with a silver loving cup us u prlK.
Iloolc and line fishermen went after croakers
for the first time this season on Sunday at
l'ortesiue. N. J. Captain IJn nowers. with 11
parly of eleht, caught ten large croakers, and
I'aptaln Addle Whlteiar. with the Tom Hruwn
party, from Philadelphia, caught twenty-five
using mussels for bait. Other parties caught a
few. Shad fishermen decided last week that the
croakers were coming Into tho bay and ulso
wenkflsh, as they tpund a few In their nets,
and one drumnah was also netted.
(". .1. Griffin, who, wun William jr. Johns,
ton. holds the national doubles tennis cham
pionship, applied for examination yesterday In
New York for the officers' reservo training
torp. Ills home, is In San Francisco.
Thomas 1' Kltchelt yesterday was elected to
raptnln the University of Pennsylvania gsm
nasU during the 1B1K season. Fltchett Is now a
sopi-'dtore In the Wharton School. He sue
cee's i'rank Sturrldge. who scored eight points,
hII that the lied and Blue collected In the inter
collegiate gymnastic championships on March 30.
Jobb Objects to SiWa
Tutoring When at Bat
When Ty Tobb wn at bat recently XJm
plre O'l.ouililln called a strike that Ty
thought too high, lie protested.
".Never missed strike In my life. Tyrus."
"Hell, that one waa too high. Silk."
"Trouble with you, Ty, Is that you took
too long a stride." - . ...
"Vlhut do J 011 mean? Are you trying to
tell me how to bat?"
"Well, nren-t you trying to tell me liovr
to umpire? Von stick to batting and we'll
get along nil right."
Hby. Marvin Qintafson, S. Maxam and Fred
Davis will compose the Ited and lllue yearling
Notre Uame'a epeedy two-mlle team, which
Mine vvllhln three seconds i of the world's record
at Drake on Saturday, will be watched carefully
by the spectators In the relays. Meehan. the
former Catholic Hlah School runner, is anchor
man on the quartet. He Is a member of the
Rhnnnhan Cathollo-Club and his .clubmates In
tend to turn out In a body to cheer their fa
vorite. Mike Sulllv-an. who used to run vvlth Meehvjn
at Catholic HlBh, U a member of the Mercers,
hurc one'mlle relay Quartet. The Blue and
White team Is tho favorite In Its class.
lou Martin, star of the Penn basketball team
tnr tho last two seasons anu mmnm iur .;
wr reports occasionally for baseball and
jrur. '"""v.. . , onih team In iramta
SL-Vinst the varsity" Lou Is too busy vvlth his
Studies IS dentistry to devote much time to
the national ame. .
,.,., riurke. first honor man at rennsyj
...t?. .M. year Is one of the few aenlor presi
dent J wnoyh!a not won his varsity letter in
.fhifii Clarke has been a member of the
El.ketbail squad for the last three sessons.
but he "eve? haa been quite ood enoueh to
make a post.
rh.t lvorr. the former West Philadelphia
. CV. 15 basketball star. Is now tralnlnc
IStfhfufh? for the i hop. skip and Jump event In
JS":Viv. Ijfit year Ivory broke the American
V19 "V!i. this event, but he he d the honor
'niS'i1 ew iecSndl-untll Carter, of Wisconsin.
t?ok fnot&r try? andWooll went Chefa record.
. nravton. who stroked the Penn varsity
V. !7,lhiiiwM e Tlast year, haa been actlna
CTer1nmfster foPr "he oirsmen under Coacfi
M ,di" ii. has trained the oarsmen excellently
WrU". He n" "".'hat be has devoted to the
ln ffJieently. was conrratulated by Major
wor.k "I1. R the results wh ch lie haa pro
du" Frltl will l'av. Penn shortly for an
officer's' camp.
.. ..n kuahall tam Unea up against Stet
iThe rnn bawjai i w J3.nder Is slated
sou next f,uthe Hatmakers. The last time
P P'Jfj! ,'ori.hworked atalnst coile.lan. was
9 "J.C.S lnHisii worked a nst coileslsni
the slim lndl ' hn he ws driven to
about n month sjrp. ynj""' .wlriini, e,
tor the
RwY"lUW OqCSKU: who were be.t.n by th.
lllue, 10 to 8. 1
-v.. v.-.ttr-rM ftud wl'b? on,,!nl
VJj !JJ( (0f .
i JMWi
!'IIIH MSfc , t. . ;- H imrVSM
;i , xi ?u.-&.v ' nmft.vA. un.x tfUM ft ) tv w0.aHaHapi..
"Bunny" Fabrique, who came to the Brooklyn Club irom Providence,
is holding down the shortstop job. Although this is Fabriquc's first
experience in the majors ho is twenty-seven years old. A miniature
American flag worn by the Dodgers this year can be seen on Fabrique's
Quakers Cannot Win League
Title This Year.
McCall the Star
Penn t'harter Schuol battled hard for vic
tory over Kplscopal in the Interacadcmlc
League frame at Queen I.uiie yesterday,
but tho Churchmen, vvlth Met'all in mid
season form, were rlftht on edge for n vic
tory and they won, 3 to I. With the de
feat went I'enn Charter's last chance of
winning the 1917 baseball champlonslilp.
The beat Coach Mcrrltt'a boys can do
now Is to tlo for tho title. The loss of u
number of stars who joined the N'aval He
serve, Including Captain Davo Smith, had
much to do with Penn Charter's downfall.
Arthur Fleming, who did tho twirling, was
not equal to the occasion, and tho Church
men mad tho most; of every chance to score.
McCull's woik was exceptionally Rood.
Only once did he falter, lu the sixth In
ning, but he recovered lu time to pitch
the same hlgh-biand baseball that has
marked his work on tho mound In previous
games. Kplscopal now has two victories
and no defeats in the Interacademlc League,
and unless the unexpected happens will win
the 1917 championship.
Krug pitched a mighty fine game for
Central High .School yesterday and the
Crimson and Gold won from Oermantovvn
High, 7 to L'. Now Cen'.ral and Northeast
High are tied for hecond place In the
league, as the Northeast nlno defeated
Frankford High yesterday by a scoio of
11 to 5.
Krug also starred with tho stick. He
had thrco hits In four trips to tho plate.
Schaeffer was another Central star. He ac
cepted six chances without a miss and
played u perfect game. Tho feature of tho
game was tho triple play of Zellnzlger. who
grabbed a hot liner out of tho air off
Birkby's bat, caught Ktdd off second base
nnd threw Huckanan out at home plate.
Havre de Grace Entries
First race, three-year-olds and upward, claim
Inn, fiV4 furlongs Parlor Hoy, 115: 'I'oppec.
105: Uird Wells. 115: I.andstlcker. 115; Qlen
Sabe, KlSi aelic, 113; Itoyal Interi-st. 115;
Three Cheers, 05: Sleepy Ham, 105; Lohengrin.
110; Tempy IJuncan. 110: Quid Nunc, lltl: ItoBe
mary, 103; Klmberly. oi; Hurprlslnit, 105.
Second race, four-year-olds and upward, sell
ing li't miles Orperth. 104: M.one ttar. 101:
Cannonade, 105; t.'hoctuw, 105; Hupreme. 1011;
Tumerlone. lot); Col. Matt. Ifl4: Samlhlll, 1117:
Mary Wurren, 101; '(lnlner, 110; Pin -Mone,
115: Hay o" I.lsht, 115: I'alcee, 107: Ilatvvn, 101.
Third rnce. three-year-olds nnd upward,
claiming. 5M furlongs llgmont, 115; Ilurbank.
0.1; 0aca. 05; cllla. US; Al Hudson (Imp.).
YP100; Tom niward, 110; I.uzzl. 105; Klecha
Negra. '100: Anxiety, 115; Kncore, 110: Miizn.
nlk, 115: Daby Cole. 1115; Uuth Strickland, 110;
Kenneth, 110; Jls Ilasey, 1U3.
Fourth race, hundtcap. three-earohN and
upward, 0 furlongs Kevveasn. 115; Wiseman,,
101; l-'oic Trot, 07; David Cralc, 1118, Precise,
100; Courtship (Imp.), 1U3, Dr. Carmen, 101:
Fruitcake, 114,
Fifth race. three- ear-olds und upward, the
Penn Selling" Stakes, 5l furlonns 'Indian
Chant, 107: Iltruscan. 10S; Dignity, 07:
Startling, 118: Pesky, 10(1: Sklles's Knob, 112;
Polly J., 04; Kilts. 08: Dunadln. 104; l"u
Fo, 04; In Kay. 104; Anita. 100; Prohibition,
101; lmperator, 100: Sea lleach. 111: King llag
got, 00; 'Ambrose, 107; King Tuscan, 111: Hon
coo Goose, 107.
Sixth race, four-year-olds and upward, sell
ing. liV miles Hustling Ilrass, 109; 'Infidel
II. 107: Jabot. 115: HIIIlo llaker, 115; 'nevll
flsh (Imp). 107; Hong of Valley, 100: Ataboy.
101: 1M llond, 10.1: llllly Culhcrtson. mil; Chil
ton King. 112; Pierrot, 10: Thesleres, 100;
Tom Hancock, 100; Prim Harry (Imp.), 113.
"Seventh rnce, three. ear-olds, 'conditions. 0
furlongs Star rineh. 107: Nashville, 117; Court
ship limp.). 110; Reprobate. 110; iJidy Moll,
100: Hea Gull, 103: AmalKamator, 110,
Apprentice allowance claimed.
Weather, cloudy; track, fast.
How About a Bright
New Silk Shirt ?
Mi3.rill ' S43N.Fn.tSt. 3WWm4WA. .
Bodie Cleans Bases
on jingle in Seventh
Continued from I'aar due
thltd. .Milan stole. Grover tlircw out Hlce,
Foster scoring nnd Milan going to thltd.
Smith singled to center scoring Milan.
Leonard Hied to Strunk Six runs, four
hits, no errors
Wilt went out, Leonard to Judge tltover
singled to right Ilodle hit Into a double
play. Foster to Ctano to Judge. No run",
one hit, no errors.
Hills Johnson now pitching for the Ath
letics and Haley catching. Crane wont out,
Witt to Mi'innls. Orover thievv out Ailt
sinlth Shnw filed to Strunk No runs, no
hits, no errots
Strunk walked. Crane went Into left
Held and took Thrasher's) pop fly. Strunk
stole and went to third on, Alnsmlth's bad
throw. On Leonard's throw Mel mils was
safe and Strunk scored. Leonard was hurt
btopplug Mclunls's hot drive and Morgnn
teplacetl him. Bates forced Mclimls, Judge
to Crane. Haley called out on strikes.. One
tun, no hits, tvvo etrors.
Judge beat out it slow roller to Mclnnls.
making his third hit of the game. Foster
was called out on fctrlkes. Judge stole sec
ond. Milan walked. Menoskey batted for
Hlce. Menosky called tint on strikes. Smith
fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Crane threw out K. Johnson Foster
threw out Witt. Grover Hied to Menoskey.
No runs, no hits, no orrors
Witt threw out Morgan. Crane called
out on strikes. Alnsmlth Hied to Ilodle.
No runs, no hits, no crrois.
Foster threw out Ilodle. Morgan took
Strunk's foul fly Thrasher singled to left.
Morgan collared Mclunls's fly. No runs,
one hit, no errors.
Shaw fanned. Strunk rati Into left Held
for Judge's fly. Glover threw out Foster.
No runs, no hits, no errois.
President of Drevel lltdille Itasketball League,
write to llerliert W. Houseman, 4t orlh
Flfty-Hecond street.
Druedlng llrothers baseball team will open
tho season on April 2S. with u game with th
Wheat Khvaf club, rtiamploni of Hli htnond. A
hot gamo la expected The Druedlng line-up Is
as follows: Neverllng. first base; Knit, second
base: H. Mers. shortstop: K. M.'vers. third
has: f. Krehs. center held; Captain Reynolds,
right field, Llehner, catcher: Hralthwood and
Hagermun. pitchers. This team would llko
to book a game vvlth strictly first-class teams
offering reasonable Inducements, lor games ad.
dresi J. C. liberie. 101.1 North Hope street.
Indiana It. t will be represented this year
by u fost semlprofesslonnl traveling team. Tho
team will bo represented by nlajers who have
made nulto ii reputation In scholastic and col
lece ranks. To date tho management has se
cured games with Melrose, of Atlantic City;
Aberdeen A. C.. Che tenhom A. A llrldgeton.
N. ""nichird'on A. A.. Wcstvllle N. J. and
I'lementon. N. J. The management would like
to hear from n first-class home team for a
practice game on Saturday April 28. J. Mel
man. 1030.' North Thlrtyrecond street.
At a meeting of th Tlaltlmore nnd Ohio Ath
letic Association the following officers were
efetted- ?V. "llsdal-. president; H. B. llenedkt.
Vieeretary; K. A. Sands, treasurer. Was and
means .were discussed tu flnnnce tho various
sDorts The Philadelphia division baseball club,
winners uf the Thompson Cup. uver the entire
division, is nnxlous to book .games vvlth trams
St or away from home. It. H. Illchardson.
flooin No. 7. Twenty-fourth and Chestnut
Tow-ell School baseball team desires games
with all teams of this class on Saturday after
noons This team won th northeast scholos.
t o "namplonshlp and would like to hear fimn
teams wishing a first-class attraction. The
leum has udiied ft number of new plajers to
the ne-up. with A. Hamilton, the former Wide,
n"? hchool star, at llrst. A. Hamilton, 5438
North Falrhlll street.
Every man must have at least ono
silk shirt
i The newest and best patterns aro
ready for your choosing hereA
$3.95 Up '
As every man knows this price is
remarkably special for such a high
grade shirt, we must say "While they
Market St.
1430 Ckettnut St.
Market St.
Broad 4k Girard Ay.
Dodger Kid, on Debut,
Proves Class by Victory
Over Phillies
Phih-Dodgers Are Idle;
Gianta Here Tomorrow
The final game of the Phlllles-Dodaeri
series here this afternoon has been post
poned because of wev ground. The llrook
mi rlub left for home, where they play the
Braves tomorrow. The (Hunts arrive here
tomorrow for n four-dsy stand.
Wllbert Hoblnson nddetl another name to
his long string of pitching successes, and
Leon Cadore added a stendy job to his
peace of mind today. Cadore, starting In
his first gamo under big-league fire, held
tho Phillies to one run und six hltu.
Ono game doesn't mnUe n b'g-teague
pitcher. Two gnmes doesn't do It; but If
tho ability to do one stunt of this kind lies
In a pitcher's nrm thero must bo something
permanent there. Cadore, pitted against a
etcran, smashing team like the Phillies,
went along In nn easy, well-planned fashion,
held up his head In tho pinches nnd became
a member of the troop of young pitchers
rapidly displacing tho old names In the big
Probably It's more Wllbert Itoblnson's
fault than Cndore's. Itoblnson has been
looking around for ten years or more Just
keeping his eyo on n flock of young pitchers.
When ho was with tho Cllants he used to
come bobbing up now and then with a new
find, nnd when he became manager of the
Dndeers he beiran work rlitht away on a
gang of hurlcrs who never had done much
moro than draw a monthly pry check.
Bingles and Bungles
The Missing Macer
Old llonus Ifouiifr's welMfiioH n iinmr.
Knshrinrd iiMIMn the Hall o tiimi,
la not') a memory o the game.
Anil vtt I drrom nooiit mm.
drrnm ion' he ulninmrd the ball
.Irrnn (lie toltil Borden ttoll.
And how the iiitclifM. one nnd all,
Cnu lift nfoiitf ititliout mm.
Yestrrdnv's hero Joe Hush. The Pullet per-,
sou whirred seven Senators and niilJe two hits
for tho Athletics.
flaud Cooper nave up but threo hits to the
Cnrdlnuls while applying tho calcimine
The MlKhly t'ssfjs as recorded by th box
scori-s tndnv ar Wnlllf l'lpp nnd Manuel Cueto,
who rniipeil out humors.
Similes of tile old-timers lookul on ns Paddy
Livingston batted fur Slfelo at hi. l.ouln.
It took a vouiik lad nanifd Leon to brlnir tlo
Doilaers to life. Leon Cadore Is some pltLher.
lie tins proven there Is nothlnc ln n name.
Kred Merkle and I.arry Doyle mado thrc of
the Cubs' eleven hits.
Meehan, Philadelphia Boy, Member of Speedy!
western wuariet inaL
xaurvuru, rxiutuu
TIIK results of the Drake ' relays last
Snturday aro Interesting. In view of the
fnct that the victorious teams will be here
on Friday and Saturday for Pennsylvania's)
great allium! relny carnival. Tho running of
tho Notre Dnme two-mile team will mako It
favorite for that race hero on Saturday.
It won this event ln 7:55 t-5. That has
been beaten only once by n collego team.
That was nt Pennsylvania's relay carnival
last year, when Vale won In 7:53, which Is
tho world's record.
Noon, McDonough, Knsper and Median
compose this team. They nil have beaten
two minutes for tho half mile. Meehan Is a
Philadelphia boy, so that this race will be
Interesting to manj Phlladelphlnns. The
Shnnahnn Catholic Club, of which Meehan
Is a member, Is going to attend the relay
carnival In n body nnd cheer tho Notre
Damn four. On Snturday night a special
dinner will bo tendered tho Notro Dame
boys, vvlth Meehan ns tho special guest of
Penn Has Fast Team
Pennsylvania expects to lutve n real fast
team In the two-mile race, with Ilerry. Wal
kor, Dorsey und Scudder. Conch Robertson
feels that this four should get down closo
to the present figures. Walker Is the only
ono of these four who cannot beat two min
utes. State Collego also will have a fast
team, so that this race looks llko ono of
the best that will be seen during tho car
nival. Illinois rnn the ono tulle In 3 minutes
21 t-.l seconds, which Is good time. It
r.hnuld give a good ncrount of Itself
loxt Satutd.iv. tlionch Holy Cross Mis
souri, Notre Dame, State nnd Pennsylvania
will matte It travel all the way. Chi
cago was the other western college mai
distinguished Itself nt Drake. It won
the four-mile race and loubtlesj will he
favorite for that raco bete. With Cornell
out. State seems about tho only collego
capable of giving It a rub. as tho Penn
sylvania team will not be up to the mark.
Simpson ran through the high hurdles
In 1 1 4-r, seconds, only one-fifth second
behind his own world's record time. This
was his first outdoor pctformance, nnd It
would not be nt all surprising to seo hint
top the limbers hero In marvelous time.
Harvard to Be Represented
Hnrvaid, Prince r, Yale and other col
Ices that gave up all college spoit on tho
dec' ration of war we coming to see what
n mistake they made, for they find that
they cannot keep their men lu training at
all without the stimulus of intercollegiate
competition. On that account they aro ic
turning one by one to the fold.
On Friday Ptlnceton sent In entries for
the relay carnival. On Saturday Harvard
sent word that It would bo lepresented, and
Yale wired nsklng If It was still too lato
to enter. It Is more than likely that Yale
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xv,uns Here Saturday: l
aim Iale Entered H
also will ,nvo
llkelv vJ ..8 "ome men here, It 1 w
training. hi,7 . . Den out rlt
o'onts nnd Ynln uin .VTi.' t",..' ."'.".
-.., .mamy uo tna same.. -!
err"?!! r State College are to .JH
' going very fnt tf. i.. 7 . .. .' ,,, n
lay trial. n,,..h..,!' e."..b!"t. 4?" '" "' 'I
- i'enn ana sironsr.
- - viuiii u i rnn iitina A .
j v me reiny carnival. II ',
yle, though It Is fair. He is.
montit ago.
tnes ni ai. Louis about a .i'Ji
100VvaniOborATn' wh0 ls '"'" 'a th.vf
the rnce. as h In n .v A- JS.i
ny ynnla.
...v.n. ,:-, iJ
Baseball nnd Tennis Schedules to B
Canceled for the Season at
West Point
wi:st point
Kn baVih 14
games remain for tho Army team, which
was considered ono of the best nines that
ever represented West Point. The tennli
schedule, with the season nbout to open,
also will be canceled. v
A Dandy
N. Y.. Alirll l Alt
scheduled athletic games between the Army
und outside colleges will be called ofT nt
once by older of Secretary of War Baker.
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