mm ing Men and Women r President's Plan Is AT.i...... iSENT COMMITTEE who have ben uralnc that the 'States be conducted on a bunlnesji- ifcaetn. reallte that Ereetdent Wilson's for selective conscription In the most 1 sten which can be taken 'In the ai crisis. demand that (?ontrM take rnffnl- , pf this grows etronter dally. Volc M sentiment of hundreds of thousands ',fWresentathe citizens, the Bvenino. i yesterday telegraphed to s. Hubert It' Jr chairman Of the House Coin Is' on Military Affair, ursine fmor- i eonslderntlan of the bill providing for live conscription. ', ia beltevca that the subject will come A ote before the Houie enrly next w. If a voto were taken on tlir question 'Philadelphia there Is little doubt that result Mould be ten (o one In favor :th President's plan. Selective conscription has met nith cm- lie approval or most of the prominent sen In the city and State. A t pleat itratlon of their view may bo found : the opinion of Miss Anna Jarvls, orlg- er of Mothers' Day. She wns In I.on- 'at tho outset of the struggle In Kurope 1 saw the. folly of the olunteer s8tem. . "I.wafehed with great Interest." she said. I enorts or the rcngusli recruiting om I to Bet the vounir men to enllvt. Thev lid listen half-Interested to the speeches tithe reasons why they should rally to colors and finally drift away. It was cult to make them realize that there Us' any real danger. That Is iut the euble here with many of our voting men The Indefinite plan of waiting for ilanteers should be Immediately abolished. lie selective conscription Plan is the onlv Mag which will keep us from being sten." , 'That the sentiment of the people of Blladelnhla is havlntr some effect In shnnn ir the experience of the emereenpv ram. aKtee of the Board of Trade. A few days I'the'commlttee adopted a I evolution ad- atlng universal .nilltary training and t a copy of the resolution to each mem- of Congress. A large number of fa- srable responses havo been received. u)mong those who 'expressed approval of i President n. plan today was M. Hampton id, ex-Attorney General of Pennsylvania, said: ' ' i"Selectlvc tonscrlptlou. In my opinion. Is fclhe only Just and fair way to raise a na- onal army. Being a soldier and pa) Ing es aro unpleasant burdens, but they nre kewise duties and should be distributed at tly equally as possible on Individuals ; property." ':Undr tho volunteer HVKtem a man may unifer 10 siay at Home and make money is comraaev 'itruggle. , iT"Z"f ffi li.J - WW :cr-ah .. ,W' SSSfe, ,VV-.VV5i?v., rhtn fc&aa mWiF3Z u LNY BRITISH EXPERTS ?& INCLUDED IN COMMISSION ;4't ate Department Announces Fuither iff Members of Wnr Board Com ing to America fcV,WASHINGTON. April 20. The Slate De- tment today announced an additional of British members of the International amission which will arrive In Washlng- oon to confer with American officials (co-operative plans for conduit of the SnT- The department announced a number-of nbers yesterdau Including Arthur J. Bal- Br, Foreign Minister; Admiral De Chair owe. Todays list Included: War Office Colonel Ooodwln. Colonel snghornc, Jlajor L. W. B. Itecs. V. C C. Royal Flying Corps; Major C. K. Misey, W Blockade department experts Lord Kim. gr'.ttoe Percy, of the Foreign Office; A. A. rwuon, or ine Foreign Omce; K. P. Itobln- npvii, ui ma o,,aru ot i raae ; . AlcKenna, K2& tho war trade Intelligence department ; v. i-eierson, or tne rorelgn trade de rtment. Foreign Office. iWheat commission A. A. Anderson. Jrman ; Mr. Vigor. Munitions W. T.,, Lav ton, director of re tirements and statistics lirnnrh. upi-atai... r-u nMin. -m ... .. ..."J yiv muiiauj oi munitions; jj. T. PlullipH, nvnean ana transport department, Jlln ry of Munitions; Captain Iteming, Mr. nos, of .ordnance and lines nt r.nmr...i tlon; Colonel Heron, supplies and trans Kt; Major Puckle. M IRORE MILITARY BODY OFFERED TO GOVERNOR lerrts Guards, of Which Ed ire Wan 1 Officer in 1898, Makes Tender r'ATJANTIC CITY, N. , April 20, The rrl auards. an Independent military """'" wiih.ii uovernor waiter E once was a seraeant. has tenH.r.H i. rices to the Governor. The company made a like tender in 189S oiwrm me .reacrai ntrvin . t- ay'TV New Jersey Volunteers, under the m ui vjapiain j.ewiM t. Bryant, now Labor Commissioner. Goinnn. t.-- l econd lieutenant. " Grit Chamber Contract Awards LilTeCr Patcsman' of the Department of EJ5 Tou . '. ,'" a contract to h&f"'?. Co. for the construction of ilZL i i? .' important section of .. ..,v..ucmi lo lMB construction of a rase-diSDOsal avilm tnv 11,. -i... . amber, which will cost M22.751, will be Ittte4 north of I.vfvtmfno. f,u - . i j. : . ". . .. .-fc hiiu wesv ttv pireei ana viu serve the Intercepting serar alone Pratikfnr.l ' ' A SHE FAVORS CONSCRIPTION From personal observation while in London, Miss Anna Jarvis, orig inator of Xlother's Day, indorses selective plan and would abolish volunteer system of recruiting. NOT WORRIED OVER WAR FUND SQUABBLE George Wharton Pepper, of State Safety Committee, Be lieves Everything Will Be All Right (jeoige Wharton Pepper is not uonvlriK about the factional trouble over the $2,. UOO.000 appropriation for tho Committee of Public Safety of the Commonwealth of l'einiH.v hatil.i, of which he H Lhalrmnu, which h being held up In Harrisbiirg, Dis patches from tho inpllal s.i that the (!o ernor will veto the bill, het.iuva ho thlliKs It Is being foisted upon him by Penroso leadcis "Wo aro' not at all concerned over the reports of differences of opinion at Harris burg respecting the form of the appro priation 'We ale sure that the difference Is not a patty or ii factional dUTciencp, but' It Is merely a dexlro to do the right thing In the right way," said Mr Pepper In n statement Issued at tha State headquarters of the safety committee, 70t ritmnco Building, today ' The sooner the Legis lature acts tho sooner oui effective work can begin It Is the people's affair, not ours. We ate merely trlng to do u piece of public hervlce Mr Pepiier Ir not at all ai about the conditions under which ho nnd his com mittee work The Governor has nppolnted the men, all""of them lcadeis In vnrlous lines of public service They have accepted the responsibility, and Mr. Ptpper feels that tho State will back these men who give of their time nnd their' btalns for the public safety of Pcuns) Ivanl i. 'The Committee of Public Safety will do Its best to work cffectlvels," said Mr. Pepper "under any terms that tho Legis lature hees tit to lmpoe. The field to be covered Is enormous. It Is already clear that there Is much useful nnd .Important work to do. If n small appropriation Is made a conespondinglj small result must follow. If the appropriation Is liberal and Its use reasonably unrestricted tho commit tee feels confident that the State will re ceive full value for every dollar expended. It Is for the Legislature to decide to what extent tho Committee of Public Safety Is to be trusted." SEEK MYSTERIOUS PLANE Authorities Searching for Craft That Again Visited Portsmouth, N. H. PORTSMOUTH, X, H. April 20. Naval authorities have renewed the search for the mvsterlous aeroplane which was re ported to have made i another flight over this city last night. Telephone messages stating that nn avia tor had flown over York Beach, Me , and Hampton, reached the nav vard shortly after calls were received from persons here, who asserted that they distinctly observed the craft In the vicinity of tho jard. The authorities declared they were unable to verify the reports. BOSTON SAMPLE SHOE SHOP. MCI!! The Best Buy In Philly 6-. V. DRFFRS ie Vegetable Garden o-.iYmore attention thla an ever' before. Dreer's seeds are of ana testca .quality; your cultural ," '' wi ana results are "", ,. " urounas, prove the ?I ? U our seeds, .Early maturing 7ST ".,.-: "T7 "uce. ..--. , opinacn, etc.. jkht-IwUi placed oa the piantim? Rfcrfr taaa KjttlHrtjfct.rsaHy, frst-class sorts tarMJlre4(rints. Beau. CM MM Html hl.4. . Seaasssr' IMA. lll lujAk.!.. vkziljz rrr". S-.7ZT'S7" 2 !? PSfiS tiiht-i7. "TZjt'. VT rf" 7 mr SnSSftSS 'rrzt . M A Under present - day condi tions with the coBt of feather hovering about the clouds here are shoes and Oxfords worth $1 to $2 more. We tell you this, men, in all frankness. It's a tight squeeze, but with the com bined, resources of sixty-one stores we're able to do it. Gun-metal, Patent Colt, Black, Soft Kidakin, etc. Blucher or English lace and button. fltMton Sample J Shoe Shoo .11 I lit. bt im --- . .. m 0MMs'.;tsVi mrmrtt. It T'd,tr ,f . a DAICANNOMITAIJANI Reparti di Fanteria Attaccario e Conquistano una Posizlone Austriaca sul Carso L'OFFENSIVA IN RUSSIA? II Generate Nivelle Batte di Nuovo i Tcdeschi Dovunque li Attacca tra Soissons e Rheims nOMA. 20 Aprils ella glornata ill lerl sulla ftoute itntluna si sono avute aticoia vlotente nilonl dl nrtlgllerla, e le balterle dl gtossl rallbrl sono state attlvlsslme. (nil rti li Mli.iut. della Oucrra pubbllcava II srguente rnpporto del geneiale Cadotna circa la sltuazlono alia fronte Italo-austrlacn. .Vella Val Iigarlna fvalle dell'Adlge) !e nostre batterle hanno bombardato ill nuovo c con otllml rlsultatl la sta (?.lonc dl I'alllano causandovi gratidl Inceudll che sono dlvenlatl plu' dlsa sttosl R causa del venlo che allmentava e piopagava le flamine. SI roiio avutl anche plccoll comhatllmentl durante I nuall I nolrl reparti hanno fatto nlcttnl prlglonlerl Sulls fronte delle Alpl Ululie uella gloinala dl lerl l'nitione delle iitllgllerlo e' slnta plu" Intensa nella zona dl Ho-rlrla, .Sul Carso alcuiil nosttl iilccoll ropnitl, favorltl daH'oscutlta'. attraveisarono la llnea dl dlfesa dl una poillnne ne meca avanzata a nord dl Cnstagnevlzz'i ed occupaziouo la poslzolne fneendo nrl- I glonlerl gll austrlacl che la i-uarnltaSin 0 catlurando niml c inunlzlonl. Una delle nostre squadrlglle neree ha bombardato dl nuovo gll stablllinCutl mllltail nemlcl dl Chlapovano, Dotlni berga, nifemberga e Comeno. Tutte le nostre macchine ritoroarono senza dannl alle loro basl. Telegramml da Parlgl dicono che II Jlln Isteto franccse della Oucrra ha amiunclato die le forzo teutonlche operantl sulla fronte mncedone hinno tentatn dl nttaciare le llneo del generate Sat lull, ma sono state resplnte. Un attacco venlva preparato da tedetchl e bulgari contro le llnee Italiaiie ad ovest dl Jlonastlr, ma l'artlglleila Italian, ac rortasctie, dltpcrdcva II nemlco co. tin ben dlretto fuoco 1! romanl piopongono dl Ueolvere le qiilstlono degll Itallanl resldentl negll Stall Unltl che lion hanno tlsposto alia chlarnata alle arml con utlllzzaio questl ....,.,,, ng MaDiiimenti nillltaii amcrl caul. In tal tnodo essl veirebbero ad es sere nssoltl dalla colpa dl non aver tlpoto alia chlarnata alia arml In Itallu. 11 Olornale Ctllclale pubbllca up decreto is iaa'izK::ir vL5 .n. dl economlziare sulla carta che e' dlventata scarsa. OFKRNBIVA IN nUSStA? Ora si parla dl una offanslva teutonlca che sarehbe preparala contro la llussla, mentre non e' ancora spenta l'eco delle vocl dl of fenslia contro I'ltnlla e nella Macedonia. I'n lelegramma da Pctrograd dice che I tedeschl si preparano ad attaccare la parte setteutrionala della fronte rusna con in tenzlone dl marclaie su petrograd. I.a manovra sarebbe nlutata anche dalla flotta. II Ulegramma dice che 1 Kdeschl hanno nmmassatn una ituantlta' dl truppe su quella patte della fronte russt e che la flotta tedesca si sarebbe trasferlta da Kiel a Mliau. SI crede che II piano del tedeirlil sla quello dl tagllal Petrograd fuorl (telle comunlcazlonl con 1'eserclto russo del nurd. Da l.ondra mandano che gll alteatl pte parano una miova azlone In (.rrda, II Parlsmenlo Inglese e' stato (onvocato In sedula segreta In data che saia' stablltla nella settitnana Ventura, Son si s.t bene quale sla per ora questa nuova nzlonc nella tirecla. Intatito, a pioppsllo delle dlililarazlonl del mlnlstro degll Kterl austro-ungarlco, route Czeruin, cltca le offeile dl pace alii Itucsla, II conte Heventlow scrlve nella Ber liner Tages Xeltung che qucMo passo slgnl flca la rovlna dell' Impel o ledesco, II He ventlow dice che II conte Czernln non ha tenuto ronto del fatto che l'lmpeto tedf'co ta (ombattendo ora una battaglla che deve portare alia vlllorla, ed agglttuge che una confernza sulla base proposta da r'rernln dlstiuggerebbe la Oermanla all'estcto ed nll'liitcruo. Questo coinnicnlo inostia quanto la dl ventata precaila l'alleanra del due Impel i ccntrall che a poCo a poco va Ygretolandosl. I.A BATTAGI.IA l.V KKANCIA 1..i haltaglia inlzlata cinque giotnl fa dal geneiale Nivelle tttilal fionte Solssons- Ithelms contlnua con crcscciitc vlolenza. .Vella gloinala dl lerl le truppe francesl hanno rlcacclato Indletto t tedeRChl do vunque II hanno attaccatl ed hanno conqul stato diverse importantl posrzlonl 11 nil mero del prlglonictl fattl dal frunresl In questl quattro glornl dl battaglla sale ora a 18,000 e quello del cannon! a cento fill inglesl dal glorno della battnglla dl Arras hanno couqtilstato da parte loio ollte diieccnto cannont 11 maresclallo von Hlndenbing avcv.i rluforrato le sue llnee tra Solssons e nhelnu con IM0.000 uoiulnl, ma queste truppe sono state battufc dal francesl La battaglla contlnua furloslssima. 1 Quiz Doctors in Drug Crusade UARIUSBCnu, April 20. As part ot a clean-up of men who have been selling narcotics Illegally here, several local phjsl clans nete examined by Kmlle Koos, of the narcotic drug branch of the Internal P.ev cnue Department. Physicians brought charges of forgery against several men whom the doctors sav wrote physicians, signing their names. Ai rests will follow FOR NEW IRELAND v Word From Wilson Can Ob tain Home Rule, Says Joseph Devlin ENGLAND READY TO ACT LONDON. API II 20. it. ..i.i u'lUnn inn obtain home lute for lielutid merely by saving the vvotd" The Nationalist member. Joseph Devlin, acting leader of the Irish Parliamentary pal Iv since Itcdmoiid's Illness, ko declared todav He explained If Hie President made It clvar to Kngland'H leaders that a settle ment of the Irish question was necessary to In Ing Hboiit whole-hearted American participation In tho r the leaders would not fall to net mi the suggestion. Devlin added One evasion follows another In dis heartening succession hut thcie are signs that Hie (lovrtnment appreciates the erfed of Americans asking them selves, "How about Ireland?" We have been led time nnd time again to think that a settlement of the lilsh qucstlon would be granted only to be put off once more Picsident Wilsons action woum ds final and positive In obtaining Ireland her home tule. Supporting Devlin s hint that greater Ainriitun participation might be obtained ir ti.. Mrvi.fiiiiiit would settle the Jrlsli question, the tone of the HrltMi prejs for the last few das has been unusually strong In uiglng Hctlou by Llojd Ueorgc. .Many newspapers are demanding Imme diate settlement on tho ground that rela tions with America demand such a course and many of these newspapers have hereto, fore never exhibited any patience with the Irish Nationalists' pleas Show Your Colors Flag Seal Your Letters America Ttrat. lMt and Always 1000 Seals, $1.00 3000 Seals, $2.00 6000 Seals, $3.60 Iower prices on larger quantities. Fxt paid uBrwhore on receipt ot price. CEMTmi I iDCI rt 8th and , iiintun linuuu vv ThOttpsom. TM4 "Ut oeluul lf "f dimmed l teU (n full color). rJ! BONWIT CHESTNUT AT 13! STREET -FOR TOMORROW, SATURDAY- Extraordinarj) Opportunity HigK-Class Misses' Suits especially priced for this sale We have for this sale divided our stock of "Tailleur" Suits in five groups, for one day's selling, at reduced prices, that will afford an unusual opportunity. 210 "Tailleur" Suits-Value 35.00 to 45.00 20.00 and 25.00 175 "lailleur" Suits-Vduc 45.00 to 55.00 35.00 200 "Tailleur" Suits-Value 49.50 to 69:50 . 39.50 and 45.00 These Suits are the latest Spring models, some are Braid Bound, and on the man nish type; others are Demi tailored. Quite a few are very attractive Walking Suits. Vestee and belted models, new tight sleeves, detachable collars Misses' Top Coats and Capes 25.00 39.50 up to 150.00 Typically youthful fashions specifically designed foMhe younger set in velour burella tweed, patagonia, diagonal bolivia, in subdued and high colorings, capes of gabardine lined with striped wool jersey and waistcoat velour capes. Misses' Frocks and Gowns 18.50 to 185.00 Featured are smart-tailored street frocks of wool jersey serge and tricotine, afterno frocks, of Georgette crepe, lavishly beaded and embroidered. Hand-made' frocks Georgette crepe. Evening gowns of exclusive styles and materials for the debutante "FLAPPER" FASHIONS for Me Hard-lo-fit Girl An origination of this shop, and to be found exclusively af Bonwit Teller & C Highly specialized fashions in apparel for the girl of 12 to 16, who has outgrown her years, but yet must adhere to girlish forms and tenets in apparel. "Flapper" Tailored Suits 25.00, , Fhe JUtmcl miu mnpyhltx, tapulri, blue and A large collection of specialized imes in anrou mf"' aiz U it)fles. Materials, and colorings for the ''L..,'' .. 12114, - " Z ''Flapper" Top (Wc 1 8.5(U ?7.50 ill ta in. jfi III. . o . ..... is . W - rrM C. J y v Church Robbery Anion Soveral Re ported to tho Fqllce Thieves broke Into the Orcek Orthodox f'htirch, 749 South Twellh street, last night and stole the communion service, which, was valued at $100. Bullock. 211 ... . . - . t j ' f open last night ana jewey atx at ithWl to the value of $668 waa iloVeti, V) The following tierwmit retortd lot - ' tomoblles: J. V. Campbell, 4533 Osare . nuo: J. M. It. Kcott, 1012 Stnpheii cllr,n.i Bulldlnri John nulon-MIIlcr, 102 D t' " cey street, nnd Snnmel C. Carter, jbI. South Tvventy-elBhth Bttcet. ' X 80th Anniversary Opportunity Sale Ends Tomorrow Forethought has provided many unusual values for the last two days' selling- notable among which are the following: The Newest of the New in Silks Jersey silks in white grounds with colored stripes and plain shades of rose, green, tan and heliotrope. 32 inches wide. Special $1.95 A new line of tub silk" in stripes, combinations of colors that are different. 32 inches wide Special $1.68 Plain colors of Gros de Londres silk for afternoon and street frocks. 6 inches wide. Value $2.50. $1,80 yd. Opportunities in Millinery Distinctive hats in original designs and" clever adaptations of French models. $8.80 and $10.80 Special Opportunities in White Goods White Cotton Voile, sheer, fine quality. 39 inches wide. Value 30c yd. 21c yd. White Swiss, cross bar effects with figures or the plain dots. 36-inch. Special 35c yd. Imported Crepes, in different weights, for waists, skirts and underwear. 34- to 42-in. Values S8c to 40c yd. 18c and 25c yd. Imported Batiste, very fine soft mercerized quality. 45 inch. Value 50c yd. 38c yd. Imported Organdie, for waists, collars and cuffs, guaran teed to retain the finish after washing. 40-inch. Value 75c yd., 45c yd. Voile AHorers, 40 inches wide, embroidered in all-white or colors on white. Value $1.00 yd,. 68c yd. Embroidered Voiles, imported quality, all-white and a choice selection of designs. 38-inch. . Values $10 to fS.75 yd. $1.15 yd. Kanasaki Nainsook, 39 inches wide, for waists, lingerie and children's dresses. We are the sole distributors for this brand. $2.85 for 10-yd. piece boxed Undermuslins Specially Priced Nightgowns, trimmed with embroidery and lace. $1.25 and $1.50 Envelope Chemises. $1.25 and $1.50 Combinations, of fine nainsook with Picot edge. $1,59 Camisoles. $1.25 and $1.50 A number of odd pieces, greatly reduced to close out. Drawers Special 65c to $1 White Petticoats, with hem and tucks, embroidery ruf fles, sateen and pique. Special $1.25 to $2.25 Japanese Kimonas. Special 80c and $1.80 x -ani The House that Hcppe built FOUNDED IN U6B-ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM rw 1 C J. Heppe & Son, H17-1H9 Chtnut St. 6th & Tho'nTploirSu: Through our Rental Payment -Plan you may rent a Victoria and apply all rent to the purchase price Below is a complete list of our various Vic trola outfits, together With their raak nr.. lou may purchase any or tnese outhts at the prices listed below through our rental payment plan. This allows you to rent an outfit and apply all of the rent to the purchase price. Delivery will be made free to any point in the United States. Call, phone or write for illustrated catalogs na iuh particulars. HEPPE OUTFITS .6V,aMe:,ice R;rVM;$1!S2 S" . w 1 1! I fl 1 II I I il f II I Mr aWs. ill' Firlv J 450 Records, your selection' .975.00 . 10.00 lam cost ... tin en . 1 . T -""1 "" sciecuon ... 10:00 Total cost $29.50 - r uown, a i monthly, ...Tf? -i: $110.00 'i fo uuwn, 10 monthly. VIPTDni . .... 1 ..w.uut vm $40.0fl VlP-rsnt .., Kanvif -. w w m nuL.H Jk mma. .... Records, your selection.'! 0 Record,, your se'lection::: ia00 TaI -.t Total cost $60 nn ti 1 . ' Py S down, 4 monthly. pW.fin ' ' ; ,21M)0 3 Pay 10 down, lip monthly. Call or write for full rmrtiuU.. aena lltu Itu coupon. WWWyyyy f. Heprie & Son to U7 Che,lnu Street ) or 6th and TliAmn. c... . t PbiU.Uk:. yourPr.n,tt,!epllymneen!',pT.t?te1 ' of Vktro.a. ad tutlwUin ' Name ,.,,, ' ifl -1 A A -81 I-l.-. laig .' I MX. JHIl". JWMI':. ,fi-i , tnnTmS"' ' .itiM AiwMntaui aaMyMiit 1 1 if ITT IT f " " . l 'l- yvawa'Ktwit mmrm&iniMP'rm''m-' ,4 -t -' itiHtmtmltxltWHmMmxtitt.