Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 19, 1917, Final, Image 10

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i . u n xmxi-imuMwtntmimmm'i'
rj " " " J
.WtiWSKW 7.
l . tl
-y a e- r
. -
VEStfZfmmMPismhiMhibBrw&aiv'ittt'? l' ra -.. . . ' i. vs,.a viaHraHsaVKHri.'
TfrnriTar-riffli"-'"j"u-'" - ""- " ""' -' '- - MmtriMRvrHiu
f y ,V;4V t , a - 1 1 Wo had our pancakes when my father tot
' . " . "" . , ' -it " " II ready to fto watchlnjr, nnd ho looked around
'Becomes, Dreary When There Is Nothing in
Future to Plan For The Friendship of Ad-
arsity Surpasses'Frien'dship of Prosperity
f . w.
Bfeclli)fc of bifoyanoy which "having
FMMthihg to look foYward to" gives
(Particularly needed; nnd lacking at
rWrtio of year, I believe, Somehow In
fall the memory of tlio summer t
I ragrnnt, then later on In tlio winter
i crowd one upon another and there
itlrne to have that feellns of emptl
fwi niier ineso are oyer one is at a
Ll-" . .
: oourse tho summer vacation is being
hed. but It Is still too far off to be a
.stimulus. Those of us who aro shut
in town houses feci tho need of getting
'beyond the city limits, of having a
ste of summer.' Even a day llko this
' worth planning for.
Thero Is nothing moro deadening than
feel that life holds no attractions, nnd
i wo have something to look forwnrd
rmany of us do feel this way. AVo nro
nly enjoined to "take no thought for
It morrow," but tho morrow, nfter nil,
i only the "now" of another day.
BKVP.,Sears expresses this Idea in a llttlo
OK on "Concentration, In which ho
"One should remember that the
tasclousncss, tho thought, tho feeling
ith which wo do a thing are tho greatest
riMerminlng factors as'to Its value.
"AVThero Is no tlmo but tho ctcinal now;
fWJien what wo call tomorrow comes It has
KMased to bo 'tomorrow' and Is 'now.'"
But that It 1j a mlstako to loso sight of
wk present In planning for tho future
I also emphasized, as for Instance: "When
lie builds for the future he never catches
with It, but when ho builds In tho
ffcow' he wilt materialize In tho 'now,'
rn though that 'now' may bo what ho I
JU days, months or vears hence."
,'yhlcH would Beem to emphaslzo the
jue or constant worn, or neing always
jpled even when, as Is tho caso these
parm sprjng days, to do so Is seemingly
r Irksome.
Hrotm editorial In Inst evening's
9- paper," writes a. woman from Gcr-
Take n half a dozen cherries, some
narrow ribbon and a high htruw
hnt, nnd you have a recipe for a
HpriiiR hut. Hero is the rctipc
worked out.
mantown, "touched upon one of tho weak
est points In all charity work. Wo In
Gcrmuntoun havo fortunately llttlo of
this absurd class feeling among our
'charities,' I'cihaps lieciuiso wo aro re
moved from tho rlty nnd every one knows
every ono else, the class distinctions nro
understood, so that theio Is never nny
feeling among any of us about working
sldo by sldo with Mrs. Smith, tho coal
dealer's wife, If Raid Mrs. Smith should
dcclaro her willingness to help.
"And even while writing In this strain
tho 'any of us' seems to bo a giveaway.
I believe, as you do, that if gicnt misfor
tunes do como they will only htrcngthen
tho national character, which with almost
too long an era of prosperity has begun to
"1 havo been reading over David Gray
son's 'Adventures in Friendship.' How
very true when ho says, Thoro may bo
such a thing ns tho friendship of prosper
ity, but surely It cannot bo compared with
tho friendship of adversity. Men. Btoop
lng, como closo together.' "
Sports clothes of nil de
scriptions, in every
shade nnd hue, seem to
ho the thing this ycor.
This model of blue silk
pongee, Bpnttcrcd with
yellow and red roses,
was seen in ono of the
shops. Tho price, 5C.C0,
was ridiculously low
considering its smart
ness nnd practicality.
f VOBEpw
M " i " ill
m ' ' I ill
V eLr t
V R 14 (&'$$
Mi i Jtf I 'g I',1
)cJuhm, Vvj
V', Letters and question submitted to ti( department mdt be written an one sldo of
me paper only ana sinned willt the name oj tnc writer. cspccai guenn ne iwnc given
tfcin.n nrm tniiiteii it iiititrninnii flint thi nlltnr darn not necessarilv indorse the
't$ntiment expressed. All communications for this rtroarfmcttt should be addressed
ff5 Jollows: T1I1J WOMAN'S UXUIIANOU, Vvcnlno Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa.
(i. How run a room lw thorouxhlr dllnftd?
1 1, How tan i ire lnr for a wound be terlU
, t. What ran bo nubstltntod for candlrn on tho
when It Is doxlrod to nrold tho ponlbiiil7
f drlpplncT
VI ... ... .A - IJ k. k. nA
L. BfTMno ana winuow iootb biiouiu w ni.
h keroorno and krroaone ohonld oUo.be pourea
damp opota In tho yard otuToundinc a
i to prertnt the bnedlnr of moaqoitoea.
To frethon cirtonneo, woh them In luke-
watrr to nhlrh bran ha bwn added,
in clear raid water and hahc where there
either ounthlne nor Are to drr. Iron oa
aide ot material with rairir cool iron.
it: Boiled Iclnr will be aurarr It It la atlrred
i cooklnf.
M i
Cleaning iTtnnAfTuiik
to the Editor of Woman' race:
''Dear Madam Will yru klnrtly rlvo mo
nan your ually emumn a itino pnyina np
rute to put on a lovlne cup? I am ItlMnir It
l rentleman aa a thtrty-elehth birthday
nt. la It oroDer to haa the name of tho
er In the left-hand corner? Date ot birthday
I.May 7. Also let. me know how to clean n
M (one mat comaina on uaea lor arnisneu
or), alao whlto woodwork?
a iAiui i(r.Auc.
ii.lt Would be impossible for me to give you
an appropriate sentiment without any
owledge of the typo of man for whom It
.Intended. You can have bin name and
our own under It engraved on the cup If
care to do so. The Jeweler from
om you make the purchaso will probably
,ablo to furnish you with suggestions for
l 'Inscription. ,
An oil mop Can be cleaned very effectively
rj sopping it up anu down In not water,
noma and a little washing powder.
be watF' In which two or three onions
i Deen Dolled win clean wiute noouworx
'successfully. No Boap will be needed
the paint will be clean and glossy after
1. From which aide of n carat Mmtild tolled
dlaliea be rrmotrd from the tnbleT
2. How many of the apoona to be In nae nt
n dinner should he placed ot the aide of eucli
coier before dinner?
3. What nrranxement la It nerea.arr to make
when enituitlni a church for n wrddtni?
1. The leavea of artichoke ehould be de
tached and taken up with tho (Inters.
2. At the table the knife when It la not In
um ahould rest on the aide of the platei It la
Incorrect to alant It with one nd reatlne on
the cloth and one on the ptate.
S. A dlah to which a meat moat help him
elf ahould be aerrer from tho left aide, en
abling the roeat to uae bta rkht hand In nrrt-Inr.
Home Wanted for Kittens
rti Editor of Woman's rage:
ar Madam Aa a ereat admirer or jour
ftly conducted department to which 1 am In
I -Zor mucn lniormaiion not ouiniuunie einc
pltaaure to aome lonely praon who la a
?t cati In their Infancy. Tn auch aa loe
will gladly Rive two klttena. fle weeka
Of eouraa. thev are narfect deara. one a
1 and a black one foe luck. They aro male
vfemale. I would not slvn them ua pluy-
i to amau ennuren. liira.) u. u. n.
Cbave made tentative offers to several
rsons whom I knew wanted cats, but
have already "adopted" them. I am
; however, there will be some cat loers
the readers of tne exchange, and If
will wrlto'to me I will see that you are
ought in touct with them.
P Arabian Coffee
- editor or woman- rage:
ar Madam Can you tell me anythlntr'ahout
preparation ot Arabian coffee? UDITIf.
, hava succeeded In finding the following
e.i which I hope will prove satlsfac-
,1 Pound' some freshly roasted coffee
in a mortar thoroughly, then pass
a sieve two or three times until a
i flnue reflillta. TVi twn teaanonnfulfi rif
i add two ciipfuls of water and a' pinch
;iinnamorw Boll gently, then move to
t, of store, then boil again and move
; Repeating several times until the
risea to tne top, unen aaa one-nair
fl -AWA T.-I1I.' rrmtm Mn m.a
r.vugar nor milk Is required.
ii ReciiAj.fwr Cheese Pie
JjaMw-, or- woman- rage:
roilowMur la a recipe for clie.se
oi r
av oo
your readera, ntiA itiH
oattaae cheeae. three table-
ream.. two :. one-half cupful
A rind of one 'lemon or one tea-
. taaaguonnH meiiea putter.
eVaif(ltfocatiik and bat until
tkrfiatVen idd rematnlnx tn.
eaU Hwroiwhly, -Una' a deep pie
n-aate. Ml with mixture and bake
?S? ' 14 ,'
Jor,pllm)aatry follows:
J- flour, one-Quarter,teA
iw-auarter. teaeonful
Hwa taBlaapooTifula shorten-
ttfil ' or, more cold
Out ftow.v-aaUHand.bakiwi"
towl and rail in the Mortaa.
MMf afwduced-tO'a'.Jlne
LM t)a to WaUr to ruaka a
H m awtwd.board.ypat'
i-)RD-t iMate, alio wjn
Toast of Patriotism
To the ifdltor vf IPomon' rage:
Dear Madam Can you (he me the llnei of n
Batrlotlc toaat which enda with "Iho titara iin.l
trlpea forever"? I aaw It eometihere, hut lan
not locate It. EDWA1U) 1.
Is this the one to which you refer?
Our country
"To her wo drink, for her wo pray,
Our voices Bllent never :
For her we'll tight, como what come may.
The Stars and Stripes forever!"
How Address Older Woman?
To the Editor of Woman' Page:
Dear -Madam I wlah to write n letter to an
older woman. How ahould I nddreai her and
how end tho letter? 1 know her ery allghtly.
but we have an Intereat In (onimon. on tho
aubject of which I wlxh to write. UVA.
Start your letter ".My Dear Sirs." or
"Miss," whichever she may be, nnd sign
"Host sincerely mirs," or "Cordially
yours," or some such expression other than
"Yours truly" or "Yours respectfully," both
of which are more appropriate for business
To Whiten Skin; Serving in Army
To the Editor of Woman's Page'
Dear .Madam Kindly tell me how to clean a
muatard coat Btalned with a certain medi
cine? Can you tell me of aomethlnc that will make
th akin white?
Can a man who has ery bad even he taken
to aerve lu tht urmy? He wear Bltase.
As I do not Know what Ingredients ure
contained In tho medicine of which you
speak, It would be impossible for mo to
give you any suggestion as to the remoal
of tho stains. I tthould advise you to take
tho coat to a professional cleaner.
Buttermilk applied to' the face every
night and allowed to dry In Is excellent for
whitening tho skin.
Imperfect eyesight will cause a man'.to be
rejected for the army. However, the man
should present himself at enlistment head
quarters and let the surgeon In charge ex
amine him. His sight may not be too de
fective. Reducing Weight nt Seventeen
To the Editor of Woman' Page:
.D,Sr 1iad,m.7I "m.a younx alrl of seventeen,
conaldared rlnht Kood-loplclna. although 1 am a
llttlo atout and aeem to be cettliie more ao eery
day. 1 have very area hlpa und am rather
larito below the walat line. My heluht la na
feet three Inchea and my neUht la lil) pound.!
Any advice from you aa to how n oereome thla
would be (.ready appreciated. 'What la the cor
rect weight of a aTrl of that helaht?
HROWN nvi:s.
A girl of your ago ard height should
weigh from 110 to US pounds.
Proper diet will do much to keep down
your weight, although I would not worry If
I were you. for you are not so mucti over
weight. To reduce the hips below the
wialst take the, following exercises every
morning and evening; Lie llaton the floor,
w(th the arms under the head; then slowly
ralso one leg until It Is vertical, then the
other leg. then both legs. Itepeat a dozen
times. Stand erect wfth one foot a little
forward, then, placing the hands" on the
hips, bend sideways a" far as you can to
the. right, then to tho left. Standing erect
and wlta ,opeweep bringing the hands
down tol touch, the floor In ront without
bending the knees Is also good.
Dropping Formality
Xo !, Xaltorjaf Wokiii' P age:
aimirr to health question. Doctor Krllogg in thh space ic(K dallu give advice on preventive
mrdlclic, but (ii no rie III br lahe the Wfc of making diagnoses of or prescribing
lor uilMiiii rcuulrlno surgical treatment or drugs.
E.mV.rVuiXuii."rJX" ffM wjo.e pic,
l..nd w. tb.'flrt name. th.nVr,rA Sf
a atep eoipas narurajiy. Whenoung
d--1rlj,,.beow,twll 'anoua-h1 -
'--., . .. T'- "
formal titles and.
n MMMd it
-.iWW T? Ji
Eat More Potatoes
Alt Is doing ono good thing for Kuropo
It Is caublng tho warring nntlons to
recognlzo tho sustaining ciunlitlcs ot many
of tho foodsturts that hitherto hao been
regarded as IU oifly for the moro plebeian
tastcj tho potato, for Instance
Tim potato Is not only nn easily digestible
foodstuff, hut possesses high food alue
About one-fourth of tho weight of tlio po
tato is fcod substaneo, consisting chlclly
(nltie-eloeiitlis) of starch. Of the remain
der, threc-flfthH aro protein and fats Hut
what it lacks In fat and protein, It makes
up In salts, which constitute nearly S per
cent of Its dry substaneo and aro perhaps
Its most characteristic quality from a di
etetic standpoint, and ono of Its chief ex
cellences. These salts consist chiefly of
potash, and In tho ordinary form In which
they nro supplied they do a most Important
service In maintaining the nlkallno rondl
dltlon of the blood, which Is tl.sentlal to
good health and resistance to disease
Tho great nutritive valuo of the potato,
notwithstanding tho fact that It Is three
fourths water, may bo best shown by com
paring It with other known foods. A study
of tho nutritive aluo of varlona common
foodstuffs shows that ono pound of baked
potato Is equivalent In total nutritive value
to the following foods In the quantities In
dicated1 Klvo and seven-eighths ounces
bolted beef, one pound of chicken, ono and
ono-half pounds of codfish, two and ono
quurter pints of ojsters, solids; four pints
of clams. In shell; four nnd one-half pints
of beef juice, ten pints bouillon or beef ten,
ono and one-eighth pints of whole milk,
threo pints of skimmed milk, eight eggs,
nine ounces baked beans, seven ounces of
bread, ono and three-quarter pints oatmeal
or cornmcal mush, ono nnd one-third pints
hominy, cooked; ono pint boiled rice, ono
pound of bananas, two pounds of parsnips,
cooked ; ono poltnd green peas, cooked ;
threo pounds beets, cooked ; four pounds
boiled cabbage, four pounds radishes, Ave
pounds tomatoes, Iho pounds turnips, cook
ed ; six nnd ono-half pounds cucumbers.
From the abovo it will readily appear
that the potato is ono of the most nourishing
of our common foods Its value Is still lur
tho." emphasized by tho fact that steamed
or mashed potato digests In two or threo
hours, whereas roast beof, for Instance, re-'
quires four or flvo hours, or double tho time.
Tho potato Is of vast scrvlco as a food
remedy In tho treatment of a largo number
of diseases. It is especially valuable In
cases of chronic Intestinal autointoxication
or "biliousness " It affords bulk for tho
Intestines to act upon, nnd so combats con
stipation. The largo proportion of starch
and other carbohydrates encourages the
growth of friendly bacteria In.the Intestines,
thus preventing putrefaction. For tho samo
reason tho fren usa of potatoes combats
rheumatism nnd gout, which aro results of
chronic Intestinal poisoning.
The potato Is also valuable In tho treat
ment of anemia, because it fights tho gTowth
In the Intestino of the germs which produce
blood-destroying poisons.
Have you a small plot of ground? Plant
I s'irv m praise oF
surli$Kt -
It permeo.'tes th&
It nvc-kes the sy
look Drettv.
And' its fine, j
for drying K c, J
At th Sim of the
Golden Uatrtch
aV Mf W
fW order,
, a) "jb"
Neck Boat
Fani& Fancies
Made from
Your Old
Oitrich Feather
adlae, Ooura, Naanldl.,
and faocU
HP (
Marabou, etc, reoayaUd
, ias
potatoes nnd other garden vegetables, save
grocers' bills and fatten on homo products.
Graham Wafers
What la tho food voluo of eraham wafer?
MIrs Jt, I..
Graham vvafors afford moro than twice
ns much nourishment ns tho same nmount
of lean beef. An ounce of crackers Is
equal to flvo or six ounces of milk.
The Baby's Bowel Habits
At what ace ehould on Infant be treated to
havo reRul.tr action of tho bowels?
Mr, n. II.
As early ns possible
Salt in Enemas
I)n ou iwlilso the uin of atlt In the uai o(
the enema" v G.
Xo. Salt should not bo used for tho or
dinary enema. In some Instances It may
bo necessary to employ It, cspcctnlly In
rases in which there Is much Irritation
present Salt water Is somewhat less Irri
tating than plain water The amount of
salt used should bp small not more than
ono half of 1 per cent
Albumin in the Urine
What form of kidney disorder la Indicated by
tho prcurmo of albumin In tho urlno?
U. H. II.
Tho temporary appearance of albumin In
tho urlno Indicates congestion of tho kid
neys, a very common result of constipation.
When albumin is constantly present it In
dicates chronic degeneration of tho kid
neys, which Is tho result of an undue accu
mulation of nclds In the tissues. The con
centration of these acids In tho kidneys re
sults In the dissolving of the cemont sub
stance which holds together the cells pf the
kidneys. This cemont substance appears
In tho urlno ns albumin. Albumin In tho
urlno Is nlwnya a serious symptom and
should lead to consultation with a physi
cian. Bow-legs
What plualcal culture method do jou advlee
for tho correction of bow-lcsa? I am twenty-six
jenrs old. J, c p,
Thoro nro no exercises of any sort' likely
to cure malformation of the legs at your
ago, The bones nro hardened nnd relief
can bo obtained In no vvny except by an
operation. Consult a good surgeon.
To Revive Velvet:
To revive a black velvet, hold the article,
pllo side up. over the steam of nearly boil
ing water to which a llttlo ammonia bus
been added. Brush and Iron on the under
Ivy, Decorations
Common Ivy can bo mndo to form pleas
ant decoration for rooms during tho winter
by placing a few shoots in any receptacle
will flourish and produco a charming effect,
containing water ; the delicate young leaves
To Preserve Wood
It has been discovered that wood can
bo preserved from destructive worms by
Injecting pure turpentine into t by
means of a syringe or other Instrument.
"The Prettiest Shop in Town" &
This Is
Tour Store I
In the laat analyala, thla
5 la your store. Ita aucceaa S
dependa upon your appror- m
" al. not of some one or
S more purchaaea, cut of "
- the settled poller ot the Z,
m pualnes. a
' s
Blouses, 4
$5.50 to $55.00
$7.60 to 75.00 Valaea
The Innate smartness
of theae walat will be'
Instantly recognised br
women of discernment.
' 9
1626 Chestnut St. 5
Jm ST' gnBilnM Ifw
. . ij:.,"i ywzTsrr'
- 7 ausai m v
In with the rank of llenteimnt In a Trench
rmy hospital nae or mo .narnn rnnnuiuif
'one of the moat Intimate and holr thlmta
which bare been anved for our comfort out
of the whirlpool of embattled Kornpe. I find
In theae letters aome fracment of.trtie atone
ment for the hucr alii nnd blunder of war.
the nurae tetla with a wonderful poignant
humor the Joja and anrrona of the war
hospital " IlICIIAItl) O. C'AltOT. ,
tine of the world's createat critics and
Xovemher 6-10, 1915.
T IS all neat and clean hero In my tiny
surgical dressings room, and whllo the
Instruments are boiling and my twcnty-nlno
children are resting after their midday
soup, I can conscientiously snatch Just a
minute. Tho work Is a bit lighter today,
becauso four havo been discharged this
a. m., and tho beds havo not been illlcd,
Uvcr since I began my work I havo been
watching for a chance, to sketch for you
at least one day In dotnll, that you may
havo soma vnguo Idea ot this unique and
lnexprosslblo life.
At quarter to elx a. m. I am up nnd
sponged and well flesh-brushed. My good
old lady gives mo a hugo bowl ot coffee
and four lumps of sugar, bread and butter,
and a bollcjd egg, for twclvo cents nu ev
travaganco which I indulge In to avoid the
probnblo conscqhcnco of tho long wnlk to
tho Hospital on an empty stomach through
the mists of tho Marne, which aro thick
nnd weird enough In tho early morning. It
Is a devious way through mud nnd mist,
nnd almost anything Is likely to cross your
path a bentl while-capped old woman like
a stray from some old Dutch painting, a
black cat, lean and ritrty (everything Is
hungry about here); nn nrroplano wheeling
about on tho watch for 7nbn which aro
frequent and flery theso days; a convoy
ot automobiles driving at top speed to tho
trenches; tho dim wraith of a funeral pro
cession disappearing in tho distance.
When I get to mv pavilion, thero Is sure
to bo "Orandpa," my treasured old orderly,
busy at brushing out tho entrance. Ilo
Immediately drops his broom and holds
out his good brawny hand to hopo that
bis "Mndemolselle Miss" (the name I am
generally known bj) has slept well, nnd
will not work too bard during tlio coming
dny. Orandpa Is my Internal Vigilance,
nlways on hand, nlvvojs ready to do every
bidding, and zealous to sparo mo every
possible fatigue. Last week ho and my
other orderllos were ill ho nnd Karblcho,
the merry faithful clown, with bronchitis,
and Louplas with tonsillitis and n bad bone
felon and I had to carry my patients to
tho surglcnl dressings room mjself. Ho
nearly wept with chagrin.
The first thing I do, nfter a word of
greeting to each of tho thirty-four children,
Is to review tho ward and see that It Is
well washed, In order, nnd no spoons or
bottles out of place, andto stnrt Instru
ments boiling. After that begin tho tem
peratures. Along with tho temperatures go
face-washing and mouth-rlnslng, generally
engineered by faithful Grandpa. About
half-past eight the doctor makes his ap
pearance. When he has mado tho tour of
tho ward, I am left complete m stress i of
the scene for tho rest of tho day. with
thlrtyfour lives In my hand, morol nl f
of which hnng in tho balance If thero is
anything critical. I send for the big surgeon,
nnd ho ahvavn comes gracious y, which is
n great mark of conlldcnre. About 9 a. m.
I begin tho dressings, unless hero arc
antl-tctanus Injections to give for those who
mav have arrived In tho night, or " "
Is ch lng. or there Is an in gent operation,
nut we shall suppoo an uninterrupted daj.
I begin with tho Important dressings, which
nro often long and dangerous, and I ran
do but three or four before tho bell rings
for soup at 10MG a. m. ....,. ,
I think vott would sicken with fright It
you could see .the operations that a poor
nurso Is called upon to perform tho putting
In of drains, tho washing of wounds so
hugo and ghastly ns to make ono marvel
at tho endurance that Is man's, tho digging
nbotit for bits of shrapnel. I assuro you
that the word responsibility takes a special
meaning here. After tho soup for tho
wounded, comes that of tne nurses, when
all riowd Into a tiny plank hut, and stuff
meat nnd potatoes as fast ns wo con be
tween disjointed bits ot gossip. Immediately
after lunch I t-pend an hour or so setting
to rlghtrt tho suiglcal dressings room, doing
llttlo services, nnd distributing cakes or
bonbons. It Is amazing bow a bit of pep
permint will console a soldier when a smllo
goes with It!
Dressings nil tho nfternoon until It Is
tlmo for temperatures; then soup for tho
soldiers; nnd mine, which Is soon finished :
then the massago for those that need It, eta,
after which I preparo my soothing drinks
and give the Injection" It Is tho sweetest
time of tho day, for then ono puts olt tho
nurso and becomes the mother; nnd wo
have such fun over tho warm drinks. They
nre nlco and sweet and hot. nnd the sol
diers ndoro their "American drinks"
When this is done, I go around and stuff
cotton under weary barks and plastered
limbs, bid all the chlldten good-night, polish
my Instruments, clean out tho surgical
dressings room, nnd hurry home through
tho frosty night.
This Is tho rough outllno of an ordtnnry
day, and into that let your fancy weavo
nil that Is too holy or terrible, too touching
or humorous to put Into words tho last kiss
a soldier gives ou for Ins family ho will
never hce; tho watches with tho priest when
nil Is rtlll nnd dailc, but for the. light of my
llttlo electric lamp nnd a bit of moonlight
through tho window; tho agonies nnd
heroisms; tho wit and affection that play
llko varied lights and darks along tho days.
All In tho midst of a gory dressing, with
the wind driving snow llmrles past n
broken window, camo tho baggage master
and popped a fat lot of letters Into tho
big front pocket of my npron.
Tho Joyous news has como that tho cot
ton, etc , aro on the way. The prcssuro has
been terrible. After a comparative lull,
dreadful case3 bnvo been pouring In. As
for what Is being dono over theio for theso
poor men, 1 can only sty, God bless nil
tho generous donors' N'ono can Imagine
what tho help will mean Why, daughters
of France lould not havo dono more!
Wo had our pancakes when my father tot
ready to go watching, nnd he looked around
tho houso and at me, and sighed when he
kissed me. It hasn't been so many treat..
slnco the washing was done, but he looked
kind of discouraged, so I took my wet drew
off tho kitchen floor when he was gone and
flung It out Into tho yard. Then I was going
to clean houso when In bounced Old Maid
Tompkins with a big fat woman, and they
worked thero till nearly midnight, sweeping
nnd scrubbing and dusting and washtni
windows. a.
I finally went to bed on a clean sheet In a
clean nlghtlo that I didn't know I had.
When thoy hnd gone and Howdy and I
kneeled down, I said : "Dear mother, I want
tn tell you to look out for yoursolf, for Old
Maid Tompkins has got her eyes on my
father, and sho camo hero and cleaned up
tonight, nnd has got all the washing rolled
up nnd sent home with n woman to wash
It, nnd she dusted your pitcher and did my
irnlr up before I went to bed, and wanted
to mako Howdy sleep outdoors, but I told
her 'Nuthlng doing.' Sho makes good tarts
nnd her biscuits are lino, but I shouldn't
want her nround all tho time, and I ara
going to marry my father my own self
when I grow up and then where will she beT
I wish you would thank God for me for
handing another one to dear little Wilbur.
I havo been kind of neglecting Miss Jones'!
beau of late, but I shall probably ramble
up that way soon, nnd I will tell you what
wo do to him. What do you feed a baby
sister? Ask God to bless mo and my father
and you. I havo been a good girl for a long
tlmo and It doesn't got me anything.
The next ndrentnre of Tatar Klldare win aa.
pear In tomorrow's Evenlnr ledcer.
The next letter
Kvcnlni; l.rdeer.
will npnear In tomorrow's
T WAS mining when I woko up nnd all
tho veeds In tho yard were so heavy with
water that thoy bent over and the rain was
coming out of the spout like a hoso, and I
and Rowdy went out Into It and had a lot
of fun. We lay down In tho gutter nnd I
found that I cannot swim In tho gutter, but
need a whole river to swim In. So I know
It Is truo what my father says about my
getting to be a big girl.
Then we went Into tho house and got tho
floor in tho kitchen nil wet, and Itowdy
was shivering, so I took tho towel and
wiped him dry, nnd then I put on my other
dress becauso this ono was wet nnd got out
tho doll my mother gavo me before she
died, and talked to It a while, and I got an
old magazlno and cut out tho pitchers nnd
was having a pretty good time until Mr.
Carpenter camo up on our steps with a lot
of excitement in his face and an umbrella.
Mr Carpentor said, "Is your foan work
ing?" I said, "We haven't got a , foan.
What's happened to Wilbur?" He said; "I
was Just going to work when Wilbur leaned
over tlio banister to say good-by and fell
head first and I think bo broke his a;m.
The lightning has killed our foan, an' I
haven't time to stand here talking to J""u.
I don't see why It could not havo been you
instead of little Wilbur, who nevor did nny
harm In tho world." I said: "That is very
true, and you aro like every ono else In
this neighborhood. When anybody dies they
say, 'oh, dear! why could It not havo been
that little savage, Patsy Klldare, who Is of
no uso In the world?' "
Ho splnshed away and I said: "Thank
you, God. You sure do deliver tho goods,
only you mako tho samo mistake my mother
does. I asked for something to happen to
Wilbur and I also asked for a baby sister,
and If ou had Mopped to think you would
have seen that tho babv sister Is moro Im
portant than busting Wilbur. When I ask
for two things I want tho most important
It was a rather long day on account of
tho rain, and I watched tho doctor como to
tho Carpenters ami bo stayed a long time.
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