wm& yV"rr-r Wzmmm v.r: 53F int shortly after noon, after renorts from the Ohurlostown navv WH of.'th attack'.. Ittly 'Lieutenant Commander Iklknnp, navy censor, sot the New Harjrysrd on long distance phone nnd unkcd details. WjyorkwM tone-rant of the affair, but nt once communlentcd with tiro IWdlMtiitt. from which the oricrlnal renort to flhnrlestown hnd been made. kfwimmeiU, later tho lightship, twenty-five miles off Sandy Hook, Hashed wry to me new xonc yard, wnich nt onco notuieci MciKnnp. iwsof. the attack caused little surprise here, innsmuch na tho nroa- laAmerican waters of German submarines hns been suspected for aomb i Omclau believe that this submarine nnd possibly others are lying in wait t.atMmshlp lanes for vessels which nrc ennvevini? the llrlttah nnd Krcnch n jt . . -,.. ; -n - "MlMons to. the United States. fj?V'.r-Port ' tne attempt to sink the Smith wns communicutcd by wireless riotne scout cruiser Chester, then by wireless via the Kiro Island station to th fend New York. Immcdlntelv tho word win pnt hrnmlrnst. in llin entire WtlUc fleet and the various squadrons of destroyers and submarine chasers en are guarding tpc stenmship lanes. JA'"ording to the account reaching WnshinRton, which differed slichtly from lyreporis irom uoston, the lookout on tho Smith sighted n dark shape some fance off about 3 :30 this morning. The alarm was nt once given, but the dark Mpe .disappeared and almost immediately thereafter tho wake of a torpedo was Med plainly. It pnsscu across the bow of tho destrover some thirty yards ead." L' JK The' Smith immediatclv steamed illrrctlv for tlin Rnnl nlwpn lhr Riiliniai'itie ;M(i been seen, but it was not sighted. It is supposed that it submerged and ynaae orr in the darltness. fcNows of the attack on the Smith quickly traveled all along the Atlantic ffWibpard., Information renching this city, indicated that coastwise tratlie gen tffUy, is held up pending developments. Wit . was no ;xcltcmct i officinl quarters when the word reached here. W;i"s pointed out by officials that the 'necessary precautions to prevent any sfuccessrul attack on cither the cities along the coast of the coastwise and trans f!T?n vessels had been taken some time ago. The test now is being made of 1 $es? precautions and omcials were hopeful that it might prove succc-iseful. yw The fact however that tho submarine is directly off the cons! caused some Officials to fenr a duplication of the moves which marked the visit to this country feA.or-the U-53 some timo ago. Wircl :Ss alarms arc understood to have been sent to Ft-i'1- various vcssels which may be In tho path of the submarine. t&:;ri It is violating no secret to say that naval officials are waiting confidently EC? ?' wor" t"at tnc submarino has been sunk. Tlicy quietly express confidence C.-Vin the nrpcnntinnti nlvfwl cnt nn frtnf n.wi ..:( !... i. .1.... (........ i ,...i. Vfyr -j; -" '" .-.--v.j .... wi. tyjw uim in.-iiai. iiiui. lliu iiwu)t'l mill hull- L,.ar,ne "sharks" willjic nblc to meet the situation des)ite its admitted menace. ?.' -,,.. , . .. . . .. . . A'vn ne u. o. ucsiroyer smith was bu in 110 n ('.rniims' vim. It s n sister jhlp of tho Lamson and is equipped with a Parsons turbine, three screws. 250-ton .nachincry; four Moshier boilers. On its trial trin it made mi nvnrnirn snned of &$28and 3G-100 knots. :. CPIRST U-BOAT ATTACK SPURS ENLISTMENT ZEAL IN NEW YORK m fciS' NI5W YOItK. Anrll 17. KMThe Inrpoili) Ored hy n (loniian If-hoat y ffiat tho United States torpedolioat destroyer j;Smlth today lifted Now York from lethargy ,Yto war fronity. Vl'i I. '.IM n.)Ul....n .. .1.. ll. .1 ....! .. ' wuili;iiiiHB nil iiiq lirni 1IKIU liriMIHCIl irollu fervor nil over town. City Hull was Just Jammed with iieonle glistening to u woman orator when a liluo- 1 Jacket attiiritnl to Iho pmk lecriillhiR nta. lion rlinrKPd thrr.iiKh tlu iiicsm wuvIiik a ncwHpapcr. "They'ie ul It!" orled tho Jarkli- "I KUcbm o won't hI.'iiii them hiird!" A roar of applauw followed Thoro were demonstrations nil nlniiK Itioadway, but this effert which ilcaned tho ofllrlals moht w.h the Htlmulu.M It cave lecriiltlnK. oiEfimnA rrtjGioNimi I Frances! Gundagnanp l)na Sc- gnnlntn V!ttor!a sulla Linca Tcdcsca Soiasons-Rhcims LA N U 0 V A OFFENSIVA HOSTON, 17 Aprile. La nave atnericana Smith, dcsthiata alia caccla dci sottomarini, c' stata at- (accata al largo dellc coste nmcrlcanc da tin soitontnrino tedesco che le ha tlrnio contro un nlluro senza colplrln. Immcdiatnmcnlc dopo il sottnmarino si c' snmmcrso c non c Htalo phi' vlsto. UOMA, 17 Aprile. II g"encrale Cadorna sta per inlzinre ttnn grande orfensiva In nrmonla con le opcraioul dl guerra dcgli allcati del l'lntesa, per rogllerc le forze tcutonlchc ncl momcnlo in ctti esse hanno hisogno di tiominl e di materialc per far fronte all'offcnsivc franco inglese. Nolizic giunte nggi dulla fronte di battnglia dicono che rarliglleria Italiana c' stata t'htrrinnmcntc atliva sulla fronte del l'lsonzo. Un corrlspondcnle pnrla di un gran numero di prigionieri austriaci pros! dagll italiani e di perdile gravis sinie Itiflilte dalle bnltcric Italianc ngli austriai'i. iniiniini.' l,yw'n '-, tH" "11-. A -r-v-r--. ,-., . . KAUINET UONS1UEKS MEANS Mi OP DEFENSF, A a A TNftT T f.Rn A mq p-vvy - ..".... . w Jviij.k., '.;flr could lie expected to cany ltn nnderseas IlKhtliiR home In Aniirlc.i If tiop.sllr... Necii'liiry DanlelH laid heforo the Cahlnet tho rcportH ho far available of the attack upon me noKtroyer Hmltli. The ipicKtloiiK of liunyliiK work on the tonall craft which will furnish the first line of iitbmaihn- defense, as well as of ncccptlns tho many offera of steam yachts and launches already on file were considered, liellnlte action to sticiiKth cn the antl-siihmarlni' divisions was taken, details of which naturally are withheld. t'lWu.; n'ASHIXnTO.V. Anr 17 F,iSJfcj , .Cabinet members were unusunlly stern k'l faced today as they aRsemhled nt the White Mtu'ittOVte for the reirulnr Cabinet meetlnt? this ?",aft"rnoon. neallzatlon that Gcrniun milium. .'.irines nro actualities In the very nath of BMtwlo uhlpplni; broiiRht home to thein. ?,ihcl kjiui huh war win noi ne one on wlye, acceptance of American hostility rljeF,nuJ' iiisiwiii. u was ncreen ny tiio tempers aitnougn none would talk for Bbllcatlor. that tho cleruiau Admiralty greatest Fight of War k'sRaaesi ntt French SSnil y. , vCntfnurd from I'ncr One Lturcd Tombola I-'arm and at nlnlit Rained round nlopR tho spur nothenst of Upehy Uitlon. taking: a. few prtsoneis." ho renoitcd V-,- today; 5.US'ThO weather continues storinv' Un. "v British commander-in-chief declared. T. -inhere are high winds and squalls of rain.' rtJw'AH the way from Fayot. a scant twc ... v.. nines nunii 01 ou uueniin. it .nenv. e f ,lles north, the British now nro cstahl's dft-iMitMn two mllea of the Kt. Quentln-C north of St. Quentln, ti "pehy, eleven shed I. high road. The road !a really the. tery glvlnc life to the Clcrman forces at -.Quentln and l.a Kere. Onco It Id cut A nlll.u tintn... .., ..11 mLcroj.ibica uviun i-unb lull. sVjBrftlKli notv hold Kayet, PreHnnl-le-l'etlt, Eorttru. I.e Vercuicr, Vlllcrcl, cround near g-iiarsicourt, jconssoy and, today, Kround KjPir nbehy. AU are nearly equally distant Ipftom this "JIlndenburB line" of Cambral-St. gwoenun. Siilt'-wns aloiiff the famous "Afeno line" 4the I reach made their Krcntest nd wnces In tho nrst blows struck hy Cieucrnl th;ell. It was hero that tho Ocrmans nodflrm after the retreat followlnp the little ot the Marno. E' iiThe point of Nlvelle's wcdRo was pushed lwilT '.p --" " " iiwiiic uuuui I1IK1. ft.ifWflVllMtwI'pn KnlHMOna nm TtliAm. ...l.u mother smashing btow struck colncidentallv KTAround Berry-au.Bac. where tho Herman ti line turns ana iwisis around Illielms. Ton lousana prisoners nnd a, frrcat quantity fiiBUIWllcg CUPtUred attested thn Irrnulut. W','forco of the two Kreat blows. Um &! PAHIS. April 17. jfHtlll drlvlnB ahead, Krcnch forces today i Organized the DOsltlonsLthev rnnimoril In &'ttl first umasll oft their offensive, today's w.-I'lflctol statement asserted. ,jTBw,,ft i.uuiin.i-ttuutii in mis region "Mtween Solssons and Ithelms wnm m. Fi'ed-. These, were particularly desperate i iw unair intensity in tno neighborhood of Blea und Courcy. Tho German attackers niainea neavy losses. ij(arl hafd the great offensive brought wiquy nome loaay wnen thousands of ivCebhteen-year-old boys of the city wded -dh'e railway stations leavlne for tive Service. They were of the 1917 IHf. " , ilUMl. April 17. iy, may ue starting an orrcnslvc, timed .tch"thc Teutons when they are direly nrai men to withstand the great h-Brltlah push on tho western front. ew' received here from Switzerland :jortd ithe Italian artillery ex- (isciive on ma isonzo front. ten significantly mentioned a 1umber of Austrlans taken prisoner iS tttmHjm fAMi.M Tfmlth. , a... L tol'hAve beeh sustained among the iiHAmji htth wvinrntrntH Tin linn mm. ;r ' "" (lenuaii attempt at Allies' to Rteni tho French forward rush at I.aou. Allies lies Just, seven inllcH to the south of j.aon. The counter-attack wns lepiilscd by the Kruueli. Again Ccner.il Xlvello's forces withstood another powerful Cerman counter-attack at Coucy. four mllps north of Hhehns. H Is In these two sections, apparently, that tho French wedgo ban been thrust farthest for ward against tho Ucrmnn lines. Unolllclal battle front dispatches received hero today declared tho German losses were tremendous In opposing tho Krcnch offensive. BRITISH ANNOUNCE NEW VICTORY IN MESOPOTAMIA War Office Reports Turks Have Ilccn Forced Out of Istabulat Station LONDON. April 17. Another success fop the Jlrltlsh over the Turks In Meso potamia was reported, by the War OIIlco to day. The newly won llrltlsh positions, northwest of Uagdad havo been consoli dated. The olllcinl statement says: "Wo have reached tho position occupied by the Turks at Istabulat station on tho Gammarii Railroad and utter n light forced tho enemy to retire." HO.MA, 17 Aptlle II generate Nlvelle Im dato II silo piiino colpo e In ha nshestato bone. Metilre gll liiglcsl altairano le Ilnee lodficlin I'Ulla fionte trn l.ens o St. (Quentln, le forze francesl hanno hilzlato lerl una vlolenla ed Improvvisa nffennK.'i sulla fronle merl illonnle che flmira non era statu toci-ata, prculsamenle tin Solsfinnn e llhcims. l.'attacco si e' svolto o si snlgn tultnra sil una fronto di circa .'i mlglla. lerl In forze francesl coii(iilstaronn le poslaionl tedesche ill prima linen e p.irecchl eletueiiti ill tilucv (II n'critidn Hurst. II successo dell'lmprowlso colpo iissestatn dal generate Nlvelle e' dl mostialn dal fatto die egll ha poilntn ulle sue retrnvio ben in.oitn prlgionleil tedeschl ed nun graudo quantlta' dl inatcilali' da guerra. l.a nuowi iiffensiva si i nolta sulla famosa llnea dell'Alsne sulla, quale I te desclil si illlraiono dopo la vlttorla fianccse della Mania. Ivl I friinccil li iivevnnn rlpetutiiinent" atlaccatl, ma i.empro srnza successo per due raglotil, Intianzl ttittn le poslzlonl tnpogriiMcnmente favorevoll alia difesa, o poi icr la liicomplola preparazlone negll alleatl II cul materlnle d'ai tlglierla era delii'lento per niniiern di front all'iiliboiid anza dl cannonl dl tignl callbro dl cul dlspn nevano I tedeschi Intanlo (' da iiotaie un fatto Inlciessaut" -slnio. I tedesclil non wmo ntatl cilll all.i sprnvvisla. ma Invece si iittendevaini d essore attnccatl sulla fronte dell'Alsne in da quniido I francesl luizlaroiio la lorn off i ' slva contro la parte meridional? della lui" Arras-l.non. K perclo' avevano In quest ultltiie settlmanc nnimnssiito iiomiiil i inatcrlnlo da g'lerra Ira IllielmH e Knlsivm prcparnndosl a far fmnte all'attacco. Che essl non slnno rluscitl nil aricstaro I'nvan zata dcllo forze (II Nlvelle ed iiliblano dovtit i cedcre lo lorn poslzlonl dl prima llnea nnno stante (iiesti preparativi. va a mnstrare nncora una volta che liemmeno il geulo ill von Illlidenbiirg jiuo' phi' nltie uirestaie la mucin vlttoriosa degli nlleati dell'lntes.i. I tedcsclil liano combattuto disperatamentc mi tut 1st la fronto deH'Aisne, comprendendo bene clie dalla lorn reslstenza hu qliesta fronto dlpende In gran parte la saldczza della llnea dl l.ann o l.a Fere.' Ma tutle lo poslzlonl tcileschn tin Solssons e Craonno sono cadute nelle inanl del francesi. ineiitrc ad' est dl Craonne aleune poslzlonl d! sn conda llnea dovcttero cssere ahbandom'ite dallo forzo dl lllndenliiirg. Ncl tempo me deslmn le poslzlonl toile.sclio del settoro dl .St. Quentln venlvano assoggettnlo nd un violcnto fuoco di nrtlgllerla cno inirtiva n distruggcre lo fortissimo rldotte costrultevi dal tedeschi. WOUNDED IN FRANCE Edwin Austin Abbey and L. L. Johnson, of Collingswood, N. J., !n Fierce Battles Lieutenant 1-Mwln Austin Abbey, 2810 Mouth Ninth street, nnd t.leiiteiinnt Launec- Jot h. Johnson, of Calltneiitvooil, N. ' i'VR been vounded While serving wim ine -nadlan nrniy In Frnnco, It wan learned by their relatives here today Lieutenant Abbey, a graduate of the civil engineering course of the University of Pennsylvania, Is reported as being sell ously wounded. A cablegram was received by his father, William II. Abbey, attorney, with ofllces at 623 Chestnut street, that nw son Is mining the missing from a icglmcnt who faced lire at V'lmy. Abbey wns graduated from Pennsylvania In 1912. L'ntll he enlisted In October. 1 0 1 ... ho was a civil engineer, During his mili tary career abroad lie has seen cnnslderablo notion, He was wounrtefr last year at Ypres, und upon his recovery was piomoted to a lieutenancy. Lieutenant Johnson Is a natlxe of ling land, although lie lias been a tesldent of the I'nltrd States since ho was three years old Ills mother, Mis. Mary Johnson, also a native of KiiRlaml, Is now a resident of M" Pnrk nvenuc. Colllngswond. N J., where she received word of tier son's wound, According to the mother. Johnson, who Is well known In this section ns n civil engi neer, particularly in road-building work and coiiciete construction, went to llnglaiid last April and enteied Iho Kleventli Field Cum- pnny, Can.id an Mnglncers. lie remained I until December 27 last, when he was sent lo France. Immediately ufterwnrd he as sent io ine nring line, wnere lie nas ic in.Uiicd ever since The message from the Cafmdlnti War Of llce at Ottawa to Mis. Johnson stated that her son bad been wounded' last Tuesday, Apt II I", almost exactly n year from the time be left heie. While living In Jersey Lieutenant Johnson studied civil engineering at Itensselaer Poly technic Institute, Troy. N. Y . und later opened an engineering olllce nt Frcnehtowii, N. J., where lie was engaged principally In road building, one of his samples of work Is Hie In t ge KariiBo built In Col'lngswood Ilnee yeniH ago mi lluddon avenue near Wnodlawn nvenuc. IJculcnniil Johnson married n Canadian lmMn. ? I jli JSiie.womoatli affcrjltutenant Johns6n entered the canaaian rvirc a """ was born fo thtm, The father bns neer seen the child. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER PAVS TRIBUTE TO DEAD BROTHER Attends Funeral of Kinsman With Whom He Had Not Spoken in Twenty Years Cl.KVKI.AND, (.. April 17 John D. Rockefeller today paid homage to the piein ory of his brother Frank, with whom he hnd not spoken for twenty years, 'The money king looked careworn as he. stepped from the train. In company with his brother William, who last summer tried In vain to effect a reconciliation between tho eldest and younger brothers, Together the brothers viewed the body of Frank Itockefeller. who died Sunday Scores of Dotal pieces were received at tho homo of Mrs, Waller S, Howler, fiom which the funeral was held. PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me Arlislic durable painting is not an accident, but the result nf expert workinnntlilp, phi piilnt tiinliilnlng white lend anil IhiHfril nilthe eoinbina Ihili lloi'il by Kuehnle PAINTER US.i6thSt,p8V3 Get our estimate na obligation WHH 111 MT pal''1- '1. ' frtar-i pil m-'v: r i iir i i l. . J f r . a . JLs-hjr ' -'J s S" f- ! m ? rv: m im?mmmmWMMMiMhhMmmmimm HWmWSSpPI V GREAT! bond ileather beltsng i n lias stood tho hardest tests I H for nearly 25 years it H stands supreme in JJ n N. quality I Vv DliTMIllllc III Mill' yT MlPIllifK jf H IssJKX 520 Arch St. A New Service for Homemakers To enable you to choose the lialliioom lixlures best ndapled tn ynur needs, we have opened a series or new showrooms. Here, amid artistic surroundings, Is displajcd the mos,t complete line of modern plumbing materials to be found In the city. A visit will prove both Inleiestlng und piolltable, and our sanitary engineers will gladly give you iinv assistance jou may rcipilie with out iiny obligation on your p.m. Keystone Supply & Mfg. Co I '' iMirii .TII STKIXT 1 I iiii I i ' Bathing is a real pleasure now that hot water can he had in any quantity, at a moment's notice, by merely turning the faucet. Have you visited one of the "U. G. I." stores and witnessed a demonstration of the Ruud and Lovekin Automatic Gas Water Heat ers? You will be amazed at the convenience, cleanliness and economy of this great hot water service. Now, before prices go higher, is the time to provide your home with an installation that means hot water always with no worry about increase in fuel cost or shortage of supply. Do this today: Call Locust 1 300 on the Bell, or Race 30 on the Keystone, and ask for MR. NEFF. . He will tell you all about the Automatic Gas Water Heaters without cost or obligation to you. 'Phone, write or call NOW. The United Gas Improvement Co. WEgEBttBSEfflSEmmES&i . ii i , , . -rrnvTSySiiW ( ; Pedis t 1 ill COMPANY 520 Arch St. ??Tr?3XZZSZX7cnraBRssaB3!SEzas: THE mMiKMtVE M key:points,of foes B ':" JJ"-iLV. .. .. - . fcf T$7 tr"WMAPrll IT. ' T-x mniin''ir,inv inuu-ri-vaunieu I ,wir.iru;iv i,bu envBgeiy Franoo-Drltish .drive today jWMInuatlot! in the enemy's MsWH winw; jmposslble. tW, X W,and'Bt Quepdn, llM ABUd aMlaucht at' almost' .-eMMt and'rjion are Mesa lh.lM.nM '.. 11. ttotnt..Jri . r . " ." s'l r. - v to4y.1old of an te Ui south of t l, Cat," ,OMir(A"s k BLSaa -A M. Pf NOISELESS TYPEWRITER Thousands of satisfied users un hesitatingly endorse it. No other typewriter ever met with such instant and universal approval. No other labor-saving device ever effected so great an in crease in efficiency' and econ omy. 100 Noiseless Phone for Names of Prominent Local Users and Demonstration THE NOISELESS TYPEWRITER COMPANY Phone-Walnut 3C91 835 chestnut St. lHsstfiillsKk'vBHffiK9J tip : i IK ,1 'i.ttl ii-1 I ' J'aMfrttjntajdfeMMtlJSBiiSMgiEgMsl reed! Big Four $850 l!xght$985 Prices Effective April 1st, 1017 .. ' '""iasmwaJsiMWlBilsssssssWSsBlHssssMBslsWHi iyiiiwBWiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiii Stop suffering from Bright' Disease, Rheumatism, Gout, Diabe'tes, etc. DRINK Mountain ialley Water, Pure, tq8teleaa delightful iable water' tt. us snd -jrou Ifltorn bowlne w'hut tt" has n tor oUir PmUdtlphlana. Call, writ or pbon. SAMMEIT FREE AT 7M 'GbMtnuf St . SlJWSfc iv ... . ii i bgM Pheaa L" . &&-. 'Km-:.- 'M 'r ' - ..-'' f.t . i '?, Light Foura Tourint . . Roadster . Country Club Big Fours Tourint . , Roadster . , Coubt . . . Sedan Light Sixes Tourint . . Roadster . Coupe . . Sedan . . tios t6So froj, . tSjo . JS3 tl!0 tT40 Wiliys-Six Tourint . ' . lias Willys-Knights Four Tourint. tljoj Pour Coupt . . ti6jo Four Sedan . . tlojo Four Limousine $ 1 050 Eitht Tourint. $ioja (f;on in price, Die Four and LitHt iix models, May ;i next deferred until thai date account too late to correct a,l,.. tisetnents apftarint in mataiines ctrtuiaung srtroutnous int mo oj ifrif. ' month Nine years of continuous, consist ent development, improvement, refinement! Each year a better car and ,a bet ter value! Over three hundred thousand now m use! That is the history of he car that built Overlmd because it reprc sented integrity of value. And as steadfastly as this car has represented original integrity of value, so also has The Willys Overland Company sustained that integrity of value through out its service in the hands of those who purchased it. The Overland Big Four of this season and its twin except for the motor the Overland Light bix, are the direct outcome of all this development. More than three hundred thou sand owners and more than lour thousand dealer and factory-branch organizations have assisted this development by their experience with these cars and their helpful suggestions of improvements. In their new beauty, in their per fected easy riding qualities, in their proven sturdiness and mechanical excellence, in their t admitted tire, fuel and oil economy, these cars are worthy . of the confidence we have, that they will further enhance Over- . land prestige The prices are S850 for the Bfc & ml for Jhe Uht Six, while we have them to deliver Ml prices f. o. b. Toledo Subject to chanti without nolle "Uad4 in V. S. A."d ' 103) OTf OVERLAND MOTOR CO, Distribut Promnt nlSv..:.. ' '""" rad Phila ors Bell Phone, Walnut 4897 OT-iMii'Vl isjvb j - -Lg cas m .- SWiTWii'iKlli'!! I WiXMWilSriiiittai v:ii o 10 - ltoKiviS?aw.IToieao.oirio. u A. ?:. Ak -. - .1 , -"y'- ,; - " ""' ,Come,cW Uw?, AWoiw!!,, 9 4SS frsiESfcra.K jiisirKPs'i I "'- IT '";' Ul V.jt, u iE"ii." ii! pu..'i.inrtHi''i. lk-fe-,-s rl f m M if I m l U A J&& .... f'f . t- . .-."-jsvn.i n T .f ' ;: t '' LHS. -?.'. ,"t? xfHMf-' -. , .. VLi'..yi'- ' ir '-;v o- ,.ir, , .; ;r- i.ovn v