FW4 TffB' WTliHKT'lBriWI! W-l IUH FsK-TcmPfFassT-v-..,! 'fr'1'1 'nFrarWM.j',wf'iW yjH i r vi ' ,"- r ! "wr,?v.' . jf.'V3t , . jTt- w i - -i h-1 - - ' r yHrwMi r til. I '& .1 -.. rtrfvi-AV v .'r-i '..' Sf.irt.ji i if ;;$ rlk 5v M cv p, . 5" t( '-AV1.I ?$Fn St'' S ft M. ir. hXh,' . V-lnN'tj. KtLj "jjta. si:'- -s i ip.vft- at -JjN. ll(i ZfX; ( 3&W i, N H'lHWfWF'. :t3miri ..- ' it'MR ;'M ri ..? -.- r 7-j i."i'r ns -;. ? v-,.jV,si v :..&, . - ' April 17, 1917 Jflv- ' J - i 4. VJ V Evening ; WM'M'Im SSI . ir. A.vttWfikW. . i r wi xanivB-.M i tm y " - Ayy.-. , "X tfMfc"" it -ii-f j. ,. wL,J'v ? i$r:5 'A - I t s v Copyright UndcrnooJ & Underwood. CORNELL DOES HER PART BY SENDING AMBULANCE UNIT TO FRANCE These trained college men, who arc renouncing their studies to do nctivo scrvico "somewhere on the French front," posed for tho photograph just before their departure lato yesterday. it if r V mm fflt &llSmi&iwsaSSt a. ." tv j' . i wo- m gnriT-i i -iti i n r w irr ttti n i r i r nv t 't tv- t r iTTTTTr"n "rrr 'irrTrf rrini inn f r m -: rp t. r, - ' jbw rainrniaiW3t;k)ix-ii.7: ii'tir.ii ."HMfli: .uuu.'i.iL.MVvrM4 vrini 'rv.vK VAinm. . a ie . v is u nil 'nmhh s CORNELL CADET CORPS, 1700 STRONG, READY FOR WAR DUTY If Undo Sam should deem it necessary to send college-trained men to tho front, he will find the "big Red" battalion prepared to do its full share. ITh Sf A;71Sr?AKi6ifii -.?"- C?.18i mum mujmmmmmm 2t&m: i rnr tstf i - mjw?'! Photo by Clarwatr. WARNCLIFFE BRITISH RED CROSS CLASS, OF GERMANTOWN, THAT IS WILLING TO DO THE BIDDING OF UNCLE SAM .AITA PRINTUP, PRETTY INDIAN GIRL; GARBED AS , A PRINCESS FOR THE CAR LISLE 'SCHOOL'S OUTDOOR PAGEANT 5n?v- 4-Vj. ' KiSiS-'. . '.'?U Cr, t-v j i m j i r i -- "!HKt!nmJi!W"V' fV . cm r '1.3:. Avu. jrf ?jfa-,'jW.i' tfc ' "" BP mm '& fMZA K k. WW &AU "ijh. r-i L? vttl iflU. to, I'!' . y' -j,. "-,. J.' . 7. -! ilS" -.:-'. "-'j?; iii . . M.. ,&ri .- 5 tf.1 o !j-'1 tWfi 1 fzm&. mm- 'A31,i gifl WlmZZS MMvMvi 1 ,:??'" MBS "' ' ' " ' '-'' ' '- - ' llll l V ' WV- T?,,iff-' '''I1 w r vt,-- .'V "V'tteJ PIClUKtO Mger 4AT eSCmPPLE PERFECTLY GOOD AMERICAN CITIZEN OroPUTCONCRETB FLOOR IN HIS COAL SHED 1 M J- ")Ji iff J j 1"L' ' 0 fefc ' - J , M'5:'HE BI& GERMAN S l"" 5s ( guns G0TTA HAVEy &Jd L ' K,y0Q JS CONCRETE K JS- iy m.M,u.Siirti)X, Phil's Carelessness A Bosto' -n who each year visit's a certain benighted section ot tho Stato of Idaho Inquired, on tho oc casion of his last trip, what had bo romo of a well-known character, Faro Bill, ho, had so often seen. "Well," was the reply, "Phil's dead. Camo to his end through contributory negligence." "Contributory negligence. "Why, what' do you mean?" "Ho showed down four aces an' two .of 'em was diamonds." Tho Lamb. The Young Lady Across tho Way . mi- THE PADDED CELL Tho young lady acrosH tho way saH that cen In a country of religious lib erty Ilka this sho (.uppoaes tho lino lias to be drawn soniowhcro and sho hc Ucvcs Infidelity Is still a ground for divorce. 6me Touch of .spring ( '"l J2e.'' f HES',. Com " V y S'?7!MtBfZeL' , OVER WTHlriAT N X x Hifi ( oTher Dozem 'X (HEI?EAI?Ell6u(W YjS M( yQiH& THIS p iJ-A JW f0 Naturally First Studont (examining change) Hoy, waiter! Where do you gt those Canadian dimes? Second Studont Canada, you chump! Yalo Record. SCHOOL DAYS KHsabes! Jt look at X-7-t KIbu.r no sf raw fd( VjTyhv A wUtii Sin rained! f OffMrY'' WWW Explained "I'm surprised to hear that MauJIa Is wearing a diaphanous dress In tho new show. Sho seems such a quiet little person." "Perhaps she believes In the old say ing that little girls should bo seen and not heard l" He Helped ' On tho new brakeman's firs run there was a very steep grade. Tha engineer always- had more or less' troublo to get up this grade, bu thui . tlmo ho came near stlcklngr alto gether. Eventually, however, lie " ,v" " top. . Vi Looking out ot cab, tho engineer ' J-J aw tho new brakeman n nil . an Id '.3 with a sigh of rejleV , ,N ."We ha a harcV job.. ..tUai' up, 4 didn't we?" S ,".i j: " . Jl k.J JW 1-r H' , n - -" V v - ,S " WiMBILt-Y RWDINO'3 ) 'uJn.'i...'- v. rrV ' 2m ,' mm a ; ,l,i tJZTTIiZSiMa