VDI90A.X wrwp.xr, wmxmnmBM 1! . s to)rMli " "V - Rdrfefi's PavilioQf Rush Widrge Affair to Be Held Nancy Wynne (Jiiats iii'n now wo havo a largo danco In fftC, ft Daili " " uuih:u iu uu K'VUIl h Rlttcnlioitso next Monday evening nsumptlvcs.' To bo mora definite, tho &.h ou to bo 10 mo utu.urcns jiimn at tho Malvern Branch of tho tun Hospital. An addition In to bo made I thO" present pavuiun, uiua i-iniuiiug a v-w ot llttlo children who aro adllcted lth the dread dlscaso to bo accommo ited and properly cared for. The icaiuru ui .wt- w.iv. ... ! i .jti bo old-fashioned dalicca, fol iwd bvS. composition danco and then t jnAinrr. tIib members of tho ex. . . .1 f Vin IHmli ITnanltnt whn I on the committee In charRO of tho at- . 11fnHnH Tntmann nltnlctvinnl tr aro wrs. trunui u,,,,,,, v...,,,...,.,..,, Iss Mary Buckley, Mrs. James Ilalsey, rs, Mellor Tyson, . " oiukcs, x Mahlon Kline, Mrs. Edwin Hoffman, Vrs. Barnes Bonsack, Mrs. Upton Ka- iorltei Mrs. Haro Davis and Mrs. Clint les McCulb'Mis. Favorite is treasurer of 'the commltjco. k number of prominent women havo aCen their names as patronesses, lnclud- i. . TTAllfnt.airni-t t, Amllnu AfvtJ g JUrS. "'"B""" inlel Baugh, Mrs. Bradbury Bedoll, Mrs. junes Bonsack, Mis. Charles Bochman, Miss Mary Buckloy, Mrs. Ueoigo Boyd, lift. Edward Brooke, Mis. Sam Blspham, twins Brlnton, Mrs. Clifton Buck, Mrs. jCbarles Carver, Jr., Mrs. J. Gardner Cas- jgtt, Airs, OUiy vu,v. - . -. ..- ... (Jbokman, Mrs. Haje Davis, Mrs. Harry 'ttnard.'Jr., Mrs. Charles M. Davis, Mis. .jtorris Dalkett, Mrs. Horry Duniold, Mis. lit. t-.i Tn.,f Ktra Vnvnrltn. Mia. Kill. 'jott Fisher, Mrs. Edward Getse, Mrs. 'imM Goodman, Airs, ueorgo uarrcu, Jooph Gazzam, Mrs. Matthew a nor, Jamos Halsoy, Mrs. "Walter Han- Mrs. Edwin Hoffman, Mrs. Barton iJOrtt, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Miss Mary ijtjdghn, Miss Sarah Kaighn, Mrs. Mahlon ,t, Mrs. Georgo ao u. ieim, airs. ,k Grangor ivenneay, airs. Aiocri ,UCU. Mrs. XJOWmun XjV.U, ima-l X.11UU Mrs. Willis Martin, Mis. John tickle, Mrs. Louis Mutchler, Miss Mar-' rle Morris, Miss MacAUster, Mrs. S. D. iConnell, Mrs. John MoLean, Mis. fcharles McCully, Mis. Hector McN'eal, far. Charles McCloud, Mrs. Reeso Ober leuftV. Mrs. Allison O'Daniel, Mrs. Fred erick Taylor Puscy, Mrs. Chailes Potter, Jr., Miss Mary Packard, Mrs. Alber Pen- jMton, Miss Elizabeth Packard, Mrs. 'Joseph Rittenhouse, Mrs. Hudson Rich, ' Visa Emily Sailor, Mrs. Hobart Smith, RJIrs. William Smytho, Mrs. Thomas Sims, ,'Mrs. Maurlco Sloan, Mrs. Henry Stokes, -Mrs. James Francis Sullivan, Mis. Henry 'utwellcr, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Ed- iWard Trotn, Mrs. lienor iyson, .mis. Frederick Vetterleln, Mrs. Wendell Wood ward, Mrs. Francis Wald and Mrs. Little r-ton Waller Tazewell Waller, I.TT REALLY Is flno to see how the spirit S'of Datrlotism has come upon all. and .1 think very few of us reallzo how very thoroughly our men of business and high .Bnance aro preparing uiemseivt-a iu uu- fend their country. All through tho city, ilia the early evening stray companies aie Etobe found drilling in the-streets and out pi' the country volunteer companies aro t learning how to hold tho ilfle, how to n, how to fire, how to march and all r th rest of it. One day last week I found fthe two sides of Walnut street between p.went!eth and Twenty-first filled with Lrows of men, some In uniforms, somo In kfcusiness suits. Out in St. Martins a vol- wnteer reserve organization has started Fin for military training. And men from IChestnut Hill and thereabouts aro drill- Blunder tho command of Colonel Charles Cresswell, formerly colonel of tho hlrd Regiment. The call has met with Teat enthusiasm and support from tho n In these Communities and drills aro isjd on Saturday afternoons at 4 o'clock tad on Sunday mornings at halt after 8 M'clock on St. Martins Green, opposite h Philadelphia Cricket Club. lAmftnp tlirt mftTi tntntcitn,1 urn TTnlllsfnr turges, Franklin Spencer Edmonds, Ar- bur Colahan, Le Roy Richards, William Hesse, Jr., W. W. Adams, Bancker Glib- m, Barker Mellor, Billy Morice, Edwin woettle, F. I. Donaldson and very many her whoso names I can't remember. here are at least 150. 1LE on tho subject of war and economy, why Is It. somo persons v not tho courage of their convlc- tons. Only last week I heard a woman ttpunce In strong tones that sho and husband had decided not to havo servo any wlno In tho houso all trough the war. It was not a necessity, h said, and would undoubtedly help in j? general economy. Ti struck mo It puid help their individual economy, but h'iii not say so, for It persons can bo Me to eee that It would bo well to onomlze in this way or in any way, mw oe, eay I. She thought every one pwiout exception should glvo it up for Jw of example. Then why didn't stick to her guns when tho woman to ota she was talking said: "Oh, have P? Why John and I havo Just laid In pii-eah stock, because wo knew wine 1'- probably go up and we thought wo UJ4 get It now, while we could." The paker Immediately capitulated ana "Well, of course, your husband thave It, I suppose, but then ho takes ', noma and bo there Is no bad ex- Pw" and never a word did Bho say ttt'the greatness of self-denial and lomy, as Bho had before. I suppose if jf tuck to what -die said first she i have gotten herself disliked. And COUld not stand for that. ' kf' WAMPV WYNNE. 'Htf ir Personals I'MaMon TTiiti-Vilnnn Tiutton. of West M Mreet. n.rmnntnwn will elve a dln- P Mday night at the Philadelphia wiud before the renearsai ot ma f of MIbs Hester Anderson nnd Mr. r,Parslv. which will take nlace the ay in tho Church of St, Martln-ln- iqs, Srederlclc Dudley, of Indian Queen rma,ntown, nu Bone to ew xtn si aaya. will b an amateur vaudeville per- thla afternoon t tne Mitn i tle;bMnt of Bt Aana' Mom- wnam; mim jtuanor !""" iHkfltlM JUUUr inwWeh may. Hospital to Benefit hv at the Rittenhouse. on Many Subjects MRS. J. ALFRED COREY Mis. Corey was Miss Elizabeth Sweeney, daughter of Mrs. E. M. Sweeney, of Chelsea. Mr. and Mra. Corey arc at present in tho West. and Miss Elizabeth Dallas will dance. Candy will bo sold during tho Intermissions by a number of tho debutantes. Miss Mary Rich, of Ponn and Knox Btrects, Uermantnnn, will glvo a house party at Falrholmo Farm, Colmar, Pa,, over tho week-end of May 12. There will bo eighteen guests. Mr. and Mrs. Dalo Bake.r Fltlor, of Rtverton, aro receiving congratulations on tho birth of a son, on April 11. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Horton Brown, of 1901 Mount Vernon street, nro receiving congratulations on tho birth of a son, on April 13. . Miss Catherlno Perry, ot Queen Lano Manor, Germantown, who will bo ono of tho bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss (,raco Taussig nnd Mr. Georgo Kenneth Flavell, will give a dinner before tho club danco nt tho Philadelphia Cricket Club on April 21 In honor of Miss Taussig and Mr. Flaell. Mr. and Mrs. Halbort Powers Gillette, of 4 107 Pino street, will give a tea dansant on April 21 at tho Phllomuslan Club. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. M. Drumhellcr, of Totts Ille, announce tho marriage of tholr daugh ter, Miss Margaret Loulso Drumhellcr, to Mr. O. Westcott Young, on Satuiday, April 7, at St. Clair. Tho marrlago of Miss May Tlmanus nnd Sir. Edwin Elliot took placo quietly last Wednesday nt tho homo of tho bride, 2.31 West Mount Airy avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot will bo at homo ntter Juno 1 at 2C0 West Johnson street, Germantown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hansell, of Kahro, Phocnlxvllle, announce tho engage ment of their daughter, Miss Barbara Eliz abeth Kahre, to Dr. Thomas Butler Snyder, ot Sankanac, Phocnlxvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. "Viler aro re ceiving congratulations on tho birth of a son, Herbert Day Wller, Jr., born April 12. Sirs. Wller will bo remembered as Miss Loulso Gqlston Green. Mrs. M. A. Brew, of the Normandle, Thirty-sixth and Chestnut streets, announces tho engagement of her daughter, Miss Muriel Sarah Brew, to Mr. William G. Moffett, of this clty Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rosenfcld, of 423 South Fourth btrect, announce the betrothal ot their daughter, Miss Edna Rosenfcld, to Mr. Samuel R. Feld Stlss Jean Mario Ahem, of 2353 East Allegheny avenue, has, Just returned home, after spending a wcck ai rousviue. A theatre party, preceded by a dinner, was given by tho Misses M. nnd R. Mc Loughlln to their employes labt evening at Keith's. Germantown Sir. and Mrs. Clarenco Stouch, of West Coulter street, Germantown, havo returned from Westminster, Sid., where they visited friends. , SIIss Elaine Taylor English, of West School Houso lane, Germantown, has gono to Washington, to bo tho guest of SIIss Lillian Clrney. West Philadelphia Mrs. Halstead Rhodes, of 4C38 Hazol ave nue, has as her guests Mr. and Sirs. J. Slervyn Erlkson and Mr. ami Mrs. Louis E Strong, of Now York, nnd SIIss Slarjorlo Thayer, of Richmond, Va, On Saturday evening Sirs. Rhodes entertained at cards and dancing at tho Phllomuslan Club, 3944 Walnut street. Mrs. Charles P. Kinney, of Fifty-third street and Galnor road, Wynneflold Is en tertaining tho Misses Fox, of Springfield, O. Miss Mildred Isles, of 5131 Hazel.avenue, navo a card party of ten tables to tho Kappa sSma Sorority, of the Girls' High School .of this city. Miss Lucy O. Slayo, of 4515 Pine street, who has been for some time at the Chelsea Hotel, has returned to her home r. tt n urnrriuler nnd her daughter, ...... t'.,C, Mnirruder. of Stonelelgh ansa uuiu; ---,., . , ,- Court, are visiting in ud,..,.6iu.. u. .. Weeks. - Mrs, William H. Ball, wife of the 1 seo retary to Oovcrnor Brumbaugh, has gone to Harrlsburg for several weeks. North Philadelphia Mrs Walter S. Chlttlck tentertalned at 500 on Thursday afternoon. Her guests included Mrs, Louis J. Ringer. Sirs. Clair P Hurtner, Sirs. Warren II. Grubb Mrs. wniiVvm 1 niiinnv Sirs. Charles O'Brlon, Mrs I?! P?Fnf wSSell and Miss Helen J. Meagher. ,. -w nail of 2121 Green etreet, en tertatoeTtliV members of her card club at iSuhSm and BOO on Friday. Her guests wfe S?rs, WIlllamHeller. Mrs Georg KwM. ffol, Mr- "2 MV,"" Menike, Mra Harry iirridr 'Mri Paul Eno. Mr. William lK&m 1 I'M The young people of tho Heidelberg Re formed Church, Nineteenth nnd Oxford streets, will present tho delightful and en tertaining sketch "t'ollynnna" this ovc. n ng in the social hall of the Tioga Mctho. dlst Lplscopal Church, Tioga nnd Eight J.6.?..,1 BlTccl- under tho nusplcca of Mrs. William -F. Sherwood, of 3521 North Twen. ty.thlrd ptrcct. nnd tho members of her Ulblo class. Tho cast Includes: r."'l'",.nn'l..vhlll.lcr. MlM Mnrlon rirk.rln. Tom , T,ni r ,,amn"" ...Mln I'nnny Hill Jimmy llenn Mr. John I'cnJIeton Mm. Cnrpw Mrn. llackptt Mlxs Kctclum Min. Jiickpon .Mm. lllnck Mrs. Crosby . ....i;r. iviiuur necnifr .....Mr. Jampn Camldy . .Mr. llalph llrunhou .....Miss i:elvn Iloy.l 'Ml".". Ml,f Wnltera .Mlsn Mnrle StoiiKhtoti .MIsb MarKnrct Harris .Miss llnipTiro MrOallv ,. .Mli Mildred Harris Mrs. F. C. nruiihouio nnd Mrs. Harry WVnncr nro the stago directors of tho tnlentcd amateurs. Mrs. Sophia I'foffer..of 1801 North Broad street, Is spending several weeks os the guest of her daughter, Mrs. I'hlllp I.aznrus. ot Trenton. N. J. Miss Well and Mrs. Louis J Well, of North Broad street, nro passing a few weeks In Atlantic Cltv Tim cleenth nnmml banquet of tho United Business Men's Association will bo held tonight In tho Scottish into Hall. Sev-entv-elght loial business men's associations and lmiirocmcnt leagues aro combined In the united organization, which has n mom lieiKhlii of 25.0011 Mr Kdwurd A, Noppel. tho preslilent, will ,(, to.istmaster. Ad dresses will bo m.tde In- lion Holes Penrose, Mayor Smith, Senators .lames McNIchol nnd Edwin 11. Vnre. I'ongiessm.tn I-'osh, of Ohio, and Mr. William H Vnre Mr Edward 1! Martin nnd Mr. Hustaxn I.lpchutx aro lco preside ntB; Mr. Chailes II. Von T.igen, corresponding fceirttari. Mr Wltll.im n. Van Horn, lluuiiclul secretin v. nnd Mr. John W Klniiagnii, treasurer The board of dliec tors Includes Mr. Hamom! MacNelllc, Mr Edward M.Abbott. Mr William II Hancock. Mr Frank J firler.Mr C Oscar Beasley. Mr Edward T Tjndall Mr Thomas E, Clem ens, Mr. Charles W. Buckley, Mr. E C Evans and Mr. W. S. Garrlsoif. Mr Louis Suess. chairman; Mr. Edward Zlegler, Mr. fiu-jtavo Ll)chutz, 'Mr Thomas Burke, Mr, David M. Hanna, Mr. E. T Tyndall, Mr. Richard Wegleln, Jtr. William J. Holland, Mr. William H. Mlokolls, Mr. Charles V Scully and Mr. Augustus D.iW form tho committee In charge of tho entertainment. South Philadelphia Mr. Herbert Jf Hawthorne, of 2521 South Twenty-first "street, gao a farewell stag dinner on Saturday evening to Mr. Thomas M. Starkle. Msldos tho guest of honor those present were Mr Alfred M. Parks, Mr. Harry Dals, Mr. Walter Wright. Mr. George Rlmpsoti, Mr. James Hnrford, Mr. Albert Horn and Mr. A. J. Btcnt. Mrs Charlts S. Davis, of 2519 South Twenty-first street, wilt havo as her guest for a few months Mrs. David Carlton Crowell, whoso husband, Paymaster Crowoll, of tho navy, has been ordered to tho Virgin Islands. Boxborough Prominent among tho spring festivities In this scctloi will bo tho muslcalo, fol lowed by a Hiwnllan dance, which tho re cently organized Mendelssohn Club of WIs sahlckon wil glo tonight at Woodv.ilc, the clubhoueo of tho American BrMgo Company. Tin ballroom will bo decorated with Miring! blossoms nnd foliage. Miss Elizabeth -811103011. Mrs. Morris Pronner. Mr. Earl Beitty and Mr Jacob Garbcr will bo tho sololsk Jtr. Clarenco C. Nlco Is tho club's muslcll director. Mr. nnd : many years removed to rs. Georgo J. Strickland, for esldents of Roiborough, hao Ilmlngton, Del. Weddings VAS ANCLAX TURNER An nttrac -o spring wedding will take placo tonlgh at 7.30 o'olock In tho Tioga Presbyterlfin streets, whet Church, Tioga and Sixteenth (Miss Ethel Turner, daughter of Sirs. Jane Turner, becomes tho bride of Sir. James K moml Van Anglan. The cere mony will be erformed by tho Rev. Robert Llttcll, tho r tor, nnd will bo followed by a reception t tho homo of tho bride's mother. Att idlng the brldo will bo her sisters, Mrs. loylo Irwin, Jr., matron of honor: SIIss mlly Turner, maid of honor, nnd SIIss D Is Turner, a nieco, flower girl. Sir. Van ?Ian will havo for best man Sir. Walter 'Ham, of Now York, and for ushers, Sir. Iward Walton, 3d, Sir. H. W. Wilson, of :w York; Sir. Daniel Hag gerty. Sir. trr Thomas, Sir. Charles Sleyers and I Harry Pollock. Tho bride groom and b e will lc.vvo on nn extended trip, nnd wll o at homo after September 15, at 4828 Nth Camao street. SI RS ROBERTS Tho wcddli of SIIss Edith L. Roberts, daughter of rs. SI. E. Roberts, of 2024 North Flfteci street, and Sir, Georgo E. Stycrs was lemnlzed this afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock ithe Roman Cathollo Church at Torrcsdalc nd was followed by a lecep tlon nt tho ho 1 of tho bride's parents, Tho bride's fathcitavo her In marriage, apd SIIss Helen , gan was bridesmaid. Mr. Slyers had Sllcharlos Gallagher for best man. Upon tttr return from their honey moon trip Ml Myers and his brldo will live In Phlladbhla. SIccItH Y SI URRAY Tho marrlaBjf SIIss Lillian C. Slurray, daughter of Suand Sirs. Francis P. Slur ray, of 1407Vyomlng avenue, to Mr. Thomas F. Slcjrthy took placo yesterday morning at 9 dock, In tho Church of tho Holy Child, Bid street nnd Duncannon avenue, with I Rev. Father SIcCaftroy olllclatlng. SIrffurray gavo his daughter In marriage, athho was attended by SIIss Ella Doolcy, ofetanford. Conn., as maid of honor, Mr fames Slccarthy was Ills brother's best ai. Tho sorvlco was fol lowed by a breiust nt tho futuro homo of the bridegroom B bride. 5222 North Broad street. Sir. atlsirs. SIcCarthy left for an extended stsin Atlantic City. ' m Y'i ?JZ v . ., t .i ?r -t i.vi &.?'i 1 k ?-l tf-i' 3 V lii.K-!1 FVN?5"5 Mitt tit 3LV?i -a""! i to 1 lS A frKhtVAWX k.Lr I ao't r ldV tr MISS EDNAOSENFELD 'Miss Roimf44dngagemeBt to 1 w mi$s visM .Mr. saMMa . ja. ww racwuy A JH.T. i'iWfti": . 5vTli-J.ii.f)i M-4ai. &J t &.... J1" ,1 JSEWfiT 1 i BBSS ' sSw iIWm C'oprlsht I.lfs l'ubllahlne CONTRABAND A Romance oC the North Atlantic By RANDALL PARRISII Till: STOKY TllfS l'B CAPTAIN HOI. I. IS. nt the Atlas I.lne. who retlrcil fruin nerMce wlun Ills futln r. owrnr nt the toniiiiii. itli'U nnd lift hini u small fortune, accents tlm InMtntlon of f'nrrlnK ton, nnpper KIiik niul New York nillllonilre. to Join u saihtlnir paitv to !!piln. AinnnR CarrltiKton's cues 1 3 nro I'cikus Mn'anii ami J'osdlck. former ueiiualntunccs of llotlls. Carrlnntmi lias nulla ttio mirty absoluti'W stair, for ho has a builnrns enrt In lnlnil whkh has been concealed under tho euIsu of a pleasuro trip Tho tlrnt hlKht, Ilollls, umMe to Bleep, roes on ileik and catches n tlpettmr dlmiisn of a woman He questions Carrinuton, but the millionaire laughs t Ms ki. st This rets IIullls to thlnklnc, uml he duldfs tint ono of tlio jaebt's officers has smui.iod tho woman on board. Tho next niht Hollls waits for tho Btranpo woman and dlscoers her Slu In a Klrl of about nlnetcti and i;les In r naiiio only as Vera, anil plcdzts Jlollls to nllnco until tha s.u'lit Is a Uj'h Juurmy from Bboro. . OIIAI'TKK IV (Continued) ELSE forget," he interrupted nulckly. "What do ou say If wo blot out all this mystcty and just bo natural for a whllo? I have been mono so long, nmtng 1 Jo a criminal, it will be a wonderful plcas Viro to convcrso with Mimo one. Hao ou tho Mlghtost knovncdgo of hero wo are, Sir. Hollla? "What Is that light flashing out yonder?" I Joined her at tho rail, looking out across tho expanse of water nt tho distant gleam. "Slontauk Point," I answered, instantly recognizing tho peculiar Hash. "Tho t.ist crn extremity of Long Island Wo shall bo breasting tho Atlantic by daylight If all is well. I imo good reabon to remember Slontauk." "Y03? Tou were thcro7" "Onco; why It was sixteen years ago at tho close of our war with Spain. I tcrved on tho St. Paul, and wo came up from Cuba loaded with sick and wounded Eoldlcrs Sllchlgan troops mostly and put them nshoro at Slontauk. I was little more than a boy then, nnd tho suffering witnessed mado a deep Impression." "You were a pallor?" "I was twelvo years nt sea; my father was a largo shipowner." "You sai'cd In his ships?" "Not altogether; I ran nwny to make my first voyage, a long ono to Austtalla. Eater, when ho dlscoveted I could not bo wenncd from tho life, I wasglcn employ ment on his line, but do not think our re lationship ever greatly aided mo otherwise." "Dut you you said you lived in Chi cago?" "For somo years I left tho sea when I was thirty; I had nrlscn to command, my father died nnd 1 decided I had had enough. I supposo I seem qulto nnclent to you?" "Indeed you do not. I think It Is won derful for you to fight your way like that, when your father was rich. It was a man's work. Why, Sir. nolU3, I am not a child." "Is ago another of your secrets?" "Not by any means ; I am nineteen what mado you smllo?" "No discourtesy, I assuro you; nineteen Is an ago I am always bound to roapect; at nineteen I was third mato on the Re triever en route for Uahla, and never slnco havo I felt tho importance of llfo.as vividly as T did then." Sho looked up Into my face questlonlngly. "That Is not altogether nlco of you," she said. "When I rermlt you to remain and talk with mo, you should not make fun. Be sides, a girl at nineteen, and a boy they nro not tho same are they?" "Quito different, I should eay; although tho truth Is, SIIss Vera, It has noer been my privilege to know a great deal about girls." "I llko to hear you say that. Slost men I hae met pretend to know all nbout them ; then they act and talk llko fools. Did you havo no sisters?" "None, or brothers cither ; I chanced to bo tho only child. Then I went to sea so early In life I failed to ncruilro tho habit of seek ing companionship with your sex. My tlmo of development was passed entirely with men, and, I confess, that afterward I havo never felt aulto at homo among women. No doubt that explains why I am still a bach elor." . ... "Tell mo about it," sha exclaimed eagerly. "Your sen. life, I mean." "Really thero Is nothing to tell." "Oh, yes thero Is; tho things one docs not read In books. If I was not a girl, I actually believe I should bo a sailor tho ocean fascinates me." "You know It well?" "Only from two short trips to Europo and ono to the Bahamas; mero pleasure Jaunts in summer weather. Tell mo about the other side of tho picture the ocean the real pallor knows." The eagerness of her voice must have touched a responsive chord, for almost be fore I realised my purpose I began speak ing. Never before did my experiences at sea como bnck to mind with such vivid ness ; they gave color to my words,, while tho evldont appreciation of the grl, leaning over the rail In tho (starlight, stimulated my memory. I began at tho first, relating my life as cabin boy and as man-beforo-tho-mast my first vqyage as mato and tho experiences of my earliest command. I told ot shipwreck in the South Seas; of a battle for life in the Indian Ocean; of Btrange peoples met in every quarter of the earth ; of fighting wintry galea oft the Atlant coast and the silent desolation of tMnin sen's. Breathless "with Interest she t--."'-, --- r--.--i' . j '...J i : Company. lteprlntcJ tij epl.il nrrunBennnt. toxlcatlon of her presenco besldo mc. Sho was natural, wholesome, tho very soit of woman I had dreamed about .13 being somowhero In tho world, yet had neer met before. Her very presenco wan Inspira tion, but beyond this aguo Impiesslon my dream did not go. Interested ns 1 was. thero seemed to bo between us n. hauler of age: I becamo dimly conscious of tho gray halts which years and levpotibiblllty had brought nnd knew that all I was con fessing could only widen this natural breach between us. How young, oven girlish, sho appeared, with her unooth, eager ftico turned toward mo In tho stai -shine Why, pho would bo scarcely out of tehool, or pre sented to society. If, indeed, the belonged to a set wliero such presentation was good form. Ay, and whero did sho belong? What secret purpose had brought her on board? What possible ep'anatlon could bo offered for her presence' She was not ot tho submerged tenth, that was nlnlnlv evident. Never had I been guilty of draw ing social tines tigiiuy or ot fearing to us Mclnto with thoso not of my tecognlzed class. Yet I recognized the leal thing; and tins girl was accustomed to tho best. Tim evidence was In her manner, her easy nlr of confidence, tho very way in which sho uoio ner domes Slio possessed education. orlgltnllty, tho carelcssnesi which comes of birth and tho suirotmdinga of wealth In ililldliood. These wero not thlncs to bo simulated nt nineteen ; nnd she was not pretending; sho was simply natural, liven ns I talked theso thoughts filtered through my mind, but, when my Btory finally ended wo stood In bllenco, gazing out across tho waters. Then I looKed nsldo nt her and laughed, realizing suddenly how loquacious 1 11.1(1 nccii. "Really, I must havo nearly talked you asleep." I said regretfully. "I do not know when I hao beforo been guilty of huch egotism." "Do not say that. It was most Interest Ing. It Is nlco to bo spoken to ns though ono was an Intelligent human being It is qulto an experience. "Perhaps I do not understand." "Doubtless not, for you aro not a girl, nnd you toll mo you never bought society, Tho 'ciy nature of your llfo has left you frank nnd straightforward. You talk to mo just as you would to a man. Slost men try to bo funny and entertaining ns though I was a hany to bo amused. I liato that! I am not so young I cannot think rind feel " "If my frankness has Interested you," I ventured, "can you not realize how much I deslro to learn moro who you nro? why you nro hero?" "Of courso; but I cannot tell you, Sir. Hollls not yet." Sho looked at her wrist watch, holding It out Into a star-gleam, which revealed tho whito shapeliness of her nrm. "I daro not oven remain hero with you longor." "But you will como ngaln? This is not to bo our last meotlng?" Sho hesitated, her eyes meeting mlno almost kindly; then sho held out her hand. "Tho last yos, in this way. You will meet mo ngaln, but not ns we havo tonight I havo truly enjoyed being with you, ot hearing your story but this meotlng hero nlono was not my cholco. You understand I could not avoid It, and after I w,as dls covered, I had to remain and win your pledgo to socrocy. You will not forget thnt?" "Assuredly not. Tou will not return to tho deck tomorrow night?" Sho laughed softly, and withdrew her hand, which I still held. 'Tomorrow night 1 Oh, I cannot toll; wo may bo far enough at sea by then so I need no longer seek fresh air by night. I told you my concealment was only tem porary. But," and her volco became seri ous, "If I deem it necessary to continue this masquerade, you would not keep mo a prisonor below, I hope?" "You mean that if I wait for you here, my presenco will banish you from the deck?" "Yes, for that would bo an appointment, n prearranged meeting to which I could not consent. It would cost mo your re spect." "Never," I protested, "nothing could lead to that. Strange as all this mystery s, I believe your actions Justifiable; I do not oven ask an explanation." "You have, Indeed, been very kind, very considerate. I cannot thank you enough. Surely you will grant this last request also?". "That I will not seek you again alone?" "Yes; but there Is no need to repeat tho request, you aro a gentleman ; good night. Sir. Hollls." The gray dress sha wore left upon ma tho Impression that sha fadt'd from sight, her dim outline 'vanished so suddenly amid tha shadows. I took a swift step for. ward. Impelled by an Irresistible desire to ascertain In what portion of tha yacht she found concealment, yet pnused almost as q Her last words had been thoso of faith, of confidence, and I would be guilty of no act to change her good opinion. She had given me her pledge that her purpose on board ,. nn avtl motive : that, within a dny .or two, at most," she would appoar openly, and clear W m apparent mystery:, i.couM-wtt ftutiifafaala. Wfr Mm had chosen atuneonventlotml aiiumwiir joining us, m beyond my guessing. essayed many a theory, yet,jono after the other, all broke down, nnd left mo groping In darkness. Only one fact remained stead fast to which I could cling with confidence tho girl was no mere adventuress, no criminal; she was doing nothing of which sho was in tha least ashamed, nor had sha the slightest fear of conscquonces. Tho after deck was desertod ns I went below nnd sought my stateroom. In tho berth I Iny nnd thought, but to equally poor rosults. Word by word I reviewed our conversation, endeavoring to recall somo expression which might yield mo somo faint cluo. Tho name. "Vera." haunted mo with tantalizing memory, yet I could not bring back from tho past ItH association. Still endeavoring to recall tho list of acquaint ances In hopo of thus touching somo spring of recollection, I lost consciousness and slept, I slept so soundly ns to bo the Inst guest nt tho breakfast tablo tho next morning, although as I sat thero nlono Fosdlck re turned from tho deck to tho cabin, seeking a raincoat, nnd reporting n heavy fog, through which tho jacht wns proceeding slowly. Ho paused to exchnngo a few words, resting on tlin nrm of a chair, smoking. Tho rssel was still within easy lcw of Slontauk. or had been beforo tho mist shut down, but tho teally Important news had como to Carrlngton by wireless poslttvo Information of tho outbreak of war. Rus sia nnd Franco wcro pitted ugalnst Ger many and Austria In tho death grapple. Tho Oermiin troops had already in gun tin luvnBlon of Holglum on their dile toward I'ails It wns ntlll unknown what courso England would take Tho tiaturn of this news obscured nil else, and left mo utuiblo to ooinplcto my meal. Other messages wero momentarily expected, nnd 1 dressed hastily, nnd Joined tho llttlo gtoup on tho deck. It wns n. raw, di-ngiPPnblo morning, tho fog shutting In closo nbout us, nn Impencttablo curtain, tho vni'ht nosing lu way forward with ut most care. Its siren walling out ccry mo ment In wanting. From tho companion I rould barely distinguish tho outlines of tho bridge enveloped In folds of 'apor, nnd overside pereelo a nan nw lano of frothy water Tho air was heavy with moisture, nnd tho passengets on deck wcro huddled beneath tho protection of tho awn ing, their interest in tho rerelpt of news nlono keeping them on deck. I Joined them Jti3t ns a cabin boy handed Carrlng ton a new message. Ho read It, crashing ids clenched hand down on tho rail. "It's nil over with now," ho exclaimed, holding tho paper aloft, and gazing about Into our eager faces. "England declares war, gentlemen. She will stand by her treaty with Belgium. Hero Is our opportunity; listen to mo. This Is going to bo tho greatest war In history; ccty nation In Europo may bo Involved beforo It Is ended. Do you reallzo the commodity most lit demand ; tho ono metal thoM) nrmles cannot get along without? It Is copper. They must havo it, and they must buy It of us This morning, as soon ns I recolved that fltst dispatch, I wired my agents to buy, buy, buy. Now, with England in, tho result is certain ' Ho paused and studied tho faces In the gtoup. "Gentlemen, thero Is wealth enough hero on this yacht to control tho entlro copper output If wo work swlftlv Tho profit will bo enormous. I havo the campaign all mapped out. I know whero to buy, and my agents nro ready to executo my orders. I am going to say to you frankly that I had this thought In mind when I first organized this crulso. I "Invited you to Join me-very l.ugoly because of what you represent in tho business world, I believed this crisis was approaching and prepared for It. I wanted jou men together, away from every other Influence, wheio jou could mako quick decision. Our very nbsenco from New York, which has been widely advertised, will tend to. allay all posslblo suspicion that wo nro Influencing tho market. By wireless wo can opernto surely and secretly, with no posslblo fear of betrayal. Tho only question la, nro you ready to back mo up?" Tho expressions on tho fnecs of thoso gathered about him felloctcd tho arled characters of tho men. Thoy wero nllko btnrtled by tho unexpected turn of nffalrs, yet financial gteed evidently predominated, Even tho ono German In tho. group had seemlhgly forgotten his nationality In view ot tho golden bait dangling so temptingly beforo his eyes. Fosdlclb actuated by bis lawyer instincts, and btlll cool and calculat ing, was fit st to question tho proposition. "You aro petfcctly assured of being able to control the market?" Jio nslced. "I already lrtually control," roturned Caitington confidently "AVIth a llttlo moro capital tho gamo Is certain. Sly ngents havo everything buyable located and n price put onJjv All I need do Is order tho deals closedown tweho hours, gentlemen, we ran havo tho copper situation entirely In our hands. Heio are my holdings In dividually. This morning, by wireless, I ncqulrcd options on 25 per cent moro. I need your help to closo tho deal." They bent over tho papers, eager to grasp tho truth, but abundantly satisfied with a quick glanco at tho magio figures. It was evidently enough a master stroko. a busi ness deal easy to comprehend, and all that remained for them to do was to tako their profits. Vim you return Immediately to Now York?" questioned SIcCann, his lips trem bling. "Certainly not; our gamo at present is to keep out of sight; permit no ono to dis cover who is behind tho movement. Your personal checks will ratlsfy mc. I propoo holding tho yacht, say, a hundred miles from bhore, and conduct tho entire business by wireless. That makes It pafo nnd sure." Tho group of financiers stared nt each other, ono waiting for tho next to olco de cision Fosdlck, as usual, took the Initia tive " ,. . I'm heartily with you, Carrlngton," he said frankly; "you can count onmy check for 100.000 right now." "And I," "and I," echoed from lip to lip. "It look's llko mighty easy money," added SIcCann, "and I need a little." Carrlngton, smiling pleasantly, turned to ward me. (CONTINUED TOSIORROW) ("rrilurlilar" Is tonehiilcd on Pate 8 of thU edition.) TODAY" AND ALL WEEK lwnl Afta., 2.15; Evrs., 8:15 19th and Hunting Park Ave. jESSlLLM) 1 X Ulll WLUr.llH IHLIULUII wmui MW&6MSU Gen. Alm.. COc. Children under 0, SSo. t Ileserveo. teats at Ulmbel. A Jnlnk! Fonltttely LfltT Times. I Jist Mat. jft.aGipJll Thurs. A Sat. TONIOIlTat 8!lB. WM. TAVEnSHAM b IIUNMmTA CllOSMAN in "Getting Married" Next Week "Mother Carey's Chlckeni" t vntfrt roi 11 mat. Toiroitnow Lt X IvlU TONIGHT AT 8UB "SO LONG LETTY" with CIIAWX)TTE GREENWOOD 11ROAD ST. Theatre. Frl. Aft., April 2T, at B. fKfui 1 Marcia Van Dresser y Hmlnent American Soprano. Tickets $1.50. f 1, 703 and tiOg at Heppe'a, rvTrTJT?TTM oeiuiantown and UXVlrXlJjUlVi CIIELTEN AVENUES MATINEE TODAY Ym?5?v "SINNERS" ' Thur- Frl.. Bat "A PAIR OF fifXlMr WALNUT Mat, Today.SSOc "' 4, , Bat'at.,JSc.50e,'M, j.ft v)T- J- w"-w -rwm w( MSH'. M I-erhire by Alfred NortsMsoi lego Auditorium, 7:10 o'cloofc. Concert. IMlllMVMnftlAak fttoW ' al! . clubhouse, 3944 Walnut street, g''; Admission charge. I h i United IltulneM Mena "TimlltiSM 1 quot. Scottish Rita Hall. Broad alrfH Biroois. Members. , lfJ'f'M J.nrineeri' cinh. hn.i... iii-'-. nltft at MM ata t Iff ..( T. ... ouuraannea." w. A i "'i cpruco street, 8 o'olock. Mm Heading, "tVlld Oats," Miss lb SltlrdOfk. Allttnlra ltlM... im.mM.J of tho a Iris' Hlirh unit Hitmil tt.v. !J Hnmllton street, 8 o'clock. Merabarfc1' J Clif ter ATenue IiEftroremea Astae dinner, Rittenhouse Hotel, 7 o'clock, bers. titrnnf. 1-lt.K mmmhbI , ifc ' street below Eocust. 8 o'clock. MntiM, I.rrtnre, "Hebrew and CornaU LaarnlatfJ ' Dr. TCnbum R'niient. nM..i. r..n... -' and ork streets, 8:30 o'clock. Free. ' Itff 'H Meeting- to plan to oc-opomta wtth ' 'v rJS nnd Stnto authorities. Connrv Cav RnhnnfVil f 9 Merlon, 8 o'clock. Free. ",) ',, i'iriv..nii. o,. t . .Jr'h.'e ri.sttnn. mitMltii- QHn.An TT11 ai u.li. .AtA, rM Ulrnrd avontio. 8 o'clock. Free. -.? Ineanter Arrnne Tlallnex TTin iiiiiMml ' $5C 3930 Lancaster nvcnuo, 8 o'clock. Vn. "!Wyy erlrk Seymour In Parish House of 8tv?lH '"nil' i-roiesiant lipiscopai Cnurcn, Foitjfs. si.' J bccond street nnd Baltimore avenu. Hp&a o'clock. Free. Irf! Lecture, Acndrmy of Nataral flntnnm. MJS2 Joun J. Kothermcl, 8 o'clock. xq lt..,n rtl.i. ,,.,-. jtt .. luil Kuglofs. JO m,-...,i. , ., . .,. i $ .'iiiujjuni.il ufrcrn J1QUIV, 4Mjng um, unoff." Admission charge. Wlther-ipoon Hall, Hnhn Quartet. Ad mission charge. lt-iimiif In f'1,,1. . ip.m.t. TT-.t.A.,jAM presents "Tho Aulla Difficulty," by Maurlo ' ) Baring, nnd "Tho Land of Heart's Destr, ' by William Butler Yeats, In NewCentur lSj jji.iwiuK jwoina, jiumission cnargo. "tTTTrrcirrvKTrTrn rtn-iT i.nnrn is VyXliOXJLNUl JdlXiJCiJUr $M OPERA HOUSE "A GnCAT PHOW BEST tVITNTraBTaD TW 41 10 HcnnnN showing.- XNcjmitEn. jj'j IWIUIl JJAll.l, 'JtlO ANU DUO JESSB I IiASKEY Presents GERALDINE F A R R A R. In Crrll H. Da Mlllo'e Cinema, Masterpiece "Joan the Woman" 01 I'oundeil on the 1AVD OV OAN OB AHO ' Pneclal Orchestra of 30 and Chorus. Pop, I'rlcei, r.ve. and Sat. Mat., Ijowep Floois no ana i isi 11.11 , nue ana i. -a imi., zpe. )ther Mats., Tiwer Tloor, POo and 70c. ltt Other Dal., COa and "Sc. Sd ilal., SSe. B. F. Keith's Theatre- A SPRING TONIC OF LAUGHTER & SONG McINTYRE & HEATH Prcrcntlne "ON GUAltD" LILLIAN SHAW SCOTCH IyADS AND T.ASSIES "PEACOCK AIAA7Y" ED. MORTON; 11EUNIQ & BAKEH. Otheri. Jins. VEHNON CASTX.I in "rtATniA" MAItKBT AHOVE 10TII PAULINE .FREDERICK and Company, Including Thomas Melfhan, In "SLEEPING TIRES' TJAT A 1T7 12ii MARKET ST. Sr2LLt.jili 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. M. GEO. M. COHAN 1$&WAT Added Charlio Chanlin F1"t siowiii Attraction v-,Ilail'u Vliapilll .t.wjj CURE;' ATDPA T"T A CHESTNUT Below 1BTH AX,UxiUli lojir, A. M 12. 2. 3:45, r,:4n. 7:45. 0:43 P. M. SELZNICIC-PICTU'ItEa Present NORMA TADMADGE "The Law of Compensation" DT?r,TPMT' MARKET Delow 17TH XVil(VjIliN 1 11 A. M. to 11:15 P. M. Dully, 10c; Erenlpcf, 150. FRANCES NELSON , Acon Charlie Chaplin 'rV Wed., Thurn. Thos. II. Ince'a "Civilization." 7'TrTiriT3T A MARKET Above 8TH ' VlV-'J.WXVl.n. I) A. M. to 11:13 P. It Prices 10c, 20c. OLGA PETROVA ', Wernlay "The Waiting SOU," Added Attraction rirst Showing Charlie Chaplin in "The Cure" ( t I A ) Kyi theatre juniper 6T8. V4A-J,'a-'-1-' YAVDKYILLS Contlnuoua 10c. 15c. 23c. 33o 11 A. Mr to 11 P. M. JOSIE FLYNN MINSTRELS Includlnir Popular MAE ROBERTS ABE ATTELL and Others CROSS KEYS &S?M?2, "JUNIOR FOLLIES" 'gggg BROADWAY moyAfm Willard's Temple of Music QUADVS BROCICWELV In "Her Temptation" ACADEMY Monday Aft., April 23. at 3. TWO-PIANO REC1TAI. by HAROLD OSSIP BAUER GABRTLOWITSCH I1ENETIT NAVr LEAQUD x PRICES: 2. l.r.0, 1, 75o. OAI.LERT, BOO. Tickets nt Uepim's, 1110 Chestnut Street.' Mr.TROPOI.lTAN OPERT HOUSE Metropolitan 0ra Company, Jv'ewr.York, UAST PERFORMANCE TlHS SEASON CPSsffUf- ri? U.WA.M. RMANCE Tins SEASON ;. iM BORIS GODUNOFE V! TONIGHT AT 8 Mmer, Ober, Dnlaunots, Howard. MM. uldur, ,1.1 ithler.Althousp. SCBiirola, Uaila, Bloch. Con.,Mr. ij'. lacco. Keats 1108 Chest, et. Wal, USi Hac T. ' r'K Rothler, I'olacco, BROAD Last 5 Evgs. TnrnAMMM iar "w t..-. llilbllii I'liKUUOUW ' -stvf In Tootner'a Comedy. "SHIRI,EY KATS" VflVi Nnt Week Seats Thursday 3i. Alexandra Carlisle In "Tho Country Cousin.'. TrnPTfliiT Niuma at sua sv -i I'UKUJliOl Popular Mat. Tomonwr, 'J fiunreme Munlcal ComHv Pucrn " r. , MISS SPRf NGTIME , -K , BOo to 11.80 at Popular Mat. Tomorroir UAXVKHJlV I'nnular .Mst.iTowerWW ' FAIR and WAKMUJK mi with JANET BBIEC1IHR t t- SOo to 11.30 at Popular Mat, Tomo: Wltherspoon Hall. Frl. Btv.,t AMtt 9. ' ALASKA of thk noww? "The crsatest Illustrated lecture. St. ta 10 )ti York preaa. (Still ftndraotkon sitfiri fi. Vm.-i-t T. I-IfnM THQHAs. mivSSi Ilr'UlWRW' JACKSON THOMAB. 1 TKAsVM)c.toll.r.?U.nN4:sltrTfall B. ?Un( ersl tr KxtMuilS orr;ar.vrUtKn Office, Sansom KnickerBocker "IT STOCK Next DWm .T, . , iiR .4 ,M s. .:fa sva V . i, ,v? VCi ! 'Ljl "H E0U1 Jl " wii iwwn, uio i ch ct year win ir- uamim mm . ? 9 v i