1. ff7'mr3 MIWBWfl i ;'.,. j n't HH'Al FIRST TEST Military Committee insc tjonscripuon in I Vote of 9 to 8 M ( K TRY VOLUNTEERING ltd Makes Strong Appeal Selection System as Best ,nit, and Surest ; v WASHINGTON', April ,16 ttt ote the prlncliile uf tlie ne- mm HEARS "W ' '(")' . MENTION AT TALK . F Ambassador Jusserand, of France, 'Makes Spirited Address Before 2000 Women FORECASTS WORLD PEACE General Young and Mrs. Story Sound Patriotic Note in Speeches ' WWt " .' "W" ; Lp 1 , . rt,Uuvf , TWO nlwr. " draft Incorporated In this general farmy bill ian beaten In tlio lloue ry Committee by 9 to 8 ote One r present, Held, of Kontueio, mil ,Wlfc, otc Indicated that mile hcntlinml the', committee, change the oluntiM ;em nil! Rot a try-out before ionul- Is resorted to to rale nn iiriny of OOP for son Ice In Kurope. o Important amendnientH to the ;en- atatt bill uero Intioduird In the colli de. They will ho noted on tomoiiow. Amendment, by Chairman Dent, would lh volunteer MVHtenl u trial, but iX give Prenldent WI1koii power at aiij to declaro the oIunteer Hjdtctu ti lure and order conscription. Another amendment, by llepreientatlvs ny. of Kanraf), provides for tailing army by a olunleei Mjntent, now- a miuiary censuM u an fiikiuip muirn laid be xtarted nt once. If, within live th( the number of troop teitulttd have voiuntcereu, tonccripiion woum oe (.- in Immediately. p-TtyJ nelectlvp draft wbh defended by Rep. ntaiive uoriaiid (.mo ) uh tno "rairewt. Jest ami most democratic national tie- i-flftem. . Holland speech wn tho formal luldiePH In th Iloupe on ion- drlptlon gi.!jTho very ugKestloit of universal lla iVtllty. to mllltao xeivloe," he siald, ,' as piled to our country Hccms to liuve fanned r shock to ,tlio minds of m.iuv gentlemen this Houiic, MvJ'It Is lnfinlto-l) vupeilor to a mettenar or xo a Byeieni or vommary imiiihi- nt. It contains un element of justli and Kullty which should appeal to nil Ainer- ita. "Say what we will, In the last iuiuIvhK t U tho Sole resource for nation tl defense t'vvlll not bo amtsH, tlureforc, oven this rly 1)1 the contest to consider It seriously a to contrast tl vviin inner powiuie thoda of creating a military force. J, "A selective draft will raise the requited umoer oi HOiaiers witn me icasi ois rbanCO of those Industrial pursuits which ed the army and equip It for tho Held .'HtA volunteer fouo deranges ever au nty of tho nation." - n ; S. STARTS PROBE OF PACIFIST BODY fethods oi American Union && ii a : 4. vt:i;i-.,;.,, tt.,,i.. jf1eMllI9L lujnujiiaiii umiui federal scrutiny s ,f ftAa Investigation started toduy l the le- tment of'JuMice Into the methods of the rlcan Union Against Militarism may ftho campaign which the organization directing In Philadelphia and otliei he local neadquaiter ot the union is lit s j, Wltherspoon Dividing. Mun well Own women aro anions Its members Attention of tliu Oo eminent was dlrectid 'the union through huudreils of lettets htch, have been pouring upon Congress- t?of the writers, it Is believed, ate mem. ot the union. It J, IEPAREDNESS COURSE 1' . nn.rr ,,....,n. .. r UIM JJKXJX MAWKS IjI&T Mo- Is to Don Jumpers und Lcutn W' torrnr Work Roil Cross Also ractlcal preparedness will be tuUen up the girls of Ilrjn JIawr College. Thev Jdon r?I working clothes and, atnud wrenches, Jaclfs nnu othei r.utlc.il m, plunge Into a couie in motot ie- rjnir. Many of the glrJs already Know some the .Intricacies of the modern automobile, ,tho work will not seem so difficult, .business course and Ited Cross work ""also bo part of the new preparedness 'r . ... jiew Drancnen are mo result or an l today on mobilization made by Miss .Hlmpson, of the National League for en's Service, and I3rn Mawr Is the 'woman's college approiched on the ImI Simpson outlined all the requite- In detail for such an undertaking and address held atttcntlon throughout. M. Mr Thnmns nrAittripnt rt tt,n ittir i.,n. kPID TRANSIT EARNINGS $HOW GENERAL INCREASE atement for Nine Months of Fiscal 4- Year Favorable in All WASItlNino.V. Am II 16 An earlv ending or the "wot Id war,' with n lertalntv of universal peace and a ce menting of tho deepest friendly relations between the I'nlted Ntntes and Frame were foteiast this afternoon bj Ambasa doi .lutes .lusserand, of rrauie, In an ad dress to the Daughters of the American Jtewdutlon, who opened theli tvvent) -eighth iiunual longttss here todHy tinder londl tlons of eMriordlnatj fervoi Nearly 2000 women wete ptesent, nn- t'to pltll of putiiotlsm was the domlniut note of all the spee lininUltig and proceeding The Plinth Ambassador made It very plain that his nation appieilates gieatl the action of the I'ulted Mates In tendering material and nmii-powm assist imo to win the uiu In patt he said "Verv probablj before long tint visit of old paid b laifajettc and others to vour shores will he repaid, "V of Pratue sen a thing of beatitv In the Pulled .Stntes, and before long, when the wat Is our, we shall fee it thing mom beautiful than lite Pnlted .States a llhi-rnl world " Throughout his htlef address the viubas sador echoed an appreciation of the sup port the Pnlted Mates now Is giving to the cause of the Allies and spoke In the highest terms of what President Wilson has done "A totintt.v that does not teiognlze the rundimental principle of universal iiillltai training Is not a nitloit. but tuorelv a lon glomerat' in of people (Jenctal K II M Young told today's opening esslou of the Daughters Congress (leneral Young said the 1) A It 'wan urn first gteat w Oman's society to talse Its voice lu support of this fundamental principle of the nation's mllltarj pollcj ' "lite founders of this nation wlsel pto vlded for national defense," slid ( leneral Young 'Those who have not given this pioblem setlous thought do not teallzo that ( nnipidsorv mllltarj bet v lie Is pio vlded fot In the Pnlted Mates Constitution tioi do the reall7e that it national sstem of mllltaty training will not liu rinse Hit. citizen's nihility to serve. ' Pnder the old mllltlu act Congiess to inortow could pass a resolution calling everv able-bodied citizen between eighteen and foitv-flve Into military service without re Btiid to age or phvslcal condition 'The framers of out Constltittltu re alized that this authorltj Is Inherent In ever llov eminent Vo tould not have a nation unless Congress had the authorltj to i. ill its i Itlzens to Its defense ' Light the tires of unlvethal military training undei this great melting pot and we will fuse t'j van Ing elements of oui population and teath the wotld tint wo are Indeed a nitlcu "We will nevn have a nation, in the hlghist sense of the word, until all our i Itlzens lender equil national set vice" h'eivlce to Our Cottntrj" was the Kev nolfi of the lonveiitlon sounded bj Mrs William Cuinmlngs story, president general, calling the body to oidet. 'Let us make this longress of AmerUaii women wotthj of meeting one of the most ciltlcat periods in our tountrj's hlstotj,' still Mrs Mor.v 'I he president general ap pealed to the daughters to la aside petty things and to work to accomplish the great est good In answeiltig President Wilson's tall for it united nation to fight a wai for humanity. Poi the Hist time In the hNtoty ot the Daughters' gatherings the President was not at the opening session. It was also an nounced the delegates would not be teceived ut the White House, as had been the tus. torn. Puvetit prujeis that the United Statis might he strong enough "to stand Its shaie In tho great upheaval of liberty that Is swieplng over the entire world' weie made b) Mis Marj K. l.ockwood, Lhap'aln-gen-eral Sho prajed that the Daughteis might stnnd as Mrong patriots in the pitst-nt trlsls, 'an nut fatheis who fought foi the llhcrtv of the nation which wo now hope will he strong enough to In Ing peato and llbert) to suffering humanity " In compliance with the plea for economy sent to the women of the land by Mrs Wil son wife of tho Piesldent, the Congress promptlv adopted a resolution elimtti itlng the i ustomary banquet, alwavs one of the most Important features of the annual inciting The lcsolutlon aKo pledged the delegates upon the letutn home to work In theli own community for the conservation of food FRANCE CHEERS U. S. IN ROSTAND'S REVISED "SONG OF THE STARS" y HENRI BAZIN Special Ktcitlso Ltdaer corretpondrnt In roiire, H'opyrlirM. :17, ly rubllo Ledger Company Special cabltgram io the Evenimj Lcdicr. PARIS, April 16. EDMOND ROSTAND, of the French Academy, has entirely rewritten his famous "The &ong of the Stars," which he published in J915, recasting it to sing to the praises of the United States and to pay tribute to the American nation, to President Wilson, to Colonel Roosevelt, to Walt Whitman, o Edison, to Franklin und to Lincoln. The distinguished poet lead hin poem this afternoon in the Sorbonne amphitheatre before a notable assemblage, including cabinet ministeis and an Audience of seven thousand pcisons. The leading followed the playing of "The Star Spangled Banner" by the Republican Guards Band, Rostand personally invited your conespondent to a scat at the ttibuno and extended to him the privilege of the first publication in the world of the poem, which is six hundred lines in length and considered here the most important war lltcrntuic yet produced in France. I nm cabling at this time twenty lines of this poem, which treated wild enthusiasm as Rostand read them. He was accorded n ttcmondous ovation as he concluded the verses. The ovation continued for sevcrnl minutes, the wnlls of the dignified old Sorbonne echoing with cheers for Ameiicn und for President Wilson. The translation uf the twenty lines of the poem follows: The stais sang out from thcit field in the beautiful flag;: "We are the symbols of Progress, its glorious glow, Born of the stars which your frigate of old Woic in the wounds of its sails, Rochnmbcau!" Flushing, they fcuns: "Lincoln should never have died While there is canker of slavery left on the earth; Whitman, nt thought of a star standing neutral in war Would be shaken with hot indignation and mirth. FIREMEN ONE STEP NEARER PAY BOOST Councils' Finance Commit tee Approves ' Bill for Increased Salaries FINAL' ACTION SHORTLY Argument Develops 6ver Propo sition to SplitBureau of Highways Coma Us Cotimiltlie on provid without ill bite this bill ptovldlng fot un I nil ease of Phlliddphli pnllie and cording to Plmtot Ui son, Phi tin i up ufleinooli the lu the Mluhs firemen '- who spoKt1 he- "IMison for France! und the heatt of gteat Finnklin There stands tho beast with its chops dripping gote, There the vast thionir at which Roosevelt would hurl His battalions of ftghteis to shaie in the glorie3 of wai. shine "Five were the swoids that Kieat Washington hold, That he wielded to save an ideal, that shnll never grow dim; .loffre, on the Marno, with his Foch, Maneury, Sarrail, d'Espery and d'Langle had five also like him." One star came to the edge of the union and sang: "We ate nil here in this corner of blue, All save one, touched bv Goif, shining and new The star und the genius ot Wilson!" As he concluded the poet again asked cheets for President Wilson und tote the lommlllie tin Ini tease w III u ipilri about JllSiHiM timitinllv 'Ibis tun be nut Ch ill m in liiilfuiv of the lonimlttii an lioiimid without illlllitiHv Un. hill illl In mini ml fiiMii.ihlv bv the i iiumlttie on 'Ihursdnv and will thin ih oei until the next ttgulur inciting of I ( inn Ms for llu il nt. linn The toiuiiltlee likewise approved u bill iippioprlatlug $rii(l foi the iPinnviil f " p metal pilsonus i.ige In (iunitrl .e-sloi s Ciuil Itooni If'-' Clt II ill AnntliPi sal ut liiiitan intiiiin laislnc tilt pit ol vvolktis In the Kltttllt il lillieio tilth tin l.mnil si t nsidi foi the i-.tlm or the thlif i nl la o Pin in in, who iisignid was approved t otiMlilet ibli aigtiniint ili'Vilopul m tin dluushlon "f a bill dividing tin ptesiut lluieaii of lllglni ivs Into two si pirate bu ti ins hliJiwavH and stteet iliaiilug piotal of tin' hill would mi an tin luitmg of a new position of btiteati thltf at J3itn it jeai and the liansfei of iibotit $S0 una fiotu the pi i -t nt biinati to one ninth un-nted MORE INTERNED TARS ON WAY irnings of the Philadelphia Hapld Turn- JPompany continue to compare very fa- my. Tite statement for aiarch and nine hof tho fiscal ear. which was Issued nvermlnute meeting of the directors .afternoon, showed general Increases In IIS. therrnontIi of March the gross pas- 'recelpts were $.,414,7S5, an increase ilH'li' while tho gross earnings from oca were s,oyi,i, a gain or 6t,, Itthe net for le month was 1,00,- i increase of $93,801, ; iwisenger earnings for the nine r'iwere lzl),Z2$Z3i. an increase ot 119. v Including receipts from other t.the"gros was t31,V01,P!lS, n gain l.34. Tet amounted to $! "21,770, s of J924.H7 For the nine- prlod the surplus was Jl.893,302. Ot iVii.MZ. The suro'us Is priii.-il ripr nt on the stock, IKJDWAR CRY ON FLIES Will ( -j Increase -.of. Jidemics Stop .. nrftopdUlcns' prevalent, und with r wv. 4 iiiinuvii'iiuia "uuvivia ucf JWtetf thjB Bummer with army ifki crave danger, tdiould an tljifantll paralysis break1 put," i ac He wiweasett as offlolently UuKear. 'orithui'rea. tlve'conimltteefot- the axV JttB I- dl.l.M ..-'... ..M..I aauwemiAtoX public - health IfeHkMttea wread'by the fir. win .'.oe.iuiii expiaineq poHMq.ut at ft public wmofrow-atui .O'ctoo arc. hr Chl JC 0rMllAcW Twenty Sailors Due at Gloucester De tention Camp Twenty mole Herman sailors will ariive at the detention house of the immigrant atatlon In Oloucester City tonight or to morrow morning. They aro from 'Wilming ton, where they were taken from the Oei- man merchant ships Kiel and Neckaria ivnen me uermans leaincu mat iney were to bo transfeired to Glout ester, two of tho number tried to escape. Ihey aro In charge of Immlgiatiott of ficers sent from Norfolk, Va , and started from there last night. Thero are already HO Germans and Austrlans in the detention house and thero Is loom for nt least 500 more. They Tire allowed to exercise on the roof garden of tho dotentlon houso and at tract much attention as they pace up and down with members of the National CSuaid on tho outside watching them. LICENSED TO WED AT ELKTON Twenty-four Couples Visit Maryland's Gretna Green I:lKTO.V, lid , April 16 The following marriage licenses were Issued here today: Jamr (' Uarabt and l.llzalMth R Stewart, Matthew N Kojenhowikl anil Mary Weltel, Henry l'radrr and Mlldrd Campbell. Walter Jamia and-Karah Slnmnltlr Ijjuis iifnna ana Kleanor lockard. all of Philadelphia: Harry F. JSrM5n?l,it' !?w yP.rk. "n1 Irsaret Porth. Philadelphia: i:imr E. Johnson and May Lone, hurat. Olttaieri Ueorie I, Alexander and Udlth ''.".Wt '"JTivlU. Sid : Walter T. Thomas and Kllzabeth Curwood. Shlckahlnnr. Pa : Kd ward a llHliiee, and Anna C. Htorj. Camon. Mamuel C" Heller, orrlto1vn. Pa., and Kllen C. J.owe ConahohooLen Pa,: Jn I: Ie and iuiiu laiuiiiimii, iaronvton aiu : Thomaa u i.kjiiu i,,vi diniKuiri i iveene t'ottavuii Ullll lb Allentowi M. urund. Camden. Urneit Owen and Leoia Ale. Hlooniabunr, Pa : Oerwoixt Wilson nand and Julia I Mt llogrr Camden; tUrrett M. Cochran. Wilmington, Del, and Kathrin It xniacre, Conhohoeken: Clifford May and " pr,e,, ,cw,ir .-. j,i rranK u flub- and Margarrt U Kan PoUavllle, Htojt and Alice Kdward. llrlrlKeton, jj. ank I'. Heaareavea and OUva Shaffer. w. P" Ward U Curtla and Katella i tifl a. faavTiaaasi Ptaiak a-x.... -. -. j ... ler and Margjrat U, Keatlnr. CamiUn; (leorno n avaci, ml euaelkltvil HBLHCl, II WUUUI 1 Kdwln K Hardlnr and Kdna ad Mary Burks. Camden; id Kdna H. Wena Kafl,An J'a.. and Henry Nclman and Anna Dahl' Lioyleal town, ra. Navy Personnel Passes 70,000 Mark WASHINGTON, April H EnllatmenU for the navy last Saturday totaled1124, It Was announced by Secretary Daniels to day, ThU brings the total personnel of that arm of the service up to 70,061, and officials expfean the hope that It will reach 400,000 by early "summer. ,fBiyuiU W0M.(iiiirMilae Kbnen-yr:ld Stanley Julius, 111 Jef Ufoniit9, Camden, was awarded $9000 totta wfcen hie attovieys and counsel for Vm BDhm atfcllsrMvlnr Company aft-ect lauipui oL.tne aurt .!; fathar the United States. Aain thcte was throwing hats into the air. WHARTON FACULTY ASKS DR. PATTEN'S RETENTION Petition to Provost Unanimous for at Least Year's Reappointment 'Ih,- Inn ton .School r.ioultv of the L'lil veisltv of Pennsjlvnnia at a meeting toda i nnnitnousl) petitioned Tiovost IMgar Talis "inlth and the hoard of trustees of the nlveritv to retain nr Mmon X. ratten as professor of cconomlt for nt least an other j ear. J'tofcsot I'atlcn was notlflid list week that his service would no longer be re quited because he hid leiched the age of retliement Xone of the fin ultv members w ho at tended the meeting would discuss what had been said 'I hej s ild their action would be iinmedlatt Iv loininunlcated to Provost -Sinllh ,tnd all news of It would have to tome from him It is generiillj lu Hi veil that the dismissal of Doctoi Patten was approved bv the board of tiuitees more on account of his worU outside of the b'nlveilt thai because of his age It Is believed that the technical ecue of dismissing him was simply In voked because It was lonvenlent Doctoi Patten has been believed to be the Inspira tion fount of much of the -illeged radicalism that has tiffei ted some of the vounget mem bers of the facultv, Scoll N'tarlng among otheis Ho was sympathetic with the pacl llsts. too, and that displeased some of tho tuistees. It Is said. FIRE IN PLANT PUT OUT BY DU PONT EMPLOYES Friction Causes ?300 Blaze Starting in Glazing Barrel at Car ney's Point, N. J. I'lre slatted at the Tarnevs Point smoke less, powder plant of II I da Pout de Ne mours f'ompaiiv earlv today, but was stamped out aftet about 5300 wot th of ponder had been destiojcd Xo one was hurt Xo damage was done to the plant , The flames, which weie caused by Irlc Hon In a rapldlv lev oh Ing powder glazing lane I. consumed about 1000 pounds of smokeless powder, according to a statement by the company. The fire started about 4 o'clock this morning, when workmen lu plant Xo 3 left the barrel to change another. Employes put out the flra unaided. a wild scene, aged men standing and APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED Senate Takes Favorable Action in Pto posed Government Appointees WASHINGTON, April 10. The Senate this afternoon confirmed the following: Oscar T Urosbj, of Virginia, to be As sistant Secretarj of the Treasurj ; Francis .1. Kearful, to be Assistant Attomej Oen eral , Joseph Jloote, of Loulslani, to be United States Attorney, western district of Louisiana: Joseph W. Montgomery of Louisiana, to be 1'nlted States Attotne, eastern dlstilct of Louisiana, ("hauncey O Snow of Massachusetts, to be Assistant Chief of tho Bureau of foreign and Do mestic Commerce; Chat lea V. Itattlgun. of Auburn, X, Y to be Collector of Customs, District No. 8, lloehester, X, V. : Edwin G Hunter, of Ioulslana. to be Naval Ofllcei of Customs, District No. 20, New Orleans The Senate also confirmed these post musters: New York John X. Cullen, Blue Point ; Mary A. K. Barrett, Kort Terrj . George W. Wltbeck, Nassau ; Harmon P, Pane, Quogue; George C Staud, lloehester, and Michael J, Walsh, Vonkcrs. -dreSr's- A Green. Lawn Green all over; Is Indeed a home beautlfler. Dreer's GraBS Seeds come In many tested grades for the shady spot under the tree or the sunny and dry knoll. Nature Is ready to do the work right now, and you had better repair the shabby lawn nt once. The Vegetable Garden ltrly maturing vegetables are being planted, and Peas, Beans, Carrots, Spin ach, Lettuce, Onions, eta, soon go into the ground. The garden cannot be suc cessful unless good seeds are used. Our Trial Grounds Insure the quality of all our seed. Results are assured by their use. v Perennials Our Old.Fashloned Hardy Flowers are the permanent plants of the flower gar den and bloom year after year, giving a 8 refusion of charming old-fashioned owera. They require very little attention and well repay the short.tlme spent on them. Our list of Hardy 'Perennial Plants Is the largest n the world. , tyrw's Garden 3ok a reliable vegetable and flower rulde. Contains, complete directions A copy inae, vhii 'irsprni. t .. copy. AIRCRAFT WILL GUARD DU PONT ARMS PLANTS Fleet of Hydro and Air Planes Will Be Put Into Patrol Service WILMINGTON, Uel piil l A lleit of airplanes and hjdroplaties Is to p.tttol the Delaware Itlvei and protect (he ilu Pont Powder plants fiom attack This announcement was made todaj when work started in the construction of the hangars fot the aviation school whlih Pierre S' du Pont, piesldent of the com panj ; his brothet lienio and llioso si'-mi-dated with them ha.e decided to build to house alrciafl which ato to pioteit the mammoth, propertv ot the prwdir tonipa nlcs The plan has the sanction of the Vt.it Depat lintiit and will tome dlrectlv nnilet Ihe neionautlc division of the rutted States .trim. Initrui tlons will be given to the voung men who want to entet the etvice Mntraits'h ive been lit foi tlnee Iijdin planes, which it 111 he supplied bv llnrry AtWood, one of the coimttj'n leidlng avln tois. Atwood created a scnsitlon n few eais ago when he flew from St. Louis to New Voik Tim first machine Is piomlnd foi June I, when tho patiollug of the plant bv aluiafl will start It Is expeited tint all the buildings and giounds will be ii ulv bv that time Other alitiaft wl'l he added to the squadron as i.ipldlj as the maiiufactuitrs can get tin m out Officials of the lomptuv ptedlct that befoie ni.itiv months have passed this licit will be one of the inot Important war Implements, to piottit tin nation's munition supply tenuis 'lhe school which the du Pont tompaii will establish lu the coui'-e of the next few weeks will bo the gieat feeding and sup pling medium fot the lleet Without the ung men, wlio know the tenltorv and ho to handle tnnchlnis, of tout--,' the licet would bu useless, accouling to fie du Putt people, who are making every effort to have a proficient i hool The du Pont ofllilals sa that tin ltla ware Klvei has alwavs been legarded lis an Ideal location foi un aviation, m hool Tlie site selected fot the school Is piotnted from anv lalds which might be piade iiom the Atlantic Ocean and at the snine time Is near enough to the coast to do effective scout service and thus prevent attacks from hostile llcets The site for the school has been loaned by John .1. Itaskob. treasurei of the companj. WOMAN HELD UP; POLICE SEEK TO ARREST FOUR MEN HilihvvajniL'ii Who Kobbcd Mrs. L. limner Weie in Stolen Automobile, Cat Found Wiecked .1. looking foi lout auto taM night held up and lliiinu of -1'HI. I'idii Point todav au liik,huaiuen who lobbed "Mis I. I avinui 'lhe hold-up ixiuiud lu I'athailue stint Just wit of I Iftv-snoiid Mis iliunn w. IS on In I w iv home 'lhe automobile tolled slleutlv until II was ilongslde of het thin thin of the Ii in men In It juniptd oui pushed lu i ft nm the tdtttwalk to the wall of nm of the houses and fought hei for the sllvit mii-hbag which she was tativhig shi nslsUil and sciiameil but thev sue leidei! in tilting awav the bag and then hiitrlid off In tin lu.uhliie .Mis 111 u net Ilium ill ilelj teportnl het loss to Lit men tut Willing of the Tlftv fifth and Pine stmts station house This was tbout s 10 shoitlv afteiwiid tin pi Hit of the Thli-ti-nlnth stieit and Lincastei mnue sta tion house letcived n icptilt of a WHikid ailtou nblle ill '1 lllltv-lllht and Hamilton slues 'I hi in Rhine had hi i n Jauunid iKiln-l the null iiuil one wheil was off Inside was found Mis Uiuuiisbag 'Iheio hid nnl.v In en tin nuts in It, and this the hlghw.ivmeii hid taken 'I hev did not to albe the value of the b ig It is woith $15 and led It hi hind 'lhe niaihltie belongs to I'llflntd I Mil it II Ifitr, old Viik und It was stoltn from In fiont of h. borne while he was at illnner last nlcht II CAKS SIOLHX ()VE1 WEKK-CXU Value of Automobiles Taken Estimated at .$10,000 moiig the JlO.noil worth of .tutomobllis fourtitn of tin in stolen ovei the week end, was one valued at $000 taken while the iiwuii, J I' Keatoi. .'18 AVi st almit line, (itimantotvu, vtns watthlng the game at Shlbe Patk list Situiday aftet noon It was aftet waul moveiul at Twentieth and Ulantk stieits Othei i.us itpoited to the polke as stolen liu hided one valued at llGm) hi longing to (itiv Walton Llittiith stint, ht low Slt. stli avenue Oak Line and a $ll"r, cat of C C Jlcl'laln 1S11 Hiltlinote avinui Held on Charge of Drug Selling William Keln, giving 504 Willow sired as his address, tus held In $800 ball foi court bv Maglstiato Hetton at the t'entral Station this morning on charges of selllm; natcotlc drugs and attempting to hi lhe a polh email to let him go Helen Millet, of 513 Wlntei street, who Is said to have bought the drug from I'eln, was held lu $.100 bill as a material witness Policeman Leshnet. who made the arrest, testified tint Poln offered him $50 to let him go Show Your Colors In response to numerous requests we have designed a beautiful gum med seal, a faithful reproduction in natural colors of Old Glory. Exactly the same size and shape as here illustrated. Use Flag Seals On All Your Letters , t This fltting display of American ism is being adopted by business houses as well as individuals every where. Seal all your correspondence with these handsome stickers; thus demonstrate to the world that we are .for America, first, last and always. 1,000 Gummed Seals, $1.00 3,000 Gummed Seals, $2.00 12,000 Gummed Seals, $6.00 Prices in, larger lota on applica tion. Write new, We send postpaid anywhere upon receipt of price. PENTON LABEL, CO! (&wmlm Sts, Look ahead! Fill your bin to the brim now! QHORTAGE of labor resulting from war the enlisting of men may mean short age of coal. What does this mean to you? Everything ii you want to be on the safe side. We advise that you fill your bins for next winter now with Geo. E. Newton Coal, which means the best coal and a full 2240 pounds to the ton. At present prices on Egg, Stove and Chest nut Coal, you can save 75c a ton, i Phone or drop postal. There',8 a Newton yard near you use it fill your bin to the brim now. Geo. B. Newton Coal Co. fRfNKUN,BANBLDG., TWO DEAD; TOHO TWO HELD IN SHOOTING AFFKAi Woman nnd Father-in-Law Killed in Downtown Attack Wilmington Men Arrested Tu bt others nre under srre-it turfay In Chester In ctiiincLtlon with n nmrdeious nttaeK downtown last nteht wtietoln n woman und liu father-in-law were shot and UIHed and the woman's husband '' hi biotlur weie shot and wounded. The men tingle are Paul H"Hi,l1,alm Vco. or Knst Third Ftrcet, WIlmltiRton. The Klmotliitr oetuired In fionl of the Nlttlm's home nt 1001 South Lelthgow Htteet 'lhe i.isualtles were: Till. MJAtl , , MUX. MllY 'A('.MO, fir shot throusli the lifid , , nM T0III1 i'( l. lxt-nr father IilIhw of .Mr I'amino. hol 111 the nbdom'n 'I HIS WO UN DK I J CAKMIIU C'.IC'MI. thlrtj.tiltie. liutUml t the nln Iti nuniaii, nhot IlirouBli tl'- ' TON ('CMO. tMit.one. l)rf)thr of fur inHli fhot twlm In Hi" nbilniiicii 'I lie neaiot lohnent Hcuount of the (ilioutltiK thiit f" has been rIcii bv Samuel ("actum thliteeti-M'iir-old n of the slum nnin.in He nald that thert was n diuukeu pirl next door to his home and thai IiIm father saw a drmiKen man clait to entei the liolte. wheie inuih nole i beluB made HIf father asked what tho trouble was and the shooting1 bepati right there the drunken man doing It 'then fi nm both houet others came run- all from the-' hotib3wheraW drinking- was going on started to shoot, s The youngster had a rexo'lvcr -when llie w5 pollco tame, and ho said ho had frttn sht upstairs for It by his fnther when tho trouuie ucruii. l!i! V, Enameled Clocks Delicate tints, in travel ing cases, for, the bureau. Minute re peaters and plain time. F.C.Pequignot 1 1331 Walnut Street I 1 flSSSSKSSSS&BtkWKKKKnBRKtEm BJ II A wee bit nervous, eh? That won't do. Success in life today re quires steady nerves. Why not follow the ieaa or tnousanas or otner wise smokers all over the country? Smoke the Girard the cigar that brings you all the pleasure and none of the drawbacks of smoking. 0 Gharri fcg. Tlie "Ilroker" uiluul slrr, 10o Never gets on your nerves And it's a man's smoke, too. Made from genuine Havana mellowed by age alone fragrant and full-flavored. Smoke Girards whenever you please and as often as you please. There is no come-back, no "dopy" sensation, no "hang-over." Noth ing but satisfaction. And you can see the difference in your feelings right away. Doctors recommend Girards and smoke 'em, too. Shade-grown Havana 10c and up. For the sake of a clear head and steady nerves smoke Girards - and smoke your first one today. Antonio Roig & Langsdorf 315-21 N. Seventh Street i:talills!ird 1871 SHORTER BY MILES AND MINUTES Yiel Spendable Service' ?" 'fr timm cA-s. THE jrfJSttj enjoy the ddightffivfE on tMj ,Sea?,We commuters and ends on the beach, after ofgW' SPEND THE WEEK.Pvna 1?7. .. h dt 1 , u uu auDAYH AT THE SgORE Engine Burn I Hart Coa $1 Seashore Excursions $1 AtUBtle f!l n .. r jffirSi AtUatle DIODB Ne Smoke . M X Ii V.M ft 'JjrwmaMSaV rlilBfrMn ph, W& ?.w StaVl ,v : K4 i -t i i - -' --" ,A, ,.V Jk t&iagBa : kA !a4.-'j;'jJ mJ