W-IlB3g&5m VSV-w tfs,. ,' . IWrrvw CK BARRY, ONTGOMERYCO. OUTLOOK BRIGHT President "Caddy" Franklin it "7. . "T ' Withholds Names SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED With tho Mime clicult as last scascyi, the "ltontcomry county uasonaii Leaguo la nil JJidy.for the opening of hostilities on Sat urday, WW f. President Cndwnlndcr E , Franklin Is nt the helm of tlint organization this J'ar am1 nntlcl'ntes a successful cam Mtfti. H8 ,ms n'fw'y selected his urn 'Cre na ProbauI' n"1 nnnounco their Identity when ,,, 1pBUo gathors next Prl- 'Sir nlKht nt t,ia 'icndciuniters of the Jen klntown Club, on Old York rond. I. At this meeting the manngcis of the a- 1 rlous ciuus "i" iircr-iu .i iibi (u piayers "tllilble to compete In Icneuo games. The sums comprising tho Montgomery County JUttue re Bethayres, Jenklntovvn. Glen iilde Willow Grove, Washington nnd Am Sbler! Tho officers nre! President, Cndwala Ittr t. Franklin, Philadelphia; vice prcsl- l!ditit, W. Woodward, Ambler: secretary, C. tB. MOlae. ' ............. uvipuhi, u, "Mil3r, Olenslde. Tho head of the league knell known In nthletlcs and was organizer and nresldent of the liulustrt.il B.isktlnll f'twtue since Us Inception. The magnates hnve Just adopted tho .hsdule for the s.-ason, which cousin's nf twenty games The opening contests are Scheduled tor 1In-v '"' nnd tl10 season close) jr.ntnber 1. Juno 8 and 30 uro onon 'fete, when either exhibition games can be rrrna"u vi iiuuiyitti w.it j'mj tu em, ,,en- t kintown urnws me cnuinpion iietnajres 'Club as (ho opening uttiactlon. Tho ''ichedule follow s: Mir S Fort Washington nt Ambler. Ilcth- hlrtn nt Jenwmown, v. mow urovo at Ulen- , May 12 Olenslde nt Fort Waehlncton Jen ! klntoiro at Amllrr, Urthnvres Ht Willow (irove , liar 1 Fort WnitUlntrton nt Willow drove, e Ambler t "t!,rtT Jnklntown nt Olcnalde Mty 2rt ViMlow drove nt Jenklntovvn, Glen MSt t Ambler. Btthnyris nt Port Washlnxton May 3i i m Willow Orovo at Ambler K) Tort WasMruion nc jeiiiuniown, liethajrcs nt :ioi;pit. i.i,i. ... iw i...l, u.niiintown at Ilctharts, Cllcnsldo nt Willow L'Crove .., Juno "uitii i-. o Port Washington nt (llonaldn tn. Hler ot JenMntown, billow llrovo ut Beth- j'iun in Wllloij Grojo at r'ort Waahlnictan, ,lliyres nt Ambler. (llensMn nt Jciiklntown t"i,.,.. "3-J-Jenl(intoMi at Willow nrm, a.- Kller at Clens'ilc, Fort Washington at Hi tit. I" .v r.. July 4. o. in Ambler nt Willow flroe. Jen. "Untonn at Fort Wns'ilnston, Olensldu nt Utth- EU.i.. I in .rnrt Wnil.lnlAH . . . juiy t. i' ll, ; ,..... it.wii mi Minuter. 'Bthare nt Jcnklntown. -Willow Oroo nt July T Olensbl" ut Tort Washington, .Tenkln i.n at Ambler, nrthnires nt Wlllnw firmi ll July H Fort Washington ut Willow Orr.vr. imbler at Jlethnr.. Jenklntown nt Olenslde July 21 Willow ClrnMt at Jenklntown dim .Ml at Ambler, Hetlmren nt Fort Washlns- ri ii Jutv ?fi Willow drove lit Atnhler l'nrt Wti. Mutton at lenklntnwn, lletlinsn-s nt Olenslde K Aumi't 4 nible" nt Tort WnshlnBton Jen- f-tllntoiTn nt iietnayres. uiensuio at willow nrove filer at Jrnklntonn, Willow drove, at Beth- '. I.HA..I IB Wltln.i rtfrt, A nt t.".i( U'..l.l- htont Betbarcs at Ambler, Olcnsldo nt Jenkin- t . Anwat - Tenllntovn nt Willow Ornvn, AmDier ai uiens ue, rort wnsnington nt jietn Pyre L Septemhr 1 Ambler nt Wlllon Orove, Jen Fllntown at Fort Washlncton, Oleneldo nt Betli- rre. SlaSker? Indeed No! Says Jess Willard kCaatlnued from I'iieo dim tiny one In the world was mote belleed Ethan Jess at that moment. The big pugilist, who Is enjoying a sW ij months' acatIon, doing two acts" a day ' with tho Arlington Circus, nlong with the K Buffalo Bill outfit, bounded six feet sl 'Inches of cuberant boyishness on to the fcelrcus ground this afternoon. All drfcssed nsp In .- brown topcoat, with suit nnd shoes Mo match and a lounil, check, tutned-up , kit, Jesa knowing ery few persons in town, had ni place to go, und took, there fore, a long motor rldo in the big car that I 1 carries with him ono of the sl that he r, possesses. N Jess came to town .like an oilental poten tiate in nis own prn.ttc car, which cat ties (hli manager, Tom Jones, who claims dls- cowy of tlie champion: his press itpre- liientatlMs; his hectet.iry. who looks tired because he answers about 800 mlsalxes nery morning telling tho ladles that Jess's last photograph has just been glen nwa .Mi that the champion Is suffering fiom ;rter's cramp from the numbpr of auto "fraphs he has had to Indite; a chef, and a ihautfeur. l Jess's private ear "Jemj 111," named rom tne llrst sjllablcs of his name, Jess (Myron Willard, is lled up shipshape, and splte the fact that his tub looks big bough to bathe his big too lit and that he jtanw out both ends of his brass bed, tho fcati who knocked Jack Johnson from here tO SD&tn lnnnmrrR ntnnc ivltli lila fntlnuern rto as snug as a bug In u rug. p ins uniy reason jess ts with the cttcus 8vn though he does mako a thousand a My at It, according to Mr. Jones, and tho Iti.n clrcU3 ,our w111 110t et lllm lcl', than 11180.000 Is because no tlnir nnnonent orthy of his steely muscles has allien. ASKea about this. Jess giinned. I don't Ittinw tfhn I'm rr,ili,- t,i flirlit I,t," he said. "I want somebody that I font kill Willi the first hlnw. hut haven't ftome across anjbodv vet." k "We had hopes of Carl Morris," Mr ""tea Interjected at this point, 'but he liYedout. So 1 suppose we'll 1111 out our kClrCUa COIltrait. Ihnnirli wn'ta nl-rmin-ed 6 P can. break It by giving three weeks' - In th. .....,i. ...... ,.,.. . lalth w ""-""""iPi wnne watting to ngiu FWlner the Prusslnni nt nnmn .iqtitrlllir furlllst who Is willing to take u chance, on pviue: Knneira.i i..n . -j i t Bm ma chappies and rides around with ni ,n csjboys, to the Infinite de 5 S Ycung America. Later he goes am. J1! 8ll3e8how. There, on producing PUndS Wltll lllu tpqlnnn WnltaH fn...ml.n,i V a thousand a day imd u percentage of liivi receipts," the press people whisper. iY " ,ln lne,r diamona studs. k.uf y?u take ll or lca ' according to ; auiiiDuny. ."AMATEUR BASEBALL NOTES 'frd TlpHAPVata l,...V,nH k. ..... t.l III - TSJufS1"" with flrat-tlass teams In or out H SiliV phla' Only Jlmt-cUM teami paying Pw itr t ap,pl u- oiac"er. -- west li nd trvelln team thin aeaion an4 rii P arrange, camea with llriKltn I am,urtl,y and Sunday. 0, Miller, 3301 flhoemrwLr a ti u . . m , .,.. a? fS?J,'Smond ,hl1 aon, and would like wi .JJi vr,t'c,ll" teama.ln I'ernivltnnut. Sd ih? d "."w Jersey. The manaaement ha lUaV . i"ve" "0D croiten, in uriuisni numi21 Iotmayer, the tar pitcher jrth Kalrhlll atreet. . jJH. baseball, team daatrei games with " iiiiviiycar-uia iocui ieiiHia. '!. nl pmaineo tne services oi two 'adea Hchool stars Harden, the star and "Heria" .t.cnhv I ha rrark fielder. n. s.'Ol North Seventeenth atreet. tie Association of rilirlm Contra- ta naa oraanuea v raai uniiormeu teen vup nia ttim tar the eeaaan ---- r--T- " I" .-T" T- fITlim I vitn unuaraaea teams navin i EX-MACfeMAN, IS HERE TO BARRY, IN DEBUT AS MANAGER HERE, AT THE BAT 1 Jr jfcBflll! "" "I11r liiiiTiT.-i -, T.,;m.j,.,tin,irlttiin i-inni i .... TTn ,T MiHIII.HHyiF,lpl (T : i i '. "vu lu' .cu. ' " oox cnnmpionn nRiunst nis tenmmntc3 oi other i aya for the innt ! . Ti, ".S 't?'1 ,f the ?08ton club nt Shibe Pnrk this( afternoon. The first time up, in the initial innlnc, Jncic walked. He is shown above nttempting to sacrifice Hooper, who had been parsed pretiously bv SeiboUl. in the third inning Bnrry got a hit. Schang is shown behind the bat nnd the umpire is Owen. INDEPENDENCE DAY REGATTA NOW LOOMS AS FIRST BIG CREW MEET People's Regatta Prob ably Will Be Held, on Schuylkill,, as Sched uled, on July 4 Till: calling off of the American Henlc tcgatta by the stewatds of the American Association has caused n rearrangement 'of training -chedules by the local clubs which wore preparing crews to go to tlio starting till" en Ma 12 As ail the cvonta In the Atrerltnn tegatt.i called for senlir sweeps r Mult-, It Is mis ilass that li affectttl. The cight-onred tl ell crews of W-.per and .'inlta have been broken up to row In othtr ocnts in tho Scnujllilll N'avy regatta nnd will most likely be got together ngiln tor the senior eight races In the People's Re gatta on July 4, If the big meet Is sched Ulotl. All the Schujlklll Navy clubs have had crews In training for the American legatta for home weeks, and would have supported the meet with r. representative ntry list, but as the main events were devoted to nnuatlo battles between Harvard. Yale. Piincetoit Syracuse, Cornell, Annnpolls and the I'nlveislty of Pennsylvania, aid all bv.t the last two named have abandon. d their season's crew trntnlrg. tliero was nothing else to do but cnll the big meet tiff. The weather has proved quite a handicap for tho oarsmen during tho last week, but, nevetthelcss, tho Junior crews, which monopolize most Of tho events In the Sehulklll Navy rtgitta togged out In heavy lowing unifotms, have braved tho chilly blasts blowing over the course and been put through their paces by the various coaches and Cjtptalns. ' The Junior Race To win tho Junior elglit-inred shell race in the Schuilklll navy regatta, has al wavs beon a coveted honor among tho navy club', and to til's end all the clubs aro bend ing their energies, as tho senior eights nre out of the running for the time being At the present time Pcnnsjlvanla Barge, Miltn, Vesper, Crescent and Falrmount llowlng Club have crows In the making Tho Malta and Vesper crcus aro the farthest advanced. Coach Harry DeBeucko, at the Vesper Red Sox Win 6-1 Victory Over "A's" Continued from I'uce One lng the tifternoon and had things their own wny after the third Inning. Harry Stlbold was the (list victim and remained until thieo mns were batted In In the third. Jack Nabors took his place, but he was good for onlj, one inning, a base on balls, n ttlple and a single, which netted two runs, furnishing .in excuse to chase him to the clubhouse. Ulmer Johnson finished tho game and his work wns more effective Babe Hutlt pitched good ball thtoughout und was effective In tho pinches. Tire Ited ox Jumped Into the lead In the tlilid Inning, when they walloped Selbold's twisters, and shoved three luns acioss. Tills was Selbold's debut In tho big show and he looked good until the fatal thlid. Thomas opened with a double to right and. aftei Huth grounded to Bates, singles by Hooper, Bniry and Lewis brought In tho scores After this Selbold was chased to tho showots and Nabors took his place , .Selbold 'got himself in a hole in the first Inning when he passed Hooper and Barry. Hoblitzel obliged by striking out, and Hooper assisted with a futile attempt to steal third l.awry then mJde.a sensa. tlonal stop of Lewis's grounder and the danger was ovei. The A's grew dangeious in theli half of he thltd, but onl one counter came through After Witt had scampered to second on Gardner's wild throw. Schung walked. Then Ping Bodle crossed the foe by dumping a perfect bunt down third-base line. It took the Ited Sox by suiprho and all hands were safe Amos Strdnk's hit bounded over Scott's head nnd Witt scored. The bases still were crowded. All Thrasher could do was fan, and Mclnnls and Bates were easy outs Although tho weather was chilly, mote than 4000'shlverlng fans turned out to see tho game. FinST INNING Hooper and Barry wajked Hoblitzel struck out, and Hooper died stealing third, Schang to Bates Barry took second on the play, Lewis was tossed out by La wry. No runs, no hits, no errors Hooper ran In and caught Witt's short lly to right. Schang doubled against the centerileld wall, but was out by trying to stretch It. Walker to Barry to Scott. Bodie doubled to deep center, the ball bounding out of Walker's hands. Strunk walked. Thrasher fanned. No runs, two hits, no errors. SCCOND JNN1NO Walker sent a long fly to Bodle. Gardner jrounded to Lawry. Selbold made a nlce( one-handed stop of Scott's grounder and threw him out at first. No runs, no hits, no errors. Mclnnla was thrown out by Scott. Bates singled down the first-base, line. L,awry struck out. Selbold fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors THlltD INNING , Thomas doubled to right. Huth was thrown out by Bates, Thomas taking third. Hooper singled 'to right, scoring- Thomat. Barry singled , oft fielbold's shins. Hooper golilaT to second. Hoblitzel fouled to Bates. Lewis singled to . right, scoring Hooper, and Barry raced home from third when i..v,n. tried tn catch Lewis at second, Walker grounded to Witt. Three runs, four hits, no errors. . A Witt hit to uaraner mm ; "YZi.V when Larry threw the ball. Into the rUrtU ..,. ki..nh. Hrhanr walked. Bodle crowd'thVIUd: lnnld;by bavin dowh War Will Not Call Off National Rowing Races IAN. H'1... Anrll in Members "' the roinmlttre which (a miking orr tnarmeiittt for lhi iinllonl untileur ronlnit riauttn here pn .lul 2J und in in (hot tin- wnr prnhahlr will not Interfere with the nlitiis. It Is lirlleted the rnirs. to be held In silt water, will tnke nlicr ii sclinluled unless (lie mvnl nttthorlllrs rvprrss opposition. Club. Ins no less thin three Junior eights to pick one crew ftom All the men ate husk and the majorltv of them are ex perienced oars, having trained In Jtinlot crews last heason Ills first lunlor crew1 Is u strapfilnr one, averaging 171 pounds and sits tii, I'lvnn bow; Pulil, J, Stone, 1 : Crookes 4 , Woerwag. n : Cullen, 6 : Plcknrd, 7; Tllngllng, stiol.e; Stranalmtt, coxswain Tho Malta elrht Is muclt lighter thin tho maroon and gray aggregation, but the men have become quite proficient In waterman ship under the coaching of Kddlo Marsh and can send, their shell nlong almost nt mid season speed The crew sits up, Mdwards bow; Powers, 2, Pfell J, Burns. 1; J Knowlnn, 5; Jamison, fi ; y Know Ian. 7; l.ees, stroke. Hookey, coxswain BtsldeB this crew Captain Hammlll contemplates having an entry In almost every event of tho navy day races Meeting Tonight It Is not likely that tho University Unrge nnd the Philadelphia Barge Clubs w'.ll figure much In tho navy regatta. Tho victories of these two clubs havo alwujs been con splclpus In tho Schuylkill nav.v champion ships, but the two clubs virtually havo glvin up hope of entering crows this jenr The men who have made up their victorious crews In recent jear.s are almost all mem bera of tho national guards, or the I'lrst City Troop and havo either been called to the colors or expect to be In the near future. Tho Schuvlklll navv hoard meets tonight to arrange for the Schuvlklll navy legatta, to be rowed on the bchuylklll Juno 16, and also award the datcH for lowing tho club nnd Interclub regattas on the upper and lower Schujlklll courres 'It Is thought that the trophies to bo awarded tho win ners this jear will not bo ns expensive as formerly and that part of tho regatta funds will bo devoted to ono of the war funds filed to Gardner Bates filed to Lewis One mil. two hits, one error. FOURTH INNING Nabors relieved Selbold Oardnet walked Scott sacrificed, Schang to Mclnnl-. Thomas tripled to right, scoring Gardner Ituth singled to center, scoring Thomas Hooper forced Ruth, Mclnnls to Witt. Barry was tossed out by Nabors Two runs, two hits, no errors Lavfry fouled to Thomas. Meer batted for Nabors nnd was tossed out by Huth Witt fouled to Thomas. No runs, no hits, no errors FIFTH INNING Hills Johnson now pitching for tho Ath letics Hoblitzel struck out. Lewis filed to Strunk. Walker fanned. No runs, no hits, no eirors Schang filed to Walker. Hooper mado a sensational diving catch of Bodlo's short hit to right and robbed 'Ping" of a hit. Strunk stiuck out No runs, no hits, no crrotb .SIXTH INNING Gaidncr filed to Thra'sher. Witt made a nice stop on Scott's grounder and retired the runner at first. Thomas walked Ituth filed to Thrasher No runs, no hits, no errors Thrasher was toshCd out by Ruth Mc lnnls singled to left. Lew 1st ran back to tho bleachers and pulled down Bates's long drive. Grovoi batted for Lawry. (Jrover grounded to Scott. No runs, one hit, no irrors , SHVENTH INNING Giover playing second for the Athletics Schang muffed Hooper's fly. Hooper was caught sleeping off first and stood still while he was put out, Johnson to Mc lnnls. Mclnnls made a sensational one hand pickup on Bates's low throw and re tired Barry, Hobby grounded to Witt, No runs, no hits, one error. Johnson walked. Witt struck out. Schang popped to Scott. Bodlo singled to left. Strunk forced Bodle, Scott to Barry, No runs, one hit, no errors. H1GHTH INNING Lewis tripled to light center Walket was tossed out by Johnson. Gaidncr sin gled to center, scoring Lewis Scott was tossed out by Johnson. Thrasher made a great catch of Thomas's liner One run, two hits, no errors Haley batting for Thrasher. Lewis caught Haley's long foul Mclnnls grounded to Scott. Bates filed to Scott. No runs, no hits, no errors. NINTH INNING W. Johnson went Into right field for the Athletics Ruth grounded to Grover. Hooper lined to Grover. ' Barry filed to Strunk. No runs, no hits, no errors. Grove,r fanned. Johnson walked. Walker made a great try for Witt's Texas lcagjicr. but It fell safe. Schang hit Into a doublet play, Scott to Birry to iioDiitzei. no runs, one hit, no 'errors. Ball Clubs Will Aid in Recruiting, Says Johnson ut Terr oddoin, falJ&ttf'SSiWtf ? SiVKS '..rs.,l-J.,Br:, lafersi ." ."rTr.TE.- ls7 C .-!! I CHICAGO, Aprljl.--''The enthusiastic co-operation of lhtbiebmH world with the idane of tho recruUlni committee of the i?AiaiVT.fssMda iZ.Vm.Vleen sYsIl Lmu. ears. ev - --- - - t JnhHiMI IBaUM am Will TAKE SCAT, PS OF FOBMl? Alex Falls Before Braves' Attack, 3-1 i onttnued from Puce .)np making M.tranvlllos single good for n run In tho fifth The llinvos mule five lulleld errors but the Phillies rot'li) not tike advantage of them The Phillies had some warm sunshine hi which to llinbei up for tlulr' first gimp of tlje t onion with the Braves All of Pat Mornun pile hern worked nut to the gen eral's satlf fiction, but trite tn his promise, he picked out Alexander who list tcit,on beat the Braves six games In eight stmts George Stalling Intended to use nick Rudolph todnj, but nt the Inst moment de cided on Young Barnes, who lookid verv good Inst week ns a finisher In each of the games with the Giants Klttv Iliansflclil got a gieat bind on his first appearance heie ns n big league um pire I 'I P.ST INNING Paskcrt filed to Marnnvllle Itanuoft fanned on three, pitched balls Whltted hit hard to Konctchv, Ilnrpes covering first No runs, no hits, no crroir Maranvllle hit tho llrct pitched lull over Whltted's head, but was out on n pretty catch Alexander tossed out livers, and Bancroft undo a fast running play on Balles No runs, no lilts, no eirors SECOND INNING Hi cis foozled l.udeius's botindet, sent to his lame-shoulder side Cravath lent a long fly to Mngee Stock singled to light, putting Luderus on third Huge njado a nlie try for a hit, but Kvers got his high Unci and doubled up Stock at flrt No uins, one hit, one error Magee filed to fravath Koney filed to Bancioft Smith lined out to Whltted. No runs, no hits, no errors THIRD INNING Klllefei filed to Hnl!e Alexandei fanned Paekert made two bases when Mnrauv lllo-'dropped his high fly to short center. Maianvlllo threw out Bancroft. No luns, no hit", one errot Bancroft threw out Kellj. and Uugey made an e.is assist on Couch. Dugev also threw out liaines No inns, no hits, no enors FOURTH INNINt; Whltted was out. Mnrnnvlllo to Konetehj Johnny Kvcrs fell down on nuothei grounder from Luderus Cravath Hied to Kelly. Kveis threw out Stock No runs, no hits, ono error Marnnvlllo got three bases on a fly be tween P.iskert and Cinvath which tlther fielder should have handled Moik threw out Hvers, Marnnvlllo holding third Dnllev tripled over Cravath's head, Maran vll'.o scoring Magee fanned Konetehj tripled to tho left field fence, scoring Unllev Smith fouled to KHIctii Two runs, three h'ts, no enors ril'TII IVVI.NO Dugev walked Klllefer filed to Bailey Alexander hit to Konetehj, who git Dugev at second Marnnvllle telajed the bill back to first, doubling up Alexandei No iuns, no hits, no crrois Kelly fHimed Gowdy doubled to left Barnes hit to Bancioft, who ran Goudj down, but failed to tag him, Gowdy Ijlng on third and Buines sprinting tn second dur ing tho mlx-up. Whltted made a great at tempt for Maranville's low liner, but lot It, Gowdy scoring nnd Baines reaching third Bancroft thtew out Uvers, Barnes holding third Bailey fanned Ono iuii, two hits, no enors. SIXTH INNING Barnes passed Paskert. Bancroft singled to center, sending Paskeit to third. Whlt ted filed to Kelly, Paskert scoring, but Bin croft tried for second and was out, Kellj to Maranvllle Luderus was out, livers to Konetehj Ono run, one hit, no crrois Magee fouled to Killefet Kouetchv doubled down the thlid base Hue Smith lilt to Alexander, w'ho ran Konetehj' back towaid second; tlieie wns a run-down, in tho midst of which Alex threw to Ban croft, who tagged .Smith as ho came down from first Bancroft then started aftei Koney and ran him down halt way to third. No runs, one hit, no erroin.' Sr.VIINTH INNING Hvers throw out Cravath Barnes tossed out Stock. Gowdj throw Dugey out at first No runs, no hits, no errors Kelly fouled to Stock Gowdj singled to left. Dugey tossed out Barnes Maranvllle was called out on stilkes. No iuns, ono hit, no eirors. L'lGHTH INNING Smith threw out Klllefer. Cooper batted for Aloxandei and was safe on Smith's wild throw Paskert fanned Banctoft singled to right. Cooper reaching third Whltted filed to Magee. No iuns, ono hit, no errors. Ocschgcr now pitching for tho Phillies Hvers lined to Stock. Bailey fanned. Mngee filed to Paskert. No runs, no hits, no errors NINTH INNING Luderus i cached first on Marauvlllo's bad error, McGafllgan ran for Luderus. Crav ath" filed to Kelly, Stock to Magee. Dugey singled to light center. McGafllgan leaching third. Barnes throw out Klllefer. No runs, one hit, ono error. BELMONT RACING PARK TO REOPEN ON MAY 29 NEW YORK. April 16. Belmont Park will begin Its spring meeting on May 29 and re. until .lune 16. It has been announced ' bv August Belmont. The big grand Stand J .. . J ...111 1. fAtiuftt nr. ..,.!. recently Durncu .'r. . . - Improved oi the lines of the stand at the Saratoga Racine Park The restaurant will be underneath the stand, "and, while the boxes In the private portion of the grand stand next the club Li win be retained, thero will be only one row of nbout twenty-fle boxes In front ot the main Und. This wilt be a distinct dvamage for me genorei jiuunt. The. dmK oy nre w o uw hwijt mm SCHOOLBOYS AWAIT LEAGUE CONTESTS Local Baseball Players Hope to Start Princeton Cup" Series Tomorrow KOWING WILL STAY After two unsuccessful efforts tho In terscholastlu League baseball teams will endeavor to get away to n fljlng start lit the games for tho Princeton Cup tomorrow afternoon Pour contests, bringing right of the best scholastic nines In this vicinity together, will probably nttract some 10,000 spectatois Interest In the Central High-West Phila delphia game will be paitlcularly keen, In view of the fact that tho Orange nnd Blue joungsters would rather belt Central High than any other team In the league, and be cause the Crimson and Gold hns not for gotten what h ippened during the football season The game will be at the West P.iilllos' field. Phllidclphta Tiades School plaved splen did baseball against Kennett Squnre High School on Satutdav, nnd will bear watching, i buries Schlow, conch of tho team, has not been booming his own team, but ho .icveithclcbj has a winning combination mid Northeast High will bo ready for a hard strugle tomorrow Catholic High plnjH nt Frankford High and Germantown High meets South Philadelphia Jinny Other (Jamen Listed Germantown At idemy plajs Chestnut Hill tomotrow nt St Martins, and as the lllllers defeated P I D on Saturday Coach Dickens expects to see his proteges como through In fine shape Pedngopy nnd Ln- MUlc hive n game nnd Hnddouflcld High nnd Camden meet nt Camden Penn Charter plnjs Hiiddou Heights High School and Friends' Central and St Luke's aro down for a g ime Tho opening luterscholnstlc League tennis matches will be 'played tomorrow utter noon Lower Merlon will have nil oppoi tunltv to show Its worth In the match with Kpiscopil Aendemj The schedule of tennis mutches follows Gnmnntown at West, Philadelphia FianUfotd High nt Camden High Hplecop.il Academy nt Lowei Merlon Central High nt Germantown Academj. l'rnnkfoid High nt Penn Cluutcr itowiiifr at the City Schools Rowing will not be nbollshed as a school spott reports to the contrnrj' notwithstand ing There will bo no meeting of the supei vlsorj' committee todaj" to dlkcuss this ques tion nnd so far as Is known of offlclnls of the schools no meeting of nny kind has been culled to discuss this topic In speaking of rowing among the schoolbojs of this city one of tho members of the supervisor- committee said "You can sav that the committee decided not to abolish rowing. This wus given out by Mr Dnvlson, th6 secretnrj, and It Is correct Soino slight changes In the lules mnj be made In the future. Rowing will be continued at tho s-ehools " Central High lost the baseball game with Princeton Preparatorj School nine at Princeton on Saturday 12 to 3 Penn Nine Takes 4-0 Game From Williams Coiitluueil from Pace due Off Tltlel, I j nfT oiiliff, .1 lit lij pltiheil bull Herrj, b Vounit, Umpire Medon nn. PRANKL1N FIULD. April 16 lilts wero senrce In the game between 1 cun nnd Williams heio this nftornoon, and not until Urn seventh frame was either nbio to connect with anj thing that lesem tiled u safetv Then lion land shot u single to safety for tho lono Williams's blngle Tltzel helped to keep Young out of the no hit column by shooting a single to center in Penn's half of tho suvunth Despltei this reurclty of hits, Penn man aged to bunch walks with mlsplavs foi foul iuns Williams was unable to score Penn counted Its first run In the thlid Inning I. ix In walked, Gllmoro bunted and on a wild throw both ndvanced. Tltzel laid down a bunt but lau out of tho lino and was declared out Berry hoisted a long fly and Lav In inced home, Tho big Inning came In the fifth and two went over without tho aid of u lilt Hlnk son and Gllmoro walked and Beiry was hit On How land's wild throw Gllmore and Hiiiksou tallied Anothei was counted In the eighth on an ciioi. Whites double and the squeeze pl.iv I'IRST INNING Dunn flli d to Benj-. Radley lifted to Light Tltzel walked Clark Ciess also strolled Dempey struck out. No runs, no hits, no eirors. Beny wen out. Young to Webster Radley got Todd s liner. Clark threw out While No iuns. no hits, no errots SKCOND INNING Webster went out, Todd to Yates llow land walked Klngsley went out, Todd to Yntcs. Berry threw out Young No runs no hits', no errors Light struck out Yates also fanned Hinkson tiled to Ciess No runs, no lilts, no eirors THIRD INNING Tltzel tossed out Dunn Radley got foui balls Clnrk fanned Cross also struck out No runs, no hits no enors Young walked Lav In Gllmoio bunted and Young tried to ge Lav In at second, but thicw wide, both runners safe Tltzel also bunted, Young hitting the Penn pitcher In the head tijlng to throw him out, Lav In scoring nnd Gllmore going to third. Aftei much aigument Umpire, MeOowan called Tltzel out for i mining out .of tho base line and sent Lav In back to third nnd Gllmore back to second. Barry lifted a sacrifice fly to Dempsej, on which Lav In scored and Gllmore reached third. Clark throw out Todd One run, no hits, one orroj rOUUTII INNING Whlto got Dcmpsej'fl foul fly Webster stiuck out White tossed out How land. No iuns, no lilts, no eirors Klngsley threw out White. Light fanned. Dunn retired Yates nt first No iuns, no lilts, no crrois. riFTH INNING Tltzel tossed out Klngslej Young struck out Hero's bharn thiow Peal Dunn to llrst No iuns, no hits, no eirors. Hinkson walked. Clark's snappj throw put Lav In out at first, Hinkson pulling up at second, Gllmoro drew-u pass. Klngsley ran over to the Penn bench nnd caught Tltzci's foul. Berry was hit by n pitched ball, tilling tho bases. How hind fielded Todd's grounder cleanlj'. but threw low to first, Hinkson and Gllmore scoring. Berry and the batter reaching second and third. SUITS 112 sp nsnrs sssssV eaasaW TO (IMDER Reduced from ISO, $25 and $S0 PETER M0RAN& CO. BCBSSSS 18TH MARKET. ENTRANCE ON 1STII 8. K. COR. 8TII AND AKC1I STS. BASEBALL TODAY SHIBE PARK TEAMMJSfll GRAND0LDD0PE1S MACKS AND REDS Connie's Club and That of uneu vv ltn joesiaes ceing a Mere Opponent for Favorite Teams . I. a T7ITII the second round of the brand- TT new bn asehnll season showing un todnv. tne oiu uopo finger and the linger of sus picion nre somowhut In a tangle. The flngei of suspicion Is directed mainly at Connie Mack's Athletics nnd Christy Mathow son's Clnclnnntl Reds, neither of which team has been considered of more use In the two big leagues of late than furnishing a pinto to stop orr on n trip somewhere else. The dope llrgcr Is directed strongly at the nntlcs of the Giants and White Sox. There mnj- be something in the old super stltlon that It Is bad luck to win. the first pot, but Clnience Rowland and John Mc Graw ate the kind of managers who be lieve a gnmu won will count as tho season neiirs lis close The fatt thnt Hddlc Clcotte pitched u no-hlt, no-run gamo may not mean unj thing, but It will get him a lot of room on the sidewalks. The Glnrts, despite tho teinpetiimeiitnl muke-up, have been blistering biscbnlls with reckless abandon. The Athletics uearlj tuinid the b.iselnll world over when they ground nut twepty lilts off n hatful of Washington pitchers. The suprle was unticcpsar. however, for Mack has gathered In Ills several jears nf search a team of tcrrlllc hitters who will shoot disaster Into the nerves of inanj a hurler before the season Is over The Reds hnvo done icm.ukublv well o fni Pitching, hitting and baseball In gen etal have been rolled together bv Matty und the results nre easv to see His team Is new and may fall to maintain tho stride It has started, but n team that plajs this soit of baseball Is not destined to last place Trcd Mitchell's misfortune when Vie S.iler broko his log bus lidded Just one moie obstacle In the path of the Cubs' rejuve nation Lurrj Dojle Is having eonsldet.iblo ttoublo with his ankle With both Dojlc und Saler out of tho gnme much nf the club's heivv artillery Is Idle A newflrst baseman must be found before the team cun get Its bearings again fiinglcH and Bungles Tjrus Cobb Oht Turns Cobb in ooiu bacv. He dorrt nut cure to pfai. Jlc antlsflut if hr tan wt Thric solid stints ilau. Ve-terdiv's hero 1 e'ed b Re nuthlt half the hlcngo teiuu nutploeil the other liulf. but lost u lull gnino to thu White fox ' lloston nnd Ilronkljn, nf the National Lenaue. nre tho only teams In either leiiauo that n'' not won a name so fnr tills season New Torlc Dunn letlretl White at llrst Two runs nn hits, one en or SIXTH INNING I ItzcT finned Rndloj Clink lifted to Livln Tltzel tossed out Cress No iuns no lilts, no c rrors Clark threw out Light Radley got Xates's flv Hinkson lifted to Cress No runs, no hts, no enois SnVHNTH INNING White was under Dempses s foul liy Webster walked How land got the first hit of tho game, a single to center, but Wcbstei was caught trjlng to mnko third. Livln to Todd to Whlto to Todd Tltzel threw out Klngslej No iuns, ono hit, no errors Lav In popped to Young. Webster made a one-hand stab of How land's wild throw and retired Gllmoro nt first Tltzel got the first Penn lilt, a single to center Bony forced Tltzel at second. How land to Dunn No runs, ono hit, no errors HIGHTII INNING Young went out. Todd to Yates Dunn died. Tltzel to Yules White tluew out Radlev No iuns, no hits, no errors. Clark's throw pulled Webster off the bag and oTdd was safe White dounled down the llglit-fleld stand, Todd taking third Dunn tossed Light out at first, hold lng Todd ut third On a -perfect scpieezs play Yates bunted and was thiown out nt first bv Young and Todd Bcorecl, White going "to thlid Young ran In to Penn's bench nnd pulled down Hlnkson's foul fly. One run, one hit. one error NINTH INNING Clark dropped n single In short left Ciess fouled out to White Berry took Dcmpscy's llj-. Worcestoi fenced Claik at second. Benj, unassisted. No runs, one hit no cr iois HARVARD WILL CONTINUE ANNUAL SCHOLASTIC MEET CAMBRIDGE. Mass, April 1C. The action of the Harvard athletic- authorities in canceling all lntercolleglato sports be cause of the war will not Intcrteio with tho thlity-second annual Harvard Intcr hcholastlc meet on April 12 Tho Harvard Athletic Association has an nounced that the former custom of holding preliminary events In the morning would be discontinued and tho entire program car ried out in tho afternoon Wittmalcr Elected Brown Prep. Capt. . apla'.rof Watt ZTli sfeftSlr-rfflS:: .andl'nVoyeV fcet-an:, tipping the scales nt 18', pounds . w " "ssaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa. . Jg 'm ssaBsssssesjiBIWisjBBMBiMBBMiSBSsBsssBB t? if . k s nsn r !B CEDARWOQDjl cMQ KARL WILSON Cflke be& s-We- V UPSfi AS tiSIL CHIEF OPFENDfi i s Matty's Must Be ReckM 'J& t tiolof"1!!! ,h". PhllllM who are tie for tWttV I'oaltlon. tho only teams with a clean elite. .'1 1 ThTv'i,W.yi. Vn "vllntly need a new They linve won only Tn per cent of the man ever. their aremee, Tf tho''hnihiS.1Jl',.'s Jlm 8cclt ' "r" llbrl wtOy. ID" J1."8.. .?' !?". there's no one nanclna- aroantfvH r.A-uini una inira. 'v, enouih raAu0fd ,'." ""-."Us-h. but they still think i'" enouBh nt his feelings to use him In t pinch. A i raei'ThJ'Mrr..'..10' o'roiiah treatment at Chi hrp0pe0YhV.r,r,endXl?h?t,Sc.nnS..W"1, hl rrnUv,,,ouh for ,he White Sox when they , ii?, '.Vi Jlm i,c.nU- ttn nddy Clcotte and Red ti?. ".r.0.1"0 thri. Scott' vanquished Fere?? Tlaer but Cobb rl,Vnhr,l,'ty nMh",h'.?",n" S!L ! .Wlpr. JM, ! Cln- f w ulked on the virLtn.Kma l""T "'" M ; utlemi,tsha"a macc1 ,h b"U for lwo hlu ln ttnu " nni"nrit 7,"'MI made the mistake of beln ap vie rfl.V2T.!,r?r '? ""hot of mil Donovan tunisuliV,",," '' "elP creae. the' iieTJ,.'a.',r.",i5 nf Doak, Steele and Amee were Cubs. before the Cardinals subdued the nuJneM.li1el.ini.nnl!J Mual. the former star thew.oii ' " cnance b" Chrlitv Ma. . ai-lhiih0, .Aprl1 ,'" Walter Majer. r I.", T. . J'.ih'1? been released to the I'rovldenccI Amerkntis! Inl''rna,lon',1 Leayue by the Chic a to ,,,'"i1''n""0',llnsT at first for the Reds. et !,.,! lJ."."i.,n "18 hun1y "0io with tho Pirate KJ,.i.lihjw'rp. ,ln"'l'-, 'a the second Innln ri7e.H f I i . ,0k "'cond. on nn out and when 2 Bi.tiI"dr Nenl? ",n"'el. by fat runnlnr. he scored from second. r-.T!! u1'!?".?0 .Whlto fox have let out Pitcher frank Hchel enbuck. The twlrler will display his w arcs with the Provldenre Club ot the In ternational. Lrncue for the season. Durlnc the week rloslne; 8aturrta the Phillies were second In the National Learnie In base hits with u totnl of 25 The Quakers led In runs !'..'r',',.. settln seventeen mer across the plate. 'I he Clulm led In lilts, scor'.na SU hits for a Intal nt 15 runs New Yoik was third, with Jl lilts nnd 1J runs Countlnc the elrht hlta iiiidM eBterdnv b the Cubs they have made n totnl of 3, hits and 18 runs In rive Ramel, nf which they havo won .three and lost two. ln the- American1 Learue for the week end- InK Siiturdn the Athletics were tied for hits with lloston nnd Chlcaao, making the aame totcl of twenty-nino hits The Box were on top in runs scoreu. with tho A's and the Red Hox led for second place with eighteen run apiece liurnnf tne weeK tno American l.earue HVernaed thlrt. three errors and the National thim-two The Notional Isncue not a totl of sevtntj nlno runs nnd tho American beat them tttsii. seorlns 103. WISCONSIN WITHDRAWAL HITS PENN RELAY MEET Wisconsin hns joined Hnrvard", Michigan and Cornell In withdrawing from the Penn relay games which are to bo held on Kranklln Field April 27 and 28. Ther Is a possibility that several more Institu tions win withdraw, but Penn has gon ahead with the drawings for position. ' Lafayette got thei pole In the one and four mile collene championships. In tli former I'cnn drew eighth place, whtc. bo comes seventh with Wisconsin's abience In t)io four-mile event Penh will start No. 2 and will havo the pole In the two-mile race. Lafajette also got tho pole In the freshmen championship, with the Red and Blue No 2. , In tho sprint medley race Chicago gets tho pole, with Perm second, while il-'yra-ctise was tho fortunuto entry In the dls tunce inedlej-, once again No. 2 position going to Penn. The other big .college re laj the Middle Atlantic oqe-mlle chars, picmshlp, will have Lehigh at tho pole. n Umps Assigned for International Ni:V YOItlC, April 10 Kd. 0. Harrow. president of Hie international I,eHirue, hue Is sued the follow Ins nsslaiunents of umpires for the International League openlna: l'reeman.and O Ilrlen. at Newark! Mulllen mid Ibaikburne. ut l'rovldencel Hart and Tan ueiillll. ut Richmond, and Carpenter, at Balti more Tomorrow's Havre de Grace Entries Plrst race, two-exr-olds. selling, 4 furloixs Old Homestead, Ut, Abrantea (Imp ). 101: CeltlVH 109. -Alleen O. 100: Sunny Hill (Imp ), ji-i -uurmoni jun. .tierne lien cimp 1. 112. I her HO -Charles F. Oralnaer. 13(1 -Uloucea. ter 110; -Aviator. HO. Mally Bey. 100 Third race three-ear olds and up, clalmlnir. .'. furlones Kreshct. 110; Billy Oliver, 120; Odds. Hnl llnds 110. Ilrlaht Star, 101; Clifton Olrl; lift No News. 114- -Thursday Nlshter. 110; -.sufo nnd bane, 103; Klnrllnc It (imp ). 1141 Vleclosene, 09 Navarre,. 100, John Douglas, 114- KlmberlJ. lift; Hill VVIIei. 120: Luck. 110. 1 ourth race, three-year-olds, selling. Bk fur-' Ionics Prompt 11(1 Mae Murray, 109; Sweeter than Hutar 100; Pollv J . Ill: Star Raphlre. Kid, Al Hudson 111 ; -El lte. 10.'.. -Kilts, 111; Wall Street. 11(1. Doctor Nelson. 114. l'lfth race, three-year-olds and up, aelllnc. (1 furlones Dank Bill, 113: -Charmeuse. 105; Little Sepbew. lis- 'Sleepy Sam, 10J, -Perseus. 113. Kail, tin; Itoscas. 113; Royalist, 110; o Ilnann. llo. Xlr. Mack. 113; Uano. 113: Smlrklnir. 103: Lleanor, 110 Slith rare, handicap three-) ear-olds and up, ft furlones Clapper Bill (Imp ). 120, Polroma, , (Imp ) KiJ; Sir Kditir, 112: Startling, ill; Car bide, 100, Top o' the Mornlni, 120. Etruscan. inn, Wise Man. 100 , Seventh rare three-jenr-oldi and upward, clalmlnx. mile nnd 70 yards -Edna Kennu, 104; l'om UOnn.Ure. 114. Supreme, 114: Alahoy, 114 Edith llnumann 10J. Voluspa. 101); -llrlcklev. lull, -Tootsle, h7: Pin Monej. 114: Orperth! 100: 'Prim Harry. li)7: Choctaw, 1(13; Carlton O . 111. Kny o l.laht. 117: Homr of Vailey. 111. -Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather, clenr, track, fast. IS cent? V-l i ' 1 IV TWl Josln A.. 11(1. -Tit for Tat. 100. Dal Octou. 104: K Utile Hwaper. 101. . , , -31 Second race, steeplechase, four-iear-olda and & up selling, nbout 2 miles Baltimore, 15: e$.x UenworthJ. l.'ll: The Carmet. 1SJ- Hlrh xl '. I. ' -Jiassss! tr. ' I . A" llli mtmmmmmttmm fH 1 v. 5' Vi .' ' aaftl M 1 1 '&. ! 1 .,iLj MSJ5sM . M WHMr.KVMI. '!j?'1 --v MrfWtt PlWWWi",," sol baa DCeil iwu, aaseiimwii- t ton'tuMi mw Wm tl