FOR PEACE CiV-ilI B '' ' ' I I li I ' 1 1 i 4 u iii ill 1 1 oiiu sueii&Au..MMRWMpaHBH biuwy Offlcials Admit Re ort. Anonfc Bulgaria k Probably Are True KING' FbfiS' TERMS Official Action Taken! but 'ti ..-!-. T T- .1.. a t Ausina-xiyngary is aibu V' - WASHINGTON. April 13. Inform! "peace feelers" now being touched by Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria "Swltirlixnd aro "doubtcealy" to dcter- What would be expected of theso untrlea If a formal peace movo BhoUld i. But. forth. It was learned today. '.While declaring that no word has come rem he home Government for soma time. jfifllcfals attached to the Bulgarian legation bere'today-ndmltted that reports of peace 9 mvs were probably true. ,,. are wholly Informal and designed for -tfa time bMng to ascertain If possible what ' Urtni rrtnf n nf 1ia fontrnl Pnwnrn wmtM rkave to make before any formal move was , amao. , lfOni ttilnt that rm atrAntttti in Via a- Hfriorts. these officials said, was tho fact that r r uia run Ti-i. K i E are attributed to discontented classes who . are wearying of the war nnd trying to "AtlkMlah BnvviA haala fn tirA TIaIIa? na WJ t ii i i i .. uu.i.u WS.U.O .VII VU.V UVIIkk ...! c expressed In theso circles that If Bulgaria HV,Bnouia sue lor a separate peace TurKey l?TrrAltlt lmmtlalAttf An 1M.a..(. BjVI, "WW. .(.(.VU.M.V. UW 1V ,OU. the "rumora" wero now coming from nil Quarters. I, In 'allied embassy quarters peace reports .I' AMCTpnnt l..lf i- BJj-J', Hungary's! Socialists have adopted rcsot T. Itltlnnil Mfmnfflv tiro-lnn IIMM nnnnrilltii ... .; dispatches from Budapest today. Tho rcso felutlonf recite tho desire of the Hungarian Kp,aeopie ror peace nnd particularly protest (Magalnst the use of Hungarian troona nrulnsi -Russlan'llbcrty or In "any attempt to rcvlvo CMrlsm." ' . . nOMB. April 13. Zurich d snatches tnilnv mmll tl, V, Bchwabrlcho Tagmacht, organ of tho Wurt '! 'teniber Socialists, an mliiilftlntr "tf.A Ai. ;;moU8 superiority of the Allies'" nnd that a fe Tjrmn victory is now impossible. W Thu newsnnnpr n.llr1 ilntirAnal,, In rHn H' 'tMATIV 1A hnn lni.rnrl liv thn IhI.hhIh. BUy J ' " -- w. ...,.. ,j ..,u ....i;iiii.t f5,l, number of trains carrying wounded, Ijj .Whose relatives art not permitted to see LON'DOV. Anrll 1.1 Etf In the various "peace feelers" reported today England was moat Interested In that rAfurrtncr In fftnrttt liv rnmttnn Aii.trl.ti n . Bulgarian "unofficial envoys" In Swltzer- wnu lor a separate agreement witn the L'...MM. AW wwii. W.. UtlllO.UIII, J U I 1 1 1 1? T ft- AmKnaaaifii In Wnahl'iirtni. it-no Stle reports of peace overtures to the United ,w - .fcfc.w. ... .lb. U1JC11 - hagen, dispatches yesterday. .'a . ' fyi AMERICAN FLAG'S INSULTERS PUNISHED F" I JiMXlB i$? y,, W 1 - i'- .WAft ; K 7 . Villfel IK' -1 kv ijtfKttttrKKKMnSttStttUBtSiF vr aHaaHHa9aaaaaHBLUfVHBlLWr3KuLD "W QH0WfKy9V lMb?9HaaHaaHCai..a. - ,zz- IS- fSSaWWaHalltHVHaHIK! P--PMBBfcgiyfYattraWa1 - 'fajpf SffWa JlP!!taAiaaR Mh9HttfililaaB0iVaKa. iBPUHiy aVlRBMiaaaaaV ' aMaRSaaVaHHaVaMaaHaL:. Ai ' ilaiiaiR. aaaaaaaaV r-is!i ": aaaaaaaaaaawrt"'; ,. )' aaaf'aaaaaawaaaaaaaaaawar lift 'f!A aaWaWlaaaaaMaarilBfc aaaaaaaaaaM aaaaaaaaaam'-V'' V-1"1' '' "" 'mn jaawanVaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBaaaaaHnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaavC jaiaiMaaaaaaaBawBrTSiMtaaBHaaw ., (m SawawMavRsifcsK' BBWnFugrSfewJr-Tlaf :sM tVl 'MktoBK.iiaaaaaWaMIaav rVC J. L' ' " tmKinKSSaaaWrWB1 ' . . 7 I anaa7li.fc "QiiwSj-iiOLirn! ' rt WWWBaa1amfMTii I ' "T'TawaWaaWiiMB iI ammiaamaaammalaWatfiril J I llTlffllWtwniirlilnlTn Carriedto Cemetery F LIIHaflHaHHBpiiiiiS rl' 1 ammaiMmaliafBilMw!.lBMa 'h ."-alj14-- t' ' aaaaaWBHIIiraaflWilnliTi V Tff I ., , ii;Sri 1 ! BHHpT i J i ' aaHaVHIaW Jr"fc-J;. - SiijVvl , ,--mvv'iffg -- ' rr Is 3 uaaaM4HpaatwaiHp , . - ,T j . fliT W'rt . F.ti. : -Jt thi rV M ttld MT I aM v ritatiiliti1 Win be ascertained, They Wy they, are handi capped In their quest for Information by the suddenness with which tho explosion oc curred, tho lack of spcclflo knowledge by the survivors as to the events that preceded tho destruction of tho plant and tho com plcto ruin of tho building. They also say ihnf dm ii'nrltmrn rlcfirlnc tho debris found no metals in the ruins that might In atiy way bo connected with a bomb. nun Tntnrchl. twentv-two years old. of 1320 West Front street, was grilled today by Government agents following his arrest near the gas plant He declared his nrrost was uncalled for. A P61e, who said his name Is Tommy Sulnk. had n similar story to tell. Ho is em ployed nt the Sun Shipbuilding Company, and said ho was' looking In his closet at noon when tho foreman told him thit ho was going to liavo him arrested. "1 ain't dono nothln'," protostct Sulak, "and hero I nm nrrcsted." John 'Williams, a negro, wh lives at Concordvillc, Pa., recited n nlmllar ttory. Twelvo thousand dollars had been col lected today as ii relief fund, nnd will bo disbursed to tho dependents of thofo who wero killed nnd who need assistance, Hd win Clnuser, a lumlicr merchant, has been mado chairman of tho society, nnl William A. Oyer Is tho treasurer. Americans Buy Norse Ships COPKNlIAfJEN, April 13. Americans nro buying many Norwegian ships under construction In shipyards for war use, ac cording to tho Danish press. nd ntKscn AfcmiB Confers wnftRi Shlnnlnc Prnhlnmo TO.!. rn. . pinitrm HnKvnon ttrti.. -; " "son an .TtlQannntI WASHINGTON, Anrll "fa". 'M hossador Jusscrand .conferred with Pr .w 0 Wilson for moro than nn hour at themi Houso this afternoon' on general pianTi , "2 co-operation betweon the tlnli a... "r ' tho Allies, but with particular refer.? shipping problems. r rerernc . .muaBnuuui uusaerana last evni-., ferred with tho members of in, , tf08" Shipping Board. no Fdraj BACK TO REGULAR ARMY N. 0. p. Inspector-Instructor of Transferred HAtmiSBuna, .April i3.-.Ueul,n. . Colonel Jnmes B. Kemper, who scrvrt ,$ the Eighth Pennsylvania Jnfantry at ,ih border, nnd Is now lnspcctor-lnan-,,.., Mnllnnnl Ituarrl Infnnfrv I.. ""' Cf and chief mustering officer for the tr'i Slates, today resigned hi. wi.. ,un"M Eighth lteglment. upon Instructions f ' the War Department, nnd returns lorJ? rank of captain In tho regular armv T tlrleadler Willi, t t,....' Oil City, was transferred today to thl'.0' tired list on ago limit with tho rank major general. " gllilliBiilliliBIBEnillfilii Unidentified Victims item Justice Dealt to len Who Violated Sanctity 6f Stars and Stripes S: . . "T": Vfi)T e American nag is sacrea: Several men who seemed to doubt that Kara now reflecting on their folly behind KtMeel bars. t-fi Ilolftncf Wllnnn. 1fiK5 Smith 1Tlr,v.A..h g'.atreer; lajn the county prison for Insulting i&ttlM flair Anrl th mAn wlin Oirh, ?m, I T fjL3 .-.. .. ...u.. i.i,u UBlll U L, ill adrllMnn in n nAntnnA nt lilr,r !. i.. PJ. was severely beaten when the trnuhin hnn. Ivpened at Fifty-fourth street and Woodland avenue last night. He was taken to the University Hospital for treatment before t.feelng brought up for trial. As the aftermAth nf n nnrAA nn whuh i I Is alleged, ha lhrp.itono.l PrxUim -v !' &0uBtllv Qodshal, who formerly boarded at g-i nonn .ineieenm street, is bewailing E7a fate and discussing tho probability of WAm., milt flirfilnat h DnlnnvAAKA- - . jjH . --.- B...U .., Duiuumvccpcr WHO sola ,'lslm the liquor after he wa's already In- , toxicaiea. tie asserts ne can recall no ver- Toal attack aralnst PrestilAnt ut. i: Was arrested (n n Rfilnnn in li7A..Au,A Kj.'Sear Trenton, last night. Charles Gllmmir. vchn hnanin ..ui. i.i ,fjwire at 3013 North Fifth street, Is held Kr, under hea-y ball by Magistrate Wrlgley 2v.MAalftA If la allium U .1 . j. .. Eff American flag flying from windows of his V8P ZV s nouse. Mrs. L.. Jones, the ownor. fel!. h,m arresteJ' He Is a combination of t English and Irish and has never been Jm. Carrying large-caliber nlstnls in tho BSsHclnlty of an arsenal Is llkewlso a dan- E-'MmitN hltilnaMl iscn ...v. BS Andrew Taylor, twenty years old. of 3 BOWland avemiA TTnimaoim.i. i ., .... . moTnlnB when he was sentenced to SfJS??. d.?y.8 m iail tor a similar offense. " .&un uniim NrniA, apifsw ........ .... . pjT,-- ,.v Buiu iiuur Hie rranK- g-A loro .Arsenal saw vounz Tnvir.r nrr.,in IrW tevy-callber revolver -hear tho works. wnen arrested he could give no logical ac- vu,..i. ui inn uuaipess Wlin It. J CONSCRIPT THE CITY MAN ' FIRST, HOUSE BILL ASKS Measure Would Throw Bankers, Law agjfsft yers and Other "Nonproducers" i-?ir 'WASHINGTON. April lS.t-rRcpresenta- nve carey, Indiana, toda.y Introduced a bill ni. in case or conscription the war artment recruit first members ofxthe i,li1ivjthiini- Vf.1l -. . ' n, .w,.,6;f iui Biicet employes ana oiuumriy employed m otner cities, I. bankers and other nenntA 1 "nnn. iocttve Dursults." Otter. war measures Introduced In the Mia mm iMllI authorlxlng the Secretary of tho v.r.vivw w viibihiis una iieuienanis '""' u.ucero ui ne navy as ne may 1 In the line. :AJ resolution that Congress appeal lo the ri -- , , n wa Mipa ifs jusaiuiq fjuia waranilttn MiMrv k iin .,ht ellmlnaUon of waste the nation's I BUDDlV. lUpreaenUtive Webb's bllf to permit at- aA flflKaiaaianaiir ' t u HaMHltS aU.! rit p; Htyyervlcq In he United States. K AMBULANCE CORPS AMERICANS AT FRONT 1 i'.v - jrt II,, With Mm From Several WW He Followed by Tpi. Others i AimJI .Jl. Section 1, of the Amawanoe Corps, left for the lair, t ! tha dttlnhmAit, . wrA I Qufc. af roltt.Jam Clark, of MispfiHaJy, a Bt.jLoula: Keith ipav uw,i,fl,,a wide, of .mm mm rnnttnuril from I'njse One bravely bearing up under tho uncertainty of not knowing whether or not their loved ones were In tho gravis before them, fainted. The spell woven by the comfort ing lntonatloi4 f.f the clergy was binkcn. Sobbing ami wecpUig lnoko out unre strained. Ah bodies wero low cud Into thn graves tho guards passed In singlo illo before them with bared heads. Slxty-fivo grave diggers labored from 10 o'clock Tliurmlay morning until .1 o'clock this morning preparing for tho bodies. A heavy hall slorni followed the funeral. A woman, heavily veiled In black, was among those led past tho earthen tomb. She wan tho mother-in-law of Thomas Tay lor, whoso wlfo is one of the nilsslng vie tlms. Another mourner was Samuel Pen nington. Ho lingered long at the brink of tho squaro-sldtil cavity. Perhaps his daughter was down there. No one knows. Another wail Paul Gllkln, it munitions worker who escaped tho terrlblo blast, with whlto bandages hiding a shrapnel wounfl in me ncaii. no took a nasty look and nurriea on. JOHNSON A JIOUltNHIt Among those who attended tho funeral were Alba H. Johnpon, president of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, and lira. John Kin; Mayor Wesley S. McDowell, of Chester, nnd other city olllclnls; Captain Walter M. Wllhclm, vice president and general mali nger of tho 1-Mdystone Ammunition Corpa ration; W. I, KclmlTcr, general counsel of tho corporation, and many other oltleials; State Senator William C. Sproul, Represen tative William T. Ramsey nnd Basil tlrcen- ku, nussiun munitions inspector. FROM "NEW RUSSIA" The floral tributes included a seven-foot horseshoe of red roses from tho munitions corporation, a huge wreath from the Rus sian Government ami another from the Chester Civic Relief Committee. Kach casket bore a silken American Hag. A monument, It waS announced by of ficials of tho corporation, will bo erected In memory of the victims. Them WPW 17.T nf tUn r...n.1n . It . . ...b--wM.tu fjuoiua ui mo mnerai services. Tney were In com mand of Captain Hcffcrnan, chief of tho Kddystone. Ammunition Corporation special police ,and Lieutenant Greble, 9I10 of tho heroes of the explosion. On the left breast of each was a deputy sheriff's badge and on each badge rested a wisp of black crepe. Boy Scouts policed tho thoroughfares leading from tho center of tho city to tho cemetery, which lies on tho outskirts. Their volunteer tra.fllc pollco work prevented con gestloir In tho stream of muddy-wheeled vehicles that flowed to tho burial place. MANY PASTORS PRESENT Besides the pastors who conducted tho services, other ministers present were: Tho Rev. P. J. Ryan and tho Rev. Elmer Staple, ton, of the Immaculate Heart Catholic Church ; the Rev. Joseph Tlmmlns, th6 Rev. Thomas Clooney and the Rev., John A. Walsh, of St. Michael's Catholic Church; the Rev. Antonio Garrltlne, of tho Italian Catholic Church In Chester ; tho Rev. James Plosyjac, of tho Polish Catholic Church; the Rev. Dr. William McCallen, of Ridley Park; the Rev. William Fitzgerald, Darby; the Rev. P. H. Mowry, of tho First Presby terian Church; tho Rev. H. F. Hamcr. of the Eddystone Methodist Church; tlio Rev. Frank MacDonald, of tho First Baptist Church ; the Rev. F. J. Andrus, of the Prov idence Avonuo Methodist Church; tho Rev. Robert White, of the South Chester Baptist Church; tho Rev. William It. Houston, of the First Presbyterian Church; tho Rev. John Graham, of tho Bethany Presbyterian Church; the Rev. Alfred F. Taylor, of tho South Chester Methodist Church, and many other clergymen from neighboring towns. Fifty of the caskets wero numbered. They contained bodies which may be Identified later through articles put In numbered bags. The other two caskets boro no numbers. They inclosed mangled bodies that never will bo Identified.' The funeral was attended by no pomp or procession. Simply and In accordance with tho wlshe. of ti Jity officials and of tho city, the sad duVy of Interment wa3 per formed. Before dawn the caskets were quietly taken tn trucks fmm i,a .-,, , .u' cemetery, nnd there deposited in the 20 by 3. foot grnvo that had been dug on the high ground of the cemetery. uours Dicore tne time set for the services mourners learnc" what had been done and flocked to the grave by .utomoblle. oy trol ley and on foot. They were waiting there when the clergy arrived. The EddyMone Ammunition Corporation and nearly every business houso In Ches ter closed at 11 o'clock out of respect for the dead. They remained closed for three hours, tho duration of tho funeral services. Many truck loads of flowers were taken to the big gravo for the unidentified ' dead. Chester florist shops were virtually stripped Ruml rZ"' Fn'iT' r''1 f 1U E(1,ysno dlsnatcr were laid to rest today in one huge Kravc in the Chester Iiural Cemetery. Kach of the coffins was draped with tin American flair, placed there while the throne of mnurners looked nn. Tim !,,,... :(.,.. 1.1 i. . ' ,.. i,.,u..b .. .,,,, j, u.iuiu Biiutv.i uu ii:ii I'uiiiiuuiiuy Kravc. j Additional Eddy slant Dead ANNA, 1137 .iprlnsflcM nvfnuo. ki;nni:dv. Kl,:!.''.0!' :,liU!,y,'s,i1.'-thlr'1 c,rri'' "'"1 I'hrnier i'hHI'?h'H3l'U,1:,JN,:' iy-:' McKesn ktreet ri:vi:i;i'i:iti;.' j;TTA. Jtoorcs, 'Delaware Coun ty, r.i. of flowers. Tho Eddystone Ammunition Corporation nlonn linmrhi s'ir.n .,,,11, f blo.s;.oms of all kinds for tho grave. A list of dead that probably Is as ac curate as It ever will bo was compiled to day. It fixed tho Identified dead at seventy five, sixty-seven In Chester and eight In Nor wood ; tho unidentified at flfty-twu or more. Confusion In marks of Identity on tho dead bodies of Mrs. Anna liniuni, whoso single name was Anna Culver, and Mar guerlto Hoffman, both victims of the' Eddy stone disaster, has caused tho husband nf the former, Harry Braum, to demand that the disputed body bo oxhumed. ' Miss Hoffman's body (or Mrs. BraunVs) was Identified by MJss Hoffman's father by a bunion on her left foot. Ho w.ih given charge of the corpse. Soon nf tor .that Mr. Hraum claimed tho body ns that of his wife claiming ho knew it by Ingrowing toenails'. Both girls wero mangled beyond recogni tion, it Is believed that Identity will finally bo established by settlement of tho Ingrow ing toenail clue. Out of tho mass of Investigations, rumors, stories nnd Improbablo theories that liavo sprung up ns a result of tho Ed dystono holocaust nothing tangible has de veloped to show that tho origin of the explosion In tho shrapnel-loading building last Tuesday could bo definitely traced. A detachment of Troop C, Stato Constab ulary, of Pottsvlllc. took up guard duty out sldo tho plant today unannounced, Tha sudden appearance of tho twelvo mounted men under lieutenant William Mnrah marked thn first nGqlmmnnt nf iiic i turcsquo military police body to tho vicinity of Philadelphia in many years. Tho mounted men aro stationed around the high fence of the shell works, It was explained, to glvo confidence to tho privnto pollco maintained by tho company. They also aro organizing nnd drilling tho guards of tho Eddystono plant, the Uomimrtim Anns Company of Delaware. Delaware River Steel Company. Beat-on Light Company, .suburban Gas Company and other plant's. I Ills work Is under Keigeant Dennis. Later in tho ilnr Dm im..n.. , ,,i , ..,:". "" """v "v 1.1,-u iciuiiui'itry iirauquariera lit tho Wash ington lintel, Chester, where they will bo stationed for an Indcflniln period, ready 'to take tho lead , In putting, down possible ills turbances In the munitions factory district Detailing of tho State Constabulary at l'd dystone was oonnccled today with the state ment by I'nltod States District Attorney Francis Fisher Kano yesteiday that "In vcstlgatlon of thp explosion may reveal tho advisability of it central Federal or Stale guard or munition plants." Four clicks of dynamite, found near Ches ter, furnished the subject of an inveslga tlim by the l-'rro Marshal's corps today. Their possible connection with the explosion Is being probed. oidniinco experts, assigned bv the War Department, and chemists from the du Pont powder plants continued their Investigation today. They camo nt the solicitation of Samuel M. Vatii-laln, vice president of tho Baldwin I,ormiiotlo Works and president of tlio amimmltloM Inn wli -.i.i i. wanted no stone left unturned to ascertain tho real orlglhnf tho catastrophe. If It was humanly possible. The nfllclals, however, are skeptical that m US J 1 jg fgik I a a M no suits that are making new customers for lacoD Reeds Sons a Our Spring Suits at $20 are unexcelled by sny house in Phila- delphia in their quality 01 iabncs, tailoring, style and appearance, TKere are models adapted to m'. n 01 all ages and an assort ment of fabrics suited to meet the wishes of ihe most conservative as well as those who prefer the smarter colorings and patterns, ee us tor thatiZU Uothes investment. Jacob Reed's Sons 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET Construction Bv a general contrac tor under our supervis ion, or by the" minor contract method under our supervision. Send for pamphlet L. which flewlbea In minor ton trac method of construction. -T"". "- "l all? AaVatak.a. tr UAMAflUatu an MiHtoEBffim The Practical Loveliness of This Style White Washable Kid Lace or Button $7.50 1 1 a I I A K V - 1 Lovely because of its grace' and its virgin whiteness. Dainty be cause of its slim simpliciiof but lined vamp and trim, youthful heeL Practical because it is kid not ordinary kid but the best'of the washable kind. Its. beauty is preserved for you it is always bright and new. It is practical, too, in another way its supreme value its Royal value. It sells elsewhere for $10 to $12, but here, as al- w ways, at less than P Ml other shops. Our Price - vJ ii V- L VJ a& 'B.k I If HK v III N lf ' J I 1111 1 Bf A WW i Iv ' ' W y A.1..1 v'-r-wx V. H . iV v f' v inn"- v jl. .xi... w iW' xV v MaWson & DeMair? 1115 Chestnut Street (Opposite Keith's). An Announcement of Vital Interest to the Woman Who Will Buy Her Spring Hat Tomorrow A Millinery Sale Without Precedent Arranged for Saturday 190 Fashion Hats 5.00 Reduced from $10' and $12 Distinguished copies of the recent creations of leading runs aim iNew iorK originators combined with a special group of original conceptions from our own workrooms; featuring the most 'becoming styles worn by women of lasmon ana rennement. .biacK and all approved colorings. fa.WtKM "5 i" i ii :'l tens' PES i 1 A :V r . V"Y I ,' ,f...L.. s-y".' ..,. ; ling 4K cial k?V-f -.T ms; ' j; of r,,- . Summer Furs at Summer Prices Fox or Wqlf Scarfs 24.00 (Very Special) Colors of Taupe. Blue Brown, Kamchatka. Slate, Battleship Grey, London Smoke. White or Red! We have a hundred models rangina from 29M to 375.00 ' Mail Order' Receive Prompt Attentiorl ..PwrchMfaiK Agent' Orders Wmk I BOOKSHOP iCEEi.2v',,. tot tvc&HfqmAnm t , 4 Accepted i ftei Z&W2 .. v,1 rJjiLa.. If. wj. i'i. kJ i-'ii.: bJCOJiaBBfeB &A A f .,v" il ;.: -W . vrjfi j " .