ffl RV RECRUITS aeration a'rioV Street dSWifrShow Work X'of Seif Solders : EBS BY 'OFFICERS s iL . rtwjes" 'Expected , to ,lejp iJKiiiiatments Fro-Ger an Gets Rough Handling t r- V u i "nr. irpf MarfHes'' Partile; 31 Plarbt Demonstration :)& .- f i . . . ... rART from Broad and South ta at 11 o'clock. iwforth on Broad to Chestnut, cast' unestnut to Sixth'. uiemoic in tront or Ledcrer Ma 9, CJorps .recruitinjr ofllec, oontinuo,., ccn on Bixin. street to MarKct. IfffMt to Broad, north to Race, count- r-march to park at Broad and Arch kreeta. 'Demonstration 'of drills in the Kioppoaite the United States Ma- m i,orps recruiting: station, 1409 ch street, will take place at noon. hTwo detachments of the United States Urine Corps, stationed at the rlilladcl- favy Yard, will attempt a grand tomorrow, which Is expected to brine Ihiwewed rush of re.crultq'to this branch fine., service, Glad In. full picturesque a characteristic of the marines, the rs of .the Bca.wlll parade through th'e set .section of Philadelphia at 11 CK. field drummers and butlers will send t'.'calls To patriotic mid loyal Hilladel- flSi along the entire Icneth of march'. Mle.'the steady tramp, tramp of tho blue-1 men win join In the chorus with one. -that Cf .obtaining recruits. About noon the parade will halt at Broad I Arch.streets-.onnos te tho United States ripe Corps recruiting station. Here crlcal demonstrations, showing tho life tBOr.men enlisted In the. first lino of dc- wiu be clven. These will Include Jnr In the field, how men'nrc fed under tj,fleld kitchens In use. sklrmlvh drills, any drills, street riot drills and sec- Ijdrills. i Mu OFFICERS .TO SPKAK ti4U Speeches by Sergeant Samuel Katcher, has been doing: considerable work In i recruiting officers, and by other officers be made.. Sergeant Katcher will sound fi' ifafeall for volunteers. bfr;The men who will drill are virtually all trans. They hae seen service in vera lit. Nicaragua and other countries, every rhas been under fire. O-Thlladelphlans who visited the Mayor's In City Hall today to Join the Naval t Pefense Reserve were Instructed to ed to the recruiting office In the er Building. The recruiting oincers surgeons In. City Hall were kept busy oiling and examining a. party cf 100 re- Kits who arsived from Lancaster and c County towns. special corps of surgeons has been sed Into service for the emergency work. ijeh is expected to last well Into the eve- KT. Thct Lancastrians as fast as they are afn in' will go Ato quarters at the navy rd. X fcrtReports, from the various recruiting sta- throughout Fniiaae pnia were mat i enlistments, today are coming In greater &... a w.1 .!. I,.. ...Ill luitln.n nn.r .In. nUCIS,BllU IJIUUOyi llt t.lll,OV UIIJ WHJ line' reqnni.maae nis can iur vomn- V. "BRIBE" REPRESSED lAt the recruiting station of tho battle- Ohio, in the City Hall .courtyard, a 'iak day was experienced. , t'A pro-German, thi3, afternoon caused- a nr Dy me utterance or unpatriotic remarKS rnlch were 6verheard. He was quickly 4ied by a sailor and thrust Into Market reet. amid the Jeers and Jibes of a crowd. KJX man who refused to give his name ered $50 to be divided among the flr3t ten i to enlist. Grover Cleveland Lawyer, In urge of the station, refused the offer, on rground that it was poor policy to hrlbo m to enlist In the service of their country. S1.J31ie sort of men that have to bo bribed fight for their country." ho said, "would .make brave fighters." NRecrultlng posters may be written by ru&aeipma women ir r resident wnson ac- I the services of the Philadelphia League (.Advertising Women, tendered last night. M meetlne- was held In tha Adelnhla. . -Following a report that the first division ",the mosquito fleet goes Into commission . Saturday, a large number pf rhotorboata I yachts have been offered to .the Govern- nt. ' CUTON ASKS CITIZENSHIP TO QUALIFY FOR ARMY termer boldier of the Kaiser Applies p'for First 'Papers at Naturaliza f?t tion Bureau ft'One example of the patriotism of homo ejects oi tna naiser was manirestea to- fwhen Rudolph Hordes, jthtrtyrslx,yeara m n.nflt.lMl.1 nf IHT Vn.lh'Clvlh ....! ,. IMMkllllllHI, VI AW. IIUIllI aiAuiffluut;!, plied to Clerk "W. S. Holland, of -the Fed- Naturalization Bureau, for his first tteenshlp papers, in order that he might "eligible for enlistment In the rceular Julted States 'army. 5 'JKsrdes' first approached Corporal John A. Wart, in, cnarge oi tn,e BUDrecruitlng sta.- touisiae uie rostofuce uuiiaing, on the llect of enlisting. 1ft the" army. After fcveral queries Corporal Stewart ascer- 4ned that Kordes had'.nbt applied for enshlp. and, on being informed,, that waB necessary, Kordes "said he waS tins to Instantly take the necessary steps. 1th the corporal, Kordes i went to the turallztlon oUce on the third, floor pf tht. erai xjuuume unit maae nis, application, des before he came to this countrv (-years ago saw active service in the Ger- ,,army. j , TO DELIVER MAIL' x ALL MEN IN SERVICE ' 1 v- Uvea, May Not Know Where They IS. Are.SJbut Letters Will tV , vpfid Thpm "V IfASHrNGTON-, April 11. For the bene-' ., . . ( tnose wnose reianvewaro tn duty for rVcountry1""somewbene"Jn the United r mall to tho soldiers may be ad 1 in caVe of whatever department rr undef, irtment peaaquarters are: southern Sam Houston: Eastern Governor'. hCentral Chicago;, Western San i. it i not known in which d- tVtha.ma.n 8vh ai1ilri.it iftA at tha -Adlutant Acmiral', nrin -zzaJijsj-z;"jj.zizzit:? ..i-". wiwi tiwuii,iuii, wporfl proper-j WUI.MjlSVHI Ul,JJWl.. , ,, WaStji'Vif Predtctlefl irnCD.XaM., April Pre tlir'and ether tfoo prices in -wnmn;tn next,. Mw,moth, tMOuatjraed, PweHiCr K'm.fn'-PWW. IJSHHIvy,- PlUBti OM FW$e ,'ii " j-t Jb .fitl jfrthtfirJ IsM T laiM IseMA jF.'BjA yi c.T-, 'ANDMAYLOSEPAR(MLE I. W.. W. Leader's Liberty Threatened by His Disrespect to "Star Spangled Banner" TRENTON, April 11. Tile Court of Pardons had a lengthy ses sion yesterday afternoon behind closed doors, and it is understood' that thorough con sideration was given to tho question of re voking tho parole of Frederick S. Boyd, tho Tatcrson I. W. W, lcador, who scned tlmo In "Stato Trlson for sabotage. Boyd was the cause of a disturbance In a. New York restaurant Friday night, when ho re fused to rlso while tho "Star Spangled Ban ner" was played, asserting that ho did not havo to rise, as ho was a British subject. Ho was ejected by indignant diners. Tho question of revoking Boyd's parole Is' still under consideration. It was Boyd who mado tho charges ngalnst tho Stato Prison management which resulted In tho nppolnt men by Governor Edge of u commission to Investlgato tho institution. Tho south Jersey convicts at the Slate Prison paroled by the Court of Pat dons uro: Atlantic County Cliirence Brown, ns. sault and battery: Waltpr Chapman, bur glary; Michael Rubcrton, rape; Rlchurd Miller, highway robbery. Burlington County Frank Miller, lar ceny; Sarallno Oltvlcrl, receiving stolen goods; Thomas Blair, breaking and enter ing and laieny. Camden County James C. Baxter, break. Ing, entering and larceny; Harry Brady, breaking, entering and larceny; Frank Con over, obtaining money under false pre tenses; Georgo Crosslcy, statutory of fense; Louis Melster, breaking and enter ing with Intent to steal; lMwnrd Saiulu, breaking, entering nml lan'cny. Cumberland County Frank Laborl. alias Frank Pasqualc, necond-degrcc murder Harry Moore, Illegal ale of liquor, Gloucester County Imiiio Patker, as sault: Frazler Thomas, breaking, entering, larceny and receiving; Lawrence Tjler, breaking and entering, Salem County Robert V. Armstioiig, carrying concealed weapons ; Riley Bozo, atrocious nssault and battery ; William Brown, assault and battery. Tho following were ordered released on tho expiration of their inlnjmum sentence: Atlantic County Nick Bonl, grand lar ceny; Robert Buckley, petlt.lurceny : Flank Butler, grand larceny; Richard Jackson, breaking and entering. Burlington County Clinton Barrett, as sault with Intent to kill; William Stevens, belling liquor on Sunday. Camden County Uachariah Jlolmen, breaking, entering and larceny; Michael S. Leary. obtaining money under false pre tences; Fred Ochsle, robbery. Cape May County Raymond Glbbs, lar cenyt Cumberland County Raphael Barcus. breaking and entering; Harry Stockton, forgery. Salem County George Brown, larceny from person. GLORY IN ROOSEVELT LEAD Henry Watterson Ardent Over Prospect of Ex-President in Flanders LOUISVILLE. Ky.. April 11 Under the caption, "Red Blood vs. Red Tape," Mr. Watterson says in tho Courier-Journal today: The proposal of Theodore Roosevelt to enlist in the world's army of freedom and go to one of the fronts In Europe leading a body of American soldiers may not be whistled llghHy down tho wind as tho melodramatic performance tf a man who has a positive genius for tho spectacular. It should bo considered very seriously. As the Courier-Journal has already , said, the appearMnce of an ex-Presl-dent of the United States carrying tho Star Spangled Banner over a body of American soldiers to the battle front In Flanders will glorify us as will nothing else. P. R. R. Superintendent Transferred At a meeting of tho board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company today, Victor Wlerman, superintendent of the Trenton Division, was transferred to. the office of tho general superintendent of tho New Jersey Grand Division, at Now York city. He Is succeeded by 13 J, Cleave. Eight other promotions were announced, City News in Brief i A SUBSTITUTE TOK PLATINUM Is urged by tho Government In the mount ing of Jewels so that the metal may be used in connection with war materials. The Walnut Street Business Association is co-operating with tho Government In ie gard to the request. A committee of Jew elers will be appointed to tako steps toward finding a substitute. THE KKSIDENCE of Marian Newliall JJorwItz has been leased by Norman S. Sherwood for real estate offices and will be occupied for this purpose after May 1. TWKNTY-FIVI3 NEW two-story dnn'I- lngs from. Flfty-slxth to Fifty-seventh street bn Klngsessing avenue have been bold by C. A. Brown todmes Moulin through Sweeney Brothers, real estate dealers. Tho purchase price was not given. ACUTE ALCOHOLISM la believed to have caused tho death of Frank Engle, fortyvflve years, a. watchman at Hoopcs & Townsend, Broad and Hamilton streets. Tho police found his body today in the attic at 304 North Thirteenth street. An emntv juart whisky bottlo was lying at his side. C1UAKD8 FOR Oil A IN ELEVATOKS at this port have been requested of tho War Department by L. G. Graft, president of the Commercial Exchange. He took this action after receiving reports of tho burning rof two grain elevators at Minneapolis, sup posedly by spies. DYNAMITE IV A BOX was found on Twenty-eighth street below Hunting Park avenue by Albert Wilson, a sewer inspector. There was sixty-five pounds of tho ex pl,oalvp.. It Is believed to belong to Donato Deltse, a contractor WIRELESS STATIONS on the roofs of the Philadelphia and New Yerk Wanamaker stores have been offered tho Government by Rodman Wanamaker. Mr. Wanamaker recently presented to the Government a small aerial "cruiser, and an aviation sta tion at Port Washington, L. t. x BOABD OF TBAD; has asked Concres to fcontinue the Federal War Risk Insurance Bureau until the end of the war, The peti tion eays the bureau has Justified its existence by furnishing needed protection to American commerce and by equalizing and stabilizing rates and that 'with tho en trance of. this country into the war there is a greater need for Federal war insurance. Use Ragatz Colonial FumitureOiy. Floor Oil IToCleanwlPoIuhlt aiVmi ' sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk!bibbibbibbibH BBBsrB ? NHMbbbbbbbI 1-1' I? 'vvGlsB m&xwmmm I ' v' $ f $ T.Hk I TWO EDDYSTONE VICTIMS Miss Elsie Moore, of Collincdalc, was amonfr those killed in the munitions plant explosion. Louis Greenspan, 17U0 South Fourth btreet, another employe of the plant, has not bren heard from since the disaster. Wills Admitted to Probate Wills probated today wcro those of John D. King. 223K North Broad btrect, which In ptlwtto bequests disposes of property valued at more than $ lun.uOO : Mary H. Graham, 1S07 North Broad sticot, J18.000; James (5. Broadschctt, 5110 Dulllcld stiect, $3000; Addlo R. Townsend, U130 Tacony street, $7200; Karali J. Medcalf. G05 North SKtli street, $7000 ; James Park, SC8 North Thlitcenth street, fiOU, and Florence A. Field, 123S Soutli Broad stiect, $2550. m?Bm We are headquarters for "Eveready" mate rial. Large stock, all sizes and styles. Fresh batteries al ways on hand. Let us serve you. The Philadelphia Electric 1 Company Supply Dept. 132 South Eleventh Street IPIiaJPIrJfi'(iWiPIPPfi;Ui;lI3I5I5fi!iI5J5l IS Edw. K. Tryon Co. 609 and 611 Market Street DISTRIBUTORS FOR Eveready Flashlights We carry a large stock of fresh batteries, received from the j factory each week. 1 Athletic Outfitters ai2Ic!ri2ltill!!ISffiIlSJl2llSIl2ll21c!Ifill!!Ic!Il2Jl!iJl2cMflJlSJi2Jci J. B. Shannon Hardware Co. The Chestnut St. Hardware Quality Shop Headquarters for EVEREADY LIGHTS AND BATTERIES 816 CHESTNUT STREET 1744 klMfiSWWK&OOi , MARKETSTRttT , PHIUOCLPHIA , LC0NTRACT0RSJ iCQUPMCNTi Joseph C. Ferguson, Jr. '6.8-10 South 15th Street Eveready Products Always at Your Call m W W w ARROW ELECTRIC CO. EVERYTHING LECTRICAL , SOU BALTIMORE AVE. ON LAST, LONG VOYAGE Death Invades McCarthy Crum Lynne Home After Absence of Three Months Bu a Btaff Corretpondtnt CHESTER. Pa., April 11. They burled Dennis McCarthy 'Nestor of Crum Lynne. Just three months ngo yes terday. His widow, Margaret, and his daughters, Elizabeth and Mamie, cried In tho way womon often do without tears as they watched the funeral procession start on its Journey up from tho tratne-burdenert Chester pike to tho quietness of tho In land fields. Tho girls went to work in tho Eddystone munitions plant nnd for thelr.sklll were ad vanced to tho "F" plant, where they primed shells full with powder nnd fixed them till rn icauiuess for tho steel noses that rip ana tear. nut their mother was not satisfied. She wanted them to stay at homo. Yesterday sho said: "Como on. Mamie, and you, too, Elizabeth, and stay at homo for a change. You'vo mado enough money.. Stay at homo today and we'll all do the housework to gether," But the girls laughed and went off tii work. Cnnio 1 o'clock nnd tho roar that startled tho housewives of tho little com munity, busy with their Tuesday Ironing. Mrs. McCarthy started to cry. "I'm sure something terrible has happened,"- sho said : and when girls of other families started coming home, frightened, and her Mamie and "Baby" (for Elizabeth was still the baby, though she was quite u lady for all her nineteen years) didn't arrive, sho sat down and sobbed. "Oh, Dennis! Oh, Dennis!" was all that neighbors could hear from tho figure seek ing comfort from tho hard surface of tho kitchen table, whero tho girls had had their usual ooffeo and eggs nnd oatmeal beforo Marling for their work. The news came that tho girls had been Identified among tho dead. And Mis. Mc Carthy, no longer crying, sat nt tho table crooning and rocking to nnd fro. TRIED TO ROB WRONG MAN State Policeman Disarms and Arrests Would-Bc Highwayman POTTSVILLE. Pn April 11. As Paul Wilson, oyo of the State police, wan on hH way to the barracks of Company C In a pilbuib of tlie city last night, ho was ac costed by Andrew Rellly, who drew n gun. Wilson wrenched the gun from his nssall nnt's hands and hurried him to tho police station. Ho had a hearing today before Alderman Freller. who committed him to prison on the chargo of attempted highway robbery. ' T! 'HESE enterprising dealers of Philadel phia announce the winners and the winning word in the $3000 Eveready Contest for k TRADE MARK REG US PAT.OFFICE. Agents lor The Okonttc Co. The llolttor Cabot Elee. Co. paid TrMm We have made our selection without re gard to the number of duplications. The word chosen was submitted by the four following contestants, to each of whom we are paying $3,000.00: Mrt. F. C. Grow, 1 2 1 9 2nd St, N.E., Waterto wn, S.D. KatherineW.Hand.1601 MulraneSt.Topeka.Kan. . Mis J. M. Schulz, 239 2nd St., Union Hill, N. J. Bertha A. Wilson, 413 Park Ave., Medina, NY. The prUe-wlnnlng woril is DAYLO. It fulfills in a masterly, way the requirements specified, viz.: a coined .word that we can register as a trade-mark and a nama easy to remember and entirely simpVe to pronounce. "DAY"t8uggests perfect light, and "LO" means "Beholdr - "Seel" The Product that M T-rr-r .,,urkF rWW - JrV mt v'Wsjr".. 4ii VULISTA ARMS Two Destroyers Capture Schooner Carrying 4,500, 000 Rounds ' 25,000 RIFLES ALSO ABOAItD SAN HIEOO. Am II 11. Another plot by Vllllsta sympathizers' to smuggle onus and' munitions Into Mexico from tho United States has been frustrated by tho selauro of a schooner loaded with munitions by two United Stntcs destroyers, according to, Information received here to day. Tho schooner was- fired on several tlmz-s and lier captain ran iicr on tho beach In nn attempt to escape.' Tho swift ships of war rapidly overhauled her nnd took off a considerable quantity of ammunition nnd Ecvcral thousand rlfics. Navy and Department or Justice officials declined to discuss the mntter today, hut It H tindci stood it repot I hud hern sent to Washington. Accoidlng to tho story, the VIIIMiih li.ild, Jl.r.00,000 Tor 25,000 rillcs and l.nuo.QMi 1 ootids of ilrio ammunition, to bu Vmdrd by schooners at some point ou tho Pacific coast and delivered at sea to .1 Hump schooner. Having had knowledge of the plot, tho American destrovers had been on tho lookout for suspicious vessels. The seizure of tho schooner occurred two days ago, It Is said. The drt,tioyeix saw tho vessel running close to tho slioie and southbound. They fired a shot ncioss her how ns 11 signal to stop, but shn went on. The destrojers then took up Hie pui suit, firing several shots at her hcfoiu (he schooner's cuplnln beached his vessel. The fato of the laptulu 11 ml crew of the vcs.scl Is not known, but. It Is supposed they wcto taken on board tho destroyers as julsoncis. PROMINENT CATHOLICS HURT Dr. James J. Walsh and Jnmcs J. Fla herty Injured in Collision Dr. Jnmns J. Walsh, papal inniqiili and noted Catholic lecturer, and James J. Fla herty, supremo grand knight of tho Knights of Columbus, were painfully bruised anil slightly cut about tho fine and hands last night when tho taxlcali In which they wcto riding collided with 11 trolley car at Broad street and Olrard nvenue. Tho motorcar was demolished and Doctor Walsh and 'Mr. Flahcity thrown to tin, street. They were taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, whore their Injuiles virm treated Both men will leave tho hospital today better name than NOVELTY ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 50-52-54 North Fourth Street Philadelphia for this name Four people receive $3000 each In our announcement last fall of the Eveready contest for abetter name. than flashlight," we stated that "if two or more contestants' submit the word selected the fuU amount of the prize '-will 'be paid 'to each" ' i KSfter find' ,:,CbaraCter St'C ,f Ur Pr"du wMI xZSSr DAdYLO. C5PreSSi0n !" ,h new . I wish I might personally thank each of the haft million contestants and the millions of .EvVre-d? frknd. and users who havo Contributed- so earnestly to tho success of our search for a new name. ,i Sincerely, Vico-Pretident. 'r American Ever Ready Works ' . .of-NaUonal Carbon Co," hag outgrown its nflme"FJLStirJf?uf I " """ ' r,ttfTlt Anfrlt .It has already contracted tor moro'than 1,000, doo pairs of army shoes at prices ranging "Flashlight." Sln Give Your Old Furniture the rm&JJ) (?, O0M New Finish 'Hi. yVZ "ii A LL the best furniture In the storet today ZS I I h ' I '' , A,,n on, velvety, hind-rubbed finish &y4OV r I, tl. Do you wunt this same effect on uour furnl- ' I I llllvl turo and woodwork? Then get a few cans of h H I- . if .cM Vtko'Tont rinhh and go over your g ! lL fi house yourself. You can produce this same E J fr !? bcnuilful rubbed finish without any or the J U VJj J Us labor of hand rubbing. Vdn-Tont sta ns, !J I 1 f A y 3 vnrnlilica and produces the hand-rubbed JH ( CyyJ ., S A modern and expensive: barmonires un- 7Vsaan I VV :-" g nintchcd furniture; elves a rich and.costly ffJfEMOisC cueci a email cosi. KqryMCssjrsjy - W Atk lnur ittaUrto ihow cm the tint .WW--;S 1 - Ji hmutttul VrlvvTantthatltKlioldtnOnl-, " y lsSSSTvC NJ old Oak.fumtd Oak, SYcalhtrtd Oat, JtC I -?iav0s -Os.it Mahoantiv, Merry Fruit, Zanna Grttt, F , .,jM tSTOOs 5V y mack FUmuh, Natural, R. VVV Vvii Johnlmcas&Co.Jnc MliJkkU2 . )jMV Philadelphia FWHB ( , HIhI.-.: hfJt s?i-- -- ' ;r,--j 826,000 palra wcro ordeb I In'Bt': week, You'll Get Realniiiis EVEREADY Service at Stewart's I r NO MATTER what you ma( need in tho big line t Eveready electrical goo a pocket lamps, house lamps, electric candles, lighters, bulbs, dry cells, storage batteries, Ford starters, ammeters or other elec trical appliances manufactured under the Eveready name you'll find it here. We have every style of the that is made, also every type of 1 uaucry. R.-.. C .1 sell, ww..uo u, lIIC grcac quantity we no Daiiery remains in our .... iuiiB cuuugn ro aetenor.tte. tifv lw .kiL . 1 ft e v.au on us when you want Eveready Daylo service. miii.niTC UilHWH Frank H. Stewart Electric Co. 37 and 39 N. 7thSt. Old Mint Building Send for Illustrated Cataloc Walker & Kepler Electrical Supplies 531 Chestnut Street Phone Main 3380 Daylo Baseball (Reach's) Tennis Howard George 4359 Frankford Avenue Bicycles (Iver Johnson) Firearms wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmul EVEREADY GOODS CAN BE HAD AT HAWORTH'S 1020 CHESTNUT STREET ' EASTMAN KODAKS . ' JOHN Y. PARKE CO. Manufacturer ; Jobber Eleotrical Supplies 31 N. 'Jth Hfreet, riilladslphla .CPPr'iA' oiTtrcD :nm yil 7EC flashlights la 3 t'vl u 1 J t fi 'ti U 1I- SUPPLEE'S WtesTlsi & ! W W I I 1 fm mtmmit cAiiSW'mfc. .,;,.. ! 51