wi&mm , ',P V "! NNANT BY CARDINALS LEST OF WORRIES IN MILLER H fffiatori Star fr '' ftum 11 Mackmen PHILADELPHIA FANS' ARE AS LOYAL TO BASEBALL AS TO THEIR NATIVE LAND PENN CHARTER WwA I Ri 7-Pvl.nt to second on Witt's healthy uin E renter. Iawry nled to Ic,t nn(t t nk tlte nc3tt man up' uouncc" ,l naV i? f . fooiled the drive und the bares 1 ?P .j Thrnehcr was next tin, but the S mliaed a chanco to" bo a .hero by & zl fltrunk at Becond, retiring tho side. olvMityflve hundred fans witnessed tho 'iJ.-tl.i music and mnrchlnu feet cave imarv flavor to tne opening or mo iu F?55lii season In Philadelphia today. For ?ifit time in history, militarism mingled '"..J h reat .national pastime in tho fclKUrttf exercises. Instead of strolling d1 laMffiritiv from ther clubhouse to the 5!.i nd thence acros3 tho field to attend (w"... 1 W.nhaiard ceremonies In raising 1i SI .r the players fell Into lino and like l( ttf J2,mM- of drilled soldiers, marched ,t ' frfiv around the grounds, executed a 84 f!2;-,nvers In front of the grandstand 9 M . .riirnard hoisted tho American Hag ?rV:bree. f a golemn occasion for the athletes. ! ." 7ln at attention they saw the emblem !Wur nation carefully carried to the Hag feSlfL four men, so that no part of It "JTched the ground. With tho band play it the Star Spangl-1 Banner and tho !"... ,Art nf "Americans First" standing l!Sh bared heads, tho ceremony was an L Jnpresslve one. It meant more this year uin ep www. -. ' :.A..r military touch was added to tho P. uture when Mrs. William Albert Woods. m JK:.iZ- . rfark blue suit and a vivid yellow ISSSi made speeches before all of tho stands, B SJom she entered tho field Sirs. Woods fif 2r.- .11 i-llelble men tti Join tho navy. M JSlied two recruits from Kensington. V- ,h lates onened, and by 2 o clock W h bleachers were comfortably filled. It Ft took more time to nil tho grand stand, w, lh WCaltny CUSlomeiB ttiit-u uiiiii.iuu mot minute. . In the meantime Kendall's Band sprinkled iirmoiy' all over tho field, turning from itoneta of the North to ditties of tho South without missing a single toot. ... . .1... fl.B. nln.rni. n nnnnr... i BUI Meyer hub mo ..... i.., w j,:.i. If ' 1:40, surrounded by his new uniform, "? gin emerged from the coop and soon was . wned by Parnham, the rookie pitcher, and i pt Haley. They put on some bunting prac- ' .1 . nllmved Nick Altrock to tako a. i band. Nick was the first of the enemy to . .k his face. Sr 'in a short time players of both teams bad bunting games of their own, und our Athletics made the better Impression. They aaly booted thirty-six chancen while Wash ington slipped up on sixty-nine. Walter Johnson decided that ho was In Shape to pitch this nftcrnoon and told Man agar Qrlfflth to put him In tho line-up against the Athletics" opening game r.f the itaa'n. Griff, being a good little manager, did he was told. iFonderful Walter had been on the sick iflt.for a couple of days, halng de eloped a itlff neck' At first It was thought that hi could not appear, but Grlfllth put It up to his star and everything was settled. ''Johmon ha3 pitched tho opening game for u since 1908,'' Qrlff explained, "and he dotsn't wish to break his record. Ho Is not MrlMisly 111, but I shall yank him out at th Bret sign of weakness. It's too early t take chances." After looking over his stable, of hurlers and receivers. Connie Mack selected .loo Bwh and Bill Mcjer to do his battel y erk. Mayor Smith suffered a kink In his throwing arm, or a Charley horse, or some talng, and was not among those present. TMrMtnr of Kminlles MnLnnirlilln Rtrnnpil KThto the breach and threw the first ball Into Hb diamond. Ho had lots of speed and his 'T'dlMCtlon was rood. Then thn crnnin w.ih nn. v', - .- ; " . .. --... TB maKe-up ot tno Atnietics seemed n ftlrely different. The old-style, double-decked reaps, (used by the Mackmen for ears, were pdlieerded and regulation, closo-fUttng hcad hgatr used in their stead. From a scene'y s'ltandpolnt tho club looked like a l egular big '(Mtatua organization mid nrteri thn n.irl A ftflM l.nnn n tlmn ...a ...ah l tl.A lnkH Al wmw ufuii hiiiic c ntic lit vile iirtun ui teterrlng to a .game of baseball as a battle, M A things hao changed now. .A battle Is iAtfpUght regardless of climatic conditions, but jtllnie of baseball depends entlrelyvupot II. t&i weather. Tho wpnthpr i-nnn liolnf- pv- ii.Ceedlna-lv kind this nfternnnn the AhlntlVT 'and Washington were able to get together u-,wno ate wuiciuieam was me worse, uon l.?Jill Mack was confident of victory and KfClatk Qrlfflth gae voice to the bamo W-I.UlO'ight. Kach put tho game In his win- Bmg column before hostilities commenced , -j y tompeTiiion was put on to see wno Should win. f&. There were sccral new faces In the ?l 5 line-up and the fans were nn- Kij"0"- Ping Bodle, tho fencelbuster of the t "ia Hiro oi aiieniion. aa uiu 5jt at third and Frank Thrasher In right ttiHld, Thrasher nInvH n ftw imniAa with ftSfJj Matks last year, but his secret Is safe iff home folk saw him perform iw" tv JijrBIH lOUHCU BRICK UI1U Bpan i ntir new uniforms and they had ns wa "pep" In the preliminary workout as WODlonS of thn lnnrriirt Inatofiih nf (nil lera, A A Victor V tnd.iv memit wintl In tl.a linmil rlteam and bum. uvnn .. .. n.i. ..,.i iTHaOVeT'., In thn 1nt tvirt vnnra tlio A' hnVA 5dUn off to a bad start and tiallcd along MJ "9 mua 'or the tIrBt sl!C sanies. A i w iud wnai nttio coniaence u nas laftjr a aeries of defeats early In tho season Connie wanta to prevent this. His two ijMt pitching bets Joe Bush rnd Klmer fyert were ready to enter tho fray, but W official selection was made until Just be- lore we game was called. FIRST INNING PJi The first ball pitched by Joe Bush pas tlZuT' ' oinse, ne louowea u up wuii iu ' wrt, and Leonard fanned". Strum? made ft T ' l running catch of Foster's liner. LVWM; Milan Knilnna.1 n elnirtA tin of tIfltrK 5-JJNtWlng the first hit of tho season nt MB' Park, nice Bent a lone fly to jMber. No runs, one hit, no errors. Wtter Johnson was given the glad hand ; no went into the pltcners dox. tttey" Witt fouled oft his first offering. I WSfl nm -1 1 I.. I na KJf1 him a fast ono apd a hoftk and vo tin gooa as "iv uii no repisiercn wtfU before he. struck out. Strunk 1 ' . n For cooduess v . ' j rmfYi?V, AV ? i Vou ip ma-rel I in, A A. - ' mww. sAKEKwi ; 'tMmmvj sr? . - maomo.l s4 WL THIWKIWC VEfW S Vqu OU'T l jfMVWM0SimLCWi) J&. FRONDS IKE HER V V A MKTKY . SepiooSLM o- ,v M i i rr Y 7iAWK ; M . .. NoPE sue. 9r She Vouldm't ft A L ,n - i soiwc 1WTO IHe i v , ' J ma ' mmm' TeU5 MABtuV III a. GET IDEA UKe. HJft i; Vve- toc- llUfi 'iniUnMA iHowFootiiH T Wk At iu he. J Yrt- WW jttttJl- .:. fc, , l , . J. J ; J s J ?; BBBke 3hftk -rEliPPXviSasejleLrL7ttp.LrAALrJLTjpxuVv Sv N4.enr4MYrTE4vtttaMMjijgi.aft. aS ' rHHaLBnraBaVK,iHtii9,ClZi4aK 7 Kf .jf iMk h lfcv!s!7ry'- - - j .3r nv MBLBreLiBl9Bi.aaHi eBfeVTaB BeVB-v fMts' ":'-9nff -rr t ll(ik iliA?3 at sJJk . .w SLit.'t Iff 'wt .V BpB)pBStprlBpK2iaBBiBBBBHBBHlBBKBfBa7ewaB LrJHIl- ?Fja!!EreBT JBpjppF ht9l "bw B yMMnf ?MimeBMl eWe .fajrAiVSW PelMK aw Bil4aLjeM " JSj vVt rSa!aS14BilBLaffElBK'KkJBll9iawi 'Jaaw. VW;TlKlMlrLaw?' 1mT.7J3ktlm-wllSSm HHHSMeaATvvUkJaMLKkfliB iTLVLrJbMBHBLVBBl iBLBbTBBB J BrJLLTjJJjPAB9HL7lk 4BBii-Hi7rjTABBBi VKuBrAVBMB cBBhHJ llL TBBTjFSflapwBSJ JIWhlBraBeVBrAVBBBBB"esSBBBBBBTaHBk iBBm ejBBBBTBrJLrBMHBBBBPBBBag (bBVMbTbKbHbBbV JavB5BHp,eBB.TKrJaL JMBBMgtffflSyBBMLI 3eml'ailBQCwrp'lBVBa BB"JaBPiHK'lT'Bf vJHUmH "JjUBJPejy -sBfiW'iJi?' jBfcarBBWBBmBMiBt PmLmbu fl2!VftVB'' t'dneam!BP'tKK BBVBSBBBVBVBBBHLKLBTlBFBBBVBBvElBlBSBVBBVBBiBVBBt , BVVBBBBVBBrSJiBVBBVBBBtt LJftLBBVeaaHBMVBBBVBBVBBBBBVV, jHeVl .SFILvBisHBWB&flmMBBBBVBDKI'VUeBaBBrB!BBBVBBVBeH ViBBBBvaVjBVjBBHEHBllE BMBftpjBVJjaXBBVJjBVJjBVSkwBvABTfflBwBBBVJjBTjBMBBV !Jf3ffflYjfa vAaBi9iBVBBVJjBlBHBBWiAVJjvBVj)lSBblKiaVJjHB9al TbBVJJBVJJb1bBw.bbBVJJBVJ bBh Br9eF29leVSBBCBHBff bIbBbBB!i 'JbBhb 'bBbbSb !-SikBBBBBaMB3aBBWv9Befli9Jt9TJBJ' ibBb T tHPBbBB ibP'BbVl'vbBw CbSk. MbIB - j- jeBBrBrBP Bk JayJeBBHryjPiii. xj ulK'1MfBleMBlf TPWBBMBBlBUrBBffTlMr3HBy aBVaBBJaBH lr Bri A'alBiaZBBYBlBBYBBrfiBfBBfBnWBBfBVlBBH -- aBBYBBfeVBBTAMnBBfHBBVBBfBK -" FXlBUtKmL.KBnKtf.SB'"'F j -A )aVL7SBBBfBBBBBBBBHBBBlBBfBMBBBBfl r Af' tfWi Jbw VjBHWBVjBVjBVjBr " IIBVjJnBGBBVJB&BVJjMBtMBBVjJBvJBVJaBMHBWlB BKBKgHrBBBvrlBTB4M vf 'iWJf)EJZnKKBBIKBWB lnjj'4?mw JHbWbbbw 'JgLBMBranBBamlBBweMBTaBWBTA ffiw F' t ". "JbbbBbwt f 'MbvJbTItB mSbMbwHbbwb? ijaHp KjMnBt ILjBCHHflBKBGBBBpBB'!lBUBK9iBsJH!i 3HWilBBB3a?v' . nbbVbbuk ?VbWbCbK' koHRr tJTratiBfc- 'aBBHl bSvBBBk fBBBBhSBBBBBB'aBBBSflVeiBBxBVeBPBn BVBr BBBBBO v VmBLBBBBBlC u il lBBBiiMiHHBBkBAvBBBBSb2-'V ejBW &LLBBBB t BaBJ"jHJP4B,',J"NBjB,VTlB JHLV VjcW VjaHFI BtSlK i a""!?'"'.'' T3tr VJbVJbVbBWbU I if BBjBLJWffl?B"SBFB J , vJbvJbvbVjkij BBMnBlHLJBTm ila jBSPSBJBlBrRBKfe7-.BBV mI9JBHdRB m Av . BBJIBVLJL - -f bBbBBLBBBRJ MHBBuy TjBgliiwi i iBBWlTiiry y BBBBBBBBMH BBBBBJLBBBBBBB bHbVJJB MmbbLVaJ 9BVB: BVJJkBKvIL JlHL. ' j bBBmBb gHWlBr a. .! VJBVBVbVjBm9 j BiBfe.eBBWjjBR M4lHBm. JmlEsSBbS k. JrT tJbVjBVJBVJbI BBBBBBBr BB IffjMiBflMHHMflKlHr Br3BHHB9HllHlV ijH IbBBbHv4Hk a ija 'bHbbTBF mjt uCTtBBbSSbjCtBihP xf JbCTbBM?J!Ii - bBB?BIBE1 BTBBBBBBYBlBtBBBBBHBHBflByBlBTBBBHkVBBBTM ';4mbBBBS ffBWlBSiHJffiliia 1 2BBMrf- gaBaBtBBljBBjiWBBy VBbVbBi1 sBVBVBHTaVBJVBVBVBVBVBHBBSBVBVBVBKKBVBVBHlH 9JbHHb1bBcbTbbVJbbbwI llansMBJBwJBJnBTavBW .SlIi tBBBBiBBitMijgraBBBBBByj bbbJBbbJbI HBpBMBaKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBJBBBBBBBmiHKI JBBBajWBBJBBMBBBBBBjB JBBPffawBBMry Mrffi SlIEISijy 11 BBBWBBt.VBBBTBiBBBBBBiHBW. ''AwaBBaBWBi WMttiiiinBnMMHiiMtt j .vwgaHBWMiiiiaHnjBPMiBtt iMSmmmwmMWMjBHMBHHH svBBBBBBBlBBUBUBWBBBBJBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBVBBBnBVBVBBBHBB Opening day crowd at Shibe Park " ' iiiimi i. 'li ' " A ' , . ' - " '" v. - aTH , K ' ' '"" ?3s1'v ' I As "l-..-. 1 &,&. . r. - ;.v, , ' .."" .' Mf"t 4r' '.-& V J - - J -I trv.ViiWj i ' J ' - - ' ' - ::-tl' - ' '"' '" ' jKw. l ' w4rl"ii , 1 Cheers for Old Glory mingle with noisy welcomes to Connie Mack's new emblem is broken out from the Shibe Park flagpole at the hit weakly to Johnson and was thrown out at first. No runs, no hits, no errors. SECOND INNING Smith singled to left. Judge tripled over Thrasher's head and Smith scored. Mc Brlde doubled to left, scoring Judge. Ain enilth fouled to Bates. Johnson sent up a high foul, which Mclnnls captured after a hard run. Leonard walked. Foster popped to La wry. Two runs, three hits, no errois. The batting of the Athletics showed Ini- Lprovement. Thrasher maao tour iouis u t1i k.i... i. struck nut. Plntr Bod o sent a high one tc(udge. which was the first ball knocked ojBBf the diamond, bluffy Mclnnls lined to Milan. No runs, no hits, no errors. THIRD INNING Bates ran to tho grand stand and caught Milan's high foul. Mclnnls goj. under Rice s pop up to right field, Smith foiled to Bates. No runs, no hits, no errors. . ' Bates struck out. Meyer was thrown out by Johnson. Bush fouled to Judge. No runs, no hits, no errors. FOURTH INNING Judgo grounded to Witt.' McBrlde was turns out to greet Connie Mack's hopes VfP!(wJTi. 'V - Ck ' ' - Vy-O also thrown out by Witt. Bodlq ran In and grabbed Alnsmlth's pop-Up to left. No runs, no hits, no errors. Witt and Lawry fanned. Strunk walked, and took second on a wild pitch. McBrlde robbed Thrasher of a hit when he speared his liner with his gloved hand. No runs, no hits, no errors. FIFTH INNING Strunk ran back to tho scoreboard and pulled down Johnson's long drive Lawry throw out Leonard, Fostei lined to Bodle. No r,uns, no hits, no errors. Bodle overlooked four bad ones and walked. Mclnnls's grounder bounced off Johnson's glovt, but Foster recovered It In time to retire the runner nt first, Bodlo taking second. Bates fanned. Meyor also fanned, leaving Bodle high nnd dry at sec ond. No runs, no lilts, no errors. SIXTH INNING Milan fouled to Bates. Rico filed to Witt. Smith doubled over Strunk's head. Judgo out, Mclnnls to Bush. No runs, ono hit, no errors. Bush was thrown out by Johnson. Whltey li v,.;,, w J J h's C and roots for victory from the bleachers annual event with the Athletics. a - -; ' ' , - and veteran players as the national opening of the 1917 season. , Witt got tho first hit oft Johnson when he singled over second, Lawry fanned Strunk lined to Smith No runs, ono hit, no eriors SKVLNTH INNING McBtldo walked Alnsmlth sacrificed, Bush to Mclnnls. Johuon fnnned Leon nrd was safe on WItt'H en or. McBrido goliur to thlid Foster sttuck out No ums, no hits, no errors. Thrasher fnnned. Bodlo filed to Milan McInnlH beat out a blow giounder along tho third base Hue. Bates's long fly to light was captured by Rice. No runs, one hit, no eriors. l'lUHTII INNING Milan walked and went to sct-ond when Rico sacrificed, Bush to Mclnnls. Milan went to third on a wild pitch. Smith fanned Judge walked. Milan was caught oft third, but he scoted on Bates's wild throw. Judge going to third, McBrlde, grounded to Witt. Ono run, no hits, ono error. G rover batted for Mcyeis and walked Schang hatted for Bush and fanned. Witt got his second hit of tho gamo when ho sent ssffllilWKSSWWl'P with all the vim and vigor of the Firsts" at Opening of Season at Shibe Park .fnnurcl. rf Wtifclitneton. ut ltiit. Hush, nt AthlfllrK. nltdiril strike, l.poimnl. of ui.lilnietnn funiu'il. strtnik. of AtliUMlCH. causlit II). Illin, nt Unalilneluii, hIiirIciI. .lolinron, if NiiNlilliKton, rn:nli um!I. .IiiiIri', (if UiihhlnKlon, trllilnl. Mnlth. of Uiikliliisluii. mornl run. MdlrlJc. of UaKliliiKton. doubled, llnloi. of AlhlrtliH. riuiKlil foul. I.ronnrU. of .ihIiIusIiiii. hiiIKim!. .lolinin. of WiiiMuctfiii. wild Ditch. .Miwmlth, nf A.ii-lilriK(nii, snirlllte lilt. Witt, uf AtMcllei", m.ido rrrnr. (irnrr, nf Atliletiei, nlncli hitler. . . .Hue .Inliuinti. uf Athlctl -. rrllrf ntUlirr. Mlinm. of Athlrtloi, relief raUhrr. Hooper in out-of-town "firsts" with hit POI.O (JKOl'ND.S Now York. April 11. Hooper Hcoicd the llrst run of the sc.isou here at 3:28 this afternoon. He got tho first hit when ho led off for Boston, passed to xcconil an a sacrifice hit, to third on an In field hit and pi'oied on a tilple by Walker. Hooper singled to light at 3 21 this aft ernoon and was the flist man to. icach flist In the SoN-Yanks game HBUirrS KIHI-D. UrookUn. April 11 PasUert, the first man up, walked and was the first man to reach first this afternoon, nml the flrht to woie. Hi came home oh a slnglo by Cranth at 3:48. Tho Senators, behind W.ilter Johnson, led throughout the opening afternoon of tho cc.ison, putting tho first man on base, scor ing the flist uin und winning tho first vic tory of tho icason when they f-hut out tho Athletics. 3 to 0. ST. I.Ol'IS. April 11 licit Shotten. Brown's loft flcldei, was the flint man to reach llrst bate In the White Sox-Browns game this afternoon. Ho singled at 3.0D und hcorcd the llrst run at 3:15. CHICAGO, April 11. I.airy Doyle, Cub second b.iscni.m, m.iile the first run of tho season in the Cub-Pirate game this afternoon Hole, first up In tho second Inning, doubled to right. Wortman walked, and K'llolt'B shiglo to center sctit Doyle home at 3:3.! p m Bill Hlni'hmnn, Pit ate first baseman, was the Hi ft plaei to reach first n single to center, Gioor stopping at sec ond, I. iwry filed to Smith McBrlde fum bled Sti link's giounder and tho bases wero filled Thrasher forced Strunk at second, McBrlde to Foster. Xo runs, ono hit, one cm or. NINTH INNIN l! .ling Johnson now pltihltig for the Ath letics and Schang catching. Altisnilth filed to Strunk. Johnson was thrown out by Jlng Johnson Leonard tiled to Bodle No runs, no lilts, no crrois, Bodle filed to Milan Mclnnl.s filed to McBrlde. Bates fouled to Alnsmlth. No runs, no hits, no errors. Ruissia Leather Tan or Blacl: The old val-lanncd sort- It's a genuine delight to wear so good a leather in these uncer tain times! Stefdertdalt 1 420 Chestnut St. "Where Only tho Best Is Good L'nough" days when pennant-winning was an Scraps About Scrappers Hr LOUIS II. JAFFE EVKMNO I.KIH1EK DKCIMONS NKV (irtK lolinnj illunilee knorkefl out .Tlmtnv rnnrm. ntnthi Joe Delnud tlefentrd Kd Monroe, Jimmy rnppaa won from llnnpy Mnltli, yum I.iiiiKtord beat Jack Thomunon. BOSTON Joe Kazan (.topped Kid Graves, tenth. IIUFFAI.0 Jimmy Duffy won frcm Matt Wells. Fred. Welsh recently announced lhat he would defend hla title against all leadlnz contenders, and he" Is about to keep bis word about de fending his title. Chick Slmlcr Is the llrst leadlns contender" to meet Careful Kreddy, and bouts with Luke MrQlook, Job Hfunk and BMnny Andrson probably will follow. Soft bouts and soft purses apparently aro Welsh's motto, nnd as u cautious champion Fred Is a bowline success. Leslie IJnrry evidently has slcned for his American debut finally. Jerf Smith Is on his way to New Orleans. whn Al I.lppo states details haxo been completed for "a Daro-Smlth twentj -round bout April 23. Tommy O'Toole, the Ph mouth boxer, who ap peared bre as a bantam several enrs ago, lias developed Into a lightweight. (Ho 1ms been matched to mt-et Prankln Tollahnn In a ten round bout next Monday night at Wllkes-Carre. Itobbt lies nobis and Darby Caspar hao an nounced themselves In tlp-tqp fettle for their mix tomorrow night at the Broadway Club, and Indlcatloim point to a capacity gate. This bout mud banging tiro for a fortnight before Muggsy Talor clinched II, and Houtb Thllly fans are manifesting great Interest In the con test. Johnnr Mealy has watched Johnny Dundee In action for two years, and It alnuja has been his ambition to meet tho Italian Mealy li the stlffest punching 120-nounder In tho local ring, and he Is of the opinion that ho can drop a right-hander on Dundee's chin. If ho does, It would b more surprlslns than tho knockout scored by Wllllo Jackson. Kddle 0'Keefei next bout Is to be with Franklo Ilurns, the Jersey City veteran, who la boxing Ilka a champion. They are matched for a local club. It la aild, within two weeka. TYRONE-aJm. "ARROW- fofpi'fit COLLAR TOPS AND BANDS AIIE CDBVE CUT TO FIT TIIE SUOULDEUS. 2 for 30c CtUETT.rEABODYCaAiCAlAKERJ $10 UNCLE PETN1 VJAM 00 TO KHOV. MS KNocv;eMover,HE, rMoo 5 vampire IN IHE. MOVIES LOST MANY SU Baseball and Track T.4 Suffer When Athletif Join Naval Militia 1 Z.'i HJ :r.' s Penn Charter's championship progpexta I track and baseball received a ruaj J when many of the leaders left ach Join the naval rescrveu. Captain Smith, pitcher: W. Flomlng, pitcher," Campbell and Dave Thomas, track, art lost to the Quaker. So Js Arthur nt another regular on tho baseball team, v , Fleming Is Ineligible because of mi lastlo work, but tho other four athri hnvn Inlnerl thn Navnl Mllltla. Coach M rltt will therefore have to reconstruct hh team for tho Important Interacatttnti League games so close at hand. Marshall Plersol will probably be used on the rnounl, and If Bartlett repoits he will be used a. pitcher. fe Camden High School opened the seaae In baseball hv dnfcattnir the PennsKrova'. High School nine nt Camden yesterday. 4 f to -. ine uimocn players wwo aionn venturing out on tho diamond so soon aftef - tno recent snow, xvo oiner team in inn oa nectlon was able to get outdoors becaua' -t tne muaay conauion oi me neins ii Camden High's athletes had little troubfe) in winning mis game, li was naraiy worn'.; winning team were ailhcrt, Oler, Ivorjr. A Gilbert, Delghen, Mayer, DeHart, H. Ofhy nert ann smitn. , ,, j( Ocrmintown Frlerds' School's athletij have canceled the gamo with Ablngton ' T1IMU .. V.I.U A- t..... f.. H1.... AUlAl'XS nfternoon. All the big games, both In thei'lj Interacademlc and the InterscholttstlV'jj leagues, wertv called off yesterday bccaua.'! of tho muddy fields. ',"S Northeast High's lnterclass track ant-f field meet will be held tomorrow afternoon M at tno scnqol. There are a number oC'J tennis matches on the schedule, but th. courts are still too damp for fast tennis) - and the onenlnc of the season will h nnat. ' poned. . n yt The School of Pedagogy-Art and Textlfild School game Is also on. Manager Edward XJ Black, of tho Pedagogy nine, has no morefjj Buiiieci un ins ecneuuic ior mis weeK. i ' -,i PIRATES START WITHOUT HANS WAGNER IN LINE-UF '1' PITTSmmOH. Anrll 11.BVii- h flt& time In twentv vcars tho malnr 1miI'I baseball season opens today without Honi vvagncr. wncn tne 1'ittsnurgh National j take tho field lurnlnst Chlcacro In ChlrnC this afternoon the "grand old man of baa-T ball" will bo ml3slng from the llne-up.J .Aitnougn vvagner nas reiusea to make any en Biuirnii-iii, ins ineiiuH tiny mat no lias ae --gl elded to retire from the game. tifie SUITS , en ;' TO ORDER ibH b-bH 1 ' :ij-bT-4 JLI Reduced from WO. SIS and $tt ( v i ntnp b A M r rMBi ".Vtf rfciLKITlUKAN&UJ. TAiLoMf iV3 11TII A MAltKET. EXTHAKCK QV lill. 8. E. COB. 0TII AND ABCH BT" ,. "' -r ,sffV8 Old Sol Spotlights $c.oo cJ- up Attach ah Old Sol to your car and you can stop glare, read road signs, .car num bers, house numbers, pick , up pedestrians or vehicles and turn corners with safety. Every car should have an Old Sol. STANDARD SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT CO. . Cherry m Thirteenth Streets Ante, Rallro-d, Mill, Mine and Contractor' supplies Baseball Today Shibe Prk(:J opening- or tne cnamplonsnlp Beaacm ""V, -t i Athletics vs. Washinftnn tt.J rtAn.-. .j ,1 li, A , IB, a.'- UBUH liVUVn, BilIU ;UIUH7 A'rill H 4MBV Kq a Game Open at S F. M, '"' WW. .M Broadway A. C Thursday Nifli3 Hobby Remold tk. Darbr Casner Ilobbr MrCnnn . Frankle Conway 3 OTHER UEAB CAT BATTLES 3 pHyllrHIMV. ,il ITS LOVELVTU! SI Nabel Hac V I --- . uecDEjTo act .roaflrHE' SCRbpui m wjn I'M m isa . w Jji s?r V. T f If- T.BBW 'l1.Ja.BBBBBBBK 'UfM IMS lift T If M V I ll.k FZW - 'fitftto Like fr mnbel ft in Low - u- w Panu LK B! f BSILA &-. mm?0nm. ri oEir fi '?'- Tfc iff r rriBfcWftR mmmmR : I :bbbbb.b. l J 'm&WHW "' c '' kBBBBffHH'Xl.O'it-r'? W ... Jams mmmnj fJ .t. . fjnmKIJ'.1i . . - -s mmMtMJLiMmmmWmmmmmm. 7 ,! BBBBBMaMBUBWCUiiBBBBBBBBEaBBBBBBBBBBrIT!aif,.l v.'.WibBBBKW