,yt tV "''jfcF iPs ""ivlK jEfiyMslBBB JwvJHFWfTOiK ,$HfllF!,8BrsK ;1?!'P'Mw"f , , f ' '"Vfff ' V. VJ8V.AS PICTOE :h SATURDAY LV2? iEtmtmg lEeoger April 7, 1917 iSCmPPLE' JfcTT.- -t J ."( . ,1. I .. ,!j- 13- A - -;7 s ftJA . . p t BBBBM&- BBT ' ' B ' """7 " . BBW - " - ' , Z - H1BR-..'V, T ?. JfiLit'l'y'j 7.. Z 5V i . . "'"' i.r s y It- ' ii.nM - 'iv,.".?. . xVY"" v-V .-! ' ' .' . .. Sr1 ..V t A .7(in!7MHi.' AVBRT.V ' v III III Mill ! Mil II III 11 III I INI iiiiM w BTBW&iiiBiBBBHBBB jul J, Br BTf v;'MbMHIHHHHDBIB' tVl'i,BBBBBBBBBBBBBB4BB t,1 ,adjr t,,n K.'V HKJr 'r'li':;'tiilHHillP"HI'4 'R'HMIH how tho team to ho on In- mS' MIKIl'..riiBBWMBBBMIsi!?.;'' AiaywBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBi BW Bd and "',o paw Brl HHBHHpilHBIBHHBBV'!'''- '''iLjBBBBBBBBBrBBMlBBBBBiBljsn B$ KBVBvBSfiSSBBBBBVBVBBBVBVBVBVBBBPAr rAiiliVffS.HB F bbbmbmbjjiME1 ii-i--fflijMMIP.--:---& $-; : :; w3$& -? i iff;, " '...ij:-- I a""r:TTlMBBrf'Bl I , v J . t. Wav ,T1IE GOLF FIEND DISCOVERS A FINE PLACE The Young Lady Across the Way nib uvl pRAgTlcE DRIVING ANJ) BRAssiE jj tA MA ywtfwp-r iri J'HJvmw Ho MR PtN COMI To B WJW aiv-v r" LVV v M s 0 Vi ? 1 V'A . . i Her Idea of It Tho sitting-room enrpet was belnff taken up preparatory to houscclean lng, find little Dorotlii', need three, wai watchlns tho operation with a great deal of childish curiosity and interest. Taking up carpets evidently was something now to her infnntllo mind. Finally, after somo hard think ing on tho subject, eho looked up at her mother and asked: "Mamma, Is you goln' to let the floor go barefooted?" v, yr.7c? in. at. - u w t ss . r r s - ,N..1i ,rf,A" x.J , .,. .mW"- V" , x VJ .1 YOk t, 41. , .u r, -, ORNAMENTAL GUNS AT-CITY HALL SET OFF RECRUITING SCENE When the news of the Prcmdenfs call for volunteers had spread, the crowd before the tent on the plazaRrew to Kreat proportions. W PJWnMBBEr iL.,j ""JHMKKKSMKKBKSSSUK Uo 0 , . . ,. , .. . , . , CAMDEN'S VOLUNTEER JACKIES RESPOND TO NATION"? CAT T B? nHMMHHHHHHMn v' f'Ti, y;'0lk:'" SF "'MlSKvI BK; IHEfjHBi -ylMlMSil HBHH BuBBEMBIhIHIB IxBbWbV BBBBBk VBBBBBBBBBBffBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 n- i.nr oxuw ur int okuss riASrih'y OVER CITY ffiEinaKraOTK IN CASH TO. .THK wiprt uiuiyi bmiict d&w . iir ivvjji i y I ny Fo.NTAi.vn fox.' 1 SCHOOL DAYS I . ' ' - " h B.-n aUi-h! course 1 Km V ' CL Jlj M 3at We 4 I KPfpY liftit t Le$o at.' 1 11 M,- sAd I l -HZ3 . ; .Choosin tLfr . ' J In Darkest London " ,., " ' 1 MORE JOYS OF AVAR rnsrinc show. fvutOKfi"T BHBBHuilBBMHHWSiunKsL r "Hullo, old chap, sorry to see you've BmBSBmmlfMBlEKB been bowled over. Somme?" " , c If iSSS?-r ThI35 -.TuJele rerT,!0 'tker.1:.5: ' lran?- nights, and when little boys use,! tc Vi? i ro boot"ul Ushts In the street. t; 1 J alu lu cat lump sugar. . f THE PADDED CELL : 7 - New Clue 7T A ' I A schoolboy composition on Patria s,! S y. 'y y Henry contained tho following B . . -y "Patrick was not a very bright b T . He had bluo eyes and light hair. H J UHc. 0)CH OF SPRING ! Bt married and then said, 'aiveri , I liberty or give mo death.' " ' ', V Essentially, Yes - T-- '. ' '' s . - I - ' 1 - : ' ' h.ywaho I I v , I I I I . ' ,r.' V t a J ! Cornell 'WIH ..... . VJ vere you embarrassed "wnenyji jiroposea to the mllllonhelrees:" 7$ .NUi.- ..... ..' viiiy nnanciauy," i A Sense of Propriety "You wouldn't sell your vote, ' ......ml UUf V' "No, sun," answered Erau .1 ley. "But U a emmen whatV t ,V ",.UABHA?'jSWi FIRST MAN TO ENLIST ,tr0 " ' ?,.. tW THE MARINB COBPS -- ' 3, iliiiiiili ' mil in Hi , .,. ,,M&mMk&M . . iTJL T"7' -r , wwh(i i,-- v .. . w. vwtvu nna u ip:flalfcwy ' j fr ft.. - . . J.-. r.J '1 , VintUINIl BIKULlMfl - ' ijUblj - sv i tf i jriii j i n i Hi, TiiifflMBii M -' '?amlBMBMBlWaB ' t--! T2?-T, . .