Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 07, 1917, Sports Extra, Image 17

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tQBs BR65Mke1Sro
, "
& Tubers, Now Unprecedented
Intelligent Treatment
on Small or
With the unprecedented rise In tho price
. potatoes, one of the Brent Btnples of the,
American table, nnd tho probability that
. Increase will not only ho permanent but
urmented, It behooves nil those who have
!nvround nvnllablo to turn tho soil to
Production of tubers. Potatoos can be
in-own successfully under cortnln conditions
m city lots or suburban plots. People who
in the past have raised potatoes for proflt
Sle utlll-lnff of Idlo land or as, a crop
vhlch repays In wholo or In part for tho
Mit and troublo of keeping down weeds
and giving a more orderly appearance to
their premises point out that good seed
Mtstoes are few nnd expensive, nnd ask
whether thcro Is not some method of re
i Juclng tho cost for seed for their plots.
Cost of seeding, garden specialists of the
United States Department of Agricultures
Joint out, can ho reduced If, Instead of
sitnr a wholo potato for planting, tho gar-
By this method at least two eyes
and all the meat nro kept on each
chunk of potato planted.
liner will cut out from potatoes cono
SJaped pieces of flesh, each containing one
ye. Only from one-fourth to one-fifth of
ihe' flesh" of the potato wilt bo needed to
Provide seed nnd tho remainder can be
cooked for table use. Those, cncs rnngo
from one-fifth to one-seventh of nn ounco
n weight, whereas under tho usual methods
the sets range from three-fourths to two
ounces In weight.
A gardener, under ordinary conditions,
vwlll get best results by using ten to
fifteen bushels, or COO to 900 pounds of
potatoes to tho acre. This method of pre
paring Fts makes nvnllablo for tablo uso
our 67" pounds of potnto flesh which,
tinder ordinary conditions, would be planted
per acre. To plant n plot fifty by one hun
dred feet, or approximately one-ninth of an
acre, at the' camo rate of seeding would
call for ono and two-thirds to two bushels
ef eed, p'.anted In tho ordinary way. These,
tre ery liberal estimates for tho areas.
UIng cones nnd eyes and cooking re
mainder of flesh becomes a worth-while econ
omy even for small nreas. Another advan
tage Is that It is not necessary to prepare
the seed all at ono time. From day to day
cones can bo cut from tho potatoes a8 thoy
are being prepared for tho table.
Cuttings should bo spread out on paper
In a moderately cool room (about 50 de
grees Fahrenheit), and nllowed to remain
until they havo "cured" (until tho cut sur
face has dried). A day or two should sulllce
for this, nnd potatoes then should bo put
In a shallow box or tray nna placed wliero
'It Is still cooler. Any storage condition
that will Insure them against frost on the
one hand and shriveling on tho other should
prove satisfactory.
The seed cones can bo started Indoors, If
ft Is possible to obtain suitable soil and
boxes. In such cases It may bo desirable to
plant the eye cuttings at once, and allow
them to start Into growth Indoors, trans
planting Into the open ground when danger
of frost Is past and tho ground can be cultl
The smaller tho stzo of tho seed piece
the more thorough must be soil prepara
tion. The mora flit:ly the soil Is pulver
ised and the more uniform tho moisture
conditions which can bo preserved In the
oil the better Is tho chance for tho small
feed pleco to establish Itself. A small Set in
rough, lumpy or drled-out soil has little
chance to live.
The smaller the size of tho sets tho
(loser they should bo planted Tor maxi
mum yields. Such sets may bo expected to
give the best yields If not spaced more
than Jen or twelve inches apart In the
Successful potato growing hinges largely
n the following factors:
1, Good land, well prepared.
t. Abundanco of avallablo plant food and
S. Selection of proper varieties.
4. Good seed and good tillage.
', o. inorougn protection) against insect, ana
The potato thrives host on soils dcslg
'Mted as sandy or gravelly loam. 'It may
fce grown with a fair' degree of success on
any type of soil except loose sand or heavy,
sticky clay, provided the land Is well
drained and contains tho necessary plant
Successful production Is dependent to a,
large extent on the thoroughness with
ihlch the land Is prepared. -
In the case of an eighth of an acre or more
the land should be plowed from eight to ton
Inches deep, provided tho surfaco soil Is of a
undent depth. It is never advisable to
turn up more than one Inch of raw subsoil
Jt any one plowing, so if previous plowlngs
I have not been more than six Inches the
maximum depth at which It should be
plowed Is seven inches.
Where hand spading Is employed the
arte rule should govern as to depth. In
PadilUT. esrjnelnllv nn crrnna tr u'nntn land.
turn the earth bottom side up.
Whethftr tho Innrl lt nlnworl ak nnnileH It
- l?louid bo thoroughly pulverized Immediate-
erwaru. it Is a bad practice to allow
""freshly turned boII to bake In the sun
Jjjia wind and thereby become cloddy nnd at
Bis Same time lrtHA n Inn npr ppnt nf lln
v swliture.
Dl TBT.a . .. .
s """ norse larjor can be used the land
'" 5il!r plowlnK should bo thoroughly disked
EjTi vnon Pnng-toothed and finally fln
jM with a smoothing harrow. Where
1EUi'm to Pulverize the soil as 'much as
Pf ?")' when spading it up, after which
ff "' Can D6 nilt In a fln itnndtMiM. rf mallnw.
ifSH with a steel garden rake. The lm-
mthe slight H wK I r SSi IIIOMm wi( 9L iLjJI - i4W II wImH
iinlMiiki i ii ii,,
i " .vf
High in Price, Require
Methods for Culture
Larger Scale
portance of thoroughly fining the soil can
not be overemphasized, for It Increases tho
water-holding capacity of the soil, renders
more plant food avallablo and reduces the
number of weeds.
Early: In tho Northeastern United States
and along the South Atlantic seaboard Irish
Cobbler, Early PetoBkoy, or Early Standard,
virtually Idontlcal, may bo expected to pro
duco largo crops and bo genernlly satis
factory for nn early crop.
In South Central nnd Southwestern States
Triumph may be expected to glvo results
equal to or even better than Irish Cobbler.
In Middle tVost Early Ohio should do
well, with Early Harvest and Early Roso
as second choices.
Late: In New England States, Long
Inland nnd northern New York tho Green
Mountain, Gold Coin and Delawaro do best
as lato croppers.
In northern Mlcldgan, Wisconsin nnd
Minnesota tho late varieties named above
do about as well n Rural New Yorker
No. 2 and are superior In quality.
In eastern New York, southern Michi
gan ud Wisconsin and Iowa Rural New
orktr No. 2, Sir Walter Raleigh und Car
man Ka. 3 aro best adapted lato varieties.
Green Mountain Is good In northern por
tions of tho States. In Maryland, Virginia,
the Carolines, Tennesseo and Georgia
McCormlck Is generally grown ns nr lato
variety. In a favorable season Green Moun
tain Is good.
The dato of planting must be governed
by cllmatlo conditions. Attempts to pro
duce a very early crop ns soon as possible
must incur some risk of tho plants being
Injured by late spring frosts. Ah n general
rule, It Is best to plant potatoes as soon ns
thero Is little likelihood of killing frosts
after the plants aro lip nnd tho ground Is
In condition to work.
Following dates of planting for various
cities nro only approximate tlmo na safo
for early potatoes. This year later plant
ing Is the rule.
March 20 to March HO, Washington, Bal
timore, Louisville, St. Louis.
March 30 to April 10, Philadelphia, Cln-
Economy is effected by cutting
single eyes in conical shape and
using remainder of tuber for table.
clnnatl; April 5 to April 15, Now York. In
dlanapolls, Detroit, Chicago; April 10 to 20,
Boston, Albany, Rochester, etc
In the southern or middle cities "latcs"
should bo planted five to ton weeks later.
In the northern cities late varieties should
bo planted from four to five weeks later.
Plant the small eye cuttings from ono
and a half to three Inches deep, depending
upon tho character of tho soil the lighter
the soil the greater the depth of planting.
Larger sots may be planted four Inches
If an early variety Is planted and tho
work Is to be done by hand, the rows may
be spaced ns close as twenty-six Inches,
whereas If cultivation Is to be done with a
horse, thirty to thirty-four Inches usually
Is allowed. In ordor to give tho gardenor
some Idea of tho number of sots required
to plant a plot of ground B0 by 100 feet at
different nnaclnirs fhA fnltnurinf t,KiA tn
Space Between Space In Row Sets
Hows. Between Plants Itequlred
Inches Inihea
21 10 27(10
20 12 LMS7
2S in :;n78
2S 12 , "Ml
111 10 ' J40O
30 12 i'lmn
32 12 1874
31 12 17(15
If n late variety Is planted, the spacing
should be greater, say thirty-four to thirty
six Inches between the rows and twelvo to
fourteen Inches between the plants In tho
row. The closeness of planting should bo
determined first by tho variety and second
by the amount of avallablo plant food and
moisture In the soil, or tnat can bo applied
to It
Potato yields vary so greatly that only
an approximate estimate can be given. If
an early variety Is grown, It Is not too
much to expect twelvo or fifteen bushels
from a plot of ground 60 by 100 feet Under
favorable conditions this amount may be
very considerably exceeded. In the case of
a late variety, larger yields may be ex
pected. Police Court Chronicle
A stubborn thirst annoyed Charles Talber
while he was on the way to Buffalo. He
startod from Wilmington with a snug
amount of coin which he earned at tho
powder works. On reaching Bethlehem his
thirst was simply rampant, so he got oft
the train and took a drink another drink
still another drink then several drinks
and then some. '
But aB the railroad schedule did not take
long stop-overs Into account, the train was
gone when Talber returned to tho station.
He felt tired, uncertain and complicated,
so he dropped into a freight car to rest
and think it over.
When Talber awoke the scene looked
strange. The place lookod too laige for
Bethlehem and it wasn't. He asked a
friendly looking man what the name of
the place was. The stranger informed him
It was Germantown, also that he was under
When the traveler faced Magistrate Pen
nock at the Germantown police station he
was tired and disgusted.
The Judge admitted It was unfortunate
and fined htm 1 5 and costs but remitted
the fine.
' : . VKrV
',t religious BRKVrniw
l.n5"T.'.S. SUctllrce. of West Chester, wll
i.Jw Thn, ""urroctlon of Jesus'" from n,
vitth i",.""in.','i!;lni. tomorrow afternoon at tha
rsorth llranch y, Jt. C A.
.T.h.0..un.4ar 'School of tho Church of tho
.SiV ';; ,'H'n'V-rt and Christian stroats, ex.
pecis to cluMlcaie tomorrow Its Kaster orferinir
?.,..., iS,nrl xhrn "l3l was raised, tha
L1 ,oftrIn 'or missions nt any Hunday
America whora Episcopal Churi.li in
vUi n.?,1",r,,on wl "rk n "World Tolltlca
..rom,.ft.I,1,Jn9. Htnndpofnt" tomorrow night In
tho Urand fraternity Hall.
.hThi"t-Pavli J-.y nolton." I). D,, pastor ef
tho llopo l'reabtrrlan Church, will speak to.
mow.m2r"lnB ."" "Thn al Ve"-" HI"
SPChr?srt'shTomir.lH,t!!lvlec wUI b" "A V,slt
Tho Rjv. C. H. Macartney, pnMor of tho Arch
Street I'resbMerlan Church, will speak twlio
i'2!?,.?Lroyr:i. '','" mornlnB sermon Is on "Tho
rowr of tho Resurrection."
.t,Thf, nSv: rorf". " TooP' n- l'j rtor of
tho 1 rotealMit llplsiop.il Church of tho Holy
Apostlei. will six nk tomorrow mornlnc on
"Hcsurrccllon of l.Ues for Life."
Tho Itev llenjnmln rt. Warfleld. I). D,
.'!' .". wl" tl.ll.'lr.?'', lreshterlan ministers In
;.J,".tmlnAer,.1,"l! "" Monday morning on
"Calln, tho Mun.
Tho rtev. Horaro C. Stanton. D. D. will
prca.!it'" .l!'- l orri'it Theatro tomorrow night
',,.n ,. rtl".. 'A.i? of John l!unnn ns Studied at
Bedford." Tho lulk will bo ono of tlra regular
nervlceH under the nuspicei of tho l.emon HIM
The Pv. Oeorgo H Toop. 1) t) . rector of tho
Church of the Holy Aunstlos. has lasm-d a mil
for tho nttcudinco of ,1(1(1 men In a body for
communion tomorrow mornhm. Men's orgaulza
lions of tho itiurth hn promised, that number.
ThrnuRh tho efforts of tho Holy Nanio So
claty. , l'-'OO men will rcteloi communion at tho
To clock mass tomorrow morning In tho new
Church of tho Inim.iculato Conception. Chelton
nvcnuo and Anllclgli tr-t. Germantown.
, "Tho ,11 real Battle of Armageddon: or. Amer
ica's I all to Anns will lm tho subject of a
freo illustrated IcOuro tomorrow night at ths
ilarrlck Theatro by rr 11 a. Wilkinson.
8onth Day Adcntlt clcrgjman. Ho prom
Ises to show that America's entranco into tho
conflict was predicted from tho Bible, and ha
will tell what part It will tuko.
MM? Art'imUlL1 TV ,rAnLr,S. husband Of :if.
iii fAilil?.(niihiI,Prr,man.1"- "K"'1 U4- Relatives
and friends, l'hlli. Butchers UcneHrlni Anno
,nnchfrCU,'J,eVt,i,U,rh7,"",A,ro ' st' rranclS'sl"":
flcial frnclety injlted to runeral. Mon.. H:30
a m., J.OJ rv, Howaid st. Beautem Mn, hi
llonlfoclus's Church. 10 n. inT Int. Holy
Sepulchro Cem. 'Auto funeral.
UAIITIAJ April n. ANNA S. BABTf.R (neo
rn). wifo of William II. llartleT KelatlvSS
SS.'o rticntt. J'ted J" funeral, Mon.. 2 p. in"
2210 N. 27th st. Int Mt I'eaco Com. lie
mains may bo Mewed Sun oe
BOOAN. April 4, HAItAH, widow of Wll
A?flUrnS'iniiSr? I.'oyl0,u IfolnlUes and friends.
AJrSf ?tnJ llSn l ftc" Sn('l,"os. InMtod to fU;
neral, Mon , 8.:m a. m.. 40U H. 2flth st. Solemn
high mass of requiem St. Patrick's Church 10
n. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem.
BOLTON'. April fl. QIIOIlGn T.nWIS hus.
band of Matlnd.i Bolton, aged 81. ltelattves nm?
friends Invited to funeral. 1417 N lilth st
Mon. 11 u. m Int. Halem Cem. 1'leasantvllle;
from'T-hlhi arrlal ot l cloclc electric train
BOWMAN April, 4, HANNAH S daughter
of lata Jocoh and Catharlno Bowman, aged 81.
llelatlves und friends Invited to funoral serv
Ices. Mon , 2 P. m Bit 11. Montgomery ava..
North Wales. Pa. Int. Episcopal Cem.,
Qwvnedd, I'a,
IlKAOLnv. April 4. IlICItARD P., son of
late Patrick and Ilrldset Br.idlev. helatlvos
and friends, rt; Dominic's Holy Name Society,
employes of Henry Dlsston . Sons, Invited to
funeral, Mon.. 8,30 b. m reldencu of brother-in-law.
Thomas McKcon. S23S l'rankford ovo..
Holmesburg. Uequlcm high mass and int St
Dominic's Cem.. 10 a. m
nged ill. rtelntlves and friends Invited to ierv".
Ices, Mpn.. 2.30 p. m BlU'O Pino st. Int. pri
vate, Westminster Cem. l'riends may view re.
mains Sun. evo.
BllpWN. April fi. THOSIA8 I.i:ns. son of
Magglo J. and late James Brown. llelatlves and
friends, emplojes of offlco of nudltor of dla.
bursoments of l". It. It.. Invltod to funeral.
Mon . 2 p. m., mother's riisldence. 5009 Chestnut
t. Int. Mt. Morlah Com. Bemnlns may bo
viewed Sun., 7 to 0 p. m Auto funeral
neral Mon.. 8::i) a. m., 1H34 McKean st. High
mass St. Monica's Church 10 a. m. Int. pri
vate, New C.ithedral Cem.
wlfo of Robert Buchanan. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8 n. m.. 138
Mifflin st. Solomn high mass ot reaulem
Church of tho Sacred Heart. :S0 a. m. Int
Holy Cross Cem.
of William Allan Btrnes. Due notice of funeral
2233 St. Albau's st. '
TA1NSEN, aged 83. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral services, 1429 S. 21'd at.. Mon.
1 p. m. Remains may bo viewed Sun., 7 to ll
p. m, Int. Merlon Cem.
CI.ARK April 3. suddenly, IIARRV D., hus.
band of Mary T. Clark (neo Campbell). Rela
tives and friends, Underdown Assembly of
Artisans. No. 35; omplojes 1. R. T. Oo , in.
lted to funernl, Mon.. 8-30 n. m., 24.12 N.
Marshall st. Hth mass St. Edward's Church
10 a. in. Int. Holy Sepulchro Cem. Remains
may bo viewed Sun after 7 p. m. Auto funeral.
COLLAR. April fi. MAItTIN V. B husband
of Carollno Collar (nee Henhoeffor), Relatives
and friends and employes of the Kensington
Shipyard and Drsdocic Co., Invited to funeral
Bsrvlces, Mon., 2 p m . 455 E. Qlrard ave. Int.
private. North Cedar Hill Cem.
atives and friends Invltod to funeral services,
Mon., 1:30 p. in.. 2315 W. airard ave. Int.
Hlllsido Cem.
COYLE. April 3. HANNAH, widow of Wll
Mam Coyle. Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral. Mon.. 8 30 a. m., 2021 E. Monmouth
t. Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity
10 a. m Int. New Cathedr.il Cein.
CROKE April t. JOSEPH N husband of
Ellen Croko I'uneral Mon., 7:3() a. m, 114 N.
Woodstock st. Requiem mass Cathedral 0 a. m.
Int. private.
CROOK. April 8. MART A., wlfo of Joieph
Crook, aged 54. Relatives and friends Invited
to funeral, Sun., 1:30 p. in., husband's resi
dence. 184 E. Tioga st. Int. Hillside Cem.
DEAKYNE. April 0. suddenly, NELSON
OLIVER, son of Oliver nnd Elizabeth Deakyite,
nged 7. Relatives and friends Invited to serv
ices. Mon., 1:30 p. m., parents' residence, 226
Moore st.. Darby. Pa. Int private.
DEAN. April (1. IIOUERT. husband of Ida
M. Dean. Relatives and friends, Falrmount
Park Guards, invited to funeral, Mon., 2 p. m..
2528 Natrona st. Int. West Laural Hill Cem.
Remains may bo viewed sun., s to 10 p. m.
DOUBINS. April 0. MURREI.L. son of lato
Joseph Rldgwav and Mary Hllyurd Dobbins,
aged 74. Relatives and friends, members of
various organlza-ions of which ho was a mem
ber. Invited to funeral services. 1811 Arch St.,
Mon.. 10 a. m. Int. St. Andrew s Churchyard.
MDOY0LE.'-3Cpril 4. CATHARINE, wffa of
James J. Doyle (noo Qulnn). of Parish Kll
ielgh. Kings County, Inland. Relatives and
friends. B. V. M. Sodality. Sacred Heart So
ciety of St. Ann's Church; St. Ann's A. K. of
St. John. No. 107. nnd Progressive Lodge, No.
123. S. of II.. Invited to funeral, Mon.. 8:30
a. m.. husband's residence. 2414 Memphis st.
Solemn renuiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a.
m. Int. Holy Cross Cein Auto funeral.
DUFFY. April 3. WILLIAM J.. Jr.. ion of
William J. and Annlo Durfy. Relatives and
frienas Invited to funeral, Mon.. 8:30 a. m..
residence of parents. 1150 N. 10th st. Solemn
requiem mass St. Maluchy'a Church 10 a. m.
Int. Holy Cross Cem.
DUFF7. April 8. CATHARINE, widow of
Edward Duffy, Relatives nnd frlonds invited to
funeral. Mon., 8 a. m., residence of son-in-law.
Philip J. Hogan, L'528 ChrtstHn st. High mass
of requiem St. Anthony's Church D.30 a, m.
Int Holy Cross Cem
DUNK. April 4. KATIE DUNN Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. Mon., 7 a. m.,
residence of enter. Julia Mullln. 2(140 Oakford
st. (27th and Wharton), High mass of requiem
St. Anthony's Church 8:30 a. m. Int. New
Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral.
band of late Sadie Emberger. formerly of (118
N. 38th St.. West Phlla. Relatives and friends,
Maumeo Trlbo. No. 304. I. O. It. M.. Invited to
funeral services, Sun., 2 p, m.. 3810 Spring
Garden St.. West Phlla. Int. private.
FOEHL. April 5. suddenly. PHIL, C, hus
band of Anna L. Foehl (neo Lawrence) and son
of lato Henry and Mary Foehl, aged 38 Rela
tives and friends invltod to funeral services,
Sun, 4 P. m.. residence of father-in-law, Albert
Lawrence, B325 Baltimore ave. Int. convenience
of family.
i.?.hA ?v' aore Chalmers Wchmond will
ffl?fichil.0imOrow. P'ht ,n Doctor KldreditTa
fi JL'.Vs1! Not!.h Loan muare. on ."Changes
l!Ll,i.?1?2'r."orl1 fn tho Uaht of tho Hesur
K?'!""!, th" .Disestablishment of tho Ohurih of
Encland and the Dethroning of Ait Kings.1'
. . r'jr
FOLCHKR. April 2, ADIX1EN J., husband ef
Ellen Folcher. Funeral Mon., 8:80 n. m , 88,1
N 40th at. Solemn requiem mass Our Mother
of Sorrows Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross
Cem. Relatives and friends, Our Mother of
Sorrows Holy Nafne Society and Culinary Dene,
Asso., Invited. Auto service.
rOLEY. April II. EDWARD, son of Joseph
and Catharlno Foley (nee McCann), aged 1 vear.
Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral, Mon ,
2 p, m.. parents' residence, 2850 N. Taj lor st.
Int. Holy Sepulchro Cem.
FORD. April 6. suddenly. JOHN J., hu.
hand of Mary C. Murphy lord. Relatives nnd
frlonds, United Hatters ot North America, Nos.
18 and in. Invited to funeral, Tues , 8 n. m ,
1738 8. 18th at. Solemn high mass of requiem
Church of St, Thomas Aquinas 0.30 a. m Int.
New Cathedral Cem.
FOSTER. April 4. ABRAHAM .. husband
of lata Kate II. Foster (neo Ashton). late of HIT
W. Tioga at. Relatives and friends. Anna M.
Rosa Post, No. 04, O. A. R.J Survivors of 72d
Regt., Co. A. Pa, Vols.! Phlla. Flrn Zouaves;
Phlla. Brigade; Old Guards of 2d Regt., N. G.
P.: Anna M. Ross Camp. No, 1, Sons nt Vet
erans of O, A. II.; Anna M. Ross Circle, No.
3c) Ladles of O. A. II, i Relief Aso of Pa,
Fire Dept.l Tonne. Hose Co.. No. 21; Vol.
Firemen; employes Prothonotsry s office. Invited
to funeral. Sun., 2 p. in.. 4711) N. Kith st, Int.
Mt. Peace Cam. Remilns may bo viewed Sat.,
8 to 10 P. ns. Auto funernl
I.IOAN (neo Bron). widow of Andrew Gain-
gan, jieiaiives ana rnenas inviteu to runeral,
Mon.. 8:30 a. m 238 H. Rial St., W. Phlla.
Solemn requiem mass Church of St. Francis
d Hales 10 n. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem, Auto
C1EE. April B. JOSEPH GEE, aged 0.
Relatives qnd friends, Mitchell Lodge, No. 2IMI,
F, nnd A, M.j Germantown Chapter. Nn 2(W,
It. A. M.: I'hila. Commandery. No, 2. K. T :
l.u Lti Temple. A. A. O. N. M. S . Invited to
funernl services. Mon.. 2 ti. m. 50 Manhelm
St.. Germantown. Int. Ivy Hill Cem. Re
mains may bo viewed Sun., 8 to 10 p. m.
GETZFREAD. April 3, nt ConMu.hoelten.
BRIDGET M. OETZPHEAn (noo Oreeliy). wlfo
of Joseph Getzfread Relatives and friends
Altar and Rosary Societies of St Matthew's
Church, Invited to funeral, husband's residence
215 E. ,th ave., Conshohocken. Mon. 8 a,, in.
Solemn requiem mass ) n m St Matthew's
hurch, Autos will meet trains dun at Consho
hocken 7:10 nnd N.17 n. m nil I ntwl 11 If
ilnt St. Matthew's New Com Auto funeral'.
. AlUU"An,.,v -: Afr". r,i. suddenly. ELLEN
LOUISA, wlfo of Joseph Ooddard. Notice of
funernl. from slster-ln-liw's residence. Mrs.
Wilkinson. 2040 E, Sergeant, st.
UUIIDON April 3. WILLIAM J. husband of
Mary Kennedy GordorT. Relatives nnd friends
Morris earlv Beneficial Assn., employes Kolb's
IHkery. Invited to funernl. Sun,, 1 p. m.. Ml'"
Moore st. Int. Vernwood Cem. Remains may
bo viewed Rat. eve.
GORMAN. April (1. JOHN J., son of John .1
and lain Ellen Gorman Funeral Wed, s an
a. m from rcstdenco of father. 4IIS5 Olr.ml
ave. Solemn requiem mass Our Mother of, Sor.
row's Church 10 a. m Int Cathedral Cem
Ilolitlve and friends Invited to attend
GREEN April 3. RICHAim I,,, !,,, ..
lata Martha Green (ncs Avlson). Relatives ami
Lfrlonds, Phlla. Lodge. No. .11, !,. 7). i " V
rongvve Honwo Trlbo, No. 200, Imp. o, R Vt '
.-,,- .ut.. . , ... ... ..i-nniiiglMIl lle, RI1,1
Cumberlind ats., Invtted to funeral. Mon n-.in
n m., 2217 N. 4th at. Solemn requiem mas,
St. Edward's Church 11 a. m. Int Holy Sciml.
chro Cem. Auto funeral.
OREEN. At West Chester. April B, P11EIIE
A. OREEN. Relatives nnd friends Invited to
runeral services, Mon., 2 n m.. Mlo.uii M E
Church. Booth Corner, Pa Trains leavlni;
Phlla. 1). and O. II. R1, 11:25 a. m? and Wll
mipgton IO-44 a. m.. will bo met nt Carpenter st
t JfAOnnTV. April S. ISAIIELLA. widow of
John Hagerty. Relatives nnd friends Invited to
hicXaJi "J'J ?,V30oS. m" "sldenco of John
Sharkoy. .1818 W Thompson st. High mass
Church ot tho Oesu 10 a. m int. HuTy Cross
a il a rPi VM, AfHl , . ?vJP Norrlston n. Ta. .
1 lil.en?.",!.t1.,urs'1S,arn,und, Delaware Co . Mon
HARKKR. Suddenly April fi. DANIEL, hus.
band of Florenco J. Ilarker. aged (10. Relatives
.,... ' wt" ui ii ana u. it. n.t in
vited to funernl services, Mon., 2 p. in . 240
Davla aye. Audubon. N. J. Int. private. Friends
mnv cnll Sun . after 7pm
HARRIS April B. MARY E . widow of John
Harris. Notice of funeral, from niece's real
dePf?'oi,,r." ,Mary White. 0742 Woodland ave.
HAST1NOS. April 1(1. JEREMIAH jr.. hus
band of Lydla J. Hastings, of 6530 Pino st. No
tico of funeral later.
HAUENSCHILD. aged M. Relatives and friend
Court Manaunk, F. of A.. Invlttd to funeral
services, .Mon., ! p. m . 120 Sevtllo St.. Wlssa
hlckon. Int. private. West Laurel Hill Cem.
Friends may call Sun eve.
mail. April C. MARY, wife of Frank S.
High (neo liegeman). Relatives nnd friends In
vited to funeral services. Men , 2 p. m. (14(1 E.
Llpplncott at. Int. Odd rellows' Cem. Remains
mav l,o viewed Sun.. 7 to 0 p. m.
HIPWELL. Anrlt B. JOHN B . husband of
Margaret Hlpwcll. aged fi8 Relatives nnd
friends Invited to funeral services, Mon., 2 p. m..
0041 Chestnut st. Int. private.
MN. wife of William Hoffman, daughter of
Elizabeth nnd lato Jacob Guth, aged 'Jl. Rela
tives nnd friends. Miller's Paper Box Mfg. Co.
and E. J. Spangler Envelope Co , Invited to fu.
nernl, Sun., 2 p. m.. 1140 O'Nell st. Int.
Groenmount Cem. Remains may ba viewed Sat.,
after 8 p. m.
aged 77. Friends Invited (o services. Mon., 2
p. m, 4107 Ulrard ave. int. private.
widow of John Holt. Relatives and friends.
Naomi Horns, No. 4, II. of A.; Ladles' Aid. No.
jvlted to funeral. Mon., 8 a. m.. 307 W. Kompr.
ua at f... fit llnnn, .ntl.pn'u ekn.ak .
vc. a.. .....no h... .. ...... k...u. a .i,u(Wll i, U, in
Int. private.
1IUBER. April 4. ANNA MARY, widow of
Petor Huber. aged (IS. Ilelativen nnd friends
invited to services. Mon.. 2 p. in., 5558 Snruca
st. Int. private, Woodlands Cem. Friends
mnv vlow remains Sun. eve.
husband ot Amelia Hummel. Relatives ami
friends, members Phlla. Flro Dopt.. Relief Asso.,
Insuranco Patrol, Invited to funeral. Sun., 2
P. ni., 108 Gfeen at. Int, American Mechunlcs'
IRELAND. April 8. HARRIET, wlfo of
Harry Ireland and daughter of lato Joseph and
Anna M. Townsend. Relatives and friends In
vited to services. Sun., 2 p. m.. South Broad
Stmt Baptist Church, Broad and Reed ats.
Int private. Arlington Cem. Auto funeral.
IRWIN. April 5. SARA M. IRWIN. Rela
tlves and friends Invited to funeral services,
Mon.. 1 P. m., brother's residence. Samuel F
lrwln. 4103 Locust at. Int. prlvato. Omit
Uvea and friends. 23d Rgt.. N J. Volunteers.
Invited to funeral. Tues , 2 p. m Hotel Dare
ford Marlton, N. J,., Int Colestown Com.
KELLER. April 4. EMMA, widow of Chris,
tian Keller. Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral services Mon., 2 p m., residence of
son. Christian Keller, Morris a Corner. Radnor.
Pa. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Conveyances will bo
at Radnor Station to meet train leaving Uroad
St. Station 1:15 p. m
KELLY. April 4. ROSE A., wlfo of Richard
J. Kelly and daughter of Daniel nnd Mary
O'Mullen. Rolatlves nnd frlonds. St. Eliza
beth's Bleased Virgin Sodality nndLeague of
Sacred Heart, Invited to funeral, Mon., 8-30
n m.. paronts' residenco, 1731 N. 3d st. Sol
emn requiem mass St. Michael's Church 10 a.
m. Int. Holy Cross Com. Auto funeral.
KENNEY. April 8, JAMES A., husband of
Mary E. Kenney ipea Downey). Relatives nnd
friends invited to funeral. Wed., 8:10 a. m
265 S, Hirst st. High mass St. Curthage'a
Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Com. Auto
IUk"eFFER. April 4. FRANK L.. husband of
Annlo Klefter (nee Woller). nged 54. Relatives
nnd friends, also Court George Washington.
No 124. F. of A., and Muskoka Tribe, No. SUA.
1 O. R M.. Invited to funeral. Mon., "7:30 n.
m.. 11)83 Dennlo st. (near 1 1) tit nnd German
town ave.). Requiem mass St. Stephen's
Church 0 a. m. Int. Most Holy Redeemer
Cem. Auto funeral.
KLEINBACH. April 4. EMELIE. wlfa ot
Christian Kleinbach (neo Rlngler), aged (13.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues.,
7:30 a. m.. parlors of John F. Flouhr. 101 W.
Susquehanna ave. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem.
AKRE1DER. April 2. WILLIAM D., hu.band
of Clara and son of Frank nnd Gertrude
Kreider. Relatives nnd friends, inemberu
of Continental Lode, No. Iflrt. K. o' P.. In
vited to luneral services, 2437 Nassau St.. Sat..
2 pm. Int. private. Remains may bo viewed
Frl. after 8 p. m.
KROLL. April 0. at York. Pa. PAULINE
KROl.I. (neo Rapp). vvldow of Frc-z Kroll,
aged 08. Relatives and friends InvIUd to fu
neral services. Groenmount Cem., Sun., on
arrival of 12 01 train from Broad st. sta
tlvea and friends invited to funeral services,
Mon.. 7:30 a. m, 2141 N. 10th st. Solemn ro
qulvm mass St, Elizabeth's Church 0 a. m. Int.
widow of Benjamin Latham, aged (18 Relatives
and frlonds, members of Banner Council, No.
30. a. and D. ot America, Invited to funeral,
Mon . 2:30 p. m.. 1145 N. 34th at.. Camden,
N J. Friends may call Sun. aft. and eva, int.
Arlington Cem.
LEE. April 3. MARY, E., wife of John J.
Lee and daughter of tho late Charles and Maria
Nolan. Relatives and friends, also Altar and
Rosary Societies, invited to funeral. Mon.. 8
a m . 1220 N. 50th St. Solemn requiem mass
o'ur Mother of Sorrows' Church, O u, ra. Int.
St. Denis's Cem
LEWIS April 8. residenco of daughter. 470?
Springfield avo NANCY ANN, vvldow of Wil
liam l.ewia, of Wysox. Pa
LOWE April 5, SARAH LUKENS. wlfa of
Henry F. Lowe, aged B3, Relatives and
friend Invited to' funeral" services, 8750 N. 7th
at.. Mon., 2 p. m. Int. Hillside Cem.
. MAr,1?Av!JANn"-LAt Palmyra, N. J,. April
?,' .WH'I'IAM, husband of Arfna MacKarland.
Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral. Sun.,
2, P. m sharp, 2d and Markot sis., Palmyrn,
N J. Int. Morgan. Cem. Train leaves Market
st. ferry, 12:30 and 1.80 for Arch St, Station,
Palmyra. .
m MAENNER. April fi. HARRY, son of John
M, and lite Mary A. Maenner, nged 41. Rela
tlves and friends Invited to services, Mon., 2 p.
m.. Oliver II. llnlr Hide.. 1820 Chestnut st. Int,
private. Remains may la viewed Sun. eve., 7
to 0 n. ni.
. MANN. At Beverly, N. J . April fl, CORNE
L1A, wife of .Philip C Mann. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral services, Mon., 2.80
P.. in., husband's residenco, I'urnum St., Bev
erly. N, J Int. private,
..MARX. April 11. FRANCIS A. husband of
nthrrltin Mnrx (neo Wa(hter). Relatives and
friends, Father Carbon Council, C. B. L, in
vited to funeral, Tues, 810 n. in. 1513 H.
2lth st. Solemn high mass of requiem St,
Alojslus's Church, 28th nnd Tasker sts , 10 a.
in Int, Holv Crns Vm
Relatives and friends, St. Charles's Holy Namo
nnd T. A. B. Societies: James D. llowley I, C.
II. P.. No. 313. Colonel (1. W. Town Post, No,
41), O. A. II.. Invited to funeral. Til's., 8:30 a
m.. 105 S, 20th st. Solemn requiem mass St.
Charles's Church Id n m Int. Othcdral Cem.
Auto service. FrUnds may call Mon,, 7 to 10
''"m'cDEVITT April fi. ELIZABETH, wlfo of
Patrick McDevllt. llelatlves nnd friends Invited
In funeral, Tues . 8 n m ." reldenro of son-in-law.
Louis C. Klnsler. flit N. May at. Mass of
requiem Churrh of Our Mother of Sorrows n
a m int. Holv Cros Cem.
OI.INCHEY nged 1.1 Relatives and friends
Invited to attend funrral. Mon.. 8 .111 n. in ,
apartments Martin Evoy Son, 2MW Diamond
ot. High Mnes Cluirrli of tho Mot Precious
Blood ID it. m. Int. Holy Cros Com.
McGOLDRU'K. April 4, ANNIE, widow of
Michael MiGoldrlck Relatives and ftlends In
vited to funer.il. Mon.. S n in, Kershnw's
Bank, near Clifton Heights. Del. Co.. Pa High
mass St Cluirlia'a Church. Kellyvlllc, 10 n. in
Int. St. Cluirlia'a Com
MrGUINN April 3. BRIDGET J , dausMer
of lato Matthew and Mary McGulnn. Relatives
nnd friends, llalrd Hill Circle, No. 7, F. of A .
Invltod to funeral Mon . 830 a. m., residence
of brother-ln-luw Harry Slter, 3804 Sharp St..
Wlssahlikon Solemn high requiem nnss St.
John tho Baptist's Church 10 n. m. Int. St.
John's Cem
McIIENRY Suddenly. April , STILES Mr
HENIIY. nged 73 Relitlves und friends Ex.
celslor Lodge No 54. 1' nnd A M . Salem. N
J., ii nil nil other organizations of which ho was
n int'int'or Invited to funernl servlios. Mon., U
a m . Prnsptit and Spring uves., Milroso Park,
Pa Further Hirvloei i Impel Eastvlow Cem,
Salem. N. .1 , t p m Int. In vem.
MolI.llENNV - April f. CATHERINE, wlfo
of Thomas Mi Uhennv Relatives nnd friends,
members St John's P E Church. Invited to
funeral. Mon 1 p m . 2051 Monmouth Ft
Servlios nt St John's 1 E. Church. 2 p. m,
Int Oakland Cein. Ri mains may bo Mewed
Vic KlNNi: At Atlantic City, N J.. April
I CLARA wifo of Robert McKluney (neo Van
Kirk) Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
serv lies, Sat.. 2 p m . residence of mother. 2131
S. 1 licks Bt Int. private. Mt. Morlah Cem. Re
mnlns ninj ho viewed Frl . S to 10 p. in.
MiO.lMI.LAN April I, MARY, widow of
riilllp MrU'illlnn. Relatives nnd friends Invited
to funeral. Mon . 8;.in a m . residenco of daugh
ter. Mrs. Cornelius Harrlgan. 810 S Allison Bt.
High requiem tnos Church of tho Transfigura
tion 10 n m. Int Holy Crns Cem.
MiGUINN April 3. BRIDGET J. daughter
of lato Matthew und Mary .McGulnn Relatives
and friend. Fair Hill Clnle. No. 7, F of A.,
Invited to funeral, Mon , H-30 ii. m . residence
of brother-in-law, Harry Slttr, 3804 Sharp St.,
WlBsahlckon Solemn high rcqulom mass St
John the Baptist's Church 10 a. in. Int St.
.Tntin' I'em
nged 58 Relatives und friends Invited to fu
neral services. Sun , 2 p m., late Tosldentc,
Lima, Delavvnro County. Pa. Int. private.
O'HARA. Suddenlv, April 5. THOMAS, hus
band of Margaret O'llar.i (noo Brpgan). Rfla
tlves and friends Invited to funeral. Mon., i 30
ii m.. 1713 Bowers Bt. High moss ot qulem
Church of Cesu 0 n. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem.
OLIVER April il, R OILMAN .husband of
Anna M Oliver. Rolatlves and frlendi. employes
1". It, T. car shops. Invited to funeral, Tues,
2 p. in.. 1110 W. Tioga st. Int Hillside Cem..
via funeral car. Friends may Mow remains
Mon. nfter 8 p. m. ,
O'NEILL. April fi, ELIZABETH T,, daugh
ter of lato Patrick nnd Elizabeth O'Neill. Rel
atives and friends Invited to funeral. Tues..
8:30 a. m.. )13 N. 13th, st. Solemn -requiem
mnss Church of Assumption 10 a. in. Int.
Cathedral Cem.
OSTERLE April 3, MARIE E.. daughter of
Charles and Clara M. Osterlo (nee lllnchey).
aged 10. Relatives nnd friends invited to
funernl. Mon., 8.30 n. m., parents' residence.
B007 N. 10'h st. Solemn high requiem mass
Church of tho Holy Child. 10 a. m. Int. Holy
Cross fern. Auto funernl
OWENS. April 1. ALICE C. daughter of lata
Michael nnd Rosa Owens (neo Mullln). Relatives
nnd frlonds, emplocs Nonpareil Laundry, In
vited to funeral, Mon., 8 30 a m 2345 Redner
st. (23d below Oxford at ). High mass of rc
qulom St. Elizabeth's Cturch 10 a. m. Int.
Holy Cross Cem.
MER. husband of Marlon L. Palmer (nee Tiers).
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat.,
2 p. m.. 213!) S. Rosewood st. Int. Feinwood
Cem. Friends may call Frl. ove.
PARRY. April 0. JANE, daughter of lata
Lewis nnd Margaret Tarry, formerly ot Potts
Mllo, Pa,, aged 52. Due notice of funeral
given, from 110 Apslcy st., Germantown.
TILLING. Of meningitis. April 0, at par
ents' residence West Mermaid lano. Chestnut
Hill, SARAH THORNTON, daughter of J. Ross
and Anna Fries Pilling, aged 2H . No funeral.
POLIS. April fi, EMIL. son of Samuel and
Jennie Polls, aged 21. Relatives nnd friends,
senloi class U. of F. Architectural Dept.: Mlno
rah Society. LT of Pa , Invited to funeral serv
ices. Sun.. 2 p. in residence of parents. 1532
N. 10th sr. Int prlvato
PORTER April U, GRACE, wife of Alex
ander B Porter, daughter of Louise and lato
Honry Morlt. Relatives and friends invited to
funeral services, Tues., 2 p m., mother's resi
dence. 2542 S. Chadwlck at. Int. Northwood
Cem Remains may bo viewed Mon. eve. Auto
husband of Mollle E. Powers. Relatives and
friends. George U. Mcada Post. No. l.O. A It. ;
Integrity Lodge No 48, 1C of P.: Moja
manning Lodgi. No. 330. I. O. O. F.: Volunteer
Firemen's Auto., invited to funeral aarvlcea.
Tues. 11 n m.. 5531 Harmer st. Int, private.
PIIAHCH -At Pnulsboro, N. J., April 4.
PETER S PRASCII. aged 58 Relatives and
friends, OUv Branch Council. Jr. O. U. A. M.,
Invited to funeral services, Egllngton Chapel.
Clnrksboro, N. J , Sun , 2 p. m. Int. at Egllng
ton Cem
PROSSER April fl, JOHN ALBERT, son of
late Joseph and Emetine nnd husband of Eliza
beth Frosser (neo Patterson) Relatives and
friends. Mercantile I.odgo No. 4, Shield ot
Honor, nnd Camden Relief I.engue. Invited to
funernl, Mon . ll:'lll a m . 023 N. hth St.. Cam
den, N, J Services Turnervlllo M. E. Church
1 n. in. Frlonds ma call Sun . 7 to d p. m.
(JUICK. April 4. PAULINE, widow of An
thony Quick (uea Horn), nged 05. Relatives
and friends, memlwrs of League of Sacred
Heart. Altar and Rosary Societies, Invited to
funeral. .Mon.. 8M0 a. m., 2808 N. Sydenham
st. Solemn requiem mass Church of Our Lady
of Mercv 10 a in. Int New Cathodral Cem
QUIRUS. April 0. FRANK H son of Frank
M. and Anna (Julrus. agod 27. Relatives and
friends, U. V. M. Sodality of St. Malachy's.
T. A. II. Society. Court Prosperity No. 170.
F. nf A., Invited to funeral, Tues., 8:30 a. m..
purentB' residence, 1412 N 12th at. Solemn
requiem inasi St Malachy's Church 10 a. m.
Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto funeral
O. S. A., prior and rector of St. Augustine's
Church. 4tli st. below Vine. The reverend
clergy, relatives nnd friends, Invited to funeral,
Mn morn Dlvlno office. 0:30 a. m. Solemn
regulem m iss St Augustine's Church 10 a. m.
Int. St. Augustine's Church vault. Omit flowers.
111. CAN April 3. JEREMIAH J., husband
of Mary E. Regan (neo Needham). Relatives
and friends. St. Edmund's Holy -Namo Society.
Invited to funtral. Mon. 8:30 a. m., 2017 S.
-1M st. Solemn mass of requiem Church of
bt. Edmond 10 u m. Int Holy Sepulchro Cem.
Auto funeral. New York city papers copy
ROCKS. April 4. AONES O. wlfo of Pat
rick hocka and daughter of Ella and lato James
MrGowan Relatives und friends Invited to fu
nernl, Mon,, 8 a. m., residenco of mother. 3423
Cresson st . Falls of SchulM!l High mass St.
Bridget's Church 0 30 a. m. Int, Holy Sepul
chre C,om.
ROESSNER. April 4, BENJAMIN, husband
of Dorothv 11 Roessnor (nee Butr). Relatives
and friends, also all societies of which ho w.ia
u member, Invited to funeral, Mon 8:30 n m..
500 N 2d st Solemn requiem mass St Peter's
Church, lm. Most Holy Redeemer Cem. Auto
HOGAN April 4. SARAH, widow of William
Rogan (neo Bovle). Relatives and frlonds. Altar
and Holy Faith Societies. Invited to funeral.
Mon 8 30 ii-. m 40'.i S. iflth t. Solemn high
mass of requiem St. Patrlck'a Church 10 a, m.
Int Holy Cross Cem
ROWAN April 4 WILLIAM V.. son of Wil
liam V, Hnd Ellen M. Rowan, aged 18. Rela.
tlves and frl-nds, Holy Name Society o' St.
John's Church, invited to funernl. Mon.. 7:30
a in., parents' residenco, 4453 Suverwood St.,
Manavunk. Requiem Mass St. John tha Bap
tist Church 0 a. m, Int. Westminster Cem.
SANDERS April 4. suddenly. ANNIE M.
wife of Peter Sanders Relatives and, friends.
Married Women Sodality and League of Saired
Heart of (lean, Invited to funeral, Tues , 8:30
a. in., 130S N 17th st. Solemn requiem mass
Church of Uesu 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem.
1 ' ' !' I"
HCHEERItR. Atirll 8' iKKi It.. Ma at
7'heodore Bcheereri wed 84, Relatlrt asteT
rlenda Invited to funeral services. Mon., 3 p.
m.i 1645 Orthodox at.. Frankford. Int. private.
SHIELDS. April fi, suddenly. THOMAS. Son
of Theodoro and nnrbara Shields (nee Land
wehr). aged 0, Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral, Mon,. 2 p. m,, parents' residence, 2211
9. Hicks at. Int. Cathedral Cem,
SMITH. April 0. suddenly. WILLIAM
SMITH, aged 87. Relative! and friends. West
Phlla. Maerinerchor. Phila. Bchuetzen yereln,
West Tolnt Yearly Ben. Assn.. No. 1. of West
Phlla.! Maennerchor Trorly Roc. employes Mu
tual Benevolence and Relief Assn., all other
organizations of which he was a member, In
vited to funeral services, Mon., 2 p, m., 771
N. 44th st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Friends may
call Sun., 8 to 10 p, m,
SMITH. April B, EDWARD, husband of
May F. Smith (neo Meldon) and son ot John
and Caroline Smith. Relatives end friends In
vited to funeral, Tues., 1 p. m., parents' resi
dence. 2311 N. Colorado st. (near 17th and
Dauphin), Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu
neral Remains may ho viewed Mon, ev
DHMITIL Suddenly on April 0, WILLIAM
?j!'fJt'..Duo notice of funernl will bo glun at
771 N. 44th st
sou of Albert ot.d Mildred Strasshelm (nee Hack
enbury), nged fi, Relatives and friends Invtted
to funernl services, Mon., 3 P. m.. parents' real
denco. 2101 N. 4th at. Int. private,) Green
mount Cem,
. HrROil. April fi. MARTIN, husband of
Louisa Strnh (nee Helleman), aged 01. Rela
tives and friends. Eureka Lodge, No. !, Shield
of Honor; Phlla. Schuetzen Vereln; Phlla. Qunr
let Club, Invited to funeral services. Mon.. 1.30
p.. m , 3034 Germaiitowii ave. Int. Northwood
Cem Auto funeral
SIH.LIVAN. April 4. JOHN P.. hushand of
Mary T. Sullivan (nee Rellly). native of Neuroas,
I'd Wexford Ireland, Relatives and friends.
Holy Namo Society St. Oregon's Church; West
Phlla. Council. No. 344. Ii, of P.; employes
llnley Acker Co, Invited to funeral, Mon., 8
a. m IOCS N. 50th st , West Phlla. Solemn
requiem mass ''t. Orogorv'a Church 0.30 a. in.
Int. Holv Cros Cem. Auto funeral
THOMPSON April I. at 801) W. Firth st .
HERRUJIT, husband of Mary Thompson and son
of Emanue) nnd Cntliarlno Thompson, aged 2(1.
Relatives and friends rmplojes nf John B. Stet
son Co.. Invited to funeral services, Mon . 2 p.
in . parents' residence. 100 Vnssar si., Wlssa
hlckon. Int. private. Remains may ba Mtwed
Sun. ove. Auto funeral.
.TOWN. April I. CLIFFORD H.. husband of
Katharine Town (nee Kulser). son of Emma L.
and late Benlamlii It. Brown, aged 4'J. Rela
tives nnd friends, Veteran Corps Regt., N. O.
P.. Invited to funernl services, BUS Sanson! St.,
Sat , 2 p. m. Int prlvato.
Shetzllne), wife of Jesse Troadaway, aged 83.
Relatives and friends Invited to funernl, Tues..
2 p. m . residenco of son-in-law. John Paul
Jones, inO S. 4th st . Camdn, N J. Friends
mnj call Mon. eve. Int. Cedar Grove Cem..
Gloucester Cltv, N J
of Daniel Vannanmn, nged 81. Relatives and
friends, representatives nnd Board of Lady
Managers of lUbcknh Home I, o. O. F., In
vited to funeral services. Mon., 2 p. m.. at
Homo. 8501 N. 17th st. Int. odd Fellows' Cem.
WALTON April fl, JAMES F.. husband of
Mary A. Walton, uged 7'J, Relatives and friends.
Post No. fi, GAR, Wyoming Tribe. No fi5,
Imr (i, R M Victor Relief Asso.. Invited to
funeral services, Mon , 2 p m 021 Vine st,,
Camden, N, J. Int. private, Harlelgh Cem.
Friends may cnll Sun., uflcr 7 p. in.
WAhSLER April 4. ALPHONSE, husband of
lato Marin Wnssler Relatives and friends In
vited to funernl, Mon.. 8:30 a. m., 1010 S. Kfllh
st. High requiem mass Church of tho Most
Blessed Sacrament 10 a. ra. Int. Holy Cross
WEST April 5, GEORGE A. WEST, aged
PS. Relatives nnd frlonds tnvlted to funeral
services, Mon., 2 p. m., 131.1 N. 12th st. Int.
private, North Laurel Hill Cem
WHITE Suddenly. Aurll .1. JOHN BE
HAVEN WHITE. Jr.. nged 00. I'uneral services
nnd int. private. Remains may bo viewed Sun..
7 to 10 p. in . nt Oliver 11. Balr Bldg., 1820
Chestnut st. Chester. Pa., papers please ropy.
WlDDiriELD. April (1, HENRY A. W1DDI
FIELD. Kolatlvcx and friends Invited to serv
ices. Mon., 2 p. m., 1910 Glrard ave. Int. pri
vate. WIESTENBERO. April fl. at Reading. Pa..
FRANK B. WIESTENHERO. son ot lato Vir
ginia Robinson. Due notice of funeral, from
1710 Moore st.
(nee Bell), widow of Elmer J. 'Williams. Fu
neral serviced Mon., 3 p. ra. sharp, parlors of
Harry C. F. Carson. 1213 S. Broad st. Int.
prlvato. Auto servlco. .
WITIIINOTON. April fi. suddenly. CHARLES
S., husband of Flora Wlthington. aged 47. Rela
tlvea and friends Invited to funeral services.
Sun.. 2 p. m.. 2234 N. Woodstock st. Int.
YOUELL. April 3. ANNA M., wlfo of An
drew E. Youell (nee Schlmmel). Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral. Mon., 8:30 a. m ,
2818 Emerald at. Solemn requiem mass church
of Visitation 10 a. m. Int. St. Dominic's Cem.
Auto funeral.
ZIMMERMAN. April B. BLANCHE, wife of
Joseph Zimmerman (nee Wnllach). Relatives
and friends invited to funeral services, Mon.,
2 p. m., 3412 N. Pnlethorp st. Int. Mt. Carmel
Cem. Remalna may ba viewed bun., 8 to 10
P. ra.
A Wonderful Music Roll
Marvelous Arrangement
"Japanese Patrol"
(88 Note)
It you want something new, hero it la.
iiKr Stamp or Coin. (Parrel
l-ost Bo extra)
rne only Piano House In or uutsiao ot
Philadelphia which sells fi guaranteed
"High Orado" Muslo Rolls for U.00.
clend for our new Catalogue for April.
BAPTIST TEMrLE. Broad and Barks sts.
RUSSELL II. CONWELL will preach nt 10.80
a. m. nnd 7.30 p. m.
Baptism, 2:20 p. m.
At tho Evening Service Gaul's
Lois Kershaw
Katheryn Hanford
Dr. Howell S. Zullck
William Multer
l.lvla Dawson Ward
. .Soprano
. . . .Tenor
Templo Chorus, Clarence Reynolds, Director,
r.very one welcome.
Chestnut st, west ot 40th at.
GEORGE D ADAMS. I). D , Pastor.
0:45 a. m. Brotherhood ot A. and P.
10:30 a. m Worship.
Organ Prelude "Easter Mortlrtf". .. Mailing
Anthems Martin's "An It Batur. to Dawn.1
Schilling's "Christ Our Pussover."
Stone's "Break Forth Into Joy."
Dedication of Children Baptisms. Postlude,
Maunder'a "Christ Is Risen."
Unfurling of Church Flag. Singing of "Star
Spangled Banner" on tha Church steps.
2.30 p. m. Bible School.
7 p. in. Young People's Meeting.
7.43 p. m. Worship.
Sermon themo "Tha King of Kings."
Anthems Gloria's "With Joyful Hearts Let
Us Prnlso Him." ,
Miss Ncvvklrk will sing "Tha Resurrection,"
Soprano Elma Carey Johnson.
Contralto Mary Newklrk.
Tenor Royal P. MacLollan.
Bass Horace 11. Hood.
Organist and Musical Director Ray Daniels
Ethical Cnltnxa
MR. OKORGE E. O'DELL will speak on "Tha
Spiritual Message of America to Mankind,"
B road Bt. Theatre, 11 a. m.
P" h'
HART, D. D. Ssrvicea TeS,
BT. LUKE'S, Broad and Jackson ate.'., 7
W. BAM FORD. Minister. i ,. I
-Kaster Hrviceai'io-iq, aermon by the ;
"Tho ftlaen f?hrtat"f raeanllnn of Mi
7:43 p. m.. Cantata by Choir; "
akui bt. tiiuKuu, lain ana Arch. -.-. M
10:45 "The Power of the Resurrection. " JB
1- n. o. I, x. 1'. H. V. K. 7190,
8 "The Misunderstood Christ."
v..,., Hfa.Bt.-t f A..t a... .a
Florence Lewis. -soprano: Miss Elisabeth !
son. contralto! William O. Millar. - ah
Dougherty, Organist; Violet Terrlll, harpist.
R1AN. 28th and Morris sta. f"
Tne raster preaches at 11 a. m. and 8 pi
Special Easter Music, under the direction'
i mic-anr Morrison, nssisiea ar, me evei
service by Prof. Harry J. Banks, pianist.
,.. . i vi i hi rnucrBuii iDurtiig oioi-iw
Horn, a3d nnd Wharton its., Rov. J. ORA1
tlMj 7:45 p. m., "A VUlt to Chrltt'a Tomb.'
Prolcttant EpUfopal
Zltl and Christian afa. . .
Rev. GEO HERBERT TOOP, D. D.. Reeta.?'
H II. fn .lfAlF PnmmiinlAH a-,yt Papal fJaaalalaTl" Til
bv the Junior Choir. ',.
,u in. jiorning i-ravyer, iioiy i nrnmunion ,
nnd Sermon by tho Rector. nESimnECTTOJiW
Mualcal parts, "Christ Our Passover," hrfti,
Vogrich; "Behold I Show You a Myaterr." i-i '
2.30 p. m. Sunday School and Bible Classes', jil
followed at 8:30 p. m. by School AnntveriarfvvBf
nerviro in tno cnurcn, with presentation ot M
iu i-.anter ouering. .
Kvanlnv Servlro nmlttarf. r
13tti street below Snruco.
liv rvAVirv t btpi'ip rn. .
H.nfl a.m. Itnl'v Commnn'lnn '.VVt
ji:uua.m. .Morning rrayer ana sermon.
4:00 p.m. Easter Carol Service. A special
-- " ::- ....... v, .
racitai oi oui traaitionai i;aster carols,
Tho Rector will preach at both services.
w t rrsV T7rT'iit
MLHVIUKS. 7, R AND 10:43 A. M. ,m
7:ir, P. M.. ntfvtiAV Hritonr. vestivat.. -jSH
il.r. t.wii.tl-ij tt-tiit-a Aitt.- ronouTT .!:
ST. JAMES'S, Twenty-second nnd Walnut it. &
Tno Reverend John Mockrldgo, D. D., Rector. ATW
n 00, 7:00 and 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion, WSQ
AA.VV U lit. .MUIIIlIlK llttlCl, .3VIII1UU
Holy Comnrunlon.
4)0 p. m. Children's Festival Service.
Weekdays 7:30 and 9:00 a. m. and 0:00 p.
2123 Chestnut st.
10 a, m. Sunday School.
11 a. ra. Rev. W. W. Fenn, D. D.. Dean ot
tha Harvard Divinity School, will preach,
A Momorlai Tablet, erected to the memory of
Rev. Charles E. St. John. D. D.. the late
beloved Pastor of the church, will be unveiled.
Anthems: "Tho Soul's Rejoicing." by Joseph. J9
and "O. Denth, Where fa Thy Sting1 br 'in
... r-a
Easter Carol and Responsive Service by B. M. '.'
-me organ win tie assistea cy ma violin. r
I'nuip ii. uoepp. urganist.
st. and Chalten ave. Rev. A. J. COLEMAN.
Morning Worship, 11 o'clock. Easter Muilo
and Sermon, "Immortal Assurances."
Young Men'a Christian Association
Y. "The Right of Proper Living Conditions-,
M. A Man's Fart In tho Fight for Better
C. Homes," by John Ihdler, Secy, of Phlla
A. adelphla Housing Association.
A Message for Thinking Men of Today.
iiiBA.UAA,A-siiAiM isucLKSiA meeta siuv iijjb
yi, 11 and 7:80. In Grand Fraternity HaJf. ?JE
prll 8. by MR. J. U. ROBERTSON, "Worls, ,M
Politics From a Dlvlno Standpoint,
BAG Lost, small black leather shopping bag,, '0
containing small change, Friday mc
Wanamaker'a lavatory. Reward If
.n ni-Ai-W
to lao a. itn at.. Apt, lua.
DOO Toat. eYilden hrlndta Tloaton tarrlar. TJk'!
collar, braas knobs; wart under lower iawis"&l
answers name "Buster," Return (reward)-xy
6386 Overbrook ave. 'A
GLASSES Lost, pair tortoise-rimmed glass
es, on Chestnut Hill train. Return to Oo.
Foedlsch. r,12 Stephen Qlrard Bldg.
WATCH Lost. Thursday, lady's gold watch.
initials E. A. M.: possibly In center of cltyi 'V5J
reward. J 341. Ledger Central. ' ti
SACRIFCE Diamond gypsy ring about 3U .!
carats. 1185. McCutcheon. 012 Bulletin Bl. j3i
Phono Walnut 1387. S9
RARE BLACK onyx ring aet perfect white dta-
BONNAZ operators, thoroughly familiar with
flrst-clasa work; steady work; long season.
Apply Smith & Ramaey, 1640 Markot.
BOOKKEEPER, Protestant: flrst-clasa expert- J.!
A,,.l .mini ..... fn. ...,-.11.1. .,., . a CtTa.a
.'..uvu wu., ,iw....l w it.yuu.lutB iuat,lll, X.'i'a
niam nsu nnu salary wunieu. Auaress Aaeageg t .?
11m nHh OOI la.l.n. a .,d . jlt.'.S
a....v... .. a..... .--. r .
BOOKKEEPER, experienced. In automobile aet'iSja
cessory house; state age and experience. Ad-wa
nress in, laeager xirancn ,
Office. 881) N. BroadniaXa
Apply John & Jamaej Ai
i. Scotfa lane. FaJJsfm?
BURLERS. exoerlenced,
Dobson, Inc., old mills,
oi pcnuyiKiu.
Toung women with experience. Apply
ly Bo- Sai'tC
reau oi employment en noor. oeiore
. r-ss j.'.
uiMUUKiuiAiu, coiorea. over on, expeneneaa. tijd
with good references: family of 6. For for- 'Jlrfa
ther details communleata at once with Mrs. if M
Charles a, Davis, 8204 Seminole ave.. Chest- ,'A;
Acaatmy, iiiairstovn, in. j. Aaaress utss 9C
C. White, Blalrstown, N. J.. Box 20.
CirAXinFnrATTV nnA u.alnBB. flfl .. ma..tV.4;'l?
room and board. University Hospital. 84th' vV,
and Spruce ats, i,i&?IS.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress, white, capable; fSW-JSr'
good wages. 251 W. Walnut lane. German- SprKl
town. Phone 8408 Germantown.' ?WlMy
CLEANER, white, -wanted at once: permanent . , 'w&l
position. Apply Superintendent. 1126 and 1128 'ifiMSH
Chestnut st. i(v-?fl
tuuiv. ana launaress. women, renned. whit Aftfy
If eolpred: reference! state wages Merlon. Pa, Srtl6tS
M 85.1. Ledger Central. ' 4nStL
COOKING and downstairs work; 3 In famlljjVtjfl
also girl for upstairs work. Apply 704tY'SA?
uuinmnmwn aye. - fc
DANCING INSTRUCTOR, with knowledge otYkJ,
teaching; day and evening. Cortlssox School., i
M. '. '.,
ln-ju unesmut at. 4 -ji
Con-Ill (Bonaz) machine. i
25 weekly wages. ,
Phono Mr. Illekev. Lombard '37K4 "'Ii'
nmi a in I... m.. . u v . J(
ui.tuu ... av a..D.,u.... ,uvui. AS
to id years. Apply John Bromley
. Sons, Lehigh ave. below Front.
Continued on Next Page
, Atef
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