: f " "L' n IV (- ir i . ivma- E .(-'. . , ..:, i' . . t WOMEN TO SEEK NAVAL RECRUITS Two Hundred Automobile Loads Will Canvass tyhole City Monday FOR INDUSTRIAL SERVICE A whirlwind campaign to win recruits for ' ravy will be launched by women of the mesenger-motor service next Monday. Mo torcaw many driven by members of the ,auad themselves will cover the city and nearby towns In an effort to obtain 1200 .erults needed to bring the crews of ves sels n Philadelphia waters up to full rLh'car will carry two bluejackets, .n (Deakers and a recruiting officer. Sated with the Stars and Stripes and F.J5 colors, the cars will bear placards Srelng the men to enlist. Th recruiting officers will take down the ..9 of men who wish to enlist, and ar rments will be made to take the ap mEKm who wish to be taken direct to the S"'-y yard In other motor cars. tt Is hoped to have more than 200 cars in line when the start Is mado Monday at U a. m. at tho Green street entrance of ylrmount Park. An army of patrlotlo women, many of hm relatives, wives and sweethearts of the men In the National Guard, I enlisting a Industrial service under the leadership it Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Mrs. Thomas ftoblns and Mrs. John C. Groome, of tho Emergency Aid. "We feel that the service which the women aro going to give Is as valuable and ' patrlotlo as that of the. men who to to the front," said Mrs. Thomas Robins. Our women have enlisted In a great In dustrial army, which Is as necessary to the success of tho United States In war time as the army In which their .fathers, their brothers and their husbands are lighting. "As fast as the Government at Wash ington notifies us that It needs women, fifty 'women, 100 women, 200 women. In any part of the State, wo know that the women will be there to fill the need. Re- ports from the Bureau of Labor and In dustry, under wilch the women are work ing, Indicate that tho labor shortage will be seerely felt V the women of the country 1 are not at hand to step In and fill the nancies " The women of this country are volun teering for service In a' glorious spirit of patriotism," said Mrs. J. Willis Martin. '.They are animated by the purest feelings of patriotism. Many of them are willing to forsake a quiet, easy private life to do whateer they can do for their country. "We are planning to recognize this serv ice of the women. Every woman will re ceive, after she has served the Government In some Industrial capacity for a month, ome badge or medal showing that she Is one of the great women's Industrial army of America, This badge will be Issued by the Woman's National Service League, which Is working under the Bureau of Labor and Industry. "We have women enrolling who. are skilled workers and who will be Inesti mable value to tho country. They will be callable, at any time and for any service which la asked of Jhem." ONE HUNDRED iAMERICANS REPORTED HELD IN BERLIN Citizens of This Country Also Said to Be Starving in German Jails THn HAGUE, April 6. It Is reported here that about one hundred Americans aro unable to leae Berlin, Including Mrs. Neu mann Hofer, .who assisted Ambassador Gerard to the last minute. It also Is reported that American cltl lens are confined In the prison at Lehrter Strasse 3, Moabit, Berlin. These Include American Journalist J. W. James, of New Tork. They are said to be virtually starv ing, except for food parcels shared by fellow-prisoners of British nationality. HARRISBURG, Pa., April 6. Ambassa 4or Gerard said regarding Americans held In Berlin, Including Mrs. Hofer: "I know absolutely nothing about It. I hae heard nothing." THINK SHOOTING ACCIDENTAL Police Investigating Wounding of Rus sian Agent in 'Baltimore BALTIMOItn. April 0. Although con wnced that tho shooting of Michael A. Bor nkovsky, an agent of the Russian Oo em inent, who was dangerously vounded In his room nt the Baltlmoie Country Club, Ro land Park, early on Wednesday, was an accident, the police continued their investi gation. SiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiniiiia SPURWOOD A newcomer in the "wood" family AnewE&Wmod-el-"Spurwood". There is an attract ive sweep to the points and plenty of tie space. Its spurs give .it style. Your furnisher vill gladly show you "Spurwood" and the other E & W styles which will look well on you. W I! (arfrX ' tHL WfLSOri V) cent Collars t-tSfakisp&fyU NEW JERSEY PREPARING TO OBSERVE ARBOR DAY, State Forester Urges Its Celebration by All Village Societies and Commissions taW?' .N J" April .-Arbor liny f ? 5iJ2S? Ap.r." U nml ,,,e Rla, tester 1, 'clns ih attention of county and municipal superintendents of schools to the satute requiring the Introduction of spe th q.,n.r Dt" i?' ln a "-hoels of Public Instruction, Trenton, N. J., a s,. Ing sample programs. s. While Arbor Day is celebrated chiefly by the school children, the State Forester ".w.,Bua mat it no observed by village Improvement societies, shide tree commls- "....T uihi nimiiar uoan lea, ns well as by private Individuals. TALK OF NEW CADINET SEAT Munitions Department Planned Lane, Hurley, Settinius Mentioned as Chief- WASHINGTON, April . Establishment , 1u2.altment of Munitions, with a pi at in the Cabinet, was understood todav to be again under serious consideration by the Government. A Transportation Department Is also being thought of, but is believed to be less likely until the present plan of having the railroads oluntarily assist the Government has been tested. Secretary Lane, Edward N. Hurley, former chairman of the Federal Trado Commission.' and E. R. Stettlnlus, a mem ber of the firm of J. p Morgan & Co.. who has been handling the accounts of the Allies in this country, are being mentioned bv of ftclals as possible head of the Munitions Department If It Is created FIRE ON TRAIN WATCHMAN Two Men Discovered Tampering With Car Containing Guard Supplies PATERSON. N J., April 6. A railway watchman guarding cars containing sup plies for the Fifth Regiment. N. (5 N .1 was fired upon by one of two men whom he found tampering with a door of one of the cars.. When the guard returned the (lie the two men fled to the woods of Garret Mountain Policemen and a detail of soldiers searched the woods. Captain Mead placed a military guard around the cars, which had been run onto a siding, until the uni forms and other equipment could be taken to the armory Mavson & DeMan 1115 Chestnut Street t (Opposite Keith's)' Event Extraordinary of Scarfs for Summer Wear for Saturday's Selling Fox or Wolf Scarfs 24. 00 (Very Special) Colors of Taupe, Blue, Brown, Kamchatka, Slate, Battleship Grey, London Smoke, White or Red. Genuine Kolinsky Scarfs 58.00 Broad shoulder ef fect, tail trimmed. Scotch Mote Scarfs 68.00 1 2 inches wide. 90 inches long. Three Millinery Groups for Our Usual Week End Event hats I 8.5Q-) X'Valttf tO to f2.S0 J HATS 10.00 Valuti to MaU OrcUr Rcoiv - ,Y -' fmSBFLi EVENING IL C0NGRESS0 DICHIAR A GUERRA ALLA GERMANIA La Camera dei Rappresentatiti , Ha Approvato la Risolufcione Con 373 Voti Contro 50 4 L'lTALIA ENT'USIASTICA WASHINGTON, 6 Aprllo C Klnatmente nnche la Camera del Itappre sentarltl, dopo unn lunga o vivace discus sions nclla quale chlunque olle pote' essere udlto, ha approvato la notte scorsa, nllc 3 a. m la rlsoluzlone gla' approvata dal Sennto dlchlarantp la guerra alia Germanla II presldente Wilson flrmera' la dlchlara zlone dl guerrn non appena qucsta sara' stnta flrmata ilal vice presldente nclla sua quallta' dl presldente del Scnato. I.'ultlmo pasd ilunque e' stnto fatto Da oggl gll Statl t'nltl sono vlrtualmeiite in guerra dlchlarata ed nperta con la tlcrma. nla o le forze dl qucsta grande repubbllca nata da una rlxnluzlone, crescluta nclla Ilberta'. vanno- ad unlrsl iiKiralmcntc. e non materialmen ancora, alle forrc della quadrupllce Intesa che da tre nnnl circa romhattono per la Ilberta del popoll, per II trlonfo della democrazla contro I'nsso lutlsmo, palep o larxato, che ancorn do mlna I popoll dell'Kuropa centrale. La Camera h.i approato la risoluzlono per la guerra con 3"3 votl faoreoll e 50 contrarll. Cost' un popolo dl 1 00 mlllonl dl nhltantl e' lanclatn sul campl dl battaglla contro lo forre della Germanla e dell'auto crazia, L'ENTt'SIAS.MO IN ITALIA ROMA, G Aprlle Nelle ultlme ventl quattro ore gll Statl t'nltl" hnnno gua dagnato In popolnrita' qui quauto forse non nxrebhero Riindignatn In nnnl ed annl li Inlenso e perslstente aoro ill propaganda Oggl la bandleiu delln stelle e delle stiisce sentola da moltlsslml balconl oltre che !. qucllo ilalla sedo deirAnibaclata nineil cana. Delegaziunl dl ita'lanl. ill francesl 0 dl Inglcsl si leramno lerl a far vlslta aH'amhasclatorn Thomas Nelson Page pel rongratularsl del dlscorso del presldente Wilson o per csprlmergll la gratltudine delle nazlonl alleate, gratltudine "per la nohlle e coragglosa Inizlatlva del governo e del po polo degll Statl fnltl In favore del dlritto, della legge. della glustlzla o dell'umanlta " Una de,legazlone d clttadlni belgl, guldata dal deputatl Hostree c Lorraine, 1 leco pure dall'nmhasclatore Page per dlrgli die 1 beneftzll rlcevutl dal popolo belga dall'Amerlca era no gla' grandl,"ma chf I'at- Ermine Scarfs 84.00 92 inches wide. 60 inches long. "HAT$ 12.50 Valu 1 to 16.00 19.60 Prompt AtUntkw. jr v' --" 'A - LT5DqBKr-PHILADBLPHIA, FRIDAY, APBIU 6, tuale appogglo morale era Inrtnltamente su perlore ad ognl nsslstenza materlalo. Sfcrede generalmcnte qui che II rlsuUato Immedlato della dlchlarazlone ill euerm degll. Statl Unltl contro la Germanla sara' quello dl un pre.stlto ngll nllcatl ed nll'Italln pure da parte del banchletl americanl n condlzlonl faorevoll, clo' nrrn' ad abbas sare I'attunle 11II0 camblo. A questn prop olto l'on. Lulgl l.U77.ntll, ex piesldente del Conslgllo ed lllustre cconoinlsta, dlcen In tin'lntcrvlstn: "lo ho sempre combattuto a fnnic dl un prestllo amerlcano che nrrecheia' grandl bencflzll alia flnanza Itallana nttualmeuto schlacclatn sottu 11 peso dl un cnmblo cnor memento alto." La Stampa dl Torino, che e' ancora con slderata come organo nppogglanto Olollttl, dopo ner salutato eiituslastlcanmento I'ln--tcrvento amerlcano, scrlvo: "II pubhllco non dec farsl llluslonl ec ccsslvo circa gll alutl piezlosl die puo' darcl 1 America, nc' dce credere die essa potra' decldere le sortl della guerra ed af rrettaio la conclulonp del.n pacii. ,ol slnmo Immeiisamentc gratl nll'Ameilci per l'aluto morale che vlenc a darcl. ma mm dobbiamo dlmcntlcare che II 00 per cento del peso della guerra dexe eseie nncoi.i sostenuto dag, I alleatl dell'Intesa " It cardlnale Gasqtiet. che lappresenta a Roma la chlesa cattollca Inglepo, Intcrro gato circa II dlscorso del presldente Wilson, 10 ha approxato entuslatlcamente, ed ha detto: "II dlscorso e' glusto In ognl sua parte, nella foima e nella sostan7a 17 la mlgll oio esposlzlone dl moiallta' rrlstlana che ha le sue sullile fondainenta net dlritto Internazlonale " L'organo del Vntlcano, L'Ol-erxatore Ro mano, rrlticu II piesldente Wilson - scrixe. "L'uomo che nello srori dlcembre si fa cea campione della pace, oggl dlxentn cam plone ill una plu' asta gueirn e trasclna 11 Nuoxo Monrio a paiteclpare ngli orrorl del plu' grande macello umano che 11 Vec chlo Mondo abbla mal Isto," ISffi&r : Men's Soft Mats Vera Newest Stylcst and Cohrinqn "The Chelford," i "The Linwood," $1.98 I $2.1 J) "The Kexford," $2.98 Boys' & Children's $1 AQ Straw Hats ' A .t57 In black, brown, blue or gieen Ml llrolliem SKCOND FLOOR I Tomorrow! Last Day to f Those Who Take Advantage of These Remarkable Offe rings Are Assured i Furthermore, Every Garment Is Guaranteed to Be Satisf actory in 4 UUUMUVUVtW VWWWVWVV VVVVVVVVVVVVX'VVVVVVVV VVX'VV'VVVVVV'VVVVV'VVVVV'VVVVVVVVVs a I I ; .... . suitsrM;n?10,H2,J15,'1820&?25 Styles are the newest to be found anywhere and are in a full range from conservative to the most extreme military models. Materials include a magnificent assortment of the latest novelties in the new greens, blues, cheviots, cassimeres and serges. Most of these suits are quarter lined with high-grade mohair or pretty striped silks; the new and fash ionable half-slash pockets are to be found in many. lMVMVVtVMVtVI breasted styles. a- Easter Wear Fine Sere-e Coats. Sma.t belte.l model, with ilee, bioa.lelotli coll.u. lutch S Cpocketf. and noxclty 1,ut,0""'fJJJfvs Serge Coats, for Larger Girls, $9.98 Have all-around belt, deep pallor coll.ir, patch pocketH and Bilk bandh?Kf. Also other attractive fashion.. Intermediate sizes, 12. 11 and 16 yearn. One iileliired. Little Girls' Coats, $3.98 lined Sizes to S jeais Beautiful White Dresses, $b.98 Ppislan lawn, prettily trimmed with sheer l.ice, embroidery satin ribbons Sizes 6 to 14 ears. l.lt llrotlierH-SBCONn Freshened Stocks Answer Every Demand for Styles Class Amonq the Smartest JlCLTIUdl'n j.t.t" VVtVM'VVVVVVVtVVVVVtJ FOR MISSES AU-Wool Poplin Q"ltslg,pg ... t in.. nnnninr ,'iilfirn. made 5Ilce!lUoni H". -- ,1-niv hndvlnir many now cvm .. ...... Misses' Easter and stralKht-llr.e effects, Ser,Be. JiJlds0 Charmlns taffe as. with ?,Tn,L crepe BUlimfes and noxelty Georgette crepe ""' . .,., nl. beautiful eveninB frocs Misses' Serge & Poplin Suits $29 7 5 vow hlack. French blue, sand and apple green. .Jackets reach ,to a ilttle below the hips and are plaited, belted, pocketed, also finished with large cape collar. Misses' Top Tr.nlin In navy blue. DiacK ann sanu; or iRPiin J" "'. ,!, ., . HnvA VieltH Bold navy ui i,..' 0.w... ..w - figured khakl-kool. with , AAWWWM WWWWWWWWwWWVWWWOTWWWwwwwwvwrwWT -w f or women Easter Suits -.....$! Q.7SS i Of Wool Toplln, Serge, TwIIU and NoTelty" Rultlngst One Wetureil 5 tnhoose from gold, sand, apple green, French blue, navy blue or black.S They variously show pretty military braid trimmings, belts In varying t.uirith. collars with detachable silk overlays. S jvvvvvvvvvvvvi.vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 4 Women's Coats. . . . New Model, Easter ?OO.50 Made of l'olret Twill Navy and black "in dressy style with gathered back, narrow belt, rRglan ri... . trench Dockets and contrasU dibs" ., " cm ii j, Z , 1 i "jpr j 1917 P. R. T. ENDS DELAY IN FRANKFORD "L" After Six Months' Hold-Up lie news Spreading of Surface Tracks on Avenue A plintntrnph llltlntrntlnc Oils nrllile n. prnrs In tile I'lrlnrlnl Fretilin. After more than six months of clay the Philadelphia Rapid transit Company lias icsumed the work of spreading tho Frank ford nxenue surfurc trnclis lictwecnM'iiitv and itrldgo streets to mnKif way for the foundations of the Kuinkford elexnted Work on the foundation rontiact for this section has been held up for 111010 than a ear on account of the Trnnslt Company's delay. Senator Varc was awarded tho contract for the "L" foundations on Kehruary fi. 1P16 He was scheduled to begin work on March .10 and hae his section completed by April 29, 1916. Director Twining noti fied the Transit Company that It would be necessary for It to spicnd tho tracks In order for tho foundation work to ptoceed and nt the Directoi's request Councils ap pioprlated JIB, ooo to reimburse tho com pany. Tho Ti.inslt Company finally began 'the wrtrk of spreading the tracks early Jast fall After completing about GOO feet from Church to I nlty street, work was suddenly topped for the reason, the company offi cials said, that a switch which was ordered from the steel mills had not arrived The Director mado frequent Inquiries as to when work would be resumed after the delay became annoying, but the company sinnn opens daily at m3o But You'll Find Us Splendidly Ready to HATS TRIMMED ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eighth The Buy Men's . i i ...' Bovs' $6.50 Suits $ A QO and Reefers 7 St.s Two pairs of trousers to some of them. Come irTnew Norfolk styles with patch pockets and detach able belts. Junior Norfolk. h all-wool serges. Have separate collar and cuffs in plain while or white with contrast ing colors. Hilly Roy. Tommy Tucker and Siorts SitUs Snappy, up-to-the-minute styles. Rerfcr Top Con In Come in either Norfolk or double- Sizes 2i to 18 years. for Girls .oil' Priced, Rut Very Smart $5.98 and KLOOIt Mm mm Mm m f ll Iwl'll I' & Extra Salespeople in Readiness to C 4. A n1 UpUntil CHMC1 txyyai CI That Will Be Worn in the Easter Vromenudt r ..- ----.,-, :t ln tailored anil die... i-ffectH em ulllt lined. ? . Dresses, $15 .... trimmed with colored emurcnae lies contrastlnif embroideries and silks. collars. Also a limited number of ,nffH.a. trimmed with net and lace. Coats, $18.50 uureiiu. cmiu m "'i r"'.A and lame collars some oerlald - Women's High-$OQ 7c Picture thoxes one of several models. in serge, wooi popun ana i-oirei twin, light Soring colorings, showing many ln snowing many entirely teatuies, inciuaing ornate oucuies, trench pockets and fufiy stltohlngs. Ales, khakl-kool excuse that the switch had not arrived, Meanwhile Frank ford residents, indignant at the delay, held several meetings and sent delegations to take the matter up with both the Mayor and the Dltrctor. . It was openly Intimated several times that the company was Intentionally holding up the work for tho benefit of Senator Vare. who had made his bid for the foun dation wor.'' before prlcct went to their piesent high level, Director Twining rldl- Gypsy Rings Our extensive these in various always gave the same stock designs most inviting. One of exceptional value a gold gypsy ring with phire and two $25. diamonds at S. Kind & Sons, DIAMOND MERCHANTS a. si. a ci.osn at i3o r. si. FREE OF CHARGE 10c Filbert Seventh & Boys' Easter Suits . j. Men's and Young Men's All-Wool Blue and Black UlO Gjf) Serge Suits Extra Special .' L ' V ; Boys' Norfolk $5 Confirmation Suits. Made of Strictly All-Wool Rlue Sizes 6 to 18 years. Regatta Wash Suits $i to 1 t0 Made of pluin white rep and pique in Norfolk, Billy Boy ami Tommy Tucker styles. Sizes 2'4 to 10 years. l.lt llriitlirr. HKCO.VI) FLOOIt. 7TH STRBBT :iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiinini iieii uiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiinii HiiiiiiiiiiiitiminiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitJiiiiiiMuitniiniiiun 1 HATS TRIMMED FREE $4 ReadytoWear & Sports Hats$9 98 jTjco Remarkable Collections Prescntinn Styles of I . Impressive Smartness : One Sketched I Lot 1 Ready-to- Wear Hats Duplicitcs of piensle tiimmed bats. IMado of Milan hemp with tliessv facliiB.s New shapes and colots trimmed ltli rib lions and flowers Black I.iserc Hats, $2 and $3.98 The season's best st)Ies. I'u no IValhrrK unri'lVIng in black White and colors ntimiimiiiitiiiii;iNiiiit!ii moiiii in iiiimijiiiiiiiiiiiomi Closing Hour $39.75 navy blu and beautiful 98c,u,5.98 , nml the Low Prices Are a Bl!:ls'sjigffi (7J (' '-t ' 'il "'i'J!''! "1 1 -, tLii'mw 1 vy l". W entirely new exclujha style S1I.7S veitees and collars L1 u "''?' . YV-4'.! ww ipawn a , v v ftj , kJM euled""thl !4ft,)'JiMi Joint Committees onl FVMtKM ' Railways a few week ago when h out that' the Vare contract total 24.000. , ' '. With the work or widening the tit nnaiiy undei way tne Transit Departi 'xpects that senator vare will now' able to completo his cotitrsct In tin irexciu any neiay in me erection OIjS iteel superstructure. ,l of is is sap 1110 Chestnut St. JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS Supply Your Needs Good Vou in Ea&ter Glove$ Women's $1.75 Doe-$1 CO, skin Gloves 1 .JV All-white or whlte-wlth-bla'ck backs. Women's 85c Silk Gloves) CQr j S-clasp, with cmhroUlrred hack ) VfV I Black, white aifd colors: alo black-wlth- I white or wlilte-wltli-hlack backs. J l.lt llrothers KIRST FLOOR, 8TH ST. a Deliveries on Time Every Way .1 I to $g.50 Serye Boys' Two Pants $575 Suits: .4 Good $7.50 Value $ 2.50 Rlises 6 to IS years. Lot 2 Milan- Sports Hats Variety of styles In wanted sports colors, trimmed with band and bows. "4M"400OWI I Clu.teri and Spraya at i ose, Dallies, ran.le, I II I u r t t , nrranlumt, : roppies oee to noc !. ifp,i eol j zro l.lt Brother! ' FIRST KLOOR NORTH itiinn luiiiMiiiiiiiciimiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiniUHaiimii,? Here You Can Save About a Fourth on Children's Shoes Excellent Qualities for Which We Con tracted Before the Raise in Leather Prices INFANTS' SHOES & PUMPS Sizes 1 to 4 Ino to Jr fVOC , CHILDREN'S SHOES Sizes 4to11 ,$1.29.t0)4 MISSES' Sizes '11 "I to 2 i SHOES & PUMPS 1.98 to $4.5(fc BIG GIRLS' SHOES f Sizes 2Vi to 6.... $0 f to $i T.ITTT.W pnvc cuavo &..!..!!n0to,3iif BIG BOYS' SHOES Sizes 1 to 6$o 1 A le 1. 52.19 4. Of patent coltekln. white Xubuck. bU canas. gun-metal, black and tan kit and cordo tan. Triced according; to lMt Misses' & Children's $2 & I! onoee, !. si.ys ,-; Patent coltskln and. gun-metal calf.wt cioifi niiu ivAinav tuira, Also ,wmr fj vaa. Button style. Wsts tty, ft govern prio.,, v,. . S ., . t . ., V, 1 Worn Strmtftd !T2rl yc1fij IB m Ai ' ' II iiJ Ml n m X' I : I M 5 .V' 'USt ' M 'V, M-l JMJ m 4$ iim raa nt h' f tS-j., UK HI IK ooiwr. u-mi vu wmsu ,. V i. r--8ECONDJIX)Ojpi F JL. '. ., -. ,. VMM '. usHium '-'- "" l f-- '&!XBsxM