f-W i 'V t i ' v'f Evening ledger-phiuadelphia; Thursday, april jj FoWoF SELFISHNESS-YOUTHFUL EXPL0ITSJFmSYKlI5AREVETT -, I .. - ,... -v. ... bouncln' Thitt n!Bht, looking nt tho . m ,,,, tho lady In tho d8 LESSON FOR THE GIRL WHO i - WASTES ANOTHER'S TIME ..-i- lV fe Quiiie Unconsciously But Persistently Takes Up Many Hours of a Busy Day The Spender and the Saver Vyvettes ,v. . iNK of the most charming girls I Have ever known Is yot the one I Inmost dread to see appear at my offlce jrar. She always enters wltli an apology 'a her lips for taking one's time, pro- teats that ah must iro. yet stays and ir , . 1 a awniya ana gossips lur uu iiuur ut muio ui (Utretch. An "I am busy" sign has no u-iMtoct. Her dulcet tones over the tele. Kne terrorize Ine, for I know she will g on to that receiver for fifteen or ; twenty minutes with explanations that Jiould take two. ',; I' frequently wish some one had nervo Aamk4 1 . (Main a taksa 4tua, twanltnaiit M1 aaj waa mar fntiip TXT vntt1ft t jb tgn jCWO B5Ui aVUCttjr T " WWUit fttn into tho offlca adjoining hers to bor- W." -- " - .-. ... .. r teaTOamtw MMft vaalat anminHniv tine nditnn. frUhirM of the night before. Her recital )&woud have kept until noon, but she had il.T( would consult another of her co-work- Kit en on seme unimportant trifle. Each i t . . .... ... t'v, acrjj ono maae was snore, yet tney ate into if"Uia tBnrnlnr T wnnrfarAil linn etin nnranlf ink- ........... -.....,.... twuld ever get through with her work, rss ,pui men i soon rouna sno was not one if those who count It a greater blessing ' to, give than to receive. Despite these i Shortcomings, she was universally liked. UU, -....-.,, ...-...., V.U...U ..V DUl.ll U tHIDi) skf teat the euflferers got together and sent . her a. bill. It wn (fnmlro,! nrlth h num. ,l'L il v""- tb u. uvum ui eacn gins lime Juary naa taken during the week. Summed up, the amount staggered Her and broucht hor &o a realization of her selfishness. At ptrst, after that, she kept entirely away i.irom every one and there was a decided f Stiffness in her manner. But when the injured feeling wore off she was her old A-''-atural self. But not to tho ovtont nr k forgetting her lesson. One hates poople to Ret "ruffled up,' but one doesn't mind evening hats doing so, when such a charm ing result as this nccrues. THER.J3 are two kinds of girls, those who spond and those who keep others from spending. The girl who has the saving habit Is usually lauded to tho skies; ono Is told she will make an Ideal wife. Sho will be a thrifty, efuclent man ager, but whether ideals thrivo under these conditions or not Is hard to know. There Is tho woman who, even though her husband is prosperous and well able to indulgo her and his family In anything they may want, pulls tho purse strings tight and bemoans every penny spent. She may keep him out of tho poorhouse, but sho foils utterly by hor parsimony in really making tho homo mean all that It can nnd should mean. B REMEMBER that no letters for tho present contest mailed after today will bo considered. If you have hnd to copo with the responsibilities of ., motherhood. and have successfully met a crisis in the life of your child, write to the Editor of the Woman's Page and tell her about it, if you have not already done so. For the best letter received a prize of five dollars will be awarded and other letters published will be paid for nt space rates. Write tonight. THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Letter and quiiHont tubmUted to tht department must be written on one etdo of the paper only and signed icith the name of the writer. Special queries like those given helow are invited. It is understood that the editor does not necessarily indorse the atntiments expressed. Alt communications for this department should be addressed a follows: THK WOMAN'S EXCUANOK, Evening Ledger. Philadelphia, Pa. TODAY'S INQUIRIES 1 How can a lemon n mad to ylld tho toat amount of Jnlce? . Bow can a hot water bis which leaka bo MHiid In an emcrvener? (., Row can a arratrh on wallpaper be made tonelr Thiol? 1. What kind of frock nhould a little rlrl who Is too nunc for a con?entlonal erenlnc conn wear to an erenlns wedding? Z. Should the Inoldo enrelope ot wedding announcement! contain anr urltlni? S. How can a rlennlne liquid for the nails be made? ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES I. To clean alabiiter ormtmenU, Imnrnt Miem In milk of lime, then waah In clean water Md, when dry dut them with French chalk. . Mlk of lime Is prepared br ratxlnc a little jinked Hme with water. JS - . To remore create from blackboard, make wi a volution of pearlaah and toft water wltn yi- as macn unaiaxea lime a it win ihkb dpi eiir bFtacether, let It nettle, then bottle. Dilute with 'warm water when nelnc and work qulcklr, aa It It la allowed to remain lone on the board It wtH remove the color. S..When tha inn at m nreaerve Jnp lltleka In- 0 aart the nolnt of a knife under one corner of the pctal to admit a little air, then t can be eaallr (...,. 1. To naah a white mesh ell. nlnce It In a olutlon of white doap nnd let It simmer for fifteen mlnutei. then naueeze It until nulie clean. Ulnae It In clear uater to nhtrh a Amn of blulnc ha been added. I'our bolllnc water on one teaapoonful of itnrcb, run the veil through thla, then clap It to clear It. Keep the edcea atralcht and eren when drrlnr. S. Imon Juice or a aolutlon of peroxide will bleach the throat uhen there Is a line around It eauaed br tlzht collars. 8. Aceordlnc to an old anperatltlon, n bride on her wedding day should wear "somethlnc old, something new, something borroued and something blue" to Insure happtneaa. IN THE MOMENTS' MODES Her Hawaiian Hat I p WE listen to fashion author!. tits today wo nro convinced that har mony Is Just as Im portant to millinery as It Is to music, and Its Influence pre vails In both alike. This may account for tho Hawaiian In nuonco extending from "Aloha oo" nnd the llko to this new leghorn hat, which bus a brim appar ently unfinished, with tho etlRo not n little suggestive of tho grass skirts worn by Hawaiian belles. The brim Is of natural color straw nnd tho flowers and trim mings nrs mado of straw, all ot which nro enhanced by way of contrast with tho rich scafonm or blue crown of tho favored Yo-Snn sill:. t ..m "Hounce it once while ths bouncln' Is good and you won't never bounce no more rocks off little girls' heads." I wanted to come out because I was hungry, but I wouldn't come out to please them and Anally they went away wdwhen I was sure they were gono I came out nna dried my clothes In the sun and "hook out my hair and went over to a rn road station and a womnn at a desk said, "I m the XT C A. lady. Who aro you?' And what .re ou doing hero? Are some ; of your friends going away?" I said. 'It Is my mother and she Is already gone." The lady natted me on tho head and said, Where lm. she gone?" 1 said. 'To Heaven. ' Then she nut her arm around mo and said, wy mother I- there, too.;- I said you vrtll tell mo your mother's name I will tell my mother to look her up." 35 hOUTII KK1IITII 8T. The Light of a Lantern lie It bronaa r silk. I an lidded arttatlo touch to any place. 45e Ur Stany designs. Also novel Kastcr clfta 55V PATSY KILDARE, OUTLAW By JUDD MORTIMER LEWIS I got up bright nnd early yesterday morn ing and I nnd my father ato breakfast together, but tho pancakes wero not so very good because of something he left out or put Into them when he stirred them up. I didn't say anything, though I saw him looking at mo a great deal. When v.o got up from the tablo ho said, "You aro a good sport, Patsy," and I was very proud. When he had gono to bod to sleep after his night watching I brushed my hair, wiving a big enough place on thn looking glass for mo to seo how It looked, and It looked fine. Then Rowdy and I rambled. We went farther than wo hnd ever been before nnd wa crossed a big bridge, and after that I mado chalk mnrki on the sidewalk to find my way back by. So wo went on and on. I stopped a good many times where kids wero playing, but none of them nsked mo to play with them, so I went on and wo crossed a. vacant lot nnd I nearly got run ocr on a railroad, getting across ahead of un engine. Then I turned around and watched the train go by nnd there wero moro than fifty cars In It. My father said he onco saw a man cut In two under the wheels of a train, but It could not have been this train, for this train could not cut a man In two In a million years, for Its wheels nro not sharp at all. Pretty soon I turned nround nnd went back, nnd I was glad to get back, though I was glad I went. For now I know since I have traveled that kids nro nil nllko nil over tho world nnd will not piny with me wherever I go. So I went out swlmmln', though I wns afraid nnd sat nnd looked at the water a long tlmo before I went In Hut finally I went In, nnd pretty soon I wns not nfrald nt all. I found that T could stay on top of tho water without ons foot on the bottom, and 1 did It nnd It was heaps of fun. After while Wilbur Carpenter and his Bang came and they saw me in tho water nnd they whispered and I thought they might bo going to throw things at mo nnd If they had I wa going to havo Howdy eat them nlle. Then Wilbur said. "Como on out of that water." I said, "It ain't your water" Ho said, "Well, you como on out. Us boys want to go swlmmln'." I fnld, "For tho love of Mike, go In swlmmln', thero Is plenty of room. I ain't using the whole ricr." Then ho said, "Wo can't come In whllo you nre there." And I said, "Gee, I nln't never bit no one yet." And ho said, "Wo nln't got no bathln' suits." And I s.itd, "Neither havo I. I Just wear my c cry day dress" And ho said. "If wo get our clothes wet we'll get licked. We will bounco a roql: off your coco If you don't como out," llv Hemstitching Ilfst work, dono whlls u wilt, also In cold and Blter. Skirt Pleating In Hiinrnv, llnx, hide nnd Accordion Buttons entered In nil styles. Ilest work. Done whllo nti wnlt. Parisian Plaiting & Novelty Co. 108 So. 13th Street "The Prettiest Shop $ fit rown" ? HAWTHORNES sA Shopping Convenience I r a S A 6toro of 15 depart- 5 ments, all on one floor m no elevators to use and no 5 5 steps to climb. S More of those exeep tional blouse values have arrived, many ex clusive and unusual 'types expressly made for this shop. Lingerie Moults Scarfs Perfumes negligees Handkerchiefs fiports Hats Petticoats Sweaters Veilings t'mbrcltat Verttceor Hags i'oslery Gift Xoiclties 5 1626 Chestnut St. i Jos. II. Ilaatdorn, Pres. Millard iters, Treas. Vm'''',,II,,...,m' J &i . " Km. anii j.fji vane lunue ui ruuwca to the Editor of Woman's Page: "??" Dear Madam Can yen clve me the recipe ;. far chocolate cake which la mads with mashed pftotatoeai KLEANOIl T. 'VVrl think this is the one vou want: Cream T' together a cupful of butter and one of cold ' unoauiea rnaonea poiaioes, inen am two fuptuls of sugar. Sift together two cupfuls Ljof flour, two heaping teaspoonfuis of bak es ing powaer, one teaspooniui ot cinnamon, ;'me teaapoonful of. nutmeg, one teaspoonful .,, vanilla ana three squares of grated ehocolate. Mix with the butter, potato and Kaugar, beat In the yolks and whites of I tour eras beaten aenaratelv. a cunful of KthoPPed English walnuts or pecans and 'ee-nwr cupiui or sweet milk, uaxa in wb. , J.VL -a.- .ia , - n . ,WW fiw jiouvr vj nimiDii aruvi. 7,5 p Dr Madam Hr U & reclp for tin? . ether emtnency deaaert also made out of cake. t,,LH'l.lne a glass dish with thin slices ot ( vponge cake jnolstened with sherry or other mne; cover mis wun a layer oi preservea . fruit, another layer of cake, another of r .fruit and so on and on top heap whipped ,' VHTSH1I11 U VUUI VT5I b M UUIICU blUUMU. t-H Also If you have stale cake you don't what to do with, cut It into small squares, place it on plates and, when Ijr to serve, pour over it a rich choco i Kauce, with a dab of whipped cream If : at hand. Chocolate sauce can be made 'melting a square of bitter chocolate and ng to It some milk, butter and sugar, TPiM X Haw to Prepare Finnan Haddie M Itdlior o Womaa'f Past: Mar Madam Please let me know how to VJIansa haddie, alao fried scallops. SUIO. V. LflM following directions for the prepara- let nnnan naaaie are given by Manor. Waafi the nab thoroughly, leave In . water for three-quarters of an hour, ao aucaioing water nve minutes. dry ad rub butter and lemon juice ItatO the fiber of the fish and broil over ur-.nra niteen minutes, serve wun a litter, sauce or tartare sauce. Tartare : Into. a'Dlnt of mayonnaise dressing r teaapoonful of mustard, a table- or -tnineea parsley, a teaspoonful rtoapei, plokle and mloced capers tar eVefX of -oaion juice. Beat well rviag. wrawn outter can do usea ! mayonnatseKas a foundation. Parboil the aeallona In wtr fori five minutes, then mnd'piace' them on the Ice to L.Koll them in salted nour. ihmm-,n. and finally in cracker pVtMt H te, and when .ready to ouing cat wnjen nu 1 1 een to a boll; i (bWi 7)es 3ouv, (c J Vie. jVovav oV Ve 3cwa XavcVvuxvA vwct Vom Wvvtcs6a. - sW wV c cu , avi A sipeao.' ? VI cecX oiA o$ Spring Suit for Girl To lJi JMIIor o tromoit'a Page: Dear Madam What kind of suit for spring do you think my daughter should have? She Is fifteen years old and larco for her aee. She expects to so eamplnit In the summer, and would want to wear the suit while traveling. But I don't want to get anything quite aa rough aa tweed. juts. . W. Maaanor City, Pa. One ot the good-looking sports suits of Jersey cloth or tyrol wool would be Just tho thing for your daughter. These suits, with their boyish belted Jackets, are youthful and very becoming to most types. The cloth Is not as rough as tweed and yet is aa serviceable. Formal Regret To the Editor of Woman's Page: Dear Madam Mr huaband and I have been Invited to a wedding at a New York hotel. We will be unable to aeeeDt and wnnt ui .... regret properly. The Invitation Is for the wed. ?in'f .fna i,h,rKel!ilon ". not mentioned, but the letters It. S. V. P. are In the lower left hand corner of the Invitation. Will you kindly ord a regret for mo. (Mrs.) F. B. A. If your paper has not your nddrcss stamped upon it, start the answer by writing It In the upper right-hand corner of the paper. Use white note paper and bejrtn about two Inches from the top, leaving a small margin at the side of the paper, not moro than one-half Inch, how ever. Write aa follows: 2426 Walnut street Mr. and Mrs. , regret exceedingly that they will be unable to accept Mi? and Mrs. . ,' kind Invitation for the marriage of their daughter to Mr i On Thursday, April the nineteenth. at the Hotel at half after four o'clock, owing to a previous engagement. Be careful that the names of your hosts, your own names and those of the bride and bridegroom are each written on a separate line, as In the Invitation you received. Gloves Should Be Removed To ths Editor of Woman's Page; Dear Madam Should a man always remove hla g)ove txfore abaklng hands with a woman 1 Alao should he offer to shake hands or wait for ner to put her band outT JACK. It Is customary for a man to remove his gloves before shaking hands with a woman, although sometimes it Is very awkward to do to, if for instance the man Is carrying a parcel in one hand and cannot easily re move'the glove on the other hand. In that ase, he usually apologises briefly for his glove and the apology Is accepted, A man should always wait for a woman to offer to shake hands before doing so. Superfluous Hair To the Editor of Woman's Pate: .,"" 'uei aapiiatorr maeei the arewth r v.ii From Dairy and Farm We're very particular about the butter and egg part of our business it's an endless chain of dependable quality. If you, Mrs. Housewife, are just as exacting in buying these necessities, you've the hall-mark of a good housekeeper. Our butter comes from dairies we can confidently trust; and is refrigerated to us several times each week. The eggs are newly laid; quickly gathered and rushed along from nest to table. They're the rich, full, meaty ones the kind that good hens lay. "Sweet Bloom" Butter 50 c lb. Nothing better come3 from the churn. It couldn't bo mode. "Sweet Bloom" Eggs gc Larpe, full, and weiRhty; dc- J J QOZ. liRhtfully fresh, and packed in cartons. 42 C lb. and "Sterling" Butter Unequalcd as a second-grade but ter no matter where you ro. and Selected Eggsc Assured high quality, but n J J UOZ. trifle smaller in size. Each one guaranteed. niiiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiiirjuiiiiiiiiiitiiiiituiiiiitj tiiiiiiiiiimtiiraiiiiiiniimiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiti niiiiimmituiiitiiiiuitiiiiiniiiiiMtiimiiiiiiti J30-Ounce Can j Childs' I Famous IPork&Beansl Large Can "Everyday" Evaporated Milk 17c i i lie Large Can Golden Yellow Pumpkin 10c "miiiiiiiikiiiiiiMiiiiuiiii iitimiimiiut J Medium Size Very Choice I i Prunes I i 1 9c lb. f I 31bs.for25c inni nig"'. "" . .t... t .m irolnz to pray to you tonight for I am tired of praying to God all the time when It don't get m noOiln. I want a little baby sister, if there Is one lying around loose up there In Heaen that you can send me, nnd I wish you could see the way my hair has grown and I can nl- 0M i nw ratner anu mo lauy in th ... .i bless the Carpenter kid nothlnir. nm ! ever blesses dogs not to forget lUwdr 'Hi nlcaio sond somo rain. Amen." Tl And It rained all night. (Copyright.) t The nftt ndienturo of l'slv.KIMir irfi,.' publlahrd In tomorrow's i:fnlna 1.4,5"'' M. uiiiiiimiiiniiiiMiiriiaiiii inn mini tjimiiiiiiiii:imiiiiiiiiaiiiii tjiiiimiiiuti liiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimiimiiiiimiimmiiiiiimn tiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii Childs' Special Blend Coffee, 25c lb. Twenty-five-cent coffees are to be fotind everywhere; but the very excep tional goodness of this Special Blend is a distinctive feature of the Childs Stores. Its full aroma, richness and delightful flavor appeal to the critiral Positively the beat value for the money ANYWHERE. CHILDS & COMPANY FOUNDED 1858 DeweeS Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century Easter Styles in Georgette Blouses, S5.50 to S19.50 If Blouse, shades. . is a Dcwecs Blouse, it is The Style. K it is a Dcwtes it is different, individual, txquisttc designs. Beautiful Smart styles. Sec them for yourself you will like them. Dewees' OuiinQsilh Suits Special S35.0U Striped-Flannel Sports Skirts S15.00 to S23.00 Stunning models in smart stripes. Exquisite quality and style. Soft tones. Box-pleatcd and sidc-plcatcd. Perfectly tailored. B . F . De wees , 1122 chestnut st . WVW vswrxvKra!?,s, . VftV.1 .Vi "i VVV ,1A Wlnn1flnmI i.vra.n... '""I'TIT : am HMWU V.V VVVW V WWttWVIW KvVS.sNS'w.'iS. NWA.S- Woman's Shop Filled With Newest Suits, Coats and Dresses Ready for Easter IT is a fact that women, who always seek value and know it when they see it, come back to Sixth and Market Streets after "shopping around" to confirm their good judgment of an earlier call by buying. 'That is as it Should be! An ever-growing clientele of discriminating women will tell you that they have learned' that our women's apparel IS PRICED LOWER THAN LIKE QUALITY OR STYLE ELSEWHERE. And we tell you that this is done purposely we are BUILDING UP AT OAK HALL ALL THE TIME! This Suit, $37.50 This Dress, $1.75 This Suit, $19.73 M A suit that is conceded to be in utmost flood taste is shoivn above, simplicity is its chicfesti. tfj'57 CA U-7 J mJJ charm navy, black and gray in Poiret twills silk collar for A strikingly handsome silk dress is that illus trated above, Georgette sleeves, collar and vest a half dozen different colors. The suit in the third illustration is a copy of u .-9.au 7iuuei in navy ana oiaci;, natural pongee cottar, -y $19.75 $19.75 This Suit, $27.50 This Coat, $16.50 This Coat, $32.50 $27.50 For the first suit in braid bound black and I navy gabardines. New stitching and many but How. Finely tailored skirt plain, belt and gathers. For the coat in the center, a wonderful value Belgian blues. t Coat Of Bolivia rlnih .'.. T?nn1.:. Al. .. is em tan blue. Vi .i;. ... .i i...jj. match. " "'" """ """u"a l" PlODUiR J""0' r.eot(r, aW,c Oreens, honey tans, roses and $32.50 Overflowing Stocks at All Prices! EVERYTHING is in readiness to give you quickest Easer satisfaction. The merchandise is here and so is the service. Wanawaker & Brown then aar way to remove hair , THE DEPENDABLE STORES f --v "jy, , ; 4f '.. U . i-iU.-il. . 'M .wif.'j!,af.iv ";' .",. iw.;?,.; . ,: ? M: mm r - t :m -ai. A ridi VJ