pywlll lrjj lie II M' ss; 6i fcs? r ?. f . ;i? . p .V t i -SS A m 'Hi iC. fc. J-, i L-- v: m J.l-iZf'' -.- , v-" kBrU'Rr ' 1 Ir STTOK?' ,!, ,T' ' ,, 3iV """. t ji (- p1!Se: wr? , .i. ii ' . a ,:-:, .yji...A-A-i. ..i----i. 'v.,..v. ,,:.-, .v.sw..-w.'v "V "4T v "1 JT 1 111 KaB " M ! J .JIB . ,m 1 UJ2iJLAJJCiJC JCXXJLlJXiJJUXJ&J3Ji lr'WnVVffiPfHjpfJPJH-r a '",; ;m JUIIJNiHUAX7 k. & . ', V , t ,H.I. . ?l -feW; -.QIT AJfivxu - Jtl BA L TT rf rTri .'., V, .? , m f wim H Pi . ifcV !'!;' ,". 1 J"i. ' '.".' r-u.'-i, v:, v. y . Ci fc& Y ..'.! ;A- n-it & t f :i? -v .-.- r .jpru jDYestment Suggestions s - ?i Out current general circular ; of sound investment bonds offers i ' 1 Variety of issues a 2-rDirersily ,of maturities 3 Breadth of markets National and Savings Banks, Trustees and individuals will find issues adapted to their specific requirements, Yielding 2.90 to 8.50 Send for circular PE-110 TheNationalCity Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia itw ior twesro sn Knnclico Boston Pittsburgh ' , m - fP I- Questions of 'Investors who are uncertain as to the intrinsic merits of flic securi ties they arc interested in, will receive prompt attention if sent to our Statistical De partment. DANKKKS . (Established 1837) 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Pitta burgh Boston Chicago Wllkes-Uarre, Iteadlnc Chester and Phila delphia Railway First Mortgage Ss . dui: loio (CflESTEK 8IIORT LINE) Listed ob Phllq. Stock Exchann? Becnred br a dlrrrt llrst ninrtgag on the entire property of the Cnmnuny. The road extend from- thV I'hllndel Dhln Citjr limit to C'heiiterJ 1'u.. and erres n terrltorr whlrh U Hhoning nn exeeptlonal expumlon In Industrlul linportanre. 1'hlladelnhln Rnpld Tranxlt Company operate' the property under long-term operating agreement. Earnings for 1010 were oier 3H times Interest rharge. , TRICE TO YIELD OTEK 5.10 Free of Pennsylvania State Tax Complete descriptive rlrcnlar on reqaest Harper & Turner INVESTMENT BANKERS Offices 1000-1013 . STOCK EXCHANGE I1UILDING. l'lillailelplila SJLt i VK.. DIVIDENDS SERVICE Our Mr. Chllds will be In the heart of the Oklahoma Oil Fields from the 1st to the 1MH of April. He will be glad to make A PERSONAL REPORT FOR YOU ON any of the Companies operating In the Mld-Contlnent District. ln8' Inquiries received at this office, W be Immediately wired to him at no cost to you. Wo are specialists tn Dividend Paying Oil Securities Wo solicit orders on Partial Payments . iw uii. gWINSLOW TAYLOR & CO. fill ftalnut' as rffly ",fr II If tor t ? Sound Bonds During the past ten years we have taken part In the mar keUng of Public Utility Issues aggregating nearly SlOO.000,000 There has never been the lightest delay In the payment of either principal or interest on any Public Utility riond sold on our recommendation, Booklet "J" on request. INCORPORATED k Stock Exchange Bidg., Philada. S.",',o LEGAL NOTICES f'mtUSTEE'S SALE OP A VALUAULB FAHM Cit" fOAPdTONU PLANT. SOAPOTONE QUAlt. f .SgiiT'gsfjh ffltte, ffi?S FtTc TAKUBCT8,oSTHEUN "VAiS&fc : , ifi.CrU Jfart rSTt&& it M&2& V tSULDC"r3r C5SSe ,n,'n,liwndlnit under the ' i i8orJ'am jend style of Mrs. Anna E. Schade f CSratd. plalotlrr. vs. Houthern SoaniJnn. ,.?: . 'oration et aL. defendants, wherein the under. Stood vra appointed trustee, with full power I M-:MMrr. '-?c, and perform the SBSll Ml out ana enumerated In u certain Snveyance drawn and executed December t a (which conveyance la Hl l .u "'rrf iTtlM above-styled use). in accordance with L -aindltlona and terme ..-- .wll.n I1 otrlctly. In accordance ' with the reuuirS: Sua and the nurnort thernr :Li.ilEquj!?: mwi, U recorded In the ClerkV OB le. IS' fcObuntyi .Va in .D. U. uv. page 00 s utyiie.. ."iij-u irusiee as afore- Va.. to the Tilghest bidder th KirtSed ral Aui ptraonal prop 'a ' TT-T" "Vil'.aM ..- -.. vCSwEZ'IZZur SVUs? JAna "wt ?-"t""'"r-TT -ujiijr, vb,. con- uiran nni ruianiu - ... imWi41pM twfDty.'scven k wr . DuuaiH -us; re -,' "?r """"u on inei north ier.''on7the .t by tne lands of a.son the' west y the estate ami srt " -f-j.-. - IWUI Mrkiiuotit Had f d on the, north f.V Vy theuto n iDuia oy hJ - - v-t s FINANCIAL NEWS NERVOUSNESS MARKS STOCK TRADING IN WALL STREET THROUGHOUT DAY Delay in Definite Action by Congress on War Resolution Is Disturbing Group of Speculators Depress Steel Common High Points in Today's Financial News High degree of nervousness shown in Wall street all through day. Delay xn adtou of war resolution in Congress was disturbing influence. Prices at c i f V wostly all lower. Stocks under pressure on Curb. May wheat nold for $2.02 in Chicago, highest since Civil War. Cotton ended higher. liulmg rate for call money 2K per cent in Wull street. Price of bar silver lower. More gold sent to Cuba. I New York Stock Sales High 71 0 7W 2R 00 07 NKW YOUK, April 4. TraJitiR In tho stock ninrkct wns marked all throuKh the dny ly a high dogreo of nervousness and the prlnclpnl chatiKes In prices wcro to materially lower figures. Tho delay ln definite action by CoiiKresh on tho war resolution hadn xllsturblnt,' Influence generally, ns all Important business Interests havo long been waiting for tho position of tho nation in Its German relations to bo definitely determined. Questions of taxation to meet war expenses wcro freely discussed and wero used with affect In soma cases ln depressing prices, but tho most direct market Inllucnco was that which reflected tho activities of tho speculative clement persistently committed to tho boar side. This group of speculator put largo selling orders in United States Steel common, half a dozen houses nlouo supplying moiu than 60,000 rihares of that stock and forcing Its price down from 110 to IM',4. Drives wero made against many other issues, but in most ca.fc.4 rallies wero quickly In order. Murine preferred, after selling at 83 early ln tho day, later rose to 88 U and tho rom mon stock moved up from SO',4 to 33i. Tho war-order and equipment stocks wero strong during tho forenoon, but reacted from tho, high levels which wero then established. Special weakness was shown In tho motor stocks, with Htudebaker falling from 07 'i to 92?i and General -Motors dropping from 119 to llDVs. Studobakcr has been mndonn object of bear attacks for weeks on assertions that tho dividend rati, would be reduced at tho coming meeting, but friends of tho company offered wagers of 10 to 1 that tho rate would bo maintained nt 10 per cent. In tho final dealings tho Marine stocks lost a good part of their gains, while United States Steel common recovered virtually all of Its early loss. Thero was enormous trading again today In tho foreign issues, with Anglo French Cs losing part of tho advanco mado yesterday afternoon and ranging around 91. Pennsylvania general 4V4s sold nt 98U and 9S and Rock Island -Is ranged from 72',i to 72. MAJORITY OF STOCKS UNDER PRESSURE IN TRADING ON THE BYROAD STREET CURB oNKW YORK, April 4. Tho majority of Issues traded In on tho Broad Street Curb wcro under pressure during tho greater part of tho day and some amount of loss was sustained ln nearly every stock In which thero was a show of speculative Inter est. The munition stocks wero offered at concessions, with Marlln Arms dropping from 91 to 89 and Mnxltn Munitions, after selling at 4, declined to 3VJ. Sub marine declined from 22 to 22 and Central Foundry fell from 28 to 26. The Independent oil stocks were steady, with Harnett Oil and Gas advancing to AM. Merrltt Oil ranged from 26a to 25i and Midwest dropped from 142 to 139. Cosdcn Oil sold nt 14. Tho mining stocks wero generally steady, with declines also In these Issues. Magma sold down to G3, Hutto Copper iind Zinc ranged from 10 to 10JJ. and about 8000 shares of Consolidated Arizona sold nt 1 1G-1G and 1. United Verde sold at 39Vi and 3914. ' INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS CnnCnued AJax Rubber Alaska Gold M , . Alaska Juneau . . Allls-Chalmers Co Am Agr Chcm . . . Am JJcct Sugar . Am Can CO Mr Am Car & Fdy Co 00 Am Cotton Oil... 42V4 Am Cot Oil prof.. OOU Am Hlrlo & Lea.,.. 10 do prcf (18 Mi Am Ieo See 27 Am Linseed 30 do pref S2 Am Locomotive . . 70 Am Mnlt IgU do 1st prcf ... aoii Am Smelting ....10.17;, Am Smelt nf A. .103 do pref II 07 Am Steel Fdry. . . 02 Am Sugar 114 Am Tel & Tel.... 125 Am Tobacco 20D Am Wool nil do pref lis Am Writ Pap pref IHTi Am 52lno & Lead. . 3014 do prcf flV4 Anaconda 83 i Atchison 101 do pref 09 Atl Uulf & W I. .111 do pr 112 Raid win Loco Co. li)i Haiti & Ohio 7S'H do pref 73 liarrctt Co 1IK Uethlehcm Steel .110 do pr 142V4 Rurns Uros 11 Rlltte & Sup Cop. 43V4 Col Petrol prcf.. 2!i Canada Paclllc. Cent Leather . . Ccrro do Pasco C'hnnd Motors . . Clics & Ohio . . . . Chi at West pref. 31 W L'lll M & St P H2 Chi & Xwn . . Chill Copper . . Chlno Con Cop... 38 5714 Col Fuel & Iron.. 82 VI 30 14 Col Has & Klec. .. 17 IflVi Comp Tab 43 43 Consol Gas 121 121 Cont Can 01.', 01-?i Corn Products ... 23V.'i 21 ii do pref 100 100 Cruclblo Steel ... 71 no an pref in Cuba Cane Sugar 48 1 Low Close chge. 71 71 Itt 8Ti 0 IV. IV. 28 28 Vt 80 00 03 OJM 40 40 V. OR 08" 42 42 2 00 o'i H 10 10 110 06 2 27 27 10 10 B2 B2 1 (10 70 13 l',i 3 01 01 1 103 103 101 101 07 7 01 01 ".4 113 114 124 123 209 200 1 81 32 1 08 08 H 48 48 30 30 08 08 I- 82 83 ai 10.-P! 103 00 011 107 110 02 02 2 (10 00 78 78 73 73 118 118 110 147 I 130 110 1 Sales in Philadelphia 117 117 41 11 32 130 Ol'l 38 100 r 31 81 113 113 24 23 .102 . 03 . 38 .101 00 U 1 1 32 101 t2 38 100 Brt 31 8114 117,1 24 87 1 31 40 43 121 01 24 100 High. Low. 28 Allla Insur 22 22 2 Am Gas ..110 110 78 Am Rys pf 04 01 120 Bald Loco. 00 00 10 n & S t C. 02 B2 20 Cam Iron. 48 43 28 Con Tr N J 74 74 OS Uleo Stor. (14 os 0 Ins CoKA 20 26 20 Kenno Cop 48 48 778 Lk Sup C. 21 20 131 Leh Nav.. 80 S0 0 Leh Valley 60 00 10 Mer & Mnr 32 32 10 N YO& W 23 23 000 Nov Cons. 23 23 361 IVnn.a R R 84 83 178 Phlla Kleo 32 32 108 P It T t c 20 28 , 80 Phlla Trac 70 70 ISO PIUS C Ct. 48 44 110 Ray Cons. 31 SI 200 Ton Pel... 4 4 loo Ton Mln. . 0 0 08 Union Trac 43 43 88 U O I ... 88 87 7060 U S Steel. 110 114 330 Wm Cramp 02 00 10 York Rwy. 15 1.1 Close. 22 119 04 Net chge. v 1 00 62 Ti 43 M 74 03 V. 20 Mt 48 21 80 60 32 4-1 23 23 84 32 20 70 44 1 31 4 6 43 87 118 01 13 IV. H 1 06 Close. 06 Net rhge. 121 121 H 82 83 V. 4 4-1 do pref Del & Hudson. Krlo do 1st pref . . do 2d prof 01 140 2 40 33 INDUSTUIALH Hid 4 72 8 2 Aetna Explosives Air Reduction Am-Drit Mfg Am Marconi Am Sumatra Toll .... American Writ Paper . . 4 , Can Car Co 30 Can Car & Kdy prcf 70 Canven Steel ....,.... 13 Chevrolet Motors ". 123 Curtlss Aeroplane 10 Kmcrson Phonograph ... 10 Federal Dyestuff to Haskell & Barker Car. .11 Hcndco Mfg 24 Kathodlon Bronzo prcf. . 3 Lake Torpedo Boat .... 8 Lima Locomotive new . . r7 MarlM Arms 88 Maxim V nltlons 3 Now Yor?. Shipbuilding.. 41 North Am Paper 5 Otis Elevator 00 Peerless Motors 13 Poolo K ft M 75 Redden M T 20 S S Krcsge w 1 12 Santa Cecilia 20 Santa Cecilia pref 35 St Joseph Lead 17 Steel Alloys 8 Submarine 22 Trlanclo Film 1 Todd Shipyards 82 l' nited Sugar 36 . V S Steamshlr n United Motors 37 rnlted Prollt Sharftig .. W.orld Film "Wright Martin Aircraft 7 Zinc Concentrating ..'.. 2 RAILROADS Rock Island com 37 do A prcf 8 1 do B pref y. ... 7 1 Western Pac w 1 10 do pref . .. .' 17 Wabash Pittsburgh .... 21 Yos. close. Asked, (sain) 4 73 12 :i 23 3.1 75 13 128 24 11 ii 27 I 0 no 92 4 14 5 03 00 13 20 no 18 8 22 1 85 30 11 37 7 3 30 85 72 111 .10 23 4- 72 13 0 80 Op 41 3 23 Hi 30 0 37 3 STANDARD OIL STOCKS Illinois 23.1 210 .. Ohio 385 390 388. rralrio Plp 317 322 Plerco Oil 13 13 .. Stand Oil of California. 29.1 300 Stand Oil of Now Jersey. 700 710 Stand Oil of Now York. 313 317 31H INDEPENDENT Am Ventura Harnett Oil & Gas'... Cosilen O & G Cosden & Co Hlk Basin OIL STOCKS 22 3 II 14 12 20 3 n 15 12 20 3 14 13 12 nid. Federal OJ1 ft Inter Petroleum 11 Houston Oil 1f Merrltt OH 25 Midwest Ref 13.1 Oklahoma Prod k R .... 10 Osago Hominy U Rico OH 1 . Sequoyah 1 A Sapulpa Ref 11 West End O & O 18 .MINING STOCKS Alaska Standard 38 Atlanta 13 BUT Ledge 3 Butto Copper & Zinc ... 10 autta NY 1 Cashboy '. . . . 0 Consolidated Arizona ... If. Dundee, Ariz 1 h'inma Consol 1 First National 2 Gila Canon 50 Globo Dominion Goldflcld Cons 00 JoldflpJd Merger 7 Hecla Mining 7 Howe Sound 0 lndcpelndenco Lead .... 13 Jerome Vcrdo 2 Jim 'Butlro 70 Jumbo Kxtcnslon 42 Kerr Lake 4 ICewanas 18 McKliiley-Darrngh 40 Magma Copper 53 Mothcrlodo , . 35 Nevada Wonder 20 Nlplsslug 7 Ray Hercules 4 San Toy 14 Seneca Cop 11 Stewart United Verdo 39 Tonopah Extension .... 3 West Knd Con 08 White Caps 1 Ycrlngton 40 HOND3 Am Smelting 5s 96 Beth Stl 6 p c 2-yr notes 98 Chill Copper 'Ci 100 Cosden Oil Cs 101 Cosdeu & Co new 6s.... 10714 Frio Note Cs 08 Mldvalo Steel Es 03 Penna It R new 4s. . . . 07 Russian 6s 00 Russian 5 lis 87 So Rwy B p c notes. .... 98 Todd Shipyard Cs loo Western Pacific now Es. . 88 YV r!oe, Aslcd. tsale) (I 0 14 14 ' 20 20 2fl 20 141 141 11 10 0 9 1 1 11 1 24 40 38 14 13 4 4 11 11 1 10 11 1 1 1 1 2 .. 55 Vi . . 0.1 A3 0 8 7- 7 0 .. II 3ft 2ft . 75 73 44 43 4 1,4 . . 20 19 83 84 54 37 30 23 8 .. 4 10 .. 12 .. 39 39 3 3 70 US 1 40 48 07 97 U 08 101 102 .. 108 .. 98 K, 118 90 08 08 07 117 . 89 88 f8 98 102 89 Gen Flcctrlcal Co. 160 uencral Motors ..119 do pref 89 Goodrich B F .... 54 Grauby Mining .. 80 Ot North pref ..111 Gt North Ore subs 33 Greeno Can Cop.. 12 Gulf State Steel. 124 do 1st prcf .... 106 Inspiration Cop .. 01 Intfr Cons Corp.. 12 do pref 65 lilt Harv Corp pf . Ill Int Mer Marino . 33 do pref 88 Intern! Paper .... 41 Int Nickel 44 Kan City South. .. 22 Kelly Springfield.. 61 Kennecott Cop ... 46 Kgs CoKl L & Co,118 Lack Steel 86 Lehigh Valley .. .. 66 Leo Rub & Tiro. . 22 louisv & rvash. Max Motors do 2d pref Mex Petrol Miami Con Cop . . Minn ft St L new. Mldvalo Steel .... Mo Pac w !.... do pr w I Mont Power Nat Enam & Stpg. National Lead . . . Nevada Con Cop.. New O, Tex ft Mex 17 N V Air Brake... 148 New York Cent.. 06 N Y Dock 14 N Y N II ft II... 44 N Y Ont ft West 23 Norf South 26 Norf ft West ...133 NoKlh American.. 68 Northern Pacific. 105 105 Ohio Fuel 31 30 Ohio Gas 111 138 do rights 5 Owens Bot 09 Pacific Mali 23 Penna RR 53 Pitts Coal ctfs... 40 Plttsbgh Steel pf.,100 Pressed Steel Car 77 Ry' Steel Spring.. 51 Ray Con Cop .... 31 Reading 00 Rep I & S 83 do prcf 102 69 1 lit 47 1 01 4- 138 2 28 40 33 166 1 115 116 2 111 46 91 138 28 40 33 166 89 89 51 54 86 86 114 114 33 33 .131 51 . 33 . 91 . 42 . 21 61 . 30 . 58 12 120 106 60 12 65 111 30 83 30 43 r 60 45 118 85 00 22 131 82 33 9 42 21 60 20 88 42 122 100 01 12 08 111 33 87 4- 43 " 2 4-3 40 1 00 1 45 04 118 2 Jl 06 131 32 Tetnl sles. 11.183 hnre. compared with 14..1HI shnrei etenlnyi thin for this week; 36,4.15 sharrM snme period lait eek. 30,210 n.irrs. BONDS . High. Low. xioo Am uas & Kite Cs.. 90 2000 Beth Steel Cs 121 3500 Uleo ft Peo Tr 4s .. 83 1000 Lk Sup Inc Cs 51 12000 Lehigh Val cons 4!4s 2003 .... 09 1000 do Coal Cs.103 300 Nat Prop 4-6s . ... 08 61000 retina 4s ret W I.. 08 10000 Phlla Co Vons Cs. 01 111700 Phlla Flee new Cs. .102 101 4000 Reading gn ' 4s 94 1300 Stand Gas & Kleo Cs.102 12000 Un Rwynv Ss 69 3000 Welsbach Co Cs. . , 08 61 90 103 M 99 103 6.1 07 98 91 94 91 102 94 BUSINESS IN STOCKS SLOWS DOWN; MAJORITY OF TRADING IN MORNJ Price Chances Are Few and Narrow Steel Common M Active Philadelphia Electric New 5s Admitted fit Unlisted Department March Financing Larger'J Operations on tho Philadelphia Stock Kxchango throughout tho session today did not differ to nny great extent from tho previous two days of tho week. As a matter of fact the amount of trading done was Btnaller than yesterday. Tho largest amount of business took placo ln tho llrst two hours, nnd during that time tho bulk of tho trading was In United States Steel common. After midday, however, there was n slackening down In the trading nnd even In Steel common, which wns tho most actlvo all through tho day, tho turnover became smaller as tho price declined below tho closo of yesterday. The notion of this Btock Indicated that, for some reason or other, It was under pressuro, and whllo stock was picked up tho traders Interested In It did not show a disposition to tako It unless at a concession. With so little Interest In the market, tho traders In tho Street and on tho floor of the Stock Kxchango being concerned more with tho developments at Washington, much could not bo expected In tho way of prlco movements, and In this no one was disap pointed. Tho changes wero Irregular. An encouraging thing wad tho lirmncss dis played In some Issues, while others gained a trifle. Tho tractions, ns was the caso vestorday, did not make up a great amount of tho trading. In fact, this class of stocks was absent from tho tape until lato ln the morning. Then Philadelphia Rapid Transit trust certificates came out with a loss of a half point. On the llrst salo ten shares changed hands and then came flvo shares, ail at 28. The additional trading ln this Issue was very light Indeed. Two shares of United Traction sol,d at 4S, a gain of tho half point. When It was announced that tho stock list committeo una admitted Phlliin Electric ursi morigngo 5 per cent fund gold bonds, duo October ! 1 mo uniisicu ueiiumneiu, interest tnniil' iheso bonds, thov taklnc- tlm i. "T'l temporary bonds nnd before noon ,.:'' mnnnn liml licrn linntrl,, ., .."""Stl wero by far tho most active In th -It.. I!,.. 1m ol,n.,A,1 m M .1 . lU& I, .,.. o.,u,.:u u ailiuu 108. If , n.imn tlmft thft rnmnnnv'n A .. . 1 1 mortgage- sinking fund gold bonds , uctoDer 1, j-jou, wcro numlttcd to traafto the unlisted department, as wm, ,. i?l sylvanla Railroad receipts for tho new H ot general mortgage 4 per cent '4 bonds, deliverable when and ns. l.-A ' turnover In them was fairly large, wiji. eiln nn thn r?lltl-i vnela-rlnii ,. " ndvance. Preferred nnd common it. Harrison Brothers , chased by du Pont'f tho list. A tabulation of tho corporate 'flnU. 111 -.111 in, ..iiii.ii .hiiiu m iiunu louay 1 the trend of tho times. Durlnir th. thero was a total of $206, 600,000 flnain which represented a gain of 115 jj.jj over February, nnd It was far above 1. ........ ...linn Ih. Inlnl ....... nnf aa-V.."!! compared with March of last Vn, ',1 was a gain of $80,100,000. Or the touJi ,...,.1. fnnnnlnf- i . I n ..nn !!!, no- . . !' I iiiu.iiuiii, una jioi f UO,UUU,D0, contributed by tho raltronds and 17fit by public utilities, which leaves only in 800,000 for tho industrial corporations''! tho railroad group tho $60,000,000 -..'J1 mortgago 4U per cent bonds of the p. sylvanla Railroad and $4G,000,000 ons-wi C per cent notes of tho New Haven fm -1-1 1 re .nn nf e !.- .,.- . . ' maiii'ii uu j, ti .ii, ui iiiui, U1V1810H nnancing. cu ana common jto & Co., Inc., recentirl nt's, were stricken 102 102 H 69 69 98 98 Totnl sales. $223,300. compared l(h S133.100 3 ctertko 1 thus fur thl urck, ,t33,(i0fl name period lust neck, S170.3O0. Local Bid and Asked Today nid Atiked 4- 4- 2 33 00 42 SI'h 00 30 4- 38 4- 102 101 101 1 33 34 34 87 23 87 23 17 148 03 14 44 23 0 130 133 68 68 105 81 138 8 90 23 87 1 33 17 1 4- ', V 1 6 .1 4-1 148 06 14 44 23 5 00 23 63 44 100 77 81 30 98 82 103 02 10 30 4- 4- 4-1 1 4- 83 (- 48 lb 100 77 31 30 06 82 4-. -1 102 189 126 20 NEW YORK BOND SALES 13000 Am Agr deb Cs.. sihuuii Ancio-rrcncn U U2i lll'Ti 112 3 MI'i 110 1011 UU'i !! 78 niij; i(ii :i?- itS 83 R2U till Ml 01 81 02 02 BO BO 71 71 81K 8t mm ouvi 07J 07i 85 83H High. Low. .10311 103 Bs 1)1 U3H 51000 Am For Sc 5s 0'UI 95J. 701X1(1 Am Tel OS lUUftt lull SHOO Am Writing Paper 8s. Ill 91, 20011 Ann Arbor 4s I3J4 03r I'oiHi -Armour Co 414 8 U3 US' 41UUH Alcnison gen -is , ujt ui loon Atchison cv 4s. 1UUI). .IIM',11 103 luuu Atl (.0 l.ino isc-is,, .. v. 7IKIII &. Ohio ,1Ata ... Hi: 2800(1 Halt & Ohio Bs 1(1(11 oiidii j la it u unio -is., n- 11000 Halt Ohio cv 4v4s.., Ill 30(10 11 O 1 I, B & VV 4s milt 2000 Ileth Btoel rfd B MitJ 150U llklyn Kurl'l Trun Be., 100 1000 llklyn Jl Tr Bs, 1018. IIU'I 10(1011 Can Govt Bs. 1931 119 1(10(1 U G C cen 4S 78 liiooo cvnt i.eatner 1st r.s., 2000 Cent Paa 1st 4s BOOH Chile Cupper "0...... 0000 Ches & Ohio cv 4Hs, 100U. do-4tts w, 40(100 do cony Bs ....... 2000 Chi ft Alton 3s . .... 1U00 do 3U 1000 Chi Qt West 4s ..., ,1000 Chi ft Nwn 3 000 Chi Un Hta, 4Ha .... 41000 Chi 11 ft Q lojlnt 4s., 2000 do III 314 s BU0U Chi Mil ft tit P dlv 4s S9fe 70000 do rfd 4Hs mi 4UUII, uu iwiiv urn ...... JU07 1000 do CD BS - 1011 38000 do cv 4Hs '.. U7H 14000 Chi 11 I ft 1' .rfd 4s... 72 11000 Col ft South 4Hs...... 88 84000 City ot Paris Us . ..'. 0(1 1000 Comp Tab nee Co 0s, 80 10000 Con Gas conv 6d .1,11511 2000 Del ft Hud conv Bs . .102 1(1000 Dls Brcur Corp Bs .. 03. . 3000 Erie conv 4s 8er A.., 02 100(1 Erie conv 4s Ser D .. 7314 0000 do prior 4a ....,,,, 8114 111000 Clen Kleo deb Bs .....10(1 4000 Hud ft Man rfd Bs.,.. BOli .2000 Indiana Uteei fis 102H 10000 III Cent rfd 4s,,..,, KU'I iau.iv jiiboru wet ivi . on 32000 Interb II T ref B 97 47000 Inter Mer Mar 6 OS 5000 Inter Agr Bs 74 2000 Japanese 414s ........ 84 BOOO do new O 8 4Ws..,, 71 1(100 do-new 414s ...., 80 vuvu iun miy ier isi es., M UMMKLecka Bleel Da 1023... 101 lM(i..4u,5J-mo .. ...,,.100 Close. 10311 lit lui'l inuv (1314 u.'iii u3.. 8.8 !! ut4 100 H?i vu 78 101 H i5ib 8291 8'J 91 02 B0 71 si; UOH MIS 85'4 81) 04 10314 till. 01' lU3' 1U3) l(W,k 101 101U loiii VI VJ 72Vi 83 03& 80 118 1021 03 (IJ 73 81 103 60 06 10211 102 8011 80 MO (10 l)T 03 74 84 84 7814 7014 80. 80 87& 87 101 . 101 :"' W 72, so 113 102K 03 fl'J ?8 sa 3 10a 0 . 0611 211 102U 011 Dog I) (10 if st 1000 N Y Air Urk ct Cs 45000 N V C ft II Us.... 5000 do 4s 251000 lo 4s 210011 N V City 4s ltl.17... 31000 do 4h 1958 3S000 do 4s 1V5U 1000 r y n 11 ft 11 os .2000 N Y ltwy ref 4s U7H jvuuu uj aaj ss ........ BOOO N 1' Tel gen 4s.... 82000 Norf ft West 4s 17500 North Pao prior 4s . 3000 do cen 3s 10011 Ontario Power Ss ... HOOD Ora H Line ref 4s .. 1000 Ore ft IV It ft N 4s. 2000 I'uclflo Tel C 8000 Paclllc Uas B 02000 Penna gen ct 4 a . 1000 1-ub Kerv N J Bs.... 13000 Heading gen 4s .... 8X000 Hepub Cuba Ss 1014. 18000 Hep I ft H E 1000 HI I, IM 4 B CUt 4s. BOOO Bt L ft H F ajt 0s ,. 21)000 do In Bs ...' 0000 do 4s Her A 4000 do Bs Her B 2000 St L Bwn con 4s ... 4000 do fis 1000 Seaboard A I, adl Bs. TO 4000 do 81a ( 79 1B000 South Hell Bs 100 1000 South Pao cv 4 8314 2000 do rfd 4s OllI 23000 do cv B 1011! 11000 South ltwy gen 4s ... 70 2000 do con Ss 100 1000 BD.rt. 4s RHU 4000 Texas Co cv 6s 10.1 High. Low. Close. .101 104 104 ,.UW 108 lox . uiu 01 uiu . 117 DO VU ,.100 100 100 ,,1U(IU lOUft iuu ,.100 1U0' ,1(114 1U1 100 101 I17S 38 98 91 03 11 U7 av 38 98 U8 05 114 U3 v:i (1UM (UIU (It 91 91 01 U2 92 92 83 83 83 100 9U 10U 91 01 91 08 07 98 01 91 91 04 03 113 H5 05 tin 100 100 100 7li Tali Til'. ItD'i 70 53 67 84 70 70 09 5? 84 70 70 70 70 100 83 81 101 70H OU-4 63 (17 84 70 70 70 70 null 100 7614 ,iu Bs SOOO Third Avn ref Am 22000 II R Rubber (Is . 81000 V S Hteel s f Es 6000 Union Pac' 1st 4s n.ioo do cv 4s 1800OUn.Rwys 8 F 4s ubooo u k of a n ft i atiuoii ao nvss iuih . BOnnno da Bs 1910 new 81000 do B1619 ,, 21000 do fis 1021 . B00O Va-Car Chem 6s BOOO Va Hwya Bs . . . anrui Vll , n J2000 JVab-P T 1st ct f p 4s 38 inno -Wheeling ft L K 4 s .. 78 103 7 98 30 07 . .'T7S . ,1()U . . va .. BR ..1001I . . nan in?H 8000 Wig Cent en ' Total 87 80 104 76 102 105 07 IP Il po.; H.-. 100 118 103 88 70 78 87 1001; 83 on! 101 70 100 89 104 ioSJ SB 97 tf so 00 96 95 100 103 S5H 70 78 87 .. 4:811J00. eempared wllh M.4sa !SSSni.lSLAm'V'il.S MII 4- 1 1 64, 3 05 100 26 03 16 -3 Royal Dutch .... 63 St h & S F 20 10 20 St I, H. Swn 31 30 30 Sinclair OH 88 87 57 nrs jiocduck ..180 189 do picf 126 126 Shattuck Ariz . . . 20 28 Sloss-Shef Stl & In 08 01 Southern Pac .... 08 05 So Porto Rico Sgr 100 190 Southern H It ... 28 28 Studebaker 07 02 Tenn Cop & Chem. 16 10 Texas Co ........223 222 222 2 Third Vvo R R... 40 30 39 TODacco Pdets ..80 55 53 Trnnsuo & Wins.. 41 44 44 Un Hag & Paper. 12 12 12 Union Paclllc 130 138 138 lo pf 81 8iyjS 81 4- United Alloy Steel. 45 45 45 United Clg Stores.101 101 101 4- United Drug 75 75 78 4- United Fruit 141 141 141 U S Ind Alcohol.. 123 121 123 2 y, s ?uber 59 ""k kj o o oi ilex 02 02 U S S & Ref pref. 81 81 U S Steel 11004 1141,4 V do pref 118V! 118 Utah Copper ....111 110 Va Car Chem .... 40 40 Va Ir C & C 70 60 Wabash prcf A.. , 50 40 do pref D 25 24 West Md 22 22 West Union Tel... 07 07 Westlnghouso Mfg 82 82 Woolworth lo 139 Worth Pump & M. 21 24 Wheel & L K 16 16 White Motors .... 4D 49 Willys Overland.. 83 do pfd 08 07 'Wilson Co 70 78 Total sale. 042.800 shares 62 61 1 1 118 m 40 1 0 40 24 K 07 82 130 21 10 40 32 08 76 2 1 1 9i 761,300 shores, compared with v tamlv Ikll. raw hl- . I. 2.390.300 tharesi'same period last week, 1,094..' 400 shares. Ex dividend Saxon Motor. 1 Corn Products pref, 0 per cent. per cent! Extra for Vacuum Oil ROCHESTER, N. Y.. April 4. The Vac uum Oil Company has declared a regular semmlannual dividend of 3 per cent and an extra of 2 per cent, both dividends payable May 15 to stock of record May I. THE' HAVHANDARMSTRONG COMPANY UnMnln Loco llrlll J O Hull ft HllSq t C ... do pfd t c niectrlc Stomp . , Asphalt . . . do pfd KeyjitonH Tel Lakn Hup Corp . . . . Lehluli Nnv IrPhlgh Val Lehigh Val Tr do pfd Penna It II Phlla Klcctrlc Phlla Co do 5 per cent pfd, do 0 per cent pfd. P It T t C Hraillni; Tonopah Helmont . . Tonopah Mining . . Union Traction . . . II U I 11 S Steel York liny do pfd Wm Cramp t c . . . 60 25 111 .III 113 21 CI 12 Ml till. 2d 13 r.3 32 37 3.1 31) L'S 9(1 01 2!) 11.1 5.1 (11 2(1 Oil 13 21'5 Ml r.11 211 4li 51 .12 38 37 1(1 211 90 IN 11 43 Yesterday Hid Asked (11 .-. (1 . .. 43 .. . 81 "j f7"4, .. .11.-1 11.1 . . . 15 15 . . . 37 .IS . .. 90 91 110 (II 53 ll.'t 21 III 12 21 80 11.1 211 i.2 37 3.1 3!) 29 OS's 1 11 43 87 116 1.1 37 o!) 211 113 5.1 (14 211 (HI Rl lill 26 4(1 53 32 38 37 10 29 116 1 0's 43 88 1111 15 38 9t COTTON PRICES RISE AS DEMAND EXPANDS Bullish Advices From Goods Trade and Outlook for Rains Help Advance MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW YORK Call money opened nt 2. per cent; high, 2; low, 2U ; last, 2 i; closed at 2(if2',i 1 ruling rate, 2 ',4 per cent. The market for time money technically Is a shade firmer ln tone, but not to any appreciable extent changed from the recent conditions. Industrial loans are slightly higher at 4 ', G1 4 per cent for four months, and for sixty days there aro loans on this kind of collateral at 4 per cent. Money on good mixed Is about per cent under the Industrial rates. Leading bankers say that thero Is no prospect of any disturbance of the money market, but thero Is a feeling that, ln view of tho International financial situation, con servatism should be maintained. Prime mercantile paper, In sympathy VtMh tho collateral loan market. Is firmer, nud less paper. Is changing hands at 4 per cont. On exceptional names naner could bo discounted at that' figure, but the average,! minimum is i',4 per cent. j rom that level rates run up to 4 per cent. Prima bank acceptances are quiet at un. changed rates. ' PHILADELPHIA Call, 3I,J per cent .imo, 4',i5 per cent. Commercial paper) L.reo to six months, 44i per cent Steel Alloys Bamett Oil & Gas Co. Bought Sold Quoted E. H. CLARKE Morton R. Alexander (Resident Partner) Phone 1140 Spruce Stock Exchange llldg., Phlla r New York Scranton, Pa. 27 William St. Newark, N, J, IF STOCKS WERE COMMONLY OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO BUYERS, OR BIDS WERE MADE WITH NO SELLERS, THE INVESTOR WOULD BE IN A FIX MOST OF THE TIME, WOULDN'T HE? How Stocks are Listed on the New York Curb IS DESCRIBED IN AN INTERESTING BOOKLET JUST PUBLISHED TELLING HOW AND WHY A MARKET PLACE FOR TRADING IN STOCKS IS MADE. AND IT ALSO EXPLAINS THE PRECAUTIONS THAT ARE TAKEN ' BY THE CURB MARKET ASSOCIATION , TO SAFEGUARD THE ' INTERESTS OF INVESTORS MOVER THE. COUNTRY YOU SHOULD HAVEItJ ANDREADIT. T . Ask for T.V.-840 JONES & BAKER STOCK DKOKEBS WiJe,Bife"Phaadelphia Bell, Walnut 1690-1 Keystone, Race 22S0 New Tork .,,.. Chicago puVji? 4. Direct Prtvat. i "" JONES ft BXRBR, VfUntr Blto., Philadilphla. pat You mar (end, m'e your booklet '.. in a Market for stocks," t. V,.81of k" NIIW YORK, April 4. Trading In Oc tober cotton wns considered significant nt the opening of tho mnrket today. Liverpool and uptown Interests being good buyers of that position, with spot houses and room traders selling. In other months business was comparatively light. Tho early advance carried the cotton market about 14 to 23 points net higher, with July 'contracts selling at 19.50, or Just lc a pound above tho low level of last Friday. Reports of an actlvo spot de mand at advancing prices, bullish advices from tho goods trade and tho outlook for rains cast ot tho Mississippi River wero factors In the advance, which, however, was chiclly a reflection of tho features respon sible for yesterday's buying movement. Further reports of rains in Texas pro moted realizing at the higher level, and thero was also selling fof a reaction on a setback of some 10 to 12 points during tho middle of the morning. ortrcrop shorts displayed less nervous ness later ln the afternoon. Prices worked off a dozen points from the high level of tho forenoon nnd new crop positions wero under pressure of long liquidation. Tho closing prices showed gains ranging from 3 to 41 points above vrtnrfinva close. May ...." July .... October . December January , Spot . . . , Ycst. close. Open. lIlRh. Low. Close. . .. 19.54 19.50 20.00 19.57 19.98 , . ji'..n ju.u in.ria hi. 'j: ... 18.40 1S.3I1 18.57 1K.3: ... 18.43 1S.44 18..M) 18.4: ... 18.53 18.00 18.60 18.4: 19.50 18.411 18.40 18.4(1 20.13 DIVIDENDS DECLARED M.e.rc?."t0. ,UnUn Trust Company, regular quarterly of 1 per cent, payabla April 23 to stock of record tho samo date. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NKW YORK, April 4. Tho market ft coffeo futures today opened inactive m first prices unchanged to nn ndvance efj poims. Today'R YesttrtVl J.HOHi i, nay i'23. l '.1SD7S 7.74&1? ,7-?S!?I I.OIU R. 7.8801a '.VJ(f?S 7.948 : -n-!t-H o-l-WlU April 7.O707.C9 May '7.5.1 7.74c7.7ll June 7.(lil 7.80 h 7.81 July 7.(1.1 . 7.8.1W7.87 Auirust 7.70 7.0207.93 (September... 7.8.1 Ortobcr 7.8t 8.03ff8.0l November... 7.nnifU7.05 H.(I7(H!S.0S December... 7,!)3W'7.9il K.11i8.12 January..... 8.008.05 8.1.SOT8.H) February. . . . s.25(nR.20 -March 8.13 8.3208.33 llld. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. April 4. In a dull mart, French exchango was a strong featu'ri'i uio cany uuaiuiKs louay. uaoies were ousts n, E .(111 n.,,1 nl.nnl.n n. f nn., 'HW ui u.i -,2 uuu ;iii;uiv ill U.OU1,., COnlB witn D.8J on saturuay at tho close. Quotations wcro: Demand sterling 1.70 ,"j, cables 4,Jlil sixty-day bills nominally 4.72, nlncty-tyl Franc cables CTD1,., checks 5.8014, Lire cables 7.C5U. checks 7.GG. ' Swiss cables G.03',i, checks 5.044. Guilder cables 40!8t checks 40,. Rublo cables 28.38, checks 28.30. Pesetas cables 21.95. checks 21.65. v Stockholm cables 30.25, checks 30. ' Christlanla cables 29.75, checks 29,50 Copenhagen cables 28.95, checks 28.75 BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared with com.1 sponding days lust two years: "rj 1917. 1916. lots. I Philadelphia. J62,03, 016 $11,(125.911 125 4Mrl lloston .... 5(1.159. 289 4:1.601.682 28.355l New York. St. Louis Chicago . . llalttmoro ,3.1S.3,1l,5R0 448.258.n3S 320491111 II 71m mi ........... "r'.lfl'lll hi. 11. .HI. 31.7(10.191 .134.858,514 . . 9.482.977 911,03(1,7.1.1 7.00(1,081 5.41J, IIIKKCTOBV OP ACCOUNTS Certified Public Accountants LAWllUN'CB 13. I1ROWN ft CO. 1615 RKAL L'STATR TRUST UUILDINOll INVKSTIUATU AND ADJUST PARTNSrl SHIP. JOINT AND DI8PUTDD ACCOUMSl Proven Investments The Hooven Automatic Typewriter Corporation's "Treasury" Shares At $9.00 Per Share Is an Investment Seldom Publicly Offered The demand for this "MACHINE" by the leading Bankers, Mer chants and Corporations proves the possibilities before this machine, The demand greatly exceeds the supply. The phenomenal dividend records of the Underwood Typewriter Co., The Burroughs Adding Machine Co.. The National Cash Register TYPEWRITER0 po",bI future of THE HOOVEN AUTOMATIC Developed by a successful corporation with a record of seventy' years standing. We advise our clients to buy HOOVEN shares now for market val uation and dividend possibilities. Call for demonstration of the machine or further information. BERGMANN & CARAHER Lafayette Building, fifth and Chestnut Stl.. Philarl.1,.1,:. Telephone Lombard 2844 New York lloston Chicago Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland United Light & Railways Company . 6 Convertible Debentures, 1926 Yielding 6.12 ' A direct obligation of the Company which owns or controls important Public Utility companies operating in 53 communities of the Middle West i serving a population of about 537,000. .t Earnings for the vear nnrWi tw,i ., ., ! Seer Rl?6" on these Debentures were over 13 'a times requirements. Convertible after November.l, 1918, into preferred Willi Send' for Circular No. ssii.r. ' ' iam P..Bonbrighf& Co., Inc. u.i vv.siar stroud, Jr., Manaee n s. . 4d? Chestnt St., Philadelphia xiiuarn X-. iionorlsht 4 Co. ' jcr Detroit Pari Bonbrlght & Co.- Brown Brothers & Co. PHILADELPHIA LSll!&!i iar-nW. aet'.i !ie, v !J rM07 STOCKS tniiiMi. 1411 WALNUT ST. .PHIIAIUJ'tsIA Kami ,,,,,,,, irrmijr sr 'iisi Wt);f. Maria-fa Genera , I KJtil'f .irfM'.,f,,i,i,V,S,' - v 'ft l Vsf. ' Zibi.&'Xl- t U ! --IU.-H . . MmXAXtmX .. I I" "I J HOU I,