. 1 DHPOWUMLMONDO IWiUpnrpice Che V America Deve u BMr Uno del Campion! del ;), jjirmo e aeu umaima IJEDE 500,000 SOLD ATI I I. II. Imrdeeheranna Tutte le Forzo 1J NRZione per Annicntaro u r Nemico della Liberta' IV . .... Oj )- , WASHINGTON, 3 Aprne. IT non fosse oggl un anacronlsmo, si r. JKrtrebbe dlra che tl prcsldcnto Wilson. In- L liirill II I IaI unttmantl mIi Airffl offlltinn 1n jT Mklono amerlcana, ha auonato le campane si a MLam hUI Has j . . aa1m miAitA nAnnln iWf WllWIIflO , HLVUU IJUOIV iuwiw tl tovemo tcdesco o la uermaniu avo- . JfelA4nsa 11ft iMinni(tn niisliinnilii tint 1 mtlff. . ffforl detttnl dl una nazlone che si propone p wuuiaiM luii la, yiuiguzu. cub uituu u tTlrUto, !& legge, al di sotto della forza. ' ,tl aAa M&-. 4 . Itfll... ... .nH1nn t.l .-rt 12' fCBIUVIHU ? UBUU lit (JUIJitlU ICII DT7J U. Sft.VA.nt I fil rnt)PiAtiai-t rlutilrn In snaalntiA F MlnnnltnaKlti -. ,inmn,i... hi,a l . p -w . at jt uviiinijuui a vita i- f presentanll della nazlone dlchlarlno che lo Istato dl guerra eslste dl H-a' tra Germanla StBfl ITnttl . kIi (HI al Unn .ttAl M.r 5 Vchlamare alls arral un esercllo dl mezzo nuione ui uomini, prlmo nucleo Ul un plu' " oaercuo bo in guerra uovessa ns . (,-umere vn aspetto dl grando conflltto nr ' Dopo avera enumerato lo daglonl cho lo ,ijixvuo cosireuo au inairo qucsta scssiono jNstraordlnnrla del Congresso, II prcsldcnto &, ha. rfettn! gt ' I ft Utin until npnltn pha Mill nn nm. tollimo tare, che alamo Incapact dl fare: B 1 ao' non sccgllercmo la via della sottum.s- t, tlon Per softrlre che I plu' sacrl dlrlttl K4lla nostra mazlone e del noatro popolo PUMano Ignorati o vlolatl. I tortl contro cut V, scmereremo non sono tortl comunl; .-.ssl scetidonn flno radlcl della lta o del jlrltto umano Ml?, ' Con Un nrnfnmln nnnnn ilal nli(inn a F&traglco carattere del passo che faclo e dello tffrvl responsablllta' che csso comporta, ma u'Benza alcuna esltazlonc cd In obbedlonza a iiKf't creao cno Bia mio uovere costltu- fih Slonalo, domando cho 11 Congresso dlchlarl n-t -iwismmtnio reccnio aei Roerno b.:i lmperlalo tedesco c' in futto nulla dl mono Pf" Kuerra contro II Kowrno ed II popolo lm egli Statl Unltl. Domardo che II CotiBro-B &if ampptll fnrmilmtnt In an. 11 U.lll. ..A V" u V w",","w,'" u oihiu ui ui:iiint:iaiiiQ f(Che e stato tmposto ad esso o che prcnd.i ,t(, TItlri II tin no. (n .. ..!.. i. ' ..,. ... try difesa, ma anche per cicrcltare tutta la sua jr-yorea. eu impiegaro tutte le sue rlsorte a jjJcostrlngrere II goxcrno tedesco a rltornare i atla Mlni. - I 1 a , tnfeiunc e icnninare ja Bucrra. 1. . fl TlvnBlil.lila .! t I It PaV 'lulc cjiicko quinui cno qucstl 4 iiruncQimenu impucano la guerra nlla iler- ws jiiiii. io, mooiiiiazione deirosercito o (J T1 """"lamento dl almcno mezzo mlllone dl jSi nomlnl per 1'escrclto, ed ha ngglunto: fert "Xol non nbblamo alcuna nnlmosltn- nnn-' H.1." PPoI tedesco. 1'er. csso nol non x abblamo altro, sentlmento che dl simpatl-i Yr " umioizia. ion e' stato alTatto percho1 ff- Pbpolo tedesco lo oleia che 11 suo cmumn km Ml Imbarrn' In nnaBo ..- n t .. 3 ne cn la. sua conoscenza no' ton la sua Br approvazlone. !? A . "W tata una guerra ileclsa comn nl Bj9.v Meldsvano le guerre ncl tempi antichl o Kty eonsultatl dal loro goernantl e le guerre v i Arano nrm n(n ( n nnmKn niu r'vf ji j 7. .. """'-u"i jikii imeresso &.I1 dlnaattx n ill n .nti .. .,, . . ?". n. i . . "" Ki"iJiH ui uomini feliTi ?8'.abltu?tl ad U8',re ' loro umlnl rMvm? tant8 pedlne o tantl strumentl dl :l Jam n " - -- SEXZA MOTIVI rnmoTmr fe E plu aanti nel suo dlacorso, che e un president, ha d'euo: "'a"'la ' " r "Xol alamn niin iirin.. .it ... C ..n o" .- ''""".' "' nro oai- R'v ilk. . 4"'--o nemito naturalo della I'l rKT ' '.d ,mP'Bheremo1 se sara' ncccssarlo. frt Iintera forza della nazlone per frenare ed BI' T . ? I0 BUB Pretenslonl cd II suo I BOferP. Nlllln tnnlMl ..... , ; --- " ""rau, uru cne cuiamo 1 ?i latti senza eln ill ta-. ,) .n u. " ak I w Hvoc, U VUIIlUitl ?j 7' 'y vace uei monuo e per la libera I Wone del popoll, compreso II popolo tcdesco, S-' i cer I dlrlttl i1lio ..n ...,'.: ... , ' 3f -" , --..v SI-HU4 iia.iuiu e ticne p c- A-J1 CnlA a nac II j1U.ii.. .i.n . . .. j nazlone dl sctgllersl 1 loro modo dl -hcre Vtf ui ooueaire. ii mondo dee essere slcuro i.t tr IA ilomriKravU a U .. r. J, .- -v,.iUV..ib i, aua pate aevo cssero ) DAJiata. Slllla fntlilnmantn .ll,ln -n in .. Hf politlca. u"uu ue'" "uerla K& I 'Ol tinn nKhUmn anll. I l.il.l jw - - --. w.u...ii iiiuiiti ukuisiiui ua Iw?. !n. ?; n deslderlamci conqulste, non Ck aominli. Non cerchlamo Indennli.i1 nor nni ffi Btessl, ncssun compenso materlalo per 1 "-v.un;ii tne i a rein o iiucramente Xol non l;U Slamn rtlA linn rtAl pamnlnt.1 .1.1 .11 ii- - .i.i SyAt.. 7 . wwininuiii uci uiieuu u uri CJJumana. Saremo sodlsfattl quando questl ik JT ". " 'nl10 assicuper quanto potra' la '1' .ede e la liberta della nazlone " v Accennando agtl allcatl della Gcrmanla, .-'..U Drestdente Wllann h.i .Inltr. !,. iia. ..! 'i.'avendo accettatn nnrMi rinn o i .,,... ' r -- - i.iii. ii vniiijiuKiia 4i ottomar'nl le"a Germanla. II goerno to't; mi"mo non na poiuto riceere II conte &S,Tarn0W8k'' nomlnato ambasclatoro acll Wj,Iatto attl dl guerra contro gll Statl Unltl, f A nerclA l Hlannsslnnii u.i .! iv jMeve essere almeno rlmandata. t In complesso II presldcnte Wilson e' In ffavore della comtil-tfi mnnARifinm. .titn K7'effU Statl Unltl con gll alleatl deirintesa, Bklla. tiazlnnA klnnn lmnliMri,a ,A- Anni fTl e e domaro II mostro mllltaro tedeHco. r- -- - ... j.u..w uu.uu vui j.cni- jXdente, U cul consicUo e le cul domando rviirnnnn nrsHitii .M """" -wvwtwfc. MO GIRLS ON S500 BAIL feiflUK 1MKUW1INU b'UGS AT COP jpjT Had Been Prominent in Strike Activi- vJj.1 riK Twonlv.fivo. ntU. -d:i,. Out on Bail for Court jVMasT.strat Beaton today In Central Sta le, lotion held two trlrl uhn harl -Qr n..i iy Bent Jn strike activity In 1500 ball each g; kut two of them girls, In $100 ball for The two gfrU were arrested jester Jay ..roucman xnompson. or the eleventh Uflnl.. l ! ...11 . . . it unci miccia Biunon nouse, auer ne I hit In the liack with nn - n to.n 1 1, today both girls had thrown eggs. r jiKinca are juoiue lurner, e.5 North tk street, and Itao Heifand. ifi:n Kmuh tb" atreet. He also arrested Morris . 15J4 North Seventh street, who. he .' uocii urmnK me gins on," 1'aga lined 110. and i-niit- Bsr'was an argument between Magls- seaion ana i nomas cogan, who ap- . or m aeienaants. it came up In nng me numDer or pickets the law at a. factory where a strike Is In L CoAn riled docl-lnn. nhlnh th number At flftn tfcla case the pickets were all around Moa aoinwawi ractory at 06 Arch tUU ABLE-BODIED MEN 0. JLawntr Will Not Hire Those wW.BhowH 8rv in Army WaaH OTT, Mo.," April t. Young vrbuft esto akin hnilUal aa4 au nua sv ! arBV aArvliiA. nArl nor a the c4Ba et the Baltlraor fWWtaerctat 'agent, aakea Ofy News in Brief THE DEATH OF HER FIANCE, it Is be lieved, affected the mind of Teresa Sarld, of 11(9 East I'assyunk aenue, who dis appeared from her home two wcoks ago. Her wedding was to have taken placo next week. CHARLES OIII80N OBIllIBN, Jr., who led the rush which broke up a meeting of pacifists at Baltimore on Sunday night. Is the grandnephew of Mr. and Mrs. Kingston Qoddard Whelon, of 1016 Clinton street, this city. Ho enlltsed In Battery A of the Maryland National Ouard last summer, LOYALTY TO ,II.80N and the nation was pledgod by the Presbytery of Philadel phia at Ui regular meeting In the Cham-bers-Wyllo Memorial Presbyterian Church. A telegram was sent to the President ex pressing sympathy and support. ICE WILL COHT I'hl'.odelphlan. 1,000, 000 moro a year, this sum representing boosts mido by concerns throughout tho city. Ice will now be sold at fifty Instead of forty cents per 100 pounds. -"- HOWARD HOSPITAL report for March shows that 137 patients were admitted to the hospital during tho month: 656 new dis pensary patients wera received: 1740 pre scriptions uero put up, and 279 accident caiis wero treated. The hospital is sit uated at Broad and Catharino streets. NTICKI.M1 HIH HEAD too fur out of n trolley car window ns ho as riding cant on Arch street last night, I)ald Zlmmer mnn, twenty cars old, of 735 Jackson street, was struck by a west nound car. Ite Is In tho Hahnemann Hospital with a slight fracturo of tho skull. EASTHK C'ONTltlllUTIONH are bring asked for by tho Shut-In Society for assist ance to tho almost 1000 persons In Its care. lomtlons will bo thankfully received and promptly acknowledged if sent to tho olllce, 1710 Chestnut street, or to the exchange, 205 South Sixteenth street. Ri:ri:itKNcn to the iikitihii navy as being one of the supports to America, inado by the ne. Dr. Newell Dwight Hlllls, of Brookln, at the twenty-sixth an nual banquet of tho Baptist Temple ushers, was rescntid by ono of the members, who shouted, "Wo stand alone " Officials pre vented further outbreaks nnd the speaker continued HKSOI.ITIONH INDOKSIMl the Manil of President Wilson In the present national crisis have been adopted by tho Porty- second Ward Democratic cxecutho commit tee at Branchtown, Copies of tho resolu tion, were sent to the President. JE.WSIf or.(l MEN of South Phila delphia have started to collect money for the poor nnd sick that they may better en Joy tho feast of the Passover The men are members of the Lincoln Club Tho com mittee named to supervise the collecting consists of M, Schwartz, I'd floldberg and Benjamin Wlnthrop THE NATIONAL VOCATIONAL OUHI- anre Association, with headquarters nt tho Hotel Walton, will hold Its opening session tonight at tho William Pcnn High School, with Superintendent of Schools J P Garber presiding. Mejer Bloomfeld, of Boston, tho president of the association, will miko the opening address Reports will be given on vocitlonal guidance by Hoy V Kelly, Kali Ilivcr, Mass ; Miss Hilda Mlllhauscr, Cleveland; W. A Wheatley. Middletovwi. Conn , K. W. Weaver, Brooklyu : B C Gruciiberg, New York ; Miss Anne T Slat tery, Arlington, Mass ; D If, Holbrook, Minneapolis, and r H H. Jaeger, Newark. LOCAL niAKITllX will benefit n. the result of i ball given last night bv three local lo&ji of the Independent Order B'nat IVrith al Horticultural Hall Two plc tuiesquo pinlomimcs, "The Hour of Al AHr" and tho "Bacchanale," from tho "Ballet of the Seasons," were presented Tho lodges represented vveia the Joshua Lincoln and Hnr Slnil. Tho orchestra was conducted by Stanley Muschamp. CHARLES MI'.LIIILHAUSr.lt, eight years old, of 1834 Indiana avenue, who was be lieved to have been kidnapped, was found jestcrday at the home of his grandmother In Norrlstown He left home two dajs ago. ONE MILLION bnby week Ktanip nt one cent each will bo sold bv the Child Federation and tho proceeds devoted to a campaign to prevent tho spread of lufaiitilo paralysis in Philadelphia this summer. The sale starts today. CO-KD AT THE Unhirsll of Pennsyl vania, Mlbs Maijorie Glonlngcr, 1503 Green street, has been chosen for the leading part nf "Drama" In the Mnsquo of American Drama to be presented In tho Botanical Gardens nt the University the second week in May Beauty and richness of voice were the leading factors considered in tho choice I.OMI APPLAUHi: grrrtnl the an nouncement of Wilson's war address at tho night session of 1000 members of tho Na tional Kmplojemont Managers' Conference nt tho Hotel Walton, former Director of Public Works Moiris L Cooke presided, RAGTIME AND THE NATIONAL AN- tliem don't mix and should be separated, says tho Cooper Men's Bible Class, with headquarters at Sixty-third street and Gl rard avenue, and to that end resolutions have been passed urging Mayor Smith and Councils to forbid the plalng of "The Star Spangled Banner" for medley or dance purposes. Commissioned in Medical Reserve OnnCNSnuilG, Pa , April 3. Dr. L C Thomas, of Latrobe, former recorder of Westmoreland county has received his commission from the War Department as first lieutenant In the Medical Reserve Corps Lieutenant Thomas was appointed by President Wilson last Saturday, USE RAGATZ COLONIAL Furniture Oil For F u r n 1 1 ure, 1' I anon, Victrola., leather - e o v erru Work, Etc. Floor Oil For Floors and all Varnished W o o U work. , Cleans .and Polishes It Made and Used Many Years in Furniture and Wood Finishing Business PRICE 25c, SOc, $1.80. 1S.B0 Either Oil If Dealer Can't Supply Tou. Writs Ua E.t.u... l'JtriaColihioII. D. ..... ) t 'I- 'IWgj PURR FRESH PAINf BefeveAfe et i ' ti4Hk ft A little job is io small that you could not save even with inferior paints and workmanship. A big Job is so important that i yoti could not afford to use anything but the best HB t-T wWTs ,wf sV 1 " , ui , " H? iiv. ?.fc rt vnii. i 444wCL.v..l .f.-. MISS SARAH MARCELLE CUPID TIES UP WAR'S BUSINESS TWO MINUTES Wedding of First Infantryman, N. G. P., at Armory Holts Troop Movement The mllltnry inwhlno had to wait a few minutes today for a wedding Hurrlng at top speed to get away nt the tlmo nppolnted In War Department orders, oiTlcers of tho First Infnntn, N. G P, halted tho departure for exactly two minutes to allow First Sergeant Owen Brady, of Company I, and Miss Sarah Marccllc, his sweetheart, lo bo married In tho armory nt Broad nnd Callow hill streets, while Brady's comrades drew up at at tention. The marriage was performed hastily In tho machine-gun company room at the ar moiy this morning At 7 40 tho word pissed around that there would be a wed ding At 7 42 Captain Atwood, of Company I, had his men lined up with the flag. At 7.41 Captain Charles P. Fiitcher, the regi mental chaplain, was standing before the boldler bridegroom and IiIh blushing bride, pronouncing the marriage service At 7'45 Sergeant Owen Brady was kissing Mrs Owen Brady good-by, and he marched away to the train with his command Sergeant Brady, who served with tho regiment on the Mexican border, lives nt 2835 North Twcntj-second street Ho and his brldn arc neighbors, sho living nt 2D36 North Twenty-second street WISCONSIN TOWN TO HOLD "WAR REFERENDUM" County Judge Delays Permission Until Noon Today MONTlOn. Wis April 3 After holding off until nearl noon today, Countv Judge J M. Beckor Instructed suppoiters of Mon roe's war referendum to go ahead and sub mit tho question to voters In only one of tho cits's four wards wcie tho votors com pelled to mark their ballots outside a booth In tho other three wards election officials allowed voters to drop referendum ballots in the official ballot bo Judge Becker de clared his reason foi holding up tho ref erendum was because of a repoit circulated hero that war had been declared Ho hid planned in event wni had been declared to withdraw tho referendum and Issue n pa triotic appeal The voting was heavy. One-third of Mon roe's 1200 votes had been cast at 11 o'clock As far as could be learned only two voters refused to mark tho referendum ballots. 1 I I It is easier to KEEP WELL than GET WELL BEDFORD MINERAL WATER For Kidneys, Liver and Stomach Bottled at Bed ford Springs, Pa., famous since 1804. Sold by druggists and grocers. Ask yours or write us. Bedford Springs Co., Ltd. Widener Building, I'liila. 5as5! 1 na a. AN exclusive tailor is not one who limits the number of his patrons, but one who is thor ough master of the difficult art of mak ing each garment exclusively the wearer's own. That is a matter of fit, cut, style, material and the countless minor details that distinguish the master tailor's handiwork. It is not boastful to say that Hughes & Mullcr have long been accorded the deanship of Philadelphia tailors. HUGHES .'.AND MULLER - TaOera f Now is the Time to Sow Michells Grass Seed to Obtain a Perfect Lawn or Grass. Plot Wc hove, through careful selection, development and experience, perfected our various grass seed mixtures for their different purposes so that the best results aro obtained. Michell's Grass Seeds are sown on tho grounds of tho leading golf and country clubs throughout tho United States. MichelPs Evergreen Lawn Grass beed will produce n perfect green sward in four to five weeks. It is composed Prices: Pint, 15c: quart, 25c; 4 quarts, 75c; peck (5 lbs.), $1.00; bushel of the finest native nnd foreign short growing and fine bladcd grasses ana bushels $19.50; 100-lb. lots and over, 19y.c lb. will form a turf which resembles a velvet carpet. Ulu ".' ' , , ,' T . nlf fnnrsi Fnirwnv nnrl We are headquarters for Grass Seeds for special purposes, viz: Shaded Lawns, Golf Course airway and Putting Greens, Seashore Lawns, Tennis Courts, Permanent Pastures and Haynelds. Michell's Sweet Peas aSBBBBBBaamBsffsVSVftsH SsWlfBBBM BBamSSSSSsTSSSSSSSSSSSSSsT"" I atssVlsVaaHaHalBBBBMlaK'BBBBBBiaialBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBa AValTalHalBBwIVsBBalBBBBBBBBBBBBS Lawn Fertilizers We Suggest ALPHANO HUMUS, SHEEP MANURE, ODORLESS LAWN DRESS ING and BONE MEAL as the Best Lawn Fertilizers. Apply Now. Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers and Poultry Supplies Unquestionably our iissoitmeiit of garden apparatus. Insect destroyers and poultry-inislng equipment Is tho most complete and up to date Our prlies nro right, for wo do an enormous business and aro alwajH nblo to buy right We can give you aorao mighty good udvice, too, on garden and lawn making, farming nnd tilings gcncially In horticulture and agriculture mm. i j--Ji wtl- Get Your FREE Copy of Our 236-Page Seed Book Every page chock full of garden and farm facta. Describes the 1917 novelties in flowers, vegetables, etc., as well as standard proved varieties. Tell what, when and how to plant. It's FREE. MichelPs Giant Asters Most exquisite of all Asters Michell's Giant Comet, Ilesemble Jap anese Chnsanthemums with petals curled downward at the tips, .'ike ostrich feathers MichelPs Fancy Giant Nasturtiums One 10c packet each of six fine col or, from white to crimson, for 80e. Separate colors, or choice mixed, lOe pkt., 40c oz. Our Fancy Giant Mixture has no equal. Composed of the finest and largest named varieties Cannot be surpassed for brilliancy of color, either dwarf or tall Packet, 10c ounce, 20c U-lb . 45e should be sown now. Sweet Peas are so easy to grow and require so little space that every garden should have them. Our special mixtures include the most beauti ful shades of color ob tainable. Michell's Gilt Edge Mixture, 5c package, 10c oz., 30c U lb., $1 lb. Michell's Magnificent Mixture, 5c pkg., 15c oz., 40c H lb., $1.25 lb. Michell's Spencer (or Orchid Flowering) Mix ture, 10c pkt., 20c oz., 60c per U lb., $2.00 lb. Also all separate colors. Send for our leaflet, "How to Grow Sweet Peas." Make a Success of Your Vegetable Garden Not only do we supply ou with the very finest selected vegetable seeds at the light puce, but wo give expert advice on arrange ment, planting and operation of vegetable gardens. ritf.i: "Cultural leaflets" on Iiovt lo MirceNMfullj grow itonie of the mot Important vegetable. "-- i i ii M ichclPs Seed-House 518 MARKET ST., Phila. GREENHOUSES AND NURSERIES (60 Acres) ANDALUSIA, PA. Make a Success of Your Flower Garden Plant Michell's flower seeds, which have a reputation for su perior quality and for tho excel lent tcsults obtained from them. Mr have prepared n series of "Cul tural Leaflets" on FLOWERS, giving instruction how- to grow them sac cessfully from seed. 1'rce an requeit. 75c Reduction Announcmenl OF THE GEO. B. NEWTON COAL COMPANY Franklin Bank Building The mining interests have finally announced the usual Spring reduction of 50c per ton for Egg, Stove and Chestnut Coal to take effect April 1 st, 1 9 1 7. On April 2nd, the Railroads will make effective the reduction of 25c per ton in freight on these sizes. Notwithstanding the fact that we have a large surplus on hand which' was bought for the protection of our customers and the Public during the rtCe$ "ncerta1in time9 we offer our one hundred thousand customers, and the Public at large, an unlimited supply at a 75c reduction effective Monday, April 2nd, as follows: Egg Coal . . Stove Coal . Chestnut Coal $7.25 $7.50 $7.75 kf 25c per tjan extra if wheeled or carried. 25c PER TON DISCOUNT FOR CASH - The reduction in price of Pea Coal is not uniform by the large Mining Companies; in fact, they have not all as yet announced their prices g 0MpriJ:e, therefore for Pea Coal for the present will be $6.00 p-r ton, with 25c per ton off for cash. We cannot urge upon the Public' too strongly the advisah.liHr P .. to its full capacity during the month of April 'S ditions which are bound to be prevalent during the cominc Fall 5ur We have no assurances as to prices after Mv iTk g j , WmJer uncertainty in all commodity pricei Ts con confusing to attempt to make predictions W?2L , lfc Vs most insure Yourself byPpreparing nU agalnsi lt " supply you now with all your requirements atTS Ure' J W.e can 75c per ton. Please avail yourselves oT?he JtT ' n f stances through which the Coal Industry oassed rK? XV' ' i 7mg CirSum that next Winter will find condition?1 All orders will b mv.n "vie .T! JL" Se,Vere lf not se. le courteous consideration as the larger one " rder receivinS th same Place your order earlv either bv t-lU-' i request, will bring one of our rsttoL y?U prefer' a ' care to avail yourself of expert advice as to youPr coalneeda. " YU H I m AT 3 GEORGE B. NEWTON COAL CO. DMr a wan twiof; rpnr, Cm wr tlmfm W9 aixniff.ao ; It Wi Spruce "J: Race 381 ' 7 1 ITW.jlmitSt , it 4 A $ 'Hfi' .- vy'ti k.