j-:. r: .MM I?1' . ff-t ..- "; V--" - -r j;- v .,- .;: r ,v S POLICE EXPLAIN f DAii uii riuriaia Director Wilson Says Meet ing Was Suppressed to Prevent Disorder WARNED OP DISTURBANCE Wilson Says He's for Free I Speech, but Situation War ranted His Action ! City News in Brief Director Wilson, of the Department of Publlo Safety, announced today that the peace meeting scheduled to take place at the Broad StrcetTheatre was "prevented by the police last night aa a precaution against disorder, , He eald ho thought It Inadvisable to permlt the meeting In view of the present crisis. The Director ndded that while the sponsors for th"e meeting and those In charge wero thoroughly responsible persons they could not be responsible for thdso who would havo attended. Asked If this was not curtailing the right of froe speech, ho replied: "I thoroughly favor free speech, but the incident at Baltimore Is the answer to any question -concerning the department's action last night." A peace meeting In Baltimore ended in a riot Other meetings In the future will be gov erned by the results of Investigations of the applications. The meotlng last night Is a closed Incident. WARNED OF "TROUBLE ' It was learned that a report received by the police that there would be trouble at the peace meeting yesterday was the real cause of their action Word to this effect was received by Superintendent of Police Robinson on Saturday afternoon. It Is not known from what sources this threat came, but the department thought it better to take no chances. Steps will bo taken Immediately by the Emergency Peace Federation to hold a public meeting In this city. John B. Leeds, chairman of the executive commit tee of the organization, said today that the police exceeded their authority In prevent ing a meeting of the federation last night and demands for the rlgh of assembly will be made at a meeting to be held tomorrow night at the Friends" Meeting House, Six teenth and Race streets. Mr. Leeds, who Is professor of economics at Temple University, asserted that the proper steps to test the legality of the police action would bo taken without delay. "Herotoforc," ho said, "the police havo been In the habit of preventing various meetings of Socialists and other- organiza tions which made no protest. In this case It was to have been a meeting conducted by prominent nnd Influential residents of the city, and there appears to havo been no warrant for such va' step as tho police took. No reason wa's given by the police for preventing the meeting. It was simply stated that the meeting could not take place. "We would take the matter up today but for the fact that hundreds of our members have gone to Washington to attend the peace demonstration there." Seven policemen were stationed at the doors of the Broad Street Theatre last night, and when hundreds of peace advocates ar rived they were Informed that the meeting was off. Many of them expressed .their In dignation at such action by the tfbllce and declared that It was a violation of the Con stitution. One thousand Intending attendants of the meeting then walked by twos and threes up to the Forrest Theatre, where the Rev. James B. Ely was conducting a meeting of the Lemon Hill Association. Assembling In the lobby, they awaited the arrival of Ardo Hcrlng, who, leading them into the audi torium, had an usher take a note up to Doctor Ely. The latter stopped his service and called Herlng to tho paltform. ROBINSON'S LETTER Tho letter from Superintendent Robinson to Thomas M. Love, manager of the'South Broad Street Theatre, which was read, said InVjart: Referring to the proposed peace meet ing, I took tho matter up with the Di rector of the Department of Public Safety, and ho cannot see his way clear at this time to permit such a. meeting to take place. I therefore desire to notify you that we will not permit the proposed meeting to take place, and I have also notified the lieutenant of the Fifth Police District to ee that this order Is carried out Early Saturday morning the management of the theatre received Superintendent Rob inson's letter refusing to allow the meeting to be held. Tho theatre management asked Weston for a conference with his attorney, and it was suggested that' counsel for the theatre and the Emergency Peace Federa tion agree upon some form of action to take up the matter with the police au thorities. As every department In City Hall was closed at nojm and no courts were available for a writ compelling the police to permit the meeting or enjoining them from Interfering with the gathering, it was decided there was nothing left to be done " save abide by the ordr of Superintendent Robinson. Last night Director Wilson confirmed this statement of Director Weston. "I know nothing of the refusal to permit the peace ' meeting," ho said. -"I suppose Superin tendent Robinson merely followed police routine In refusing the application.' Earlier In tho week several applications were made for meetings which I recall had some ob- f. Jectlonable features, and these were re- xused, ana i suppose ine ouperiinouuuui followed tho ruling on those applications." When tho members of '-the executive ASK FOR and GET, Horlick's The Original Malted Milk Substitutes Cost YOU Sum Pritt b 0 RADBOM & MIGR rnrrrrt Tailors for Dreiir Man mu P. (lonenm Sfo Heeon lilUI Ub LMIUIWIlt , Finn Spring Suiting. tVtKUr $30-00 Our earnicnts not only fit correctly,. but hang cracefully to tho body re tain that snapeiy appearance pee we new weaves they're beauties rich ex clusive effects. SF Equip Your Kitchen Tha secret of a good cook'o eucceaa Is often In tha fact that aho haa tha proper tools and knowa how to ua them. "A sood workman niuat hare, cood tools." and this applies to food cooklne. Your husband has modern devices In his office or factory if bo alms at business leadership. kican buy. and are -old at lowest prices arfil i. iii BP m& lERr-PJ eammfctM eetJJtaMsrte 1a A.at,l fi ima.. ..... 1.1. ... .! ,.. Wit lOUIIU It ww wo 'llo w WJT " Judicial relief, wtd there wis no chance to hold their meetlnr, they seat the following message to the President: Hon. Woodrow Wilson, Washington, D. C Citizens of Philadelphia have again been denied by the police authorities the right to parade or assemble In any public meet ing to protest against our country enter ing war. We call on you to use the authority of tha United States Govern ment to guarantee constitutional rights of American" citizens at homo before you use thrm for fighting for liberty abroad. TIAII.TIOAT) RKFOItM In the direction of centralized regulation and unification of control In the hands of the Government Is the plan put out by tho Philadelphia joint commlttco on tho reasonable regulation of railroads. It contains ' arguments by George E. Bartol, president of the Bourse. IDLENESS DnOVIl HENRY TltE- pp.tr. Rnvnntv vears old. of 6334 Media street, to commit suicide. Ho shot himself and died shortly after his admittance to tho West Philadelphia Homcopathlo Hospital. CLEAN STREETS nnd the method of keeping them so are touched upon In a cir cular sent out by the Board of Trado to all business organizations and many largo firms. Prompt action by citizens, tho cir cular says, would change the appearance of the city within a week. EXCAVATIONS AT MEMPHIS, ancient capital of Egypt, have ocn resumed by Dr. Clarence, S. Fisher, head of tho Coxe expe dition, according to a report reaching tho University Museum today. CURT1SS MILITARY TYPE flying boat offer from Rodman Wnnamakcr has been accepted by Rear Admiral Usher, com mandant of tho New York Navy Yard. Mr. Wanamakcr will also provide a pilot for the craft. JOSEPH M. OAZZAM, Jr., and IUclmrd Harto, Phlladelphlans, havo becomo Identi fied with the student military forco organ ized at Harvard. Qazzam has been made a lieutenant nnd Harto a sergeant. JOHN H. McFADDEN, Jr., Paris treas urer of tho field servlco of the American Ambulance, lectured on the European war last evening In tho Bellovue-Stratford. Four hundred dollars was pledged for tho work or the American Ambulance. BALTIMORE AND OHIO freight offices were opened today In the Wldener Building, having been moved from the Bourse Build ing. Tho move was made, It was an nounced, because of a belief that tho busi ness center was moving westward. F, W. Richardson, assistant freight agent, Is In charge, of tho offices. ATTACK J1Y AN UNKNOWN assailant sent Mrs. Roslo Musto, sixty-flvo years old, of 1E23 South Carlisle street, to tho West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital with a fractured skull. Sho was found uncon scious at Fiftieth street and Merlon avenue. CONVERT OV HILLY SUNDAY, Louis Kramer was last night ordained to an elder ship In the North Presbyterian Churcn, Broad street and Allegheny avenue. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Dr. George Burnfleld, pastor of the church. THE CrVIL SERVICE COMMISSION to day made publlo an eligible list of 196 names of firemen who have qualified for promotion, to the position of lieutenant, which carries a salary of $1250. FIRE, CAUSE BY nn overheated stove, today swept the barbershop and dwelling of T. A. Kock, 2403 Ingersoll street, causing damage estimated at 600. Mr. and Mrs. Kock were driven to tho street In their nlghtclothes by tho flames. WORRY DROVE Catharine Mayse, twenty-one years old, of 3305 North Twenty first street, to .commit suicide today. She shot herself In her homo this morning and died before Dr. Leo Allen, of 2423 Alle gheny avenue-, reached her side. i ii i .ii saaajaa ji BANK DIRECTORS BOOST B1MAN KID WES FUND Give $20 Gold Pieces Received as Compensation for Attending Board Meetings Donating the $20 gold pieces which they receive each time they attend a directors' ncctlng, tho directors of a well-known local bank nnnounced today the first funds re ceived this week for tho Belgian Children's Relief had been given by them. It Is the hope of the committee which Is making tho campaign that It will havo received pledges to tho nmount of $100,000 by Satur day night next, when tno campaign. Is to end. This will supply the 100,000 underfed children In. the Antwerp district of Bel glum, with nn extra meal for ono month. It Is tho Intention of tho committee to collect tho same nmount each month for a period of six months. It was also announced today that a local barracks of tho Salvation Army had pledged Itself to caro for twenty children for -a month with the Intention of Increasing the number and Joining in tho campaign. The appeal In tho churches of all denominations yesterday, was productive of splendid re sults while the formation of ration clubs in banks, offices, mills, homes and Industrial and commercial concerns in all parts of tho city will add materially to the fund. M,H t -, ' fi i MMMNfc- ia e- v j - -i. yr trgr! Mr Ready Money United States Loan-Society 117 North Broad St. 414 S. CtU st. 2548 Otrmantown or. AJ-Ui. M. a,MJi 4L "IVMiima John M. Bradley ,. SUITE 800 WIDENEB nUILDINO Hakes Announcement ef Spring Suitings Particularly Interestinc U YOUNG MEN Mndit tho "nKAm.EY WAY" Lectures That Mean Opportunity for You Our fifth class on Traffic Mana gership opens at eight o'clock Tues day evening. YOU are Invited to be present to hear tho splendid opening program. Dr. Duld M. Steele, the man who stimulates men, will speak on "So curing a Better Salary Through Training." Ho will explain Just how some men grasp opportunity and succeed rapidly. Frofessor Ward W, Plcrson, of the University of Pennsylvania, will ox plain tho opportunities of Tr.illlc Men In big business today, also how wo aro equipped to teach Traffic Managership bettor than any other concern in tho world. This interesting evening Is free. It puts you under no obligations. Wo merely give It as a means of ex plaining to our many friends Just how tho Trafflo Field offers the most amazing opportunities and how they can be graspe,d. We Invito you to come. Natlonnl Tronic Service Dureau, Inc. N, E. Cor. 13th & Spring Garden Sts. Philadelphia pmaiimiiieMim if I NOTHING aaaV a. JaV aaaaaaa tv- aaitll .,.- faf . W aaaaaaB aaaaaiaaat aaV aa MfaaW kaaaaH taaaaaaV ' W-i Mr- .Hi aBBBBBBBBal TOBO TIME ISN'TiJiM worthva-ometblng to you to have your.dentlit-ay,thUP Nothing to do and nothing much to pay because the regular uie of an iflkltnt if dentifrice- mokes your regular visit to the dentist botb briet and pleasant. 4Vfter he.has put your teeth in sound con-' dltion, use'S. S. White Tooth Paste to kttp them sound. It is a pure, wholesome, non-medicated cleanser, made by tho'worlrKs'tbest. known manufacturer of dental sup plies and embodyingHh'e latest findings of dental science. The f onctloa oi a dentifrice is to thanu. 8. 3.' White Tooth Faits doss this more sCelentlr and more delihtfully-thsn sny other denlilrica on the market. So-called fermlcMal" dentifrices sre likelr to Injure (he delleste moath Haiaf or attack the'ciounclol the iceth. Their germicidal" influence Is only temporary because the mouth' liquids are constantly cbanio snd the direct effects cannot possibly last lonf er than 30 minutes. Ask your dentist II this isn't so. Yonr dnlllst has 8. S. White Tooth Pule. SUn and mall the coupon below lor a eopy.opoor booklet "Good Teeth; How The Grow And How To Kssp Them. TIE S. S. WHITE DENTAl MFG. COMPANY MOUTH AND TOILET PREPARATIONS Ml SOUTH' lathi STREET PHILADELPHIA Will COUPON Iii Flesse senj ma copy ot "Good Tecthi How They Grow And How To KeepThsm' alio a sample, robe ol S.S. While Tooth fasts. Nunc....... . .. ............., Address .-, inHSM aOTiriTwrriraas - """ "Y i"'4 r En ) b A m gr 17 r fi Stf -v S' r Y A -T I i " "S. W tv ra -v i t x. ' k fx '"'.,.. .. M r, m?. .. t C. yyaaV C 'fc.A.. r ra It m A V, J V .'.' 531 L ft '- Hot Water for Everyone Instantly without limit with no worker dirt. You simply can't use it'all'up one bath right after another, and the last as hot as the first plenty for the dishes and laun dry and all household purposes. Costs no more than you pay for limited hot water if you use a coal range. The Price of Gas is Never Raised and There is No Shortage of Supply This GAS WATER HEAT ING SERVICE is for all. There is the Ruud Automatic Heater for certain classes of homes, and the Loyekin system, for others we will stelll you which is suitable for your -'house. Do-this to-day: Call Locust' 1 300 on the Bell, or Race 30 on the Keystone, and' ask for Mr. Neff. He. will tell1 you all about the Automatic Gas Water Heaters without cost or obligation to you. ' If you request it by phone or post card, we will send you a book full of illustrations and in teresting information about Gas Hot Water Service. These Water Heaters are being demonstrated in all of our stores. All metals are going higher. Don't wait until the prices of Water Heaters are increased. Phone, write or call, NOW. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. ViV"- w C -Mi- ft.&MPi ran '-r ;iCT$pi f "VW ' " k '4 '." i55xSL I' fwVV'w s - mn vrti- ttfi ffi ""t$M 1 N. r & t iS n. f V- h XL W ( . AU. $ws rm -"". I f-i 'i V en" -m -" (iirranklii .? ji ?&Y''Jk INCO i n t '.v Kf'W I ... 1 f ... " .' .161 LV i,H r-f mi . T ; .mg- .. i- Wi. ;.A,-1; , ! j.l-K.l u.A' k K Ht - . UHH W' J4$$Ssm 'aV iJT.i i&i&&i S-tDaWU v MLlJCJ &K & ... ... "'"- i,. r ...r. ' Wf- f ,-jnaannV