Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 02, 1917, Sports Extra, Image 3

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I 41 41
i f
Enthusiasm Marks Meeting in
Church House With View to
Aiding Preparedness'
Bishop Rhinclandcr Prcoidcs Bishop
Suffragan Garlnnd's Militant
National Employment Man
agers' Association Discusses
' High Cost o'f Labor
Declared This Policy Would Not Bring
Hired Help to Terms, but W.ould
Promote Trouble
Absolution to provide for the organlza
tlon of a "Clergy Hescno Corps" of Epis
copalian pastots In the- dloccso of Pennsyl
vania was adopted today nt a special meet
ing of clerey of tho dloccso called by Illshop
Philip M. Ilhlnelander nt the Church House,
Twelfth and Walnut streets.
rnrnt Mm mirnnae of thn clercV reserve
corps may Ijo more belligerent than tlieJ
crier or serice as cnapiain- m mu "")
nd navy sas gathered from the en
thusiastic tone of nddresict urging par
ticipation In military preparedness.
No official announcement made ot
tho purpose. The resolution proldlng for
the corps was offered by the llev. Dr. John
Mockrldgc, of St. James's Church. Jt whh
adopted unanimously by the meeting, which
,was attended by more than 150 eleromen.
The text of the resolution Mas n follows:
Bo It resolved, -mat a commiucc ui
' "fle bo appointed to arrange for tho
formation and oiganlzatlon of clergy
reservo corps, and bo It further rc
lohcd that tho corps bo made up nf
clery of the diocese of Pcnnslanla
and that tho committee bo empow
ered to extend the slzo ot tho corps.
Adoption of tho resolution followed a vig
orous address by Bishop Suffragan Thomas
J. Garland, calling attention to tho steps
taken by manufacturers, colleges and other
groups to aid tho United States In pre
paredness. Ho -pointed out tho enthusiasm with
which Canadian and English clergy had
undertaken support of their countries nnd
aid that some of them had ccn gone to
tho extent of bearing nrms In roponso
to his question, 'What can tho i,lergy hero
do?" tho resolution, was offered.
Later Bishop Garland ottered a resolu
tion calling on- clergy of the dloceso to
pledge their serlcei for use- of tho na
tion "In any way they might bo. called
upon to glc." Tho commltteo which will'
deal with the clergy rccre corps forma
tion Is as follows: Tl'o llev. Dr. Edward
M. Jefferys, St. Peter's Church: tht Hav.
John Mockrldge. the Itov. John Hauling, of
St. Mark's Church, Frankford ; tho llev.
James A. Montgomery, Philadelphia Dl In
lty School.
Walter McHenry, a Pharmacist, Is Ap
pointed Foreman Body Includes
Several Business Men
Bcforo Judgo Davis. In Quarter Sessions
Court, tho April Grand Jury was sworn In
today for tho April term of court. Walter
McHenry, pharmacist, of 34 1C Decreau'c
street, was appointed foreman. Tho mem
bers of tho body are:
William Deal, clerk 5623. Utah street;
Frank Dlnan, undertaker, 323 Koith Nine
teenth street; Jeremiah Hutchinson, con
fectioner, 3042 Kensington aenue;. Isaac
Keays, assistant superintendent, 4001 Merl
on avenue; Albert. Krout, Sr., manufac
turer, 6116 Arch sfrcct; Walter McHenry,
pharmacist, 3415 Devereaux street; William
Morris, contractor, 142 North Fifty-fourth
treet; Joseph Orr, roofer, 404 North Se
cnth street; Adofph Parchcnc, lithographer,
1327 South Twentieth street; Samuel Pen
nypackcr, clerk, 2418 Columbia acnuc;
William Rice, real estate, 1957 North VAe
enth street; Samuel "VVaid, dealer, 4040
Ridge avenue; Raymond Waters, cashier,
3414 Devereaux &trcet, and Herbert 11.
Wood, bookkeeper, 8CG North Eighth street.
That many managers of largo manufac
turing corporations think wages nt present
abnormally high and aro considering shut
ting down their plants when the war Is ever,
with 'a lcjv to reducing wages, was the
opinion expressed nt the first session ot the
National Employment Managers confer
ence In Houston Hall, of the University of
Pennsylvania this morning by Boyd Fisher,
vice president of Detroit EKecutUcs' Club.
Mr. Fisher put himself on record ns op
posed to such a policy, which he said was
"Tho bulng power of work will be cut
off," ho said, "and credit will vanish. The
unr.t nf such n Mltnntlnn." ho continued.
"will be, If even only a few adopt this pol
icy, that It will scaro tho others and they
will think they should do It also." Mr.
Fisher said ho -hoped such a movement
would not bo necessary.
"When tho "tlmo comes," ho said, "the
proper thing to do will bo for tho employers
to tell tho men frankly how matters stand
and I belleo they will readily consent to a
readjustment. If any other policy Is. fol
lowed," he added, "wo stand to lose our
be&t workers."
Speaking on tho subject of discharging
help Mr. Fisher Mild that tho Ford Com
pany has a rule that It will not discharge
nny man. but Is finding that It Is a mis
take; that It Interferes with other nrrnnge
ments which had been made for tho benefit
of cinplojes, and defeats the carrying out
of other philanthropic plans, and It Is
now considering n chango In that policy.
Mr. Fisher nlfco said that the hardest prob
lem bcforo tho cccutlo entrusted with tho
emptojment and discharge of help Is tho
employment of thoso found to bo below
1101 m.il.
Ilo ndiocalcd tho application ot tho slnglo
tax Idea as a panacea for tho continuous
demand for higher wages.
The National Employment Managers' As
sociation Is mado up of tho cccutles nnd
other responsible employes who hire and
Uncharge tho help in the largo establish
ments, both .manufacturing and mercantile,
In the country.
Its members aro holding a two days' con-
f fereneo In tills city. At their opening ses
sion this morning they wero welcomed by
Provost Smith, who entertained them at
luncheon this afternoon. Tho papers read
this morning were by Meyer Bloomflcld, of
Boston, and Magnus W. Alexander, ot the
General Electrlu Company, West Lnn,
Mass. They wero largely technical and
were devoted to plans for tho elimination
of the wasto incurred In employing and dis
charging help.
Tho afternoon session was held In tho
auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce
In tho Wldcner Building, when tho papers
read at the morning were discussed, and
papers on "Tabulating of Labor Turnoer,"
"Figuring Cost of Labor Turnover" and
"Labor Turnover Records" wero read by E.
II. Fish, Worcester, Mass. : Bo5d Fisher,
Detroit, and Charles F. 'Wlnslow, Indian
apolis, respectively. ,
Shad Fishermen Make Good Catches
DELAWARE CITY, Del.. April 2. Shad
fishermen have mad$ good catches. The
roo shad found n :c:uly market at Jt.uO
apiece, whllo bucks brought $1.
Archibald S. Lambert Brings Suit to
Test Ownership of Valuable
( Property
ATLANTIC CITV, April 2. Chelsea
beach front valued nt $50,000 Is involved
In tho suit of Archibald S. Lambert, for
merly of Baltimore, against Mrs. Ida S.
Vtre, wlfo of Reprcsentatho William S.
Vare, of Philadelphia, holder ot title to
tho Vare mansion at Berkeley Square and
he beach front, called for trial this after
V V?n. Lambert Is suing to quit title to
a. trip known as "Fort Lambert." between
th Vare mansion and tho Boardwalk,
whxh also Is claimed by tho Vnres.
Under tho action tho Arnrcs will have
to disprove tho validity of Lambert's title,
which Is basedon n riparian grant. Tho
Varcs hold a similar grant.
Sixty-ono Permits to Wed Issued To
day Officials See Annual
Ante-Lenten Demand
Tho'flrst Indication of the annual Easter
rush for marriage licenses was noticed to
day when up until noon thero had been
Issued sixty-one of Cupld'a certificates to
loving twalnn,
Tho following obtained licenses today:
William II. Kelly. 2734 Titan St., and Marie
Wlngnte, 17I!8 N. Warnock St.. ,. .. .,
Charles Myeroff. S17 Pino St., and Tetta dutialt,
(t.ld N. 7th at. . .
Chitrlcs J. Do Fontcs. Wayneiboro. ra., ana
Jel8 K. Urrtzler. Wnnfboro, Pa.
William McK. McLean, 1835 N. 21t.at..and
Nannie D. I.lttlejohn. 2J33 W. Oxford at.
IranrU J, Sloan. S515 Olive at., and Anna fa.
McOrath, 20UU CJerrltt t. , .... .
Clem-co Hamlll. Jr.. no I J N. 7th at., and Kind
m. Ilalley. 70J llutlfr at. . . ,,..
Ocorzo McCloiern. 21118 Victoria at., and JIary
K. Kurher. 21)31 Victoria at. . . ...
Sam Zaalaky. 21.31 s. Kalrhltl at., and Bella
Lionel.' 2(101 8. Knlrhlll at. . . ,,.,.,
CaUIti o. Uallaua. 1J7 Kater at., 'and Mary
...Klanlilln. 10J7 Kater at. , ., .
William A. Heenoy. 1121 K. Palmer t., and
Kva xl. t'amphell, till) K. Flora at. . .
Oluaeppo I'allHdlno. 1.311 Federal at,, and Lena
l'IMp. MO M. lllh at, . .
Domlnlch Coppettn, Palmyra. V. J., and Aaaunta
CamlaiMonc lllerll, Je, J, ,
Andrew l Haber. 303.! Martha at., and Elisa
beth A. rinin. 30jn Oednr at. . ,, . ,
Trnnk It Jackaon. Ilrlatol, Pa., and Marjorle
I'. Applcton, llrlatnl, Ia. . .j.
John I, Jennlnga, au4l !dnham at., ano saae
A. Mnttmnn. li.' i:, Klkhardt at. ....
Harry Daley. 2407 Ollo at., and Mary J. Mar-
vlh O-.OI ,,....1111. ..
Qlullo Unllntllnl, 1021 l.atona at., and Julia
Mattioll, 10JO Annln at. . . .
Lawrence Marae, 1B1T S 13th at., and Anna
Lomhardo 11011 S Marshall at.
John W. Mcl.urr, o"ilo Sullivan at., and Ida
Fisher, r.MO Sulllxan at. . .. .. .
James I, Haa-v. 1722 N 16th at., and Martha.
K Acklev, 1031 N. 18th at. .
Walter Hoffman. 1401 McKean at., and Emma
Knltlle, 1708 McKean at. . ., ,
Paaqunle Vaaaturo, 10n Cantrell at , and Maria
De Feo 1429 H. llancroft at. . .
William Wagner. 5310 Cedar ave., and nana
MoCllntock. 1215 N Kth at, . ,. ...
Tlllmnn .Schmltz. 531 Race at., and Hulh Delk.
1B31 Iontftln at. ..... .
Conrad A. Landaledel, 1839 N. 21at at., and
Florence U. Oajdon, 2119 Fernon at.
Sahjtlno Flamlnl, 5717 Vino at., and Ololna
Franclonl. 5721 Vino at. '. .
'Thomaa H. Flannerv. 2flt Olrard ae., and
Mario V. noonc. R.'7 N. Stlllman at,
Jamea A. Kelly. Pottatoun, Ta., and Auruate
M, Appel, I'ottatonn, I'a, . ,, . ..
Wemlel Staud, 1151 N 5th at., and Elizabeth
Weber, 1515 If. Hndlne at. . .
Thomas J. Kirk. 028 Carpenter at., and Ina
Slapea. 028 Carpenter at.
Robert E. I'eteraon. 400 Weatlw ave,. and
Charlottn C. McCnusland, Wvoodiorton Apart-
menta, Oermantown. . ..
Herbert H. Hanaon. Folcroft. Ta., and Mary
K. Ynuns. Sharon Hill. Ta. ,
Jullm Hoth. 1227 N. 7th at., and Zetl Krauaa,
1110 W. Ulrard ave .
Willie Holaton, 1302 S 34th at., and Josephine
Harvev. 130J S. 34th at .
Swen Andoraon. 1013 Pago St., and Marglt
Swend'on, 2231 S. Opal St. . .,
Herbert It. Smith. 231(1 S. 17th St., and Sadie
C. Fltspatrlck. 1421 N. 12th at.
Henry Square, 4H05 Creaon at., and Esale
Jnhnann, 231 Levorlmr at. ,
Ilobert J. Doran. 140(1 Mosamenalne ave., and
Kathleen O'Connell 232 Taaker at. .
Jame J. Hnea. 1047 N Darlen at., and Anna
M. Ibbetaon. 2434 8 5th at.
William S. Lannlne. Pennagrove. N. J., and
I'hoebo ('. Shultz. 3423 Howard at.
EllHood M. Nlckela 1218 W. Thompson St..
and aiadva E. Watera. 800 8. 60th st.
Paul It, Scheer. 3507 U St., and Ida Schmidt,
10 E Heltzer at.
Aucuat Peterson, 0010 Relnhard St., and Sellna
Suanaon, Erie, I'a. .
ThomaB Stewart. Ilerlln. N. J., and Florence M.
Kerney, 182(1 Hart lane.
Jinx Schaffer, 2353 Frankford ave. OJid Ethel
releratein. 320" 0ford st. . .
Walter 13. Overholt. 5251 Chestnut St.. and Anna
M. Getty. 193-. llcrkshlro at.
Horrli Heea. 810 Mooro st . and Rose Gusilck.
128 Roaelierry at. . .. ,
Otto lloehm. 3108 N. Water at., and Ethel
(latin n, 3(100 N. Front at.
John T. Fltzglbbona 2V) Rraddock at., and
Marv McAneapy. 2533 N. Lawrenco st.
John Whno. Ilriatol, Pa., and Helen Mellon,
1517 Melon at . ..
CuataV SS-aae. 250 E. Ashmead St., and Rose-
Una Puck, 3048 Camar at. . .
Alfred T. I.ewltt. 1330 N. loth at., ar.d Lena
Ultnnn 131(1 M l.'.th St.
William H. Jeltner. 38S7 Coral St., and Al
vlnla C. Tarr, 2(IW 1'alethorp at.
Jarob Levin, 725 MrClellan at., and Sophlo Sny
derman 1710 H. 0th at. .
Charles Horn. 350 Torter St., nnd Annie Ad
ler. 212(1 8 5th st.
So'tlno Castrlitiano. 73 Manton St., and (Jullla
Paacale. 731 Carpenter at.
Vlitor Hhewell 3127 N. 7th at., and Gertrude
Cereopuly, 733 E. Ontario st
Horace 1). nutterworth 0720 Torresdale ave ,
Tacony, and JIabel W. Woods. 7000 Haser
man st. ,
Charles Glrardln. 530 X. 12th St., and Eliza
beth Goder, 723 Newmarket St.
Clarence K. Mllev. 0245 Limekiln pike, and
Isabella II. Radford, 3013 N. 3d at.
Thieves, Whom Motorcycle Po
liceman Tried in Vain to Over
take, Arrested in Camden
An elghtecn-mllo pursuit on a molorcjclp
of two youths who had ridden away from
Camden In an automobile they did not own
ended early today with tho capturo of
the car near Paulsboro, N. .1. Motorcycle
Policeman Lalb. of tho Camden police force,
was tho pursuer. The" jouthi were caught
later In Camden. They nro Prank Hush,
twenty, of 1107 Lewis street, Camden, and
Steven Svyubolosky,"" nineteen, 0f njj Lib
erty strtet, Camden.
Policeman Lalb picked up the car jusf
before daylight while ho was cruising about
Camden on his hiotorev do, hnvlng been
warned an liour'befoieat tho police station
that an automobile had been stolen from
Benjamin Ostroff, 12 JO Kalghn nvemioi
..i.en no lecognizeu the car Lalb shouted
to the occupants to stop This was near
the Kalghn avenue ferr.v. Inile.ul of stop
ping the men put on mote speed nnd raced
out Kalgn avenue, Lalb followed, but could
not overhaul the cai When the car took
the Woodbury pike Lalb opened fire with
his l evolved. He emptied the weapon with
out effect and settled down to following tho
car. Outside Panliboro the car was dc
setted, after It had been run around a turn
which hid It from Lalb's view for a moment
Inscriptions of the men were sent back to
Camden and both vveie arrested in u tall
joad station later.
BliA.TYJ3llliUCi X LUUinini t
Members Will Give Sir Arthur Sulli
van's "Golden Legend" at tho
Metropolitan April 25
The annual concert of tho Strawbrldgo
& Clothier Chorus will bo held at the
Metropolitan Opera House on April 26,
when 'Thn floldcn Legend," a cantata by
Arthur Sullivan, will bo presented.
Tho soloists for tho concert nro all noted
In musical circles They pro Herbert
Wlthcrspoon nnd Mrs. Plorenco Hinklo
Wlthcrspoon, of Xevv York: Miss Mabcllc
Addison and W L. Pontius, bf Philadel
phia. Mr. Wlthcrspoon will lng tho part of
Lucifer, for which his bass volco Is well
fitted, while Mrs. Wltherspoon will sing
tho part of i:isle. Mist Add-on the part
of Ursula nnd Mr l'nntlus that of Prince
Henry Thoso who havo attended rehear
sals so far say the concert will excel nny
of those prev louslj presented
t l ,) ,
The promise of Jewish support to tho
cause of tho Kntento Allies becauso victory
against tho Central Powers "is essential to
freedom tho world over," Is given In an open
letter signed by sixty-eight of the lending
Jews in Oio United States, Three ot tho
signers aro Phlladelphlans. They aio Dr.
Solomon Soils-Cohen, Louis Kdwarcl Levy
and Oscar Loeb. Tho others como from
cities all over tho United States.
The declaration refers to the freedom of
opportunity granted to Jews years rigo by
Great Britain and France, and points out
that an added reason for Jew ish support for
the Allies lies la tho extension ot liberty to
the Jews In Itussta through tho revolution.
? CBla Large quantity of effects'
ror tStue recontiy used in Willow
Grove Park, Including machinery,
fixtures and apparatus from various
Concessions and Amusements.
Abo gooda undor contract for delivery.
Information and prices Room 23,
1305 Arch Street.
It Payt to Think
Roumanian j
. Gyps$ -i
The Most Captivating
Dance Music
- .w
Jfo'-T DinrMppj
:-,; :'- i y -ia.-j i
. Et Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut Juniper South Penn Square
Art Important Exhibition
Modern and Antique Silverware
April 2nd ttf l'4th ' Inclusive
That are real. An 'unusual assort-
. ment of Squares, Uprights and
Grands (various makes) . $10 up-
ward to $275. Moderate terms.
Don't Buv-LOOK!
And Have a Smoke ON US
One year aeb when we opened we invited every Philadelphia man
in not to buy, but to see our shoes and to have a smoke on us. This
spring we have
and'we want you to come in just as you did last year. Drop in light
a cigar. Pick up the shoes, the leather, the soles examine them, ask
all the questions you want, that's all. They are all laid out in front
of you. We want you to see the smart, snappy Spring Styles, the thor
ough way they are made without any obligation to buy.
We want you 'to compare them with shoes of other ground-floor
PAIR. Prove that we have here, this Spring, the most record-breaking,
dellar-for-dollar shoe values ever offered in Philadelphia.
Mondays and Tuesdays 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. are the
"YOU, ,''. ' , ' ?
Elkton Marriage Licenses
ELKTO.V, Md April 2. Couple taklnjr
out marriage licenses In Elkton tortav were
Gaven B. Clark nnd Sue llownml; Oooiro
A. Wennerliolt nnd Catherine Gumlnkcr,
William E. Zenllor nnd Ellrnbetli KrallcU.
Nicholas A. Uozz' nnd Anna KjFcr, nil of
Philadelphia: CJramlllo W. rooper, Hnio
de. Grnce, Md , nnd Helen M. hlUerthoiti,
Philadelphia; Jonathan AV. UaMcy and
Ella M. ode, Carney I'olnt, N ,1 , IM
wnrd A. Gallagher nnd Anna 13 Rower.
Gloucester, N". J ; Trial A. Wescott .-md
Madeline Fracemlre. HrldRcton. X, .r. ; Mark
I. Hannn nnd Catherlno M. lletKer, Haiti
more; Ell Coulson. Jr., nnd Ella (' Pari on
Coloro. Md.; Willis Duckey and Ida i:
Smith, St. AUKUstlnc. Md. ; William V
Springer nnd Flora A. Kelly, I.onc Hrnm.li,
X". J.; Lewis Cowan and MnrRaret D.im
Upland, Pa., and Xclvin M. Xcft and M.iri.iu
S." Daniels, Jtlddlctown, Del.
There's Character
to Our Tailoring
Suits to order nt $23.00.
Cannot bo duplicated in the
city for woikmnnship, style
and mnterial. The makinpr of
one suit will letain your pat
ronage for the future.
On Easter Day
rrr omin nanlfl ti looK hr lesl
To Ui nn (oniphxlon ns well iia coh
tump mu'.t l ((m'.Mrrrd AnU en
tlm thi" lnltT tua rouHlicncil iWluitn
kKIh ronstunt line nf mir SKIN I OOl)
llulics :i", Jura l) will en (Ifim"
sortrn Hinl nuurlsh n to urently niil
Biinil locks umii In llicso fiw reiniln
liu iljs
l'hll iilplnlihi't tiiniliril Drue More
llirilMin Tiilium al'u liclt. 2",c.
"; '" " "'"'' ' ".??
j', '
0. Tuesday's Event J
125 Easter Dresses
Specially Priced'
Selected From Regular
$25, $29,75 and $35 Assortments
To be sold to first-comers
tomorrow mommy l
Selected because of their
special desirability lifted
from the higher priced as
sortments to give additional
zest to the great pre-Easter
shopping week.
Exquisite Spring Silks
Georgettes Charmeuse
Taffetas Nets
Evening Frocks
Also a liberal sprinkling
of serge tailleurs. Your op
portunity to collect a worth
while premium by being
early! This is in addition to
our tremendous assortment
of regularly priced $19.75
dresses the smartest of the
At the
smart !
No Charge for Alterations
Market, Corim 12th Street
the synonym for Pulling Power
THE mechanical specifications of a motor car are of
interest to the purchaser only in so far as they indicate
the car's ability to do the things it ought to do. They
arc important as a means to the desired end touring com
fort, hill-climbing power, tire and gasoline economy, beauty
of appearance.
Owners appreciate the mechanical perfections of the Pull
man, but they enthuse over itsperformance as the real reason
for urging their friends to buy a Pullman and for re-ordering
a car of the same make for themselves.
Pullman Specification
114 Inch wheel base.
BOW Inch full cantilever
rear tprlnes.
Four cylinder, L-liead mo
tor, 32 h. p. by actual brake
Two-unlt starting and
lighting equipment.
Stromberc c a r b u r etor,
new type float feed.
Genuine full Hoatlns rear
Thermo - siphon cooling
Equalized brakes with
Ttaybestos brake lining.
Seventeen Ballon gas tank
In rear, Carter acuum feed.
Genuine honeycomb rad
iator xtra large tank.
31x4 Inch, red wall, Fire
stone non-skid tires on all
four wheels.
Pullman Performance
Takes jou where you
want to go and home
again sturdily.
Climbs hills with ease
and grace unfailingly.
Travels 20 to 25 miles
on a gallon of gasoline
Gives you pride of per
sonal possession through
its true stcainline, custom
made body of satiny green
and black finish, its real
leather plaited upholstery
and extra deep cushions.
Standard Motor Car Co.
' ' ',.;" 'ii !
;; M
" r 'IP k i hm
Mi A ln Wulirf vm
Coat fits snup at waist and over hips; high,
narrow shoulders and sleeves; short skirt; with
slashed vertical pockets; with slanted outside
patch pockets; or with regular pockets. Trousers
extremely narrow, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30.
($ "Have you seen the new Trench Coat?"'
said one young fellow to another, as both
swung along Chestnut Street last Saturday.
"It's a peach! Got a belt all around, you know.
I saw a couple of different styles of them in
Perry's window the other day, and I'm going
up there now to get one."
q "All right, Bill," said his friend, "count me
in loo! Funny, but Jack told me yesterday he
saw the same thing at Perry's, and couldn't
find any such lines anywhere else! It's some
CJ Everything else for the Easter Parade
at Perry's! Belted Suits, single and double
breasted; pleated backs, single and double
breasted; slashed vertical pockets; flapped
outside pockets; crescent, pockets; bright,
new iridescent silk linings in sleeves and
j$15, $18, $20 values in Spring Suits and'
Overcoats not matched in town! When
they're gone, their duplicates', will cost us
more than these did and will cost you more,
I$25 to $35 for Spring Overcoats that hold',
the palm for fineness, finish and style! $25
to $43 for Spring Suits that would win th 4
gold medal for Models and that are the whoW "
show for colors, pattern assortments and'-W'f
IMXA', '
my'" ' r ,
' f "
rrr ,t.
& r-
Perry s&
. I vc
- t-i -i't-
' ra
m i i a r i
V ;r'
?S ''LiLj.bAu
MS NotiuProU St John W. David, Mfr.
. k '
il&HtiC. . -.. ' '?.M
." .1 J . it"
AK V 7;
?ri''TAiVyi. &lWa U .v5'