Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 02, 1917, Sports Extra, Image 20

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    w- my m- ii
EBBMiMlBBlfl!MtaMlBlW V H..'WM'"?' '' sjk".'.' 'wm V .? '' C ? T vJW- tJSBSwI
j' ?
- f&
iV H.mVs' Fraternal Di-
;Gtftt Factor in the
itrlbtio Demonstration
MNcr&trS Order Sons of America
true tot their personal loyalty
A tO the ttrlnclnle and tpnrhlnrn.
K"r In the demonstration of the
IMtlve) patriots on Saturday. The
wa. section was headed by the
rehal and his ethrf, Commandcr-ln-I
F, Stees. of tho Commander
'th "uniform rank of the order. In.
Jn the, staff of the commandcr-ln-
,wer 8r. Vlco Commander-in-Chief
r V, MacFadyen, Jvecoriler-ln-Clilcf
.Cumberland and Chief of Staff Ma
I.1 The commanderv eertlnn nf the. T.
of "A. alone turned nut innn men.
-Sj' .. . .
rmXI nmiion ii in charge or mam
rw, wnarics a, Helms, the marahnl of
won, assisted hy State Master of Forme
, Harper. Btate Inspector M. M. llaaa,
I. fftMn aitlnihl tn Id- QBtA
ry. and Harry 8, Helma. Tho Mn to the
".J"?."' B- snortileige. dlatrlct preai-
------. ''i' - ......Mil. Ollll.jl,
-TorWIIllam Preea. dlatrlct nraaldent of
B7.a,,Jl',,A. Karl "rooka. district presl
'"'thj fourth district: Daniel Landla, dla-
K i, ." i"' '"'. ntn district! Howard
".Howard McNeill. ellatrlrt nreallent of thn
otlPhla-nucka dlatrlct; Hiram L. Wynne.
,I!T.."...A' Slater, dlatrlct president of
Weiltn ellfttrlctt r-lvj4. M.n... .ci-.-c.
V of the sixth rtlatrlrti Charles IVale,
.ri.i..w ir'B . i"u. district prealrfrnt
lahth nlBlrlrtl Jfthn T Wnrnmn .ll-1-l..e
nt Of the ffttirtnnntti illaCI.. '
' t'"K -.......
25' ? S' A' division formed at nroad
rd streets and nroad "and Mnater
' sveiets. nif th. )... v... ............ ..j
9LK I d . Aft'. tat? W7--... . unci urnuiiuai icrs, lilt-Hern
ife RLi..:7.(Nor,h..2rr."d street, and the mmes
16. . 8!!s,,lfIie"u.1!,7 Ncr,h nro'"1 street. Through
' "ii 01 mo sionemena rormation
i"' embarraaament In the llnea at thl
' T ramps division turned out 2000
Shd were led, by the "Spirit of Seventy-
"i'H.W'trated that the aplrlt of the r. O.
tttoVr i.V,.Vou'.'iI ?nl ,hl" "Id. order, which
i?,."';" nLrnlhr1 !"" flt Hvo rnmpnnlea
5 CITi'tf0 Pr"J,',nt Lincoln's call for T.l.ntio
, tanllatlon, nearly
-fi!t,rt&.ih" 'rom
iJentVllaon to XU
seentv veara nf ntrn tn thla
promiaed to stand hok of Ire.
;w BiH -ill. j u,iU'r "nna line una n when duty
fr . JflrtSl .' "JE.1 .w,.,,h s"(,.,, ,'nen In the romman
'wVJBSi i'in,r,'ct"' drilled, anil thousands of
,Mfter reaay to. reapond. thia old imtrlollc or.
!iv. J?!'.00" members In Phlladeinhia iiuAn.i i J
if ' JOl campa. '
- T -.
'riS ..rr.?iE,,h,hJ" hstowe.l a collective as
-vSSl, R..,n.l,!'.uno1or ,hy .'"' appointment nf
V!?mS? rJmJStP"1." '.'. "ehnie on the Home
f. iP'-l Somml,,r''' "' wh ch A. 3 Drexel Hid-
SrtxA nMiiIo2fii,n ""' trained bodv of the
. SSi'.. 'le Bib!e classes, which also stands
if , V" nawtT-me can or tho I'resldent.
S.Vgi8?!7ifa!h.undred membera of Camps 101 and
tltSXi .tavJ n. ti'V.'dlna Ilallnny tonlaht
to take il.r..7ii.i "'"" iiaiiwny loniant
, SilfK i?" S'. R1d nihle on a Journey throimh
a n',ii ina campa
in ine btate. Tho atwlal train
" ?B," ,EI,? ast Fa la KtHtlon at ,:tfl n
? ;5rS,?n'1'n n: 7:18 and .Mana-unk at T"i
. ' xraainr bb hk !. j .. .. .. i ' ......
w 60 and 101 have extended an lavitntinn ... ii
.? KT Mt.,A.0.0t,hl" fl.a.Ta"i ip visitation.
fc.irS.11'." ."J Fo,rm". Harper, .state Secretnn
sialnis and other lead nc n.ni,.r. ...in i "'.i
H ,;M Party. "' "
UCflf?h S2iv.?' We,t PhllndelpWa. celebrated
"WJ: ,t.,?nnllS?"y 'st Krldiy eenlnc In
IZZ "J"'". w-rroii anil Mansom atreeta.
SB', f.wBero to oretnrcn and thlr friends enliiwd
iM ir?e t.Jni?!!t.a,nJ1"lt. and, patriotic addreiiaes
let Prealdent H. -K
KhOrtllllK-rt HH.1 lltr-um I.
. jnino. or Lamp 00.
tan of the meeting.
IUilph Watson was chair-
'feit;.mp 3."" ' at Yorl- celebrated the twenty
' I ninth annlxeraarv nf II. l....i.;.,,T... '..'
S),CalV,n,n8tra"n,, addr"" b' National President
. . The "fliina1 nnnaiimn will 1UI1 nli .-
f -' IBti 'JH on Thursday night.' April la. Kvery
I iSSJ?... Si.VT'Pi. m:uK.o 'nakc this vlalt the
r'dlCISl. '."?." 't1. sou.ldron han made to date.
aawaker vl"" ioiiow, togeiner with the
lt&5l$L 1.a.mn. M- ,al'" -vi ""ad atreetj
5PE BS; Thirty-first street ami nidge avenue.
P.r?. Past State President John W. Iteese
.via veuer. Charles J, Kaunce and Morris
Raeilnn 'i.r-omn RO iim.. .j -
i'fc-ii. r.-JT. SVi""ir"i""K' "."ij'ra ve
ICIZ.,. -.-."" ".".'. '1 i'-.V"" .'".: -amn. a.,
. aiiusiiiun ii n vriiun hiiii npvmnnr atraar
-. ajrs, uabriei n. Mnv.. fliuio ..in- n-.aM...
''ifclK .A'u T' Jolmson, .John Ilnbert Jones.'
jPayld J. Hacks and John W, (Scrman.
.i Section 3 Camp, 101. IB02 Frankford avenue:
ESS?P J183', t9!' Frankford avenue. Camp :i.-.R
'eB6BFr1kfo.r'1 ?venue. . Sneakera:. J. t'alvln
Mttrayar. Ixiuls A. Merry, lllram i,. Wsnne.
) V,JKrs"at. " .rhomaa and Harry H. Helms.
r '"resection 4 Camp ISA. load )!rmantown ae-
'SUDiv-llm',..,,",i epvivia and Norrls sireeia
Speakers: Herman A. -Miller. Horace V, Mac
C llyy' Sr" K- Hurflnaton and Waiter H.
'8tion 5 Camp 7Ui. MSI Woodland atenua;
Camp 461, Sixtieth -atreet and llmerrorcl ae-
-flW1 Camp 07U, SSI!) .Market atreet. Speakers:
.fefkneet E. Clark. Charles II. Helms, Ucorisa 11.
i.1 .r nla.lH n..-nM... n., ... . .... .....
a Ballon Mr V-,"'!; -' wniiur jiau, nnmeriiin;
ie.i; wtv. .ou u.iuiu i.inr. n i-Hhrrn; jomt
. Jiarper. ii. ai. Iluus. ii. m. Wentze . Jainca
Ualrrtn nn.l nnu (I.'lllln.. '
.u ?.,e ..
t. ..VsThe wlnd-UD meetings will bring the aneakera
W aoyCampa SO and 784. The preaent nrransc-
- nao .u mail .uu(n l (illliniill H nil JOlin
pbert Jonea from the second aerllon to the
Affth aeetion In order tn hum iIim. m.mhnH
(kjMteu the West Phlladelnbla brethren In Camp
"wtWI's, room. Doth Camp .In and CamD 784 are
"i acranalnr for several hundred members tu at
jr'Jend and no effprt will bi spared to make thla
,. ' i.,favPhiladeIphla.
, '?" .-information concerning: the Friday evening
'and other official visits of the flying squadron
Vjslll appear In these columns next Thursday and
I 'yfsaia Tnif inf intta In Mnn fnv All Pa..
H"f cils of the Order
JaJagle Council. No. 3. It. P. A., held n
i Initiation last Friday evening, when
.Councilor Brother C. Leroy Trlnmaker.
Ko. 631, nnd S,,C: Secretary Kurd acted
ctlvely as councilor and chaplain. In
Junction with tho members "of No. 3. In
Ike exemplification of the ritual. Members
AM) candidates were highly pleaxed with
tfcc- jvorlt.
'.rJunlor Past Stato Councilor Shencmun
.iPleaeed to vlalt Courtland SauiiJer.s
;,(r cqurcll. No. 886, last Monday ovenlnc niul
ir ma cukkcb.iuii mo council is arranginff
er a class Initiation during the present
.iui i. iiuiB tiuncii. o, do.), nein a large
Ins and
an Impressive claas Initiation.
Past State Council Kh,m.mnn
. . eWavl's. c-ounciiori oroener laivion feiereon,
' Won41, as vice councilor! llrothrra Houta
junior paai councilor, vvaam liana as cnap
imomu a. .vianning an warden. Walter V
er as conductor, in conjunction with other
tars. conirreci tne neautuui ritual In nc
nee. with the ahort form. Hy reason of the
or this event, another and larger piu
iflon will be held by thla council nn T,,a-
-April 24, when the moat beautiful plcturra
bo shown.
-........ - -TT..
ee council, .-vo. cut, neid one or Its laraeat
Muts last Friday evening, when aevera
anions were received ror a apeclal claaa
Uon.v llluatrated. to be held tfridav in.n
wir ivnrll tn be ti-mnllflil tv !. ui.l..
mf Rescue (Council. No. in. im.er th. hi..
,f' Past,, Councilor nrother Ilobert M.
.wiio wiii a-aume tne tmportiuit atatlon
ouncilor. The members of No 031 are
( ,' . -i enno ine esvent tne moat
ue;v .o -,u.
Pant kState Counrllnp Rhnnman . ,i
Xt9injty Stat Cnuncllor Jonea will at-
d. Lancavttsr avrnui Plana are on
JeJi,, wb'cj is th, oldeit council
s ;iu .
ti-CAna. ' I i saaw
i Jwnf-fw II 'Class Initiation
hr PliilatWphis Castles
chief. and rrand castle eifflcer.
-HIcMiatwi from every castle In
t in urapa ivastie hall last
t miwmimv at e-ro ciafw initla
aJua aavMlnn In ?r nAB.
i wm prtiMUd, Various com-
sMMinted to ,oarry out tho
'UP- ... t& '
. .
later- of
11 vlalt
Cr""s j t fsraial jEfi
Bai pstltj all aaate
L-fjTt.Tg- saijaaay
Seesa( sBraraTieavevijHn .
rzr . ...&.?
Ji . ..jL . . -. ?j
Wyxr lcwstr?-wxW(,
i.,. i'.Wi'iMKSK.KX:iX..
Joseph B. Haines, of U7.'i-'l Noith
Eleventh street, a member of Han
cock Commanclcry No. 3, I'. 0. S.
of A,, has declared himself prepared
to serve his country.
Renewed Activities of nn Encouraged
Onrnntention in Its Fortieth Year
The Iloynl Arcanum Howling I.ciirup hns
completed (mother Miecef-Hfiil yi-nr, nnd nt
tho annual dinner Inst week ptl7.ru wre
distributed liy Vice, President Wilson In
the absence f i;tu,r Katim. Tin- (Iru'nil
Council pliuiiin. wnn won liy the tram fmiu
naverronl Council for the perond time,
while Phlldilclphlu tniincU'H team tiilien
Recond money. They me entitled to special
mention .owliit; to their pluclnir two tennis
In the league, thuf iIIMiIIiik their real
The niemliera are enthiislHhlli fur u lilv time
SmI'1 '"V1"1'', tnemlMTalilp for the mnilnir M-ur
I he fnlloijlnif Imithera were i lei ted to acne as
in5 .I".1!' "0,,ytt '"IJimer. of Weat I'hllHdi-lphlli
(ouiiill. prealiletit, V Jnentenaeti of IMlllndel
I'jli' OIMICII. Mie president. I)r T II llellnf.
or Iliivrrfnrd Count II. secrei.iry: Hninuel lirown.
or (lermnntnun 1'uuinll Ireiiaurer.
Annlher of those ep-l etiterlnlnmetita by
Iteeent I .vans' a liw alaff nf offlcrs nf Phlla-
. '. 1 . ""'"", -o .e.i. innowcil iiv a emr
i,r?'i.l'.,1rh nn' "" ,h" noeasarv niiklnes nf a
I Ik Hutch nie.il, were enjoyed Inai cek The
ni-inhera ahnuld tint miss th-i,. meeilngs As an
officer saa: "It la no small part nf their
Prtlle(je i as meiiihera nf this nlde-awake. coim
rjL H"y "re "" nderln wIihi'n next: they
(should come and llnd nut." '
The sclieiluled meetiuK of the Associated
nlxtllle to the Parkway llu dim.-. Phlluiephl.i,
Hatur, lay April 7. Owltw I,. tl. : ,oc 'n
of orriecrs and the reports uf iniiiinltliM-H It
was deemed adMaable l.ul.I the m." ting U, re
r he special nieetlnc nf .Mannnun Couhell. (1f
nlX'"'.' ',' .""..""" vUr "' Tuesday
night. April in, Juet Hi., biiui. and it larue
deleKHinn from this elt la cxpete'l t j.dn
with Manarvon Ciiunell nt lla celebratl'm.
There were eonic extraordinary liappenlugN In
liiuerfnrd fniincll nn KVldin nlih In a i.min ,
to the .Initiation and rtlnaintenieiit "." e ' ", ,""
nt the L'hllud. nhl.. ....i.i.iiu ii -.. 'lmlrr
f.rre.1 l...n,.r. ,.:....' V .'.'".-.'. ""'.Y'"'"' . Oll-
me mbera.
- - - - -.- m. ...- ... nn ..,,-.. -I nnii . ,
just -.etiled ,",-real "w.Irk , V .M'toa'",), llif
rcaulta from Its camiiilKn. u'.eica unou
, Taat Supreme rteg-nt Joseph A. Lancdit
tileh Author t.. D,wl u ii ...'. . '""g1111?
..--.-.:-.. ,... ...U....I.II in inn
have celebrated In our anniversary
1111 st we
the splendid
The bombardment scenes of "The fjlrl
Phlllppn." the special elKlit-reel Vltauraph
production fronr the nnvcl liy Hubert W.
Chambers starrlnK America's daintiest
actress, Anita .Stewart, uin remarkably
vivid and realistic. Tills pi cat production
will luivo Its first North Philadelphia, sbow
Inc nt tho Strand all nf this week.
.Strand patrons may be pleased to know
that tho new thrce-mniiual Kimball pipe
orB.in now belnc Instnlled will be completed
In about thirty days. This will bo one nf
the finest and most complete- orchestral In
struments In this section. Kach of the
various sets of pipes nro of highly ells
tlnctlve character of tone, makliiK possible
the production of Infinitely wonderful mu
sical effects. In addition to tho reKlsters
of pipes, this Inptrtimcnt contains many
beautiful percussions, such ns the Glocken
spiel, xylophone, McIkIi bells, harp, cnlhe
t'ral chimes, bass drum, tynipani, tomtom,
snare drums, sound box triangle and other
novel devices, all of which ato iniely found
Ineorpoiated In one oritan
The H'heme of action Is electro-pneumatic
of the. unit tpe, vvheieby all reeixteiM
of pipes and cither devices aro of cntliely
Independent conttol, which not only makes
possible ki cater power of tone, but nlso
wonderfully Increases the scope and tonal
variety uf the instiuincnt. Two of the
three manuals of the pedal have a second
touch action by means of which beautiful
solo and ncceiitlns effects are obtainable.
Tho pneumatic part of 'the oip;an Is n"
new Invetnloii and Un e.scluslvo feature of
this oruati. It Is tho most perfect notion
III picclsion, durability nnd reliability that
has yet been placed on the mnikct and en
tirely eliminates tho many action troubles
and. annoyances to which theatre orcans
have been subject. Tho organ Is being
erected under the personal direction of W
K. Austin. Inventor of the new action. It
will bo In operation In about thirty days
Tully Marshall, one of the greatest char
acter actors on the stimo or screen, will bo
prominent In the support of Wnllaco Held
and Anita King in "The Golden Kctter" at
the Falrmount on Saturday, He was last
seen as the celebrated character Kagin, in
the Lasky all-star production of "Oliver
Twist." Others In the cast are Walter
Iione. C H. Geldert. Larry Puyton, Mrs.
Lewis McCord and Luclen Llttlellcld.
The managements of the Cedar. Tioga,
Frankford nnd Coliseum Theatres hao an
nounced their withdrawal from the Stnnley
Booking Company and will obtain their at
tractions dlrept from the exchanges.
The Trlncess has now taken on the ap
pearance of a patrlotlp Inspirational place
of meeting with Its many decorations In
the trio of red, white and blue colors. But
the real change that has been noticed at
this and other theatres controlled by Gen
eral Manager Buhler, comprising tho Vic
toria, Market Street and Savoy theatres, the
large attendance of women. Formerly these
theatres wero supposed to bo for men only,
but since the new management has made
the comfortable changes a better class of
patrons han been the result,
f Mme. Petrovn, who will appear at the
Jefferson on Wednesday In "The Secret of
Kve." has Just had some records which 'alio
made for the Columbia company placed,
upon the market yhua has another creen
star entered the reailm of canned oiccs as
well ;as, filmed face.
performance for the children has
d'by Jay Emanuel for Satur-
km fi. wnars tne aquitd will
Thia to to talta olac at
.,W-i,t.s,,iW "-,
HP : .
Ouarantee Council. Nu 1 I7U, met for the lai
!lnl?i".l.,.,r""'1 nn'1 K"h,rt strcvt". and arrange,
to hold the next meeting n Aifrll In In t hi ha
at Hutchinson street and (ilrnrel avenue when
take p'Fa'ce """'"" ""' "'"""evvarmlnir vvIM
tn 'ollowlng stntement nnd appeal:
t. A... i l"10" r",nfs the fortieth blrthdny of
he Royal Arcnnum, The occasion should l,f nt
,5he.r.mTl,"r".1"' ,: other l.lrthdyV.
oavjr next b
ltl( watts
fraternal and benevolent achievements of our
order, surpassing; Jy far those of kindred aocle;
tls-rnvrlad deed nf klnrfnexa anil rharlty and
love, myriad friendships cemented. 70 ! darH'
WlVfS. parenta anil ihlMftn nrnterfrd from ad
'w'i iitiinri. ninne iirmnifr. nuir.iinu eirirn
yrralty and more than 1 iicw.ihhj members nnd
lieixllclarlea rrndcrrd happy and rontentfd In
the knnntedge that th ilo"al Arcanum would
irotect them nnd thoss dear to them If th
niimmona shsuld tome, that must tome to (is all.
This jear we celebrate In larger degree all
these splendid achievements and much more.
I Inanclnl sarely, financial aolvency and ampin
funds to meet every attatk. row and hcnafltr.
pf the death angel hao been obtained and lne
liet ome now on actompllahed fact. And In ad
dltlnrimany .'htlim' and 'lienetlta' to membera.
suih as llhdniWMl values uimn disability or
old age, paid up Insurance, reducing nssesintnts
und Hie like, lime been pinvldtd Hllhnut the
deprivation of other prlvllcgcH injoved, so tU it
our members non ran Iciaai n bentllt certldeate
thalearrlea with It all the fraternal nnd phllaii
tbrople fcaturra nf. the beet beneficial societies,
nil the financial eoUrncy. eafetv and reciitliy of
tho best old line Insurance conipiinles at much
Inner tost and expense and with the further cer
tainty which Insurance comiuinlt's cannot give,
namely, that the money eo provided cannot be
diverted frnm the beneficiaries by attachment,
fcherlff sale or any otner ic.al device vvlialsu
evjr, "And while tn iiccompllxli all this has taken
four decades of tlrclras tTiirt of rate changes
and Inerensea nf Investigation nnd experiment,
of Rtnle Interference and supervision, the sue.
cess that crowns the effort l full and abundant.
vrn mougu ine incrensrd burden or cot una
been h if v and i:rlrvnua to many of us. and lo
some Insupportable.
"In Juno we ahnll celebrate, not the nmnelal
(roubles of the llovnl Annnum. but the fnct
that they are nver -tint hereafter, going hand
In nun I safety nnd security, llnanie and frn
temliy, buslnees and benevuleme, eolvency ntid
sufllclency and. above all.' ihmkc and prosperity,
shall be wiilchwiirds of cnuiil force and verltv.
and alike charm (eristic uf our order. Let us
ecrwncre prepare tor It
Wehtr C Welsa, Krnnilsccrctar of the
(loyal Arcanum, hied inld.tlnnnl honors besliiwe-d
bs his e lee linn ria aecretnrv and trenaiirer In
the IVnneMVriiila I'ralc rniil Congress In llarrls
iiurg I his nruiinlrallon Is i-nniposed e.f encleilis
with n tnnibiuril tnimhershlp of mure than
..noil (lull The New Veirk eunlercnce bill vas In
dorsed and whole family protection approved
Review nnd Unifoim Rank Meetings by
the Woman's Benefit Association
The ",'iftn" clven by Captain Mary Crouch
nt Park Avenue Hnll, 13ir, Columlila nve
line, f'n' Hie hcni'llt of the uniform rank
Port Huron trip fund, netted tho Kuard a
nice little hit fur the fund, nnd thnnks arc
dun .!rn. Crouch nnd her HMslfitants for
their win It
KcjMeui- l(i..r .S'n i'll, llitd nliouse Hall
I'ftv. third street and ll.ierfiiril avenue. Mrs
I. M Helms eiitnmariib r. received fmir iuipIIcm
tlnns fur IllcmhcrH'llli nnd nbllgiited live candi
date's at their list inciting, wlutli was ad
Jnurniil ,.arh u,s the ll,.vlew hid donated the
use nf Hh ball fur a meeting of the central
committee There was a good attendance, mid
all did Jtuaicc 111 the cllllkell supper served
under the din i lion of the vice president Mrs
Helms wbn presided In Hie llbn-1 f th
prealdent. Mrs Mary Barren who Is still III
Che ntlier faithful members nf the committee.
Sicrelarv Mrs i:iu n Cooke, Mr Mmle
llanev, Mrs. .Mary I'ngemath and Mrs llllrah, lb
Kreulz. have been Kept iivvnv by lllniss and
nie greatls mlased
H.irlnim llevlew, Fifty-second atreet and
Ilaverfnrd avenue Mrs. Mliuilu I'.vans i nni
niander recelvnl Iwo candMites by obligation
und about ivvt nt v -light bj iransfer from l.ln
erly Hell llevlew bv dlspensa tlnll or the en
tire me commander, Ih'ia merging two West Phil
adelphia Ilevlews and making one strung one
The Hiipre me chaplain Mls-e llurgln. urged the
members to secure growth, tn be leaders and
tut "brakes" Mrs Murium Nlrliiilanu wa u
weli'ome visitor, and e uinpllmemled them upon
ein-ii iwiieoiiuiiiii.il in,' ii"H-w exiieilH III IlliiVe
tn I'oriletb and Clieatnut slreita this month
where all iiiFinbvia will rueiv,. u im cunlliil
Sterling and East Park Branches Prom
ise Good Time at 'Next Meeting
Sterling Branch, .o GC, had u erv en
Joynldn nicetlm and the committee nr
innneil for u larse athletic cai nival tn lie
held nt the close of the next meeting, to
which all the local membera and frlenela are
cnrdlallj Invited This hrancli nets the pace
when It dimes ti nthletlc cvcnt. iiuinheriiiK
allium; lt.s memliera fnine of the best ath
letes nf the city. .
Hnat Park Hrancli, No. II, will hold a pro
greaslve card party on 1 hursday evening next,
to which members and friends, Including the.
ladlea are Invited Pilzea will be awarded to
the winners The usual drawing for attendance
prize will be held.
The awlmmlng pool In the Grand Fraternity's
new building, at Hi'JH-L'N Arch a(reet. la making
an appeal tn the membera and their friends.
Wednesday and Saturday nights nf each week
an- party nights, enjojed by all participants.
another picture on display In tbls city and
It will bo at tho I'ureka today. Charlotte
Walker will be the featuied ntnr In his
The popularity of the McCluio Seven
Deadly sins series lias been so great that
the Coliseum had to take "Gieed" for to-
mcirrow as well as today. It features Nance
O.N ell.
A largo frame containing the pictures of
the coming attractions has been placed In
thn lobby of ,e Jtl,lK0 Avenue Theatie
where tho patrons leaving tho theatre ran
see It. A special Dolly Vardon sewing
basket Is clven to the holder of the win
(ling sent coupon one day each week They
nre attractive affnlrn nnd many ladles have
leceljed them.
Friday will bo known as double feature
day at the Apollo, when Charlie Chaplin
will be shown In "Carmen" In addition to
..v,.o . t,, ,L,v mm ciwen .vioore In "A Girl
I.lko That."
The week of April !) will be the annlver-
-..,, ,u mi- ijveriiiniiK and
many nieclat
leaiures nave heed
nriiuiKcel by .M,in;,irr
JIiu. Sturrny will Rl, "On liecoi.f ilt the
Leader on Ftlday and Satui.lay. and the
pa rcnis c.-i then Icnrn vvli.u slm has to
act (or It Is to say'.') plctoially.
This Kilday nnd Saturday will nintk the
sixtieth week for tho hI.oh I, B ,,f Par ,,,,?
PlctKrapl,H at the imty-M IroTrZ.
, yii. 'f'"5' finrilnn, another one of thoso
del Rhtful pictures In tl,o Sevrn Aendlv Sins
series, and nouplns Kairhanks as "he prin
cipal attractions, this week at the" locust
promises West Phllndephlas -x Owl ,ft
unusual entertainment. Miss Gordon5 wb.
Is as renowned for he
she is for her beauty "will m her "Zi "y
!,.f"1.blTdai '" an ""'""'ate plctu?Zatlon
of the popular novel "Vera, the Medium"
This Is the first presentation of tho p"ay
In this section of the city. P y
r artistic nbllity ns
Stars of the screen who have made nn As
sured place for themselves In puhllc 'nni
preclatlon In plays that have never heI
.' - en iimys tnai nave never hefnrn
'l6"." " !' '. rhlladelphla a .PJ?
.;.. .e.v. ..criinoui tins week. Kor Insintici.
hero Is William S. Hart, aw &$$
pi.rtrners of -bad man" characters now In
the films, who will l,e ilc,.e today and Tuos
K&i.er." h'8 ,!Ueat RUCCCSS- Sun"
At tho Alhamhra. Wallace Held win -
"tar with pretty Myrtle Redman tte last'
hree days of the week In the first hi!
In of "The Prison Without WaMs AsTn
added attraction them win i. ' . " .an
kstallment of the authentic nrltfah WnrFiE
The IJuby jflves every promlso of offerln
one of the most delljjhtful of the many nro
grams thla house has offered thla wasom
On Friday and Saturday at the Regent
Itohfrt n. Mantell and Oenevlee Hamper
will appear In "Tannled Lives." "amper
In. addition o tho feature at the Stanlev
the surroundlmr hill win Include SnotteM?"
stallment of the official lirltlsh war pVcfure
A. Ilurtpn Holmen'. travelogue. PeS
Kcenlo and unusually hlgh-rtass mus tell
selections of the Stanley concert orches
under tho baton r.t iio,i m, V. rcnestra,
. ... w- ......j tt,iaeyer.
Abcordinc to Manager n-Mi--'- . ..
Bluebird. "Two Men. .b4 a, .Wt:! I
thrlllliw slorv of -'" --" W1 J(
m .injmtroM
Prof. r-t,.i a on!.. ie in -hft. and his
known experience In aquatic la assurance of
his sb llty to control even the most timid
brother In the swimming pool.
The fraternal "stork" of llranrti Nn. I paid
a visit to the home of Prater and. Mrs. Albert
NHUdiarhtir DetSuly Hob Delchmann, knowing
tho )oung arrival must wait eighteen jears ne;
fore entering this branch. Immediately plp.ced
hltn In the Krnlers' nullding and Man Asso
ciation as the ounfest stockholder.
. ANI)t:ilfON March 20. CIIARI.Kfl .. Im"
band nr Until It. Anderson, aged 11(1. Itelatlves
and friends Invited to servlcea, Tuca.. 2 p. m..
Third ('hr-MInn Church. Holly and Aspen sts,
Int. private. Itetaatns may be viewed at Oliver
II. Iiulr llldg., ltOJ Chestnut at.. Mon,, 7 to 9
P. m,
husband of llllcbeth A. Anderson Inee sllben).
Itelatlvra and friends, members Oak Park Pres
bvtrrlnn Church, Htonemen's fellowship, em
plovea t'ljde Kteumshlp Co. Hlld all societies of
jvhl Ii he waa a member. Invited to funeral serv.
lees, Thure , 2 p. in,. ."1M7 t.archwnod nve,,
Vvcat I'hlln, Int. private, ltrmnlns may be
viewed Wed.
, HANIIH. March .It, Kt.l.A. widow nf .loseph
Hntiea (nee Jlclluglll. llelallves and friends.
t. Stephen's II. V. M, Molality. Invited tn
fimernl. Wed,, w.'lo a. m.. residence of daughter,
Mrs, Hannah f I lelle. IISKI .V. lielhl st. High
innsa Ht. Htephen's Church lo a. m. Int. Holy
Ncpulchro Ccm. Auto funeral.
l!AKNi;H.--.Marc.ti .10. IIDWAHI). husband of
aennie llornra and son of lldwnrd and Into Clara
Humes, aged D2. Kelntlvca and friends Invited
o funeral, Tiles.. 1 p, m , brother's residence,
1120 Trne at. (tlth and Jackson sts.). Int. at
I ernwood Cem, friends may call Mon tve,
Autn aervlte
lll.'AHI.nv March .10, MAItr A. I1KAST.KY
(lien Hurk), wife of John llenalev, nged 43,
Itelatlvi'H and frienda Invlled in funeral, Tuea .
v a in miarianii a rcsMenco. ;u Wewtown ave
Daklyn, N J. Solemn reeiulem naaa Ht. Hose
of l.lini It. C Churrh. Ilnddnn lleigbta. N, J.
I'ues . ii.su a m. Int llnlv e'ros Cem.. Phlla,
Prl-nda mav cull Mon., nfler 1 p. m.
III'.CK Slldde-nlj April I Itll'sl.NA. widow
of 1'hlllp Heck ng'd 111 r.i'lallvca mil friends
I.Hillea' V. nf I'orlnthlau Ave I'realijterlau
Cl'llnh In If r d lo funeral ecrilcia Thurs , 2 v
in.. 2SIMI c'ambrldgi hi Inl p i,i" Vlt IVace
Ccm Iteninlits ma be viewed Wed , 7 to 0 p. m.
lli:CK March .111 lit Pi'jn VorK road, MAIL
OAHIIT, widow of John levels Dec k aged S3
Itelatlves and friends Invlled tn services, Tucs ,
2 p. in , Ollvir II Hair lll.U . ls.'o I'healnut st
Int. private Mt Peace ('cm
l!l;il)i;i.l, .March 2H CIIAItI.i:s A., hus
band of late Cnihcrlue A. Ileldrll (nre Hullon).
iieiiuves niei irienua invueu to rtinetal. Wed.,
sin a (n . brnlher-ln-law a residence, Charles
lloggerty. lrn.'l S Norwood at High inasa of
requiem St IMmond'a Church Id a. m Int.
llnlv Crosa Cem Waahlnglnn papers copy.
HOVIl Mateli 31, JOSHPII I... son eit Jo
hnnna C nnd lite Jovph Ii Huvd lleliitlvcs
and friends Imllcd lo funeral. Wed , M.3u m
in, reHlih'in e nf alaier, Mrs. Illla Wgand, 4(i
Mvrtle kI (.tib nnd Poplar ts I High miss
of leeiulem e'lurell eif Immat'llljte Cunception
10 II III lilt llnlv Cross le ui
IIHOSM April 1 1.11,1. V I.. Illto.ss (nee
Jiihnsonl, wife of Jeihu f. Dross aged 17. Itela
tin t and frliuds invllid to funeral ae rvlrea.
Wed a p in .7.tl Pnetiliftiril avi 1'riirikford
Int North Cedir Hill Ceiu. Itemnlns mav ha
viewed Tuea . after 7 i III Wlllnlngtoii, Del.,
papers eoio.
HllfCi:. prll I THOMAS husband of Anna
liV'i- u,K'w, """ """'"'t funeral glvcir from
" llVhllTri:!. ' April 1. WILLIAM, eon of lata
Jaiob nnd Caroline lliielilcr. iigeel n.l. Ilelatlvra
and friends Invited lo funeral. Wed., l p. )n
aparts. of William II. Hatiersbj, .I.IH! N. nroad
" . .'Ilt-.V1"! ." Vernon Cem. Auto funeral.
CA.SAVAN March 31, I'l.l.AHt: I II CAVA
VAN Itelatlves and friends invlled to funeral
lues , S::tH II. Ill, frcilll l.lttlo Slaters nf Hie.
Poor. Church lane, (leriii.intiivvu Mdemn mass
of reiiulein liiiiu.ie ulnte Ciiiiieptiiui Chmi Ii lo
a 111 Int llnlv Sepillelirn Ci'ln
CANNON Match 31. A.V.NIK CANNON (nea
Hiown), widow of Andiew Ciiiimin. late of Dun
more. Count.v Diinegal. Ireland Itelatlves and
friends. League of Sac red Heart and Altar and
Itosiry Sntlitv, Invited to funeral, Wed, s 3d
a III 2)11 fnlrmoliut live .Solemn reiiulem
masa Si I rniicla Xuvler's Church 1(1 a. m. Int.
Holy Cross Cem
l AIIll March 31 MH'IIAIM. ('Alio l,,..i....i
of Mars II. Cnrr and son of Mlchael'mid iale
Helen i-nrr, nt Araheetu Parish of I'aunMt
Ciniiny Donegal, lielind. llelallves and friends
SI Antlinn'a llnlv Name und Henellclal Sn
i letlea, Donegal Soi le t.v Invited tu Ma. nil
Wtd , S ll. in , 2712 Oakfold at Solemn reuuleni
inaas SI Aiiiboio a Church P.3U a m Int
llnlv Cross I'elll
CAVANAl'dll Man.li 31 ANNA, wife of
Dennis CaVHuaugh, of County Clare, Ireinnd
Itelatlves and frleuiN Invite 1 to funeral, tVvd
7:3(1 a m., 21131 Hummer st Solemn requiem
muss Cathedrnl Chun h ll a. m Int Holy Crosa
Ce tn
CI.AHK llnleri-d lido real, April 1 nt Prea.
bjlerlan llospitjl. CH AIM, IIS llinvl.N CLAltK
NullCe of funeral later.
COl'l-'llV Miilill 311, MAItY. widow eif Tim
oth Ce.dev Itelatlves und Jrlenda Invited to
funeral. Tuts, M.3u a tn son-lii-law'H real
dence, John Muffelt, 313'i Haul st. High mass
Church nf N'.ilivltv lo a. m. Int. ht. Joacph's
Cem. Dnwriluuluwn Pa.
COOl'lIIt. -At .Medfunl. N. J.. First-day
fourth month 1st. MAIIV COOPIllt. nged (II
Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Friends'
Meeting House, Cnlnn at. Medfnrd, N. .1
fourth dav. 1th Inst 12 noon. Int. friends'
Hurving (Iround. Autos will meet train leaving
Market si. ferrj. rhlla., 10.30 a. m., at Med.
ford. N. J.
DAIIHAH Marih 30. IIOIICKT T husband
nf late Catharine Darrah. aged Ho Relatives
and friends Invlled tn funeral, Tuoa 730
in, residence of (ieorgn Willia, 2R3n N, iih -t'
High maas Church of Our laidy of .Mercy ll
a. m Int Ht Maithew'a Cem.. Cnnahohocken.
Pa Auto funeral '
DAV April 1, at ClaMnont. Del, SAHA C
DAV 1 uneral seriliea. Wed II 11 m resi
dence of J. C McComb. Clavmont. Del. further
service and Int lit Sellersvllle. Pa . 3:15 11 ...
without furthet notice Audi funeral '
DOIIAN Martll 31, JAMI'H, liuahand of late
Marsuret Dorim (nee Coylel, funeral will be
iiiinoiiiirrd later, from son-in-law's residence!
Hugh Kennedy. 22311 fierce at. ''
aged 75. Itelaltves and friends Invlled to
funeral Berv cea. 'lu, " .in ., ... ei... ....
c,'.'.Vr'i!V. N.J . -?.1' ''"'ar Ore. 1 Ccm. '
Df.VN Muitll .11 SAKAII 1: , if r uu.
ur,1 .'."-"" "'"' daughter of late, William and
Sarah IVrg11s1.11 ltei.it ves and friends Invited
to funeral seniles Wed 2 p. m , 14",', n ATI;
ii.Ji"'e..Xlt J,Vr""i rrl"- lt,?nialns may bo
viewed I ties , after s 11 in
DfVIO.V. Aorll I MAIIV I' niTV'i-nw ......
of (leorgi; C . Dunum Itelatlves and frle'nlla In.
vlled to
funeral, Wed, u a in. 1721 Hauanm
oti inn
high mass of reiiulem Ht. Pairiri,
Churih 10 3u a.
Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto
i:.V(JI..ND Suddenly,
ford l 'healer Co . Pa
nged lis Relatives and
neral Wed., lla in .
.'VV.!1...'.- '"''"' Strat-
fllenila Invited to fu-
lain reHlderice. Int
private, Concord friend
iiur.'iiig eirounii.
Itelatlvea and frienda Uidles' Aid Socleiy Zlan
Herman Preabjierlan Church. Invited to funeral
services, '1 us , p. ni 1I41! N. -'Sth at. Int
private, Nurllnvnod Cem. llenialns may tin
viewed Mon.. 7 le !) i. m. Auto funeral.
1 AllltlCH'S March :i.l ATllll.l.' i,...i.n.. ..
l.llzilbelli 1 alirleluH (nen Spang), nge-d 31). ltela
""."I'J 'rl-,n'.1"' member.,' f Magvar Arimd
lleiiclleinl Sodeti und Szoevclslg. Invited to
fuiuriil servlcea Tues. 1 p, !; jsi,-, Sherman
ave , c .linden N J im ciielten inn. ('em
l-rlencla iii.il view remains lion. 7 tu ll n in.
1'AfSI'-April I. ADAM. luMli.iiid of I.Villa
I oust (mc M.inn) Itelatlves and ftlenda, (Iliar.l
Lodge. No. in, h f 11 , Milkmen's Ani Meu
bell Lodge. No. a V ll D (I II.. Invited I., fu.
nelill scrvliea. Wed L' ii, m. llllll N. Hill at
Int. piivate, .NuilhvMii.il tVm, Iteinaliis may
be vlliviil I'ues . S III 10 i, u,
PIH'SS.S'HH March 'III, at Pnlim nve und
ChislUUt at. Del unci, N .1 . KKArtlv J. I'llt'SS
.M.lt. husband of Carrb feiiasner (me Kingston)
nnd son of .Mar and lulu Joseph feUKHner
lleltitlvia and flbliiN llurllngtiin l.odue No
WH H I' o K. Invllid to i nut-nil. Wed le
a in . l riion ave and Chestnut at High hmkh
of Ii M"l' in Si filers Cliuri.ll, Itlveislile. lle
lll'lltls mil' tn viewed Tues. eve,
flltTll March 31 SAItAH t.'.. wife of
John 11. firth, ngrei ."i, Helnilves and friends
Invlled in funeral Tues.. '1 p in. husband's
resilience. 17 W. Wcsimurelnhd at. Int. Green-
IlloillK Cem.
fislllllt.-Suddcnlv. April 1. (JEOPGU XV. .
Iiusimnd of Annie fisher. Due notice of funeral
clven frnm M.ltl N. Urond at.
fISitf.lt. Arrll 1 unoriOH M.. aon of late
John S. and Elizabeth Plshcr. late of 2109 N
Howard st. Due notice of funeral clven.
l-'LEMINl! JIarch 31, THOMAS, huaband of
late Anntn llemlng (nee Duildyl. Helatlvea and
friends, Holy Nome Society; DIv. No. ,16. A
ll. II , employes of P. It T Co . filth and Cal
lovvhlll sla. bain, and Market St, Relief Asso.
Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. m.. residence
of son, Thomas M Plemlng, 422R Pennsgrove
at. Solemn reiiulem mass Church of Our Mother
of Sorrovva 10 a m. Inl. Cathedral Cem.
fo.STKIl. April 1. LINA II.. wife of Charlea
foster, aged (13. Itelatlvea and friends Invited
to funeral, Thura., 2 v m km Meadow at..
I-ranlcford Itemalna may be viewed Wed H
to 10 p, m. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem.
H.. April 1, at ..'532 Diamond ot., ANNIE
It., widow; of John f fog, nged (1.1. Due notice
of funeral will bo given.
nged On Itelatlvea and frienda Invlled to
funeral, Tues., 3 P. in., Snuthweatern Preaby
terlan Church. 2oth and fltzwater ala. Int.
private. Itemalna may be viewed realdence of
Charles l.vneh Norwood; Delaware Co., pa.
OALLACJIIEIl. -March 31. ANDREW, son of
lato hdwurd and Allen Oallarher. Itelatlves
and friends Invited to funeral, brother's real.
Hence, Edward Gallagher, 3327 N. lllh at.,
Tuea., R:30 a. m. High mass. of requiem St.
Stephen's Church 10 a. m. Int. Old Cathedral
(IKnCLftsj via u an Ttroceia a .....
band of Carrie (iebeleln (nee Ponton), aged 38.
Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral serv.
Jces., Tues.. 12:30 p. m.. 201(1 E. Thompson at.
(18th Wardl. Int. Montroao Cem. Itemalna
mav bo viewed Mon. eve.
OILL. March .10, ANNA M.. daughter ot
Robert and Rellnda QUI (hee Jordenl. Rela
Uvea nnd frienda. Sodality of the II. V. M. of
St. John Ilia Ilaptlat Church, Invited to funeral.
Tuea,. 8:30 a. m parents' reaidehce. 4Hi
Terrace at., Manayunk Solemn high requiem
niaaa St. John tho Ilaptlat Church 10 a. m.
Int. Wealmlnater Cem
(10AN. April 1. JOHN J., huaband nf Annie.
Ooan (nee Clartland). Itelatlvea and frienda In
vlled to funeral. Wed.. 8 a. m.. 410 flomeraet
at.. Hloureater City. N. J. High maaa St.
Mary's Church fi a. m. Int. St. Mary'a Cem.
husband of Florence Green, aged I'll. Relatives
and frienda. emploea nf Phlla and Reading
Relief Aaao.. Stonemen'a Fellowship of the
.ItUh Ward. Invltrdkto funeral, servlcea, Mon.,
2 p. in., realdence of brother-in-law, David M.
Scott, 3123 N. Carlisle at. Int. Northwood Cem.
HAINES. March 31. at lluclclngham. Pa.
ANNA M widow of Charlea C. llalnra. funeral
services, at home, Tues.. 10:30 a, m. Funeral
tn Phlla.. Tuea.. 8 o. m.. 105 M. 16th at. int
private. West Cheater papers cony.
jAou. -Jjarca at, ueomue dolu hauo.
oMjKtn of late AUfuatui und Mary
i iHviBi ucuf9 ana Anna
l",f V , , e.
d T-
ave. nenulem maaa 10 a. m, Ht. Peter's Churcn.
Int. Moat Holv Redeemer Cem. ...,,,- ..
itnnnMAN.v. Marth ni rrtANtis -v .
husband of late Margaret Herrminn, ajed ct
Itelatlves and friends. Dahlgren Post. No. 14,
(1. A It . Wrccacoe Trlb". No, 13(1 I, .
M.J Quaker City Circle No 57. of
Inc Post, foreign War Veterans music and
coach for the veteran" Invlled to fnf.l serv
ices Wed . 3 p m anon N Marshall st. He
mains msy.bo viewed Tucs., S to 1(1 P. m. Inl.
private. Helvue Cem
IIOfllAI'KIl.- MATHKW. husband of Anna
llnfbauer and son of John and late Ilarbara
Iiifjiier. agel .tl. Relatives and frienda,
franklin T Beneficial Society. No. 2. Invited to
funeral. Wed.. 7-:i( a ni.. fllone House lane and
Canal bank. High mass St. Alphonsus s Church
ll h. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem.
HOff MAN March 31, IlllS'llV If., aon of
Mary nnd Caater llomn.ln. Relallvea and
frienda Invlled to funeral, Wed . S'SO a. m..
314 llolton at. High mias St. Illlraheth'a
Church I" a. m Int. private. llnlv Cross Ccm.
lll'CKf.V. -March 31. CATHAIHNB A..
widow of Albert C. Iluckev. Relatives and
friends Invlled tn funeral services. Tues.. 8
.. n'.m V. IPlth at. Iei. Inrl Clinton. Pa.
illtTCICNAI.I.. Sudelenlv. March 311 KMA
ANN HL'CKNAI.I.. wife uf Handford W. Iluck
nail, aged 55. Relallvea and friends Invited to
funeral servlcea. Tuea.. a p. in.. tS4(i N. loth
at. Int. prliate. Hlllalde Cem ,,
Hl'uK.-March .111. at Mt. Holly. -V. J.
JAMfS S IIDI.MB ORed 7K Rrlatlvea and
friends Invited to funeral. 105 Mill St., Mt.
Holly. N. J.. Tps, 3:3n p. m. Int. private.
Kill.l.V Anrll 2, PATRICK husband of
late Annie Kellv (nee Ragonl Relatives and
friends, nil organlr-atlona of which he was a
member. Invited to funeral. Wed, i:30 a, m.
2i;o.t Naudnln st (211th and South). Int. Holy
Cross Cem. Solemn masa of reiiulem, SI 1 st
t'lY.No!-VhSV.!-.H3i:niB17. suddenly. JOHN D.
KINO Relatives and friends Invited to serv
lcea, Thura , 2 p. m , 221!) .V Broad at. Int.
rrKl.lN(II.Kn. April 1, at 113 S. 21th at..
Al'Ol'STA. wife nf William Kllngler. Rela
tlvea and frienda Invlled to aervlcea. Wed, J p.
in Oliver II. Hilr llldg . 1120 Cheatnut at. Int.
nrlvate. Mt Morlah Cem, Remains may 1st
. Iu..a,I Tuea .ve
kpi:sti:r. April 1. apoi'st kpiistkh.
aged .VI Itelatlves nnd friend", Kevslone Lodge,
No 271. f and A M , Phlla Musical Asso ,
Musical Protective Asao franz Schubert Hund,
Invlled to funrnl. Wed , 11 a m., 1540 Edgely
at (Kith and Dlimond). Int private. Remains
iniv be viewed Tuea . 5Vo !i p, m Auto funeral.
Ivl'IlT. Mireh 30 at South Westvllle, N
J CHRISTIAN KI'HTZ, aged r.3 Relallvea and
friends Prosperity Lodge. No 35 I. O. M., of
Westvllle, Pomona Lodge. No 111) 1 O. O I-,.
of Kg Harbor City, N J. Invited tn funeral.
Tus 2 p m.. realdence nf aon, Kdward Kurtr
K Olive st South Weatvllle, N J. Int. private,
Wcnonah Cem Remains may bo viewed Mon,
I'.AnJiA.V March 31, Mrs Ill.lZA I.ANOAN
llelallves and friends lnviled to funeral serv
Ices Thurs s p in . David II Srhuvler llldg,
Itrned and Diamond ate Int private.
I.KK. March 31, TIMOTHV J., huaband of
Rrldget C le (nee (Jlldea) and son of Iale
Richard and Susan I.e-v. of Wllkes-Ilarre. Ta.
Relallvea and frienda. Altar and Rosary Society
of Our Lady of Menv Chnrcli. DIv. No. 55. A.
i H. Invllid lu funeral, Wed . S'30 a. in. 1531)
W liduley at Solemn high maas of requiem
Church of Our Lady of .Mercy 10 a m. Int.
Holy SepuliJire Cem
I.OKIILK March 3n HMMA I.OtlUl.n (nee
Schlcmle). wife of August I.ocble, aged (11. Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral, Tuea. 2
p. tn.. 220t Jefferson at. Inl. private, friends
may view remains Mon eve
I.OVf.TT April 2, HIl.VJAMIN f . husband
of late Bridget C. I.ovett. Relatives and friends,
KiilchirlMiktr lieiienilnl Society, invited to
funeral. Wed U 3(1 a. in 221i Lombard at
Sob inn high maaa uf reiiulem St. Patrlck'a
Church, 11 a m Int Holy Crosa Cem. Auto
band of Mary A, Lvuus lteatlea and friends,
Washington Irving Lodge, No 750. I O. O. f .
Jainea (1 Htalne Cnurc II, No. 70(1, o, f. A. j mem
bers of Alleuhenv Ave. Baptist Church. Invited
In funeral servlcea. Wed . 3 p. tn , 3131) Kmerald
at Int private, Oreenwnod (K of P ) Cem.
Iti mains Iniv be Viewed Tuea,, 7 to 10 p. m.
MaeAVoV March 31 MILTON, husband of
Lulu MacAvov (nee Herrmann) ana aon of late
Daniel and Margaret MaiAvoy. Relatives and
frienda Philip It Htlmvler Camp. No. 2. S. of
V Invlled to funeral, Wed.. 2 p, m 1528 K,
I'.iluipr at Int Palmer Cem
McCO.VAdHV March So, MART (nes McDer.
mot), wife of (leorge, Mrfonaghy Relatives
and friends Invltnl tu funeral. Tuea., 8:30 a. m.,
Oikiiiont. Del Cu., pa. Solemn requiem maas
at Ht Denis's Chuirh. 10 a. m. Int. St.,
Itetlls M ('em
McCOHT March 30. THOMAS J. husband
of Mary A MiCort (nee Doyle). Relatives and
Irl.iulH Invlled lo f.'ueral, Tuea., 9 30 a, m,
1S47 .V 12th st Hli.li maas Church of Our Lady
or .vierev, to a in, int. ,ev cjaiiiedrai c;em
Mclil.NKSH April 1. JOHN MrOlNIISS, aged
72 Ht'latlvea and friends. Will. I.. Curry Post,
No IS, (I A It , C.uod Will Council, No. 207,
North Ainerban l'nlon, Piitla, Brigade Circle.
No IR'l, Ladles of the () A. R.; emplovea of
'I'av orriae. Invlled to funeral aervlcea. Thura ,
2 p in 1305 Hrown at Int. f ernwood Cem
Auto service Remains may be viewed Wed.,
7 to ll p in
Mi (IflOAN -March 31. CHARLKS. husband
of lllia McUulgan. Itelatlvea and frienda In
vited lo funeral. Wed.. S a. m.. 132(1 H. 2d at.
Solemn mass of reiiulem Sacred Heart Church
11:30 a. m. Int. Holy Crosa Cem.
McKKOWN March 30, ALVA R.. aon of
flenrgvi and Kleanor McKeown, aged IS. Rela
tives and friends, Cnlon Tabernacle Church and
Sabbath School, Welcome DIv., No. 29, S. T.i
emplojea Phlla Dm Works, Invited to funeral,
Wed., 1 p. m., parenta' realdence. 2104 K.
llergea at Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Re
malna may he viewed Tuea., 8 to 10 p. m.
Mc.MONAOLU. March 3t, Mlaa ELLEN Mc
MONAOLi: Relatives nnd frienda Invited to
funeral. Tuea.. 7:30 a. m , residence of Mlsa
Annie .McDonald, 3202 st Jamea place, w.
Phlla Solemn reiiulem mass St. Jamea'a Church
H a. in. Int. Holy Croaa Cem
MrNCI.TV March 3U JOHN J, husband of
Mnrgaret McNulty (nee Devenv), Relatives and
friends, Court Paasunk. No. 34. f. of A., em
piovea of Spree Icela'a Sugar Refinery, Invited
lo funeral. Wed . 8.30 a ni , 2533 S. 10th at.
Solemn high masa nf requiem Church of the
Epiphany 10 a m Int llnlv Cross Cem.
MEHI.IE.- March 31. ANNIE, widow of John
Mehlle, Relatives nnd friends invited to funeral,
Wed.. 8:3d a. m., residence of daughter. Mrs
Mary Auwnerter. 1iHl N. Lawrence at. High
mass St. Michael's Church. 10 a. m. Int. Old
Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral.
MERSIION March 30, RERECCA J widow
of Joseph Mershon. aged 84. Itelatlvea and
friends invited to aervices, Tuva., 1 p. in..
THE following theatres obtain their
All pictures reviewed lie Tore nhlb tlon. Aak for tha the.hi T- . .,7
obtaining pictures through th. STANLEY BOOKING C0MPANT ' '
AI MA MRP A t-th.Moirlst Passyunk Av,
rt!n.TllHDl Mat. Daily 2; Evgs. 6:45.
Paramount Pictures
Marie Doro in "Castles for Two"
n. i n. u i ni:i.ow k.th
56TH ST. ,,EfiA
Ers. 7 tn ii
PAiMINlt. WARD in .
Edith Storey and Waiiam'K
CEDAR WT" A!?k.9EDAn ave.
Added Attractlon-FRANCIS X. BtlHIiUM .
COLISEUM . MAI?5r blow
F Bender,
granddaughter's residence,
Mrs. A
Jr.. 1845 Woll
f at. Int. private.
March 3.1 M All r.wiaow ...-. -
nmy le Jpwcd Mon
(i tn n n. tn.
f, 1 ,... -utlde-nlv. AV II-UI AM
"''''K'i,"rc"a "Av-.ll.am M ler. Hr..g-ed
.. ....IJarl !
Relative-." , nil friend-. IM-flS" fJtf'S:
,., !. .r A rtmnAm II
MlVil--" 1 -"A-.l-l.rl r.-
P Ht, inla Wit !"' "!'
MOODY. March.
Snd frlerd. Invited to funeral serv es Wed
1 n
I,..k''n?nt; .rlve-Kod tf,
ORAN. March 31, OKHTntlDB ... i
a 1
,,fTf Thomas nandirla.H. Morgan, aged 11
? 'refdence. 2129 Che f ft: HtoJ, . m...
!lMc53!SaaSp"riimi. MiM .;
Mariafet Mullen (nee McDevltt) and aon ef
Jam?" am ale Catharine, Mullen, age.1 40.
aanirn ii ' ,.,.. ,.ii., tn funeral. Wed..
lTm.:'ll3()My.t.;'(llRjv.. and Snyder
ive.l. Reaulem nigll maaa e niiii-ie . ."
rhani' ' a. m.
Tl'irphy, 33 CoillngV av; 7 Colllnpwood. N. J.
iiih niaas St. JoTin'a Church 10 a. tm., Col-
iiiiaawnod. N. J. int. un ,v-lnTur,v. ,V."n'
fplenoa take Haddondeld trolley to Colllngs
"iTKRSAperHl'l.. IDA MARY, daughter nf
Joaeph and Sarah Mers aged D. Relatlv-es
and frienda Invited to funeral aervlcea. Wed..
2 p rn. father's residence. 244s Olenwood ave.
Int.' private. Remains may be viewed Tues.,
'NAKDI.-Jlarch 30. ANOEI.A L. NARDI (nee
Avrollea) widow of Lorenro I.. Nardl. aged 88.
Relat vs and frl-nda Invited to funeral serv
.-..Tuea . s.30 a. m.. sondn-law'a realdence.
iinrara Fornacl. 2817 W. Somerael at, holemn
maaa of requiem Church of Corpua Chrlatl. 28th
Sf and, Allegheny ave.. 10 a m. Int. Holy
C"?t.M'-Manh 31. KLIZABETH II., daugh
(er of late Henry and Rrldget Nellls. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. .Wed.. 8:30 a. m..
?eldent of uncle. Patrick McKernan. 3033 Til
ton at Solemn requiem mass Church of Na
tlvlty. B. V. M.. P n- Int. New Cathedral
widow of Paul K O'Brien, aged 84. Solemn
reoulem maas St. Clement'a Church, .lat st. and
Woodland ave. Wed. 1)30 a. m Int. private,
Brooklin N. Y. friends may call Tuea . 4 to
in ni 424 S. 4th at., Colwn. Omit flowers,
o'DoVnELL March 3(1. in Conshohocken,
Pa.. CATHAIHNB. wife of Owen ODonnell,
areil 5I Relatives and friends Invited to fu
n?ral Tuea! 8:30 a. m.. If Ml W. 3d ave.. Con
ahohocken. Pa Solemn high mass of requiem
St Mathew'a Church 10 a. m, Int St. Mathew'a
New (em. Auto aervice.
(IIIMSDY. March 31. MICHAEL J., huaband
of Mary J. (nee Hore). Relatives and friends,
Osage Tribe. No. 113. I. o. It. M. Invited to
funeral. Tuea.. 8:30 a. tn.. 310 N. 4th st. Bob
emn requiem masa St. Augustus Church 10 a. m.
Int. Holy croaa cem
..-rneir.p Marrh 30. MARTIN. Son of the
late Thomaa and Mary O'TooIe. Relatives and
frienda Invited to funeral, Tuea., 8 30 a. m..
from the realdence of Arthur .1. Rogers, 231)
Queen at. High requiem maaa St. Phlllp'a
Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem.
daughter of late Alexander and Mary Patterson.
Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral aerv
lcea. Wed., 2 p.. m., 822 N. 20th at. Int. prl-
TON, daughter of the late John and Elizabeth
Patton. Relatives and frienda Invited to funeral
aervices. Tuea.. 2 p. m 1935 S. 19th st. Int.
private. Mt. Morlah Cem. ...
PEAKE March 30, AONES, widow of
Thomas Pealce. aged 70 ft. datives and friends,
membera of the Olney Pretbyterlan Church, and
Norrls Square United Preibyterian Church. In
vited to funeral aervices, Tues, 2 p. m 620
Elklns ave. Int. private.
of aeons C, Pierce, daughter of late Wllmer
W. and Sarah A. Walter. Services Wed.. 11
a. m.. 2231 Hunting Park ave. Int. private.
POTTER. March 23. at Wieabaden. Germany.
REICHERT. March 29. EMMA, daughter of
Joaephlna and late franz Relchert. Relatives
and frienda, membera ot John Lester Circle,
L. of F. of A., No. S3. Invited to funeral, Tuea.,
8 30 a. m.. mother's realdence. 2181 N. loth at.
High requiem maaa Lady of Mercy Church 10
a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. Auto runeral,
RODEMICH. March 2, at Jarrettown, Pa.,
JOHN S. IlODRMfCII, aged 76. Relatives and
friends, Waahlngton Camp, No. 224, P. O. S. of
A Invited to funeral aervices, Tuea,, 2:30 p.
m., Jarrettown M. E, Church. Int. adjoining
rem. Carriages will meet lr02 train from Read
ing Terminal at Fort Washington.
. RUTHERFORD At Jamlaon. Pa.. March 31,
ISAAC RUTHERFORD, aged 89. Relatlvea ami
frienda Invited to funeral. Wed,, 2 p, m.. Foreat
wiii.o jrrrauyieriati inurca. tot. aajoining cem.
husband of Eva Katharine Schmidt (neo Thel
lacker), aged 68. Relatlvea and frlanda. Cab
inetmakers' Union No. 1091. Southwark Kran-ken-Kaaae.
and eniployea of Brill Car Works In
vlted to funeral, Tuea., 8.30 a, m.. 29 Main St.,
Darby. Solemn requiem high maaa 8t. Clem
ent's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croas Cem.
Auto cortege.
SHEEHAN. March U. at Wllllamaport. P.,
KATHERINE, widow of Thomaa Sheehan and
mother of the ReV. Francis J. 8heehan. rector
of Church of St. Thomaa Aquinas. Phlla. Rela
tlvea arid frienda Jpylted to funoral. Tues. g a.
m., 1032 E. Sd st.. WUHamsport. Pa. Solemn
requiem maaa Church of Annunciation 9:30 a. m.
Int. Mt. Carmel Cem.
SINEX. April 1, JOHN D.. aon of late Colo
nel Joaeph H. and Sltfy C. Slnex. Due notice of
'"".WiS"1 5" Sjven from B342 Lanadowne ave.
SMITH April 1. HORACE, husband of Mary
Smith. Relatlvea and frienda Invited to fu
neral. Wed.. 8.30 a. m.. 240 W. Chew at., Olney.
Solemn high maaa of requiem Church of the
Incarnation 10 a. in. Int. Laurel Hill Cem.
Auto funeral.
SMITH. March JO. JOHN SMITH, aon ot
late August and Elizabeth Smith, aged 59.
P'!"?" end friefneJs. Tonguwa Tilhe. No. 210,
I. O. R. M.i Red Croaa Caatla. No. SO, K. O.
illi . It
mrm upn. rf""i
B's7r?l'"TNr ?V -Ml'rJh .lT.U":iLiAN. dSughier
iv.it " n tn.. mother s residence, at ih wueen
Sne." KaiiaWof Schujlklll. Int. Wealmlnater
ii'-i . n. m.. -itit
Soukm Gmxmu
picture, through th. StANLEV Booking
LlUV'U,JI -Mata., 1:30 and 3:30, 10c.
iITTV -.-,-JSVg.".' 6:30' . 8:30, 15c.
KITTY GORDON ln "vera the
MARKET ST. Theatre "SZ
IjOUIRR riUTiv ,
'Vttzs: .nar -&: :j&
63D t HAVi:RFonn
DnprnT in aV.V.!5II-l7B" 0rch-
-w,,rtl YYARWItN
1018 MAnKET
poor" &. uohterc'f the
""erly S,IS,!afeIr'!c Bu.hman and
Bn, "
o ureat .srat h
H n i-.8JiIEET
- rr'wKtiK
n A T TT
P. M.
' " UVi IMP'
v i c trIXaetIt:
Low .KJ LPwnffl!
wmnmmZlI' '
CHAR48k0 fa .'LOST AND WffiN
'"i 8BCRET ffia? fiirr.
- - aumixm'l J
V..'. employes of Municipal Hospital, I
funeral services. Tuts.. 'J i. m.. real.
beither.tn. law. Samuel D'naaS. 3..2R M.
at Int. Hillside Cem via funeral car.
may view reniaipa yen n. en.
SMITH. March an, saimii. a., -
Oeorgs I,. Bmlth, aged 7(1, Relatives and i
invlled tn luncrni, iuen., - p. m .una.
wain County, 1'n, Int. Cumberland Cem.
AVItTII Aorll 1. nf ccrebrn'Snlnal.iwftni,
nKortOK, husband nt laic Margaret Smith
.......I.,... rc...a-.l ..H.l ll nl.nt.
.,l (,l lil-r. runnni n,i, ,.... i'.....
SPRINOMAN. Marrh 31). suddenly, HA
huaband nf Pauline Herrlcln .Sprlngmnn.
nn. llelafltea and friends. Welcnmn l.na..
453. Y. and A. M i dlrcclnrs of (Irenfr Ha'e
St, llldg. nnd Loan Asso., .Invllrn to fnn.V,
..-I... W..I 111. fill n n. 1711 S- n'ltri
rrill.rn, ...-u.. .....u n. ..... ..-. ... AUin
Int. private. ...
MI.U IK. April 1. .MAIIJ K. WI0OW of WlC
nniii v. .iiiik. i.rii.ii.'-n ..in. i.i.iiui. invilk
to funeral aervlcea. Wed . !! p. in, realdene, Jl ?
ann-ln-law, William It. Slner 2033 N 1 8th m S
eim r, utn.. te.in.i... ...,.t r-1........
ini. private. American .viecnnnics- ceni.
TAYLOR. Relatives ami frienda, members 5
Montgomery Ave. SI. K. Church, Invited t tS i
ncral aervlcea. Wed.. 2 p. ni , 151(1 frankfnS"
ave. Int. private. Nnrth e'ednr Hill Cem - l0M1
75. Relallvea nnd 'friend Invil.d In ..i..7ca&l
Wed.. 1 p. in,. Oliver It. Ilalr llldg., 1820 CheaM
nut at. Int. Olenlock, Cheater Co., pK. ""I
THORN. March 3d, JOSEPHINE U., wno
of Lalighorn Thorn, aned H.t. llelneu... "i"il
frienda Invited to funeral services, Tues. N
V:. ."?!,. """ence ot nauunter, .Margaret H, Thnfn 1
llllll Montgomery ave. Int. private. Ilora....!"-!
Int. private. Itordentowj
JV. J.
TICRN'AN March 30. MtCltAEt.
RL, son of I.e.1
Liiomaa unu .viary llernan. Relatives .!
frienda nvlted to funeral. Wed., s.-ni . W
. " - . ,; -- - ..' r--
2558 N. Water at. High mass Church of Vtl
Vlaltatlon 11. V. St. lo a. m. Int. llofy .?
chre Cem "epuis
TOI.AND. suddenly. Slarch 30, DAVict '
son of lata Hugh and Kllen Toland. of aiJnii.?
county uonegai, Ireland. He at Ves and fri.n4
invited to funeral. Tuea.. S:3C a. m.. from broil! 1
er'ef realdence. Jnnirs Toland. 1(147 s Aj!uot.rJ
Solemn requiem mass Church of messed Sacra: 1
ment 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. "acra..,!
lOWNHE.ND. April 1. ADDIK tt. tovvmI
SEND, daughter nf late Dr. u-iiii. .!.u"-'l
r.l.o.,..p Tnun.nH. n n-.a tin .,..".. 'v Ond .
friends . Invited to funeral aervlcea . via "OS'l
noon. 5130 Tacony at
FrnnkfrtM in ....'..
.N. J.
-- " tieverir.
TREKZ. Slarch 211. CAItnt.iMt ... .!
lata Daniel and Magdolena Trefa. B -I
and friends Invited to fnner.i V...'. ""auveg .
nephew's realdence. Prod Trcfs. 2040 Howart'h
viewedn,M."8nmrin(, Tn. K'" " " "b. ,
TYNDALE. Slarch 30. ELIZAnPTtr t
?ritef obln0,, T'ndl' rnwSf1.?,! Hu:
VEMTER. Slarch. 31, DAVID VKTTvn . .
?!. ..V"? notice of funeral will b 'TK ,n!i
1114 W. Lehlch n.
"... . .". ...V..?.. ' - '. .
Ai.i,i.iuiu.Y. Slarch 31
10 P. in.
WALTON M.iri, ein I.. .....
ii. Walton, aged "ni ' t.,ii..'.r."r"LJfJKl?"qn
I O,
.. ... . ... ..TinuirB una iri.ml.
Veteran i-nr, . ', '."" v?.r"J. -?ivern .Fire
i. r .. iei t'iii r.r e..t. . .. v- .t....1
(nea Cornell), wife of John j War n.e A.IlD
wii.sinY . ..n -. ...v. .:..
to services. Wed'., 2 p. ml 1 in
Mt. Morlah Cem. ' 3 N'
ILTON. March 31. lltcumi
n 111 XT .. .. .'-
Mole st. Int.
?..jl?''''y wiitnn. HeiiTiv;;-.nd-v.!"."0
ecii oi, Kiel unn M.. h, nh.. j
vueu co lunerai. Wed.. 8'3o a m jt-p i, . '"
st.. Frankford. Reouiein mnm"a.47'? selro
Church 10 a. m. inc." sl Domrmf.'.- rV,."fhlm,
THE LEADING RESORT Hrvrn nr tut .. -
OWNERSHIP Uliuir-.!.. "'
Westminster Ky. ave. near Reach. Elev to
n .?. "I'' . Private hatha, rni!
n.v... au uu vyicnij. ji up ually, ciias,
Bhort Course of Ten Week
For Wen and Women
Commence Monday Eve.. April Sd. at 8 o'loct
Call. write or phone Spruco 8218.
Berlitz School
(Ovtr Rlker A Heieman'a Pharmaer)
DOO Loat. In West Laurel Hill Cemetery, a.
pure white tov poodle, female: anawera to tlw
name of
33. 4924 y. 13th at.,
'inj'i r". leiepnone wyomin-
POV?.-A-NIA?,'4-.Jvtllt- female, ln neighborhood
of 06th and Thomaa. Reward If returned to
'- Malcolm at., b-1 phono Walnut 1904. and
owner will oall.
PAN?TP.I1, Loat' blaclt namel diamond act.
laat Friday p. m. noward. Return Mlsa
. Staevea. 1742 Oracin at.
NOTICE s hereby riven that an application
will be made to the Amparo Mining Company
to.relasue certificate No. 1648. for 1000 harei.
realatered In the name of Florence M. Parke!
bearing- date June Hi, 1904, which certificate,
haa been loat or mlalald.
B02.T s SBT J,'1 f" I1 fl teeth. Wo pay
120 per ounce for gold. Bring- or mall. Lee's
Old Gold and Silver Shop, 712 Walnut at.
Caah by return mall. Send poatal, will call.
SACRIFICE Blue-white diamond eelltalre ring,
about 2 carata. $22.1. McCutrheon. 612 Bulle-
tlnnjdr. Phonea. Walnut 1887. Race 8609.
RARE BLACK onyx ring set perfect? white dla
mond aolltaire. 440. Bargain. Ph.Walnut 1SS7.
BONNA55 operators, thoroughly familiar with
nrat-claaa work; steady work) long laaaan.
Apply Smith A Ramsey, 1640 Market.
BOOKKEEPER "and .stenographer; must hart
experience. Ferguson Carpet Co., Wayne ave,
andP.AJt.Itallway. Wayne Junction.
Academy, Blalrstovrn, N. J. Address Miss N.
C. White. Blalratown. N. J.. Box So.
CHAMBERMAID arul waltresa. white: must
have reference. 401(1 Wynnefleld ave.
CCK?K.' experienced, white. Protestant: ref.i Wf
. - "..-. -. -". -. . ., iatiiipi cii.iwi.
COOK AND HOUSEMAID. 2 girls to go to At-
laiivio cny. rcierencea. none i'reaton 3943 J.
COOK, nret ciaaj, white! must have reference,
4910 Wynnefleld ave.. Weat Philadelphia.
CqOKINO. waiting woman wanted: na washing;
family four: references. Phone Ardmore IQJM
OIRL for general houaework; sleep ln: good .
Ingtnn. nged 27. Relatives and friend, , ipjifed
In funeral services. Wed., s n m , tin? a
' vTi-'T,!4,. '1'V", ??. t;fan?-Wo'oa:!anSci
lluhrcj. Mi'
yagea. Phone Chestnut Hill 1380. l
Trt l.ninu Tn Hflirw t.tt rw nemal
l.lnriPTT A. XCVTTIja ernoir.i-'r. rn
OIRLS We have several openings for girls !
wu. i'bvci uu mtiuryj aire woriv cicip uuuwr .
pleaaant and healthful conditional our factory J
works 60 hours per week and stops .sin
12:10 .n. .m. on Saturdays. Brown A Bauer
V.Q.. -m. w. cor. rranKiin ana wiiiovt sts.
OIRLS. 14 to "18 years. Il.ht.'rlean work oal
lace In healthful workrooms: steady emploirfjfl
m-ni ana gooa wRges. norm American ui
. -o., mn ana Allegheny.
OIRLS, light factory work
' ataoor ..
work; paid while learning. Apply a,
worn; paia v
1214 Filbert.
HAND EMBROIDERERS and good sewersl If
seaaon: steady work. Smith A Ramsey; J
aiarKci st.
HOUSEWORK A capable woman needed
-rnerai nousework In a country nome; la
01 a aauua. (j bub, Leager ornco.
IRONERS on ladles' shirtwaists: steady
best pay; 48-hour schedule. The Hagei
jiera ijo.. gq ana Brown.
KITCHEN maid wanted! tnnat have rood
'ncea: wages 17 week; family living ln
awr auring summer: gooa piece lor.
Prson; MwMe preferred. P BIB, Lea
IKDY. over 2K years, tactful, reflned
ance. for permanent position requiring
attention from B to 4 dally; reference
is a nrai-ciasa position : gooa pay 10
party. P 828. Ledger Office. .1
LAUNDERER8 to Press shirtwaists; pla
Work for whole season! hlaheat nay: (
schedule. The Hagedorrf-Mers Co.. 8d Aj
LAUNDRESS wanted, white. Apply 281
nut lane. '',
MAID Capable French woman wanted I
for 1! children, arcs 0 unci lie ..Trallaa
ence required. Call 2010 Walnut,..!
. eroni u vo ij . vj
MOTHER'S HELPER, where other
youngi reference. 4848 N. Broad
OPERATORS of oil kinds on ladlea-
finishers, titeksrs, trimmer : pleo
Weak 1 work-nt Uarnera naM .Ml
i -r, "" "". uii'.
nseuar wri,4vpirators wai
..TtH Hagdorn-