rw?wTa 'f'Hf,,-' " ' w- 'tv. 1 iw i v,jV 'I'l ,1 --vx.- -t' y.M. IK I. ft ft' ,? y a i. i. 11 B -.Avv vP- EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, "Mi -iA'M. ' is i t. n '" ", PHILADELPHIA KEEPS IN STEP IN ITS CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS " MILLIONS: FOR DBJ?JE J , , CLERKS OF FINANCIAL DISTRICT IN MILITARY ARRAY Employes of tho Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives, whose building, 517 Chestnut street, faces Independence Hall, have organ ized an infantry command of sixty members. - i i M i - v-t'ti'' ' - -..' -- ov-ft' -vs 'J., ittpV, -- fi VIVAS' --' ' ' . , " - Mm Wg bIIKB WnTm i bv&ikJ&&m1Bbb): PE?Sn?iiSr3 ilKl vl IlMBfFmflBwmfra jKbVjUI R YrmlBBYK-ifctB wJbb lfraHBYHSv W';tr4S3C lllflKK.BWaiiag ' U. S. MARINES fl U v : I Q$m; Bt Bfc,' -1 lif:H?Ti ' r;:i itv J -1409' Arch Street- IV ,11 h,mMtiM,,'Am;t:;5S T" r'' H JV v4 f. Y-- i- ' ?. "-s S ". r t ? v;V- Q. VVl OPPORTUNITY TO SEE WORLD, STARTING FROM LIBERTY'S SHRINE Independence Hall and its vicinity are placarded with Marine Corps literature, inviting recruits, an appeal 'which is bearing fruit in patriotic Philadelphia. QUICK TO RESPOND TO ORDERS OR TO A CALL FOR HOME DEFENSE Not even West Point enjoys a more enviable reputation for proficiency in the drill regulations of the United States army tian the cadets of the Pennsylvania Military Academy at Chester. i"i' lrKTT,Tprr' - . r ., . . ..., uiumi if j ji FltSaaaaaaaaaaF'BaaaalBHM''' PBHIliB A SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR ECHO THAT VIBRATES WITH NEW VIGOR The Olney Guard, organized in 1898, is drilling at St James Church, with signal corps, wireless and first-aid squads as adjuncts to its regular equipment. ?.?.. ... . " f. m tv' :i v . r , , - &l , ; - , , ' s - & 'Will v Vli ' fiM: ;- ;fe4 ft (flV f-AVViJI v . ."'." -?ni W t . V1? :-' ' rr-in IjA .t ': .i" I A ? "'. DONATES HIMSELF AND YACHT TO COUNTRY'S SERVICE J. H. R. Cromwell, now lieutenant in the Naval Reserve, by his action, jrives to Philadelphia the right to boast that in time of need "We've got the ships, we've got the men, we've got the money, too." Navy Leaguo headquarters at the Adelphia are competently handled by Mrs. M. Spatola (left), Mrs. Ethel Keebler (middle) and Mrs. W. W. Toles (right). ifi-, B y PKvMBj5ii???W!3wHBM sFl 22i2l v , : . v Est - "ilW , .vat , ifrUP'ri' '?lflB lis liti' r!ill i, ? V " , J t?i UK I -" ,v CTJI c. j.v !? 1 ;' .'L ". teii: v;H illfe j IX ; .USS.C.1 i 64 ii ?!.?m? r lM (I y J le v'Bj . 'ff"1 m lillViil 1 H; VvfVl 'BY ", N iufiat6srfa u TsP IS: -b i f t:a.''. M& v- tE w-mmwjgap' 5. fH fainrr'U 1 q ...-. ,.. .i. !"r-;ivL!S.,-,,Btn Atxrrr.T.VBV T.T1TF. WKOlIT.ATi OTTNNERS k ' Hr"". A PIONEER AMONG THE SCHOOL MILITARY- COHP8 f i. Il IU1 I'il 17 J '! r 8 B. ( m liVl M J Ai na . ... ' l "a., r-wvr t-,