Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 28, 1917, Postscript Edition, Image 9

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SNA K' nusrAKAiii
tnnohi da 420 Concentrhtisulln
r pronto Trentinn dni Teutoni
p' ' ocr la Calata su Brescia
IIOMA. 28 Marzo.
.. nosslbllltn' ell un'oltenslva austro-
. ... llttnlln n n.n.... MMJll-
EraiicUMlonl In qucstl clrcoll mllltarl c
".Klla itallana telegrafn cho si rltlenc
l7 I... .Afin I .'arnni-aiiinnln .1ll
.. iin ini i n n 11 in r 1 1 1. iiiiiii, iiiiiiio in
li JU1 On"11"'' " Ci,f II HVI.UHTIUIIIHIUI UflUl
E,M ledesche nclla Francla Indlcn cho la
Cj .rmanla avra' presto n sua dlsposlzlono
r M0t dlvlslonl cho possono cssere usate bu
ICouftlchs altra fronto dl battnglla, ed un
M.Lnrale Itallano dlceva al corrlsuondcnto
. facevano rltcnerc cho la fronto Itallana
Witf' stnta l,rcRCclt:l (,nl!o Stato Magglore
,-)csco come quolla cho nvrebbe dovtlto
Lblna la masslma nresslonc dello forzo
'tfprobabllmente o' sempro It corrlspon
Lnte che parla II segno- plu' linportante e
mila nomlna del genernlo austrlaco Conrad
1 comando dello forzo austriache sulln
fronto Itallana, nomlna che mostra come
11 buo vecchlo c favorlto progetto ill una
eelala tlOKti austrlacl su Biescln e Verona
tornato nd esere bene aecolto nello alte
. rltliul tAiilnnlntia Itn'nllfn m.. In
'trenlUllHIl icuiuinvi.c. uoi.iiiu ni-KIMJ on-
jrtnnte e rnumonio ueiie nrugiieric nus
lache sulla fronto Itnllana.
fCfgll ultlmi bombaidamentl austrlacl
,'iio fronte trentlna, c speclalmento nella
faille dell'Adlge, sono statl usatl I grossl
.mm K'rini) da 1420. e parecchl dl oueatl
1 iwiil fcono statl scopertl qua c la lungo la
' fronto alpina. Quottro dl questl oblcl ban-
'tio'gla' assagglato I loro tlrl sulla allo
. AtU'Adlge. VI sono anche altrl segnl. non
Ultimo del quail la costruzlone dl 2500
': 'chllometrl dl strade net settore ml est del
' ago dl Garda, cloe' nella alle dell'Adlge.
:'mii srandl deposltl dl materlalo da guorra
i t parecchle ferrovlo acree. II corrlspon-
'! Ijuta afrcHtinirn 1
iti vcm "ho'-'t--
111 vnn a mill lntpnlnnn ill fltirn lnfi-ii.
w 'tlo'nl per quanto rlsuarda I preparatlvl
I. fattl aalio niaio .uaggiore uaiiano per rar
' ;fronte a questa offenslva austro-tcdesca ;
-'mdopo aver percorso In automobile, a
idorso dl mull e a pledl tutta la fronte
alpina dalla valle dcll'AdlBo all'altoplano
41 Aslago a ed alia Val Sugana, non potrel
Immaglnare.utla preparazlone plu' completa
-, plu' perfetta dl que!la complut. dallo
i ' Stato MaBS'ore Itallano."
i, OJtre a questa preparnzlono a. cul II
fenerale Cadorna accennava parlando con
Ton. Darzllal, II comandante In capo dello
forze Italiane aBBlungeva:
"Abblamo stablllto tra Bll alleatl una
rie dl iloverl reclprocl che, In certl mesl,
devono crearo tra Bll nlleati una sollda,
ilncera e durevolo fratellanza d'arml."
Ierl sera 11 Mlnlstero della Ouerra puh
bllcava II seguonte rapporto del generalo
Cadorna circa la sltuazlone alia fronte
Kalo-austrlaca :
Xella Val Sugana domenlca notte
repartl nemlcl tentarono dl n-vlcl-narsl
al'e nostre poslzlonl sulla rlv.i
sinistra del torrente Maso, ad ovest
dl Samone, ma furono resplntl o
dlspcrsl dal fuoco delle nostre batterle
Xella glornata dl Ierl si ebbe con
ldereole nttlvlta' delle artlgllerle
Bulla fronte, Glulla. Al calar della notte
II liombaniamento fu estreniamente
vlolento nel settore compresi tra 11
Vlppacco e Dosso" Faltl. Dopo aver
dlstrutto le nostre dlfese II nemlco
lanclo' due nttacclll In forza, uno contro'
la Quota 120; dove rluscl" ad occupare
alcune delle nostre poslzlonl plu"
iftanzate, ed un altro verso II Dosso
Faltl, dove fu Immedlamente resplnto.
Una squadrlglla dl nostrl neroplanl
ha lasclato cadero bombo su assanto
namentl nemlcl nella Vallarsa, nella
vlclnanze dl Gcroll, con buonl rlsultati.
Tutto le nostre macchlne rltornarono
eenza dannl alia Joro base.
Telegramm' da Parlgl dlcono cho un
tomunlcato pubbllcato cola" Ierl sera dal
v. Mlnlstero della Guerra annuncla che gll
- ' ! " j i-. L i i
v" -" -V , - n 1 -,
- - ' , 'W - o'Alii I" i
X " i x ' ' 1 I ' v '
'V-' ", " far. M . '- '
; - -- -' ' ' At
. ', -' . ;:' - I ) flfc?x VA X i
Itallnnl nnrnll 4.m .. . ." ' . -
Oil linlii nUnCC0 0I,ernto "'al bulgarl.
Xr.a nneearnun Z2FW 'W
ha connulatnin .'ru ba'?Rllonc francese
1clla Cresta , V'" nemlch "' ,llrl(""'
centlnaoredTpr.CgSrfnn 'dedol -
MCTZ Un Il8p!U?cl0 rtil
T ZA Tp -e LSI
Va o a IS ,?in,I1,., "allnno ,'!l'ro a
'lei goVernn ""maglnaro che la nota
altre not,?l .Kre.C.am,rn n n,,lro "'"
che iilareh. n i ' 'marranno dove sqno,
lino. n" "' K0Urno " re -'"8t-
K teM,.'l,5110 """lUlMnto tutta In
Police Redouble Efforts- to Find
Negro Murderer $500 Re
ward Offered
The police are redoubling their efforts
i? I . Vl? neRro hurtfnr who fatally shot
Harold hills Yarnall. secretary and treas
uier of the Midland Valley Railroad, at
,,s, ',ol"f- 2 t'lne street, last Sunday
night. New nlllp nra 1.a!t. -..1(.... . ..,!.
! ., I. ,. "- "c,"h lununru luuuy
r.,. .1 uuini funereni cllTcs,
An offor of JB00 reward by Captain Tate
of the Detective Bureau for the apprehen
sion of the slayer, has Increased Interest
in the case throughout the city. Scotes of
persons hao become nmatcur detectives
and are keeping a shaip lookout for a light
colored negro with Hat nose and wearing a
black overcoat, brown suit and brown cap.
This was the description of the murderer
furnished the police by Mrs. Yarnall
Dr. John It. Gibbon, the surgeon who at
tended Mr. arnall. told today of the last
words spoken by Mr. Yarnall beforo his
"As I stood by .Mr. Yarnall's side at
the Pennsylvania Hospital," said Doctor
Gibbon. "I said to him: 'Harold, how did
this happen?' He was perfectly clear
headed as he replied: 'I grappled with the.
negro, who had Mrs. Yarnall down on the
floor. As 1 came toward him ho saw me
He was six feet away when he shot me, and
then after the bullet entered my side F
lunged at him with my foot, nnd' he fired
tho second time. Then 1 kicked him again,
nnd he went oer the balustrade, and I t,aw
him fall down the stairs.'
"I asked lunv wro jou sure the first
shot hit you and not the second?' He
milled as he looued up at me and shook
his head, saying: 'Xo, the negio neer shot
mo but once. I was too strong for him
even after I was wounded.' "
Employes of Jacob Reed's Sons Send
Message to President
A resolution "pledging unulnchlng sup
port to President Wilson In protecting
American rights against unlawful Infringe
ment upon land and sea" was signed last
night by 350 employes of Jacob Heed's Sons.
nnd Immediately dispatched to the White
House. Tho occasion was the first annual
banquet of the employes, held at Kugler's
Hestaurant, and also the ninety-third nnnl
ersary of the founding of the firm In this
Speeches Were made by Irving I.. Wilson,
president of the company: K. .1. Gadsby,
vice president and secretary, and Claude A.
Simpler, of the board of directors. Mr.
Gadsby sketched the history of the organl
7atlon In Its ninety-three years of service,
nnd also told of the aid which the firm Is
giving to the Government at present by
working overtime to supply uniforms for
the army and navy.
David Rogers vias chairman of the ban
quet committee arrd W. J. Parker secretary.
. iB 11' mm
Mustache Is Carefully
, Curled and He Is Not a
Bad Looker at All -
Sef.nin ?' nB n,,out for ft wlfc- "ustave
h . '. vho ,res,'s c'othes at 1C40 West
itJT. iTw luen,lc- '"'l two things: (n)
He curled his mustache nnd strode abroad
in 'hi ny" " "Pe whnt "e might see:
ti) ho wrote to tho Kvn.viNa I.cbciKn and
asked how to go about getting married.
about GuT " nn1 "oclr'-wrlVnB
lint wo far his efforts, practical as they
naio been, havo not been productive of a
spouse. What's Gus going to do?
He nnnounces that he has $900 saved,
that he has a good Job nnd would make a
model husband. Gus Isn't nt all bad
looking. "Plenty of them flirt," ho said, "and
that 8 a bad sign, for those that flirt don't
want husbands generally. Try to talk to
them senslble-llke nnd they Just laugh."
Gus Is twenty-six years old and a natUe
of Hussla. A brunette would suit him to a
tee one who laughs n grcnt denl, but not
when he proposing, There Is really
nothing funny nbout Gus. Gather around,
girls, nnd see for oursclvos.
Farmer Smith's '
Column i
My dear little authors I want to ask
you n question how many letters havo I
written today? Try to guess.
I am quite proud of myself, for the other
daj I wrote thirty-six letters to you dears
without getting up from my chair.
Think of that!
I wish I had written a thousand.
If there Is ono thing In nil this world
I lovo to do It Is to get letters from my
I.lttlo People. No matter what you are
going to lie !". afterlife, you MUST W1UTU
If you have nothing to write about, sit
down nnd SCOI.D me. Did you ever write
a EColdlng letter? I necr did It must be
a funny feeling when you begin to write.
Try It.
I do not believe scolding gets us very
tar do you? ,
Scold mo for not doing more for you
for Instance
Your loving editor,
P. S. You might scold me for heading
this talk "GL'KSS."
By Farmer Smith
Father Duck was so surprised to hear a
olce over his head that he forgot nil nbout
his hurry. The laughing stopped and there
came from tho tree
"Hello, there! You sleepyhead what are
you trying to do at this time of night? It's
long past your bedtime."
.lust at that moment David Crow Joined
Father Duck, and Mister Jay Ulrd shouted:
"A pair of you late birds. Ha! Ha!"
"You ought to know what wo are doing!"
Ehouted David Crow. "Didn't you Juvt gle
rno the wrong signal? You mischievous
fellow. Some one will catch up with you
one of these days and then and then "
"Oh, pshaw!" fall ly shouted Mister Jay
Bird. "I madp a mistake I meant to tell
you they were going the other way and the
wild ducks would bo safe."
"You got your wigwags mixed, then,"
said Dald Ciow.
'1 guess von did !" added Father Duck.
A Few Spring Styles
Designed by Geuting
JUST the merest glimpse of what is probably the most won'
derful assortment of original creations that has ever been
shown in Philadelphia.
We are daily surprising scores of customers by the reason'
ableness of our prices, only possible because of enormous early,
buying, months before the recent acute advances in leather.
. 1230 Maret Street & 19. .South nth Street
(Shoes and Stockings for the Family) '(A
Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Geuting
"Perhaps I hae n chance to mix tho slg
rals for vou some day."
"You aro too kind-hearted for that," re
p. led Ulster Jay Ulrd.
Hy this time David and Father Duck were
beginning to get angry, Mister Jay Ulrd
noticed It nnd t-nld:
'Calm oil sell cs. Calmness Is a virtue,
pt'ri It does no good to get all excited nnd
angry In limes of danger"
"There would have been no danger If It
hadn't been for .on," said David.
Then suddenly both David Crow and
Father Duck made a dash for MtMer Jay
inrii, deiei mined to punlsli him good for his
trick They knew It was his habit to play
tricks, but they regarded this as a serious
After Father Duck gaioip looking for
Mister Jay Ulrd, he flew home ns fast ns ho
could, nnd when he reached there he found
Mrs. Duck nnd the children nil huddled In
one corner
"Mother, dear "' he shouted "Come
quickly. I have learned one lesson tonight,
We must all practice Hying. There Is time
enough to settle down now for a little nap
as w piiit be out of here bj dawn.
"Hunters are near
"Hut never fear, for I have arranged for
us to be warned; but never, ncer believe
that wicked Jay Ulrd. He is the Joker of
the forest."
When dawt came the Duck family made
their way outdoors. Tho winter had been
long and the added fright occasioned by
Mister Jay Hird's trick had made Mrs. Duck
and the Ducklings pass a restless night.
They were glad of tho sunlight.
It was hard walking on the ground, and
the children were glad when Father Duck
announced that they were ready for their
lb log lesson
"Is the danger over?" nsked Buzz. "I
don't want tolturn Into a flying machine
unless It Is perfectly safe."
"All Is well," replied Father Duck as he
Hew to a nearby treo and shouted:
"Come on, Iluzz '"
Huzz started nnd Hew halfway to the tree,
while his mother stood below, her heart In
her mouth
Chicken Raiser Robbed
I.ANCASTKII, Pa., March 28. After re
m.ilnlHg unconscious nil night In his hatch
oi y, Waller Singer, a chicken dealer, re
covered consciousness yesterday to lltul
he had been robbed of $200. He remembers
healing the hatchery door open and then
fell unconscious, the victim of an unidenti
fied assailant. Six thousand eggs In tho
Incubators he was nttendlng were de
stroyed, through overheating.
Pcnnsylvnnln Railroad Official
While on Way Home to
Funeral sen Ices for Simon r Long, who
was general manager of the Pennsylvania
llallroad, will bo held this afternoon at 2
o'clock nt the Overtime); Presbyterian
Church. Honorary pallbeaicrs will be W.
W. Attcrbury, W. H. Myers. (1. W, Ctclgh
ton, It. li. O'Donnel, Dr. McCluney Had
clltte. 11. 11. Sheldon, Kllsha l.ce, A. T. Dice
II. C. Clevenger, C. II. Adamson, Thomas
Fisher and S. L. Sober.
Mr. Long died Sunday whlto on a Penn
sylvania ltallroad train on his way homo
to Merlon. Ho was stricken with apoplexy
and died beforo medical nld could bo sum
moned. Ho was nccompanled by .lames K.
Knhnestock, treasurer of tho railroad, and
George, W, Crelgbtoii, general supei Intend
ent of tho company at Altoona, nt the time.
He was born In D.iuphln County. Pn.,
September 7, 18GT, entering the construc
tion department of the Pennsylvania ftall
load In 18S1. He was made general super
intendent, western Penns.ilianla division, in
190J, Inter ndvanclng to the position of gen
eral manager. He Is sun lied by n widow
and thrco daughters.
The JndRc Was Accommodating
MlMA'lt.U:. N .!., Match 28 "Whv not
make It n thousand, Judge'" asked David
Whitman, a Mlllillle Junk ilralet, when
Justice Chard told him to furnMi JaOO
ball on the charge of riceivlng stolen good.
"All right, I'll make It u thousand," laiil
the Justice, and after some dllllculty tho
bond was produced. Now ell Orlner nnd
Henry Hulln, two bos, had Identllied the
prisoner ns being the man to whom they
Mild stolen metal.
Qujf It-Service Men's Shop)
Brothers Supervising
4f!j April Records at rieppes loday $mm M
MfflSwm This morninp; wo place on sale the April List of the liPm J-M
$M$I& Victroln Records. As usual, we have our own selection jfwilSnk '9
.fW?ftfe)f frorn the list. Wc invite all Victor patrons to visit IHH . "4;JJ
JMliillfs our Rtrc ani' hea the new tecords. There are one or fflHB '
IlllilllSfl two t',at you s',ou'(' '1Gfir by all means the new Lucia IshuBKA jM
ifWffillilill Sextette nnd the RiRoletto Quarfet. The dance numbers HiSHPB jj
(mSS0W& an(' McCormack's record are also fascinating. Come to IHHhB - fi
IkSWIS '10mc hnuld be without a Victrola. We ofTer each WfsSSIm '$M
yCEli style with a group of records as an outfit at extremely lib- IsaSXflr S
- cra' Pnymcnts- You may settle by cash or charge ac- wBBMp "
fshssrmW count, or by our rental-payment plan. Call or write for WOSMK 3!
I rt""'r! -S 1117-1119 Cbetnut St. N. W. Cor. 6ti & TboniptoD St. WW 4m
5 y n'Ji N AmWml WC Ami- . '?i &&. x V.,i
'"' ' tJ-flmt .M& mmW $ff$fkS
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Wllkcs-Barre Man Will Succeed Dis
trict Governor McFnrland
lUiADtKCI, l'a March 28, Hotarlana
from many States attended the second nn
nunl convention of tho third district of the
International Association of Itotnry Clubs
here, fully BOO delegates attending. Tho
features were tho nnnual report of Dis
trict Governor Stewnrt C. McFarland, of
Pittsburgh, nnd the nomination of Harold
N. ltust, of Wllkcs-Hnrre, for district i;ov
ernor for next jcar. Mr. McFarland sug
gotcd many changes to mako the district
organization conform exactly to ths Inter
national An address of u oleoma was delivered by
Uandnlph Meek, president of the ltcndlug
Arthur n.icnu, of Hnrrlsburg, reported for
tho committee on rules: Dr. Augustus Koc
nlg, of Philadelphia, on district finance, and
John Dolph, of Washington, on tho pllgiim
age to Atlanta, where tho convention of tho
International association will lie held In
Secretary Charles II. Sassaman read a
letter from Paul P. Harris, of Chicago, tho
father of the ltotaiy movement.
O. C Dnrney, president of the Allcntown
club, lead mi Interesting paper on "An
Endowment Fund for ICvtensltm and I'du
rational Woilc In Ilntary." F. W. Gal
brallh, of Cincinnati, tlrst vice president of
tho lntern.ition.il usoclntlon, nnd Guy Gun
dakei, of Philadelphia, second vjee presi
dent, were other speakers,
Mine Cave Halts Traffic
WIl.KHS-HAItm:, March 28, Traltlc on
the Laurel line, tho third-rail system be- )
twern Sciantoii and Wllkcs-Harre, was In- i
terfered with jestoiday by a mine cave at
du Pont The track bed was dropped and
the transfer of passenger was necessary.
i- rjv " vf &
J rifmmmmmWmmX 1 .Vx
i AT JmmmW m '. s-c-
' rtoslntoBPnrSh. 1
926 West Tioga street trMki.
tracks of the Heading Ttal(wy. t.
anu Jicgn streets, today wuMHM
ft eight train, If a was remove
Samaritan Hospital, suffering from;
Injuries nnd a .possible fracture A
rff XCfffijy 3i
You're Invited to Attendl!
the ;
Party at'the
Hotel Adelpfiia,
Thursday Night
A Cl 41. A
-tvnci me Aii-wwi
show x'nm
Kntirc Company Will
Reserve Your Table Eafly
. n
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r.Mv.. M
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