mmn n ifiiiiiiiiiinpii 'ii'imm' v 'm'm wppi I ' f ' ' ' ' ' ""'""! 1 CBWrur-r f,t -;,v cTwaww''.. t - Trt 1 . ' ' v""- i1,",t.iv"ffasr.. ',-, k: i iV';j.r-,. wT ri !' - tAVOTAPIENA jJHJCIA NELJHNISTfiRO rfiGabinctto Boselli Otticnc 369 Hi. . rv,fnrnvnli Contro Ap- WY m m pena 43 Contrara - ' nOMA, 19 Mnrzo. f ie(iuta dl ierl alia Camera del Depu- "Tlrtno presentl oltro 400 aepuum o 10 'uT.rano aftollatlsalmo. St trattava retire ta nducla ncl governo capltanato 'tvL Boselll c, .Ulta la crlsl mlnlstc l ,b Francla e sll avvcnlmentl dl Itui Sunteresse era grandlaslmo. 1'cr dl "; ... ja tener conlo dell'attcRglamcnto I ,L . dal soclallstl uinclall In lid ultlml giornl. Oobo lrevl 5lscorsl dcU'on' Glardlnl cd jij presWento del Conslgllo, on. no Sl pronunclo1 un dlscorso cho fu tntto aldo appello alia concordla del depu Si e della. nazlone. II ccchlo uomo dl .... ,.0rto' tuttl a complcro II masslmo flJ ,rl Impostl dall'ora prcscnlo, quello mclare alio Pl18 division! dl partlto ".ffSmbattero 1 complottl e gll attl dl iwrrlo e 1 taao notlzlo e lo profczle Itaiitlche che avevano per Iscopo lo - riimento delle famlgllo del noldatl, o JrWTmbattero anclie lo faclll profezle dl IXmlnento "cho not tuttl desldcrlamo CTehs Bapplamo dl non poter ottencro se S eon 1 vlttorla dello arml." ia Camera sorso In plodl come un solo Jb il applaudlro ol presidente del Con- 5u ti all'oscrclto cd alia marina da J?s4U csercitl alleatl. Upn. Boselll )! l domando dl darml 11 vostro oto 1 iidducla. dl plena ed lntera nducla, perchc' ibbUmo blsogno per splanaro lo" via alia Imorlj. delle nostrd arml, per dlfendcre con K virile 1 eacrl cd lnvlolablll dlrlttl JdH nostra patra contro chlunquo o contro i wmplottl cn abocclano un po' dappar- sjmpr vljilantl, nol formlamo un gabl tettt al armonla nazlonale, 'o como tall riairremo fedell at nostro programma. Nol ..rimma Is norte del templo della Concordia eart' che la vlttorla vl possa fare 11 auo In Ptno, Quella vlttorla nella qualo nol cro jubo e chs nol gturlamo dl ottencro per li jostra patrla e per la clvllta'." ABCOHL una vona ia Lemara iu in pieui ell applausl durarono parecchl mlnutl. Pol il venne alia votazlone a tra grlda dl Tin 1'IUlla I bs no annunclo' l'eslto; 369 Isputatl avevano voiaio a ravore aei gam- JMtO 43 avevano -voiaio coiuru. ' SULLA FHONTB ITALIAXA Ierl sera 11 Mlnlstero della Gucrra pub- Ulavi II seguente rapporto del generate Ctfonia circa la sltuazlone alia fronto Halo-imtriaca: Dopo una Iolcnta proparazlone dl irtlgllerla 11 nemlco lanclo' Ierl un tljorosi attacco contro le nostro posi tion! alia testata della plccola alle del Coilbo, In Val Sugana, ma fu rcsplnto ton gravl perdlte. Venerdl" notto 11 nemlco dlstrusso n un lntenso fuoco dello sue grosse wtljllerle lo opero dl difesa dello posl llonl da nol conqulHtato II 4 corrento Bella -valle dl San Pcllegrlno o rluscl' adoccuparne Ia parto piu' alta. Bulla fronto Giulla nl e' avuta un'au mentata atttvlta' dello artlglierle o del mortal da trlncea. Ncl scttore dl Plaa nolabblamo rcsplnto un reparto nemlco thetentava dl faro una lhcurslone sulle nostra poslzlonl dl Fallioca. Ad est dl Vertolba uno del nostrl rcpartl pene Iro' nelle llneo nemlcho o le lncendlo'. II nostro reporto si lmpadronl' dl munl ilonl e dl altro materlale da gucrra. "SULLA SOMMA E ALTUOVK tt forze francesl operantl nella regions Ma Somma hanno guadagnato altro ter- reio I tedeschl, Incapacl dl reshtero alia ' yrtnlone formldabllo dello armato franco- Bfleil, al sono ritlratl anche da Noyon las tiaado agll alleatl circa 400 tnlglia quad ntt dl terrltorlo. IV probablle die la rltl niadebba contlnuaro o cho 1 tedeschl con top dl reslstere sulla llnea Camhral-St. Qaentln. Questa e' la plu' lmportante rltl nta del tedeschl dopo la battaglla della Virna, e fa ben prevedcre per le operazlont diorimavera e dl estate. Intant6 eI annuncla chc le truppe russe luno occupato la cltta' turca dl Van, sul Up omonlmo e puntano ora pn DlarbeUlr. nyaniata della forzo russe del Caucaso antlmia su dl una asta fronte o In lpnn wordo con te operazlont dcgll Inglesl opc "tl nella reglono della Mesopotamia. I I Ireul sono gluntl ad nppena una dleclna dl una aaua irontlera della Persia. ut Russia, si A1 nnnnnnhtn n ni(HniHn.l ffldalmente, combattera' con 1 suol alleatl w a cne non ara' ottenuto la complcta Plena lttorla. WASHINGTON, 19 Mnrzo I sottoma m tedeschl hanno uftondato tro plroscaft aencanl, H Memphis, 11 Vlgllancla e I'll J A Washington st consldeia questo 22 Unvero e ProPrl n"o dl gucrra da we della Germanla, ed 11 presldento 5VI1- IDA nPr1lnitl i i imn.i. , ,. C,1B Rl Proceua alia mo 'mZm. deIla- notu ed ha sosneso la WOlIltailOnft clplln nnarrllo V.,1.1. SMOKE SCREENS SIGNAL; inujjKi UAKS COLLIDE Hotonrfan's Legs Smashed in Crash on i own Atientown viaduct of Lehigh Valley ALLEVTrmrv t- -r , - tent , "" ia" iuarcn J a. a smoKe SflrromJthe engines In tho Reading tt,il Iard wa3 the cause this morning bwTi?iJ,'.0? c.oll'slon on the South Allen CornVtLl.J1?" Xaney Transit I man: -..Li Vi" AUtl iveys, a motor K.7w!r,hlS flrst ru". suffered frao- kin .. B , "e ma? Ioso one- itaa m. ? coming from South Bethlehem 'ruh. 7i J, PassenBers, and, according .Kilih.,i j Vna switcn at the eastern 5S.vM5 '.whll!l' 's 100 ct high. "UnronM..! "'Bnt, engines below were I Ha, th .. J ' u Bleaming up for the day's I Xwadid Tf ka er":el0Plne the bridge, and &$&$' a tTon?y frelBht car bouna r Ud twfS - hlm and 'ho took n chance t, fi , i M lMo hrldgo. Tho two Wllilon n""'3s..8lowly. "d when tho M Kv ,,u lnB on,y ono to suffer PUtm hose front Platform was hurriif 1th ,oconotlve that heard the .CD io me Aiientows Uospl- I p haa a wife and eleven children. COMMISSIONERS DELAY. BLOCKS TRANSIT WORK Little Chance of Awarding of Broad Street Contracts 'on April 3 . . Oniclals of the Transit Department lr tually have como to tho conclusion that, unless heavy pressure Is brought to bear upon tho Public Kcnlco Commission to end Its dilatory tactlc-j there li little possibility of Imlng Iho certificates of public con cnlcnto for the nrlous lines of tho high speed Bystem granted In tlmo to'awnrd tho threo ISroad street subway contractH on April 3, when bids nro scheduled to bo opened, Should tha commission continue. Its pro gram of withholding authority lo proceed with tho construction uoilc until nftcr that date, It w mean that six separate con tracts nro being held up Ulds for tho threo sections of tho subway dclhery loop were opened tho first week In February, but in tho absence of authority from the commis sion tho city was unnblo to award the contract!). On April 3 bids will bo opened for threo Broad street subway contracts, which, taken together, would mean the beginning of work on nearly a nillo and a halt of this high-speed line. These contracts, -together with tho threo on tho loop, will Invohe an expenditure of about $15,000,000. The commission will meet In cxecutho session In UnrrMmrg today, but It was lrtually admitted this morning that transit would not ho taken up A month ngo mem bers of tho inmmlslon Indicated that no action would bo laken until the matter of a leaso for the- sstem had been nettled Their position nt that time was that they would not glc their nppioal to any propo sition which. In lew of the many uncer tainties ns to the leasing of tho lines, might tlethe city's hands fluauclalh for cars. Later, howeer. another public healng was held In this city and subsequent to this half of tho 'commission mado an Inspection tour over lrtually the entire system At that tlmo Is was learned threo of the six commissioners favored framing the cer tificates at once and three faorcd delay. A week ago, after tho last executive ses sion of tho board. It was said that no fur ther action would bo taken until Director Twining either asked for a public hearing upon the rel-cd cost estimates submitted by him showing that the entlro system would not cost $90,000,000, or submitted additional figure") Miowimr tho cost to an Independent operator to equip and place In operation tho various lines These figures the Director has prepared. Ho had Intended to Include them in his re port to Mayor Smith and not to submit them to tho commission before tho report was made public In tho hope, however, of getting some action from the commis sion, the Director will forward these fig ures to ilarrlsburg within a day or two. Tho estimates havo not been checked as yet by Ford, Bacon & Davis, and It the checking cannot be completed by tomorrow night tho department wilt give the com mission tho unchecked estimates with an explanation of why they havo not been checked nnd a statement that they are substantially correct In tho opinion of Direc tor Twining. GERMANTOWN SALOON ' LICENSE RENEWED Court Disregards Remonstrance of Su perintendent of Whosoever Mission Judges Martin nnd Flniettcr, sitting today as the License Court, renewed tho license of , John 12. Henry, whose aloon Is at 1.1 12a'st Chelten avenue. Thero was an emphatic remonstrance from John Mclntjro. who Is superintendent of tho Whosoever Mission, which Is only one block away from Henry's saloon, while Hemy's causa was bolsterod up by State Senator Jenkins, who aided counsel for tho defense, and two policemen from tho Oer mantown station house, District Detective McFarland and Street Sergeant nidrldge. Superintendent Mclntyre said tho capac ity of his mission was always exhausted bv drunks coming from Henry's saloon. Tho court, however, refused to believe Henry's saloon should bo blamed for all tho drunkenness In tho neighborhood. His license was renewed, but he Had to promise that he would eliminate, tho back room and side entrance. A good deal of the trouble. It was shown, came from viilte men drink ing with negroes and ncgresses. 'r till ' ' r I (rV 'If. 561 S3I V.lC m m ; m The "something dif ferent" that after theatre folks want you'll find here. m S.A1 i; & .!! to-- aft 2 WW. V J n"'.Z - " ." o.r '. k. iYi tr . aiilA.i J-. 4j4 . tturA-i .?-uirii, '.v ftBaefifflyiLi -.My mitT TI.1 CTriPPT l WL,1NU1 Jl mil U1IM.U1 . ym&wjtimws&, Have Your Jewelry Remodeled Our facilities for designing .., -HirtMng piatinum jewelry -v. sctona to none: II We cheerfullv snhmir Ac wfo 81gns and estimates upon re- i"1-'1' . i'l .. ys jfv AjtW & Sons, 1110 Chestnut St. K SlUlOUn UiininvJ. mlmnt.. arrirrwRMITHS , WMwiiiiimwiiiiwiiiiiiiiMiiiim WANAMAKF.R Jtr. RROWN wiHHiiIimmmwwwiiifflHiHwioP'ii iw)wffmiwiiiniiiiiiitiiiiiiw iiiiiBiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiilHiiiiiiwimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM vYMii-MTi-rkuii tic DivuYYn timiiiiHtiuiiiitumiinr niiTianiiiifmHiinr luiHnntraiiniHnffiiitfHtHfrtttifimnif lira nfBfmmrWfHfwiiinfmnn.iiimi!fli! Hiiiniiinniiiiiiniiiiii A Specialized Sale of All Our Women's New Easter Apparel Begins Tomorrow in the Woman's Shop of Wanamaker & Brown 1 . f I Hi EE3 mm a Suit ?37.50 Suit $29.75 Everything New! THE. merchandise here offered has been gath ered w i t h selective and unhurried care. None is so-called "sec onds." None has been bought helter-skelter lo make a bargain sale. It is not bargain cloth ing, but new, guaranteed merchandise of the highest stamp. Examination of it will impress you with the fact that it required good taste, much foresight and care ful preparation lo bring together a. stock of wom en's apparel of such merit, containing so many exclu sive style features. It is' our wish that our Woman's Shop shall con stantly increase its ever widening circleof acquaint ances among the women of Philadelphia and vicin ity, and an experience (ex tending over 56 years) has taught us that women know values and will buy where value is to be found. We have therefore pre pared this feast of value. Suit $35.00 Suit $15.00 Drgss $35.00 WJ7 w Y WE call it a specialized Sale, since every article of this splendid gathering of hew Easter mer chandise will bear a special price during the whole of this week. .The offer includes five departments of the Women's Shop new suits, new coats, new dresses, new skirts and new blouses. In each section stocks are overflowing; all the accepted styles sent out from the fashion centers are represented, and there arc many exclusive models original in conception at decidedly lower prices. Combining as it does the advantages of an all-inclusive stock with the exclusive features of a specialty shop, Wanamaker & Brown's Woman's Section this week brings to the women of Philadelphia (before Easter instead of after) the added advantage of buying upon a basis of exceptional saving. Suit $22.75 A SUIT of striking dignity and simplicity, ry beautiful, in navy, black and the new grajs. Tailored skirt with side plaits, belt with gathers in back, white faille silk collar pcan dc cygnc lined Poiret twill fabrics. Wc have seen this suit else where at much higher figures than our special tQ7 ft price of P ' ' A STRIKING fancy tailored suit in navy blue faille. Lined with pompadour silk. Has white pongee collar, button trimmings on belt. Pockets and sleeves with the ISQCJ flft new fancy ball ornamentation on back of belt. . . . P'JvFVr VNE of the season's most popular and newest suits. Gabardines in navy and black lined with pussy willow taffeta. Bcautifullv braid bound, with collars of broadcloth or silk, with fancy buttons in amber and black effects; an exceptionally fine suit $29.75 A STYLISH little suit that is proving most popular is to be had in Copenhagen and navy blues and black poplins, has fancy crepe lining and box plait in back. Belt all way round and a gathered skirt with half belt. Collars are of white and gold in (tlC (f ilk. Special at JJJ )NE of the most popular coats in the new thistledown materials in golds, greens, corals, magenta, leather brown and honey an is shown in the illustration. It has fancy self- t1 C (( stitching, with large buttons to match XME ARE offering a navy blue serge dress with black satin sleeves and a white satin collar made strikingly beautiful by sunburst trimmings of silk and beads at the waist dOC Oft and sash ends PJJjJ ""OATS of wool velour in shades of gold, apple green, rookie or (walnut) and Copenhagen blue. Has the empire back, fancy A FINE sports suit for joung girls in two tones of dark tweed, fancy stitching on collar and back with button-trimmed sleeves, t " O C(j poplin linings, gathered skirt with belt and pockets. 22 7S fancy cuffs O.cPl 'jlc sports coat ,as a big bo plait in back v?CC J Comparison of the Prices quoted in each instance with the prices appearing at the foot of each illustration will show the exact style of each garment described Coat $15.00 $4.95 for skirts in mohair stripes, blue and brown effects. Yokes and pockets button trimmed. Also many novelties in plaids and stripes "ranging up to $12.75. $5 for Georgette Crepe blouses in flesh or white color. Tucking adorns the entire front and sailor collar is edged with tucks, as well. x $4.95 for Georgette Crepe blouses in flesh and white. Large collars and rovers are edged with filet and frill of Crepe to match. $4.95 for Crepe de Chine blouses in salmon pink and flesh color. Collars and revers are hemstitched, as are the cuffs. Crochet button trimmed. $5.00 for shepherd plaid skirts which have a belt and fancy tucked pockets button trim med. . ,$2.95 for blouses in crepe de chine in both flesh color and white. Has sailor collar and large reefer edged with lace. Cuffs to match. $3.95 for fancy tweed skirts light and medium shades. in $2.95 for blouse in pussy willow taffeta, white and flesh color. Small collars with the reefer effect. Large pearl buttons down front. $2.95 for lawn blouses with fancy tucked collar and cuffs, nar row black ribbon ties and black ribbon on the cuffs. $2.95 for lawn blouses with the stylish tucked collars and cuffs hemstitched and edged with lace. Good taste is the prevailing tone that characterizes this whole offering. You will find here reflections of the work of Lanvin, Callot, Poiret and Premet, as welt as adaptations of American designers and American designers have sprung into the forefront of creative genius with seven-league-boot strides since the time all Europe began to battle. .A . l I Wanamaker & Brown WOMAN'S SHOP Market at Sixth ' ,:-' ' v Vil n -JM, m wi VI i) - ?', . ,5 mi fK'M v .'nv '&f . i j m h ur i WS9 .A vJHy VlrG ffl siws 1'fm tite -t' Alti Ti" 'M .'Jjl't fl 'Mm im ' ' -fSii a TV W! ffl '&& vh m '1 ii-e J:.- 'J. i ji3 . 'A KB m A 4 3$i MM . M-1 'iff ri ttCML; vfjfcV- xfl iff-' 'Uf.V , sv. r i'i 5W -J tif iJfS lIs - $F M !, 4A i. -wi ?.-vr t -iitti-. 24-iIW'j-U-, <ry. d&Mxa-Jd. &4MS8M J?& t4. .- 5i 1