T' ;.i '. ..V !'.. - i- '..jT -":.. "V1 attMMIhaMfctt TTGhnbel Brothers Store Qpens at 8:30 Gimbel Brothers Store Closes at 5:30 Gimbel Brothers Friday, March 16, 1917 Gimbels e House of Fashions Lead in Value-Giving .TheStoreisbuovantlv renHvfnr cnri'nrrl a ,:n: ju This is through command of markets and through the buying power your growing 1 . i Jt i A . v xw6 , x uinuun uunars more in stocRs than a year ago with more beautiful things from Paris this spring than last. More than ever convinced of the wisdom of the new Gimbeplan of merchandising, the Stores gives constant proof that iuiuiaiut, Gimbels Lead in Value -Giving favor gives us. Never look to Gimbels for mere petty price-cutting. That is generally tricky and almost never really helpful to the public. 1 Gimbels price advantages are based on economy of operation at every point and thci.i lessening pcrcenc or overneaa expenses as millions or new business are being done under the1 JU111W UlVi lUVll tV.J -Th The Prettiest of Easter Frocks and Coats ere and There Among For the Small and Intermediate Girl at Gimbels Spring fashions for young girls show thc'inspiration expressed in garments designed JOr llicir uiuti oion-io, j.iuijr allium T V -- -, f k V5fK W&lM KWrM ill A ' UP i Ym- I IA v "Lj JJJ41 Coats at $5.75 to $16.75 For Ages 6 to 8 Years Jaunty Empire models, showing the new pleated, shirred and circular skirted effects with the new belts and circular collars. Of velour checks, shep herd checks, serges, poplins and velours. The Coat pictured, nt $16.75, is of velour with white embroidered collars and. cuffs. Growing Girls Coats at $7.50 to $25 In 8 to 15 Year Sizes Sports Coats of velour checks, at $7.50. Serge Coats, smartly tailored, at $8.95. And at $13.75 and $15 Dress Coats of velours, cnecKS, serges ana poplins. Uelts and pockets aro a special feature. Exclusive models, at $16.75 to $25. Silk Dresses for the Intermediate Girl, In 12, 14 and 16 Year Sizes, at $10.75 Simple, girlish lines rule. Dresses of taffeta, slightly high-waisted. Button-trimmed. Choice of rose, reseda and Belgian blue. At $13.75, $15, $18.75 to $25 are girls' silk Dresses in straight pleated "high"-waisted and coatee styles. Girls' Coat, at $16.75 Girls' Intermediate Silk Dress, at $18.75 Misses' Jersey Sports Suit, at $29.75 Misses' Suits for Spring Very attractive models in Suits at $15. Of serges and poplins in sports and pleated models. Newest shades. In 14 to 20 year sizes. Smart tailored Suits, at $19.75 and $25 a host of styles. Suit pictured, at $29.75, is of jersey; novol style. And prices climb by easy stages up to $85. Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor. Women's Newest Coats Over a Hundred Styles in Dress, Semi-Dress and Tailored Women's Suits, Between $20 and $29.50 Just one mom evidence of Gimbel preparedness. Including the new Fashion Favorites of the Spring gunniburl, burclla and jersey cloth besides the better-than-ever serges, the gabardines, the mixed suitings, the every kind in vogue! High colors and the neutrals (including "mist") ; and the blues and blacks. Over Fifty Styles at $15.75, $20 and $25 Principally serges, garbardines and novelty suitings. Mostly conservative long line styles but wide variety even there. Stunning Sports Suits of Jersey Cloth at $20, $21.50 and $25 With inverted box-pleats across the jacket-backs comfy! With roomy pockets. With well set collars. Always with belts and buttons. High colors but exquisite shades. Salons of Dress, Third floor Millinery at $5 to $12.50 With colors such exquisite colors to thp fore : Especially grays every shade. And the new reds poppy red and rose-red the two favorites. Blues every light, dark, bright or subdued shade. Brown the most "flattering color" a woman can wear. Many of these may show the additionally flattering facing of sand or softest gray. Trimmings Grow in Favor Ribbons every width, every kind ; for every imag inable use. Wings and Burnt Plumes indescribably rich ! Flowers every day they're "better and better.''' Youthful Hats : Matrons' Hats at $5, $6, $7.50 to $12.50 Gimbels Millinery Salon, Third floor At Gimbeh Every color, every cloth; and every variation silhou ette from straightcst lines to prettiest barrel-suggestion : Quality for quality, can you equal any coat for price elsewhere in Philadelphia? At $29.75 and $32.50 : Counterparts of Cleverest Paris Model Coats Variously of serge, tricotincs, bolivia, burclla, French velour and Poiret twill. Surely every imaginable color! At $19.75, a new fitted model of burclla cloth in the favorite pastel colorings and all sports shades. At $16.75, three styles in wool velour in gold, green, rose, Copenhagen blue and fawn. At $16.75, wool poplin coats with faille silk inlays. In navy blue and black. At $16.75, wool jersey sports coats, with barrel pockets. In rose, green, blue and gray. At $15, coats of the new wool velour checks with solid-color collars cable stitched. At $12.75, wool gabardine coats in a new girdle model. In black, blue and fawn Good Serge Coats at $10.75 in Black or Navy Blue Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor S37.S0 White-Enameled Pullman Baby Coaches, $27.50 A new New York maker of Baby Carriages has constructed 1917 model Pullmans so well and, by virtue of his unusually low wholesale prices wo wero tempted to give his lino a try-out, and so These latest-style, reversible gear Pullman Baby Coaches with reclining back, trreen corduroy lined hood, heavy rubber-tired wheels are here, at $27.50 in stead of $37.G0 complete with windshield. Also II e y w o o d and Bloch Coaches tho world's best White enameled, at $21 to $65. Natural or brown, at $16 to $45. Wood-body and reed combina tion, at $25 to $44.50. Neck-fixings Newly Arrived Fascinating Vestees of Georg ette crepe in colors of charteuse, petunia, claret, robin-egg blue and gold. And it can be.adjusted as high or as low in the neck as desired. A broad hemstitched hem gives a pretty finish. At $2.23. A "three-pointed" white Georg ette crepe Collar has tiny crochet balls filet lace and hand-embroidery as trimming touches. Another stylo of filet lace with square insert of hand-embrold-ercd crepe Georgette. Choice at $3.75. Collars of white net in, round nnd square shapes show designs v formed of soutache braid. Some with frilly jabots attached. Vari- ously at $1 to $3.75. Colored Collars of Georgette crepe aro hand-embroidered in contrasting colors and edged in Round Colored Collars of Georg ette crepe are hand-embroidered in contrasting colors and edged in pleating ofself color. At $2.25. 'Olmbeli, Neckwear Store, Flrit floor. Men's Furnishings A Sale A Detroit haberdasher relinquished business, and here is the line of Neckwear for Spring made up by a leading Philadelphia maker for that store and turned over to us for quick selling. All that's new the scarfs bearing the label of the store that gave the order. 50c and 65c Four-in-Hands at 35c; three for $1. $1, $1.25 and $1.50 Four-in-Hands at 65c. $2 and $2.50 Four-in-Hands at 85c. Gimbels Mien's Store and Grand Aisle 7:i That Trim V eilS the Hat At5pcand75c Tho fashionablo largo hexagon mesh in black with threaded top designs in green, biscuit, mist, purplo and French blue. A full yard in length. The plain mesh to be worn over the face; the designs trim the hat. At 50c and 75c. Gimbels, First floor. YeiGimbeU Sell UKULELES Prices $3 to $14.50. nrmnn.trntetl tomorrow all day forltiK the children to hear the Ukulele played. Gimbels, Fourth floor. Two-Color Hats for Children 2 Miss Pert" at $1.95 Vyfev J 1 (.Tl'iiylCii vs Siil IKw II vl "Middy" Sweaters Are New for Misses They are of fiber silk In rose, delft blue, rnt"nlA. wn nd cold. Larore collar fln- Cix. Ished with tailored bow, largo pockets and sash with tasseled ends. Also Misses' Sweater Coats of fiber silk in newest Spring fashions and shades. Fashioned with bone-rim buttons. Sifts 30 to 36 inch choice at $5.50. Gimbels, First floor. Aluminum Top ComhS"Brilliant8" Have the appearanco of plati num settings, yet they are very inexpensive. Ogi Combs (fan shape) at $5.25, $7.75, $18.50 and $23.50. "Junior" Combs scroll, curved or straight tops at 75c to $2.25. Casque Combs, pierced or solid stone settings at $1.25 to $8.50. Spanish Combs, for tho "high" hair dressing at $4.25 to $27.50. Gimbels, First floor. Another Gimbel innovation; naturally only at Gimbels. "Miss Pert" is mushroom shape. With a crown of one color and,a brim of the other. For trimming gros-grain ribbon of one color with a tiny velvet ribbon of the other. At $1.95. In brown - and - white, brown - and - gold, gold - and-green, rose-and-whlte, sand - and-Copcnha-gen blue. "Cinderella" Is a sailor with a brim that. rolls up or down or at ono side. Two-color tho crown and brim's edge of one, the rest of the brim of the other. Trimmed with velvet ribbon band, .cockade and but tons two-color. Other Children' 8 Hats at $1.50 to $12- Gimbels, Third Floor 'JVT " "Cinderella" at $2.50 "Miss Pert,' at $1.95 Men's Spring Suits, $15 Meis Spring Overcoats, $15 The Gimbel clothing service is exacting and satisfying. Working to give the utmost in real value, it shares the benefit; you getting the very best values that Philadelphia knows ; we getting a constantly increasing volume of business. " , The masterly stroke of the year is this furnishing of real good cloth ing at $15. Fine lines ample choice full range of sizes; yes, quite ample lots of large sizes. And every garment is all-wool and the scams are sewed with silk. The colors arc guaranteed. Fabrics: Good worsteds the spring fancies and plain blues and grays and black. And cassi- mcrcs smooth or "velour" finish. And tweeds and cheviots. The Suits are in all the favored models single, and double-breasted; belter and sports, and Norfolk tweeds v The Overcoats Oxford and black in Chesterfield style, quarter lined with silk; "overcoats with out weight" (knitted fabric)'; tweeds and chev iots (full back) and belter-back overcoats. About eighty Studd & Millington London-made overcoats are included. And gabardines and rain-proof coats. Also Mackintoshes tan and gray; woven plaid back or lined. This group of Overcoats and Suits at $15 is pre pared with all the care and thoroughness of the organization. We couldn't have planned better if this feature were our whole business. Take this for answer to the cry of high prices ! suits and overcoats offqred no better values in any low-price year. Ready! ' Splendidly ready! And as is coming to be the usual thing Gimbels lead in value-giving. Gimbels, Second floor, Ninth Street Boys Clothes for Spring Formal Showing of Gimbel Good Clothing Correct : Durable : Attractively Priced Norfolk Suits, $5, $6.50, $7.50 and up to $15. First Long Trouser Suits, $10, $12.50 to $20. Reefers for little fellows, $5 to $10. Washable Suits, $1.25 to $5. Any price-list might read like that, but mothers know that Gimbel clothing holds its good looks longest and is in evjery way most durable. This boys' clothing business is older than Gimbels we took it over from the fine old Cooper & Conard business and had that much in the way of a good foundation. And we have jealously watched it. For confirmation, for Easter, for School-wear and Dress, depend on Gimbels. Gimbels, Third floor. I fumm fMA fl IN m m if Prm vmkm S$. THst 1 n n "Cinderella1 at ....... $2.50 Girls' Confirmation resses D White Organdie Dress, $2.95 White llngorie voile, organ die dresses in the Reason's pret tiest models, elaborately trim med with lace insertion and edging, also all-over embroid ery. " Prices $1$5, $2.95, $3.95 to $7.95 l Glmbols,' Subway Store. Noteworthy Sale of Women's : Misses' New Top Coats In the Subway Store Women's $4 to $6 Low Shoes " at $2.95 continuing the won derfully interesting sale that started Thursday, ' Oxfords, Pumps, Colonials the new sprinp styles, some high shoes at same price. Gimbels, Subway Store. 7 VVy ii -Ti-V M iH Wf M I l ! I Illy lt A v LjHkplln' Coat, I Poplin Coat, I Serge Coat, lHa7K '. 'I sifl.75 S10.75 $9.75 $10.75 Lot 1-Poplin CoaU In navyblack, green, B&1A dQ 7C .1 ..i..Mn tnne.v stitchincr. also trim- 1 D77. 1 J ; 1 Poplin Coata in navyumcn, green, ki also Copenhagen, fancy stitching, also trim med collars and cuffs, at JI1CU UUllttlB mm vm, - t Lot 2--Velour checks and plain serge -Coata neaUy trinuned ..ah. ,.t holts and Docket's large or 1 mft TfC? medium sire collars. In navy, black, Copen- PiJ, O hagen, at A wonderful early display of the most fashionable colors and styles for the coming spring season a sale planned for weeks I Lot 3 Poplin nnd serge Coats of beautiful grade in three lovely models, largo collar, double or Binglo belts $10.75 or side belt effects, in navy, black, Copen Viorrnti monn nnri rrnlrl nr Lot 4 Velour Coats in plain colors or check. Stylish models with belt, large collars nnd fancy stitch-" (t Q f ing. Rose, green, gold, Copenhagen. f iDluil 9 At Lot 5 Poplin Coats In pavy, black, gold, green. Also gnbar dino. Specially tailored; all beautifully (J 1 Q 7 ti trimmed; also tailored belts, others half f jp I ( f J belts, at Lot 6 Beautiful quality velour Coats, trimmed collar and cuffs, of broadcloth.and fancy stltchings; fancy Howerea I fl 1 C green, uopennagen, I p X Cr silk linings, in rose, apple mustard and gold, at .Lot 7 Other lovely CoaU of fine serge, poplins, gabardine, In high-waisted or coat Dresses some half-lined with peau de cygne, or self or flowered linings. A won- d i Tf derful selection of these In gold, black, navy J u) JL O blue, green, rose and mustard, at Lot 8 Beautiful samples of various burella, velour, fino gabar dine and poplins. Also fino French, serge. di 17 (f Some are barrel effects, others in high Jn J, ff Vr waist or tlje more plain tailored models, at Lot 0 Velour Coats in a barrel-shape model with fancy large collar beautifully tailored in , self-material half lined "with I Advahte Spring Showing Women's Waists Poplin Coat, $15 Velour Coat $12.75 I Velour Check, I $12.75 GIMBEL BROTHERSl) MARKET : CHESTNUT j EIGHTH j NINTH Lot fine flowered lining, and the pockets trimmed to match that of coat. Also a Coat Dress of velour, at this 1 Av JTt price, in rose, apple green, Copenhagen, J 3) J JJ JJ mustard, at 4S& 10 Coats of fino velour, gaOBrdine and poplin. All beautifully tailored in waisted or fancy tailored mod- AnH ft els. Some are lined In self-material, others. d)3BJJ with peau de cygne or flowered silk, at Includes 25 Dif- $ i ferent Styles, at"" Voiles and batistes, ribbon- striped voile with touches of color trimming and plain, or high color stripes in smartest effects. 4 And These New Waists at $2 . $2 lingerie and HabuUlsUk;V KU OVIIJVU UM PinkS, MMI and embroidery -: trimp voiles, lawns and- batitft Valenciennes lice, or venls elaborately triW pmm and stripes. . . " Gimbels,, Sufcway WW S v:ii, t. K'.a 'J -' ri'. &U ,r ;m " ,'ra. ) $ 1-fiT '. s MUtdMJbM -.' i& X 5 -. CA jM j , i' ifi'i i l-m ;; ay .; , '.tf i i . N c :.a ' . . iXA j V.i MM ; j i fm iVm 1 v w a Mi . si ; $ ur-4 - '' , "?. -m !' vrfinsHn n i li 1. 1 ii i I I ,"! I'. " ' . t .,!, ,J v T 'V 'it.AM