t sw-o . BT .f w hit- .1 HU . t -K .Vr? i S7"HH-IWaiOTX i .-:.j v i r 1 1 hi mi AVANZANO JttfNUOVOSUBAPAUME HaV'Tedcschl Abbnndonnno Dun jmportan'ti Poslzioni Dnvanti .?' all'ObieU.vo dci loro ijjp"- . Awcrsarii ".. NUOVO DIS ASTRO TURCO? f 1 Dice Che i Husk! Operant! nella Per sia Hanno Catturato Una Intcra Dlvislone Ottomana IlM nOMA. 14 Marzo. .Tlrrmml (1 Londra dlcono ch a' atato y ftlclalmnte annunclato cola' cha I ledaachl hanno ahhandonatn la linea principals dl 5 aifffa aa ovtti a napaume per una iuns- nexz ni circa ire miKilii mrHi, ir trupp ins'lenl hanno rlracclaln I tdeachl (ndlatro dl circa un mlgllo fd hanno oe rupato I vlllagitl dl flrevlllara e Iupart Wood, ad nrmt dl rt.ipiumft. II rlplrga mentr dal ledaaehl n' atato nperato ilopo vlelrnltMlmn bombardamanto da part )U InRlral con la, protezlone dl una fltla nahbla. )4 A Indra eerrans. rocs larl a?ra cha 1 tedfcchl avavano comlnelato nd avrcuare la etttadina dl napaum. OH nRll al trovano ora ad el dl Boaco Ixiupart ch al crrdf-a eha 1 fadaachl non Bvrahbaro nbbandonato ' eoM' faellmenta, Un cnrrlanonrtante dalla fronia dl battaglla, the ha naalMlto n qutata rtcentlsslrna avanzata ilcllf forze dfl ffnera! I'a'r P"r rlcnnosranrlo rh! la prtaa dl Irlea da pari dj?tl Initlaal rendeva Intenlbltl If position! trdeaehe dl Jiupart. die Che la po'lz'ono. Miwndo flavatn effrlva un nttlmo punto dl appoixlo. Ksll non aa. aplrmral II rlplecamanto e prevfd! che auH'Anrro r I avranno tra breve avvenl- Sentl dl irrandis Importanza. 1? eerto pero ic Kll IncIfKl rono In certo modo mlatlflcatl r quanto rlcuarda le Intenzlonl del tedeachl ed II alffnlflcato del Ioro rlpleira mentL B aambra certo nnclie che r- M avci. aro, potulo dlfendere la lima til llapaum. a avensero avuto forze iunicleritl pr ill- finderla, lo aTebbro crtamente fatto non avrebbero ceduto frrno che ha Imnortanza tattlra nl tiemlco chf vl fareva jreimlone. II corrlcpondente tjalln fronte dl bttUsrlla Insleoe dice che nono Immlnentl yvenlmentl dl tale Importanza ch i If denchl non potranno fuKKlr- al dlxaetro che 1 prepara jier loro. K lurftl a-enl-nentl l preparano, nl dire, nulla fronte dell'Ancre e della Knmma, cloe" dove Ingleel combattono ora. 81'LTjA rilONTR 1TAMANA lerl aera II Allnlirtero della fJucrra pub blicava II WBuente rapriorto del genTale Oadorna circa la eltuazlon ajla fronte Italo uiitrlaca Bulla fromt del Trentlno el n avuta. la rollta attlvlta' riellp artlKllerle. II nemlco ha tOilegato maeclor at tlvlta. con le eue batterle nel eettore 41 Tolmlno e eulla fronte Cllulln. Bull'altoptano del Careo un reparto dl fantria Itnllana ha fatto una In curalone sulle llno dl resletrnza nWI ohe ad cud-ovext dl hticatl dletrugsen done le operr dl forlincazlone I rlparl delle trupp ntftnlche In tiueett line ono Incendlatl r noMre (rupp eono ritornato portando ventlquattro prlelo nlerl ed una mltrasllatrlce preea al ne mlco. Gil auMrlacI hanno operato plu" fardl un rontraltacco chd e' etato Imme dlamente renplnto. Telerramml da Zurlco dlcono che lo Stato Mairslore auetrlaro ha annunclato ch- un eroplano Capronl che attenV nellf vlcl nanze dl S. Andrea, nella zona dl Oorlzla, ' ftato dlstrutto dallf artlKllerle auetrlach t che nulla Clma dl Flrwche Kll aiuitriacl torpreaero medlanT un tunnel ecavato nella neve una noelzlone Itallana dove fecero prliclonlerl 130 uomlnl ed un ulllclale. Notlzle da Ixindra dlcono che rh Incleal eperantl nella Metopotamla hanno occupato II villaeitto dl Kazlmain. a cinque mlKlla a fiord dl HaKdail. nul Tlsrl. .Vella prera dl Bei'dad xll InKlrxl r Impojprejiarono dl un rlcco bottlno. Ora corre voce che t ruei hanno ottenuto una, vrande vittorla nella Perela occl-' dentale rluecendo a laslUre r forze turchr fuorl delle comunlrazlonl ron H.iRdad e a far prtfflonierl IS.OOn, roldatl ottomanl. B rvldente che la polenzii tnllltar- ilella Turchla crolla rapldamente ora che I tedeachl non poaeono dar alia loro alleata I'appoKKlo che le avevano ptitutn dare prima. !! glorno, e non e' lonlano. in cul le forze Ingleel rueen potranno cooperare da vlclno, la Turchla aara' vlrtualrni-nte llmlnata dalla Kuerra WASHINGTON, 14 Ma rut K (,'lunta. notlzla tihe un aottomarlnn tedenci ha ffondato lunedl' acorao, anzit alciin pre avvlao dl aorta. II plroacato amerlcano Algonquin che al dlrljreva verao lndra con un carlco dl vvecj. Nondlmeno tuttl gll uomlnl dell'equlpaitKio aon atatl aalvatl. II plroacafa aveva un valore dl 40't.OOO dollarl ed 11 carlco quello dl un mlllone dl dollar! circa. Eaao era partlto da New Vork. aenza arm I. Al dlpartlmento dl Kiato non al ha arcora, la notlzla ufllclale dell'affondamento, aebhenn queata ala atata Invlata dal capi tano detl'AlRonquIn alia compaKnla pro prletarla del plroacafo, ('American .Star Line. ' ' G. F.'LsBher Leaven Million Eatalr NOniUSTOW.V. m.. March 14 In thu will of Oeotrjce V Iiaher. Philadelphia printer; who lived In WaahlnKton townalui', employea aritl fervanta are remembered with boqueata of tSOO, and the t "t i Billllort-dollar eatate goea to Iila family and relatliea. Itealdea the Inlereat wnnii hla wife haa In hla enlatu ahe rcceivt-H 110.000 InNcaah; hla alater, Mary I'lutnly Mtooa. mismmEasmim Wrttt or call oe our aw and IntertMUna Booklet "Looking Into Yavr Ovn SM." i A Series of Eye Talks as Oar Next Talk Wed., Marrh t tBy Joseph C. Ferguxon, Jr. m IfOST people can be I' HaTVnj4akl4 lltvnn n reach a correct da- clalon or. eatlmate ir mey atop to in VEHTIdATE THE FACTS. When vour evea ahnw alalia ofllmpalrment when you have any reason to "bellev. that 1 -your eyea need attention you wane to do penaaiy. aurn mat they receive the right kind of -attention. Investigate tho Jicx , Tou wtll find that tb. lorica! asd unalbla thra to do Is to 1mv your eyes examined and Maud tr a, pbraleUn who ,jUHr In rn tretrnent an 5eallat. Tea will find that lesa skillful trtront la uodeatrabl, possibly siVrmw Tea wilt find, too: that dassts wtll be prescribed for you If you ' aesd clsssaa. and net otbarwlss. Iavasllaatsl '.Httta Toursslf If Out tWa Is the errset touts to Ssesd far sev -HiMr, eeeapstaot -wn a .1 . bts a tnsr trMu maks aassn-sr rua. Ut it 90mOt IMt m. WwmfZJiWiW' , . ', v- 'KyjEjrarc IN THE WAKE OP THE FRENCH ADVANCE ' . g . . gnrMUMn -- - - -y--g.- rt&prn :EH1B!eHSKM?PBS3 : Her native village in tho Champagne once more in the hawls of thu French, the pennant returns to find the grave of her son beside the ruined village church. LIQUOR BILL BLOCKED IN DELAWARE SENATE Committee on Keviaed Statutes Holds Up Resubmission of Question ItOVKIl. I let. March 14 The two hllla amending the tax lawa of the .Stale, one provldlm: for an Income tax and the other for an InherJtance tax. which uere agreed upon at the -conference held In the State House laat night between the 'Jovertior and membera of the l.cgflature. have been re ported frtvoratily by the lloure ''ommltteea on Itevlaed Statutea and lteenue and Tax ation. The bill providing for n paid lire depart ment for the city of Wilmington haa also been reorted faorably. The Iloufi; bill (irovldlng for a reaubmla alon of the liquor license question In the city of Wilmington and rural New Castle County la still blocked In the Senate t'oin mlttee on Itevlsed Statute, which la "wet," the "dry" leaders having failed to get the required number of algncra to a petition railing tho bill out of committee A move ment la tin foot for it compromise between the two factiona to eliminate the prohibi tion relation to Wilmington arid paaa the bill calling for an election In rural New Caalle Hotli the House and the Senate are now holding night sessions and are elearlng many bllla from the'ealendar, although sev. eral hundred remain upon each calendar to be acted upon before the close of the sea aloii. March 23. at winch time a retesa will be taken to March 2H and final adjournment taken. unite aiaer" Seek I'ardons WASHINGTON. March H. President Wilson haa received appllcatlona tor par dona for Maury I. Dlgga and F Drew Camlnettl. convicted In California of vio lation or the "wlilte alave law after 'a long and senaatinnal legal fight which ended in their convictions being austalned by the Supreme Court 9mluitiS IeiaCaiBaaaaBafi SPEND THE LENTEN SEASON at the SEASHORE s Lenten Season is Seashore Season. Every Sunday is an Easter on that fas- , cinating Boardwalk. THE READING is shorter by miles and . minutes, and offers more and better train service to the Shore. MAKE EASTER RESERVATIONS NOW aid engage your Summer Accommodations Steel 'Veatlbuled One-DoUar EVERY !ii't' l.il-M JFrom y r W" 'W WT low HOUSE PASSES MEASURE FOR STATE FOOD PROBE Commission Provided for in Heycr Bill to Investigate High Cost of Living Rv a Rtnff Crtrrmponti't HAHIUSHirrtO. .March' 14 The Ileyer resolution, providing for the appointnitnt of a commission composed of membera of the House and Senate to Investigate thoroughly the high cost of living, passed the House today without any debate by a vote of 142 to 21. It now goes to the Senate. The Ileyer resolution provides for the appointment of a committee of thrte mem bera of each branch of the Leglalatirre It would have an appropriation of ISfiOO for expenses, would rtqulre a detailed report from the State Dairy and Food Commis sion, would hold hearlnga on the food situ ation throughout the State, and would re. port to the Legislature after April 30 JAPAN TO SEND WARSHIP WITH GUTHRIE'S BODY Kmperor Plans the Honor as a Special Mark of Friendship to the United States TOKIO. March 14. As a special mark of honor to the late fjeorge W fJuthrle. Ameri can Ambassador to Japan, the Krnperor is expected to detail- a Japanese warship to transport the body to the I'nlted States The olllcial announcement designating the warship Is anticipated with great Interest because broadly Interpreted it will be a spe cial manifestation of friendship for the American nation, especially aa Japaneao warshlpa are at present occupied In patrol duty In tho Pacific and Indian Oceans. flreat nuinbera of persona have visited the American .N'aial Hospital, where the body Ilea In state, the closed coltln aur mounted with it beautiful wreath from the Krnperor. The diplomatic corps sent n allver wreath designed by Japanese artlsta. Excursions SUNDAY No dirt No gmek Bmrdi St. Ftrrjr :tiimks '"-witoWfJ "T0MM ACTS AS HOST, TO "JIM" AND "ED" Mayor Smnflhes Precedent and Factional Rivals Smile as They Leave Conference . Mayor Smith amaahed diplomatic and all other prewdenta today, when. In an effort to line up a aolld delegation for AH-I'hlla. dclphla leclalfttlon, he called McNIchol and Vara together for a conference In hla offlco. It haa been montha alnce the two political foea met In an affair of thla kind, but they weathered the atorm well, and 'both wore a amlle at the conclualon of the meeting, at which time Mayor Smith predicted that all ,of the membera of the Iglalatuy from .drafter to benefit Philadelphia. Together with "Sunny Jim" and "Drother Kd" and the Mayor, of courae were Joaeph P (laffney chairman of Counclla' Finance Committee, and Tranalt Director Twining. Kaiteclal Intereat waa gHen by the po litical leadera to the riana bill which would force th Philadelphia llapld Tranalt Com pany to permit the city to through route cara on the. Market Street "I." between Frank ford and Darby The other Itema of major Importance uern thoao relating to real eatate aaaeaamenta and the peraonal property tax Although none of the participants In the conference would rid thcmrelvea of other than the utnial line, all left the ofllco of the Major with broad Cheshire cat-llkfl amllea What with the amilea and the conference itaelf, the wagging tonguea along the Itlalto were kept buey dlacuaaltiR thla afternon whether there e ho truth to rumora of quiet talka Tom had with .Hid down In Florida, and whether Kd and Jim are going to make up and b Rood little boya, JUIIV sFLIT ON WOMAN'S SUIT Mistrial Results in Miss Mary . K. Smyth's Clnim Against Road ' After seven hours' deliberation the Jurv (n ibe personal damage suit of Mary K. Wmj'li against Hie Philadelphia arid West Cheater Traction Cnmpanj disagreed and waa discharged by President Judge Auderi rled On 'he evening of Itecemher 17. 1!M.'. M'a Srnvih with her two brothers, atarled to crtir the trolley tracka of defendant on Fot aenue. near the Junction of Koemont aeo,je Orcxel Hfll, but she waa struck by at) approaching tar and severely Injured. The evening was thick and foggy, and Miss Smyth said that although she "atopped. looked and listened," she waa unable lo see or hear the approaching car, which seemed to shoot out of the obscurity of the night. Her two brothera crossed the rails safely. Wilson Names Postmasters WASHINGTON. March 14 - The Presi dent sent the following postmaster nomina tions to the Senate today Pennsylvania -Thomas H McKalg Langeloth Allen H Barlhold Ilethlehem Vew Jersey William A Tripp, .Mlilington There's "Red Blood" in This Thoroughbred Springfield Sedan Limnusine -f . W . ...j, .. ,.w V,. '.,. ... u ,.. t. .-,'''. .. '.n'Vt, ... a. a, r . . . , :, . V-fc iM- . r: v...irx:i:itm. ."... -j ii .tv.T ,...,.., .....A.t .., ?, , a ' --"--i ---iMMMHBMMMmaWmmiaMaMMaMii i iHMiaMMiir i iiiimaa'MrMriMiiTrTTi r m POINT TO SCHOOL BOYS' GREAT LIFE PITFALLS Speakers at Northcnat High School Sny Essential Thing In Commercial Career Is Character Drlnklngr. emoklnir and the lust of the flesh are the (treat pl(falla In tho Uvea of the school boya of America, according to Thomas Farmer and '.Ted" Mercer, of New York, who addresied the boya of North east High School at the chapel exercises today. "I apeak from my own hard experience." said "Mr. Mercer, "and am devoting my life to sounding thla warning to young men In schoola and prlaona. Tho essential thing In commercial life today la moral character. Without It no success can come." "Half the mothers and fathers In this country," aald Mr. Farmer, "do not know their own children. They think they are angela when In reality they are devils. You may aln for years and suffer no III con sequences, but be sure In the end your aln will find you out and make you suffer two fold," , Somerset liars Women Bartenders SOMIJItSBT. Pa.. March 14. Somerset County llriuor llcenaea havo been granted All new appllcatlona were refused and sixty-seven old ones renewed There were five new petitions, Women bartenders will no longer be tolerated. Judge Huppel aaya. Oilcloth Company Pays. Extra NL'W YORK. March 14. The Standard Oilcloth Company haa declared the usual quarterly dividend of 1 J per rent and an extra dividend of 1 per cent on Its common stork, payable April 2 to holdera of record March IS. Men's Belt Buckles Jn accord with the demand for men's belts, we offer a large selection of buckles in sterling silver and solid gold. Engine-turned designs pre dominate. Among these a sterling silver engine-turned buckle with sturdy black leather belt at $3.50. S. Kind & Sons. DIAMOND MERCHANTS , ' I - I - - ii i I r Come have a look at the new "Standard Eight" for 1917. Beauty of line ! 'Twill be like the thrill men used to get when they looked on a "Dan Patch." For here's a car as proud and sleek and mighty as ever was any thoroughbred. Distinction and grace combine with clean, strong sweep of masterly line. Every elegancy of fitting, every refine ment of equipment is present. Luxury and size you see a roomy tonneau, comfortable seats, real leather to ride upon. , And one look has told you that the "Standard Eight" can go. Let us take you out for a spin in the 80 H. P. 127-inch wheel base $2500 93500 4-Ptusenger Roadster .EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION ' 1634 CHESTNUT STREET Distributer, for EASTERN PENXUVLVANIA', HOUTHEBN NEW JERSEV AVn nn an.... B. 1. MILT.. POTT8VILM:. PA. A!tD "EI.AWABE AKT1TBACITE MOTOB RALKR CO.. HAZLBTON, b. ABxmrn pishes, selinbobovk, pa. Si-daTdSICAVcaj. , A .. A . W-." . ' ANTLDEATH PENALTY BILL HEARING MARCH 20 Judiciary General Commlttco Will Listen to Arguments on Both Sidesi of Question fll a Ktaff Corre tpoarfeal HAiiniSHURCI, Pa., March H. A pub lic hearing on the abolition of the death penalty In Pennsylvania will be held nl 2 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. March 20, The House today paaaed ft reaolutlon In troduced by Hepreaentntlve Frederick Deyer. of Philadelphia, turning over the hall of the House for the. hearing The Judiciary Oeneral Committee of the House will conduct the hearing. Representative Peyer la chairman, Among the apeakers will be Dr. Oeorge W. Klrchay, dean of Columbia haw School and formerly- auptrlntendent of Sing Slnr Prison: Judge Joaeph P. Rogera, of Philadelphia;. Warden McKenty, of the Eastern Penitentiary, Philadelphia; Warden Francis, of the Weatern Penltntlary ; I'nlted States District Attorney K. Lnwry Humes, of the Weatern District; Rlshop J. Henry Darlington, of Harrlsburg, and Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, of Philadelphia. They represent both aides of the qucstlun. GERMANS IN A BEER GARDEN START ALARM NHW YORK, March 14, A group of Oer mans, sitting around a. table In a Rrooklyn beer garden, discussing Fort Hamilton and Fort Totten, started an alarm early today which resulted In the mobllliatlon of a mo torcycle and machine gun guard on the land ride of both forta. folice Commissioner Woods raid today 1110 Chestnut St. JEWELERS SILVERSMITHA car that just soared over the Alleghany Mountains on "high." Performance! Let's see if we can't gam a block in every five on Fifth Avenue without breaking any traffic regulations or shifting any gears. o Then we can go out in the country and just naturally "bust up" all the speed laws if you wish. For here's, a Blue Blood with rivers of "red blood" in its 80 H. P. veins. P.S; The Standard is. the first "Eight" to be magneto-equipped. This means free dom from ignition troubles. It's a sur cease against worry. It's "pep" insurance. (Don't think because some cars say "mag" on the switch, they ljave magnetos under the hood.) When may we call for you? optional apholttery and color. 7-Passenser Tourincr PA. H. B. H, it., BETHLEHEM, PA. VlT FtlaV. ". r ' ' 't ' persona who overheard dlaena alleged plot to" "capture" thVforii. to Captain Cooper at Fort Tott.i.. requested mobilization of pnii,, dispatched Deputy Commlalonr ReJl Captain TuKney with a aquad of rA to Brooklyn to Investigate. Thev evidence of a plot and the MTHi waa withdrawn. " tab was withdrawn. Ice by wire Now! Putefrkiencyimoyou, rofrjgerator and inaugurate , new epoch in the kitchen. Ad, pendable coId-maker-sanitarV and cconomical-hko is the pr J, tical home refrigerating device f which the world has long waited Turns electric current into cur! rents of dry, food-preserving cold. Simple-ea.ilInjtaiied ," rtfrS erator. Maintain, a low, even temrr ture-more economically than Ice, WW '"'." 'Se "fgeration? I.ko eo2 only J27S, f.o b. Detroit. J. F. Buchiilw, & Co., 1713 Chctnut St. PhSplS Bathrooms of Distinction The miurea ef I he wtll a (.pointed hsthroom must measure up to a thru fold slanrtaro beauty nf nnl(n, ntmT. ntm pd perf'rt sanitation. ' Klerk futures fulfill all these reiulrt. menls. Their araerful lines htrmotiiti with the tnoit luxurious eurroundinn Their scientific rnnttru'-tlnn amirei ikl olute rleanllness. Fleck Brm." nij. snlee means a lifetime of eatnrctr irvlee. '"' zjeckBjzos.Co. 8hfmrnf)m M-iMft and 50 North Tlflh Mi fl I .11 a $1950 .f' fit a i J vavavavaflavavaff MBBBft-aHaSBwllSlI 4 aaaaMaaBjaWaWMBBMil t srt pjJaPTnn l "S3I I lifcsrfo - ... V .- .......I. aV