r --' - fa ; , HfSSF4--! V'T..sr. . . - . .. """T II"' ,--" " 1SDAY 'March 14, 1917 Kuening v v. V UK JBII wjKirvnflssiss MMBBBrlr ?? fi A """SwV -WWe-fWM srr&' "'' ' -f- ''y- '& 6 mrojFr PICTURES -4Atf SCRAPPLE Photo by American Frtai Association THE TERRIFIC FORCE OF THE TORNADO ALONG DELTA AVENUE, CINCINNATI CAPTAIN HOWARD MERRY, I'ENN'S MOST VERSATILE ATHLETE BS1JT ""'"' PJaBiiaiiiiiiK "RS5J.' JSaaaaaaalfl IH .JijJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJI ilHHHHHHHHl HRH aLLLLLLiLiLifl CopjtIbM International Film Borvlcc HOUSE BLOWN AWAY WHILE THEY SLEPT Thase survivors of the tornado escaped unscathed although two women in the building were killed. Thotv by rhoto-Crafters. HE SPENDS $18,000 A WEEK W. S. Isaacs, from Australia, who is here pur chasing knit Roods for the island's overseas contingent. 1 r; i fc- v 3QSft? .. i 1Wil.M .A rtAi?s . . i '. ;&:;: : "fsmi&x m .!' ?. ". J-W'JLk, it 4 if' 15. Jl s '.5 .. sr' J2 k.waif2LJM i'-j 4 ? raH fin x ' C23 """'i.j- kHU &7 BHfe?ViN. ''I As:n-?':?r , Ss'K.t's :s.'jV.' " WZ'V. hbE&aPL'rrvB.BBlB SPCaiHHTSSBKBMaMflHB 'v The Young Lady Across the Way r) Tho younit lady across tlia way says all this talk about dormnn wlrelers liases In tho United States must be ex aggerated because. Kho nctcr found a baao Uermnii. On the other hand, they always treated her extremely well. Gastronomy, Not Grammar "I onco wroto an a blackboard," says a teacher, "theso words, 'The toast was drank In silence,' and then asked my class, 'Can any ono tell mo what tho mistake In HiIh scntenco Is?' "Tho puplN pondered. Then a llttlo elrl held up her hand, and at a nod from mo went to the board and wroto the folIowltiK correction: " 'The toast was ate In silence.' " CjiPxrlKni InU-rnationai Klun Hart. BODIES OFfTHE MISSING BELIEV2D BURIED UNDER THE WRECKAGE IN THE TORNADOS WK- ti- THE PADDED CELL OH WITH THE ( 1 STRAIT-JACKET ' I 1 -S amd Yoo,You Poor Tack - , V i C Do r&U PROMISE JEVER lb HAVE A C (?ikk Pifje f X FRAHK , HOMtST FRitAJPSHIP? PUOMliE ) Bo ,i" ft )( t tf AiEVER "lb ADMR AWOHE- Et-SBfc I 3 '" J i Goo 30AU-nE5? AWR BE.HCViE6Tu1- I i lAHb-et-eAHM' MERRV IF ANOTHER I A ,i woman is present? Do Yqo ACRea,! S ; HAYWARO I '1 SCHOOL DAYS 3Wj- '"'n-thepcye) ifr 4 The Necessary Inclosurc "Is It necessary to Inclose atamps?" asked the poet. "More necessary even than to In close ,poctry," responded the experi enced author. The Mill Itemized HPw HOW THE RUMOR STARTED M L wi m I - - i 1,1 n J '' ;4 Harvard Lampoon. London Opinion. "What, alipence for cutting my hair?" "Well, not exactly, sir; a penny for cutting, and flvepence for looking for It." "What makes you think the comedian Is developing a, dual personality?" "Why, all of his Jokes have a double meaning-." They Probably Met He Haven't I met you somewhere some time? She Quito likely. I was there. THE PRIZE SCHOLAR E sias(Bp Well Described Tuttlns on one's overcoat Is some al times so much nf art effort that on (1 Is dlsnoseil to norcn with the old netTO ...... ':;. " tfl tVllU DU1U, "Fust yo' puta In one ahm, den you" puta In de uddah ahm, an' den yo' gibs a gen'ral comvulslon." When Patriotism Pays 1 '-f. 8o4''"twUUr" strock the ouUklrti of Newcastle, Ind., jumped the business .section and then laid waste many -squares of housea In Cln- ,1 Th. "d one-Dooooj l$H. ( ta ' J -- ,- -v cinnati, where the picture" was taken. -., '. - .'-''x 'n..'- "" ' r-''l: ' Th ralnt Bhow, Ills Master Fallen from the ladder onto your head? Oood heavens! Tell me quickly what are nine times nine? The Injured One Hoo-hoo ; elghty.one. . Ills Master What Is the capital ot Spain? The Injured One M madrld. Ills Master And when was the battle ot Waterloo? brain at least djes'not Mem Injured I n s Cornell Woo. Alfred Walt Is a true American. Alfred-He dropped German to pr . , .,ma ,Huirailiy, i. :r ( '