St k wn ." ' . -I 'o .'? 4 J V )N HA GIA' DECISO D1ARMMEIPIROSCAFI ,T1 prcsidcnte Chiama ll Con- nnriaCannoni o Can nonieri Pronti im INGLESI A BAGDAD? WASHINGTON. 10 Mario, mi statl Until I loro dlrlttl M t libera. navlgaiione sui m.. f". P W .on, In Mgulto .11a opinion! csprcsse 'I SUrncy Kncral o dal segretarlo dl !.,. ha declso dl proccdere sublto al Ju.rmam.nto del plroscafl mereantlll rnnerl- f rinl I quail nvranno cannonl c cannonlerl -..m. marina da gucrra. Nei mcu ,..,, " 0 i presldcntc ha Indetto una sesslono ..i,rla del Congresso per II 10 del o mesc dl April w- -..i.M nana uei wnfi' !"- , au. ..,!... ,., f, .Mimo mesc ui jmiii"" i"' .. i :.i... - ... A.. rro'T..,(,.n e dlscutere nffarl cho si 'U ' roil'""' ... ' EVEM'a LaiiRteftAipElipklk' ' SATUDA MAKOH"m 1917 . U. S. GUNNERS ORDERED TO FIRE UPON SUBMARINES AT SIGHT Continued from Tate One Looming out and above the war cloud, however, Is the tremendous pos sibility that peace may bo "Just around the corner." Germany is close to starving. That fact is ndmlttcd by her leaders. It appears to be a race between war engulfing the two nations and starva tion .swallowing Germany. The spectre of famine, as authorities here see it, has In it the potentialities of n speedy peace. This Government itself has no present intention of making a war declara tion. Germany must force war, if it comes, the President has repeated time and again. t ' Meantime work on armament of American ships proceeds. American mer chant ships desiring an issue of guns, with navy gunners, can obtain them through navy yard commandants. cltlienshlp. Such leglslaton, Oermany well -n.JW,..C0U,, nver bs approed by Congress, and It would give an, excuse for war be tween Japan, the United States resulting ', " break between Japan and England, rnctlon between Japan and Itussla. and tho loss of the Philippines, the midway 1. i? . and ,hB Hawaiian Islands to tho United States. It Is understood here that the Japanese Government has sanctioned the publication by the United States of all details now held by tho Stato Department dealing with aerman plots to Involvo Japan, and that It It finally Is determined to make public, Information, concerning the general plots, this also will bo Included VATICAN RESUMES MOVES TO END WAR, LATEST IMPRESSION IN ROME h twnettono alls dlfesa della marina mercan- r "h weltl "ircoll pollllcl si rltlene che K .. S.rlslone del presldcntc Wilson dl pro- r'Ztm all armmiento del plroscan mer- t eamiii ,'"' , . ,-,.....,1 t,orln JuSatl Unltl plu" che mal vlclnl alia guer fj ruerregglata con la Germanln. ma e rMaro che se la gucrra dovra' venire, la .re.pon.ablllt.V ssra tutta Jella Germanla. Wrche' questa not. puo' Pretendere che g I Unltl rlnunclno al loro dlrltto dl .1- it kaiser, ne' che essl rlconoscnno' un klocco che rltengono, In base ad ognl uso , d ognl dlrlfto Intcrnazlonale, assoluta mente lllegale U Germanla ha fatto saperc n mezzo Iclla stampa e a mezro dl qualche oco sltlclosa die cssa affondcra" senza proav lso nualslasl plroscafo armato, amerlcano o ion. che capltl sotto 11 tiro del suol sotto- .11 s la mlnaccla sara tradotta In 5 ttto se un plroscafo nmerlcano sara' at- L thlarallone dl gucrra segulra' certamente It sara1 soltanto II rlconosclmento formalc dl tlllO tatO Cll lailO Ria EBintcnic vi u. .1 eresldente fa benlsslmo tuttn uesto. e per ....-1- -.uMA Ail vnntf. rho II Coneresso si ji rlunlsca'e si tenga pronto ad aglre, a dlehla- &l .... 1 mtrra ftnZA dllazlonC If intanto II segretarlo della Marina, Dan '? lei. ha dlchlarato chp egll ha a sua dlspo JV ililone cai nonl e cannonlerl per I plroscafl S mereantlll c per le nal da gucrra Icrl teono Impartltl ordlnl nllc compagnlo tele i!f niflcho dl astenersl dal mandare all'estcro i notlile circa I molmentl delle navl da H. iuerra e mereantlll. notlzlo cho non saranno $ diffuse nemmeno In America per Impedlre i etie ensano a conoscenz.i del nemlco. jit KOMA. 10 Marzo Un telegramma da fi londra dice che II Dally Chronicle annuncla if che nil lnglesl hanno ociupato la cltta' dl if Bagdad che ' stata abbandonata dal turchl si 11 glornale londlnese dice che la nottzU e' I? practlcamentc certa c che si puo' attenaerne It la conterma ufllclale da un momento nl 1 l.ltwn SI aspettaa che I turchl avrebbcro op posto reslstenza alle forze lnglesl nella reclone del flume Dlalah, a set mlglla circa da Bagdad, ed a Londra si era dl opinions t, che la battaglli per II possesso UI Hagdad era ormal gla' Impegnata avendo gll In- ' clesl ragglunto fa, llnca del flume DHlah Se la notlzK del Dally Chronicle e' esatta, la marcla degll lnglesl coiitlnua con quella itraorlnarla rapldlta" cne le o' stata consen- tlta dalla rapldlta' fenomenale della ritl I rata del turchl. rapldlta' che lnostra el- i 4nemente che lene loro a inaiicare l'aluto Gene lorze e aei mezsi xeueuui. lerl sera II Mlnlstero della Ciuenii pub llcata II seguente rapporto del generate Cadorna circa la situizlone alia fronte ltalo auitrlaca ; , Jl maltempn che Ira linpcnersato nella glornat.i dl Icrl ha llmltato , lailone delle artlgllcrle Kondlmeno si Bono avutl alcunl plccoll combattlmentl faoreoll alle nostre nrml Sul Carso un reparto .nemlco era rlsuclto a penetrarc nello nostre Ilnee ad oest dl Castagnevlzza, me ne Xu lramedlatamente rlcacclato e costrelto a rltornare alle sue llnee. T.Wramml Ha rfritrr Anrrn .lia a "Vienna e' stato annunclato che si sono autl j irenimo comuaiiTmenii con esuo Uoreole agll austrlacl e che un reparto 1 llallano che aanzava sul torrento Maso, valle del Brenta, fu resplnto come furono pure re.plntl due attacchl notturnl degll ltallanl sulla Costahella Ad lln nltnccn sul I' Uslt'- l b !1 I BULLETS FLY IN FIGHT FOR BAG OF MONEY i n t f .Gunman Attacks Bank Messcn- J.V SIM, OIUHIH plU,UUU itllU IM augnt oy roucc Pon amonc th( nunhrarl nnrl hi Icht 1 nnas of Little Italy they had. a gun I rlfht Still rnhhftrxr 4hlu mnmlnw u I.IH am $ that deoicted nn anv c-mirlv mntU llllin. Craph along Christian street. Frank Smith, aid by the police to be a notorious des perado, shot and seriously wounded David FlnlaW. a fifrv.Vflflr.nlfl rtt th I(',, Federal Itcsene Bank, as he was coming "i irora th bank of Prank Dl Berardlno, near i Tenth and Christian streets, grabbed a bag ' eontalnlng more than J10.000 from Flnlaw's hand, and was only captured by the police " arte? a v.m k..ia i. ..n. .-, ..... and Catharine streets. Klnlaw Ik In n. , aerlous condition at the Pennsylanla Hos F. P lll wlth five bullets In his legs and one In lt ii arn1, Smltn ls a' the Second and Chrls- tin streets nollnn stutlnn Th. mn. ,..1.1, i " ezceptlon of JJ.74, was recovered. A Flnlaw. whn Ik., nfr nttA T Aav... ... 1 Frankford, had started out earlier from it "J" "ank to redeem about (10,000 worth y HI Checks lie hart trnnaril l,U k!,.1 htSa Af Tl n.a.lnA. Hl... . P hl way to the South Philadelphia State c.iiK, at 3;j south Fourth street. At '. It nth Street In the crowd ha fall n urannh ; at his bag A heavy pistol barrel hit .aim In the chest, knocking away his wind, ?d a olce shouted In his ear; "Let en; wer mind the eun!" lint viniau. hH "hllll.J .l.. . . ..... i"11'1"' own reoier, and .while the m IWO men tnra an pnilf.rf J... ... ...... r the possession of the bar. th hunk I sST '" ,rlea to po'nt nls wPon. .. Then thlT una a rannr aA . . RSr?? ,0 dron n,s reoher. 'r he was K 'hot In the arm. Stll ha h.M tn th. hue Jflth i his other hand, while men and women i "l the Crowdarf ntraat a,raam. nH ...-... Sri?, ,0u''of range of the fire. In quick i-.i.iiun i no ranaiis revolver roared six (iimes, and Flnlaw m. n,. n . .u. .Kround with n ...a.... i,..u... . , . "iWu 1 was forced V relinquish his hold n the bag, . The ernwH h.M i...Li ,.. .u. i.. In ,, , as ,he B"nnian retreated down Sumstian street and Policemen Clarke and ccourt Joined In the chase. Bricks were tn flelne highwaymen and iPQIhCarla and h.u.. w. i i-j , vJv,,r,n ll wh,cn Ka,ned ,n Impetus I'tiif,: I "u Al Mgain street the man t'f,B? aVn and at Cthrlne he leaped a Eiienca nd triad n h..v, . , . KPOUcem.n were at M. h.eU .'" crowd, they bea-an flrlnr tVnn hi hfew Up hl nands' leln' the b iYnuv re0lvr Top to the ground. PS.'1 ot me," he gasped. lUtinnni.th6 ba" w examined at the police EhTunr.Ja.,'aa 'un,, ,0 "ntaln $10,971.49 I n an !eme ,cneck" an(' I"1" In cash. IXum JLn1er.b''.w.c, man wore were i lJ0.rtyf bu,,e,, Tha revolver which nafl used waa a thlrtv.airht.aiih.. . toot ions. Lailth waa taken tn'iha pnn...iv.i. "'.f- J?Tt yinlaw, In a wrlous oondl. LATIN-AMERICA WILL NOT AID WILSON. AGAINST GERMAN INTRIGUES IN WEST By CHARLES P. STKWAUT Sp-cial Cab'f Sfnlcf o lie t nllci I'res mirf I irniiW l.'iatr. , BUKNOS AIRES, March 10. If the United States is planning to seek concerted action among all Ameri can jcpublics to cleanse the American hemisphere of German activities as reported in Washington dispatches today she is likely to be sharply rebuffed. A majoiity of the Latin-American republics will resent such n plan. From a reliable source here it was learned today that the Argentine Government would be inclined to make a "hot answer" if the United States "offers advice" regard ing German plotting. Pan-American unity is not visible from this viewpoint of South America. Several republics are distinctly pro-German. Some are pro-Ally. Most of them arc not pro-United States. With the exception possibly of Brazil and Bolivia, Argentina's position on the general question of American matters is held by Americans here to represent substantially the attitude of the other Latin-American republics. And Argen tine, it will bo recalled, was the republic which most unceremoniously rebuffed President Wilson when he asked world neutrals to follow the example of the United States in breaking relations with Germany. ARGENTINA WILL NOT JOIN WITH AMERICA Argentina "regretted such extreme measures" in her note, which was drafted by Dr. Diego Molinari. He was likewise the author of the further message to the United States announcing that Argentina's mind was made up and implying that it wouldn't be changed by North American pressure, which was inclosed with the formal note. President Irigoycn personally revised both communications. North Americans here believed Doctor Molinari to be anti-United States mainly because he was secretary of the pro-Mexican committee here opposing American intervention in Mexico. But the fact is Doctor Molinari's views may be taken as typically Latin-American. He believes the United States, perhaps iincnnaelnuslv. Rppks to uso Latin-America to her own advantage. Brazil and Bolivia are considered exceptions to the general Latin-American view. Brazil is believed to bo looking for an excuse to seize German merchant ships in her harbors. . Bolivia has declared her "solidarity" with the United States. But she is thought to be "under the thumb" of North America. She is credited with aspir ing to an outlet upon the Pacific Ocean and the tributaries of the River Plata. Bolivia just now has no such outlet. The guess is ventured in Buenos Aires that President Wilson's declaration in his peace speech favoring ocean outlets for all nations had something to do with Bolivia's announcement of "solidarity with the United States. BOLIVIA BACKS WILSON'S STAND The question whether the United States is going to support Bolivia in her ambition for an outlet is of acute interest to Teiu, Argentina and Chili. These nations cut Bolivia off from the Pacific and the River Plata. Brazil has always been pro-North American. She has always, however, been pro-Gcrman, too. except for a few recent expressions attributed to te in fluence of Ruy Barbosa, Liberal party leader and the William Jennings Bryan of South America except that he is no pacifist. ruin i,,. J,,, nHvertised in New York and London dispatches as having supported the United States and expressed sympathy for the Allies in protesting against the German submarine blockade. The best South American judgment is that her "protest" was as perfunctory as Argentina's "regrets." Chili has no direct war interest, except that the conflict increases demand for her nitrates. As these are bought and paid for before leaving Chili no South American can believe Chili is worrying much about the German blockade. There is no question that Chili is somewhat pro-German and somewhat anti-Un.ted States in her sympathies: PERU AND COLOMBIA NOT COUNTED UPON As for the "A. B. C. combination," it has now gone up. It never signified mUCperu has now been heard from. She expresses the opinion that the United 1 w,tM will not have to enter the war. A Lima dispatch says tne Peruvian press l States will noi nae w j:it,v ,rits of the recent note. "enthusiastically eulogizes me uicruiy mm u.r. ------- Uruguay, which objected vigorously to the German submarine note and consequently was proclaimed a vigorous supporter of the Wilson policy, sur prised South Americans by saying little in her note. Colombia is sufficiently anti-United States, on account of the Panama Canal affair, never to lend much moral support to the latter until compensated for her '""'Ecuador has a comparatively new administration which is an unknown quantity? As a general proposition, however, South Americans think she may be depended on to shape her policy wim ....u. Paraguay is pro-Gcrman. Venezuela is both pro-Ally and pro-Ujiitcd Mates. Neither Paraguay nor Venezuela, however, is likely to take sides except m.rtion with the rest of the South American republics. oSsirin view! of the conflicts as noted, there will be no co-operation from Latin-America. WASHINGTON TO PUBLISH "WHITE BOOK" EXPOSING GERMAN PLOTS IN AMERICA In the work of setting evidence against plotters The evidence In the hands of Secretary Lansing, Counselor Polk and In the White House Is declared by those who know to be absolutely conclusive It shows pay ments to secret agents tq steal secrets from the Government. It shows payments to men to plot against Canada and India within the L'nlteil Statea lt shows the efforts that made by Germany to get complete details of the wireless system In stalled at Arlington ; to get plans of the Are control of American warships; to get locations of all coast defenses And It also shows the identity of the men some of them at least American citizens who have given aid and comfort to the German cause In opposition to the Interests of the United States These Include New York, Chicago and San Francisco bankers and steamship brokers. In this connection a .few additional de tails of the efforts of German agents to work up friction between the United States and Japan were learned today. The Zlm mermann letter was not an Isolated case, it la explained. Long before Herr Zlmmermann entered the Foreign Office as Its chief, German, agents had been working to create pro-German sentiment In Japan. Following the fall of Klaochau, German agents In Japan anlisted the efforts of certain Jap anese newepapera and bankers and began the spread of propaganda designed to shoV that Russia was about to desert her Allies and that a Itusslan-Japanese-Oerman alli ance could be formed which would dom inate the world. This alliance, evidence now In the hands of the State Department shows, was advocated by certain Japanese leaders, who pplnted out that under it Japan and Russia would have had a free hand In China. As soon as the Japanese Government learned that this propaganda was being spread it took sharp action, Those re sponsible were arrested and the majority are still In prison. Following this, tha plan ot Germany to Involve Mexico In a plot whereby that disrupted nation would ask aid from Japan was evolved. ' It Is stated on authority ot officials ot the Japanese embassy here that this plot was never brought to th attention of Japan. But it la hinted that tn connection KOMi:, Tell. 1G (by mall) Since the rupture of diplomatic relations between the United States nnd Germany the Vatican Stnte Chancery has been the scene of unusunl diplomatic activity For nearly forty-two weeks Cardinal Gaspirrl, Secretary of State, nnd his nssoclate, Mon slgnor Tcdcsclnl, have steadily denied them selves to all callers who visit the State Chancery In search of news of the war. Tl.elr seclusion and tho work Imposed upon tne rmall staff of prelates, to whom tho secrets of atlcan diplomacy are entrusted, are th object ,of endless comment, both In Vatican ana lay circles of the Italhn cap ital This unusual nctlvllj of the ntlcan chancery coincides with the cliculatlon of a report that the Pope Is on the eve of malt ing another step for the prompt ccsitlon of hostilities Though nothing Is known ot tho nature of the new move, Vntltan circles regsrd as extremely significant the fact that during the last few dais the Ilrltlsh and Spanish representatives to the Holy Sec, havo been frequent callers at the chancery They were Invariably ccorted through the Third Loggia to tho Pope's private working loom where long con ferences were held The same report adds that since Presi dent Wilson's peace efforts were nullified by German 's announcement of a ruthless submarine war, the Pope, though sadly disappointed, resumed the woik of pescc, which lie had In ii ino tstire abandoned while President Wilson was miking his ap peal. The Pope Is said to bellcvo that ho has some rcison for hoping for success this time because he has the heartv co-operntloii of Queen Victoria of .Spain, an English Princess, and impress Zlta, of Austria. According to one prelate, official Infor mation In possession of the Vatican State Chancery points to tho fact that England has been nnd still Is the only Mumbling block in the was of peace Prance, though determined to resist to her last man and her laM pennv Is nut altogether oppocd to meeting delegitpi of hri pnem Mie lias nothing to fear neither the loss of more terrltor nor of anv inrt of her coloninl empire The defense of Vcidim Ins, In ,i messure. rehabilitated hei military repu latlon ui badly shattered bj tho ar of 1S70-71 England however remains ohdurslo nnd is determined tn spurn nn offer of peaco or medlitlon until her armies havo con quered on the bsttletlclrls or her nivy on the seas all the Hurels she deems Indls pen'able to a peipetuitlon If not to an Increase of her piextlRe In the world Count de Sails the Hrltlili legitc to tho Holy See, Is said to have Informed tho Pope that Kng land would not entourage nn new nttempt t mediation until after a new effort by her smiles In Frame. . . k i - V vc WIRELESS NABBED IN POSSESSION OF GERMAN; TX TO AID PL VICE PRESIDENT MARSHALL URGES U. S. . TO PAY COLOMBIAN $15,000,000 DEBT NEW YORK, March 10 Discovery of a portable and powerful wireless apparatus, capable of picking up messages from as far away as Ilerlln, was made today follow ing the nrrcst of Max Hans Ludwlg Wax, a native of aerninnv. Wax was nrrested un n technical charge of "swindling ' by means of n machine which ho called n "money-making ma chine." Pollen ileolnro that Wax's ma chine Is a part of n lompleto wireless out fit The mechanical Instrument was found In a trunk which had been kept at the Grand Central Station for several dajs and Its sldfs wero covered with shipping tag", Indicating that Wax had "been carrjlng tho apparatus with him to many places In tho United State Several tubes of an unknown chemical and code messages and drafts from the Im perial Hank of Ilerlln were also found In Wax's effects Ono of tho drafts was for $12 000 Wax admitted rcielvlng money from Berlin, 'but said It cams fromi .it us. Funds for the carrying on of.Qe propaganda In this country have been ra in tho United States, authorities decla lonay. jney allege that assessments neen matio rrom Berlin upon Qcrman re ists, Herman citizens and even uer Americans In this country, and that collections havo been made by agents bal inc credentials from Ilerlln Charges nro nlso made by InvestlgaV that funds to the extent of 15,000,000 ral for relief of (lerman sufferers by charH bazaars throughout the United States ha never left this lountry. Instead these fun agents ssy, have been kept here to jiay fenMj the work or propaganaisis working lor uwTfl German cause. ' t 1 . More than J1.O0O.O0O wns snent for tha ( support ot candidates with pro-German j rl sympathies In the last national election,.' according to Investigators MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL CHARITY BALL APRIL 16 WASHINGTON, March 10 'The more bclllcoc we become toward other, people the more amicable we should become among ourselves,' declsrcd Vice President Marshsll today In support of his conviction that this Government should do everjthlng possible to promote friendly feeling throughout noth Amerlcis He was arguing that no time should be lot bv the extra session of Congress In ratlfslng the Colombian treatv through which Colom bia would receive J15 000,000 In psment of Panama Canal claim' "The treaty has got to go through ' he said "We have matters of the greatest Importance on our hands, and we should not waste time haggling over the things of the pist 1 am sure the measuie will pass the Senile at the present speciil hes slon bv a two-thirds vote" Mr Msrshall pointed out the extreme men ace tn the Pinama Can tl through an alli- rnnce between Colombia and Germany should German and the United States to to war There are 400 miles of Colombian coast upon which German aircraft tould locite raiding Inses foi attntks upon the canal There Is the utmost danger In tho situa tion ' lie said 'heciuse Colnmbli feels the pavmenl should be made, and even If wo nre not mcrill bound to psy the money it would be danceious not to do so' ' The VUe Piesldent was an esrly caller at (ho Whltu Houe today to ce President Wil son Elaborate Preparations Flcing Made for Event at Academy of Music Elaborate plans nre being made for the seventeenth nniiial charily ball of Mount Slnal Hospital, which will he held Monday night, April Hi at the Ac (demy of Music Tho be' modern dinclng masters In the city nro arranging the dance program nnd orders for insny ferns, palms, potted and cut flowers and other grcenerv nre being made The legend '.Mount Slnal Hospital Charltv " will be outlined In electric lights In tlm decoratlvo coloi si heme of mjrlsds of bulbs The receipts will be applied to the mslntenanco nnd completion of tlio hospital which has filled an extraordinary demand for treatment of the sick poor Da vid Phillips heads the committee in chirgc of the ball SNOWBALL TELLS MAN 2 HIS HOUSE IS ON FIRE JMfl Father Carries Daughter 'toy oaieiy vruusuu uy rsuvci Message ,,' $ m A snowball thrown through his bedroom iJi,"! hliina' Viv t nns'erhv earlv this mornfnir .' , " -- .-- - "i James Hlgglns, 632 iiavertord i i; lint a fishbln and refrigerator bjr !. i J' i notified avenue tho sldo of his store wns on fire, awoke nnd carried his little The refrigerator and bin lean against tha store on one of tho slues, which abuts Sal ford street Hlgglns thinks that the fire was caused b a carelessly thrown cigarette. The damage was about $500. WrelniV'Vl daughter f' '.! TWO-CENT INCREASE IN MILK PRICE SEEN New York State Dealers Intimate Jump in Cost to Consumer, But Deny Agreement NEW YORK March 10 Tho prlco of milk to .tho householder will bo Increased two cents a quart if tho Dairjmen s League exacts the proposed advance from tho dls trihutors according to a hrosd Intimation in .1 statement Issued bv I Elkln Nathan, sec retary of the New York State Milk Dealers' Conference Hoard Mr Nsthan denied that there was an agreement to that erfect He said that since only seventy per cent ot tho milk bought bj tho dlstilbutors was sold lot table use, while tho rest was disposed of at whole sale, each cent Increase to tho wholesaler must mean more than a cent advanco to the final consumer. J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut Juniper South Penn Square solicit commissions for designing and making special pieces of Church Silver and Memorials. vZ I , '.H Ks4 M WASHINGTON. March 10. ; As an ald"tallylng Pan-America in a move to crush German Intrigue on this con tlnent. the Government Is preparing a record of Germany's sinister "; will be ut lied be decided In what manner It will be utiuzea for this purpose .,,, The "white book" will W arocou, SSSJtlE wsstSVuntry against country In war on this continent 1 It will show how the long hand of the GerUn Foreign Office stretched forth to create hatreds and d",c"d8IT1"1,,tI,tateB JHSSSf know the baleful Influences at work to dls- rupt these nations. TRAILING BERNSTORKF Tho work of former Ambassador von ino worx ui . Bpy-a des will be XSSK? SJj-fS' faME unltea ! ' . .-,, to .way the old SnU? Carranza'" t 1 an era of connuesl. SrltehSi niirth and south of hls.own do- mitnwlH 'tend to show how Teruvlan navy It will vena ,h operaton S'BBtoS to blas't n. Panama Canal, thus striking a vital strategic blow at this coun try. It will reveal the full Plot to create a PaAPna whllTfh.' Department does not ,.vi It. full Plans, presumably the new and Vurtllng document will be put forth to this nation a a spur to national patriotism la wirnttiiTta a country which some au rtorUk.desjgn.ted privately a. "drunk and PrTUhe0alnt. of the Department of Justice and of the "ecret service ofthe Stat. D. nartment are rounding up spy .uspect.. Th. TaUur. of the askedtfor Iellatloa d.- Signed to trnnen in. " -ni in, checklnr U operation, of ieor an. 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii u m 1 1 1 ; 1 1 : t m i ) m ) , 1 1 n j t n 1 1 u n I n . ' ) 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 , m 1 1 1 . i , , 1 1 1 n i , i , m , 1 1 1 ; r 1 1 ) i I i 1 1 , i u ) , ; . t J , u m . , i , n m i , m i n , r rr-- C7D ea4sivllslq tyouynct &LiJ '(yWMX CT12WDDIDGECLDTHIEI2 JPDIMG FASHION DISPLAY THE FASHION EVENT of tho spring season, for which thousands of women are waiting the Strawbridge & Clothier Opening Expositions ' of Fashionable Apparel and all that appertains thereto! These beautiful displays represent the very latest development of fashion! The world's cleverest creative talent is revealed in countless new features in design, texture and color! This Store wins fresh laurels as the FASHION CENTRE chief exponent of the pi-actical and beautiful in dress. The keynote of the display is GOOD TASTE in the extreme styles as well as in those of charming simplicity. EVERY WOMAN IS INVITED TO SEE THIS UNRIVALED DISPLAY. It is an assemblage worth coming many miles to sec. See it, by all means on Monday, whether you arc ready to make your own selec tion now or not. You will not have another such opportunity to view the reason's approved fashions in one complete all-inclusive display. )e6A6yxuiMA6J 'OscUd' arvcL Wcuh& -cwid Q4tAA44irHjP rro Q-fo- - - LyO'Uii&e6 uAst SJiye' Tsclyt 2edS JuawdjO'a&fr s - -t. r i'mcAny, . atU44AAi ( My Ky-wruy vUyod sCtsricl 3opcn) wmwrnm ill MA f - z a &lo4 T CD ykJruzd'f QqU SCxXsC&d' sCCncl M X: X . T) ivvl , t- -Si t "M 420404" 1 1 y'v, 5ficukcSthcat C C2S Jp. ' CrirrrfcTrkTr O. IvT VVFUF I T? t M kJ 1 ItiWV JBrUJLF UU2. OC VbV 1HI VmKrt&i HA iS 7 IS ux "TO 9 1 "$ l1 m A uia (mmmi iwogrMa waa u-t intact "W M MtAUMt FMOto rf trfa. in taia country w - - M. mJBBmEmm