J! A ' ' s H -. i"V W P i t'y fc4 eli.M f - RMLMietm NOTICES BapHsl .AITMT TKMPI.K Tlrnftd and Berks HUNSEL,!. II. CONWEL1. Ill preach 10.30 a. m. and 7 80 p. m. JMAIir.l, UAUUIth. Kit. MnrtnA. wilt assist the Chorus In the evening eervlcea. CLARENCE HETNOLDS. Organist. VISITORS WELCOME . r . Brethren jniwr church ok Tun nnr.Tiinr.'v (Dunker). cor. Carlls.a and Dauphin ats. Preaching, 10 30 a m. and 7.1.1 p. in. Sunday School, 2:30 p. m lraer Meeting each Wednesday evening -., Kthlnri Culture Prof. Nathaniel Schmidt will spak nn "The iiignti or Neutrals." Ilroad Street Theatre. II . m. I'ubllo Invited Lutheran at the raiRxnt.v riirncit jotii and jefferson sts. DANIEL K. WKIIII.K I'MTIfin JO 311 A, M -CflMMISSIUMVl OK MEN KOtl KVKUV.MIIMMKIl CANVASS A It. rill. QUOINB. (IKNKRAI. SECRETARY. LAY HRN'K MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, SJO p. M. I1IMLE SCHOOL. II. C. MIL l.Kll. Htll'ERLNTKNDE.N t 4 TO 0 p. M. EVEHY.MEMRER CANVAS. IK JOU ARK A FRIEND OK TUB CHURCH, SEND TOUR AIITOMOHII.F. 7'43. SERMON. "TUB Alll'HE OK I'RATKR DOUBLE MIXED gUARTET AND MALE . qUARTKT . Methodist Kplsropal Cnt.I'MIIIA AVK.. ror. 25lh at Rev. IS W HART. I). I), Services 10 .10, 7 30; H 8 2.3ii. . MIsrelhiaeouM OARRICK TIIIHTRK 1HEME ' "WILL JAPAN riaiiT America:" DOBS TIIK I1IHI.K PROPHESY THAT THIS NATION WlLl.iENTEH CATACLYSMIC y riiuuui.i:; REMARKABLE WAR PICTURES WILL BE SHOWN Dr. Benjamin Wilkinson the noted sneaker lecturing Sunday eenlnge In the tlarrlck Theatre on lllbfe propherlea rnncernlnir Eu rope and the future of America, will apeak there tomorrow night on "Will, the Kar East Clssh Against the Par Weat or Will Japan Klght America? ' Mammoth crowds gamer to hear the Doctor and at tlmea those unable to set In the thentre have blocked Cheatnut atreet. Remarkable war pictures will b ahown. Interview ed by n reporter. Doctor Wilkinson aald. "I will turn the prophettc teleacope on the war acttvltlea of the Orl ntal countries and will explain the prophe. rles that ahow what theao activities portend Are we near the rlosei of earth's history? and will the yellow races play it prominent part In the battle of Armageddon? are nues llnna mat win no answered ' ur irwn J Morgan, the well-known organist at Wana- Pakrr's, will again prralde at the organ rof. T. II llarrltt will had the singing feortnr Wilkinson will apeak at the Parkwav lulldlng auditorium on llroid street, Mon day e.snlnic. taking for his theme, "The Crash of Empires " lltith lectures will l free to the public and the iloors will be open at 8 30. C1IRISTAIIi:i,ritlN KM'I.KMX meets Sun ds, II and 7 3n In (Iran Fraternity Hall, t;l Arch at Free lectur" nt 7 10 p m March II, by .Mr. .1 lT Robertson "Rod's Hand In Human Arfalrs t rrrsbyterlan ARCH ST. (lll'RCH. ISTII AND ARCH 8TS. 10.13 "America and the Negro ' Doctor Macartney will gl.e his Impressions of a recent visit to the niack Ilelt of (leorgla a mi "Heond the Veil " The first In -i series of Pre-Baater Sermon- fln "Time and Immortality " HOI'i:, 33D AND WHARTON KTS The Rev. J (1RAV lUil.TOV. .Minister. I'AMIl.V DAV 10:41 "l,oal Son and lirother " 7--4V Miss Clinch, the "MTfet. l'lrst l.ady " WAI.MJT .STREKT PRF.slllTI.KI VN (IILKCII -l Walnut st aboe .THh at. ' Rev. JOHN ARCHIHAI.D MacCAI.I.PM 1). D. Minister, Rev Wlt.MAM TAVflbll CAI.DWK1,!., Assistant Minister 1I.0H a. m Sermon, "Worship In the Ileaut of Holiness." 'no p. m Rev 11. s. VINC'BNT. "Some Ollmpses Into the Home Life of Slam " Choir Murl.l Magerl. soprano; .Maude Sproulr. contralto, Ilernanl Puland, luiur, Prederlo O. JUrt. Imss. Herry s. I.ukena, organist anil musical director. Protestant Kiilsropal Clll'KCII OK TIIK IIOI.Y AI'OSTI.KS. L'lst and 'hrlatlan sis. Rev UBOROB IIBRHBRT Tim IP, D 11. Rector rlervlcea, II a m . 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p m Sunday School and Bible Classes, L.30 p m The musical cantata. "TUB DAIIKKST HOUR." by HAROLD MOOltK. will be repeated this Sun day e enlng CIILRCII (IF ST. MM; AM) THE ICI'H'IIA.Si 1.1th street below Spruce. Rev DAVID M HTB'-LB, Rector. R a, m Holy Communion 10 a. in. Sunday School It a m Morning Praver. 4 p. m. Uvening Praicr, Anthem and Ad dress. Preacher, 11 a. m., Ilev. David M. Steele, D. D. Preacher, 4 p, m.. Rev. Ueorge Craig Stew. . art, L.il. D. Uvanston. III. T. JAMES'S CHURCH Twenty-second and Walnut ata The Reverend John Mockrldge, D. D.. Rector. R 00 a. m. Holy Communion 11 UO a in. Morning Praver and Litany, with .Wmnn S 00 p. m Instructions on the Holy Com munion. 4:00 p. m. Evening Prayer (Choral). 9.45 a m. arid U'lS p. m. Sunday hchoola. Week-data In Lent. 7.30 and 9 00 a. m , P. 00 p m Organ Recital Monday. 4 00 p m Strangers alwaya.welcome - Socialist Literary Society MRS. HANNAH SHEEHV SKI.FFlMiTOV wife of the martyred Irish editor, will apeak on "The Irian Revolution"' tonmrrow at 3 p m ..at Uroad Street Theatre Music b llahn's mi String Quartet. Public Invited - VnlUrUn , FIRST UMTRIAN, -I;'. Chestnut st. 10 a, m.--Sunday School 11 a. m. The Rev, K II Griffin, of Montreal, wilt preach. Anthems "As Pants the Hart." by Newton, and "Whoso, Hath This World's Ooods," by Calkin. Philip II Ooepp, Organist oung 3Ien'a Christian Aasorlatlon CF.N. 8UM1W FORl'M 3:30 P. Jl. V. "Kear and Worry Twin Demons." by " M. Dr Stanley I. Mebs expert In modern C, arlentine methoda of buslneas getting and A. business building. TOU" FARMER, I-0 us7 "Theatre fi2d and Icust.'Sunday. March It 4 pm. Subject "When Clod Spoke the Story of a Changed Life." Ladles Invited LOST AND T0UND - BAG Ioat. Thursday, from automobile, brown leather bag containing medicine, books and capers. Reward If returned to Jefferson Cneft. Dept,, .'3N Plre. boo Lost, black female French, poodle, with green collar, answers to name 'Patsy", 110 reward Ph. J. B Richards, Oak J.ane 1138 J, "DOO Lost. Airedale terrier from .009 rin st.: answers to name of Woofle; pollar had owner's name and addreaa XfKl I-ost. Friday. Airedale do'g. near "0th and Pine; reward. K. C. Pleasanton. SOODPIne. HANDIIAO Iost. Friday evening. amaH patent leather handbag, going from Terminal Markvt to 16th and Spruce; reward Return to 313 S. 15th st. FOLICY I-oat. perptUial policy Vo K0I0. of Spring (Jarden Ina. Co.. for f-7000. covering" rl. K. cor. -vci anil vine aia ir rouno return to a c Heldel Sr Co.. 4th and Callnwhlll sts., or tnsuranco company, as application has been made for a new policy. RECEIPTS Lost, depository receipts for the Philadelphia Blectrlc Company securities Is sued by the Land Title and Trust Company, trustee, as follows: No, 47 -and No. 38'.', Re. turn to the Mnd Title and TrustCompany. bULLDOO Found In Oermantown," Friday ele nlngT P. O. II. 237, Ulenalde PERSONALS - - BACRIFICB diamond solitaire, perfect about 3-7 carat. 170 McCuirheon, 012 Bulletin Uldg. Phone, Walnut 1337. gEIJP WANTED FEMALB AWEIIATIOK WOMAN, exiwrlenced on drrases, coats and suits; permanent position; good sal, .rr. Iji noy Shop, TM Market. " BOsNNAK operator wanted. Apply society dept,, Tro. H. Ilorstmann Co., 423 Cherry aL BOOKKKEPBR and . stenographer - WantadT rotng lady who has had 2 or 3 years' business -nertnr and can tisa Oliver machinal rt- renco required. J, I. Llmtburncr Co,, 1720 . Jh ineacpu fc c. JBoKKEBPEIt. thoroughly experienced, for wholesale establishment; stata salary and - Bortco. P 131, ledger Oltlce. SoOK Wanted, an experienced cook for large , family; must V bl ' a" fancy cooking; sjuk good broad and rake I house ref.i rage ' S- r month. M 3. ledger Central. uoarttnoea wnue wamani lor country i sit FapU. to bedn. April 'J oo4 wages: aOeitloo.to on, 1M, Call 1SQ8 Mpruc Jr P. ra. ' ' , of or. Call 10 alllta Deals t Mew'hall st. 1 -et . HELP WANTED FEMALE Conllnurd Inm Prrcrdlas Pant EMIirtOlDKltr.riH. hand, and girls wanted at oncei long season; steady work Apply all weeki SmJthAJlamsey. 1010 Market at. OIRLS OVKH 10 Rteady work; good wsgea paid while learning. .Apply Orlswold Worsted Company, Darby, Pa Oltlt.S wanted 10 over in for lalmrntory de partment; labeling, finishing and wrapping Apply NA W. cor. 12th and Washington nve, CURL" wanted on plain aewlngi Irt per week. J, Thompeon Rlday & Ron Co., J0I0 Race at, CURLS Learners for llaht factory workl steady and good wages. 423 N, 3d st. HOSIERY (femalej Exp. menders on seamless work; toppers and knitters on half hose Ran. ner machines; toppers and knitters nn double stitch work nn needles; also young girls to learn. Onlda Knitting Co , 2d A Allegheny ave. ilOUSI'KI'BPKR. worklntf. refined, competent" by elderly Udyl amall ronvenlent house; ho washing; good wages. Phone (lln. 23S0 Mll.LINBRS to .trim ladlea' straw hata J, Thompaon Rlday ASon Co., Pilo Pace at. Mii.Mvnip WB ItnUUIRB Mtl.LINKICS AND I.KARNBRS OVRR 10, PAID WIIII.B I.BARNI.NU, APPLY KMI'LOniUNr UUREAU. UVt UROrilERS OI'bRA'IOR.S, experienced on potkethooka and tar1cases Apply Wolf &. Co.. l-'th an Cal lnwhlll st . third floor, SHOES Experienced Ironer wanted 31, N. I.'th et . seventh floor bllOBS Cxperlcnceil girls and learners in packing room 31,1 N I.'th st. seventh Moor MIDI'S -Experienced tip fixers wanted 31A N. l-'lh at, seventh tloor Bl'BMXIRAPHBR, experienced In wholesale coal business! state age, salary .expected, In own handwriting K .Cm. ledger Central WBAVBIIS wanted on Turkish towels Applv Lnuh II Poster. Iloga and D sts .".d tloor. WOMAN energetic and cluiaiel. to rrtiresent a national e.iu, utlnnal Institution In Phllnilei pnla and vicinity: pleasint iifflrM' established; tin canvassing: salary and commission to start. The V omen's Institute. Iit'm c hstnut st WOMEN AND OIRLS WANTED STEADY EMPLOYMENT fcTARTIM! WAOE 1.Tc AN' HOl'R MINIMUM WEEKLY WAGE. S7.50 INCREASED AUTOMATICAL!.' APPLY 7 A. M JOSEPH CAMPIIEI.L CO 2D AND MARKET STS. CAMDEN'. N. J TOUNO LADIES with knowledge of designing . Smlth-!tiimse Emb Co . 1041) Market st YOUNO WOMEN wanted to trnce mechanical drawings A 300 Ledger Office HELP WANTED MALE lll.EACIIER wanted: must nn thoroughly com- Eelent In the hleachtne of curtalna, with a nowledge of dicing Address advising full experience, references nee and wagea ex peeled A 2(11. Ledger Ortlce. IIOOKKEEPERS What nre jour prospects for the future'' Do vou earn os mui h mnnev ss Ihe star salesman of jour firm Why not try to b a star salesmen If 'ou have ron lldnce in jourself and Clink vou an sell high grade office machines write us ulvlng refer nces liberal commissions and exclusive terrltorj r 410 Ledger Central HOY who knows atenographj wnntetPit once In real eatate office to learn the business nbout 10 'ears old M fi.'O ledger office HOY, 10 or over good chance for niHancrtnent Applv.Mr Whiteside till Sinsnm at ROYS wanted to run errands and make them selves siieratly useful Apply Charlea E. Johnson & Co "lO'l s loth st. CAI11NETMVKERS Victor Talking Machine Co liss vacancies for Cabinetmakers Machine turvera Boring machine opeariors llardwste filters Ilorlng miclilrie operators I'lrst-class saw filers Hand sanders Rubbers oil and water Apprentice boja oer Is Of0e bojs III and oer ts-hour-week sihedule 1'hjslcal examination necessarv poly ltor Talking Machine Co.. Application Office. .Ti Cooper st Camden N .1 CAH1NE1.MAKERS Steadv work: good wages to competent men; no labor troubles Key. stone Cabinet Co Chester Pa. CHAUFFEUR wanted till July 1 experienced must b total abstainer, state age. compensa- tlon P 1211 1-cdger Office CHAUFFEUR, colored capable of drIUng all makes of cars 23 N Ilroad COOK Experienced ahort-order cook Child-. 120.1 Market st Apply DRAFTSMAN, experienced on mill and other Industrial buildings and general construction work, at 1 1 .Mill per annum, citizen Apply Prankford Arsenal DRAFTSMAN, experienced In design of piping layout, heating sjstem etc . at ll.0O per annum; citizen Apply Prankford Arsenal FARMER An all-around farmhand needed, a joung single man preferred good wages paid to right man Apply Thomas Rellly, lil! Thompaon st , Philadelphia Pa FIREMEN for Murphy stokers, none but ex. perlenced men ned apply Franklin Sugar Refining. Co Reed at anil Delaware River. FREIGHT HANDLERS whlto and colored. P and It Co . ateady work 25e per hour. Apply Freight Office Front and Noble ats Phlla UARDBN'ER wanted, thoroughly experienced with vegetables and flowers, good reference N E.cor School la and Wlssahlckon nve . tltn HOUSEMAN, part of day. experienced, refer ence A 303 Ledger Office, INSTRUMENT MAKERS is ,12 to ! per day of N hours, optical lens and prism grinders n.2 to S4, tool makers and machinists S3 21 to S3 all based on experience and capacity. Potter and Johnston operator S3 30, brass tnolder S.I 70, skilled Isborers "solderers " S2 24, higher compensation when on piece work. Apply Frankford Arsenal from N to lu a. m., on working das tor application blanks. LABORERS Hood, steady Job' for the right men Mltchess Jlros . 24th and .Isckson sts LEVERS LACE card puncher wanted Address etstlng age. experience, wages expected and references,A201jLedger Office MACII1NB".MEN We'need you on our selling force; we teach jou without cost: ww have Krmanent places with drawing account: come and talk It over: aak for Mr, McMillan. Encjrlnnsedla Rrltanntca Co., 139 South 13th corner Walnut. MACHINE HANDS (woodworking), steady" work:"', good wagea to competent men: no labor' ireiihlea Keyatone Cabinet Co , cheater, Pa MACHINISTS. FIRST-CLASS BNtllNE AND TURRET LATHE HANDS FOR WITH DVT AND NIOIIT SHIFT. ON IRON AND SHEET VALVE WORK FOX LATHE AND SCREW MACHINE OP ERATORS FOR BRASS VALVE DEPART MENT. ON DAY SHIFT For flrat-claaa men we have steady work arid good pay with exceptionally pleasant shop conditions Apply either by letter or In per son to superintendent NELSON VALVE CO. CHESTNUT HILL. Penna. It R Nedmoor Station, or Chestnut 1(111 trolley on clermantown ave to Willow Urovo ave I take jitney to works MA?C wonted to serve milk route and cofiertt security required. Wllls-Jones. 1015 North 2th MAN and wife, chauffeur, lxjtlar and cook, laun. dry out Phonc Woodland 2113 MEN Wanted, botlermakera, locomotive ma chlnlata. car repair men. laborers locomotive cleaners. Penna. R R 1741 Filbert St. J1EN for dye and bleach houao work Apply Aahdale Hleachery, 3213 Frahkford ave MULE SPINNER wanted Aabeatoe Co.. Norrlatown. Apply American OFFICE! MANAaER-F.XF.CUTIVE'S ASSIST ANT To take rc-mpleta eharga of office; must have had bookkeeping, accounting and collection ex perience; muat be an experienced executive and office systematlxeri must have commercial Judgment and Initiatives give age and details of past experience. F 340, Ledger Central, OFFICE assistant, should be stenographer and familiar with building construction or archl lectural draftsman. K 212. Ledger Central, OFFICE HOY wanted. Apply the Oeorge W, Rlabon Co-t near 'Jtstand Hunting Park tv-a i OPF.RATOR Electric truck operator; expert, enced. married; steady work. Apply at once. Audubon Wire Cloth Co., Audubon, N. J, OFriClAN Edge grinder wanted, Apply YliU AOcha,J7l6J"j!eatmltstJ PRBS8-FKED"KR Younr man about 17 to feed amall Job press, Lanston Monotype Co., 24th and t locust. PRINTER OooU opportunity, for ambitious young man! residing In Weat Philadelphia pre ferred Open evenings. 47 N. Both at. SALESMAN Old established manufacturer desires services of bright, wideawake, well a p. Parlng traveling; sales representative, revloua selling experience preferred. KicelUnt opportunity (or advancement, H. State age. experience and phono num. Jber. M H8, I lgr Oftico. , EVENING LEDER-PHIADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, - nELP WANTED MALE Confriturd from Vmidlna Column SALESMAN Trnvellng aaleamsu, with exp rlente In roof paints and coat ings; state age, experience and phone number. M 623, Ledger OfflcT. SALESMAN, automobiles, experienced, to work on Main Lino west of City Line altogether; high-class rarj splendid opportunity for right man. P 117, Ledger Ortlce. SALESMAN An unuaual opportunity. both profitable and permanent, for n aaleaman who can prove he haa been sii,cess(ul In his past work A 301, Ledger Of dec SALESMAN', outside, wanted for rleciirutlvo bus , sal, J. W Held & Co , 1.131 N Brond SALESMEN y Tea It Is true our salesman do make more money than they could by selling nnUhlng else. Yes four-fifths of our successful salesmen never sold books before. We teach sou alt the selling points nnd prepare ou thoroughly. We particularly want aalcsmen who have sufficient execullvo ability to handle other men to such advancement Is awlft and sure, 'ihe Handy Volume Edition advertised by Hears Roebuck Co Is the "big seller.", only Si required with order. W' work lends ex clusively and glvo you drawing account. Enwclopaedla llrltannlea Co . 139 S. 13lh st SALESMEN' to sell guaranteed preferred stock as aide line, extra liberal lonimlsslon. Secre tary l.Mi s Taylor st , Philadelphia SUM OS" for Protestant church, central. K 213 Ledger tVntrnl Mini; SAI.ES.MAS", perm-in-nt feltlon nisi Joung ttnn Irani business A 310 Ledstr Off SHOES Exp. rlenced Ironer wanted Ills N l-'th st seventh tloor SHOES Expeilentcl tip Oxers vvnnlcd. 31.1 N. 12th st . seventh tloor bTBNOGIt M'HI'lt Excellent i pportunlty with automobile dealer for exp msn, over 21. prac tical knowledge of bookkeeping essential, 5IH to start M HI4 ledger Cential STOCK CLERK In lumlier office Iteplv In own handwriting stntlng age aalars and cxpcrl enc P l.M, Ledger llfllce .STRI'CTCRAI., checkers nnd d'tillrs Phila delphia district Reply onlv by letter I2"l ".torrls Blilg stntlng experience nnd snlary, t'PIIOI.SIEREB, first "class general, ill. steadv Work IJII Ledger Office YOI'N'O MAS" Wanted by large eloctrlonl man ufacturing company voting man cxperienicd In eleitrbal business either ns inntrnttor (onlrac tor's ilerk or m ele,triial supplv linuSH, must be of goorl adliess and c.ipnbl" of handling men. exception it opening for rnin wllh right rumlincatlnns Applv by l"(tcr giving complete story about sourself staling age experience and refennce P 121, lr,l i,cr Off lc lol'Nll MAS' wanted III wholes iln tiuller house ns silesman, must bavo had selling experl nice m able In furnish bond nnd flrst-cli-s leferenre Appl In persou. Sntunliv. 0 .1 i. m P 1" Brown Co, II S Front YOUNO MAN vvnnlcd for branch office of cas utlty Insurim'-1 company, excellent opportunltv to learn business state age iduoation nnd ix pcrlcnce if nttv A .132 Ledger Office "tOl'S'O MAN with ambition push nnd good ap proach to learn automobile selling, principally on Main Line, opportunltv for permanency and advancement. P lln l,edzer office. YOP.SU .MAN wanted knowlnlge stcnnaTiiphy willing to nnke himself generallv useful stl arv S10 Rov il MTg Co 4"0 I'mnmeris at lOl'NO MAN Hge, pi to 22. for ofllie work opporlunltv to leirn, tabulating svstcm Ad dress A 311 ledger Office YOI'N'O MEN with knovvleilge of designing Smllh-llanisev Emb Co 1 41 41) Market st 1 denernl COST CLERK S1.1 BOOKKEEPERS l.'l SI' 12) SIS 121 f2H SHIPPISd CLERK expen enced charge of ilepirtmept c'l.l'.RKs gen cral SI" up EM:CIT1H ASSIST ST must have i orrespondence ixtierlenie nnd tiieilian l.nl engineering training CHEMIST SH SPPERINTESDHS'l" practical, pilnl "intt. URAI'ISMAN last Iron Pipe DRXPIsSIXS' XNH DESItlN'ER lonvesing m.nhlncrv. 1)11 SKINER nt.Hm marine engines Sl1!2i" HRAITSXIAS" SI.1 IIS POUEMAS' exp on tin cans M'PERINT UNDENT exp. rlem. d In mfg f.ibrli llansilllnsliill lulling HI'PI.RIS TBSDEM exp tin cans lll'SIN'ESS SERV ICE CO 13111 Land lllle Blilg CLERKS CLERKS CLERKS Bright, energetic veiling men pri fer W'harlon Siliool or tneihanlinl engineering graduates large manufacturing coniern Mid lie Wst work In planning production nnd Inventory de partmeut good oiporlunlty, salarv S'ninS. nicnth to sisrt Business Scrvlio Co. 1301 Lnnd Title Ridg SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ATTES'DAST for Invalid Protestant, mid lie aged, cultured woman; practical nurse gool leader and penman, generally capable I .1s Ledger CetiltHl CHAXIHERXIAID first class girl as i hiinlier maid best refrremes Chestnut Hill 3Pi XX COOK XVomnn experienied wants - position cook onl) private fnmll) reference ilty or countr) 724 Spruce st XValnut 71,1, XX' GOX'ERN'ESS visiting. European; perfect French German. Italian, refs. 17.1s Mt X'ernon. 1IOI SEK'EEPER desires position, no laundr clty K 21.1. ledger Central LAUNDRESS wishes position, city or suburban, referent e 2111 N Fawn. MAID Colored woman refined wishes position lady's maid understands care of hair liurs Ing sewing, reference 1" 142 I-edger Cent NURSE Protestant, reliable, could take entire charge of Infant F 2.1.1, Ledger Central XVANTED Home where undisciplined girl, HI Vears old. ma) vvor't nnd .tttend school, ref erences required, something will be paid for supervision P 347 Ledger Central W'OXIAN (business) competent stenographer bookk p r nnd correspondent seeks permanent connei tlon with 1st class concern A 322 LO WOXIAN. joung lefined capable, desires posi tion for the summer In a select hotel, nothing menial A 321. 1-edgcr Oftlie XOING I.ADT 10 jears' experience ns steuog rapher and Mpewrlter wllh knowledge of bookkeeping, d. sires position references. I' 441. Ledger Central SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT bookkeeper married 28 expert enced mercantile manufacturing, grad. higher accounting present sahry S2.1 A 231 Led 9 BOOKKEEPER. 33 commercial and manufac turing experience competent; wages S20. 2S32 Park ave 111 KIM ESS MAN. active, wllh extended exp . de sires executlv- position, permanent or tempo rary or woub accept agency K 3.11 Led Cent CHAUFFEUR, white", married, desires position In private famllv, willing to lie useful, good references X 318. Ledger Office, CHAUFFEUR wishes position, private "family, strictly sober obliging, pest ref. A 230. Led.O CHAUFFEUR Young man wishes position on Tord car,best reference,exp. A314. Ledpff. CHAUFFEUR, experienced colored, age 24; good mechanic, best references 1007 Thompson at. CLERK Young man, age 19, good education, clerk or assistant to bookkeeper Thos. H Turner, 4 His Xlatiayunly ave., Roxporough Phone Rox loin J ' COACHMAN, first class strictly sober, single mamvvlth A No. 1 ref 32 N. lilth st. COST ACCOUNTANT with 10 jeara' exp. In laying out and operating factory cost systems Is openfor position A 313 Ledger Office HOI'SEW'OlO' general -Japanese wants position In fomll), best reference Y.. 1034Vlne st MAN. married, of good address, desires n posl tlon for afternoons Inside work; emploved in the mornings A .127. Ledger Office. MAN, elderly, experienced, as bookkeeper or clerk ,moderatH salary. A3tS, Ledger Office SALESXIAN Wanted "by high-class, experienced salesman, responsible position In Philadelphia or vicinity must be with reliable house, P 444. I,eqger central SECRETARY-ACCOUNTANT, experienced as credit man correspondent, public accountant, trained lavv)er: expert stenographer: open for proposition. K 138, ledger Central. 9 srENOORAFIlBR Car tracer and general rail, road man wanta position In exporting firm. A 2.11. ledger Of rite STENOGRAPHER nnd general office man wanta work nights and Saturday afternoons. A 232. Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN wllh 4 jears' experience In putllo office handling complaints, wishes position of merit: age 28, good reference as to Integrity. K 344, Lodger Central, YOUNG MAN. experienced stenographer, cor respondent, wishes position with, advertising concern or assistant to manager; at present emploved A, 3U,l,edger J)fflce. . VOTING MAN, with 7 jears" eipejlenca In na. tlonal bank, wants position In broker's office; knowledge of stenography. P 110. Ledger Off. IOUNO MAN 21 wants opening In export'busl. ness. K 238. Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. RRINCKI.EY'S Kmnloyrnent Agency. 708 8. 18th Good, reliable help. Ph. DRn. 412 W. AUTOMOBILES OAKEIl ELECTRIC XVIII sacrifice "modern 4 passenger coupe; excellent condition. Apply 2316 N, lath st. Phono Diamond 31 St". CADILLAC 1014 touring "car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment! price SiOO.. AUTO BALES CORPORATION. iiJJi. Broad St. CHALMERS 1S13 louring car, IrTperfect order, being repainted Tor owner's use: must sell. MMl.J.edgr Central. . CHALMEnrTcOUPK. cylinder, for sate; very classyi good condition, KJ47. ledger CentrBl. CHEVROLET. SALES AND SERVICE 11T models; accessories, used cara taken In ex change, some bargahna, navr closed N Phlla. Chevrolrl Hales and Service. 3117 N. 10th. HUDSON'S Phaetons, roadsters and cabriolets, equipped with electric lights and starters. , GoUEIlY-ecjIWTZiJWI N. Ilroad St. t "V PMDUILB-" "20," good condiTlonrcheapri'lSJ vanango aifc f-nono noga 7Q80. , ,T AUTOMOBILES . X'r Wrt' - Cotiffuiici from 1'rcctdtno Column "' 1UII LOCOMOBILE 0-48 ,",.. 7.passengr tourfngi painted rich rojal blue, black panels and strlplngsi car has been Put through our shops: In guaranteed condition! just the car for private family requiring high grade motorcar! must bo seen to bo appre ciated, LOCOXtOHILE .. 2114 Market st. twitst 4.10. P. M HALLKIAN Msr Exchange Car DepL PIERCE-ARROW limousine; ran be seen t I)uvnl Oarage. Phone (Itn 1X082. "RAYPORD" 1 and 2 Ion trucks deliver the goods; S3.", and SIOO Rayford Co , 2d and Indiana ave. STANLEY STEAMER I'urna kerosene for fuel; csn vou heat It? STANLEY MOTOR CAR- RIAliB CO 23.'' Chestnut TOURALST '..passenger touring. PiHt mechani cally perfect! very powerful inotort low price for quick burr, J 711, Ledger Cenlrnl. XVESCOTT .1 piss cabriolet A 1 tnndltlnnl slip onversj extra tire mounted! owner getting larger lar will sacrifice M till Led Cent '191.1 PORD touring, 1913 runabout: both In good condition; prlvale owner Park 4011 A. ACCOUNT OI FAMILY TROUBLE, lady will sacrifice 2 elegant touring cars, 1 7 pnssenger, electric starter nnd lights price $11(l also 5- fassenger touring car fullv equipped, starter. Ights etc price SJIOi both cara run and 00k like newi will nllow 30 days' trial. Can be seen nt 010 l'elernl St.. Philadelphia. USED TRUCKS Several well known makes, ranging from 1 to 0 tons, with and without I odles. Oarford Phlln Co. 2308 Chestnut, X1UST SELL AT ON'CB, elegant f passenger touring car. SlftO, trial allowed, CIO Federal at., Philadelphia AUTO LIVEUY AND GARAGES IS'DEPENDENT TAXICAn CO. Hudaon Super-Six Limousines. Special attention to weddings and funsrvls Diamond (1100 Never closed Park 73. POPLAR. 1017 To hlrw (open day nnd night); Park 14S2 brand new n-pass touring cars. II 21 hr . also brand new 7-pass limousines, 1 .10 hr weddings funerals 17HOIrnrd UVY MOISTER portable garages, steel or atucco. On display 3111 N r.th Tioga 2081 AUTO REPAIRING BPEEDOXtETER TROUBLES Eee BILLY nt his new location fill) NORTH BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES TLXIKIN-REARINOS IIUYATT New Departure Service sta The OwllHam Co , J3II Arch st Ph Walnut 3191 Race 3002 PARTS'- HODIESESOINEM Phlln Auto Parta Co R.'l S' 1.1th Phone Park 14 IS AUTO TIKLS HERCULES TIRES Guaranteed 4Muil Miles .10x1 (l .111 ,'Hxl 112 01 ;.tii4 . . 7 111 niititi . . 17 ni llEBCl I.ES THIS: CO LI-' N llroid at. PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed ,11nu miles Ceuiptro prices GRIM H. 230 N Broad at. FORD TIRES OdxVi nnnsMI,; SI. All sizes cheap slmiflard intko firsts Otnrnntee Hi x Itlttintioiiao st . clln iot". NllSMKII) TIRES 8 lltl 30x3'l Red Tubes, guiirmiecil .. . 1 UU Itl Inn I'll Tlltt: en I2.il Arch st. TXXO .IJx.l'i mui 2 .l.'xl illmlif r tires, I new. others slight Iv used 1711 spi-lnt Garden BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN ESTABLISH!:!! Philadelphia business which bns liiireised 11, 11 iv ten pr,,ntsi month for lh last thr.e v.ara neuls t li services of a 011ng inm or WMMiiin loookK, p, 1 Ht.nor itipher tvplst) who Is ,np idle of gradually liking nv,r olll niati ih 1111 m It also n, etts 11 few tboiismil dollurs iiililltional iiitdtiil to Nl ill furlli, r In, 1, !, m ili fmtl Im Mn. ., ill l,,' Invested in 1 m 1 mi, i iJvlii,; s itlsfui tory eei urltv 1' 211 Ledger Central COMMERCIAL FINANCE CO. .'11J11 CIIBSrsi I SI ADVANCES MONEY US AsslilSXIESI HP Ai c)l MS RI.CEIX XHI E S,iiiiio M.I.I 11:1 1 bv loiiiiunj tiiHiiiirntiiriiiK nutn spriliiltj lntiii-' tv till ureit SMi 1 ,.s 111 inm of executive nbilltv who will Invest this amount we cm offei nn ntiriitlve nnd prof.t nblq lonnectlon in an 1 sfnliltsheii im, riipidly growing business r 11,1 Ledger Central. THE ARE SO MANY propositions advertising for capital and aitlvo Interest that one hardly knows which to nnswer. However jour lime nnd expectations wilt not surfei if vou write to Manufacturer XI ,110 Ledger office ESTABLISHED COAL sand" cement and build. Ing material buslneas, hoivy teaming, long, diatance moving atibcontractlng. laat year s profit $14.(1011. wishes to retire Write for descriptive folder Room 1. XVoolworth Uldg. Bethlehem Pa LAWYER DESIRES to represent established col lection agency or will ronslder proposition with experienced solicitor of collection agency P 140, Ledger Central CBNER.XL hTilRE In wealth) inmmunily 21 miles from Phlla doing S2') not) a jeat an ply at once no ngents A n Ledger Office LADIES GOODS shon on Columbia ave west of Broad well stockeel doing a good proflt nble business XXORREI.L .11,1 N 17th st 11) mil) SHARES of Penrose Motor stock cheap for quick sale P till. Ledger Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS DAMAGE claims business and other difficulties handled accounts i-ollected etc , bank ref , -jo jears' exp X'our rights protected without vour advancing inn fee Mutual Adjustment Co l.lpplncott lllilir Rms at "J-1 3 (ITIIi't at 12th) HAIR DYED SI. 00 Faded switches transformations and all false hair dyeel and made llko new M .XI SEXTON . CO.. 002 XVALNUT ST. DIAMOS'DS BOUOIIT Pearls and emeralds Appraisement 1 per cent. HARRY XV SMITH 717 Sanson) at, DON'T misjudge others. Detective MI'lard will get you facts Standard Detective Bureau. Con sultation free 1.12!) Cheatnut aLEstab 1888 EVENING CLOTHES TO HIRE Latest stjlea Phone Poplar 21.1 Open evgs I.LIDS'ER'S Huh Hid Glranljave , W cor SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER TOR 11.011 Anv style. 0l guaranteed It 00 Skirt House POO Arch st second floor XValnut 2726 XX 1NDOXYS ileaneel resident e HI cents up, slore windows 2.1 tents up North Penn XX'lndow CIciiiIiik Co Kill N 20lh st - AI.XVAYS RUST XVHY? Alsover'a Express and Storage Co , Inc., Lawrence and X'lne sts. Phone Market 994, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the onlv permanent way. .ejebrows arched, MISS KM I IT I 1112 Keith Theatre Building, HATS CvEHLOCKED. 7 CENTS BLAKE CO , U00 ARCH ST. EST, 1807. SAXX'S AS'D REPAIRING Kennedy. 113 N 7th St. Phone Market 1?20 HEXISTITCHINO. trieatlng. buttons covered" Centrnli122 R I fit Is Phone. FII..M76 GENTS ONLY Cast-off clothlng"bought. Call or address 123 N Uth at. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH ENGLISH BULLS, l.v Dr Cerebus A K C 182,182, dam La Donna Nuggett A K, (' 210.22') brlndie 0 mo , female, S31; male, S30. Phone Kens 4009, 048 B. Ontario. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MODISTE, late of N Y : advanced styles, eve. nlng gowns specialty 1224 XValnut. XX'al, 8184, FOR SALE BATHTUBS, toilets, sinks, basins vvnshtrays. boilers, radiators, pipe. Kobn. 812 South st BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second hand bought, sold, renled. exchanged; repairing, supplies. Lnfe Keaer. American manufac turer, .129 Glrard ave.rhcrje Kens. 2313 BPLLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowl, ing alleys, phonographs: essypay'ts BRUNS-XVICK-IIAI.KE-COLLENDER CO, 1002 Arch, BILLIARD, pool tables; new,"second-hand bowl. Ing alleys; easy payments llosatto-Darry-Street Co.. 222 8. 8th stj I'hono XVal. 284. Office Furniture 'TI?'riIirASI:S,r" Household Furniture "f?82i KurnlturaJ.'o., IJOI-OOS-OH Callowhlll at, PARK.XVAY BUILDINGS being demolished, oppo site City Hall, steam, hot-water plants. Ore esrapea, bathtubs, wash Iraja. toilet,' building and paving bricks, chandeliers gas futures doors, sash, cheap; million bricks Oault llousewrccklngCouJOI N. 22dst. llothjl na. REFRIGERATOR. 7 "feet long, allghlly usedt half price; eaay terms; large opportunity for qulckbuyereIIowo Scale Co., r.08Market. REFTttOERATORS fixtures, mkts . hotels ft restTants; terms to suit. Randall. 831 N. 2d. ItOLLINO CHA'lR. Hetherlnaton new. 210 Manhelm. Phone Oermantown 470 W, SAFES, out a Orenrnnfi also with thin vrallst closing large lot of slightly used; all sixes and makes; big barga .ins 210 N. 4th st. TYPEXVRITERS Factory rebuilt; good as new! ..a him the. Uriteit stock In Philadelphia: call find Inveatlgale: rentala, 3 months, S4 and up. . C. J. (1IHBONF.Y CO , 1033 Chestnut t. J Jl -r.VVIVII r.ivn via , liu uie; eiw,i-i.. .; up. Oood machines at low prlcesi Open till 0 p. m. Iloulllot Typewriter Co., 200 8. Bth. LITTLE USED. LIKE NEXV Office furniture of every description! partition, railing, phono booths, rashtere' booths, safes, restaurant and store fixtures: household turn. PATTKN KURNITUHB CO. . WAle,, 1804. 112T Ant'H ARCH 20d """ UBBD OFFICE FURNITURE . . Everything Imaginable In this Una and plenty of Itl best assortment and heat value In Phlla.; fre auto delivery, anywhere HUOI1K8, 11th and tTultonwood. 105 GENII'S DIAMOND RINO. pure wbifo and perfect 1 Value fl23. IHedrr' Loan, Office, lea Market at. Wo Rest ,..,'VS ' W Men tAlBiKXCjiANtllCcOtlijgdMno 1917 FOR SALE Coiilltiiird from PrtctdlntColimn CASH REGISTERS bought, exchsnged. I repalr;d. repla ted: supplies; new and ,'".r';,Xe'!V1i registers; new total adders as low as S40, t-ati and see our new models R'ltr,.",';L'labr on easy payments and fullyiyJii wi THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 730 UIIKHlPI-l 011 HEATING HEATERS, boilers, ramies new; and nbulltl removed for .he Makln-Kelsey health heatt will Install cheap. 1827 Filbert st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS ONE ACCIDENT may cost an employer manv times Ih.' ! price onfolM FRItTIOSCLUTCH pullejs. which might have prevented the haj. aril. SIIAI'TINtf and MACHINE XXORK8, 145 Nor.l. S"1JAX1ES YOCOM SON" 80 K XV BULLOCK 121 V generator. 2 air compressors. 3 8-oi pressure blowera. 8 II, P motor and vacuum cleaner, cupola blowera, A. C, and I) C moloral bought and sold. YEARSLEY CO., 221 N. 3d sL POXVERPLANT EQUIPMENT Djnamoa. motors, boiler, steam and oil en gines pumps nlr compressors FRANK TOOMBY, Inc.. 127 N. 3d St. COI.EXIAN-SIIOEXIAKER-MEAD. INC. hju Commercial Trust Bldg New and rebuilt machinery I.EXTIIER BELTIN'G,nia7le nn Ihe premises; fullv guiranteed. CHARLES BOND COM PA NY .120 Anh St. PLANER fc SltAPEn .10 Inch comb "IVtlrl'.l; & Aver", good comlltlon L I Seyfert s Sons 1.17 N" 3d at "0 POXVER PRESSES different sires, heavv " doilhle.enil punches nnd shears foot presses hand punches shears Nutlall 1748 N rith MAS'TRS of plain and autnmnllc machinery. Send for booklet. A, NarKe & t-on. 240 B, 0th. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS tir.iimi.T pianos AT ONE-THIRD VAL1JB . . e. ieii.neiln n Piano 1 131 Xleyer Piano SI45 Erhardt Piano 1175 Opera Piano js'i New England Piano fill ITsher Piano 1120 Leater I'l.ino SIH1 Hi I lev Piano jeer. stone Piano Slid llrard Piano S125 Chlckerlng Piano 2ir. Lester I'lano Seventeen upright pianos. Heppe. Marcellus. Jutes and other standard makes, rood as new, returned from winter rental accounts, at re durtlnns of SeO to SIM) below regular prices XVrlte for large Illustrated catalogues and neclnt rilans of payment, TERMS SI MONTHLY AND tIPXX'ARDS. HEPPE'S UITOXX'N STORES Cor 0th and Thompson ats . Philadelphia. REDUCED PLAYER-riANOS ten-, XX'eherfleld Plsver-Plann; SI'.O, new lv't Auto-Manual Plsjer-Plann; S5-10. new, ls-(n Heppe Plajer-Plano: S050. new 1305 Matchless Cunningham Plajer.Plano: S800, new. . Several Aeolian and 1-rancesca riayer Pianos reduced S2.i to l.ii) below regular Jrlces good ns new. guaranteed five years. XX'rlte for large Illustrated catalogues and areola! plans of pivment. sreciai '(j ,.,.,,!.. ullmVjf STORES Cor. Oil) nnd Thompson sts , Philadelphia. Founded 1801 1171 CPNMNGIIAM UPRIGHT PIANO full -I7e perfectly moelerti This Is r very fine lone Do not miss this opportunity Cash or HOW'AiliTvlNCENT Kill R1S.S40 N f.TIT IS OUIt PLAYER PIANO out of order! See via "XXb are experts" Phone, write or call Grand Union Piano Co. 3130 Kensington ave. bSNori! PLAYERS mil In nny piano; lllus trated rataloguo free pianos tuned. S2. Oll- bert Plajer Installing Co.. 03(1 N. 48th St. PIAS'OS AND PLAY'ERS used, write for bar gain booklet Power XX'ejmann, 3800 N. Broad PIANO Private partv will sell Gabler Upright, Mi. fine condition Storage house, 2107 Ridge OLD GOLD OLD GOLD silver platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash Est. 1870 J L CI.ABK. refiner. 807 Hansom. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold silver, antiques clocks Send postal, will call. ROGERS 27 S 17th st Both Phones PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO BEST GRADE OF XX ALL PAPER 10c roll; cut out horde-re 2c varel Harris, 1839 Ridge nve. Poplar 2i97 Samples sent. STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET S.T. MILLER N" HROAD STORAGE CO., nroad ab. Lehlch ave , new fireproof addition: rooms fire proof, furnrtuie and china packers, automobile vans, v stlmate free Bell phone Diamond 7400, WEST PIIILA MONARCH STORAGE CO. AUTO Picking and Shipping. SERVICE 3870 LANCASTER AVE. VICTORY STORAGE MOVING PACKING r.213 MARKET PHONES TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS We hive a number of X'IStBLE REXIINO TONS. XIONARCHS and SMI 1 II-PRKX1IKRS taken In exchange on the sale of NBXV SBLF-hrARTING REMINGTONS These ma chines aro In good condition and we will sell them at rcaaotiablo prlcea Call at our office and Inspect them or we will send a representative, on request. Remington Typewriter Co. UO S nth at Philadelphia, Pa. . WANTED ANTIQUES, DESKS, SAFES AND II. H FUR NITURE of every description needed at once: partition railing, restaurants, storage receipts: no lot too large; spot cash, goods removed Im mediately. PATTEN FURNITURE CO Wal. 1801 1127 Arch Race 2008 ASK FOR DEPARTMENT L ANTIQUE furniture broken Jewelry, gold all. ver false teelh feather beds "Antiques" 28Chestnut. Ph XX'alnut 7"2fl Est. 1860 BROKEN JEWELRY, antiques, pistols coins, coin books, with prlcea I pay, mailed 13c. J. R Ross (People's Store). 200 S. 11th. XX'al 4480 CASr-OKP CLOTH INO Positively highest prices paid for It SAMUEL COOPER Phone Poplar 0342 1010 Glrard ave. CAST OFF gentleman's rlothlne bought: posi tively highest prices paid, call anywhere any time Send postal or phone Trledman Bros , 1444 South st Phono Dlcklnsjin 01-53 COUPON'S of nil kinds bought: highest prices paid Reicklln Mjers, 1713 Federal. FURNITURE planus, carpets, antiques, entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter how large J Bernstein, US54 Ridge aye. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum false teeth, pew ter Jewelry, etc, foreign and old coins. M. Q Assaying Co , OOOH Filbert st. ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD, S , 2100 Delightful outside rooms, elcctrio light, hot-water heat: reasonable. CHESTNUT, 2009 DBSIRABLB ROOMS, PER MANENT OR TRANSIENT. GREEN. 1.111 Large, desirable front room, running water table board, conva , phone OSAGB AVE, 4403 Large attractively furn 2d floor rooma. board optional. Preston 3240 J PARK 2107 Furnished rooms; running water board If desired, reasonable. Phone, riN'Bi 800 (Th Dresden) Furn. double room, prlvatoJiath; steam heax. electric lights, SPRUCE, 1409 Furnished rooms! southern ex posure. XX'ALNUT HT . 3733 SulTe of rooms near bath, aouthern expoaure for 1 or 2 buslneas men. Ph one Pre s t on 2 07 (1 UTH. S. 322 (The Carlton) Attractive .2d. floor front with private bath; alao alngle rooms refined environment ateam heat; ref, 15TH ST.. N.. 1028 Nicety furnlsheil rooms) board optlonalj Poplar 0322XV, 19TII. N.. 1027 Second7 back, beaut, fur frun hot water; verv reasonable; phone. HANDSOMELY" furnished front room In lance moderne private home; electric lights; 10 min utes to Cfjy Hall. Telephone Baring 413. Torn I abed XVALNUT ST, IT.. 3003 Large, comfortable front venlent to TTY'! all conveniences. room; con ROOMS WANTED SECOND floor through; partly furn. or unfurn; S30 limit. P 114, Ledger Office, BOARDING SPRUCE ST.. 1230 Desirable room, second floor: alsosulte with prL.bathe excel, table pf.EASANT third-floor room, with board: prC family! conv. to 38th st, "L." Par. 1541 w. Hubarban OERMANTOWN 00 E. Penn st , com. accom. 1 y ior tew oesiraoie people: convi 10 train ana trolley. Phone Oermantown 220. SANITARIUMS INVALIDS CHRISTIAN SANITARIUM Spacious grounds; Old York road to Ilroad St., south of Chelten ave. Private rooms (no wards): medical staff; nurses; sympatbstlo and sclenttfln service at moderate rates. UN3ECTARIAN. Thone Oak.Lano 1729. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION! special c1entlflvTcari nervous, elderly; overy comfort; nurses: book let. Dr. Randal. City Line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS OAK LANE Lawnton Apls ona vacancy. 8 rooma and hath! large outside rooms! Phono Llojdtpak 1 am J-'OU, WALLACE? 190 Ilachelorapts S (rooms and bath! not-water heat, electricity 1 furn, unfurn. 221). N.. 1720 Hskpg. apts . second fl.i B'Urg. re, ; well fur.; bath; h.-w. heat) 133. Pla4125, WIMT PMlT.Antti tma APARTMENTS Continued from rrtecdlnt Coltimrt " liERXIANTOWN THE NEXV ADDITION! TO PEI.HAM COURT IS OPEN . .. PKLIIAM COURT was not built In make an appeal 10 every one but to you "Jt)"""" the beat and are nccuatomed to receive It at nrlce which, considering what, you do de. mand and receive Is moderate It will mako a strong, compelling appeal. PELIIAM COURT Is located at Carpenter's Slat on, uermaniown, jm iu """.'"" coin Drive, on the Pennsylvania Railroad; 50 or ao trains a day. surely transportation enough for any one, ...... Suites of 2 rooma and 1 halh In 0 rooms and 2 baths; tha slue to suit jour require ments Prlcea are from 130 up PKLIIAM COURT Is a nulet. perfect APARTMENT HOTEL nnd located In an ab solutely Ideal and exclusively suburban loca- In a word you may come to TELtlAM COURT and flnrl a perfect anburban location, with tranaportatlon unexcelled an Ideally con structed building, quiet, dignified, elegant. You may aeiect an apartment or the aire to autt jour Individual needa; joil will find alt jour houaskeeplng problems solved and taken rare of for joti abaolutely without effort on jour part; you will find a table of the utmost excellence nt a ipost moderate price, and the aamo courtesy, service and attention la uni form through the entire eatabllahment. Por full Information, arrangements for In spection and reservations, call, phone or writs t0 NOnMAN a SHERXVOOD 1411 XVALNUT ST. SPRUCE 317.1 RAC7 .1021 or hts representative nn the premises at Pelham Court. Appolntmenta may bo made for automobtlea to call nt jour residence or hualneasplaco and take jnu direct to PELHAM COURT at your convenience and pleasure. PENNSYLVANIA Simi'RnXN CYNXX'YP XVA.NT AN APARTMENT? SUNNY, BRIGHT Large Rooms, Hot-water Heat. Sun Parlor The "Cynwyd House." at Cjnvvjd, has them, onlv 20 minutes from Broad st Station, good fond and service, optional Phone Cynwyd 702 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS NORTHEAST CORNER 1 7th & WALNUT (On Mock from n.ttnhou4 flqunr-0 3 liotiar-kpfplns suites. 10 rooms. Includ In i? 3 hatha 1'refl iiso of latinrtry on top rtoor. Tour inspection la cordially Invited MERT0N GREIMS Walnut ftOSlt Haca 2270 liberty Md . Itrond nnd Chestnut TUB nNar.nWOOD. H20 fl. tlth Meal central housekeeping? apartment, suites 2 nnd 3 rooms. MtchensMtft nnd Imth TUB DITNPAH. 17O(02 Tine at Attractive, KuUes. - and 1 rooms, wllh bath dining room; new mnnHjrement. TIIK KBNT. 1..I2 N. ISTI? ST. Modern hou-ekeplnB npirtment. reiluccd rentals, Jut renoaird throughout. Apply to Janitor. on premises or T.nuiS A. TAIM.ANn 8, W. cor. 0th ftfJ Unlnut sis. Largest Apartment Business In Philadelphia leaalnj? and managtnK i peclalty. Apartment Ilureau. Walnut 6929. MERT0N GREIMS Liberty Bids:.. Uroad & Chestnut. IIIKIli: AHK 8KVKrtAL WAYS OP HKf'UHI.NO AN ATAUTMIZNT TUit suppose. Instead of trjin all the different wajs, sou Just call at this onTlce the larseat most nttracthe ant best equipped in Philadelphia, devoted exclusively to necur Inft Just what they want for particular people. Tell us jour requirements 'I ho leadhiff and dvMrabl apartment In Philadelphia- ar Hated with or may b rented through us. Our automobiles are waiting to take you to th list of iropertls you designate, ao that with the least possible, elTort you may secure the one apartment In Ph'lidelphlii which most nearly approaches our exact Ideal. NOIIMAH H HIIKRWOf)L Spruce 3171 1411 WALNUT Hl Itace .1025. Housekeeping Apartments All Parts of City n room and bath 1o 7 room and bith: renls, 2."i to 7u per month. Call, phone or wrlto for Information SAMUEL STERN ISfll CHKST.NUT ST. MODK.n.V HOL'SKKCKl'INd APARTMCNIS Jin Noniii 17TI1 sr. Mx lnres. sunn rooms nnth nnd KUchen) I'nssssslon April 1. ,1. r.IUVAItli l.l'T., '.'4i ,N". Uth si. ORATZ. N". lRinS-room npt. llot-wa(r hust rise. Ilsrht. 10 mln to Clly Hall, Ihoroushlj mod WM n OI.KNN, 1517 Columbia ave., or E 11 Al'SI.nv. r.Sth nnd Hprlngfleld ae. onriT oAni.c? 2 and r. room apaut MKKTS: SHOWnil: FURN, OR IINKURN.: HBASpNAm.E. S12-314-JJ. 33D ST. onsiRAIltH (I room unfurn. apts,. ntar 5(traw hrrry Mansion, l)la. mm, lle-clitcl. .IS.Tp Rids. 1TF.ST riHLADEtrlllA TUB WAI.IelNdl'ORn 30TH AllOVK CHEST.NUT RT esw R-room apartment for rent; electric ele ctor, acuum heat, hot water, laundry, etc. APARTMENT HOTELS THE TRACY GCth and Chestnut (Elevated Station) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE CLINTON TUNTH BKI.OW SPRUCE 100 ROOMS, EVHRT CO.NVCNIENCB J-Tirnlahed or unfurnished, either by lease or transiently; suites of. on. jr -T ill,I,B. wjin nam. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS' " '0;uS.ijfsri,.sr;' oRu'-ussrirrTii rark- tTrA.To';7i.!nVr-nH-f,,N4nTrtA!B THE ONI.YD,,OT"ar. IgRfTMANTOWN STHICTI.Y K1RST CI.AS3 l'A?& W.JyN.', "i1. AHii OPEN SPACB " ". nvtj. oiaiuj., i; H, it. THE GLADSTONE UTH AND PINE STS. r Absoluyjepropf Till. MnVTB-lllo-n. , , "3d and Oxford ats. Slnele rooms wllh prhatn bath and kltehsn. ette. newly furnished, 3S to ' $ "s" Includlnc maid service Phone Qerbrook anBfl ng HOTEI, COLONIAL Spruca at ' ElevsnTh-" A. "ltt."'m"JfJ'1",rt'"!nt hotel; all l.r 3ipereek:and upwkrjr " "r "" """ IRVING HOTEL" 015-017 WALNUT American plan, 12. European, 11 up. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE BARGAIN SALE 4TH ST., NEAR SPRUCE AS FEET FRONT 'JO 'RACK KTREET E.V.LANSDALE. 718WAL.NUT ST ".55S-24 W. DAUPHIN "ST.. Sllxllln" fri "wlfh ..nn nucner st.. on rear, IRxl'jn fef ii sessed at innooi monthly rental, nil THU I.AND TITI.E AND TliUST CO. Ilroad and Cheatnut sts. 1512.11 KRANKKORI) AVE.! assessed liTOnSi lot 02x80; 2 lares bulldlnts suit i"ht manu. facturlni; low prlre, little cash. manu HOWARD D. WILSON & CO 2122Oermantownae. 17TH ST. ABOVE JEFFERSON-lleTutlruTVidT!: yard residences open fireplaces, tile and har wood floors! basement laundry! mahoranv finish! lot 21X1011! to ha sold it a sa"?fnC JOHN A. RARRT. 607 Land TMI. Bulldln". C " 3510 N, UROAD 12 rooms and 2-batlisinor7h front, hardwood .floor; Urouuhout. else. Ilairtsi recently remodeled! dj lot! will sell X.d and easy terms, John A. Harry, B07 Land Title MUST HE SOLD-.H21 N. 23d aLrSoTJirfrrt! 12 rooms, all conveniences! nrst morirar. 1000. small amount of cash. C. P. CovfJK Co.. 201h and Jefferson sts. ' '" uy CENTRAL DUSINBS8 IJOPERTT on" Chestnut llberM 7enS. lh "na 18thi t0,d "vtment, J. T. JACKBONCO.. Chestnut and 15th FIVE S-BTORV IIOUSKN n Oermantowniir sessed 5000 each! will sell much I,.1,,"" chanc, for speculators. Howard II. wii.5 t!o.i 2122 Oermantown ave. ' ""on N. S. WALNUT between B6ih ajioToTt'h ats Lot 117 feet 6 Inches x 365 feet IrreiullTT want offer, Kennedy A Ilambo. 3740 ' cKimll' 331 H. ISTII ST. It 17.o8 to Uouvler st"i story br ck dwellln, with mansVrd rnVr low price. CHARLES SYLVESTER, n. h' loth st. " "' "' " h. e. con. broad ANrTNortnfHrTrTn - lot 50x150 to rear etreeti raracai hai'.SrJyf: hjLt!VM.0!qLENN. 15lf ColumblI'";.,cr 1007 N. BOTH ST.- DesJrable's.atorr'diCelll, all conveniences! excellent homei baraaln HCHAEFIIR. 1101 Sprlnr (JiHJn ".. lllnr, DIAMOND ST. DWELLIISOS at STiaTVTrT?h: 2i" n. nth .r" or 'y""'' w"J;.' 2U7 N , arrrn ST. bxi ent 2-atnry ,i the Park! all convs.i an Ideal hnin1 SC1IAEFER.11H4 sprlnjt ori!Sm,V near r REAL ESTATE FOBfii ConllniinJ rotS mccdlsTcel Park Ave. -I-H'" rS.0"" -i batk, Park Ave. StKS&g I3th St.. Ml?SvS?v Diamond St. jToTnT,', Norr s St. a"!r ro:m."" Wh'Sy. O. ( HBIDI-.I, A CO,. INC.- . "-.'" - ""iiiii nn, i lain r tfn.nKm n . .' . '";...'.", r.'-lV ",".'. "V" .'""-ner nr.t.Ts t.alhs, Inclosed laundry, with trnlsi kiH THE LAND TITI.fi AND TntlaT TRUST DEI'ARTMtfv-?81 CO.." ilroad and('hestnut sis . HAROAINS FOR CAHirSAIES 20IS N, Park nve.. stone front fi? 174JNi Franklin, sldo ylrd. is' Jj" 1(111 N. Franklin. 10 rooms, sld,V?M" 52N- "olPh. I. room- n,' JJJ 12"2N. 11th, ti ronmsi i holes ltv.llI WM. I, a-AVENJKONS. 1548 N 7,'k COLORED liUYERS nrasnin0;,,--J others have, done! lion down V,,rJm'1' rental payments secures desirable iTnaV eeee, e,Miii,iri rieoniS HHQ POTCh Ose..1 lisooi south Phlla,, $ir.oo upj i nthIS't rls isnnn uni Bet started! weVink.,4" AIIEUNETHV. 2724 N. filh 1.11 " ".'L'l S. W. Cor. 19th andclierrvjl OSTORY DWELL1NO! I.OT !4ilS 17TH AND SANSON STS T,.,i".Jlw"NF':.' ". sTooTSS: In laitra hi Unania e n " "I X sncrince part or all for $2300 eachreStTh", amount cash required. "? i IJ. T. DOYI.E CO.. sls .... WILSONJL caSlaejroantownavJ on a iiiAiu.Ni-; mt,, for aile cheis T" I".-. Ilnrhelle. n... vi..,i,irj cS?i . llulldlne Lots, Factory Bites. tt "imiiiiiiiitiiiMimiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiit I THE CREAM OF THE' I NORTHEAST SECTION 1 FOR SALE Most beautiful contlaunua body of kin1 1 E and delightfully located land of n I I 175 ACRES b nn two of the best h'ahwaxs In th an B Ward of Phlla., ocr W mile frontsr.;! each Ideal for subdivision .nrf iJ! s development, and as for an aUikti. n crnund It can't ho etcIM, or fof 3 ureal Institution It would ho a wonil.e S The Hyberry high-speed trolley line iii S traverse the front of It for of a njg aib. aiioiiicr iraci It's a Gem of I 60 Acres on the Frankford L Either of them will make the mtn wha S owns Ihem wealthy within the next twi 3 or three enre. We drmly helieva ihai R .U... ...Ill .lnl,l. Ih ...I... l Ik.i ,, " e. intf eeeee uuuwio ,,e eaiua eie mat IID1S, J MELVIN ISRelSfafe'T SitiiimminirnmiiiMiKCiiiiimiiiiitnimiiiiiiitiiiiiiiui! LARGE TRACT IN NORTH PHILADELPHIA SUITADLE FOR HlrlH-CLAR"? nWEiLWaJ FACTORY SITES FOR h7I.E. norfheriiia Philadelphia 2 iwio sii rt on Resdlni HiJ. road Hnd Important street, suitable for mire fncturlnc, ronvpnlent for lahor: reaioniWt price W V HAI.I.lNaER, N. W. cor. liu and Arch sls. SITES, RAILROAD, for safe. PennaylVisU ,i leailliiK..(.'oi)il. per ncre and up, icorlta to location Innulre for terms. x DIETEUICII. 737Walnut. J N E COIt 21) AND DIAMOND ST? -fftl located alto nnd building adapted for factftrtea Enraces, itc , llllxKin In Patethorp M. LEirl A TAI LANE S W cor llth and W alnut M INSTITUTION SITE Entire block. fi2d nnd City llne.'eirmliM aulteililn for hospital ur home, train and treel le triiiisnortnthfn UOnmil.I. fell ,N, ml TRAC'IS IlIPE I OK IUIII.DINO Futilx tstJ au.anccsi wimn rnnroaii ironis AHEUNETHY 2724 N .'ith I.OT .T.O FEET FRONT 200 FEET HELP. ( ItCAIltSti RAILWAY NEAR TIOGA, Mil i iiie.i.- i- .-! i.i.iJiii.u tjrru r. DEI.AUARE UIVEH FRONT PHOFERIIH II II MrCOLLOM 1311 Walnut si RIVER FRONT SITE, largo acreane. Includlai riparian riRiiis. ripe ior improvemeni. TAI'LANE. nun Walnut et., Rnslnes's Properlles and Mores 171.1 WALNUT ST Lot 21 0x125, to Moravian st. f .mi;ahm a IIKUWe llllllellnt N. E. COR" HUNTING 'PARK and ralrhlU.caJ location for oyster house nnd restaurant, i THOMAS J. WARD 4230 N. 8th St. Vnctorlea. Warehouses. Mft. floors '-' ONE STORY, hollow-tile 'construction. JM ft floor space; excellent llaht, concrete llwm new fio-h. p Corliss engine and bolUr. f, II R siding, 1-acre site. Apply J -A, Mlddleton, Factory Specialist and EnitiltW; Oil Wldener Uldg.. I'hlliulelphla. IRON rotTNDRY and factory, 11.000 id fU nlii S15 ooii! will sell at attractive rls) A 30S. Ledger Offlce. , flaragea OArtAflE. 2514-10 1R-20 Morris st lot 0l3 storing capacity for 75 cars good eaay terms CHAS II SIIBT7.MNE Krnad and I'assvunK a.e, FAIRMOUNT AVE. AT nROAD 72x00, 2 street fronts MORRIS & CO.. Ridge at Broatl. Stablee STABLE, 2513-1.-.-17-10-21 Monro St. hjl'N alalia with lot i.Ox'.'OO; mak offer. EaiyteraM (HAM II, 'Mil-; I -,!.!, Pi fl Tlroad and PaasvunK ave. j - . J"iT rim Aiip-i.riiiA fil ON THE EA&T SIDE OF 51TH 8T. V At Rprlngfleld ave. (1100 block outfljj lust 1 block north of Chester ave. Is leow a most atlractlvo row of brand new porch front homes. ... They are most convenient to traniponjl for car No. 13 on Cheater ave, ruMJ ' Walnut and In Chestnut to the city'""' Flfty.fourlh St. la a wide main strett-T' will be glad to live there. JL And then doea not this description good to ou? Most excellent hot-t ' Inei electric lighting, -with handsome iJ good looking", substantial . hardwood " throughout! gas kitchen, with un,uV;ffv3 cabinet rangei basement laundry: elecirrerT In baseboards! skylight: shower ,!'". ""'K bookcase and desk In Dutch, hall, ana J dred and one comfort-making, extra ''"J ments. which will be a constant source o'fj preclatlon and satisfaction to you. . Most unusual circumstances niakj'" J alble to sell these houses at a rM!S low price, and 1 have aucceeded In "",, such easy terms that even though you m onjy a una amount of cash. JJ"n.hi( home Is oura with the balance o'.WJ; price In monthly pasments to sun. . much more aensfble a lilan than """ " old fashioned, and unattractive house. - We will have a sample house "ftPJxoff evening. Won't jou pay us a Vnu,i,sll and see for ourself Just how unuiusiw . tractive they really are? j KOltilAN . "'C'l""""'i,,,,l e tnei lill IValnllt St. ItsCSt reiriei:n ,,, t -.-,... - "TvrixTTs-o nnrmr'TJTY WITH GARAGE PRIVILEGE Buy a modern 3 story resiuri.vw. .-- 11 rooms. 2 batha. hot-water heat. floors electric light, own ','', "Ultt. passed location ana conamon. "---j, WM.H.W. QUICK &BR0..W a trttTTtr JnTlf ST. - rr"cosT84o"5rioHB to u"'"Pv.TBii then it did a few ears ago. I nave ov . .11 descriptions that can ?;."' .. man wnai miy wum " - Vlie-trlo P If you want-hot-water heat, elect"' J hardwood floors, beautiful ",U,B exquisite decorations. Dutch nan.. - "" 'E IfATTjflAB AROllT SU lm.e - -, , r-rr-r-r - " . . ..- -lew. JeSlt1 820 H. 44TII owner leavim "".;". ,err.l sell Immediately! exceptional view In t&a rerllon: stands, high. 1?rdJn .iJev. fliPsJI light and airl ;'""'.'"," Viorlts. " esnec ally good condition! a '0,ri";,Mini loft. 10 . Urge rooms, wh .hl? b',J UCM pains, pasemrnt isuieu u, --- -I n It's worth whls looking this over , .. e WB KNOW THE i,,;i,"'KiTra I.TKB MOTHER KNOWS THB. K"9! for properties from, 45th " Creek. Market to Baltimore venu rr ' TONKF.R t PON Phone Be,. ii'A Si. itA'.Ki. AVK Three-siory. - residence, living hall. 0. leeplnf. J baths, electric light, most .irri..- -j n.turesi finest des gn and construnioj. EUGENE' L T0WNSENP,' S, B. cor. 40th and Ralto- ave. Po' 1400 BACH! a nouses aouin " ,t-v ,ve'6700 block! 2 story, wutcnoj; . j ind bath on 2d floori all rented at for nulck sale only! will reserve rlgM w draw oner wunin o nouis s ADOLPH B. CABrAB 61)32 I.nsdown ' -0-L.H ,""1 "' .1 Stores nnd Dwelllnrs W COR ,11) AND QUEEN STS . .lncluJ R22a. -! h-' S 3d 4 stores and dwellLuia total annual rent, 114'eO, price, 117,000 id milck sale. EI.F.MAN. 1521 Land TltlaTlaal riu UITI HtlWHil., IIIMJ1) CONDI' y 1 6Tjj" ilelV,' pXhk AVJf ma W I.ISBB lI.HUtOMtM oe or. ' . . .- Vj-.. .-!- - r - or. 7 9Q w ! ati