Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 08, 1917, Final, Image 5

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J . .. ..! Woni-in Rsnlotlere
? W" ... Cnltnro in Ann.
Una " U "M"- ,
Una Posizionc Nemica
, 1 nifnan rntttrn
.Italia Ononis " --
Sottomarini Affidandola ad
Un AmmiraRlio
II Mlnlflro
II nonilcn t?ntn' un
rnntro le iioslilntil la
nomnlr HUl muppo
inn rntmcvo fil lin
ed II iiemlco offerie per-
, nMA, Marxn
.lelln ritierrn imnnliniiMv Ir-rl
" i .tciicnlp mini""'" "" " "",.;,-'
"" . . la nlliiRxwne ana ironic ihh-
Uunull' -
-,nin nttaw
r,nl recent''""'"""
ur rmrintn eil
d!,'aU0P,a.H.r'"l'' A,.-. l,H n,a...
..', alfiinl 'i"'"' r"",r,, l""-,"Vm!"
",".?. .. ,L nemlrli.. ul AUiMntsh. 1"
"'7i..- rllrvnnle .11 nrml e l
f! vi'i ttoro .lei Mont Slef. tioll'nttn
;,; del Conlevnle. II nenilo era lm
Inatn 1 nualoh tempo Mia ""
!'?r7hM dovuto far saltan- le iin-lie
Kimmn una rontro ."Inn che
ii'JlIm di irn fiic-nunn esplodere II
1,1 T'L L.I o.nlo.ilnne fil che la (cal-
nu""." . .,:... ...wiiiniH iiai neinii'o
I'lil P"11" ' "" ,
inipiatnente, insiriiua en
Favorrfhed Ships,
but Balk at Gags
Conllnuerf from rare One
down the mien nf the Senate." enld Sherman.
'That In no concern nf mine, hut t do
object to a few Senator helns made the
object nf the 1'ienldent'n wrath In nil unfali
iMiitement tn tin- mihllc I'.ver.v one Known
that If the President IihiI .'omc'liere In time
there would Imve been no such ciindltlim "
lie recounted nil the nuhmanne nutiaR-n
Mince the Hlnklnit of the l.iisltnnln nud nt
lacked the 1'renldenfa Innt't Ivll v In the face
of them.
"I wish to remind the Pii.1..tii Iipii
the Armed ship bill, while Beneiom who do
not share In M presidential rebuke occu
pied fore than twenty-four hours In de
bating the meaaure.
Senator I,ewla. re-elected Democratic
whip, predicted that at'least a weeh'a de
liate vvfiulil be necessary to lirlnK tne adop
Hon of the rule tn a ote. The tlllbuetera
aRaln-t the aimed neutrality bill are plan
nine to Inject Into the dleciwlon their
iillliln fur their opposition which killed the
measure laM Sunday
I'uiKltleratnV time will ! I'oiiaumed iilun
bv Seimtniri who will nrce reducluK the
PtotHmed two-thlrdd vote neceenary to close
tletiHte to a bare majority.
Hepubllran SetmtiiiH are convinced that
Hie cloture rule l necessary, not ineiely
i,. ,-t, tit ., ,. : "ie I'liiinre iiiip i nrvf-r.i .. nvi ....it..
.11 una
.11 muni-
lerla che
rinasP 1lia" Inteiamente nmir.niH p..
"'....' ...i.i.l availr.ate Rllstrlache
una neue i---- . ,.,,..,
.-In' in
coloro che 1p d.fendpvano.
Lnntanle il vlnlento fn
Sublto dopo.
fuoco (tellnrtl-
.. ,- ..A.itpci p nofire nunc m-i-u-
Mrnno II cratere formato ilnlla mltw
Sul rlmanentp delln nonlc ill bat
.,ila la nn'tni nrl.Rllerla lm npleRato
le a.t.vlta' I nonlie batterle
nno dIMruttn un Impnitaiite posto
remlco dl owervnalone nella zona del
Eoscomalo. t'aran.
Un teleRramma da ZurlRo dice che la
O&weas Xewa ARency. iiRcnr.ln i.tllciosa
I,. eovernn .11 llprllno. coiilmentando la
..,. .nnnrmi. Kill Rlolliall InKlPSl . f P-
iondo cul II marejclallo miii HindenburR e.l
H uenerale von l.udendorff. dopo avere,
ntzlonato la fionto Itnlo-auatrlaca nxreb
:;, roncluso che nnn si pot ex a tenia re
caiina ilelia
laiRp part of the llmrf ,n .,. aclinill rlill
culed the Idea of pieparpdnces. bnlli 'in the
hi my and In the n:ny." bp eald.
"In a mrsFRKe to I'linRteKM he iIIhiiiIhvpiI
the MiRRfiitliin of an Incipnup In the navy
with thp Mntement lh.it naxal warfare wa
ko rhaimeable that If Ibp 1'nllpil Slnli-.x
pulptpd Into n ciiMly proRnim It mklil be
romp wnitlilean before thp ahlpa left Hip
stays. .
"At Indianapolis hp eahl thai ntber na
tions bad n ilRbt tn spill as much blood
as thev pleased, and thai It was no con
cern of outs. Thp slnkliiR of flu- l.usllHiila
and thp minder of American citizens aboard
shocked no sensibilities within him; It
hroiiRht forth no piocMmatl.in. or special
session, or tin attack on the Spnate mips.
NnthltiR was done " '
Spiialor SIipI'Iimii itpclaipil that under thp
I'tpsldptifs bill hp would han authority
tn fiiinlsh a nasal i-iiuuy to American
munitions ships bound to the Allies
"That ilRht expicised ts hii act of war."
said thp pp.ikp- "I shall oto for the bill,
but I want no one to be deluded reRaidlim
the tesponslbllltlps which It putalls. Atiu
when I say that I shall .,ie (r this bin
I want to say that I will vote for war If
Hint iiitim i ip In urdpi to present' mil
lights and out honor
i ins war ui'Riin out or a thousand yp.-irs
of jp,ilousp and conlllctliiR ambitions of
crowned klnas ilemuiK their autboilty fiiiin
their ancestors. It did lint riow out of
a conflict between niitnciacy and democracy."
Ity bill, but In Ktiarantee prompt enactment
if any pineiRency measure necessary to
Hie natlnnal defense In the event of actual
hostilities with (lermany. Much worse sll
uallons than Ihe piesent one ma confront
the country, they fear, unless the way Is
paved for WrU cnnRresslonnl action
meet any eventuality.
Itepubllciiii Spiiators made It plain In
Hip Hemociats. In the midst of Ihe piesenl
Inline liatmuiiv. that under no iltcnni-.-taiicps
would iIip.v wllhdraw' tliplr objec
tion In Hip tatlllcallnn nf the Colombian
ipat.v iirxeil t the President to safeRiiard
he Panama iiiiihI.
'Hip lipin.H'iiitK now have only a tnajnillv
if twelvp In the Senate and the Republicans
feel confident Hint even If the Ailiulnlstia
tlnli attPinpts Li fiiice thloiiRli the fivjnm
bliin Heal.v in Ihlv kpssIoii, thi'.v have Hip
MltPS III dl'fPllt It
Link Berlin Foreign
Office in Conspiracy
t'nntlmied from Pate One
and extracts from utterances by Senator
Hubert M t.a Kollette. bearltiR on Hrlllsh
rule In India, nre believed to be hnimless.
but they point. It Is said, to the almost un
believable length to which native Indians (
are wllllliR tn go tn stir tip revolt against
tireat llrltnln
lions, making 'the retention of a large part
of the army along tjie border .peceaaary.
That friction betweeen carranza and the
I'nlted State would tend to weaken the de
facto power was pointed out to Villa by
the Herman agents.
Already the (lerrnan eahal In the Mexi
can capital has set active underground In
fluences tn work upon thp Klrst Chief and his
ndvlsprs to Induce tlipm to conspnt t" an
nlllance. the famous note sent by Carrnnr-a
in the neutral-I'owets. asking them to unite
In tefilslng to furnish supplies to lielllRerent
poimtrlPK. was eiiRlneend by the Herman
propagaiullsts It wn H'.p nrlRlnal Intention i
to Ipnd the Klrst Chief to order the nil flrlda
of Tiiinnlco to be closed to export I his
i:V V.H5K March S Calling for Sen
I ilor Wllllnm .loci Stone's resignation as
' I'biiliman of Hie Senate Korelgn ltclation
I oniin'ttip tl- New Vork MorniiiR World
nd.iv said
I "riiili'i disRuisps as trausparpiit as any
I isMinied b the lununiPtable ngentt of the
j Kalspr's puip.iRanda In this country he has
been revealed tune and again lis onp who,
I In the' tiiespiiip of ijpnn.iny. would piiulvo-
,Hc. abate and pvcii sacillice Ainpricau i v ilia
one of Hip "little group
i'.fr.fiair.i contro l'ltalla
.onr.eiza .11 comunlraalonl
afferma che clo' e' falso.
b'agenila dice "N' 11 maresclalln von
Hlndenburg ne- il genera Ip von l.udeiiiliirn
lVanno mai fatto una simile dlchiaranlone.
I glornall dell Intpsa sono seinpie gll stessi
nicevano listcssa cosa iiuandn si trattavn
0,lla Rumania o ilcll.i Serbia, prima gll
tpplaiisl, pol il confoito. pol I'annuncio
funebre, sill nuale nucha l'ltalla pun' con
tare." In questi clrcoll tnllltnrl. mentre nnn
II scarta affatto la posslblllta' .11 lin'nf
fenslva contro l'ltalla. si rltiene che piov
Mdlmentl tali sono statl e sono tuttora
rresl che In sfotzo austfo-tedpsco per lag
rlungere la valle pndnna e' destlnato a
falllre. Cprtanicntp In Statu MiirrIoip
tedesco non pun contnre l'ltalla e Ip forae
Itallane alia stes.-a streRiia delle foize serbe
e rumene i: i dice che Cndnrna pntrebbe
inche precedere V"ii Hlndenbuig e li
prendfre la sua marcla verso Trieste.
Tare un teiegrnmnia da Zurlgo dice che
II Mlnlstero della fluerra aiiRtrn-uiiRarlcn
ha chiamato alle nrml la rlai.se del 19fi.
clne'il nati nel ISfln. Aigaxzl nppena dlclas.
Mttennl. Quesle reclute devono presentarsl
al rlsppltlvl illstretti non pltf tin ill del ID
corrente. SI dice che I'Austrla conla anche
d! richamare alle arnil tmmlnl da I .it al 6t
tnnl di eta . ,
Ormal nnn vl p' alcun dubbin clip net
I'Asia Mlnore si verlftcano av venlmenlt dl
frande Importanr.a. Up forze turcbp si
trovano di fronte n tre dlstlnte .'iipiire bene
irmonizzate offensive, enn gll ItiRlesI che
premntin rial Mid. cine' dalla regions di Kut
F.l Amara. ed I russl che avanzano dalla
Persia e rial Cnueaso. Oblettivn del due
Stall M.iRglori rieH'Inlesa e' iiello ill' de
clare I turrhl cnmplctamente dnll'Asia.
Hinore e metterli con le spalle contro Co
ttantlnopnll '
tesercltn turco della Persia nvnnza per
colplre I turchl nllp spalle dl Itagdari c
tnarcla su Hamarian. I.p forze IiirIpsI avan
nno hi rilrpzlnne di llngdad. da cul dit-tann
soltanto ventlclnqno mlRlla circa, mentre un
ltio eserclto rnsso opera nel Caucaso In
dlrezione di Hidjar dove ha sconfltto e
messo II nenilco In fuga nelle vlclnanze dl
SI prevede che. con l'armonlzzazlone dl
questa triplice offenslva. la sconflttn delle
f"rze turche e' Inevltablle nnn soltanto
nella reglone dl nagdari ma altrove nel
tfatr" delle gtierra aslatlco.
Durante la settlmana scorsa I sotto
marini terteschl. come si nnniincia a
Londra, hannn nffond.ito 24 piroscall liiRlesl
dl circa oOOO che entrarono ori uscironc
dal portl brllannlcl o da quelll delle
potenze ilelllntcsa.
Qui II Mlnlstero della MarliiH ha
pubbllcato un decrelo che riorganlzza la
dlfea contrn I sottomarini che .ltifestano
II Medlterraneo. dlfesa c-ie d'ora lnnanzl
iara' dlretta da un nnimiragllo. Questi
procedera' immedlatamente all'armamente
dl tuttl I plrnscafi mercantill ed assegnera'
prerpil a rolnrn che affonderannn o melte
rano funri comliattimento un soitnmarlno
Insurance and Beneficial SavitiRR So
cieties Object to Four-Mill
Levy on Surplus.
ine proposed new personal tax act was
he subject of dlscusslnn at a meeting of
Councils' Fpecial committee on State legis
lation this afternoon. The final dra't nf
the bill will be made by Common Ce "dl
wan II, Krigar Harnes, of the K.irty-slxth
Details to be decided before the measure
l Introduced at Ilarrlsburg; relate to Im
Po'lng a four-mill tax on each dollar of
uir.lus held by mutual life Insurance com
t Pani atl( beneficial savltjgs fund sod
. tlf. rtepresentatlvea of these Institutions
re prebent at the meeting and opposed
'i I Proposition on the ground that the Im
position of such a tax would be "a hardship
and would work to the detriment of policy
Bold.'1'" who Uo not lve , tll8 Ctyi
The surplus funds now are exempt from
" tax, and the Income that the city
would derive from such a law would ap-
proximate several hundred thousand dol-
, ". Chairman Hnffney. ot Councils'
ihi nce Co,uml"ee, is anxious to secure
i adlltlon to the present city revenues
b.. .u0 th "P'"'0" that companies should
ar their share of the hurden of taxation.
imu number of features of the bill were
i J,"'ro""ly approved. Notable, In thla class
1 V 1 'he clause providing' for the Imposition
l ;' Mnaltlea for the failure of Individuals
I ef I?au ho""t returns. The enforcement
1 t.,J . aL I'fovlalon, It was declared, would
i?a;,he ad,lltlon of S100.000.000 to the
I thl. v 0,00. ot Personal property returned
J "" year for taxation.
Senator Norrls.
of willful men. declared that the armed
lipulial'ly bill could be passed In tluee ilavs
if Hip President would call un extra session
at once.
"1 am making no npnlngv for my action.'
he said- "If I bad thought It was necessiirv
t filibuster In kill the bill 1 would tint have
hesilaled In do It Hut It was not nei'PS"nr
to nilbustpr. It was killed by legitimate
"Hut tlmse opposed to the bill have been
denounced b. thp I'ipsIiIpiu of the t'liitrri
States. I believe, without lenson What
"lie has made this plain .from the dav of
Hie l.in-ltaiila horror, which Iip dismissed a
lightly as iiiiv Junker and for which Iip
found us many excuses as any instructed
ilerin.in-Aineilcau In all essentials In
volving lierinnnv be has been peislstently
in iitiwultion In the Cnitpil Slates and et
liii'- retainiil a Senalp ilialinianshlp which
' uucs lilui IniniPtisi' Influence upon the fnr
I -.su p ilic.v of the fulled States''
The New Yolk MiuuiiiR Sun bitterly at.
inks Senator Stone, declaring Up should
J hp deprlveil of his chalimaiihlp
j'Nii fact ill the lecord of William .1
. -iione pntltli's him to the Important ami
iilldeiitinl otllce be liuldx tnilay." sairi thp
the Prpstilpnt salil ntwt wti.it tbusp win, !
fnvnied the bill said has been told to the Sun "Ills continuance tlieieln constitute
country. What those who opposed It said!" menace to Hie safety of the i'nlted
has never been told The ten I l-tup has ! Slates. Ills disappearance thetefroiu would
never been told tllkf .1 load of fell I off the mlnii or eveiv
I.AItllOO. Tex . Match
tleimaiiy Is playltlg Villa against Car
ninza liieat sums nf tjeriiian niniiev ate
Pouring Into the bandit leariei's hands in
citing him tn activity against the I'nlted
States and against Carianra. while at the
same tlmp Heiinan agents work thiough
otllclals of the Carranza llnw rntneul eek-
'" I lug to align that side ngalnt the I'lilttd
.lust back fiotn a trip Into the Intel lur nf
Mexico. I can state thesp facts on the
lilghest authority:
"Agents of the rietmnn lioveinment In
Mexico approached Kianclsco Villa al hts
beadiiu.uters at Itustllln's lunch about
I'Vlnuary 12 with a proposition to ipiipw
his raids on the holder In r-Xfr of a decl.ua
Hon of war between the I'nlted Stales and
liPimany Two lipiinnn agents ipached the
bandit leadet. The confetence extenilpil
uvpr twu days
At fitst Vila deintirtfd ngalnt any at
tack on the Imrrii'l. Ill fntce. under any
clrcuinslancps At Iptigth an ngitpinpiil
was ipiulinl thai In cae of war Villa woiilri
send sninll banris n unittiicheri bandit" t"
oppintp at wlilelv sep.iratetl points along the
liilernatluu.il line and to make spoiadii'
fnrn.vs tu harass AniPilcali tioop".
oKI-'KIUjIIi S5n.iuui I.V l!OI,l
fnder Hie tpinis of agieenicnt, the i!ii
uiaii ngpnts pinmiseri to pnv Villa ami mill
pesos i$:fiii.iuuii In golri at once to eal the
I'lilUIMi't lie IPIIIseil tn enter Into tile plot
until the Hist pnvmeiit was hanried ipp
They agieeil in pay a huge Iimounl each
month thpicafler In case nf war tn enable
to pay his men. obtain ammunition
ami build up his shallpipd forces for a r.un
palgn AftPi onlers from foreign Secretary Z'm
meriiMtin rp.icberi Mexico Clly for an attenipt
in ariangc an nllliincp with Mexico ntul
lapan. the Villa sclnnip was one of the first
moves line sicipI agiui wn -i-nt ninth
fioui the capital to San l.uis Pnlosl, where
he met iinnther from Parr.il both tiav
eled by horseback to Hustillns lanch. about '
fiutv inlles west of .'hlhuahu.t Cltv At I
Ibis point Villa was making Ins he.iihiu.ir- j
lets at that time i
The Villa plan was to be used chiefly III I
the pent nf fallnie i" induce I'linniiKi tu I
enter an intugue against Ihe I nitetl Stales j
mill as possible iiip.iiis ..I bringing pressine j
to bear on Ca'ianra It wits b"ieri t" In- i
Milve the rie f.i. t" lii'Vi'iiimt'iit ami the i
1 iiiieil Stales in new -prions complica-
wus inter moiiiueu in me mini in "men
It was sent because most of the fields were
owned by Kiigllsh cniniianles and n huge
amiiuut nf the oil is used b the I'.tlglish
licet, niul such act Inn, therefiirc would
have liiullght ciitnplicatiiiiis bctweell ling
land niul Mexico.
1 Among ulllcials In Mexico Cltv. stories are
1 alloat that two ilnveininent ulllcials in the
I b'list Chiefs Immerilatp chile of InllilPlltlal
men wele co-oieiatlng rillictli with Iter
mail ngetits. one nf the newspapers In the
capital Is said In b" tl ml t-r suhld tu tile
iiprmans to print news fmin Ihe Herman
angle. In nlber wnv liiitiian nimiey and
Inllupnce hip at wnik to svh thp act Imia
uf the de factn tinvenunetit Such efforts
ale tenilcied ciiinpaiiltlvpl.v en b.v the
cioss curieuts of Jealousy ntul nmbltinii of
the ilirfeient inllliary and political lenders.
StiitiKfiit mlliiar.v ipnsorhip nt till the
table and lelegriph olllces In Mexico pre
vents the M'liillm: or ,in dispatch nut ap
pioved b.v the loveitimeut.
Hocks Test
of School Tax Collection
. March S Contrnry in
decisions In WllKt s-llairc ntul elsewhere in
IVniisj Iviuila. i'iiv Solicitor Joseph I! Ulck
i n von .vestciiia.v Hied an opinion at City Mall
ileclai lug thin Cltv Treasurei Kdward
Veagcr cannot colleet sphnnl taxes, which
hip at pipsent collet ted by school official.
.iinoiiulliiR in more than ' liul.dDn annually.
He suggests liouevei thai a court pro.
CPtrilng be In ought to lest Hip case
by G.ibrilovvitjcli a the Academy of Music for thl
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra Pension Fund
again brought to prominent notice the unusual musical
'qualities the great pianist obtains. Gabrilowitsch'i
piano is a
jffflason & -Jantlm
now rcpteented in Philadelphia by
I 1 1 7-1 I 19 Chestnut St. 6th and Thompson Stf.
"V.tlli 111.. HlUUl,l .!.... t... .. Ill .11 '
iv.ni un- i ir.-'iiirui fMr" in- iiim lint tun
an exllll session until the Semite tllle.i
ale nnifiirieil. bpcau-e the same mentis ein
plo.teri ugaiust tin measurp ilunng Hie last
setunti ina again be used to kill It Thp
Pipsldenl s wrong When he looks Into
the iiuestiou lie will see be l wiong
"Some dav,. pel baps not In nut' time stu
dents of hl.-torv will discover that the Pres
ident did a gieat winng to the men who
wete conscientiously riolng what they con
sIiIpipiI their ilut)
"I luive alwas favoied closiiie. 1 stood
for it when Ihe President was silent I
congiatulated the President In getting
right-In ruining over to the gtoiiud I have
nccufileii. Tile iuIps hip gulng to be
changed. I believe, thanks tu his gieat in
fluence." STONK IX 1.1 NK
Senator Stone, chaliinnn of the ftirelgn
Relations Commlttep, taking part In Hip
closure tlglit for the first Hiiip. declared
himself heartily In favor of the measure.
but expressed Hip belief it would not be
effective. I
"I wish to sav." he said, "that 1 am en
tirely In sympathy with thp rule, althnugh
In form it may not Iip as I would have
written II
"I doubt whether H vvlll be as effective
as It should be. I shall vote for It as It
has been presented, but 1 cannot escape
tlu conviction that, except for the partlrulat
purpose for which It Is designed: that K
the passage of the so-called armed neu
teallty bill. It wi'l prove unite Ineffective,
I 'am for It. nevt'itheles. even though It
may he used In tiring about the passage
nf a measure with which I am not In
sympathy. We ought to have n rule which
would enable the Senate to do husincso nt
anv time on mi) Important measure
Senator Cummins, Itepuhlican. another
member of the group of "willful men." de
fpnderi his opposition to thp President's
armed neutrality bill.
"The. bill, "said Cummins, "will be known
in the future as the bill empowering the
President to declare and mnke war at his
own pleasure.'"
He said he desired to be heard if he could
do so "witluiut being burned In eltlgy ur
classed as a filibuster." IHscusslng the
closure resolution Cummins said he was
for It "veiy earnestly."'
I am not for It. however." he added,
"because of Hie uiipipcedeuteil and uncalled-for
outburst fnun Hip White llnnse.
I am for It because that I lsilieve that the
Senate I was about to say a majority of
Ihe Senate- should be able to do business
1 dn nor want it inVIeietoori here or ele
whete that I inn a leient enliven In the
rincll Ine that the Senate shiiuld be able
tn cnntiol itself. I have been for a Closure
lite for eight years "
Cummins declared that Senators classed
by President Wilson as "willful men" cop.
sumed less than eleven hours 'in debate nil
p.iliiotic American al home and iiluoad "
IIAKIUSHI Itii. Maieh s lienioci.iln
National Chairman Vancti c McCoriiuck
loda.v joined Hie thorns of opposition to
Senator Stone again heading the foreign
Itelatlnns Coininlltce Thp Harrlsbuig
Patriot, of which Mi Cormlok Is the princi
pal owner, tmlax salil editorial!
''Senator Stone has forfeited his right
to lemalii longer at the head of the veiv
impoitant Senate Committee on Knieign
lpatlnns It would seem as though Sena
tor Stotip should have the foresight and pa
ttlntism to quit If he does nnt. the duty
of the Spnate is plain "
TliPie Is no pj nit ieiune
ment of contracloi builder or
home owner that we cannot
till promptly and at the right
Our P.eliable lira nil of ready
mixed paint at $2. $2 25 and
2 BO per gallun. is guaran
teed to give entire satisfac
tion Wm.H. Price Co.
Cnn-ill Smith 10th St.
Aquamarine Scarf Pins
A wide assortment, com
prising the newest and most
fashionable settings, designed
to enhance the beauty of the
March birthstonc.
b.xcccdinglv pretty is a
lit I J I- IIV.II ftl Villi I 1111 HIV, tJl Jl U 11 '
color set in a crccn cold :
mounting of pierced design
a a
S. Kind & Sons, 1110- Chestnut St.
10.000 Phone Men Ready to Serve U. S.
tltUA .?" TIeP"on Company has com
wins r or"nlatln of a military signal
In the rn ih X : L.".'"".u.m.e"lor. "rv '
'X ir. ?' V P"t In telephone work and
the ,. i . "arty for Immediate duty.
JavTi. -"""gn worgf waa d reeled hy
,nh dearly, chief ,!.,... t .... 'is
,""wa Btatea Reserve by rrealdent Wllaon.
TRUE fashion is
1 not slavish imita
tion, but rather the
translation of the
"correct thing" into
terms of the wear
er's individuality.
Euch one of our patrons
enjoys that sense of
satisfaction and confi
dence which comes of
the knowledse that one
is really well clothed.
Without boasting, we
may say that Iluuhes
& Muller are among
the few American tai
lors who are not only
unquestioned authori
ties o.i men's fashions,
but actual creators of
these fashions as well.
You know your sprin'K
clothes will be in every
way correct if tailored
by Hughes & Muller.
1527 Walnut St.
.$15 to .$400
Easiest Terms
All our 'iclrnlnn arr equipped
with the TunfiK-tortf Slylu. Pin;
HO to 200 records without change.
If Easy
Victrolas are the perfection of home entertainment
and the cost is the factor of least consequence.
Our easy
terms is a credit service of pronounced
We are delivering Victrolas on terms as low as three
dollars a month and our famous service gladly
included at no extra' cost.
Talking Machine Co..
Broad Abv. Walnut
Branch Open Evningt
Broad and Columbia Ave.
52d & Chestnut Sts. 4124 Lancaster Ave.
Am.' i
Just Across the Street
In 1899 the GENERAL ACCIDENT Fire and Life
famous here and abroad, opened its Home Office
of the- United States branch in the little brick dwell
ing i. b. Corner hpurth and Walnut Street. Phila
The Home
ncro the
Office in still nt Fourth nnd Walnut, but "Jut
street" in a modern building, erected by the
ACCIDENT to mft the demands of its grow
' J '
Todny the Cenernl Accident is represented in every city of
Hiiy sue in the United States,
In 1916 He bustnesi in paid premium!
amounted to over three and a half million
dollars. Over tixteen million dollar in
claim have been paid in the United State.
t nn there be more striking proof of the esteem Jn which tho
(irvrrnl Accident and its unequnled service are held by the
r respectfully sURRest if you want reliable automobile,
burglary, accident nnd health, compensation or other cas
ualty insurance that you request your
broker to place it with the
Philadelphia Branch
42 1 12 Walnut St.
Assurance Corporation, Ltd.
Il.n.rnl llnllillne. Kniirth nnd M'nlnnt St Hillailflphliv
HhlHnn l IH Il HIS . I -i-trri Ftatr U minor,
M3t-mtM I UN
Where Three
Do the Work
of Five
No More
Posting Here
A remarkable chapter from the experience
of the D. L. Ward Company, of Philadelphia
Early in 1915 the bookkeeping department of this large
wholesale paper and twine company reached the limit of
its working capacity.
Business had increased, and new customers and new
accounts had increased in proportion. But even with five
bookkeepers working overtime the old handicap of pen-and-ink
couldn't be overcome. Trial balances were hard
to get; and because trial balances were always late, state
ments were held up.
Burroughs Solves Many Accounting Problems
A Burtoughs Ledger Posting and Staternent Machine brought
relief to the D. L. Ward Company's bookkeeping department.
Pen-and-ink posting was replaced by Burroughs Direct-to-Ledger
Posting and the work is now handled with promptness, accuracy
and ease.
The ledger card is inserted in the carriage of the machine. The
operator depresses the keys and posts in rapid succession old
balance, folio, terms and debit or credit. The machine performs
the necessary calculations automatically, adding the debits or
subtracting the credits.
The balance is automatically computed and printed by the
machine in one operation, without possibility of error. Th
operator pays no attention to spacing, ciphers or punctuation.
Even the date is repeated automatically.
The cards are ofiset when placed in the tray. When the day's
debitor credit postings have bern completed the operator proceeds
to run off the old balances and the new balances on the accounts
that have changed that day. The machine automatically computes
and prints the difference, which is compared with the debit or
credit totals, predetermined from the posting mediums.
Thin provide a mechanical proof of posting, which is absolutely
The method is the same whether a concern uses cards or loose
leaf ledgers.
!)8 Hurroughs Models
There's a Burroughs Figuring and Bookkeeping Machine to fit
the requirements of any business, large or small. You can reach us
by letter or telephone and we will gladly help you find the model
that suits your business.
Burroughs Adding Machine Company
GEO. A. HENRICH, Sales Manager,
912 Chestnut Street Philadelphia
Telrplinni WaTnul mi
MMfci ' notmma and bookkeeping machines
WWfM25 9 t f,
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