ra ,) " y y. R$ iJ P A.-- IWHNG FRATERNITIES I BARRED TO IWETHODISTS N. J. Conferenco Disapproves Membership in Orders That Havo Buffets ATLANTIC CITT, March 8. Jersey Methodists wero virtually ordered out of all fraternities which permit the service of drinks In a resolution adopted this morning by tha New Jersey Conference. A resolu tion adopted without n. debate beyond a fervent declaration, "Thank God, we havo no brewers In our pews," resolved that con ferenco "disapproves nny member of the Methodist Church joining any fraternity that dispenses liquor." The Rev. John Handley fathered the declaration. Conference paid Its respects to Jersey's new "business governor" In a resolution offered by the Itev. Holmes F, Gravatt, of Camden, congratulating Atlantlo City on Governor Kdge's election and pledging him the support of the 69,000 Methodists, Con ferenco thanked Governor IMkq for his proclamation designating March 25 as "boys' day" In Jersey. Bishop Berry at the opening of today's session delivered an Inspiring Installment of his allegorical series "Gideon Gladheart, a minister of sunshine and sense." The Itev. Melvlllo 11 Snyder, In his re port as superintendent of Trenton district, referred to a wave of evangelism following tho Billy Sunday campaign In Trenton. Re ports for other districts were given by J. W, Marshall, for New Brunswick: F, A do Marls, for Camdon, and J. II. Neal, for Brldgeton. Many new churches are build ing or contemplated. Conference will tako up the new course of study In executive session and may also consider the case of tho Iter. Mr. Barry, who left a Trenton pastorate to becomo a Unitarian, behind closed doors. District superintendents called attention to the Incorporation of conference and urged the need of legislation to govern the election of trustees of church properties. Cheers for President Wilson followed the declaration of Clarence True Wilson, secre tary of the Board of Temperance, that the President signed the "bone dry" Washing ton and nntl-llquor advertising bills under the greatest pressure ever brought to bear on a President In one of the most critical eras of tho country. "Labor organizations, which are always betrayed by their leaders, and heads of great corporations wore a path to the .White House, but they came way crestfallen, for Woodrow Wilson was determined to do what he considered his duty," he said. "Congress passed theso bills while leaders of tho W. C. T. U. and tho Anti-Saloon League were pleading with them not to go too fast. Ws are on tho eve of a dry United States, It Is coming fast. The cars are running ahead of the onglne. Tills has occurred In six States In six weeks. Nino thousand newspapers are refusing to take liquor advertising. Over seven thousand editors signed a petition for tho passage of a law closing the malls to newspapers carrying liquor advertising. The sentiment of the people Is nway ahead of the tem perance leaders." "The worklngman's wage has been three times Increased during the last year. Why should not the people be as generous to ward those who minister to their spiritual needs?" inquired the Itev. Melville Snyder. Fifteen churches In Trenton district In creased salaries during the last year, and others are planning to do so. . TWO DETECTIVES ARREST THREE HOLD-UP MEN "Prize Fighters" Surrender Without a Struggle When Confronted by Sleuths After Robbing Man Three self-termed "prlie fighters" sur rendered to two harmless-looking plain clothes men early today without the slight est sign of a struggle after a hold-up at Seventh and Arch Btreets, according to tho story told by the police. Tho unexpected also happened. The streets were deserted almost when three men sur rounded Carl Gutuson, of 115 South Second street, Bhortly after 4 a. m and relieved him of a wallet which contained, luckily, he said, only $15. Within less than a minute Detectives Clark and Bunting were on the scene. The three alleged hold-up men, the police say, when coralled by tho two detectives a few blocks away, said In chorus: "Beat It unless you want to get hurt. We're all prize fighters." "We should worry," tho sleuths answered. "We're detectives." The men gave their names as James Toland, 2429 South Opal street; John Kgan, 1653 North Waterloo street, and John Doyle, 1220 Spencer terrace. OBITUARIES Anthony P. Cuneo Lieutenant Anthony P. Cuneo, of the By berry flro station, Bustleton Pike, died yes terday In the Jefferson Hospital, where he was admitted six weeks ago. Death was caused by tuberculosis, which developed from a heavy cold caught at a fire several months ago. He was thirty-eight years old, and Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Oussle Cuneo, and six young children. The funeral arrangements, which have not been com pleted, will be held from the home of Lieu tenant Cuneo's sister, Mrs. Anna Cochran, who lives at 1939 South Isemlnger street, Until recently he was Lieutenant of Truck No. 4. In the engine house on De Lancey treef, between Third and Fourth streets. He had been a member of the fire depart ment fifteen years. His promotion to the rank of lieutenant came three years ago, n March 17, his birthday. John Adolph Gross John Adolph Gross, manager of the Tren ton branch of the F. A- Poth Sons' Brewing Company, died Sunday at Hot Springs, Va. He was sixty-one years old. Mr. Gross was born In Philadelphia. Upon leaving Central High School he en tered the service of the F. A. Poth Brew ing Company, In this city. He was event ually promoted to the Trenton branch. Mr. Gross was a member of Herrman Lodge, 12E, F. and A. M.; Trenton Lodge, B. P. O, E.J Trenton Lodge, No. 164, L. O. O. M and the Trenton Yacht Club, Ha Is sur vived by a brother and sister, residing In this city. Dennis P. Sullivan Dennis P.' Sullivan, since 1894 connected with the customs service and long active In . PETEY aU I'tL o'oft T a,ED ) V$fVEM I A HUND.ReDVM'n! jWk . TOOAv 's' Wv --. -BBJLr - lJaJ"iL'')aSSTT' Ti Democratto politics, died yesterday at his home, 1G East Seymour street, aermantown, aged flfty-nlno years. He was widely known along the river front as an Inspector, and several times proved himself n terror to violators of tha law. Mr. Sullivan had been In poor health for somo time, but was ab'o to continue on duty until February 22. Hardening of tho arteries was tho causo of death. IS Mr.MOniAM ESTI.ACI" In lovlnr memory of HORACE W who died March H 1013. WIFE. BON AND DAUQUTEIt. 53entljs ADAMB. March 7. JOHN R.. husband of nnv Adam. Relatives ami friends, Illchmom! Lodge, No. 240. I. O. O. I'., Invited to funeral servlcea. Hat., 2 p. m., N, E. cor. 2Bth and Stewart at. Int. private. Friends may call Frl.. 8 to II p. ra. ASQUITIt. March 6, JOSEPH, husband of Carrie C Aaqulth (nee Itnrr), nged 83. Relatives and friends. Cassia Lodpo No. 23, r. and A. M ; University Chapter. No. 83(1, II, A M.t Camp No. 111. 1. O. 8. of A., Invited to funeral. Glad, wyne Montgomery Co., 1'a,, frl,, 2 p, m. Int, Odd rellows' Cem, IIAMUEHOER. March 0. MAnT. wife of George Bamberger, need M. Relatlvea and friends, Penna. Lodge. No. 1, Unt. Ver, i Seven Whlto Women's Vereln, No 1, Invited to fu neral, Frl., 2 p. m., 21(10 I" Cambria at. Int. East Cedar Wit Cem. Remains may be viewed Thura., after H p. in, nAHNETT. March fl, HENRY W. BAR NETT. Residence, 010 W. Sedgwlcll at.. Ger mantown. Uclutlei and friends Invited to fu neral sen Ices, Frl,, 7.3u p.m.. I. I. Keller & Hon'a B. E. cor. 13th and Lehigh ae. Int. New Haven, Conn. linASTON. March 0. LUCY M wife of Daniel Jlcaaon nnd daughter of Thcmae and Mary Whalen. aged 26, Itelatlvea and friends inviteu to runerai. n.. :u a. m , nm Church at. Solemn requiem maaa St. .ToacMm Church 10 a. m. Int. St. Dominic's Cem . Holme-burg. BEA8TON, March fl, DANIEL. Jr . son of Daniel and late. Lucy M. Beaston, aged lo inox 7 daa. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 8'3U a. m., 11)41 Church at. Int. Ht Domlnlc'a Cem. DLOMEn. March 0. CHARLES it. P.I.OMER, JU.. aon of tha lata Charlea and Ellznheth Blomer. Itelatlvea and friends and membera nf all lodgea and aocletlea to which he belonged Invited to funeral services, Hat,. 1 30 p. m . parlors of August P. Kunilg, 2U0.1 W. Tioga at Int. rrlvate, Westminster Cem. Auto aervlce. IIOOIl. March fl. PETER, husband of Fred erick Door. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral aervlcea, Bat.. 2 p. m., 8.142 Sydenham at.. Tioga. Int. private. Northwood Cem. Auto funeral, Remajns may be Mewed Frl, evo. BOYLE March 7, MART, widow of Michael Royle, "45 Tree st. (below Jackson at ). Duo notice of funeral given BURNS. March B. DANIEL J., husband of Carrie llurns, 248 N, rranklln st., aged 41. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Hat , 7 SO a. m , Oliver If. Hair Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. Requiem maaa Cathedral Church u a. m. Int Holy Cross Cem. CAMIIURN Suddenly. March 7, ALFRED II. CAMIIlUtN. husband of Allen Camburn. aged 02. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral, Sat., 2 p. m. .110 Railroad ae., Ambler, Pa. Int. linen 1IIII Cem. - CARR. March fi. JOIlrTj.. husband of Mae E. Carr (nee Harold). Relative- and friends, membera Select nnd Common Councils of Phlla. delpbla, Republican Central Campaign Commit tee. 30th Ward Republican Executive Commit tee, all aorletlca of which ho waa a member. Invited to funeral, Sat , 0 a m.. 2419 Carpenter at. Solemn mass of requiem St. Anthony Church 10 30 a. m. Int. Hob Cross Cem Auto funeral. CARIt. Marrh tl SOPHIA M , wife of Ernest E. Carr (neo Hogan) Relatives and friends In vited to funeral, Hat , 2.30 p. m . 2002 E. On tario Bt. Remains may be, viewed Frl . b to 10 p, m, mi, .orin i;ecMr urn t'm, CHAMBERS March 7, ELIZABETH, wife of John Chambers, Sr Relative-; ami friends In vited to funeral services, sun 2 p. m., 231J W Homerset st Int Northwood ("em. I'Htl.INSKY March fl. MAX CHlt.lNSKT. husband uf Mario I" Chlllnsky, aged r" Rela tives and frltnds, l'urlty Lodge, Nn 323, I. O O K. , Court General Lnwton. No. 103. F. of A . of Monmouth Junction, N J , Invited to funeral. Bat , 2 p. m . 2h08 N 11th at Int Oncnmount Cem rrlenda maj call ITI after 8pm CONNOR March 7. MART, wife nf Patrick Connor Funeral Sat N.3D a. m . 23lfl Green st High mass of requiem Ht. Francis' Church 10 a. m. Relatives and friends, Lady Lourdes' society and Harmony circle. No ann Lady I' oresters of America, invited to funeral. Int. St. Denis' Cem. Remains may bo viewed Frl , after 7.30 p. m. Auto funeral. COOK 5larc.h 6, ANNIE VIOr.A. wife of Harry Cook and daughter of Christian nnd late Annie E, Moudy. aged 24. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs.. 7 80 p. m. S323.N. Uber at., Tioga. Int. Trl.. Chester Rural Cem. COSTER March 8. MART C , widow of John Coster Itelatlvea and frlende League Sacred Heart of Gesu. Invited to funeral. Frl.. Sam, undertaker's parlors, 1811 stiles st. High mass nf requiem Church of Oesu D a. m. Int Cathedral Cem. CIIOUT. March ft. MARIE, wife of Augustus Crout and daughter of John and late Clara Hllbert. Relatives and friends are Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. m.. 2211 s. Carlisle st. Int. private. Friends may call Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. Washington. I). C. papers copy. CROWE March 7, EDMUND C. husband of Susan Crowe (nee DuUey) Relatives and friends. League of Sacred Heart, Holy Name Hoclety, Invited to funeral. Sat., 8 SO a. m., 010 Cedar av.. West Phlla Solemn mass of renulem Ht. Carthago's Church 10 a. m. Int. J iiuiy rose v.cm. auio runerai. CITNKO March II. formerly of Holmesburg ANTIIO.N'V T . husband of Oussio Cuneo. Due notice, of funeral will he given sister's residence. Mrs. Annie Cochran. HMIl S. Isemlnger st. DANIELS. March r,, OEOROE W son of John M. and Martha Daniels (neo Smith), aged 3, Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral, Frl.. 2 p. m.. parents residence. 2117 S. Jessup at. (11th and Shunk sts.). Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Friends may cnll Thurs. eve. DEMI'SET. March 0. Mrs EMILY M. DEMPHEY (me O'Rourke) - Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 8.30 a. m. 8413 Chestnut st. Solemn mass of requiem Church of St James 10 a, m. Int. Holy C,ross Cetn. Auto service, DEVINE March 7. HANNA C . wife of John F. Devlne, 1011 Moore st. Duo notice of funeral given. DITNLAP. March fl. MINNIE, wife of Sam uel Dunlap (nee Gillespie), aged 24. Relatives and frlenda. members of Palethorp Memorial Church. Invited to funeral services. Frl . 2 p. m . 80S Wensley at Int. Hillside Cem Re mains may be viewed Thurs. .7 to 0 p, m. EAHTUURN. March 5, EMMA V. EAST nURN. widow of Albert Eastburn. aged 62. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea. Frl.. 2 p. m , 210 Morris st. Int. private. Greenwood (IC of 1 ) Cem. EDWARDS. March 7. at 21 N. Juntper St.. FANNIE, wife of Harry D Edwards. Relatlvea and friends Invited to services. Sat, 2 p. m , Oliver H Ilatr Illdg., 1820 Chestnut st. Int. Mt, Peace Cem e- KRICHSON. Starch r. JOHN II.. aon of late Henry S and Mary E. Erlchson. Funeral Sat., 7 30 a. m.. residence of John Chandler, 144S N. Camao st. High requiem mass St. Malachy'a Church u a.'m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu- ERNEST. March 0, LOUIS T.. Sr.. husband of Mary E. Erneat aged 72. Relatives and friends, Co I, 13th Regt. N Y Heavy Artillery, Invited to funeral services. Sat., a p. m.. 1714 Wlngohocklng st. Remains may be lewed Frl , 7 to I) p m. Int. private FARRELL. March 0. THOMAS FARRELL. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl., 8.30 a, m., parlors of Sechler A Magulre, 1S49 N 20th st High mass Church of Jesu. 10 a, m. Int. Holy Sepulchrs Cem. Remains -nay b viewed Thurs., after 8 p. m. FIFE. March 7, MARY JANE daughter of late Jamea and Mary J. Fife. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. m., 847 Corinthian ave. Int. Mt Morlah Cem. FREA8. On Tuesday morning, March fl, 1917, MARGARET FISHER, daughter of the late John W, nnd Eliza Jennlnga Treas, In the 77th year of her age. Funeral services on Sat. urd-ay afternoon, March 10, at 3 o'clock, at the residence of her niece, Mrs. II Sinclair Agnew, 1830 North 17th street. Interment pri vate nt 1-aurel Hill Cemetery GALLAGHER. March 7 PATRICK, husband of Catherine Gallagher (nee McDevItt). Rela tives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Hat., 7:30 a. m , 4013 Tackawanna at.. Frunkford Solemn requiem mass Ht. Joachtm'a Church, 0 a, m. Int. St. Joachim's Cem. GIUSON. March 8, EMMA R. OIBSON (nee Dlack). widow of James It. Gibson Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, hat., a p. m . son-in-law's residence, Harry M, Hnyder. 0231 Reedland at. (U3d at. and Elmwood ave.), Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Friends may call Frl. eve. OICKER. March 6. FRANCES, Wife of Joseph dicker, aged 79, Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl . 8:30 a. m., residence of niece. Mrs. H. Bchnltilna 930 Merrick ave., Colllngswood. N. J. High, mass SU John's Church 10 a. m. Int. Calvary Cem Taks Haddonfleld car to Lees ave,, Colllngswood. GRAY. March (I, SARAH WORLEY. widow of Hamuel w. Gray. Services, St. Peter's Church. 3d and Fine its., Frl., 3 p. m. Int. tit. Peter's Church Yard. GROVER. March 0. SARAH E. SHAW, widow of Charles Grover, Jr., aged 70. Rela tives 'and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Hat.. 2 p. m.. residence of daughter. Mrs. John Taylor, 437 Belgrade st. (Glrard ave. and Pal. EVENI1 liEDaERP) DEATH fner). Int. Ardsley Cem, Remains may be viewed Frl., 7 to 0 p. m. HAI.1HO. Suddenly. March fl, KURT. hu. band of Emily llort IlalMg. aged 27. Relatives and friends. Peuna, It. It. Relief Ass Invited to funeral services, Frl., 2 p. m., 434 N. (loth st. Int. private. Arlington Cem, Remains may be viewed Thurs,, 8 to 10 p. m. Phoenlxvllle papers copy. HAItRIH Suddenly, March 7. ALFRED N,, husband of Mary u, Harris, aged 07. Rein tlvea and friends, Ht, Paul Lodge. No. 481, F, and A, M.I Palestine R. A. Chapter, No. 2401 Mary Commandcry. No. 3(1 K. T.j I'hlla. Con sistory; l'enna. Council, No. 342. It. A., em ltocs of T A, Harris Co,. Invited to funeral services. 0(118 8th st,, Onk Lane, Sat., 10:30 A. m. sharp. Int. Northwood Cem. Remains may he viewed Frl,, H to 9 p. m. HAHTMAN. March 0. EI.IZAtlETH. wife of Harry W Hartman and daughter of the late Michael and Martha Cummlngs. Relatives: nnd friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 8.30 n. m 4118 N, 4th st. Solemn requiem mass at Bt. Augus. tine's Church. 10 a. m. Int, New Cathedral Cem. .HAVEN. March 0. GEORGE J., husband of Nellie H. Haven. Kclatlwa and friends Invited lo funeral services. Hat., 2 p. m., 125 Linden ave., Colllngswuol, N, J, Int. private. Friends may cnl Frl. aft-r 7 p. m. WORTH, son of Eliza and late Samuel Ha. worth. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs,, h p. in., pari irs cf C. A, Qulnhy 1711 N. 20th at. Int. private HOI.DEN March 7, JOHN HOLDEN. hus. hand of Kntlo Ilolden (neo Grover), nged 4U, Relatives' nnd friends. Friendship I.oitge, No 4!'0, F, and A M.. nnd all other societies of which he was a member, Invited to funeral, Hun., 2'30 p. m., 401 Central ave.. Cheltenham, Montgomery Co. Int. private. Take Fut Chase tur on r.th st. to Cottmari st. . HOLTAl'I'EL March 7. WILLIAM, son of Vvllllam Theodoro and Margarleta Holtappel (nee Rernard), agd 3 months Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl , 2 p. m., par ents' residence, 820 l'ussmoro st Lawndalo, i'hlla. Int. Cheltenham M E Church Ground. HORSMAN. March fl. WILLIAM C. HORS. MAN, husband uf Jennie E llorsman (nee Wright), Relatives nnd friends, Mercantile Lodge. No. 12, H. of H.I Saklma Tribe No. r, I O R M.I Washington Cntnp No. 381. P (I. S of Ai LXla U Miller Ledge, No. K3, O. 8. of II. I Court Cleaver No. 17. I o. O S. In. vl ted tn funeral services. Frl , 8 p in . resi dence of son-in-law, Walter Seeds. 1J1I N snth st Camden. N. J. Int. private St. James's Cem Klngsesslng. Phlla., Hat . 11 n m IRION. March 7, ELSIE L. lllIo.N (nee Heine), wife of Harrv O. Irion nged 3d Due notice of funeral given, from 11132 rj Albert st JACKSON March (I, MARY, wife of Ororgp It. Jackson formerly of Wilmington, Del. ItelaS lives and friends, nil societies of which she was' a member. Invited tn funeral, Sat ,9a m , 0.l Green st Solemn high mass of requiem Church of Assumption 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. JACKSON. March 7, 284 Lewis nve.. I,ans downo. li., ELIZA BOONE JACKSON, lain of r,327 Vine at., Phlla., widow of John E Jack son, nged flfl years Relativos nnd friends In J,.l.'", ,0. ?? rvicee. hat., 2 p ru , Oliver H Hair Rlilg. 1820 Chestnut St., Phlla Int. private. Westminster Cem JONES -At Norrlstown, Pa., March 0. WIL LIAM H,. nged 81. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, Frl., 4 p. m., 010 Do Kalb st. Int. private. KELLER. March .V JAMES, husband of lato Achshu Keller Relntlves and friends Invited to funoral services Frl., 2 n. m., boo Diamond st Int. Westminster Cem. Remains may bo viewed Thurs . 7 to V p in, KENNEDY March 8, EDWIN A son of late Charles J. and Anna M Konnedy Funerat r ri , cou u m., inu itace st. aiass m Calhe- arai nam mi tit. i'enls s cem KESSLER March B. MAROARET RAY. widow of Edward ICessler (nee Smith). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 8.30 a. m. residence of mother, Mrs. Mary A Smith. 17UU H 22d st. HlKh mnsa of requiem St. Edmond's Church 10 a m Int. Holi Cross Cem. KIRK -Suddenly. March 7 EMMA, diughter late Anderson nnd Rosanna Klrlt Relatives and friends Invited to funernl eervlcea. Old HI David's Church. Radnor. Del. Co . I'a , Sat 4 p in Int Church grounds KIRLEY Mirch tl, ELIZABETH A . wife of John Klrley nnd daughter of lute James and Elizabeth llrady Relatives and friends, lllessed virgin Mary Sodality and Lengue of Sacred Heart of St Francis of AssM's Church Lady iMircstcrs, Mary Penlston Circle, No .'17. Invited to funeral. 4417 Gvrmantnwn ave. Hat s-30 a m Solemn high mass of requiem St. Francis nt Asslsl's Church In n m Int Holy Sepulchre em. New York, Yonkcrs and Roston papers copy. KNAT'S March fl SARAH, widow of Freder ick J. Knaus (neo Wllhelm). aged ISO. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services Hat , 3 P m . ITiiu N 65th at Int strictly prlate. K.MPE Suddenly. March fi. ut tho Masonic Home Burlington N. J., LEWIS W son of lato Joseph nnd Rebecca Knlpe. Relatives and friends, Masons of Burlington. N. J.. Imperial Lodge. No 1095. I. O O. 1". Invited to funeral nenlces. Frl . 2 p. in., residence of nephew. Frank Cnmncll. 2S05 N Mnrvlne st. Remains maj bo viewed Thurs , 7,30 to 10 p. in. Int. private. KREUTZ At Atlantic City. N. .1., March (1, IDA ADELE. wife of Charles W. Kreutz anil daughter of late Dr. Theodore and Emma Demme, aged 43 Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral services, Frl.. 2 p m , 1'noo Mon terey ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Int. Pleasant, vllle Cem LEWIS. March fl. JOSEPH W . husband of Florenco A. Lewis and Ban of Samuel w and Margaret A Lewis aRed 21. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Frl , 2 p. m . resldenco of parents. 1031 N 24th st. Int private. Arlington Cem. Remains may to viewed Thurs . 7.30 to MJii p. m. LOVE March I. HAMUEL S., son of late Samuel and Mary H Love (nee Steele), aged 35. Reluthes and friends. Purity Circle. No 45, 11. of V . Invited to funeral services. Sat , I p. m , resldenco of Albert V Bishop. I5L'7 Paul st , Frunkford Remains may bo viewed l'rl.. 8 to 111 p m Int private, fiiktahd Cem Lt'TZ March JOSEPH, husband of Mar guerite Lutz (nee Pferslch), aged 51. Relatives and friends, members of Narragansett Tribe, No. 43, I. O 11. M . nnd lnvlnclbln Yearly Bene ficial Society, invited to funernl servlcea. Sat., 2 p. in , 3112 N Hope Bt. Int private. Re mains may be viewed Frl., after 7 p. m. I.YNt II Suddenly, March 5 ELLEN, widow of William Lvnch. Relatives and friends, League of the Sacred Heart of St Stephen's Church, Invited to funeral, 30J7 N Warnock St., Frl , h 30 ii in Solemn high mass of requiem St Stephen's Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Sepulchre Cem MARMELL. March B. MICHAEL, husband of Mary Marmell Relatives and friends In vited to funeral. Frl , 8 30 a. m 28 Wash ington ave Solemn requiem mass Ht Philip's Church in a. m Int Holv Cross Cem. .MARTIN March 7. MARION I,., widow of Luther Martin. Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Frl., 2 p m.. residence of aon. Ernest D Martin, 1408 N. Corlles nt. (30th and Master sts ). Int. private. MASON March 7 FREDERICK THUR STON MASON Funeral service, 2H8 Walnut t . Sat. 12.30 p. m. Int. nrlvate. MACLL March U. MILI.ICENT LUISA MAULL. daughter of James Lehmitn and Mini, cent Howell Maul!. Funeral services ar St. Mark's Church, Fri., 10 a. m Int. private. McCOOL March 7. GERTRUDE, daughter of John and Sarah McCool (nee Campbell). Relatives and friends, also Sodality of B V. M of ht. John the Baptist Church, invited to funeral. Mon., 8.30 a. m t parents' residence, 4125 Tower st,. Manayunk. Solemn high requiem mass St. John the Baptist Church 10 a, m, Int Westminster Cem. McOINN March 8. PATRICK, husband of late Mary McOlnn. Relatlvea and friends Invited tn funeral. Sat , 0 a, m . son's residence 219 W, Westmoreland st. High requiem mass at St. Veronlcu's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. McO INT Y. March C. JANb. wife or Michael McOlnty. Relatives and friends. League of Sa cred Heart and II. V. M. Sodality, Invited to funeral. Sat., 8.30 a. m.. residence of husband. 8232 Mingo ave . Elmwood Solemn requiem mass Ht. Raphael's Church 10 a, m, Int, Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral. McGLYNN. March JOHN P., son of lata Patrick and Ann McGlynn (nee Masterson). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral -Sat.. 8:30 a. m.. residence of brother-in-law, Patrick J Cahlll, 2833 Cedar st Requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a in. Int. St. Ann's Cem. M.GOVERN Mircf. , TEHRKNCE Me GOVERN, husband of Ella E. McGovern (nee McPoyle) Relatives and friends invited to fu nejal, l'rl., 8-30 . m.. 2328 Wilder at. High mass of requiem St. Gabriel's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem McILROY March B, IRENE, wife of Joseph W. Mcllroy. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to services, Frl., 2 p, m., Oliver II, Balr Bldg., 1820 Chestnut st Int. private, Friends may view remains Thura eve. McI.NTYRH. March 7, MARY McINTYRE (neo Cush). widow of D. James Mclntyre. aged 28 Relitivea nnd friends invited to funeral. Mon.. 8:30 a. m 30(11 Livingston st. Solemn requiem mass Church of the N.ttlvlty 10 a. m. Int New Cathedral Cem. Auto service. McKANE. March 0. HANNAH M... widow of James McKane, aged 88. Relntlves and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs., 8 p. in.. 2533 N. 17th at. Int. Head of Christiana Cem., Newark DeL.'-Frl., 2 p. m. McSTRAVICK. March t, suddenly, TER. RANCE husband of late Elizabeth McStravtck, Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Mon.. 8 30 a. m 4237 N, 10th st. Solemn high maei of requiem St. Stephen's Church 10 a, n. Int. Holy Sepulchre. Cem. MACK1N. March 7, VIRGINIA A., widow of Thomas Mackln Relatives and friends In vited to funeral, Hat.. 8.30 a m 1118 Glrard ave. Solemn requiem mass St. Malachya Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. ' iADELPHtA T5UKSDAY, ALfttCH 8, 19if N ' DEATHS . MINTERS March 0. SARAH C, wife, ef Lewis M. Mlntess. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, 1780 Addison St., Hat,, 12 noon. Re mains may bo, viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. Int. Eden Cem, MITCHELT,. March 7, JAMES, husband of Elizabeth Mitchell (nee Thompson), and son of Ellis and late Harriet Mitchell. Itelatlvea and friends. Menoken Tribe, No. 381, I. O. R. M., nnd Phlla. Lodge. No. 84, I. O. O. M., Invited to funeral services, Sat,, 2.30 p. m.. 2300 Oer mantown ave. Int. Arlington Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. MONTGOMERY. March fl JOHN, husband of Mary Montgomery (neo MeErlant) end son late Robert and Ellen Montgomery, of County Antrim, Ireland, Relatives and friends, em ployee of Penglebury's Dyeing Establishment, invited to funeral, Sat.. 8.30 a. m., 4149 Orchard st. (23d Ward). Requiem mass Ht. Joachim's 'Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Hepulchro Cem. MULL1N. March fl, JOHN J. MULLtN. SR. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat,, 8:30 a. m., 1141 N. Front st. Solemn requiem msss Immaculate Church 10 a. m. Int, New Cathedral Cem. MUNDT. March fl EDWARD M. MUNDY. nged 81. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral services. Thurs, It, m.. 4031 Cedar ave., west Philadelphia. Int. Frl, morning Greenwood Cem . Brooklvn, N, Y MYERS. March 0, ELIZABETH, widow nf Benjamin F. Myers and daughter of late John and Elizabeth Wilson nnd stepdaughter of Nell Williams ttged 48. Relatives nnd friends In vlted to funeral. Frl., 2 p, m , Hot Baring st,, Camdon. Int. Evergreen Cem., Camden, Ho mnlns may he viewed Thurs eve. NEIDEMEYER. March 5. ELLA MURR NEIDEMBYEIt. ngfd 47. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral service, Frl,, 2 p. m,, 01.17 Lnrclnvood ave, Int, Fernwood Cem. NOLAN. March B. PATRICK P.. husband of Catherine Nolan. Relatives and friends, Holy Name Society of St John tho Baptist Church nnd I.oyal Order of Moose, No 51, Invited to funeral, Sat , 8:3(1 a. m . 4010 Dezter at., Wlssahiekon. Solemn requiem mass St. John the Baptist Churbh 10 n, m. Int. St. John's Cem, NUGENT. March 7, FRANCIS J., eon of Francis and Minnie Nugent, nged B. Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Fri.. 1 p tn , 1857 N liiieknell st. Int. Holv Sepulchre Cem. O'CONNOR March fl. JOSEP1I A. son of Charles J. and Ellen O'Connor (neo Mullahy). Relatives nnd friends. Erlphony Holy Name Hoclety. Court Nemo. No. 338. I'. of A.. Invited lo funeral Hat.. 8.30 a. in., parents' residence, 2103 S 10th st. Solemn mass of requiem Epiphany Church 10 u. m. Int. Holy Cross 'iTNElLL March B. CHARLES J hushand of Ellen G. O'Neill (nee Mullen). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Prl , 8:30 n. m., J21rt H. Broad st. Holemn requiem mass St Rita's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. O NEILL March B, CAROLINE F. wife of Maurlco O'Neill, nged 84. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, 143 S. Penn st , Brvn Mawr, I'a, Sat., 1 p. m. Int. prlvnte. iYROURKE. March 5, HENRY O'ltOUHKE. RelatUes end friends invited to funernl. Frl., 7 3d a. in , resldenco of sister. Mrs Msrv Dunn, 1MH S. Ringgold st. High mass St, Gabriel's Church 0 a. m. Int, Holv Cross Cem. PALMER. Third Month Eth. nt Lnnsdnwne. Pa., RUTH RAKER, widow of Joseph Palmer, of Doo Run, I'a.. aged 70. Funeral Htxth-day, 2 p. m . at Erclldoun Meeting House. Car riages wilt meet morntng train nt Doe Run station. Relatives Invited, without further notice, PHIFER March B, JOHN B. husband of Ella A, Phlfer and son of Charles H and Sarah Phlfer, aged 03. Relatives and friends, Kensington Assembly, No 411, A. O. M, 1' I Local Union, No. lTOI. of Atlantlo County Dis trict. U, II, of c una J. of A., Invited to funeral services, Fri , 2 p m . parents' resi dence 100 Virginia ave Westtnont. N .1 int. Harletgh 'Cem. Friends may call 'ihurs. after 7 pm. PICKELL. March 7, ANNIE E , widow nf George H Plckell, 115 7th ave.. Haddon Heights, N J Due notice of funeral given. PRENTZEL. March 7 SAMUEL D son of lato Charles Rnd Henrietta Prentrel. Relatives and frelnds. emplojes of John Wannmaker store. Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p, m . 420 N 41st st, Int. private Friends may call Frl s to 0 n m PRINTZ. March fl. CHARLES E., husband of lato Ross Anna Prlntz, aged 70, Relatives and friends Invited to funernl, 7001 Upland st , 2 p. m.. Sat. Int. Fernwood Cem., Delaware County , QUINN. March fl, MARGARET, widow of Hugh Qulnn. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl., 8.30 a. m, 1000 N. 23d st Holemn requiem mass St Elizabeth's Church, 10 n. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral RICHARDSON- March 7, JAMES S RICH ARDSON. Relatives nnd friends, American Star lyidge. No .0.1, I () O. F . employes Rob inson it Crawford Invited to services, Hun, 2 P in. brother's residence. 1231 s Guenther st Int Mt. Morlah Cem. Kemilns may Iaj viewed Sat , N to 10 p m RISTINE Mnrch fl. MARY E. daughter of John and Mary A Rlstlne, aged l',7. Relatives and friends InUtnl to funernl services. 219 Pop lar st., s.tt . 2 30 p m. slurp. Int. North Cedar HIM Cem. HOUR.- Suddenly. March 0, WALTER T., hushand nf Jessie H. Robb. need 4 Relatives and friends. G. s. Lings &. Co . invlu. to funeral services, Frl., 2 p. m., 4453 N. Iti. fct. Int. private Northwood Cem. Remains may bo viewed Thurs eve. Aito funeral. ii-m..vnw. ai eon a residence, s'iu King sesslng uv . March 7 ANNA M ROBINSON, aged 83 Relatives and friends Invited tb sen Ices, 2 p in , Olher II. Hair Bldg.. 1820 Chest nut st Int private, RUCK March U WILLIAM ANDREW, hus band of Pauline Rurk tflee Hchnelder). aged 51 Relatives and friends members of Blsbnp Neuman Assembly, No. 19, A. C. W : Ht Peter'a Young Men'a Society and tho employes of Schaum &. Uhllnger Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8 30 a m . 4129 N Reeso st. Requiem mass 10 n. m. Ht Henry's Church. Int Most Holy Redeemer Cem. SAILER. March fl. at Orlando. Florida, ISAAC SAILER Due notice of funeral given. bCIIIVEI.Y March 4. 1917 ADELINE 1'. C. SCHIVLEY. widow of George S. Hchlvely, M. D., aged 84. Residence, 318 Winona ave,, Germantown. Int. private. PleaBo omit flowers SCHREIBER March II. Dr ALBERT FRICKE SCHREIBER. aged Bfl. Relatives and friends may view remalna Thurs.. 8 to 10 p. pi . 82d St. and Elmwood ave.. West I'hlla. Int, pri vate, Mt, Morlah Cem , Frl , 2 p. m. Omit flowers SENDER. March 8. HAROLD ERNEST, youngest son of Leopold and Hannah Sender, aged 2.1. Relatives and friends invited to fu neral, Frl., 2 p. m, parents' residence. 715 E. Rhnwn st.. Fox Chase. Int. private, SHANNON March 7. REBECCA W.. daugh ter of late Amos V. and Rebecca W Shannon Notice of funeral Riven from residence of nephew, the Rev C H Long. 8032 Carpenter st SIMPSON March 7, BESSIE SIMPSON (nee O'Neill), wlfo of Bowman .Simpson Relatlvea nnd friends, League of Sacred Heart and Altar and RoBary Societies, Invitrd to funeral, Mon 8:30 a. m., Ill N. Cnmac Bt. Solemn requiem mass Church of St. John the Evangelist 10-a. m Int Holy Cross Cem, . SMITH. Suddenly, Maijh fl, FRANKLIN W , son of Richard and Elizabeth Smith, laged 80 Friends, Loyal Order of Moose, No, 54, of I'hlla,: Grand Fraternity and Relief Aseo. of P. R. T,, invited to view remains, Thurs,, 8 to 0 p. m Funeral services private, Frl., 2 p. m., 4081 Glrard ave. Int. Fernwood Cem. SMITH Mnrch 3 MARY P. SMITH, daugh. ter of the lato Ciirford nnd Anna W. Smith Funeral and Int. private. STAGER. March II, WILLIAM EDSON, son of Pearl Edson and William Kuhl Stager, aged 30. Relatives and friends tnvlted to funeral services, , Frl.. 2 p. m , residence of brother-ln. Inw R L, Dodge, 328 Morgan ave,. Palmyra. N. J. Int. convenience of family. Train leuves Meeket st ferry for Palmyra 120 p. m. STECKLAIR. March 0, FRANCIS, son of Harry and late Elizabeth Stecklalr. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 8:80 a, m.. father's residence, 2239 Tosker st. Solemn high mass requiem. St. Edmond's Church, 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. STEWART. March 7, HARRIETT, wife of Charles W. Stewart nnd daughter of the late Edward L. and Susan Carrie. Relatives and frlenda Invited to lunerai. Sat.. 3.30 p. in., 0412 Elmwood nve. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. STONE. March fl. ELIZABETH, widow ot Eustace Stone (nee Reese), aged 77 years 29 days. Relatives and friends may view remains Krl.. B p. m , residence of aon, William E. Stone, 2089 E. Dauphin st. Services St. Clair P. E. Church, St Clair. Pa . 8at.. 1 p.m. Int. Odd Fellows Cem.. St. Clair. Pa. Pottsvllle papers copv, STOVER. March B, SARAH, daughter of lato Joseph and Elizabeth Hlstand Stover, aged 88. Relatives and friends Invited to funeraT, resi dence of nephew, Joseph H- Htover. near Buck ingham. Pa,. Frl . II a, m. Train leaves Read. Ing Terminal, 8:13 a, m., for Buckingham Sta. Int. Doylestown Cem. STRODICK. Suddenly. March fl. ADELAIDE W.. daughter ot late Henry and Amelia Stro ellck. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral servlcea. Sat.! 2 p. m.. Stenton and Gowen avea., Mt. Airy. Int. private. Auto service. . 8TUMPF. March B, ROSE, wife of George W. stumpf (nee Fltzslmmons', aged 3(1. Rela tives and friends liAlted to funeral. Frl.. 8 30 a. m.. husband's residence. 1013 W. Cambria st. High mass St. Bonaventura's Church 10 a. m. Int. private. Auto funeral. SULLIVAN. March 0. TIMOTHY S.. hus hand of Jennie Sullivan (nee Elmor). son ot John and Nora Sullivan (nee Crowley), aged 23. Relatives and fiends Invited to runerai, Mon.. 8:30 a. in., residence of parents, 2104 Christian st. Solemn high mass of requiem St. Charles's Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross (Jem. SULLIVAN March 7. DENNIS P.. Iius band of Matilda Sullivan und son of Joanna and late Daniel Sullivan, aged U. Due notice of funeral given from lfl E Seymour st,, Gtn. UHL. March 0. CAV.OLirA UHL. wife of Wendle Uhl, aged 74. Relatives and friends In. DEATHS . vlted to funeral, Frl,, 7:30 a. m... "''.S; protit st. High mass. St. Alphonsus's Church, 4th and Heed sts., 0 a. m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem. m.MER. March 7, at Atlantlo City. ..' HOWARD, husband of Mary II., I "' lumpp). son of lato Dennis and I J" ter V" ted 84. Relatives nnd friends. Wlngohocklng ribs. Wo. 33, I. O. R. M.i Kvenlne 8Ur Ljdfe. o. 187. K. nf T.. Invited to meet funeral at lapel of Cedar 31111 Cem., Sat., 12 noon. Int. iviumpiv. son ot (iwn; - l"' L-"iT sgea Tribe, No. 1 rhanel nf Cedar j'.asi t.eaar Jim cem. WAGNER. March 0, ALBERT M.. husband ef Carrlo Wagner. Relatives i and .friends, sur vivors Co. II.. 180th N. Y. Cavalry, and Gar field Lodie. No. 10. Shepherds of Bethlehem, n vlted to funeral servlcea, lrl 3 p. m.. son-in-law's residence. Joseph I-esiJb'tW',,00 ,;;: Clearfield st. Int. private, Falrhlll Cem. He mains may be viewed Vlrurs. eve. WALTER. March B, EDWIN M., husband of Delia Walter. .. Relatives nnd ."lends St. Paul's I.odgc, No. 481. P, and A. M.i Mills I.odga, No. 1000, I. O. O. F.I Vulcan Assembly. Trustees of the, Odd, Fellows' Cemetery Co. and nil other societies of which he was a member Invited to funeral services, 'rl.., 2 P. m., resl. dence. 8827 N. Smedley Bt. Int. Lawnvlew Cem. Friends may call Thurs. eve. WARNER. Marrh (1. at Berwyn, Pa.. ROB ERT 11.. son of William Warner, of Roxbor ough, Pa., nged 44. Rolatlycs and friends. Thompson Lodge. P. and A. M and all other organizations of which he waa n member, invited tn funernl, Berwyn, I'a., Frl. Services at house 1 p, m. Int, Leverlngton Cem., Roxborough. Re mains may bo viewed Thurs., 7 to Op. m. . WESTCOTT. March 8, MARIETTA, widow of Edwin F Westcott. nged 78. Relatives and friends invited to funernl services, Hat., 1:30 p m.. nt residence of son-in-law, Horace M. Townsend. South Seavllle, N. J. Int. Calvary ""vvVlTHEIliLL March 8, WILLIAM RAVERY JOIINHOV. son of Gertrude Johnson and late Al. fred M. Wetherlll. Funeral services Trl, 2 p. m., 583 E. Lancaster nve., Bryn MavJr, Pa. Int. private. Conveyances at Haverford will meet 1:15 treln from Broad 8t. Hta, WH1TTAKER March 0, DANIEL, husband ef Harah U. Whlttaker. aged 111. Relatives end frlenda Invited to funeral services, Frl., 2 p. m 70.1 Cooper st Camden. N. J, Int. private. Harlelgh Cem. Friends may call Thurs., 7 to 9 WIGGINS. March fl. THOMAS, husband of late Alice Wiggins, aged 88. Relatives nnd friends, Moses. No. 68, Royal Patriots of America. Invited to funeral. Fri., 10 a. m., daughter's resldenco, Mrs. Laura Mirk. 2040 Vnn Pelt nt Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains ninv be viewed Thura. eve. m M- WILLIAMSON. March 0, CHARLES RU DOLPH, son of C. Frank and Elizabeth 8. Williamson, aged 18. Relatives and friends In Uted to funeral services, Bat,, 2 p m., parents' residence, 423 S, Orange at.. Media, ra. Int. WILLIS. March fl. THOMAS S.. husband of Gertrude Willis (nee Lane). Relatives and friends, employes Fels Co.i Phtla. Lodge. No, 54. Loyal Order of Moose: Paschall Athletlo Club, Invited to funeral. Frl., 8 30 a, m . 7270 Saybrook ave.. West rtalla. High mass Bt. Clement's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto runerai. .-..---."-. -...i. .. :FOR, THEjl MvfGARDEN Burpee's Sweet Peas For 25c v-e will mail one regular 10c packet (40 to 50 seeds) each of Cherub, tich cream, edged bright rosej rCwo White, the finest pure white; Margaret Atlee, best cream pinkj RoSAEEi.t.E, a large deep rose; Wedg wood, alovelyliglit blue. Also onelarge packet (90 to 100 seeds) of the Burpee Blend of SurERB Spencers tor 1917. Burpee'a Annual for ID 17 Is bleicer, brltbtcr and tuttar thin ertr before. 204 plies. Thirty (30) Tsrlatlti llllltrtttd in colon. Zt It mailed (rto Writ for It today sod please mention tale poblic&tton. W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. Burpee Buildings Philadelphia -vXSyNSS STEAMSHIPS Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. Philadelphia to Jacksonville and Return Best $39.00 Service AH ' Outside Tickets good to return within Rooms, Meals Ma. and Stateroom Berth Included City Ticket Office 105 S. 9th Street Phone Lombard 8000 WINTEIl KKORIS ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY. ArocqgTised11stanriQni or excellence, i Ccitv600. WIUZRJ.BV2BY. THE ICADIflO RESORT HOTEL OF TH WORLD Moroiijlilaiiieim ATLANTIC CTTY.N.tT. OWNCRIMIP HAHMCMKNT. JOBIAH WHITE. COMB COMPANY Westminster Ky av' near Beach. Elov. to iiMuiiuiotci street. l'rlvate batha, run. water, 110 up weekly, I'J up daily. Chaa. Uulire. EDUCATIONAL r PUBLIC SPEAKING Ten weeks rourae. Spring Term begins Thurs. i;vg.. Mar. S2d, at 8 P. M. Write, call or phone, Spruce 8218. NEFF COLLEGE 1730 Chestnut Bt. Rurpees MSeeds j sitr- Burpee'a o t m TJ X7N 'ttzffra. nr.ATHH TBrtKfcs. March .1, THERESA MAT TEIIKES (nee Oechsle), wife, or Eugeno S. Yerkes, Notice of funeral will bt given from 0430 I.archwood ave. PAHCEL POST LELCJT $2.50 , $15 LOST AND FOUND BnOOCII Lost, diamond circle brooch con taining 10 diamonds mounted In platinum! I' Boas J. E,. C. a Co. on back: reward. J. V. Caldwell A Co,, Chestnut and Juniper streets . CHAin SEAT Lot, near Philadelphia, brown leather chair afr. measuring about 1 nils In. SS reward If found. C. CI. llupert, 'VYIImtng ton. IJel. CERTIFICATES Loit or mtilald. Ctf. No. Big for 4 shares common atock and Ctf. No, 11 for 8 sharea preferred stock of the Philadel phia Ilnurse. Application has been made for new certincatea. Henry iC. Wddle A Co., 951 hrCElPT Lost, depositary receipt No. 8i for Philadelphia Electrlo securities Issued by the Land Title and Trust Co.. trustee. Return to Theodore E. Nlekles. 2M3 Oermantown ave. walnut. nETICULD Pound, email reticule, with mono- gram. Bend descrl ntlon to 11, C. 3., 1830Arch. riN Lost, on Tuesday evening. March 8, at Metropolitan Opera House, or on Ogden or Carltslo street, diamond nnd r'arl bar' Pin. set In platinum. Liberal reward. Return to 104 Locust at. SPECTACLES, gold. In case. lost, vicinity Broad and Columbia: reward. 181B N. Broad st. PERSONALS PRIVATE PARTY will sacrifice Hue white. dla mom! solltalro earrings: about 2 carats: 1530! choice, J120. MrL'UTCIIEON, 01 Bulletin llldg. Phono Walnut 13r,T. HELP WANTED-FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Bright young girl, experienced In double-entry bookkeeping In shirtwaist house or kindred line: atate full particulars as to ej. ferlence and salary expected. Address II 87. '. o. Box aino. BOOKKEEPER, high school graduate, expert, er.ced for labor cost ledger work. Answer by letter, age. experience and salary. Address M IIM, 1. J. IIP OitVV, CHAUfHCRMAlD and waitress wanted, white, experienced. Call 10111 N. 10th at. c7fil.rNt3ll.Si: White girl for child S jears; state particulars, wages, reference. Box Y. Wynnewood, i'a, COOK Experienced while girl: reference re quired, I'hono Baring 1743. Call S03S Chest- COOK tlood on oysters and order. Call 10 a. m.. 203.1 W. I.ehlgh ave. DniiONSTItATOIt. lady, for the food fair. Ap- p I y Bt the fountain at pootn. imnsSMAKCIt. qualified to train glna to take positions in the trade: reference required. P 1115, Ledger Office. DRESSMAKER, improver, and apprentice: paid while learning. 1611 Park ave. .. GIRL, colored: general housework; adult family; modern home: West Philadelphia: very de sirable plate for reliable help; sleep In. Pbone Woodland 1078. GIRL for general housework: adult family; modern home. West Philadelphia, very desir able place for reliable help. Phono Wood land 1079. GIRLS WANTED TO LEARN TO MAKE LITTLE CIQARB DESIRADLE. STEADY WORK TAID 17 PER WKEK WHILE LKARNINO HOOETT A MYERS TOBACCO CO. THIRD AND ONTARIO GIRLS wanted on folding paper box work! 50 hours per week: close Saturday at 12:15: pleas ant surroundings. Brown & Bailey Co., Frank- lln and Willow sts. oini.s overt in Steady work: good wages paid while learning. Apply Orlswold Worsted Company. Darby; Pa. OIRL wanted on plain sowing; to per week, J, Thompson Hlday & Son Co.. 1010 Race at. GIRLS Learners for light factory work; ateady and good wages. 423 N, 3d at. HOSIERY Loppers on full-fashioned work. Wm. Broyn Co . Kensington ave. and Ontario. HOUSEWORK White girl for general house- work: small famlh i good-wages. BIO N. 63d at. HOUSEWORK, eenera'l: white girl: good home ami good ages. B1123 Lanadowne ave. MILLINERS WE IIEQUIRE MILLINERS AND LEARNKRS OVER 10; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. . LIT BROTHERS MILLINERS AND APPRENTICES Experienced milliners required: alio ap. Erentlcea. who are paid while learning. Apply ;mplojment Bureau, fourth floor. GIMBEL BROTHERS MILLINERS to trim ladles' atraw hats. J. Thompson Rlday c Son JCo,, 1010 Race st. MOTHER'S HELPER Refined, settled woman, understanding care of children and manage ment of home: references; wages 130 a month. A 211. Ledger Office. orriCE WORK A woman of mature years for a position of trust; neat appearing, refined, good grammarian, a capable stenographer and typist; to one possessing these nullifications a rare opportunity la offered, with assured ad vancement as merited: salary desired and full particulars essential to receive attention. F 262, Ledger Central. OPERATORS on fine shirts tn the building. Apply Bth floor Hastlnga Building, 810 Filbert it, STRAWnRinOB A CLOTHIER OPERATORS, experienced, on pocketbooki and card casra Apply Wolf & Co., 3d floor. 12tb and Ca'lnwhlil. . SALESWOMAN Woman of ability and outside elllne experience ; for ipecial, permanent work In connection with "The Book of Knowledge" leadi furnllhed and good pay to woman or1 fone and pleasing personality. Call BOB Dcnckla Bldg1AskforMr. Colbert. SALESWOMEN, thoroughly experienced, rood salary, permanent position for the following departments; "' Coats nnd Hulta White goodi and velllngi Underwear and sweater! Cotton goods Silks Apply Superintendent, 1126S Chestnut it ww... . w w..n.,.utw1 M j. SHOES Experienced gtrli and learners tn pack- Ing room. Seventh floor. 318 N- I2th. wc B,noo"siis',Ny1T2th! "" n"r wanted. Sev'.nth STENOGRAPHERS, 18 to 2 yean of age; high school graduates preferred: permanent poll. tlons: exceptional opportunity! ihort houVs. Saturday afternoon off all year. Call Curtis' PubllshlnJJo.,TJiursdaytp to 4. " t-u"" STENOGRAPHER: experienced preferred: one with knowledge of bookkeeping! one living In """" win i't"fc""nm iiiycri STENOGRAPHER, 'yilllam Penn graduate pre', ferred: atate experience! aalary Jlo. with ad. IS i n" tR2'iVSu' wnion. Addren B UV. A . fV. ,UA WWW. ym , I Instruction Book Frco FRD C. MEYBR MI wB izi9 Arc,, s, n!ii lr Philadelphia WflB( HELP yg'ANTED--gitJ qonUnufd from PrtetiTcMi. taphone: alary 10 chance7 fi? '. i O HI), i. o. Box 3443 for W STENOGRAPHER In ofllce , . -company! state age and exo p ,r, (, STENOGRAPHER IlrlghtSolrM! to start, uan chestnut it n" ' WEAV ERH on Turk lih toweTT -fis t im- t ( aim . iuhh Apply SSp!oEy,P?u?riANW3k 1 GIMBEL BROTHfelU'"'. E.tween9.ndlla.n.'lktrai)3'gJ YOUNG WOMEN wanted to tr.JT drawings. A aon. i.... :' ' - "'IICB. General LADY for position rennlrln,. .... . . - ability! must be well edue,'"JtJ perlence unnecessary; flnt-cls..' J'Jl quired. V 030. ledger Office. "hfSl HELP WANTEDMAtT APPLICATIONS Invited, front sh,.,""- anS bc-7.-or 18 Ttlt. a.Te".rn.r '.' outaldo jobs: state age. exM?iene,,ii?N ri niiamniara n a,.u . uitjiii . . tns preferred. Address p 92 ' AgrMii "'.'ifi:1 -?nl "SRI?" ?"! nnUb,,. n,,u.u v. .laituiuipc neip ind ,..- I - t I i , . nrBtlonw In detail. I lofl. UdrVffl r,UM tn lh. K1 ,(- fc I" lDPr0UtW - Cnowj-edg. of fyTnV.""dDdVei.:,ViV experience, references, sge and iT3 pectedA20LjdgerOffa "I! iiuuhKKBi'jjii- Reliable maniTTSd bookkeeper and clerk: experienced t. manufacturing company mttniS. ..fOil ?!V.m.?ntl;.! Sl,e f "! nd reference. iTJ2j JinV manla A D.t. 1 77 i i i turlng houe requires an lnuniMBfl3 office work; for a capable boy tBi U f Biavtua . nwu upuuriunujr, with i.s - ' "" -"","..." t ,v.l. I..A., t.fi wanien Apply nttn floor. gfJH P),, 1 BOY. energetic, for errand. 1...4 . advanced to Inside work: elegant emSS Hhannon k Co., 1744 Market! ! 1$ uui onim Doy, ju to 20, for collarCTT .aalary and advancement. A 213, Uo2?iJ h it Lwan.,,?d to 0Prato board InitSra ft w"-"i " wcck. a mi. i,ert... rjffioTT w,, ,u, j,hi cmaie onice; chance tar i .. ment. M H57, Ledger Central: " ' flSk."218,Vea,TolSFr U0.Y,8 We ha ePlendld opportunitUi tw a good future; largo ofnee and InSS Cleel,.,r,:;..,'ranch 1"d"r' Bf l!AruNKTlltrrmi Victor Talking Machlns Co. hi! vacancies for Cabinetmakers Mnrhlna Pin... Double-end tenon machine operaten Boring machine operator! . , Iland Jolntera Double-head molder npsraten Flrat-class saw nleri Hand aandera Rubbers, oil and water Apprentice boa over IS Office boa. 10 years and ertr Window cieanera (whttt) t 48'hour-week schedule. Physical examination necessary. Awh Victor Talking .Mnchlne Co. Appllcitloi Ofnce. US Cooper it.. Camden. M, J. CABINETMAKERS Steady work: tmi', to competent men; no labor trouble!. Hone Cabinet Co.. Chrster. Pa. CARDER AND SPINNER wanted to t.k.V two seta Davis A Furber cards and ninVi follow on knitting yarns. Apply ha " 5Vpu .o . i,.fKr, est va. EFFICIENCY CLERK and office ITltna , waated; permanent position: good par; r . icih.tb. j. oiv, jjeuier umcr. ELECTRICAL Man wanted for central .tin. distribution system! must be exptrlnceil nign ana low tension overneaa use cowi tlont give age. experience and aslinr I pecieo f nn. i.cqger unice. ELECTRICAL Wanted, exnerlencea line foreman: must be exper. on hlxb 1 tension construction! give age, entrt and salary expected, i' ib. LagtT 1 DRIVERS wanted for barrel wagon: good mi 114 per week. Enterprise cooperari, and Delaware avea. nltlma. Rtn-rM mn.n In work In erdlT 4 of wholeenle drug house. P 108, Leajerll FIREMEN for Murphy stokers: none tot n.rl.n .n nH fttinlv. Krsnklla 1 Refining Co., Reed st. and Delaware Wnr I FREIGHT HANDLERS, white and coleral: and It. Co : ateady work: 25o per b Freight Ofllce. Front and Noble nour. III, HOhTI.ERS Wanted, 2 good hoitlerl. N. I., cor. l-nnfl tjoimnoia nve. ' HOUSEMAN, part of cri experleacea; ence; A 303. 'Ledger Ofllce. INSTRUMENT MAKERS. I37M to It IWT U hmii-ii' nntlnal lona anrl nPllltTl 4JTT 3Ji2 to 14: tool makers and micMnliu. I to in: ail Dasea on experience a" T'nlinp anA .1thn.lnn nnerator. 13119: molder. 13.76: skilled laborers, ''lollertitl 12.24; higher compensation wnen oa worK. Apply rranaioru raejit. -,- in a. m., on wording uy vt ."- uianKi. LA1IOKERS for road construction: M 49 f day of 8 hours; citizens. Apply FrioMorl lenal, 8 to 10 a. m. on working dan. "" Plication DianKs. i ,i,r,nci,u ..rhli. ntA pnUifl! alio uniiun..,, ..., ..w v.-. -. -, ..-, nanoiera waniea lor r. ,'h.i) J" "'j;. and board with company If deilred. Am N. 17th It. LEVER8 LACE card puncher wanted", atatlnc age, experience, wigei expeewt references. A 201. Ledger Office. MACHINE MEN We need you on our force: we teach J-ou without colt: J " permanent places with drawing account!"" In and talk It over: aik for Mr. McSUM Encyclopaedia Brltannlca Co., 13 Souta 1 cornervvainui, MACHINE HANDS (woodworking); miarw good wages to competent men: no troubles. Keygtone Cabinet Co.. Cbettff, r MACHINISTS wanted- or S roiliil capable of reading drawing!'. J7X aieaoy wora. Avuty msvm w..""" . Co.. laivern. i'a. MAN wanted with good voice and experltntilj giving publlo lecturei. Apply between 11 iz at ' . wtn ' TT. . .- . .11- ...... anA Mlllrt MJin vrameu 10 nerve iiiun ihuw -, r. security required. Wllli-Jonei Co.. Mil a 2flth it, MAN AND WIFE. cook: laundry out. Min..i Viaiirreur. beuff. nhnn.' Woodland MI'-J MEN AND WOMEN, wo have itrlctly AmtM. Knna.Ma -HUinaltlMI ffl, WhOll OT iFaBBl time' that If properly preiented and twggM ud avatemat cally cannot help but V9m reaulll A 20 I-ertaer office. MEN Wanted, bollermakeri, locoraotlMKM rhlnlala. rar renalr men. laborer!, loconaw, cleaneri. Penna. R. " ,'"" Fllbirt it iJ MULE SPINNER wanted. Asbestos Co.. Norrlstown. Apply" ABwn-l OFFICE ASSISTANT, about 18. acurati te edge of typewriting and bookkeeping. 2 to 4 p. m. or write J. Eavemon "i'-T! Delaware a. and Penn it., Camdia, p, OFFICE BOY wanted. Apply the Ognt Blabon Co.. near 21 at and Hunting Pilffl SALESMAN We require a man for 'M'jJJ J? highest grade office appliance on t laiJEj atralght salary; appearance. approacB. ij experience, accounting knowledge ate w; altei: consideration given .only to W J nllea containing a definite laltry "" A 227. Ledger Office. -- s SALESMAN, automobiles, experienced, t J" on Main Line west of City Line altojWg, nigh-class car, apienaia opponwinvi .- man. P 117. Ledger Office. -g SALESMAN An unusual onIK"',1'1"'',;,rt profitable and nermanent. for a al"JJS can prove he fiai been auccenful la V " wn.lr A fin, 1. ffflrfl. . SALESMEN Men of abillfy and outildi f a.nrl.na tn analal. nertnanent WOt ll.rl experience for ipecial. permanent worKiirj nectlon with "The Book of Knowledge imr f....,i.i,. ..,( anA aw tn man or lOlW ?; mA narannallr KflU r.a.nrlV la. IlUliaiOl or ifr ""r''"""""! WVW - - "' i".r",v'w r" ...nrf Colbert. SALKSMEN Do you really warn ",Lkw. you wllllna to work 6 days In tverr ww;-. rood pay from the atart on a Jfp".? wni give you w pert incoinwr - rp' over. W. k. II. W1kr.M22 Real Kit. Tr. li.. ....L.alln tniiTl WJ BALKSilEN Three for our aales oraanUatlon; promeus aiary u you quauiy. Appir iw Diet. Co., 720 Market st. W-t mMi M aaatiaa' fi ?' r Bl! f I T 'T -i- Tii.iI T ' I r-a"l"f"aVi lTaafak !sWiaaaaaa ".-' Ti.' I"' IMr i'' M aaaTaafaTaTaTaTaESSaSaafaTaTa'VVaBTaTaTaTJaBkaidia l-4k-2f a . -a. JaTasafcao H6S'' li " ' . , WKu M TltSlTJIXaafafafaafaf , .J!BfafafafafafafJ Bsal jl , 1- aJ2l2BMflK3BakbvLKBBSJixaKa?"-' . laT - ' ' rnaK4ab&BLSaBXWaa SSaaXeXexeaXaaxSnaattlS &laaUiytLxetflyilJ3SSxSxSxHB. UuiaaXsSxSxSSS fcjf7- '--aiMfrrTWliMLSJslMLP-aaKMnM r '----3-iMiwuiHtmMmtmaiiw