Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 08, 1917, Final, Image 15

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rjAxxixx .xTxxxn oxvjto JDJLl I JUJCiUrNAliiJ 1IN JUKHJAIVI
Dream Man Counts Out New York Star for Minne
( apolist, But Johnny's Sleeping Vision Breaks
Before He Can Leave Ring
glove," In the apologetic
i.rm Joli.i Tillman expefls to use
when he gently In! flrmly-crnshes fenny
tinnard'a ciiln with n right hand punch and
ndS tne Clever vtiiummiiu in. iiiw . -
wonted 1"P- Johnny Tlllmnn la going to
Hon Leonard? Of this we arc not so sure
and wouldn't ns much an wager a sou on
Johnny'" chances. Yet Tillman, who Is not
braggadocio by far, Is going to knock Mr.
Leonard as dead ns the proveiblal door
Jail Tillman ndmlts this himself wo don't
l-and far ho It from us to tell Johnny other
wine. H a" h0 "'"' m ' v,ow ,ft nlm
trove It Monday night he will tiave the
opportunity when a return mix between Till
man and Leonard Is stared at the Olympla
Tillman Is ft Rood sleeper, when he crawls
Into the hay, and seldom Is bothered by
irenms. But Johnny has been training and
working so faithfully for his Leonard con
...i (hat one night this week he enjoyed,
rather than was br.thered, by nn Imaginary j
ring battle "Johnny Tillman. In this cor-
nep ana Menu iimni. inn riRiin,
iind'erthe required weight. 13S pounds, ring
side" I' what rteferce Dream Man an
nounced. The belt rounded nnd then Till
man crossed n hefty right-hand punch to
I eonard's Jaw; Leonard dropped like a log
and after the "fatal ten,". Tillman helped
carry Denny to his comer. Leonard revived
after a few minutes, nnd, "Hope you
rmrdoned my glove," said Tlllmnn as Henny
feebly opened his eyes. While Leonard
looked around as If he was In n liar., Till
man started to leave-t)o ring amid thunder
ous npplause.nnd then
Johnny woke up.
Only a Dream
U was only a dream. It had been one of
the few Tillman ever enjoyed, and If we are
to belleo Tillman, the dream Is going to be
repeated really and truly Monday night
Ask Tillman and convln.'e yourself. Johnny
Is a believe In dreams; some. persoiiR t-ay
they come true, and so does Tillman, so
there you have a corking good tip on how
Monday night's contest will terminate; that
Is, If dreams come true.
Tillman has engaged In less than fifty
bouts, forty-six to be exact. His career In
the pastime of "wallop the other guy and
'try to make him miss" has extended over
a period of a few months more than four
jears. Johnny will tell you that he never
was beaten until his match with Henny
Leonard here, September 25 of last year.
This was JoVm'R first sctbnrk. ho declares,
and although he pleased Bonn spectators by
his wonderful bout on that night. Tillman
himself wasn't pleased or ratlsfled. Ilo
wanted another chance to wipe out the only
decision of opinion ngainst him, nnd now
that he I" to get It. Tlllmnn feels good, espe
cially after his dream.
Jtartli t! Henny l.eonaul. K, O.. I'lilla.
The above holdface line has been staring
Tillman In the face since his most enjoyable
eleeplng vision of a few nights ago, And
the line positively will appear in the an
nual 19 IS boxing records, says our very
confident Mr. Tillman.
Now Philadelphia Resident
Tillman Is a Ilohemlan nnd one of the
few If not the only Ilohemlan boxer In the
world. Born In Minneapolis October 11.
1893, quick calculation shows that he has
not reached his twenty-fourth birthday.
He was reared In Minneapolis, got the bene
fit of a gramnvr-flchool education and "did"
a term or two In high school, but now Till
man Is a rhiladclphlan. a true Philadelphia
cltlien and member of the Corley.C. C.
Johnny believes In all his travclR he neer
was accorded better Roort-rellowshlp than
here In the City of Brotherly Love, and the
Mlnneapollst hns decided to become "one of
When Tillman started his career as a
fighter-man he went off like a shot from a
forty-two centimeter. He hit Jlarry Brown,
Leo Stein and Kid Murphy nnd, respec
tively, each hit the floor In the third, sec
ond and fourth rounds. Then he went
along knocking down .and winning from all
opponents he had at home. His victories,
howeer, were known to Minneapolis fans
only; nobody 10" miles. from the city was
aware who Johnny Tillman was.
)cides to Travel
All boxers want the world to hear of
their gteat, accomplishments, and Johnny
Is one of the mob. So Minneapolis was
left behind and Tillman hied himself to
Duluth, whero he won three flfteeil-iound
bouts, and Johnny wan to go oh further
East, but the "coming champion;' re
turned home. He got homesick. Tillman
continued winning bouts, boxing at home.
Jumping now and then to Duluth, Hlbblng,
Minn., Superior, -Wis. ; Fan Clair, Wis.;
Hudson, Wis., and St. Paul, Minn., never
very far from his front (footstep ,
But still Tillman glimpsed er the east
ern papers for his boxing achievements in
aln. Finally, when March of 1910 rolled
by Tillman decided to step aboard n Pull
man eastward bound nnd he arrived In
Thllly the first week In April. Tillman,
with his alluring "scrapbook," kept by
every aspiring boxer, had little trouble get
ting on here.
Buck Fleming was Tillman's first foe In
. n .. 1 .A..nH.1 l.-nnV, ma nh.l
Scraps About Scrappers
Hobby Reynold is nil primed for hla return
ppe&rance In a Pht'idelplilu ring tonight, when
i palm off wll jack Dunleaiy In the alar
out at the llmauivuy Club. The "prodigal son"
nlihed hl weatvrii trip by ai'orlng ii two-round
nockdut. and ha aaya he la punching- harder
han eier, Hilly Hlnea and MucMea Itlley
hould make athard battle. Twu negroes, Hlatk
at Hradley and Young Lowrey, urn matched.
tarry Leonard boiea Hammy Walit and Kid
Slnt meets Mike Marks,
Tommy Lamcdon will ahow In the serond bout
01 hla "come-back" campaign tomorrow night
at the Cambria Club. He boiea Kddle Shannon
In the wind-up. All bouta billed are lightweight
numbers, in the aeml Joe Koons and Joe Phil
npa will be principals. Other bouta are Paul
jouock va. Tommy Carey nnd Denny Shannon
. Johnny Morgan.
nillr MrCarW la In Detroit, Mich., for the
"T0" of opening a club. It la aaid thatT tho
gama win be supervised by a local commission.
...K1J vHllams la the favorite for his fifteen
round match with Denny Kaufman In Ualtlmore.
I-WJ- ?ht "et at ll'l) pounds ringside,
MS the. victor depends on a referee's derision.
iV. has, been In Ualtlmore for several daya
"4 he will awing a towel for Jienny.
uShnn,r Wolgast, brother of Ad.-la suffering
Ith.paralyala of hla left aide aa a result of
:...r"nt.m"":h hre with Henry Ilauber. Wol
f 1 " 'V UD ,n Lancasti. and ha waa forced
io cancel several ngagemen(a,
il?dleJ',,,Dl ' routajor-rhlladelnhfa. fob
Jwln,,r.hl" -bout with Lao Johnson at Portland,
"aged featherweight; t
aTlfll?.m,'.?r"llK.h "opened the fymnaalum
Eleventh and Fltiwatar atresia.
..(iLfi'S01' deaplta hla recent Witness, showsd
tfc. .k form ln hl. match with Young Mulligan
I?,',,..? h"r . "a"- Mulligan la a tough, bard.
'?:"-;" youngaier. Meiaon'a lnnihtinr
ihui v.. :r "Tr ;. .-.:-'.-. ,,,. ,
laiaV i.J" ' wm- "uiuaan looks Ilka a prom.
lot- ladj as ha punchea hard, althojigh he has
Torn niVf '"v'"'" haa beon matched
M-?eh in on"' rthr of Mlka, at 8t,
outhKah,,,., oneiot '.V.9 hardest hitting
full h. J .,h? world, will have-his hands
Kut J (h h Vfk,! Johnny Mayo In the star
in (hi V Na1""' A. l on Saturday night.
Btanlat wR?. ?" Eddle' rllaalmona meets
tiiui' w"''- of Hetroli, while Tommy Llv
'ngston. m.els w Ilia Konl.r. of New York.
i Raitm?Jrwnlown, .,0' rat O'Mallay and Jack
fc 'tSSSSS Jf ln. Lh second bout, and tn the
,. SK'aing ConttSt JohnAy Karen hniea rnmmv
i. ' TT
M A TVT arprvna txtxttt t axt a Wt 7TT7
Evening Ledger IJccisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
,.,'','KXKI,ANI Phil Vlmln. knocked ont
ifi-. i,l?r"n- !?uf''l lri.li ldt.v n"; ,!
NKlV VnitKllm t'offrv Manned Snm
i.'n'r.'m'iieJin'i'. "'" """" ""
llin-III.F.IIKM, ! K.
thN city. and. like on his firs trip to the
post at home. Johnny romped away with
a flying start. Lddle McAndrcws then
wns met, followed by bouts with Joe Hirst
and young Jack O'Brien. And each time
'nij'nn showed how well he could box. The
Philadelphia fans proved, by their ovations
for Johnny, that they were glad to have
nlm among them And .lawn was mutual.
But he grew homesick. Just as he hnd In I)u-
nun. anil .Minneapolis beckoned to the boxer.
Hack home went Johnny, sorry to leave
nuiy anu overjoyed to get to his mother's '
nresiun again. For two months Tillman
made his vacation In Minneapolis, mixing in
flc bouts with his pleasure. Then Johnny
came back for his bout with Ionard ,and
proved himself the first boxer In Philadel
phia who Benny was unable to knock out.
knock down or badly defeat Tillman gave
Leonard his hardest battle In this city, nnd
Johnny added greatly to his already brll
llnt prestige'.
Also Hoses Dundee
While Philadelphia fans were praising
Tillman and his wonderful scrap against
Leonard a Duluth promoter made Tillman,
or rather the manager. Muggsy Taylor, a
tempting offer for a match with Johjiny
Salvatore. and Tillman decided to romp
West once mnr. Thnt's all. Just that one
bout, and then back to Phllly came Mr.
Tillman. .
On his last return here Tillman was
pitted ngainst Johnny Dundee and Buck
Fleming, and Johnny continued his bril
liant boxing The New York matchmakers
got.wlnd of the Mlnneapollst' ImpresRlve
work In the ,clty they call "Sleepy Town"
and sent out wires for him. Walter Mohr,
one of Hie toughest lightweights In the
game, was selected to cut short Tillman's
sensational splurge, but he was defented
decisively Then oung Brown was treated
by Tillman with the same stuff ten davs
later. Another trip West followed, but only
as tap as Columbus, O.. where Bryan
Downey, heralded as a great welterweight,
who three ulghta ago won from Jack Brit
ton. wns taken Into Tillman's enmp.
Now Johnny Tillman, on the strength of.
his bouts In Philadelphia and New York, Is
known to fltlc fans wherever the game Is
In evidence; Tillman Is satisfied. The big
Idea for Mr. Tillman at the present time
Is to pull on Henny Leonard his "1'ardon-the-glove"
apology next Monday night and
Johnny will be in his glory.
Do dreams come true? Walt Just four
more days and we shall see
O. lAIIBhlln
Moppe.1 urn .-(heeler, fifth) Vonn Mnhonev
lopped )oun llan.lf, fourlhi Inline "lusr.
-rum n Knorsru oni aiiiimj- .h Utnue. third,
of ' Alle.Jn. " """ Vn"'"t "'
Vl . '.,,. n
JBiv;gJCfjJ3U iiiClJb&rMUAijIiPJglA TBURSDAT MAKOH. 8,f ilTO.7 V ' : , -$
BHW W iJW- 'iMJ'a - SJ i t
Brilliant Bowling Is the
Feature of 12-Hour, 12-
Team Tourney
Rome high-class Individual tenpln smash
ing records marked th" finish of tho
twelve-hour two-men team endurance test
which was brought to a, successful con
clusion shortly nfter midnight on Keystone
Alleys In the presence of several hundred
enthusiasts Harrison nnd Charles Trucks
won, 'knocking down 6499 pins In tho
twenty-eight games. Harrison also regis
tered the best single game scoro of tho
matches, 2t" pins!
The standing of the contestants follow:
flampa pins
ks js r.inir
. . I'M M7:!
. . a- r.ain
. . hi :.:i:h
. . 'J Mil
. . L't M.ll!
. . ' WIIM
. . a :.i;n
. . lit r.o.tn
. . -' i:n
. 2" (Ml
. . US 4IOL1
I Hnrrlsnn and Cha rl Trucks lis
' Mooii and uniiry
ft Jonas nnd llnrrtnun
4 Mrhall and Itnilellfre. . .
r Muilor nml Hum
flick nml Jim (lnrt
7 Ptinvnn ami .Mnrl.nrhiau.
R Dallnn anil Prlealley
I PrU'ke anrt Anders
In Kllnn and Cliarlej, Wolfe.
II Karrcll and lllrdnnll
1" Una nnd Meyer
Close Untile Early
During tho, early part of the series. It
developed Into a battle between Dungnn
nnd MacLachlan nnd Muller nnd Burn. In
the early evening, however, when, with the
cliango In relays a
nil the cnnstnnt efforts
of the various partners who began to find
the 1 and 3 and t pnd 2 pins for strikes
and frequent spares, tho matches developed
Into n battle between the lending five teams
Then Harrison began to pull nhead and
".Southpaw" Bailey, who relieved Oeorgo
Flood, began to plln up big scores. Tom
Jones, too. showed to advantage and when
the final game, the 28th. began, less than
BO pins separated Marshall and Badcliffe.
who wero in second plnco from Jones nnd
Hoffman, who wero In fifth position at that
Prizes will be given the first four teams
In addition there Is a share In tiie prize
money for the high single-game score, which
also was won by Harrison, nnd there will be
n high average prljto for tho bent average
by cnnlentnntH rolling In 2-3 of the games
Itose, of the Itose and Meyer team, which
finished last, gave a splendid .exhibition of
endurance rolling In twenty-three games
He was not able to secure as many big
scores as his rivals, but stuck gamely to
his task.
HailclifTc Holls Well
Ttadcllffo was another expert who again
Sh'iwed his skill. He rolled a total of
twenty-one games, his best effort being 24C
Hla average for the twenty-one games was
lit.' pins. Iludcllffe knocked down a total
of 4017 pins and Marshall got 1201 In seven
games Itadcllffe's scores by games follow
160. 20.1. IDS. 200, 170, ISO. 17H. 211. 201.
186. 177. 246, 181. 201. 200. 192. 186. 201.
206. 189 and IM; total. 4047 MnrshnH'x
scores were lifi, 171, 197. 186, 195, 187.
180; total. 1291.
The winning scores of the victorious pair
show that Harrison rolled a total of twenty
games, toppling over nil aggregate score of
3948. and Trucks contributed ICfil In eight
games. The Individual scores were as fol
lows Harrison- U.S. 184, 201 163. 168
202 213. 224. 183, 205. 210. 216. 172. 191.
192 208. 217. 216. 19S and 2011. total 3948
Trucks- 222. 194, 221 197 187. 189. 191
147 total 1S51
Ii 1 1 In JU VaassssssssssssssssssssssE ' asssl RB ssB
llllH AHjHH
'..'', o -f .
, ' -au. J . . . : 1 i
l'hilly catcher on training trip, who
is a sick sea dog. .
Utiles Committee to Make Suggestions
for Changes at March lfi
EW VOlllf. March 8 K K Hall, chair
man of tho football rules committee, has
called n meeting of that bodv In this rlty
on Friday. March 16.
It waji first proposed to hold the meeting
hero on Friday of this week, but the lster
(Into proved more convenient for nil con
cerned. No chnnges of a basic nature are contem
plated, but n number or suggestions for
minor changes will be ninilo, and some, no
doubt, will be adopted '
Titleholders in Big
Scholastic Indoor Games
.-) nrd rtiih Mcltlngcr, t'enlnil.
.Vl-yard high hurdle llarron. Wct Phila
delphia. .'n-anl (lush Itodger. N'ortheat.
410-ynrd iluli Itodicr. N'ortheaot.
HRO.jnrd run oukel, Oermnntoun.
One-mile rnn Turner, V4r.t Philadelphia,
Tuo-iulle run Hnluli, Weal I'lilladelphla,
Nhnt-put I.ewU, Trade Hrbnol.
High Jump Vtll-onV IU.I Philadelphia
Hriiad Junip llodgerN. Xortheant.
now point wr.it k M'oiir.its
p 1 t tlB ' Jsa ri
1 I ' uj SL '"I
P. II. (!tn. S.l'.ll. W.lt N.K..t"kd. T...
f4--nrd dsali
A 0 3 I ! I)
.Mf-janl Jiunlle
n o a . o o n
2?l-'nrd daab
' II 3 I .1 0 0
f1lnrd run ,
, 3 I) I o 7 0 0
K.HI)-)ril run
:t ,. I O flu
One-mlln run
(I (I t 7 .1 (I 0
Two-mile run
II (I I) 1 3 10
13 II II i OK
HIkIi Jump
3 3-3 3-ft ft 3-ft 1 1-. II 0
llrond Jiniiii
3 0 H Hi i 1 on
2H H 3-A tl l-.l 3(1 l-T, I4 I A
sssssssssHl I
i)'L.ii' ,. .
- - " ..
T t
Close Fight for Track Title
With Central and North
east Rogers High Scorer
The prediction that West Phlladelp1ila.
Central High and Northeast High would
fight to n finish for tho Indoor track nnd
Held championships tltlo In tho seienth
annual meet proved true, with West Phila
delphia the uttlmato winner. It wns a
glorious victory for tho schoolboys sporting
the Orange nnd Blue. It was the first tlmo
Central has been denied the Indoor title In
fourteen years.
It must have been an exciting event for
(ho official scorer. Schoolboys who started
a scoring sheet managed to keep up with tho
count until the meet was nenrly hnlf over
and then West Philadelphia and Central
High wero tied with fifteen points each.
Northeast High did not een loom danger
ous. But some fle 'events were still to be
decided and then came the scores In rapid
Northeast High suddenly loomed up n a
dangerous contender. Central High nnd
West Philadelphia were battling for every
point and the final event, the iunrter-mlln
dash, meant victory or defeat for Central,
Northeast and West Philadelphia. As the
Speed Hoys mndo It. and as tho order of tho
finish favored them, II brought victor' to
the school at Forty-eighth nnd Walnut
Few I'ointH Separate Teams
The first three teams to finish, the favor
ites, all had very fine "cores. West Phila
delphia won with a total of .10 1-5 points,
only two more than the total made by
Northeast High. Central High finished
with twenty-six points A tlrsl plnco would
have turned victory one wnv or another
More thnn half of the Northeast total was
made by one runner. Cnplaln Dewey Itogers
Ho was first In the 220-yard tlnsh. ho won
the quarter mile nnd he was winner of the
standing broad Jump Captain Melllnger
performed splendidly for Central High nnd
was second high Individual point scoter. Ho
captured the 60-yard dnsh. was third In the
220-yard dash nnd waa second In the stand
ing broad Jump
Two Records Are Shattered
Two records were shattered, the first
when Hogers won the 220-yard dash In
23 4-5 seconds and the second when Lewis,
of the Philadelphia Trades School, took
first Place In the shot-put with a heave or
II feet 7'n Inchrs One record was
equaled when ,11m Turner, of the West
Philadelphia High ScIikoI. was first over the
line in 4 minutes and 52 seconds.
Manv times records were approached,
and It 'was thought that new marks would
be made Rogers should have lowered the
iiuarter-mllo-dash record Walsh, of West
Philadelphia, would probably have won the
two-mile In record tlmo Instead of 2 min
utes, II seconds If he had started his sprint
llnlsh early In the race.
Wilson, the West Philadelphia High
Jumper, only had an Inch more to clenr
and he would have hung up a new record
III the high-Jump event.
Went Phllailelphla won without IteukntifT.
Coach Iteuben T. Shaw and Coach Hetbert
Hughes had every reason to be prnuil of
their point winners Krler. -Qulim. Pear
son, Turner. Walsh. Wilson, Sleadem.
Friedman. I'ncU. Pearson and Brown all
helied In doing their share to bring home
the victory
H I 1 ti trltjZij
Vy -rvwf
Ball Player Uncovers Summer I)uds Too Far FroniJ
Equator While Skudding on Bounding Main. "$
o 1 T7: T 1 TT a n m it J
ouuiis juii&iiit: -t.uuni
Ki-enfnf- l.rtlorr Ifnr' Corrc-ponrfrnt With PMli ox Trnlalao Trip
CHAHU'STON. S. C. March 8.
FTI'll two long days on the high seas,
th" Journey being monotonous because
of the absence of hostile submarines, eight
working employes of the Philadelphia base,
ball club, accompanied by Manager Pat
Motan, Hill Shettsllne nnd a quartet of
scribes, took shore lea-e In thl city today.
The players welcomed the chanre to stretch
their legs nnd added consldeiably to the
truffle on the crowded streets Only four
bonis were epent here, but every moment
was taken up. The good ship .Mohawk took
on some mote freight and a few passengers
and then departed for Jacksonville, where
alio will dock some time tomorrow morning.
The tilp thus fni has been uneventful,
with only otio social error chalked up
against tho athletes Hill Killefer was the
guilty petwin and did all of the suffering
In silence. Hill left his homo In Pawpaw,
Mich, with Instructions lo go Mjutli. where
the weather Is warm to tune up a trifle for
tho coming campaign Ho made extensive
prepartlon. but got his signals croed on
tho first day
Defies the Element i
Instead of waiting until we got a few
hundred miles nearer the equator, the Michi
gan backstop grew Impatient nnd nppeared
on deck as the ship wns -.teaming mil of
New York harbor dad in the latest sum
mer apparel, low shoes, no overcoat nnd
everything. This make-up would havo been
a huge success were II not for the fact that
the temperature was flirting Vlth 7.ero and a
strong,, bitterly cold wind cut across the
deck. That sent Dill to the engineroom.
where he remained until last night
Thet he beraiiM- n sincere, patriotic and
highly enthusiastic victim of seasickness
and took the count until we tied up to the
dock IhlH morning mil is having a swell
tlmo on tho trip
Outside of Klllefer's misfortunes, every
thing Is lovely. The trip has been nn en
Joynble one, ns the sea was as smooth as
glass and the weather could not be Im
pioved upon. Tliero Is no cold weather here,
nnd it is Said by experts that It will get
warmer when wo get farther south
Pat Moran has mapped out a strenuous
program for his hltellngs and will begin
w:nrk early Saturday morning. Two prac
llces i) day will be held and there will be
no lay-oft on Sunday. For one week thl
tw, i-a-day wtulT will be put on, and then a
few games will he played between the reg
ulais nnd the y.intgan An effort will be
made to arrange a game In Tampa with a
Cuban team, but It is not known whether or
not this can be done
No Hnnd-Crenadc Stuff
There Is one thing certain, however, and
lhat Is tbeie will be little or no military
drill in Coffee Pot Park Pat Moran can
not figure how the throwing of hand gren
ades will Improve the sajary wings of Al
esnnder. Maver. Lavender and tho others,
so there will he no throwing of those
weapons If the other plnyeis havo a de
sne to shoulder the muket and try soldier
ing on the Minnie nfter the dally practices,
thev can go us far as Ihe'y like
The other pari of the squad Is expected
To Murad Smokers
We have in our American
warehouses the largest supply
of Turkish tobaccos in the
Murads are made from specially se
lected importations of these pure old
Turkish tobaccos.
Remember that pure Turkish tobaccos
improve with age.
Each individual cigarette in every
package of Murad is guaranteed 100
Pure Turkish Tobacco.
illillll snail
Pll''ill III III
l iW. I UUh
'"" ' E
.naving- oweii Trip .$
to greet the seadogs and Killefer when thjf"i
arrive in nt, reiersnurg tomorrow. ;,.
Manager Moran does not know who MJ
r .'" wm
be there, but hopes that all of th tnl-Ortf 'wl
ones win ne on hand. Only three hod-t,.t
are on tne list, hut they are expected to j?
emtio (hrnllffh (n n il,n,, (In. -ff-uu ..a .
,.",. ""-.-L-.'A ' . """" "..'."" " "'' OX
oim-n, niiicu ana Aienorr. ua.vyr
Cravath. so far aa la knnvL'n tior Umm haI
yet signed a contract, but ho has accepted $
President Baker's terms, which Is jut M '!
koou. t
. .1-1. ..- A -. ... ...
nine mr two simon pure, eignteen- , ' i;j
C.irat rOOkleS With III Itairrmr-tv an In.l M
fielder from the semlpro ranksj In Brook "
lyn. nnd Luti, another semlpro, who per
formed In New London. Ont.. last vea,1.
The others nre Alexander. Killefer, Burni,
Pnskert, Mayer and BUI Fish,
Beats Out Joe. Kelly in New York
Versus Philadelphia
rienrRe Clark wont a very fine match of
the luierstnte pocket billiard championship
from .loo Kelly at midnight by the score
of 125 to SB. He had a high run of 24
ngainst the other's 2fi. Tonight Green
leaf and Clark will play at 8 o'clock and
tJreenleaf nnd Kelly play at midnight.
The scote by frames follows:
rlflnvn. f-l..l. .1 B i . . . .
IS 10 12 12 S 5 1113 i 6 41
ISO UrnlAhA. C lliU n, &V
" .--..., v.. vn, u. IIIKII TUN, 1,
.toe Kellly I 0 G 14 I" II 1
4 2 2 5 9 10 13 14 n :00.
Scratches, 4. High run, 26.
Harry n. K. Davis, of California, will
In the future mal.- Philadelphia his horn
and ln all likelihood Join the new rtne
Valley Country Club. Davis . will be
valuable addition tn the Lesley Cup team.,
valuable addition to the Lesley Cup team.
Davis Is said to bo the longest drtrer play
Ing golf In this country
BOSTON. .March S. With the receipt of
the sfsrned i-nnlmri nf nini,ni - ?.....,
first baseman of the world's champion Boa- mSS
ton Americans. Secretary .lnhn T.r.. ..i. 'VArAil
that the last principal holdout amonr the
players had fallen Into line. Hoblltiell.
who received JBC00 laM year, wan dluat
lslled with a cut of 1600 In thin vr.
but signed at J5000, it Is understood. Hoop-
er. Lewis, Leonard, Foster, Mays and Qrere x"3)
aro still unsigned
Captain of Harvard Seven 111 (
CAMRrtlDO-. Mass.. March 8. J. K. P
Moraan, captain and cover point nf Harvard'.
S'.'ii."'""' '' ,n ,he coll'' tnlrmarV wltS
llll II 1 1
W.AfvarrAn r- -'- - .-..
liii ...iiiijii
snisMuu xli..- L- i..
... "J a, i y '11.,,.'',
V'rt , "
t .tJH.r, ju't. " XaBM