WMi''Vlft e i&tiW-4' i'' z7mpf!er- f i EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1017 JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Concert Planned by-Alumnae of Vassal- College. British Bazaar Has Many Plans for Success. Amusing- Farce to Be Given Soon f A NUMBER of collppo women, that ti, those- of Vinnr, nre crcitly lntr-retr-1 In X the concert which will Iip held by thn Vnir Aliimmr- of thn rll Thli vlll b9 the third entertainment Riven hero to rild In rnlMriR the mllllem-ilollnr endow pent fund to which they lme pledced thctmplvri Tim nlnlt nt tho recitnl will b Madam Julia Culp, and Bho will tin lutnmpnnlr-el l. Mr rnnrnd Hnl. Th" concert will bo given nt thn Academ of Muilr on Tiimtl-iv Mnr. h '.o nt 1 o , In, k Among thoso who lmvo taken botet nre Mi nod Mri sii.m i mtr,n Mr Walter J. Freeman, Mrs Alba Johnnn, Mri llnrntil l,rtn trs Ttie i ro t.eivvii. v Georo Uurnham, Jr . Mrs. Henry Wood and Mr Charloi Day. Tho executive committee, under whoso auspices tho con cert ha been plinncd and car ried out Includoi Mrs J r. Ferguson president, Miss Mar jorle MeCov, lco president Jllss Helen D. White, prcretarj end treasurer, Miss Hdlth Cham bum, assistant urcietiry, nnd Mrs. Robert J Clothier, who Is rhalrrmn of tho endowment fund PLANS for tho British So cletles' liizaar nro rapidU belntf assembled, and seldom hate I known of a more enei getle fot of women and mm than those tolling ct iipIpiiIv for the success nf thn IiIk tiffim Kaon one Feems to bn ta-tu r; moro thin n peisonal interest In tho airanRement of details end I nm lonhlnif for a splendid Amy of BUiprlslns ftvjtmis when the doors of Ilortie ulturil Hall are opened tho list of tins month The list of pitronPMpi Is re markable for Its fim!it and quintltj To pubMsh them ml would requlro a flo. co amount of spire ns them nro alio t thlrtv different fcotletloi lepre rented I'tIi orKanl7.itlon tins Its own commute, o nnd llt of cfllcers so ou see what a hei eulein tisk It would be Am ms those on the ceneinl reimmittee nre Thorn is 1" Ualril, Mts John Cadwaladei Mrs John fndw.il iider Ir Miss Ida Cushtmn Charles 1! Dunn. Mis. Chain el lor C Knsllsh, Mrs Henrv Mil dleton risher. John Grlbbel Mi K Uuid Ciubb Di Iloheit I. Grav, Mrs J K Hutehlnson Mrs Norman Jackson, Mis Alba I? Johnson. Kobert I.pvvIh Mrs Arthur II Iea, I2dK.ii Lewis, of Hethlehein, Colowl John C Muckle, tho Hev. An drew Mutch, Mir Georgo Mc Clellan, Thomas McKean, Mis. John Hownid Mrfndden, Harold l'elrce Hlshop Hhlnel.indtr, Rob ert 12 Straw bridge, Walter t-cott, of New York; Adam l'lndel, Mrs William Cmv Warden, Mrs Chnrles Wheeler, Albert Wilby nnd Samuel 1'ilco Wethcrlll. The Renernl ofllcers of tho bamm nro Ceorgo It Stewart rhaliman, John A Frost, lco chairman, I'redorlck I'reston, treasurer, and Robert Kordj ce, secretary. HOWARD SIinM.HYS new comed , I understand, will soon bo produced ftt the Uttlu Thcitie, and I nm told that It will be of unusual Interest to local nnd New ork society, especially those sets which bail! back to Colonial nnd Reo lutlonar periods It Is culled "Tho Famll Tree." nnd relates In nn amusing way tho trials and troubles of women who trj to gain ndmlttnnco to tho Colo nial Damts of Ameilca, tho Daughters of tho American Reolutlon and klndied tocletles by means of Illustrious pcdlgiecs The genealogists of theso organizations often d!scoer flaws In eertnln pedigrees, , you know, homo of tho lnnccurncles being Intentional, while others nre mistakes From such occurrences nmusing situa tions nilse. It Is lelnted that ono proud matron of n certain town wns prostrated for a week when ho learned that ono of her ancestors had been a chimney sweep In England I'e been told that a cer tain well Known society woman whoso name has long been Identified with tho careers of several genealogical organiza tions supplied Mr Shelley with seernl ridiculous nneedotes which havo been in corporated into tho piny. MR. WAITKR GHORGC SMITH Intro duced tho speaker nt tho second Lenten lecture, which was glen yes terday afternoon nt tho Iattlo Thea tre, and n largo nnd representative nudlenco heard tho Rev. William Hem mjck, vlco rector of tho Newman Bchool, nt Hackcnsnck, X. J , de liver a most Interesting talk on rather Damlen. Tho subject was especially adapted for Ient, as It was rcpleto with Incidents of self-immolation, and tho do luent clergyman led up to tho self Im posed martyrdom of ono of the noblo wen who gavo his llfo for tho benefit of the leper colony with magnificent effect. Many in tho audience wcro visibly ffected. It was the second lecture given tinder tho auspices of the Ladles of Char ity associated with the St. Vincent do Paul Society. Tho third will bo ghen Wednesday afternoon ncoct, when the speaker will be Bishop Currier, the tltlo of whose talk will bo "From tho Amnzon to the Orinoco." NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr and Mrs Trancls Hills MacOrnth, Jf Chestnut Hill, have Issued Invitations for a dance at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club on Friday April 11, at 8 o clock, for Miss Annetta Lee MacGrnth;. Mrs Phnrlen rrnni.U Tlanhmnn nt lAlfi locust street, will gle a bridge on Wed nesday of next week. Mrs. H n Ryan, wife' of ray Director I'm Uan u R N'" of tno NovV Ynrd' will entertain nt bridge on Tuesday of next week. Mrs. Francis Ilradley. of Fox nnd Coul r streets, Oermantown, will entertain at luncheon and auction today in honor of 'r Alva C. Dinkey. The other nuests will be Mrs, George Satterthwalte, Mrs lre Wllmer, Mrs. Kdwln I Atlee, Mrs lnch, of Pittsburgh, who la tho guest of ill ninkey; Mra. Harry Schotter, Mrs "aao W. Jeanes and Mrs. Ward, Ti??"' JYIlllam C. Hullltt, of "Oxmoor." iJevon. has con tn pim nih -n-in t Wend this month. ' ,' IflHi T.AM.I- T .... M .It. .- -.. It" fc -. "n" nreiiw omun, qi etrsnora, lli, Sf,Je,turne "ra Washington, whew she ..iMi umwilll, tMM, ITU J- "g!H ? ''fWaP r ' i I i l l'l rio i r iftern MISS IITHKL RUnm:ROV tlauRhtcr of Mr. nnd Mis. A. L. Rud tlt'iow, of 112 St. .lames place1, Mci chantvillo, N .1. Mi's Ruildcrmv is wt'iiririK tho frotk in which she acted as biitlesmaid at tho marnnfrc of her sister to Mr. Harrv II. Thomas Inst month. cut treet will entertain nt tea on Monday to meet Miss Wi Ir Mlsi Molly Thaver. of rhestnut Hill re turned jesterday from a short trip to Atlan tic ft . Mrs William H Ponner of .",45 South 1 Ishtecnth street tetiirned esterdav from Atlantic Pity, where she has been for fo eral das Miss Allen Jnnnev nnd her sister. Miss Met! lanney, debutante daUBhters of Mr nnd Mrs Joseph Jnnney, .Ir, of Chestnut Hill ulll return nt the end of the week from Wellington, where they attended tho In ntiRuratlon of President Wilson Mr nnd Mrs I'rnnels I rionen and Miss M.nianni tiouen of Chestnut Hill ulll re turn on Katurda fion Palm Reach where they Imxe been spend nB part of the win ter Mrs I'rmeolH de St Phnlle and her rhll dren, of Hlkltis Park bine left for Atlantic Citv wlxre the will spend Borne tlmo Mrs de St Phnlle's mother Mrs Theodore Voorhees Is also stopping' at Atlantic City The llaroness inn Killer nf Hlldron, Old York road, Ocontz t 'turned last week from riorlda, whete she spent a fortnight Mr and Mrs William V Moore of York road and Spilni; nenue 1.11:1ns Park, ae comp inled In Mt and Mis William Hreud Inp;, nlso of i:iMns pin It left for California Inst week, wheio the will spend some tlrnc Reforo returning home thtv will lslt the plates of Interest through the Wct. Mrs, TMunrd V ICuie. of 7Jr, Lincoln drlo, flermantown hpent Tuesday In Ril tlinorn lsltlng btr ditughtir Miss Audny Kane who Is stuihlng to bo a trained nurso in Johns Hopkins Jlnspllnl Miss Doiothy McCormlelc of Hlklns Tark. has Issued Imltntlons for a bridgo on Satur day nt 2 10 otloik, In honor of Mlf,s Helen Holllnshead whose enKnBcment to Mr Ilar ton II Quirk, of llatboro, was recently announced Mrs Arthur Jenkins, of Wvncoto road, Jcnklntown, has Issued lnltatlons for two bridge parties to bo held at her homo Tho first is to tak place on Wednesday, March 14, and the eccond on Thursday March 1G, at 2 30 o clock , A brldgo and "BOO" will bo hld at the Old York Road Country Club on Saturday oenlng Thoso In charge will bo Mr nnd Mrs Trank Chesternmn, Mr and Mrs II. r. Pent Mr nnd Mrs W A Smith On Thurs day March H,. a dinner and danco will bn held at the club at 7 30 o'clock, which will bo In cliargo of Mr nnd Mrs II I. Khrlgley, Mi nnd Mrs M D. Robinson nnd Mr. nnd Mrs Paul H Woll, nnd on Saturday, March 31, an elimination danco will bo held, which will bo In charge of Mr nnd Mrs Henry I, Thompson, Miss Helen Matthew nnd Mr William Iluck. Mrs Hdwnrd Rolter has returned to Chi cngo after spending a fortnight with Mrs Han H Khnhle, of the Mnrljn, at Fortieth and Walnut streots Mr nnd Mrs Robert Rankin, nf I-odsres lane, Cnwjd will leae for Pekln, China, today Mrs Rankin Is tho daughter of Mr and .Mrs S W Scottof Cjnyd Mr nnd Mrs II Goldberg announco tho engagement of their daughter. Miss Anna I. Goldberg, to Mr Myer Plotntek", of Lnn caster, Pa Tho members of tho Dolta Gamma Sigma Society gave a luncheon followed by a theatre party last week Thoso present were Miss Alice Patterson Miss Prances Acry, Miss Kllmbcth Quln, Mlfes Nellie Cody. Miss IMna M Clark, Miss Helen K Clark, Miss Uelyn C King Miss Catharine r Casnct and Mrs Krnest Clnnton Mr and Mrs Georgo Gormley, of 727 Lincoln Drle, Germantown, hao Bonn to Florida for several weeks Miss Helen Gormley, who has been lsltlng friends In Nashville, Tenn.. returned yesterday nnd was the guest of Mr and Mrs. Rltner Walling. Mrs Frederick Jost, of 1?01 Pine street, will be at home this afternoon after 4 o'clock. No cards have been sent out. Th twentieth annual Purlm ball will b .' alvsa ieltat la MfrfMntU Hall, Broad and Master streets for the benefit of religious work Mr nnd Mrs Robert M Flnborg will art as master and mistress of ceremonies, nnd tho rntlllon wjli bo danced by the fol lowing girls nnd tnrn Miss .lulln SIAerninn Mlrs Ilo-" Rnhtno wits, Miss Rcba Haber Miss rjnldlo cllns burg Miss Mnlba 1 Mlsn Helen Apfil bauin .Miss Mlmitn WIihcii, MIh Helen Mnier Miss Hndlo Castor Mis 1 fther Malls, M's Martha Hnlpern, Miss Ulidlo I.nng Miss Tann'o Pnriiinn Miss Anna Itnninberg Miss Alien Itlhele Mls llmi llonneni Mr Alfred Abrahams Mr Mi rrls lrgber Mr Joseph Agg'r Mr llnrr Hess l"r, Mr .Inrob Toll, Mr M ivw II do Kuli, Mr Hdward Apfellntnn Mr r"hester Oait ner Mr Samuel Mnerman Mr Mm v ' npnn Mr llirtratn (Inrfunkle Mr ln, iiii t atig Mr iieorgi' Wctnroth, Mr VI rnhani Hnlpern Pr Henjam'n Melman Mr Ahmii Ilrentm.in anil Mr Herman Miller Tho dnncc will be preceded bv a enncert and supjier will be s'red at midn'ght Mr and Mrs John CaMn Wlscner nre rerening mngratulatlnns upon the birth of a di iclifr en February 2 Mrs Warren II Grubb nf 53" N'nrtlt T't o, ond strtet entertnlned nt sen to ur,k Her gue'ts Inrluded Mrs r t tturtner Mrs Louis J nint'er M Vi Hi nn Peientiv Mrs Wnlter S chlt h Mil I'hnrles T n Itrlen Mrs It I I . Mixuell and Mls Meagher The Mlses Leonard, nf 8429 Writ Mle gh. n iiMinie nnd Mr Wllllnm II 1 itr'i-k ' 'r f lliirrlsbtirg entertnlnod nt ml" , -i weei In honor nf thtir i.' u m Mi ' 1 1 n mil Johnson of H mtli lnKn,i nrd r rni"il nf this city HwllIiK t" Mr 1 ihn ii rrivnt return (mm thi hord, r win re i h srrved In the hnspltnl mrps ii id up f He 'J mill imhrtta Mining H, h-"1 tu.ltn the ronr si'hetne unci dicirntinn wr. , tr rled nut it patriotic cn,,r ami null n The guits Included M s t'urtriilc I I i r MIsm l.urllc Shannon Miss ue ,-t',r 1 M"tton Ml- Mm II ill Mls Mir in I i ti her Mi lr i M in Viiti k I Walls Mr M r, Mli mil Mi s Vc lie II utinan M v ,r. Heiff erinnc- Mr i I, Miitntt Mi I nnk K IImIc Mt i i in i , it,, tt , hi Mr I ' i i lenn uw Mr ' , Nnlin Mi pir Pitt, ills Mr 1 it Ui I! i i nlngs and Mi Ii irl, - It n Mr lli M ltur I i tnnl i'i I n BRIDE, ONLY THIRTEEN, MUST ATTEND SCHOOL r.-i'-ton Aiithoritios Quote Cntlo to Show Jin, Trapini Xooda Two Years' Instruction i -l i Pa Mnr, h nceln Trnplnl u has been nntitl 1 I. Attemlnii'-e I Helms "f the Hilton Si liool IMs- liil he must send his rhlld-hrlde to Tr Trnplnl who formerl) wns idle Merlo eHImn to he fifteen enrs 1 1 it neonrdlntt to a st He nent in ide In i i i nts to the school authority s before i n in luge she wa liorti Jult 4 I'iOI If lifltr Ktntement he true the irlrl Is nr.t ,t f urteen Trnplnl nnd the girl were Minim! November 7 Inst venr The girl wis then attendlnjf n pirochlnl school llnth Trnplnl nnd the girl pnrents thought her sihooldnvs encleit w-lth her tnnrrlnge but Attendance tilllicr Helms holds to tho con trarv After bis attention was called ti the case and he hud examined the school code he decided the voung wmiinn shouid gi to n hool until jhe is sixteen vears old The only wnv tbn'l she could escape regular nt tendance snvs Mrs Helms would be for her to obtain an cmplovinent certllhnte nut even In that event she would havo to attend a contlnuat'on school However the girl was not sullli lentlv advanced In the parochial school t i nalik In r to obtain an mplovmmt nitltli it' Hun fore she will have to attend ti regulnr honl The school authorities are inMig on tin nisimiption that Mrs Trapini N onlv thirteen venrs old lli') inn (I i nothing but reipilre her to attend sclmi I Pi tpliu in i t, st the i nse the first of its I Ind in ie-i rd in this Stato CURTIS WINNERS END INAUGURATION TOUR HERE Soven Ilnys Hcncfltctl by Publtshinp; Company Awards, Viaititig Coun tty's Ilistoricnl Spots Seven pleased v oungters nnd their par ents who wmi the Inaugural trip contest of tho Curtis publishing Company and spent several dnvs In Washington In con dition with the Inauguration ceremonies renched Philadelphia toduv on the com hid ing pint of it trip as tho guests of the Curtis Company Some of the contest winners enmo from as fur west as rirnnha Neb and all trav eled more than lean miles each before thtv iirnved In Washington While thero they visited l'ort Mever Georgetown Aillngton Mt Veinon and tho public buildings in Washington Today thev will be show u through the Curtis Ilullding, Independi nm Hall the Iletsy Ross Houso and other his. tnrlial plans l'or months tho bovs were competing for thn privlltge of going to thn Inauguration Tli'-lr sabs of Curtis publications i embed high figures i:nili of tho bovs was per mitted to tnke Ids father or mother on thn trip ,tises being paid bv tho CurtlH Publishing Company Thoso who made the trip are D L Diamond Omnhn N'i b Hugh Schurtz, Demlng N M : Rotnld Field Palo Alto Cal ; Arnold Schultx Webster city la , Inko. Gullitt I.awtnn Okla , Randall Canfield Vngales Arir , nnd King Kllson Oshkoslt Wis jiulk's kar rs Ri:PLACi:n SurRCon Saves Auricular AppendnRO of Valuable Mino Animal Thn enr of a valuable mulo of tho Ttel mont Coal Company has been saved While being worked In thn mine a llvo wire enmo In contact with ;!io mule's ear and burned It off elns to tho head I)r V II Stevens was summoned, and he sowed tho ear back on the mulo's bend Tho operation was successful nnd tho mutn will not bn dls flgurod A WITNESS FOR CoiyrUat- XJto rubllablnc t'ripU til II U AS THE SUCCESSFUL cut ere ; 'si. "7 c i-4 t-ri'f or (he dilate is sett 'co r i s ) f V vr "" e V7 r '-..- W 'i - & .& f. I'uiii sliln AKTKUNOOX OP I'HOIMN WITH CAHUILOWITSni , riui Pianists' Poet I aureate? nnd tho KinfC of Polish ( omposprs in Combination Osslp Oohrllovvltsch riupin recital ves terdav must be npprnaibed In review with tho same reverence that the poet laureate of Russian plnntsts nppronche the King of Polish composers In Interpretation It was a recitnl not unblemished tei hnlcnlly, nnd the program curlouslv built from tho air earthvvnrd vvaH tint pirfnt Itut It had great music and great plnvlng In It only n mini born In the North can measure the told IntoNiintlnn of n northern composer That Is why Mr c.abrllowltsch lould splice twbe as mnnv kis faultily as he hns sometlmis donni nnd r,tmln to dnto tho supremo exponent of Chopin Thn aicord between the (labrllowltsch mind and the I'hnp'n mind Is something more than a hnppy nccident or "scholnrlv attack,' or UUletudn nf manner nnd mood In music lomract of ' honev -benrted pnln ' the pain must not tie tmi nrtliulatn or thn lione is diluted Gnbrllowltsch Is never nn bvsterlc He never dilutes Ills recital nciitelv and ngreeably bal anced tho conventional ( hopm with the less known one Thero was the ballade In A tint majnt sounding nh, so different from what It has done under thn lingers nf other planlstn this season a matter of tempo. In whlih Mr Gnbrllowlttwh Is unusnnllv but not llctntlnuslf, fno Them wan tho sonata of the Funeral March turned Into n slnfonletta of tav Ishlngly contrasted i mo tlotis nnd ending with the Rnft murmur of lliepristo nthiallingjj plnved Tlmo were .IX pri Pules little esaj-3 In tremulous light i ml hluidow as delliato an dew nnd suto ns lightning .Noi turne mazurka hi lit nn lin y nil follow id ond thev all charmed Hut none of thuso tine final things unite tout lied the hidden polgnnni of tho tlrst sution of the program This comprised the Imiiioital i: major etude hesltnnt and spiritual with Its sense of i .itlnitr.il gloom and siicbb n radiance from roso windows pedaled with ns much subtletv ns It was (Ingerul the fantaslo impromptu racing and leaping in Its spirit of Jov that Is nn othtr nnmo for wilfulness and tho ellln danco measures of another etude Thero were, too judiciously administered encores from Chopinlnn.a tlnvorid lo tho full with poetr nnd sadness and thn pnhslnn of lovn und made vocal bv tho nrtlsi Lot It bo suld ngnlu that this artist Is now our bu pienie prophet of this composer Gnbriln vvltsih nnd Chopin spell fitness and beautv as Minlv as do in different wavs, Grainger und fiileg or .elslir nnd Tschalkowsnv II I). HOY SCOUT HERO TO RECEIVE MEDAL Thero is a thlrteen-v ear-old boy in Phila delphia today who does not know that at tho Impressive awards of decorations by tho Philadelphia Hoy Scout Couit of Honor tonight ho will rceelva the first medal of 1 nnor to bo granted n Hoy Scout of this city by the National Court of Honor for saving another boy from drowning Sh ' His tnmo must not bo mentioned, for tho presentation is intendtd ns a sur prise for him Hoy Scout officials aro guaidlng his nnmo jcalouslv Tho cenmony of nwnrds, which Is held four times a jenr will tnlto place in Court of Common Pleas tonight at 8 o clock Ono civ In hcoutlng badge, eleven llfo and star hndgej and olghtv-llve merit badges for pro ficiency In various branches of hcnuting will bn awarded by tho court, tho memtors of which will bo clad In judicial robes Judge William Wllklns Cnrr will deliver tho address to tho scouts Tin. members of tho Court of Honor are Assistant District Attorney Chnrles IMwln Fox Dr Charles D Hart Georgo Sponcor Morris Samuel G Friedman and Hdg.ar n Howard Tho ceremony Is open to the public THE DEFENSE Compui.' lUprlntea bjr tptelat arriaciaat. A1 SS.5rtfV I SS-V-?f i rsmi k vi i vzx. "- t j a essesrKA f '-jlRffi? LAWYER APPEARS -Itew r J Jc ctefeatz l-rtZST-l vs '? "Pts -d to it 7iKCi. lomrany Itrpri p iil nrrnnpi-nc til SCHMIDT TRIO DELIGHTS IN CONCERT FOR CHARITY Novel Program C'nvcn for Hcnofit of Evcnini Hnrno nnd Library Association The concert for the benefit of the Evening Homo nnd I.lhtarv Association of which I.avton llartol Register of the Philadelphia bar, Is secretary, given last ovenlng In thn New Century Drawing Rooms was an ar tistic nnd snclnl success For tho first ele ment them was thn admlrab'o Schmidt (Junrtet. musicians tried and neiep found wanting in mnnv previous concerts in this citv and Arthur Howell Wilson a voung Philadelphia pianist nnd composer who was the soloist with tho Philadelphia On hestra nt a number of its supplementary mncerts when ho wns ntlll i student nt thn I nivei sltv nf i'entisvlvanla Fnr thn second thero was n I t of patronesses of social prestlgn and philanthropic Inclination who nro keenlv Interested in tho linn work undertaken bj thn association The Institution nt South Vnn Pelt street Is designed to keep bovs nlf the Btreet The managers of the house state that recreation and friendship are not luMiries but net essl. ties to the growing bov The aim of the Hvening Homo Is to provldn them to bnjs who would otherwise be on thn streets Various classes tn manual training and gvrnnaslum help to make useful nnd liealtbv citizens Tills work Is supported bv volun- tiry contributions of funds nnd tlmo nnd affairs such as last evenings concert The program was ono of artistic unity and value and not thn polvglnt nnd mil celinneous hodge-podge usual nt such af fairs The trio composed of Fmll F Sihmldt violin ; William A Schmidt violon cello nnd Joseph W Clarke, pianist tom prlscs two of the string choir of thn Phila delphia tin hestra who also are one-half of tho Schmidt Clumber Music Quartet nnd one of thn best known of tho local accom panists Trios nro nf Infrequent performance In this tltv nnd It wns a pleasure and a profit to hear such a skilled organization glvo Rubinstein's No 3 In It major, opus r,3 runsKv s in I minor opus 1. and Srhutt n Walt7er Mnrchen opus St The two formal trios were distinctly of tho Romantic Srhnnl nnd the Arensk bnro a dense of Innplra tlonnl affinity with the fame composers eiuartet in memory of Tschnlkowskv its see nnd movement Is a very significant ' i:iegia " Mt Wilson gavn two groups of vnrled content and spproprlatniy varied execu tion 'Hi" first traversed familiar wort.it of Schubert I.lszt nnd Chopin nnd tho recond b id Marliowell h ' To thn Sea' and March Wind and attractive novelties by Amerlnn i mpnsers in F Mori Is i'Isssh Siesta nnd T hn Alden ("arnenters "American PflonnlM" rs v 'i . '" rz :'( J i ir ' i maysson & DeMan) 1115 Chestnut Street (Opposite Keith's) Here's An Inducement For Buying Furs Now Purchases will be reserved in our storage vaults until next fall on payment of a deposit. Payments to be continued during the spring and summer. Genuine Pony Coats YOUR CHOICE AT $20.00 Hudson Seal Coats SIX REMARKABLE LOTS $54, $68, $98, $125, $175, $250 Sale of Sets, Muffs and Scarfs At the end of tho season wo always find n few odd pieces, each ono a moit astounding opportunity. They are actually being sacrificed, at tho present low prices. Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted MODERN DANCE EVOLVED FROM DAYS OF OLD Ono Step, Fox Trot nnd Others Hnve Ancient Authority, Say Masters Photographs Illustrating this tnrv nppenr nil II I'nge nf the. I'lrlnrlii! 'erllntl. T!i evolutlm of the tnndern dance has I eeti cnnvlminglv trmed from Orient to incident and down through nnclent Rome nnd It has been found thit the 'one step" and the fo trot hive mine tn Mav, what ever ma lie tin popular opinion Of rourse this question cimes un Ho modern dam em use shulltes or twists' Do thev wrlKKfe nnd pump" Has the modern dance degenerated ntn a mere) muscular movement without nnv unlformltv ' To theso questions the elnnclng masters say no ' t inf'tm rrnceful dancing has be i itne the Indoor pnstlu n of America. It must not bo forgotten that Oreeks (ittiiched a wide slgt 'flennce to thn word diime Hverv movement executed to ttiusli vrns consldereel a din-c thn combats f the Pvrrbhs and the, stately procession f thn temple choruses Thn (Ireek nindo I his oracle speak in numbers thn orator tlrrs his utterancn ti the nule fortitle-n-'Ions were built or torn down to the ihvthm f the double iluto The nation went mad I ni the subject 1 The dun, e is not to ue of Importance to the Individual alone It Is a soclnl concern I he philosophers attribute to It a mr rnl Influence They held that the damn of all the nts most Influences the soul Thev I -an. that the nrts of music poetry nnd I dan ing were the glftii of the Roep ! The latest dance we have will undoubt I edh tnke Its place with the "fox trot nnd 'he one step as being permanent It Is In toeldlo pnlloWB a dcsirlptlnn of the toddle 1 he tmldto Is composed nf three figures Tnch figure completes one strain of musle or eight messures These flguies ni for the purpose of Intrndm Ing the dance It Is true Hint mnnv figures will be evolved bv the dnnurs when the swing and rhvthm of the toeldlo beieme familiar to them The toddle movement or bteal Is lomposed of two bnrs e,f music nnel Is used nt the end of tho figure ns n luenli to eompleto the strain The toddle movement Is ilunnd to seven qub k outits nnd for the g, titlemnn It Is n toddle or n nm forward lltciiiiuig with the left foot the gentlemnn inns fir win! five counts the fifth count i , mil g en the left foot Thn weight now being on tho left font enables thn gentleman to tnke the sixth count whlih Is n erne nftil hop on the left feiot Count seven Is executed bv merely tnpplng the bnll of the right foot down e n the door Figure 1 l.ndv nnd gentlemnn both fic Ing first line of dlrei tlon Figure i I'osi tion e losed Oentleman fne Ing and Isdv buck In line of direction Figure 1 This flguro Is composed of two slow efeps fol le,weel bv tliree qui, k step" tnllowed bv i rest at the end rf the third Posiiion closed with gentlemnn fa, ing and ladv linck tn line of direct! m Pic turo I Tile Toddle Movement Contlnuooi 11 13 A.M. to 11 Id'. It UAIIKET Alove trTII MARY PICKFORD tn "Till loolt 1 ITTl.i: Itlfll CIHIL Aiinm pi nu,i vvmii n ren iih THIS U I I.K I Ii I I l'l -ejt I 1 VI CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG iv pint hi r ii in en i vvm i.haii vvi I'llll I II"- NOV I.I "THE PRICE SHE PAID" IS I I. INI, 1)1. 1 V.V I II HV Till. State Iioaul of Censors If mares! Ir 'I in. Will He Shnen VII Nt VVe, k nw urU-iinlK Vrinimi v I PALACE 1214 MAItKHT ST. 10, JOc 10 V M tn It f, P Vi. Theodore Roberts ,", V-V'sS,1, "The American Consul" ARCADIA SllTr"Ui rncsr siiuwisu ROBERT WARWICK Drnmn VI i le 1'amn n Iv !ol t llllllsrl "THE AUGYLE CASE" Adl(1 Pimmi h (ling I nh f Vnture thin V - v1l I l( N 111 Vtts REGENT MAHKI T Peleiw 1TTH 11 V M I 11111' M, TIIEDA BARA I .1 U VVUVI VN VICTORIA VI VriKPT Above ftTH M to 11 IS 1' M to 10. HI. "In nnnnTiiv Piinr ipc h IN I Ills MllfHV INil or "HELL MORGAN'S GIRL" A1(lis1 Dltlimi r tkliic Pile ,,f Nut ire NVt Mon lis VV I ItOltl it r vvvitwn K in iiii vi ,v i i i vr vtii viv fir mi sn rAn un IAN HAY 7" n i srivv 13 1 I MN . VI Vtl" It Titr rvvtt ii ii up m- nn vrvr: "The First Hundred Thousand 1 1 ' is II I 1 - " li1 I) French Seal Coats THE BALANCE $29.50, $39.50 $48.00 Charge Accounts Opened "ty.1.1 What's Doing TonigWI Hoy Scout Court of Honor, Common PMM ourt ,o i, city nail, g o'clock. ffrM. ' A Womcna Press Club mcctintr, Adelphfat. . Members ' Hood Intent Iloso, Co. Is'o. 2 celtbratM one hundred and thirteenth anniversary at IS'ifl Vpring Oarelen street, Members. Uusker City Ad Club meets, Wklton. Members Ameiinn Society of Heating and Venti lating Kngltieers meets Kuglers. Member. Piftv-second Street nnd Lancaster Avt nue Husiness Men, Klftythlrd street nd' I.ansdowiic avenue, 8 o'clock Kree. HnddliiKion Hoard of Trade, Slxt!th street nnd (ilrnrd avenue, 8 o'clock. Free. Login Improvement Association, Broad street nnd U'lndnni avenue, 8 o'clock Fr llrewervtnwn Dirtiness Men's Association, JSoa rjirnrd avenue, 8 o'clock. Tree. Ilaltlmorn Avenun Improvement Asso cl.atton, tniD Ilnltlmore avenue, 8 o'clock, l'ree T hursday Travelogues, subject New Zealand, spenker Alfred Foster, Central T. M c A, 1121 Arch street, 8 o'clock. Ad mission charge Lecture by the JXv Tr nussdl II. Con well, "Acres of Diamonds" Olivet Presby terian Church, Twenty-second and Mt Vetnnn strccti, 8 0 clock. Admlailoa charge Ilnnquet Law School of the University of Pennsvlvnnia, Hotel Illttenhouse, 7 o'clock. .Members Intue Chelsea 1 acht Club, Hotel Itltten house s oVIock Admission charge Irf'iturc on nielectric Iisses In Insulat Inr Mute rials bv c 1: .Skinner Franklin lnsliiiite t ,1 clock l'rre 1 Homeopathic Medical Society meeU Ilnhnenuinn ( ollege Members Uropsle 1 ollege celebrates Pounders Day, Droad nnd Vork streets Free .southwestern Husiness Mens ImproT6 ment Association meeting and election, Toomev's Hall I'rfn Annual meeting of the Society of Colo nial Wars nt tho Penn Club, I'.lghth and Loiust streets Members Trlstate Wholesale Orocers" convention, Hellevue-Stratford Free evro 1 lub meets. Adclphla. Members. I nod 1 air Ilortliultural Hall Admis sion 1 barge Ilfth Israel Purlm ball, Mercantile HalL Invitation Settlement Mttslo School annual meeting;. 4 HI Queen street Lecture on 'The Dark Forest," by Allied Hrnw-n. auditorium of Central T. M c A Admission Illustrated lee turo on "The Apache War Trill" Arsoelatlon Hall, Germantown. Ad-inn-sum ANOTHER CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE SUCCESS Praised by All Newspapers A Timit.I.TNO PHOTOPLAY OP Rex Beach's Famous Book "T1IE BARRIER" ENGAGEMENT LIMITED SEE IT AT ONCE ! ! TWICH n'AlI.Y 2 11 AND 8 -IS MATS S- to -c MU11TS. !So to 11.00. RETAIL GROCERS' ASSOCIATION'S FOOD FAIR Horticultural Hnll March 5 to 17 Now Open 1 to 10 P. M. Cooking Lectures ATNG03Nb3y MRS. M. A. WILSON PRETTY BABY CONTEST DAILY AT 1 in Kntrlm will l Accepted ftt thw Hall up to the oiontnif of each Ahy'm contact. Admission 25c XflflTOsU. FASHION SHOW WITH LIVING MODELS nvi tin him nri.i.nv i i. sravTrono MARCH M, 15, 1G, at 8:15 P. M. Mai RhmeincH on l'.th nnl H.lli nl J 10 p m. ini imi Aniai i: 11 sirnwivo II'MTI ON SAII. NuVV VT JIYAN H IIII Villi- III KIT Of! ICE. I1LI t I I I MrltATI eiltll IIOTKIj Ii I rh m. I orust icon It t TA'evIvm "NTncViif Keith's & Jack Clifford Lydcll tc Higgms Wit I J WAIIO A HTM. TiinATrtn PIle-lVY rilRIP WIIITVM SISTO. QALLA- 1,111 n & l rvv is onints. VIKS MTtNON rsTI.n In PATniAM GLOBE Theatre MSfA,. VJiJViJiJ l.U)KI7.Jif Contlnuoo 10c- lie 'JV, 33o 11 A M to 11 I. M. FROM CONEY ISLAND TO THE NORTH POLE OUiA MIH1IKA & CO , othen. iTjriCC! TeTIT,ArQ MAHKET rte-lotr tWTH LilvvJOO IVIll i O Dn 111- 2 SO 1,,74 LITTLE CARUSO & CO. BROADWAY 1,n0AVX.T'f . What Every Girl Should Know OTlir.HH AN-D CO.NQUEHT OKCANAAN Boston Symphony Orchestra Dr KrlMuck fqn ACAUEMY OP MUSIO MONDAY BVEJfINO, .MAIICJI 12. st 8!l5 SOLOIST Elena Gerhardt Ticket at HepM. Amptiltbeatrs ZSei. BROAD ExtraMat.?o-3:30 TREASURE ISLAND 851 to fl '1 nt Mat. Today and Tomorrow TnT?T?rcTST 2WCKK8 KVOS. Silfc rWIVlVUOi Mat!ne Wei A Bat.. SilB. THE) TOY MTT7.T PRIMA DONNA iYllljl ,B.a-nwpS?,to POM-POM With TOM McVArOItTON and 00 Othtra GARRICK raoiiTH at a i.i Matlneea Wnl Pat.. lllO. FAIR nnd WARMER With JANET riEECIIEn T -vrTJTP TONiailT AT 8 IS ljlIVlV-i MATINKH fiATl'RDAT K AT INK A T.r BARNES ADELPHI Positively Last 2 Weeks VOV 1 MAT TODAY TONIGHT. SllO VERY GOOD EDDIE wiT1irnrooN iaM Frl Evr . Jan. 0, at I rrtl liEtlICK I N"1 lllii'tratnl Leotnr Monsen I "R fW" Ticket' Mc and 71c UnlvriHy Eitentloo j linx eitni- VMtherro"n .null liny. ft-j,, ORPHEUM """SiAti ctktx"--"LITTLE WOMEN" Next Week "mETTT BABr' Knickerbocker $XS SM.ZZ'? 1:U0E.N1U UUAIII and "MADAMR X.: KnKKboclc.irrier.teeAio, 21oolodicnl Gardens -yTNrVKYUAY AJiTMi9n 8JCMUrenipt U AKIVT IO elTrDllll f CASINO BEN WELCH, turf. Walnut Ab. Rth 8t. HIS BIG SHUlf, OrpT?AMf) YKNANQO B.low.l "AilSUrtlS LUI 1 MUSICIANS AND VOCAI BOLO I irivpr 171 TonlfDt. M .SA.' t ivnr I7 iTonliht. K.SO.1 Sa JUJ.J. xxjxu jhe JPgttfe ma at nm m T&OOpmQ mm M: va i w v rf"ff , rw?. .v.VJ .. J ' .. . fa..-vii ' ..4a . li&U.Vr.' "STfT" 1. m'-L.'L'iP"1- fcrjr 'mMlL v r-u.MmvZ . v. l . . j t. VuZMwL tt rr 'i f rn iit mf i mrn 1l 1 1 !" iJiTrti IT "tt : iTT TTiW 11