Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 07, 1917, Final, Image 5

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- 11. Ti) 1 i.
p. threat 01 tfanau ivevuii,
Used to uoerce uar-
13,000,000 -w'as spent
vrW YORK, Mnrch ". tfernmny tlirmt-
tnd General I'arranwi with "the most for
i M.hle revolution he had ever known" If
I "" . , ... .!,. vi- nn lh lttlltlrt
I ) v. rertl"" "' """- -
h refu
mifi In accordance
with Korean Sscre-
, ... 7,mennann piopnual for a Oierinan-lICO-Jalane?e
This fact, tnjtelhcr with other sensational
anelopmenta. were disclosed hy Kedeial an
thorltle t0,1"' '" th '""""Ration that
follow"1 the aireM of Dr. Hi nest .Mnthlas
jslcutina, a Herman, and Dr. Chandra
Chakraberty. a HctiKalene, for formulatlm?
,n "Eai't Indian" riot.
Information obtained hy Federal nutliotl
,l from papers selr-ed In the office of Wolf
Ton 1BI. -,l tn? ,lme ot ",e wp"al"' t'anal
.,t ,jpnsurei, together with other lilts of
jvidence. enabled Federal authorities here.
tteysald, to announce these dlsclosuies:
That Hubert Kay, lieutenant In the
Oernian army, who escaped fiom the
Federal penitentiary at Atlanta hlle
Mrvln" a term for plotting to destrgy
Allied munition ships, went to .Mexico,
,. he Is now In hldlnp.
That $3.flo".00fl has been spent hy
ike Oerman Oovernment In fomenting
ip'y Plots In the I'nlted States within
the last few mouths.
That thousands of Get man spies
(rr now encased In different pat Is of
' the roiinlr.v In formulating and further
tnc conspiracies
That the spy system Is headed hy an
(dent of the Kaiser's government, re
ferred to as the "master spy," who In
till at large
That Berlin, In spite of many arrests
nri numerous spoiled plots, Is nppar
' ently satisfied with the results nccom
plishert. Von Igel's name Is connected with many
If the disclosures. Federal authorities as
ert they have reason to believe that he
it the managing director of the OerniHn
(py sstem until he-sailed for home with
Count von Bernstorff, and that lie turned
)i( work over to the "master spy." whose
Identity has not yet heen disclosed.
The Federal authorities learned, they as
serted this afternoon, that Carranza was
notified In so many words that If he did
not acquiesce In the Oerman program a
determined revolution would be set under
ry, financed by Herman money and en
rmeered hy Herman military authorities,
to depose him.
In this connection it was lecalletl that a
I dispatch from Kl Paso several weeks ago
i broke the news that I'nlted States agents
rre Investigating reports that Herman
tonsuls were supplying Villa and other ban
dits with funds with which to renew their
eperallom against Carranza. It Is believed
to he mot than a coincidence that Villa
lnrtdenly became active In northern Mexico
nd tlut Fcllcist.i bandits began operating
In the Monterey district at about the same
time that tlermany began exerting pressure
en Mexico to Join 111 possible war against
the United States. Viewed In the light of
th dispatch disclosuies, It Is now believed
that northern .Mexican bandits were stirred
t" actlWty by Herman agents for the sole
purpose of convincing Carranza that Ger
many could make good her threats.
"There Is ample evidence to prove that
there is a spy system for the German l.ov
ernment in this country directing the activ
ities of the various groups of tools," said a
hlith Government official this afternoon.
"He Is the hub in this Intricate Intrigue,
and his agents, numbering thousands, are.
the spokes Before Von Igel left this coun
try each of these agents received a consid
erable cash appropriation, arylng in
amount according to the Importance of the
aitent and, the woik mapped out for him. It
has been ascertained that tiie amount
known to have been spent to date has been
a little In excess of $3,000,000 "
Furthermore, the Government official as-
Mrted, a "streak of German" bus been
found In many of the peace societies and
pacifist organizations which the authorl-
i ties have Investigated since the work of the
Kaiser's secret agents began to assume
turn a menacing scope.
;. Assistant 1 nlted States District Attor-
i Hey John C Knox rpent the greater part of
' the day with Captain William M. Offley.
lead of the Federal Bureau of Investlga-
. Hon, studying the pa pel n s.eized In von
. liel'a office. Those papers that have to do
' ith the cases agalnt Sakunna and the
Bennalese will bo laid before a Kederal
Grand Jury tomorrow
t Knox announced today that he was pie.
t paring to bring Uepresentathe Buchanan.
Of Illinois, H. Itobert Fowler. Henrv B.
; "' nn mners imrsten last year on
t charges of conspiring to foment strikes In
3 munition plants to trial at an earlv date.
1TAVAVA Maivl. 7
i-fsk vldence "f Germany's aid to the
vuoan rebel cause was declaied to have
f teen found today In examination of papers
'.ruT a'ter the arrest of Dr. I.uls Octavlo
virir.0. a wftlLiinnn,,, r ll..nl !.,. .,
a,. ",i-nuuni l,luriH irdliri, Ull.
,x'o members of the, Cuban Congress.
1 rdlng t0 P"'!'"6 othclals, a procliilua-
.f il 1 u revolutionary leaders, a copy
'rVch wa" "neatthed In Dlvlno'a home.
. J , td ,he statement that "Germany has
tpromlsed to aid "
n Since nohluainH i .... ..,..., (.... .
Iftlis 91 ",,v",uo 111 ine 1 riiieu niHiPs 01
l.iL.mm'rmann Plot note and clrcumstan-
-1 siories carried In American newspapers
'lie activities or .-i,,. , .-.
I etns- '"owi" .le-iiiieii jiua-
h .,T WMnlxatlona, Cuban Government of-
t'sis nave heen haIIca i UA...U1.. ...
H... It"fnerr"an "machinations here. If has
I in.,. """ that a number of American
Vull t ' ala,nB Bnd ,nHt Proot had
I'VuiuJ , .7 ' ,ne existence of an ortanl
lit' tx Cal.led "T"6 lr" Cross." -
IFfc". voluntary surrender of Pedro del
Rtlor. w-lnown leader In the revolu
Pmo5fc m.ov(m". save the Insurrectionary
IfcGwS nt body blow- ' 'e uplnlon ot
l,;',7 " omcials today Portal was ex
Krcted here today, under guard,
Pttirie. . ""' B"uatlon could not be more
W lHl 1 "'"suv wcdwctti, in view OI
RtMM L5lrcum8tancs attending the aedU
. Tn n.-t.. .
I W.l. -musT "SSS ?""1t,i.. Santiago
KtotQ th ' uiicuuer or ue ariven
tff Tnntf xiu -"l.u. ...t. .j
Ills e-v r --. -i.t i.rius nuiu uiiu
(' 1 weV v,Xa' alleBd German bomb plot-
1 ina. . "" "isvurana Jury wnnoui
ml le. ay 'hen arraigned In the Hoboken
r'nce court. A .r,.nin -1 . ..,
Jlon of boMba was entered, against
te men nu i. , .. .
irvu. .? "" cgurl inrougn rrose
1 ne.. e" ,hat lney were ready lo admit
' POSM8S On nf Ih Kml.. le., ,11.1 A,
In s !,..:.' ."'." --"'-. "! " i'i
LKd.iT. "'"'" mia time,
WUI t, linen, an In.haflln frn, ..
t.? 'Combustibles of New York, who
Bh.J he bo,nbB found In Kolb'a room,
luia i.w,.r,e.0' a hlBhly dangerous nature,
".sia he did not l,.lli-. .i,v,. e ,k. .
"miliar With the mniireel,u-. of
rnd iennatlonal evelopmnt werei
I ih i P' riP'n, Ve'llllar Offley.
knlc fr' Burau of injeatltatlont
: '?-'.'
Ernst Mathlm Sa Kunna, a Herman, and
pr, Chandrae Chakvaberty, a Ilengalese,
he Intimated. The (Inurnment Is said to
have every Important plotter under sur
veillance, Papers found In the effects of Wolf von
Igel, alleged plotter against the Welland
canal, have aided the Ke'deial detectives
In their Investigations, Captain OITley nil
inltted. He would not say what these pa
pus disclosed, hut It was reported that thev
confirmed suspicions that So Kunna's co
tonsplratois Included men whose duty was
to start a series of demonstrations In this
country In case of war with Germany.
One rumor, an official denial of which
was not forthcoming, was that the anests
of the German and the Hindu followed the
selauie ot papers said to hae been at one
time In the possession of a high German
omcini aim mat. the Z.lmmermann note
to von Bernstorff. In which he outlined his
plans for n .tnpauese-.Mexlcan war against
the I'nlted States, may have been found In
thi jfame ixickcl of Incriminating documents
Chaklaberty admits that. lraetlng under n
fraudulent Peislan passport, he visited Ber
lln a few months ago and while theie con
ferred with certain high officials of the Ger
man Government, as well as wltn me .lodh
Singh, a Hindu, said to be the head of the
antl'Britlsh oiganlzatlon known as the In
dian National Society
MINNKAPOI.IS. Minn. Maich T -Of.
Heels of the Kirst .Minnesota Infnntiy, re
turning In Kurt Snelllng fiom the .Mexican
border, announced that Paul I. SclMifeu
berg, of St. Paul, a piHnte In Company
I., First Minnesota Infanliy, was senienceil
to five years' Impi Isimment at Foil l.eaen
worth. Kali.. Febiuatj S by a cuuit-inrti tlal
at San Antonio. Tex . for furnishing mili
tary Information to Geimaii).
A letter ndillessed to lelatUes In Ger
many, asserting that lo.iMin.miii Gei mans
In thl country were leady to rle up
against the Government in the event of
war with Geiinany, whs Intercepted by
British authorities and turned over to
Washington officials, accoidlug In stnta
menta by the officers Schai feulieig it a
native of Germany.
Colonel Krle D l.uce. commanding the
leglment. and Captain P. I, McChiv. iegl
mental adjutant. In confirming the story of
Scharfenbetg's activities, declared that he
had predicted In his letter that President
Wilson would "soon be put out of the way"
and had stated that "the 100,000 troops on
the border would not stand up If put
against an efficient force."
WASHINGTON. Match T. State Depart,
men officials discussed stories of German
plnttlngs with rather significant frankness
today Aipiy heads also ndiled geneial de
tails to the stories
It becapie known officially today tjiat the
pnpeis seized on Wolf on Igel, German
nii'h plotter, contain Information that d1
lectly connects von Hein'toiff with "iii ..'
the earlier munition bomb plots. It was
frankly hinted the were hIwh.ns kpt mi !
because this Government held to It's hope,
ful contention that German-American rela
tions would finally be cleared up. and that
lo publish them merely would hae In
flamed ihe public mind and made the situa
tion Intolerable.
It was even hinted that their publication
might have forced n break In telatlons with
Germany months before It finally came.
Shot-Put Record
Falls at Meet
f'nntll'i.ieri from re One
Sixth heni Won hv Tsylor, Southern, second.
Friedman. West Philadelphia: Time, a 2-Ss
l.'lri ..mlflnnl .ieMl -Won hi Melllnser. I en-
Hal. srond. Krler West Philadelphia! thlid.
Sehofleld. Northeast.. Time. Is,
Hcond semlOnnl heat-Won bv Tailor. South
Philadelphia, second. Qilllin. West Philadelphia
third. Friedman, West Philadelphia Time. fli
.10. yard dash, final heat Won hy Meltlnser.
Central Hlsh. seeond. Talor. Southern tllch.
third. SohnneM. N'orrhenst Hlsh. fourth. Fried
man. West Philadelphia HUh Time. (-.1
seconds . .
ssn-jard run -Won nv Toukel. nermantoun.
sernnd, Smith. Central Hlsh; third. Tonr. West
Plilladelnhla. fonrtl' Benson, Soillh Philadel
phia. Time. 2m lis.
Score. Central. . tlei rnantow n. 5. Southern.
1 West Philadelphia. .1, Northeast. 2.
Plrst heal Won by .lellenaik. Central High'
serond. Steadman. West Philadelphia. Time,
Senind heat Won by Barron. West Philadel
phia, seeond. Shoemaker. Central High Time.
iniril neal nun n ianer. i enirai iiikii;
second Klnselller. Northeast. Time. 7 3-S.
Final heat Won bv llarron West Philadel
phia, second .letlunark. Central: third. Waller,
Central Blah, fourth. Shoemaker. Central HlBh.
Time. 7 l-.'is.
.Mile run Won In 'furrier. West Philadelphia:
second, (iomtuisr Northeast, third. Plerson.
West Philadelphia: fourlh. Thomas South
Philadelphia Time, tm ."i2s.
First heal Won bv Krler. West Philadelphia :
second. Mellinser. Central Hlsh. Time. 2rt l-.ls.
Second heal Won h Taylor. West Phllnilel
l.hla; seiond. lUrron. West I'hlladeltihla, Time,
2 1-os
Third heal Won In Itoneis. Northeast: sec
ond. Conk, Central Time. 20 2 ."s
Shot-put Won b I.evvis. Trades Si hool sec
ond, tletr.lner. Oermaiitinvrr. third. Thomas,
Northeast: fourth. FaimaUis Cntlal Hlsh. IMs
tanre, 4t ft 7a4 In.
i.Vew L-cord. ble.i,ing old ret md of :l'l ft u
In. by li'iereiu. of West Pnlladelphin In 1011 I
Two-mile run Won bv Walsh, West Phlla
llrhla: second. Hoardman. NuiiheasL. third,
tlnrk. Wtst I'hlladelphla. fourth. Iludl!.
Krankford Tlni". II nilnulcs 11 I o sicduiIh
Htandltu: broail Jump Won bi KoiUers.
Nortnesisl feet 7 Indus, second. .Melllnuer.
Cenlral IIIkIi. H feet tl liulies. thlnt plaie tied
between Mednian. West Philadelphia. and
.Mile inn, pouiti rniidiit-ipma. :i reel .. inches.
Police Court Chronicle
A dark shadow flitted along the Reading
Railway Hacks near 1'ler A. Port Rich
mond. It was noticed Ihat the shadow clutched
something shiny under lis "right arm. A
watchman saw the thing, which seemed to
glide thioiigh the air, and told a railioad de
tective. With thoughts of spies, anarchists arrd
traitors rushing through his mind the
sleuth got on the Hall of the shadow and
followed It This required considerable
eneigy. The shadow crept close to a num
ber of freight cms, gilded between them
heie and theie and finally emerged atop of
one. where It sat down and' glaied at the
The detective leached the car. and climb
Ing stealthily to the top, otdeied the shadow
to "hands up." There was a clatter as the
shiny thing carried by the shadow rolled
from the car and the shadow -inrnilied:
"WhatsaiiiRUerwld)ou, eh'.'"
The sleuth escorted It fiom the car wlth
utit trouble and landed the shadow before
Magistrate Wrlgley. And It proved to he a
teal live, tlesh-and-blood human being,
known In Ihe nelghboihood as Charlie Cum
mlngs. '
"I felt Jls' like doln' somepln' desperlt,"
said Charlie, "an" I crawled up on top of the
car to see wot It would he."
Hut as Charlie was never known to be a
particularly bad chnp, the police were not In
the least worried,
"Ah, I e," said the Judge; "you need
lots of time to think."
"Yer right 1 do," replied the prisoner.
"You can have a quiet reverie at the
county prison for the next ten days." con
cluded the Magistrate.
TRENTON. N. J.. March 7. The IVolver
ton bill, taking from the board of priori
inspectors the power to parole convicts,
wbh passed unanimously by the Assem
bly thla morning. It leaves the sole power
of shortening the life sentence to the
Court of Pardons.
Woman Uadly Hurt in Fall on Icy Walk
As ahe was running to catch a street car
at Fifty-fifth and Spruce streets Just be
for noon, Mrs. Laura Grace, thlrty-one
years old of 6439 Osage avenue, slipped
on the' Ice on a curbstone and wa unable
to rlj Hh was taken to the West Phila
delphia Homeopathic Hospital, where It was
i,aB.j.iaip' a,Mnou " '"", "p;
Wrath of Nation
Centers qn Stone
tonllnued from Psae One
deiotlon to his own country, of stanch
ln alty and unquestioned Integrity
Stone has failed. -He can no longer
he trusted or respected. To leave him
at the head of this committee would be
like leaving the gate of the outer wall
open to the enemy.
The Plain I'eale.' then urges that the
other elexen Senators "be not forgotten."
The Cleveland Press started the hmnhaid-
ment against Stone with n stinging edltn.
rial yesterday. In which Stone was leferred
to as "tho Kaiser's friend," as follows:
lit this national crisis this chalintan
ship Is second In liupoitance lo the
presidency. It Is n tetrlble thing that
It should be occupied by n man of the
character of "Gumshoe Bill' Stone, the
Kaiser's friend
Pictllies of the twelve "willful men"
were run alongside that of Benedict Arnold.
ST I.Ol'IS. March' 7. Senator William
.1 Stone was haul lilt today In lesolutlons
passed by several Democratic waid otganl
.atlons lip was bra-nded n "traitor" and
asked ",lo give an account of his action In
not siippnitlng Piesiilent Wilson's armed i
neutrality. I
HAGKItSTOVvN. Mil. March 7. Resolu
tions adopted by Ihe I 'utility Board of Mln
ration condemn the Senaturs who killed
the armed neiltt.illt.v lull as tiallots to the
inuntry The hoard also enjoined teachcts
to have patriotic exercises.
PKNSACOt.A. Ha.. Match 7 Pensacola
business men today decided to ask Flot Ida's
members of the I'nlted States Semite -Bryan
anil Flelchei --to Intioduce in that
hod) ihe lesolutlons they adopteil last night
liiandlng the action of Senator Stone in op
posing the Ptes'idenl's mined neutrality te
ipiest as "little short of treason." The reso
lution untilallfleill) Indorses the President s
stand for aimed neulrallly and for adop
tion of a change In Senat rules thai will
make It impossible to talk a meastne lo
death by a "filibustering few.' Clorg) men
of every erred and ta.vineu of cet po
litical faith led the meeting.
N'i:W YORK. Mil tell T Demand for the
leuirnnl of Settlor Stone from the chair
manship "f -Ihe Senate Foreign Relations
' 'omtnlttee was made today hy the National
Defense Society In the following telegram
to Senator Martin, of Virginia, new floor
lender of the Senate:
The honor of our nation as well as
our inateil.il salvation demands the te
tnoval from Hie chairmanship of the
Foreign Relations Committee of Sen
ator Stone and substitution tn his place
of a man who stands without uuestiou
for the mnM aggressive kind of Amer
ican pattlotlsm
(Signed) JOSKPI! It COIT,
Cliaiiinan Kecutln Committee.
WHICIIIJNG. W. Va.. March 7 -Wheeling
does not care to pay $SJ0 to hear Sena
tor) La Folletle give his lecture tomoirow
in "I'tidet mining Democracy."
Hackers of Ihe lecture course, who an
nounced the receipt of a telegram fiom La
Folletle loday. declaied he would come un
less his lectin e Is definitely cancelled and
suggested thai he himself cancel the en
gagement. One hundred business men here recently
telegraphed La Follette condemning his part
in the filibuster against the armed neutral
Thieats of violence against the Wiscon
sin Senator, In case he comes, have been
POVKR. Pel.. March 7. Almost the first
action taken by the Pelawaie Legislature
upon reconvening today, following Its trip
to Washington to attend the' Inauguration
of President Wilson, wns the adoption of
a resolution piesented by Senator Wharton
protesting against the action of the I'nlted
Slntes Senators who held up the aimed ship
hill, branding them as "false lo the Ameri
can people, the appeal nf patriotism, the
demands of honor and the obligations of
humanity "
The resolution follows:
That we, the representatives ot the
people of the State of Pelawaie, do
hereby leeoid our deep Indignation at
those members of the Senate of the
I'nlted States who failed lo support the
aimed ship bill, and to aid the Presi
dent in vindicating the honor of this
country and the laws ot humanity.
We believe that those men lepresent
not the noble love of peace, but the
Ignoble fear of war; that they prefer
safety to honor, and comfort to prin
ciple; that they have been false to the
American people, false lo tne appeal oi
patriotism, false to the demands of
I honor and false to the obligations of
j humanity.
I One of the laigest hearings yet held
I upon any measute Introduced at this sea-
slim took place at noon today, when advo
I cates of the two bills that have been In-
(induced to amend Ihe tax laws of the
I State appealed before a Joint session of
the House and Senate Tax Committee to
in ee Ihelr passage Pr Caleb R. Lay' in
and Rnbeit G Houston, of Geoigetown,
.1. Hall Anderson, of Dover, and Thomas
I. Parkinson, a tax expeit of Columbia
1'nlversity, explained the provision of the
Governor Respites Two Slayers
UARRISBl'RO. March 7. Governor
Brumbaugh today grunted respites to
Patrick Callery. of Noithampton Count)
and John Nelson, of Wyoming County, both
under sentence of death, from the week be
ll ginning March I" to the week beginning
?:ay 11. Nelson's case will he carried to
the- Supreme Court
U. S, Opens S.IO.009.000 Land Suit
WASHINGTON. Mauli 7. The Govern
ment today filed Its brief in (he Supreme
Court In the famous Oregon-California
land case, etting forth thai the Oregon
and California Railroad Company had
grossly exceeded Its light In disposing of
thousands of acres of western land, About
SHO.OOO.OOO Is Involved 111 the suit.
The highest
Crade calfskin
in rich mahog
any shades.
You can't duplicate our $0 shoes
dsewhere for less than $9. For you
ran't find another shop with such low
elline expenses, Down Stairs.
VANCE STYLES here now our
tompetitors won't have for months
here at $3 less than their price
will be. Come in prove it and
HoyaiBoot Shop
For Men
NiTW. Cor. Mar
'Better Shoes dt
Basement Prices"
Market &13thS:,
Cm J
fay rj
?yzriS' I
'-NUH .M ' I
" j
Gli Italiani Catturnno Ancora
Una Mitragliatrice ed Un
Cannone sulla Costabella
-ar" - - .
Non RIescono a Iliprendere il Terrcno
Perdutn nella Zonn di Verdun
e di Hnpnume
S ROMA. 7 Marzn.
Gil austrlacl hantio operato ancora una
volta con completo Insuccesso altrl due vio
lentl attacchl nella alle del San Pellegrlno
t.elle vlclnanze dl Vertolba Kceo II testo i
del rap'potto del genet ale Cadorna pubbll
cato lerl sera dnl Mlnlstero della Huertn
Doinenlca seta II nemlco tentava con
pochl lepattl dl avvlclnatsl nlle nostre
poslzlonl sulla rlva slnlstin del tor
terite Assa. dl flonte a Cninpo Rovere.
oil a iptelle sul torrente Mao e sulle
fnlde del Monte Cenon. I tepartl nemlcl
fiii'iiiin pern" stihlto resplnll dalle nostre
Nella Klorriata dl lerl la nosim aitl
glleila lontlnuavR n hattere le posl
zlonl nemlche liingo una patte delta
fronte die s slende dalla valle del Tia
vlgnolo all'alta valle del Cordevole, e
con huonl lisultatl.
Alia lestata della valle del San Pelle
Kilno. nella zona dell AvWIn. II nentico
ha laudato due vloleiiti attacchl con
tru le posizionl da nol lecentetneute con
iptlstnte sul gtiipiiii della Cnslahelln. 111.1
e' statu lespinto ogut volta die ha at
taccato. Ill itiesti Httacihi mil abblanio
catturato un'altia null-null. mice ed tin
Sulla fronte delle Alpl (ilitlie teiaitl
neiiiicl rltinovaioiio nella serata dl letl
gli allaccht coiittu la nostia llnea a
sud-est di VettnilM Anche iiuestl Ht
tacchi ftiiono tcspltili dalle iiostte
truppe con gtavi perdlte pr II nemlco
e not ptcnilcmmo anche alctinl prl
gioiiierl. ,
Telegr.imml da P.trlgi dlcono che lerl
I'altto a seia cnntlnuanuio 1 enmliatti-
mentl nolle zone dl ltoco I'nurleies e ill
Poiinumout, nel seltore ill Verdun. I
ledeschl tentorium di cacclate I t'rancesl
dalle Irlncee die quest! ultluil avevnrm con-
lulslato nella giornata, ma I Into sfnr.i si
mfiansero contio la teslstenra delle ttuppe
del generate Nivelle.
I tedeschi avevano coitcenrraro II lorn
niiovo sfoi7.ii spcclnlmentc sulla desfra
della Mosa. nella speiauza di guadagnnic
terreno nella zona del Mort lUinumi dove II
kronpilnx aveva vlsto I stud yfnrzi Kl
canteschl falllte nel fehhraio ileH'anuo
scorso e nel cinque inesi successlvl. La
zona del Mint Homme e' la piif v iilnerablle
del settoie ill Verdun, ma I'erolca teslstetiza
delle truppe francesl ha seinpre Impeditn
die I tedeschl vl ntlenescro successl
peiicolosl. La pronta ilsposta data dal
geneiale Nivelle allaKncco del tedeschl e'
ptov'H delta iiuova tattica aggressiva che
I attuale comandanle In capo sulla fronte
fiancese inteude dl prosegutre e che dlede
otllnil lisultatl a Verdun.
Ilitanto le truppe inglesl corillntiann a
lener fronte a tedeschl nella regioue di
Kapaimie ed a cnstrlngerll a riplegare
sempte pin. Ora si apptende che le truppe
del kaiser hanno dovuto nlihandonare II
Hosco dl fiez. Pero' II cattivo tempo che
Impervorsa dl nunvo sulla fronte franco
Inglese nlnta indltettamente I tedeschl die
hanno lnteies.se a gtiadagnar tempo ed a
prepatare megllo, se lo possono, la dlfcsa
delle llnee retrostantl.
Palla Gertnanla emana ora una nnlevole
nntizla. e cioe die le autorlta' mllitarl
tedesche sannn benlsslmn che la Russia
e' nhbondantemente fornita di miinlzioul e
che l'esercllo dello czar e' completamenle
prepnratn per la grande azlone. Le
ferrovie russe snno state messe In grado
dl provvedcre al trasporto Immediata e
rapldo dl gratidl mas.e e le Industrie sono
slate otganlzzate In niodo da poter suppllie
tutto quello dl cul 1'esercito ha bisngno. Per
conseguenza si aspetta a Rerlino die la
Russia Inlzll la sua grande' offenslva
contemporaneaniente al suol alleatl. II che
metteiebhe davvero la Germanla neH'imb.i
razzo. SI dice che gli altl circoli mllitarl
tedesche sono In gran pensiero per questo
fatto che foise non avevano prevlsto.
La recente conferenza tenutasl a Petio
grad tra 1 delegati della potenze dell Intesa
e' gluula ilecislonl dl grande Imporlanza
lion soltanto nel campo economico e
flnanzlarln, ma anche In quello militate.
How to Catch Automobile Thieves
Methods of catching motoicar thieves
and (he ptoper way lo make anests weie
explained to the citizens' auxiliary motor
police force bv Captain 'William R Mills,
of the tiallic squad. Cap(aln Mills distrib
uted booklets nt the' meeting held last
night at the Automobile Club of Philadel
phia. Twentieth street below .Market, and
uiged' co-operation of the auxiliary force
wltli the police depaitiuent through an
ellk'ient organization of the motorcar ow tiers,
This Loose Leaf
Ledger for $6-00
We have succeeded in secur
ing a number of these special
hooks, bound in double board,
with corduroy sides, containing
200 sheets and leather tab in
dex. The binder will'expand to
two inches. Sheet size is 9V4x
117a, punched.
We advise you to phone us
today Walnut 4520 or Main
2021 as there is a great de
mand for this style Ledger at
this price.
"Ath tht
1 1 avy
Debate Rules Fixed'
to Balk Filibuster
Cnntlniied frnm Fat One
liorn In his- head by which he seeks to
Impose upon the people of the whole world
the forms within which In i'ie. futuie Intel
national relations shall he regulated This
I armgance. which Is akin lo tnegomanla Is
hminllv also III reverse propottlon to the
means at his disposal for the realization
of his program.
! "But that Is not the most oiitiageotis
1 feattllo of his speech The worst is the
I apparent Intention to shine as a great
I peacemaker by insidiously twisting or vell
i lug the until at a moment when he is nbntit
I to enter the woild war vvlpimit trie slightest
1 need after he has been guilty of prolonging
it wantonly by 'Anglo-neutrality and by
, unpardonable sins of omission.
"Never has Washington's Capitol been so
I slmmelesslv desecrated by a speech than by
that of Wilson's, who In ever) sentence de-
mutuls ror iinnseir me uue oi me nwi jn-i
I and most honest of mortals ahii nl the same
I time reveals himself as the most unjust and
, most dishonest man who ever was head
of a gieat nation If he sa) nothing in
. the world will change his ideas, his in
l lenilons. Mie mllllnn-fold answer will echo
nctoss the ocean
"'No thiear With niiiierl ships, no lie
clatallon of win. will open our blockade to
American munition nailers.'"
fulled States Scnatois who led ihe fili
buster that defeated fiesldetil WIIon s
aimed ship bill are balled as "fine Amer
icans" by the Fiankfuilher SSeltung. a view
that Is ,iciUlosced In by most of the Ger
man newspapers
"The example of these fine Ainei kalis
who remained unconfainloateii by Wilson's
blind devotion lo Kngl.ili was bound lo
n.jL- f. (Iomii limn essoin. eMieclall.v in the
West whelo the people could see no Kloiy
I In being killed fot Ihe e.e of the I'nliui
' Jack." said Ihe .rilling
! Senaloi Walsh in urging revision of thf
rules, hurled a lorieni of denunciation upon
I the "little giniip f willful men" who killed
I the aimed neuli.illt.v bill Siind.i) aflcrnooii
"It Is nol Inconceivable." he said. "Ihal
I the obstriiclliinisls- the filibnslets -ina.v
I be actuated by ttnltotoiis sentiments. What
j .iv .von'.' Can the Senate make a nile
I under which It m.i) be held at bav b
I lieachery until :i foreign foe shall have pte-
vailed over a supine nation?
"I am nol one of thoe who. tiring naihei
1 tiv some law. organic 01 otnerwisc. wouio
I nitlilesslv. having the power, sweep il
aside to attain this end. Reverence for law
! Is the sine foundation upon which govern-
men! and society nllke test. If In our con
, duel It Is nol Inculcated, where shall we
look In find II exhibited? I shall vote with
a clear lonscleuce that we violate no law
I In fixing a time al which debate on an)
I subject hefote this body hall close"
1 The Senate adjourned Immediately after
I Senator Walsh had concluded his address
until noon lomortow
Fits! olllclal lehuke h) the Senate to the
'"willful twelve" Senators who blocked
I Piesldeni Wilson's plan for placing the
! I'nlted State under an "armed ncutialtt) "
! was seen loda) when Ihe Republicans In
j ptivale caucus diopped fiom their steering
coiiuiutlee Senalots Cummins and Ornnna -I
two of Ihe ohstiuctlonlsts
I The name of Senator Jones, of Washlitc
I toir. member of the committee during the
last Congiess. who "fully discussed" the
aimed nctitralll) hill, i nnoiimlng several
bonis on the final il.i) of the session, and
who mil) signed the "round robin" under
misapptehenslon. was also conspicuously
nusliiK fiom the new committee
The action is taken lo indicate Senate
Republicans wish It plainly undei stood they
lepudlale all lesponslblllty for what they
called the "most reprehensible filibuster
III the history of the Senate''
The new Democratic- steering committee
is comprised of some of the stiongest Ad
ministration supporters. Among them ate
(he principal leaders In the fight for the
President's aimed neutrality measure
Hitchcock was In chaige of the hill after
Senator Stone's sensational revolt, and
fought for It up lo Ihe final moment nf
closing The next strongest supporter was
Robinson, also a member of the committee
Hitchcock and Robinson are new members-
apparently chosen tn reward them for
pi &&? Most Beautiful Car inlmerica I is
H '""pHIS GAR the Paige Linwood I ft
Uf$ X "Six'39" is in every respect a 1 j&Jx
representative member of "The Most 1 Tof
wU Beautiful Car in America" family. I Mjft
-t i i i x lit wulo. ui niu oaiuu iiiaotvi. a; uovj wuu I i il
1111 I'hoof Kprut-f UIO
Keritnn Kare 4tft0
"f W K
their strertuous efforts In behalf of the Ad
ministration, as the committee was en
larged hy two members,
John Sharp Williams and Ollle James, hill
walks of the Admlnlstiatlon : Chairman
Martin, of the Appropriations Committee
and new Democratic floor leader; Chairman
Chamberlain, of the Military Committee,
and Chairman Simmons, of the Finance
Committee, aie also members,
Senator Smoot Is the only member of the
steering committee ie-elected. Cummins
and .lones vveie not ie-elected. The 'fall
me of Lodge of re-election occasioned some
surprise The most notable addition to
tlie Republican committee is Senator Borah
Seiialots Waned, Hauling, Weeks and
W.'idsworth. the youthful Senator from New
York, are mini as distinct additions to the
Kioup Warren Is chairman.
WASHINGTON. Match 7 The Govern
ment will seize ptivale shipyards if a sur
vey of shipbuilding facilities does not show
that the buildtig of waishlps can be speeded
up under piesent conditions
Sectetar.v Daniels announced todav Ihat
he would use the power gianled under th
new naval hill If II became necessary He
reached this decision after conferring with
representatives of large shipbuilding com
panies .veslerda.v. The conference continued
The Sectetat) also discussed the ipiestion
of Inhnr with Sectetarv of Labor Wilson
and Samuel Compels president of Ihe
Ameilcan Kedeiatlon of Labor The power
to loniln.itideer .vards can be exeiclseil bv
proelanial on of the President 1 11 lime of
war or nalion.il emergency.
Samuel M Knox piesulent of the 'ew I
Yolk Shipbuilding I'oinpsiiv. and II W J
Hand, piesldeni of I'ramps' Kriglne arrd '
Shipbuilding Coiiip.ni) aie in confcrenie
with Secretin) Daniels in Washington lo ,
dav. iiicoiiliiig to icports fiom oltlt es of
both Ihese plaiils None of the leiiiailung i
ollicials al either ).itd weie willing tn ex
piess an opinion as to the piohabilily of
the vanls being seized bv Ihe Government
.More Americans Safe in Cnpcnliaccn
WASHINGTON March l. The arrival at
Crpetihnsrn iroin Octmanv of the following
Americans wn leporled to the Stale pe
patlment from Minlsicr Mean Joseph II
Stoney. wife and Ihtee children. March I
William II Owen and fnmll), Mnty i:nini,'i
F.numan. F. W Rlckenbergei . I lent") Hail
MrGarvc). Joseph F, .loiinslone ' King
Match 3 . Nora !'. Jomelig, l.lllle Kroeger,
John It. K'nipllng. March 1.
THIS GAR the Paige Linwood
"Six'39" is in every respect a
representative member of "The Most
Beautiful Car in America" family.
The work of the same master artists who
designed the sevetvpassenger Stratford,
this Linwood has the added daintiness ,
and smartness of the fivepassenger
You will find all the luxury, stamina,
power and distinction of "The Most
Beautiful Car in America" in the
Price - $1175"f. o. b. Detroit
Stratford "Six-51" scven-passcngcr - $1495 f. o. b. Detroit
Fairfield "Six-46" scven-passcngcr - $1375 f. o. b. Detroit
Brcoklands"Six-5il" four-passenger - $1695 f. o. b. Detroit
Dartmoor "Six-39" 2 or 3-passenger - $1175 f. o. b. Detroit
Limousine,'Six-51 "seven-passenger $2750 f. o. b. Detroit
Sedan "Six-51' seven-passenger - $2300 f. o. b. Detroit
TowpCar "Six-51" seven-passenger - $2750 f, o, b. Detroit
Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit
304 North Broad
Ha 13 Letter! and Is Printed tn Small
. . . ?m i'
Type telegraph upcrator
Shorten It to "FyftV'
WASHINGTON, March t Senator Tt-
llnghuysen, of New Jersey, ha.s'th dletlnc-
Hon of possessing the longest name In th ' 'A
l.'lllted States Senate, It contains thlrtedfi'.-.
letters, a length so formfdable'that In ttit ;.g
... U . il. -mnl.i ..,1.1. .- I. ' -' ''.V'C
liriniioK ui io- iiiiv.ii noiii 11 is nen-
essary to use smaller, more condensed type
than Is used for the other Senators. TM j
only Senator who chllengesjrillnghuysen'
supremacy Is Chamberlain, of Oregon. Tht '
best he can produce Is eleven Jetlers. Tn
shortest name Is possessed by 'ew-, of In
diana. Mr Frellnghu) sen's -name s so ''
long that the telegraph operator, to sv
time, abbreviates It Into "Fygn.
Sentenced for Cutting Girlr Throat
OKTTVSBL'RO, Pa., March' 7. Arthur
Cunningham, seventeen years old. who on
the evening of January 17 cut the throat n(
his sweetheart Catherine Kc,kenrode, whsn
she told him not to call on her any more,
was sentenced yesterday to the Huntingdon
Reformatoi) William Menchey, who es
caped three times from the Carter Junior
Republic near Kastoti, and Leo Darr, ro
Incorrigible boys, weie sent to Glen MIIK '
Just out I
IW7 (dollars
Bcautitul Pieces Lf
In Room Sizes
niniiiK room, living room, bedroom and
hall rujrs in colorinjrs of raie licauty and
practically in every desirable size, at price
in many instances less than the present
import cost.
Extraordinary Values
in Small Rugs
Special assortments in small and medium
vises consistinc of Kurdcstans. DaRheslans,
Hokhnrns, etc., nt about wholesale cost.
$28.00 and upwards
1220 Market Street
St., Phila ,. Pa.
' - J
" 8
, :M
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. 'H"i,r-s".We'W.
F, X