Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 02, 1917, Sports Extra, Image 17

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    - iy 't?1 ';rr' ttw
" ' irvNlGF (cetobihidajjmlbhia; - frip&y; " mrch 2; M ' ;
Camden Jumps Into First Division and Now Looks
Like Greystock's Most Likely Opponent
for the Eastern's Flag
JASPKlt lias, been ilefealed on tlie home
floor, nnd to Camden goes iho credit of
handing the KcnslngtonlaiiH the first ieeirnl
on the wooden ullejs nt Nonpareil Hall The
skeeUrs gao tho Jewels n setback last
night 29-24. which ill likely oost them
the second-half pennant of tho Kastcrn
League. ,
As a result, the Sltcetcri liao jumped Into
the first division, and as they are half a
tamo behind tho schedule nnd that said
battlo I with tho Churchmen nt Camden,
It looks ery much ns If they nic tho two
teams to battle It out for first place
The homo placrs started off with Onrlt
t forward and Leonard at guard but tho
former vn nnny off nnd retlrtd nt tho end
of tho first half with tho score Cnmdcn 1C,
Japer 5
Friedman Gets Inlb Action
When tho second half begin Mmty Krled
man was In action again nnd Leonard
moved up to forwaid Tho Jew Us tpurted
tral time, only to full back, and' were
to far behind to bo on the short end of
JT-15, hut a sharp rallv which pro
duced goals by Leonard, Kirr and Kox
helped tho Jasper total
The field goals were. Cn"iden, 9 , Jasper,
7 and went to Adam", 2 , Steele, 1 ; Dolln, 3 ;
p'elghsn, 2 llrown, 1; Kiilrow, I, Kerr, 2,
t.ox. 2. Leonard 1, Friedman, 1 At foul
tossing Adams made, 11 out of 14, Dark
I out of 10 and Sedrow 5 out of fi
United Haskctball Fraternity
At a meeting at tho Hotel Walton last
night a numliei of tho clt s prominent rago
men launched what Is known .is tho I'nlted
Basketball Kraternltj
Tho Idea Is to promote good fellowship
by bringing tho pl.aers closer together,
also to nssuro their protection in booking
games nwa from home.
A commlteo was choton to look Into tho
independent basketball sltmtlon nnd It will
report at n meeting to bo held next month
At this tlmo another dinner Is plunncd,
at which time twlco as many are expected
The speakers of tho evening wero Judge
Honnlwell, J Borton Weeks, Hsy , Cod
naladcr I'ranklln George Kahn, DanleL Tay
lor, Herman Daetzel
Greys Meet Heading
One of the last opportunities local fans
will havo of seeing tho present t Heading
team will bo tonight, when It meets (Jrey
liock at Coopoi Hattallon Hall, Twenty
third and Christian streets
"Aro ou going to win?' Manager Joseph
C Ualle was asked Ho laughed at mill
B. suggestion repljlng, 'Wo are, nnd well
you know It Tho leader of the clnin
plons then launched Into a general discus
sion of basketball, and Informed us that
he had a icgular guy In back of him now
that announces ' the sky to bo tho limit '
in the matter of expenditures for players
and that next season the Orevs would bo
represented by tho best to be obtained.
Ballej then ndded "My man Is In dead
earnest about the matter and was leal
sore at me because, I did not buy n cou
ple of stars and keep them on tho bench.
Just in case of injuries to my prestnt
"Todav I received three letters from reg
ular Grej stock rooters who say they .no
certain our bojs will capturo the second
half and meet Jasper tor tho champion-
Eastern League Haskctball
Statistics at a Glance
l!"f '" J "lift .ner K R ..V)0
Trenton . 7 .Ml Itrmllng . 7 7 Aim
(uniilrn. H 7 531 De.Nrrl S 10 .313
Hiiimi'i.i: ion wi:kk
Tnntfftif lf-,.,lt... i . ..,.
,f,''lu" tirejMnrk nt l)e rl Trenton '
nt ItriidLnn.
Cnmilrn, 5(1. Jnoprr 21.
ship 1he all want scats saved for the
"In the future money will be no object
to the flrevstoik management nnd ou
ean nnko that point Jim ns strong as jou
wish "
All of which will prove glad tidings to
plajets and fans alike
This Should He Stopped
A month or so ago several missiles were
hurled nt plaers In tho Hatern J.eague.
nnd recently tho organization nt u meeting
passed n motion that In tho future the ref
erea would mnko niiounccmcnt prior to the
start of games thit tiny ono caught throw
ing missiles nt plasers or olllcials would be
at rested and prosteuted
As far as wo have ascertained nn otllelnl
has made Btich nnnouneement within our
Aeiordlng to reports, the most fHgrnnt
violation ct was perpetrated nt Trenton on
Monday night nnd ns luck would hivo It,
Jasper was the attraction, although none of
tho Jewels was sought ns tho victim
Hefereo Hilly Kelly was the Intended vic
tim, and some one tried to take his me isure
by hurling n brick nt lilm Kcllv threat
ened to leave the cage If nn thing mnro
lamo his way, nnd 'Hoc' New m in Is nlso
said to have expressed his displeasure by
letting It be known th.it he wanted to live a
little longer nnd would not continue further
under such conditions
Should Make Announcement
The league would do n good thing to have
such announcement mado, nnd hnd this been
done nt Trenton the "fan" guilty of this out
lago may not hivo done so
This brick-throwing eplsodo Is no trivial
matter, and some further action should be
taken by tho I astern League Whit If it
hid struek Hilly Kellv and rendered him un
eonsclous or possibly killed him''
And what kind of a person would do such
n mean act and of what must the bo think
ing when the do such a thing" It Is be
jond our Imagination or conception but tho
person or persons If ever caught should bo
prosecuted to the full extent of tho law
Ilarrj Hough said last night that well
ho knows of tho btlck-throwlng episode, for
It missed his head bj inches and ho could
smell it passing b
College Eights to Use Oars
men Under 150 Pounds
in Special Event
Yale's chnllengo to raec n Tenn 150
pound crew In tho American Henley on
tho Schulklll May 12 hns been nccepted
Mnnager l'rclhufcr, of the lted nnd Illue
crews, received a, letter from tho Yalo crew
manager ehallcnglng l'enn to enter n crew
In the Henley legatta, with no man in
the boat weighing no more thin 1G0 pounds
Coach Wright Immediately decided to ac
cept the challenge
Tho lied nnd lllue varit nnd Junior
eights were put through n stiff workout
In barges ;,ostcrda afternoon In their sec
ond spin on the Schujlklll 'Iho "Jlu
coaching launih msterlously sank to the
bottom of tho river during tho night nnd
w.is unfit for service when It was finally
i.ilsed to the surface.
AccotilltiKlv Co tch Wtlght followed his
two Hi st rights 111 n motor ear nlong tho
banks of the river Until erews rowed up
to the Straw bet ry trolley bridge, keeping
a length apart alt tho time The varsity
owtd n slow, easv stroke, averaging about
iwentj-two stiokes to tho minute
The Juniors wero lowing u much higher
stroke averaging four strokes to everv
three of the v.usitj Several times the
eights spurted In nn attempt to skirmish,
but Coach Wright milt ml them to stop
Wright has determined not to 1.110 his
news until racing tlmo draws neat
rii:Vi:r-ANn O Mmrli 2 Tho Hlxncd
contract of Jim Hngb pitcher of tho local
American IeaKo team has been itteUed
Rookies and Itefjulavs
1 nrl I'lem. Hi, I'unnlt Murk n-M iho flr.t
linn Hip ttf uo Hfnmin itcrtlit hvi h put
riN outiff r-ltihcrH ihrnuMi prrlimln tr ilrlll
nt tht loral park I.iwril pit nt r uml two
aw h.rn nmk up the pnrt wnlrh ti lutntnl i
Mack ami ,it I'lnln-rtj tn1 light xurk wan
Inoutuce'l in lurlMR tho flrst Ih nut it will in?
niatjt' muni strenuous In the tmir future
Mot prlitKN, rk. New and nM Ilrookhn
NAtluiial leuttui rs.wi tit through thtlr flrt r.u
tin hiru ih1h umler th .llriMilon of JtcK
numb actlnx mamtKtr All in mU rs nf th
tontn wtll l here In a ttw tis with tho n
ct ption of Jnkq Duub rt, whu has tetn urunttil
a weekH l(ut .
Mnroti. da. !la t iMupII 1 lia(lo(t for
Micun ami tho m ork ankciK nrrurttlnR to
rtportn narhtnw htro tu'U 1 n Hllm ulnr will
be itrpftpfl pffulpl If Hill Donovan knuuii
MiiythlnK ahout It, hut Tap Iluitnn hmh It mikti
ti'i illlTen tire to him whethtr Oahlwell blijM In
lMtiatna u nixi to hint
Murlln, Tpx. (JTman Shnrnpr lth unn
ltor oor.lohn Mcdraw to row ahout pIhuumI
to rrpit todn Uorkltiif u a pitcher, ho w nt
iim i fiim p-isi i up juiirnw ni no in a nam
row. hi k'tmo, ilurhiK whkh Henny K uiff Cot
u lilt .
New Orlciii Tho mUnnro punrd nf tho
cioxehnd Amerlian t rdciin lull t"im nrrlod
hrn tnriit fpr tho untiunl nprlnr workout Uhlln
onl flo tilui m I'llrhf ri luo Wool I rltz
Coumtie n 1 Htunlo 'ootofiklo with I'atchor
Tom Ii and ,Sle n Nrlll (omprioo tho hmu nl
with M tnaKcr I.o I'ohl tho nmjorlt of tho
other mwnber of tho team ro hero to uroot
iho pftrt from t leolmd Th tlrnt rrintliu of
the fnflon H Bchetluled In New tJrltans to
( Imttnnoosu Mannccr fi I'ohl on routo
South with tup luehnil ltulUu doiltroO here
In d w.iM unnlontlnv wur n k'atnwt tho "two
nnd thre Bjstcm of felting hattori tho limit
on balls and strikea heforo dlapuwlnj of tlum
r.isulnm, nl. Todi tho Cuhi will nun
iifutim tho fliat hot "coro of tho stason whon
Mfltmrer Mltcht'lTi tetitntKo ri gul its will 1 i8h
with Trank Chaiico I,o Antcole Angels She k
ard h tthlnmiH will Journ- to nnta Anni for
a peolon for a hoinu talent club ut the lame
fl VV
Northeast and Germantown in Deadlock for Rui
ner-up Position in Basketball Race Won
oy soutn rnnaaeipnia nign a
Wnlter Jlaranille lias signed n 1917 contract to play with tho lioston
Braves. The Rabbit wns holding out for n $10,000 snluiy and finally
compromised for $7500,
In tho llank I onKUP I orn KxrhntiKo won two
Tln" from rrnnKUn tin lei ler lVnnilnnl i
foinpiny lott n Mnr rti.unt to t lo lip i,n the
liil'rn 1 ilropiilnir ull Ihrr,, cainrn In Phil i
iMphl t Trut sciunl illr,inl limt I'hllailclplil i
.Naltolul tun KilllK nnl rtlfrul Hpsorvo
ripiiUil Ih, pt'rfnrimiwp hi,iln!"t rrmrth str"(t
mi lllinkirm "f I'om l.xthniiRe rollM .1
..it !o!u In hi (in il k imp
l.vN il
nml 1!)3
f rninUIln rolled storri of 100, 15J
Htll mi nf Phlliiil-lplila Nnllnml not lil In
IK nmt nml IjsI Knmra ami 117 In the neniml
In tlu Corlpv r.ithollo Club imtchM lmt
lilplit Hllm won ln Km from hlto uml
Iteil oulrolleil Oreen In all thno roiilcatB
Olritil quintet rcmnlnt l-aur of tho Oprniuii
AiniTli.in I,oirui In tliW wnk' onipi It
KhnHiil Itn chmi oppoHit to I'ulieil ulniilnK
all threo Bttnpn Hnrmer In sernn,! plan' u
m, rlnn of thrn, Kani'H hohluil lllranl h' it
Wuirtit two KalllPJ K I 11 nlmwiil a re
luru to form wimiliiK thru trom I'nlumlila M
I ,n n i. r rn liPlpnl lllranl with a Vi I lolal Ret
link' ncorrn of -'-'! -I- nml l' Mnlth of
Qiurut lioluifil i .'4, i uunt In his opening
uitnu whllp Ithftili h nf 1C I II A, hoamcil of
i'Ol Mi and IS) W
'I hi l'hll iilelphl i I, I, trli I,oacuo maulipji
irookPil I hi rulomir thrill Meter nnln
talmU Itn fast imip wlnnlntr two from lnstatla
tlon ,r nunlinir N'o .' trmii ilowneil Oimmer
dil In nil thrco Bamei rmlersrounil Kr,ibl,el
two fiom Acioiinlluc No 1 ami Suppl walkeJ
oft with tho tntlro xcrlf.i ulth IllvtrHt lllllna
In the I' (1 1 uprlf Kr.inkfonl outmllnl
florin ininw n In thrw R.impn hdiit am hor on
tiio wlnnlntr sjuatl, tlnlihoil with a .'.'7 in oro.
Ham Mi 1 all conltnupil hii Rooil work with
Supplj nilinn nroren of 1 71 -0"i unil 177
srhtmpf miurttl 'il)i In liU neionil Miino with
With th fiml Karnes In lpl(ttin ll 1 ptkii
nrheiluleil for next Tliurmla tilBht Ih' rm has
fliveloppil Into n four flMeil I allle titwpen
lillllkrmi rirate" Ttrmlnal an I Itexnll Threi'
"niin'i it the niaritln pi piratlm; thi live men
mjuadi Itrxalln niprtooli the other leailirn
piiiiii! up morn of Pis US7 nml MJ nu.iinil
Mamhall n feat of knooklnj ilon n Jo' pll" In
lH) Hrroml Kdlre with ItLxahs will lie itiflliult
to supplant It Is within thlrt two pins of the
muehifeslli,l tterfpi t ,'IOU srorp ill Mimpllsheil 1
making twelto suh.iiikIp strikes In olio Kami
Pirates pip a fine exhibition hut falleil to
win all threi "amis fe,,in i,niiirit li ilri nnlliK
tho seeoml 01 i to till ririten liegan with a
Hitreofloln In ltlilu ill tin txpirts knot ki,l
down th follow Ins pins llanmn 111 I Mills, lsv
Prlie .'ill l'rkke 177 nnd Duinrin .'111
I'rotz of Kdou.ird was consistent with
with a Louttt or l",i followed with luH twite In
suifpsiiin .Mail.nhtan and Uallou wtro also
In form
FHANKrORD Hiail SCHOOIj Rtudcntfl
will probably break Ui clnsscn tmlay, per
bnpi plan rt big bonllro anil cclrbrato. The
team tlld not end tlio leaKUo season with
clcen utralRht defeats, thanks to Ceiitr.il
HIkIi's athletes, iu nlliiwnl lha Upton n
llals til Mill tho lenRllo ( oiliest, 28 to 'ii.
After IosIhk ten HtialRht leaRtio R.tinci,
the tiluniph mer Central caued eunsld
entblo nurptlso In Krhnl.tstlc olrde That
I'rankfotd mine back to life r.innot bo de
nied A t'cnlral Illk'li Sehool ihiir ex
plained tho defeat from tin t'llmsnn and
tioltl the result of ton miieh Individual
pl.nlntr and tint fiioucli teamwork.
't'enlrnl played inlHeriibly, e admit '
said this play el "W'n didn't pull tiiRether
There v. is no teamnotk Ilvety time n
plaver Rot Iho ball he would trv to rtih
It (Innn (ho lloor for Itidh lilll.il M-oilnic I
think eeiy ono wan tijniR ti run up an
liidHidiial ouio to boost tho IriiKiie stand
liiBs." Sheldon l'nlers IMkIi Class
The clasi of teallv ileer foul Roal toer
Is limited to placets who make inurh better
than half their ilnniei for finals front Hie
foul lino (uunt for points Mark Ilunnln, of
South Philadelphia, nnd Captain lllll lhir
liln of the N'arbtrth lllKh .sthool, nro two
Ht.irs nf exceptional ability In foul Kual
In the Cf ntrnl-riankfmil Kntue esterdny
the woik of Captain Sheldon was a feature
mil no emercn tue uikii (lass oi suiutu loin
Boal siorcifi when lin mado Iho Kuod total
of tieln out of fifteen llnows intuit for
points Together with 1'atnei l,echler, 'io
(tun mid Homhiowskl, Captain Slieldou put
up a flKlit tli tt had Centinl taltcrlm; heforo
the same was wi ii under w,n
l,.i Sallo ColleRo has i.imcllfd the basket
hall RJinii with tho lllanox.i l'reparatory
Kihnol learn Mheduled for thit nflernoon
bee uiso of the (.ondltlon of tbtee of the
I.a Salle athletes 'I he hao been tiuahlo
to prailke and tannot play tho (..iRe K-vne
for fcomo tlmo to conic
final Cage League Standing
The final HlKh School Haskctball I.caKiio
slundinp; shows tho South rhlladelplii I
IIIkIi Ii is won tho pennint nnd that (lei
mantown lllKh and Nmtlieant, b le.ivon
of Ccnttal's defeat In tho Ratne wltli l'rank
fnrd. in tied foi mi nml In the leaRue
While Co.uli Mlko Sacks Captain .Mark
Ituunln and all tho playeis and ollli lals
lonnected with Soulhein nnd the South
Philadelphia xlctory ate to bu lOiiKratu
lated mi the tltlo win foi tho downtown
nibbles, Noitheast nml lierniantown loino
lu for a laiRo hllie of praise t)f tho thtee
teams holding tlio Hist three plnies. t,er
mantonu deserws muic ciedlt than any
of tho other quintets:
(Hrmantown, plixlUK its flisl year in
fast company, was halng a harder
than South I'hlladolphla or Korthe
JIIkIi Tho Ocrmnntown team battled hant"
aKtilnst older nnd tnoro experienced oppo , M
ncnls. Tho fond hopes of a championship
wero chattered somo tlmo aso, but few of,
Mill Vllllin iiii'ukiil (lull uci iiiiiiuwii VVUUIU (r I n
cer como through in such fine shape. Mfv'iw'j
ltnfs off In (Iprnninlnnrn ttltrH Iia l 'u M
...... v.. ... .... ......u .. .. ...n.., ,,u av. 4'W M
r of tho High School Leaijuov ' M
fnnt member
Tho final league standing:
Schools Won
South Philadelphia 10
Norlhrnst llilli .... 7
(Iprmantown High . 7
el Phllailrlplllil ... 4
Philadelphia Trailrs Srhool ... 4
lentrnl llleh . H
I ninktiird lllth . . 1
e .g, J.l
ixnt r.o. iA i
2 .831' u r ;
.an , r
'.639 ' ji
1!J (X
rowliiitiiii Wins Klfiht Straight
'Ihn l'onhitan llojs' Club won Its elehth
strnlsht Mflorj list nlcht hy dpfeattns th '
Plproo Juniors tho siors lielnc 2.1-12. TI
iper pissim; nf the llo(s Club had the visitors
dinipletelv hewildered nnd they nexer were In
(HnKer of lielnrf headed off A featuro of th
i-'ame was the foul tosilmr of Hanratty, who
drup'ied eight out of ten Into tho basket. '
Jliss Cmerly Is Now nt Plnchurst
I'INKHrnsT, N C March 2 Miss Mildred
Caxerly of Philadelphia, runner-up to Ale
A Htlrllns In ttjo national (hamplonshlp solf
tournament nrrtml hern fresh from her recent
triumphs at llellculr and looklns for new world!
to conquer
IT '.J
1 .ta
15 cts. each, O for 00 cts.
inti iu 111 1 1 t.ivri: isiiniiK tkmiv m
i ii.i ii ii MPiiNinps
Kxtmiiltion Mall, ( omnierd il Museums,
llllh and pruie Ms.
TOMOUltllN Mt.llT. 7.10 O'CI (ITIC
Cornell HirMud a ( Prln(eton lVnnsxianlx
St ite Cotumhl i and other mllese teams entered
'tickets Ilox Scats J IHI lUs.-rm! Seats $1 5U
to f,0e On sale at (llmnel's Spaldine s
nnd Unlv of Ponni A A onin
Eastern League Basketball
IIINK.III' Al (Olll'IK nrri.itiN IIAI.I,
Jill mill ( hrl.HilM street.
NATIONAL A. C. iKW?;lgSt'r-
STl KIIA1 MtillT sVTlim WMC1HT
Stiliile) Yoakum is Charlie (lildl t'liomas
Henry Haulier s. Jnlinnr Wnlcnut
lomni .lauilsnn m. .lohn Hurt
Ailm. 2r. Ilea, fide, 13c nnd SI
CAMBRIA A. C. ,0I&V.7.,rl',,s'"
KcnslitKtnn Ale. nnd Somerset
1HIKW l.M.MMl. MMtlll ti
Jolmn NeUuii is. Irish Putwr C lln
nl VMDIA A A llrond A llalnhrldce
ULlIVlrlA A. A. nnrr, Fdnards. .Mgr.
mondw i;i;mmi, mkcii a
.llinmv liable is. I,po Ilnn
llrrt Spcncir is. Denny Shannon
.lininii Coster is, lluek Tailor
I dille M(.ndrewH Is. Joe Urlsh
Terry McGovern vs. Johnny Dundee
Adui. "'-. II il. Res. SDe & ?5c. Arena lies. SI.
'1,1 lM RULES OP THIS SALE Alterations charRcd for
Vm ffB at cost to tailors' time. None sent C. O. I). None do-
!- livcicd. None sold on purchasing ordeis. None sold
IB ir Absolutely
Mf The Most lili
Ni ' emarkable SaleM
I 111 flf en,s Clothes lB
" " B. $20 $"18 and' Mm
m ' ' :Ak. $15 Values
1 ' ' for $6-6frjjf
lUADIWIlWr Garments Which We Positively Guarantee Are Worth $20,
lUUKlllllU $is and $15A11 for $6.66 Each! Bead Every WeTd!
If we dared mention the name of the maker, the values would be all the MORE irresistible
to buyers but our promise not to reveal it is what brought this wind-fall to us.
We absolutely guarantee that the woolens themselves in these
Suits and Overcoats could not be purchased at wholesale today for
6M. Every one is a brand-new garment, beautifully tailored and
smartly styled. This latest coup of ours, in what is probably the high
est market since the Civil War, rolls up the total number of Suits and
Oyercoats in 'this 6.66 sale to the staggering total of 12,300
We have reason to be especially proud of our achievement to put on this
sale again this season in face of the enormously increased cost of merchan
dise. And the beauty of it is that we are offering better ?20, $18 and .$15 values
this time than we ever offered before. And anyone who is the slightest judge of
values will sense that the moment they see the startling values in our windows.
Tomorrow's buyers will pick the cream. Don't miss this great chance !
121 Fur Collar and Fur Lined Coats In This Sale
To Be Sacrificed At Less Than Actual Cost
Trousers at Less Than Cost of Making
$1.48, $1.98, $0-48, $0.98, $Q.48
Open Monday,
Friday and
Saturday Evenings
i4&ae so.i5ch.-st
Clothier and Furnisher
Second Store Above
Market Street
. A'ri
4 .y-3
t hi
t i
rttt. m
tmmmM .m-
TmmmmmtLJi ,vi' .' '- ,
iHTft " ' ' I'llffHiifl'r" .