Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 28, 1917, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 17
&f? ,' .k fVOT.1 'CX'PVWKm V STREET iHAS OWN SUBMARTNF. SCARE AND STOCK PRICES FALL UrU Gain Circulation That Four Undersea iw a,. "-. . XT 1 HI , ' """ IU ft Hovering m iNearoy waters and Vigorous Sellinir Vn lows Little Trouhln in Pmnit, tj ... b , " - "iv-iiig IVCUeSSl ons V'TMt vMif ... Kwll Street had It. own submarine BCare today when the 'stntemer... ..... Undersea .oais vcrc Known to no noverlnp nearby water ntnrtc.t vlKoro s Sft,, of neary nil net vc 8sue, on the Stoelc Exchange shortly a ,e noo , Lw to that time the market lind been a draiiKlnc one. i.i, .... ."., " ncn,K Lutd to the short side, seeking and flndlnR now weak spots, and 'they had little, Luble in forcing sharp recessions In many Issues which Just now Jm , "2 en abandoned ny incir promoters and market managers. ' The absence of demand for Bethlehem Steel Ihsucs una m, ,...... KWq which only week ago sold at HO ex Its dividends and rights, was down I,r.Mj artcrnoou n .-v. ....- ..unir. i, miuacniic io the new stock at nar whin. foj.Jcck ngo sbld nt 23. yielded' to 6i, nnd Bethlehem Steel "B," from' 1-3 V. k? '":..:. r;..,M '.:"". ..T... ",.t0"- .,hc i" nethiei,. I'ftetlOia siucr. ... .......w...., ...... i.huu, ivuuiu on equal to below 340 fo, The submarine reports lind n pronounced effect on the shipping stocks Mnilnc tiWtrred, which had sold at 71 'i at the opening, dropped to fisni. ami a. ...., I Guf and West Indies was offered down sharply and sustained the greatest losi '- .. . 'L....,. i.,.. ,v,.,r1r ii t-nnrl mllv In ll.e. ti.M .....ii rin IMS ftiuui', ""- " "-- ' " " 'v; imuillK. f . .!.. KnllMHiln llAliI Clel.. ...ll ...1.11- ... ri The icaum i..ii....o ,.. ....., ni-,, nnuc incse recessions -worn ... .,... Rim! generally showed only fractional net losses as the result of the day's opera'. ... United States Steel common was also well held, althmieh n ,innn,i , Itolnt from Its high level of the day. it The bond market showed n steady tone, with the forolcn lasnc r-n,..i.,i.. ... frtHect liquidation partly by some who have received these securities In dividend 'jUtrlbutlons. fliiB"-''"-- -"' " m-. ana mere were moderate declines a other lorcign issues. MOVEMENTS ARE IRREGULAR ON CURB; NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING ADVANCES NEW YORK. Keb. 28. I & There were muny Irregular movements oh the Broad Street Curb during the Va.v. with continued demand for some of the minim: and shlnnlnir (nri.- nu.t..i.. ''those groups unusuully prominent. Xew York Shipbuilding was one of the l.'itrongest features, with sales at from 40 to 42, nnd United States Shipbuilding Tioldat from 6 to C4. $ Big I.edgc was the most prominent feature of the mining group, more than KH.00O shares being traded In at from 4i to 5'j, the highest price readied tin the present movement.. i The buying wss based on advices that ieccnt' assays run more than 1S per hfent copper nnd more than $82 to the ton In gold. Butto Copper and. Silne was Another strong feature In this group, with large transactions ranging from 10 to Utj. United Verde sold at 39 to 35,. and llagma decline from GO to 43. The oil stocks were generally quiet. Ohio Oil sold at 390, and Standard Oil if New Jersey nt 693 to J93. Standard Oil of Indiana sold nt S53, and Standard Oil of New York at 294 and 293. Independent oil stocks moved within a narrow fringe, showing little change from recently prevailing prices. ' The Industrials were generally heavy, showing fractional losses, with Aetna 'iExoloslves traded In at 4 to 3?i and MIdvale Steel selling at 34 to 53hi. Wrlght- Jlirtln Aircraft sold at 8'4 and b'l. Hetfclen Truck sold at 22U and 2:'. and United Motor at 40 to 40.. . Bethlehem Steel notes, when Issued, were traded In at 98S. and Southern fRallwav notes, when Issued, were traded in at 9SV l.litni ni.ui If Aetna Kxploslves .v4 'American Brltisli Jltg .. . 'American Marconi 2 'American Writing Paper 4Vi 'Canadian Car & l''dy ... 35 Canadian Car & Fily prer r . liCarwen Steel ll!4 fCliarcoal Iron . vi jChevrolet Motors ins JCramp Shipbuilding .... "5 fCurtiss Aeroplane is IKmenon Phonograph .. . n',i TFederol Dyestuff 40 iJHatfcell & Barker Car . . 30 .tllendee Manufacturing . 34 tKathodlon Bronze prcf .. a U Idke Torpedo Boat s'.i i Laurel Oil & (las Vi Lima Locomotive new .. nn J Uarlln Arms 01 f Maxim Munitions 1 inaie steel ns1 ,Ve York Shipbuilding . 40 , Otla Elevator ......... 57 Peerless Motors Iff Poole Kit M "Sit Hedden M T s-j Bcrtpps-Booth sn S S Kresge w I is Santa Cecilia SO Santa Cecilia pref 65 Standard Motors ? St Joseph Lead 1 7 V, Ktetl AllnvR hvl ilKuhmarin. 1 Triangle Film 2 '.i Todd Hhlnr.iril ft fJl'nlted Sugar 35Vi innea Alloy Steel 43V4 US Steamship B' I'nlted Motors 39 t'nlted Profit Sharing ... ,Workl Film . . 54 line Concentrating S It.Ml.ltOAIIS Uock Island com SftU Rock Island (A) pref 4 Kock Isiand (B) pref western Pacinc w l in Western racltlc nref .... 4 Wabash Pittsbureh IO .Wabash Pittsburgh pref. 4K t in -Va R 3(1 IS mi H nr. s. 34 lit to 2S 4 9 AS 93 SV4 r3T 41. 113 IX n 33W 3.1 13 2S 's',4 ISVj' S 34 3V4 SI 3! 44V4 Y 40 9 1314 7?i 110 0i S7 04 4 39 S3 14 l 24 Hi 44 li it ixnr,ii:M)i;xT on. stocks rontinurii W. I !oi" lllrl. . u j 6'k . IK), . 17 . I7'4 . 10 . SV4 . . ?k . SO . 1 . u . SBVk . 20 1Vi m 3V4 3?i 30 U XR 71 31 A3 21 SO STANDARII OIL hTOl'KS Illinois 33X Ohio .... . . 1417 Prairie Pipe 33.1 Pierce pit . ... I3H BUnd Oil of California. 300 wttand oil of JCciv Jersey. 90 ona on of Xew York. 290 342 3IMI 330 13 3U.t (19.1 3U4 692 IXIIKPK.VDKNT OIL KTOL'KH iln Vntii..fi ttA fL .Ssmtt nil f. t. ( ..n'. .Coiden Oil & Oas '.'.'.'.'.'. 14 14V4 K 2- ll"k Cosden & Co Federal Oil Inter Petroleum Houston Oil Merrljt Oil Oklahoma Prod & It. . Osage Hominy Rice Oil Hoyal Dutch Sequoyah Sapulpa Ref ........ Sinclair . . .'. West Kifd O & O MINING STOCKS Alaska Standard . Atlanta Ble LedEe Blsbec Copper (a prosp.) uutte t opper anu ;inc Butte New York Calumet & Jerome . . Consolidated Arizona Dundee, Arizona Kmma Consolidated . First National Florence Goldfidd Globe Dominion Coldfleld Consolidated Goldllcld Merger Green Monster Hecla Mining Howe Sound Independence Lead . . . Jim Bqtler Jumbo Extension . .'. . Kerr Lake Kewanas McKlnley-Darragli . Mother Lode Magma Copper Mines Co of America Nevada Wonder Nlplsslng Ray Hercules San Toy Seneca Copper Tonopah Kxtenslon . . I'n Verde Kt West Knd Con White Oak i IIOMIS Cudahy 5k Cerro de Pasco 6s . . . Cosden Oil 6s Cos-den & Co new 6s. French Jlunlc 6s MIdvale Steel 5s Russian 6Vs Russian 5',js Sinclair Oil 6s Todd Shipyard 6s . . . Western Pacific new 5s. . sou Southern Rwy 5s . . . U S Rubber.new 5s. . Arkcd. i. in .i I2U 19 IX I0k X"S. '.4 (II i 3.1 (Sali-I 15? .I'll IX I7V4 1014 X son (V4 04 .16 21 ) I Hi Hi .ii it n ntk . 2 2U 2.k . li Uk Hk . 2 2'k 3Vi . Hi 2 Hk . Ifc !'. Hi . '3 3 4 .. 11 0 " I '! " ' r .61 A 10 7',4 . I,, Hi 1 . 7!k X 7)t 0J4 (l fl'j . 14 1.1 . X7 92 , 77 . 27 29 37 . 4U A . 20 33 23 . 10 .11 . 3X 30 30 . 48i 30 10 . Hk 2k .. . UK 2V .. . X Ml, Sli . 4 ik i n .11 l IK . 1314 14 13' . 3i STk 3)1 . 3X 3 39 . (1.1 70 6.1 . 3 . . . . . S . 9A!)i 09 .111 I IK .1031 101 .msa, 10:14 . 91 0.1 9li . 0.114 96 . 91 0114 . . . 84 J X5U X.I .11(1 11014 .- . 99 101 . sou son 891'4 . USIk 99 OXTk . 9lk 9114 9I Mi Mf- FOREIGN EXCHANGE .Jf-KEW YORK. Feb. 28. The features o2 i dull and otherwise uninteresting foreign change market Included a further slip plus down of 2 to 3 points In Italian ex achanse. a. shading In rubles and a slightly "firmer tone, on nominal dealings. In relchs- JitaiAC. Quotations were: Demand sterling 4.7Sai. rnhlps 4.76 7.16: flJlHy-day bills 4.471,.i4.71ai, ninety-day WSWHS. i-ranc cables 6.84 H, checks 5.85. Vienna .cables 11.05. checks 11.03. Swiss cables 5.00 j, checks 6.02. Guilder pnhtna iO 7.1 fl tAaa 1 .1 C .h44l;n H'liJH less 1.16. KjJHuble cables 28.38. checks' 28.30. Si'""1" cables 21.18, checks 21.10. joiocunoim cables 29.65. checks 29.45. : Examinations for.SchoIarshlns W.fTATE COLLKG13, Ta.. P'eb. 28. Mc- UStfttA PnllAff ...11. k. 1..1 tl.ln ,.AH in tlUdentfl from nnluml.ta -M(m(n T)a.' Wun. (W1.!114 Center Counties. ' High-school "Principals Wilt mnidinl .nmnntlllva ovntnl. Ilnatlons to select candidates for tlio scholar- i-ujji. The candidates will ba tested In U'ed Stajes history, civil government, utebra to quadratics, plane, geometry; Kng. j srammar and KnglUh classics,- Kxam. ItfOnS Will Via IiaM an.l 4Iia ontiAlntm.ii(. Sde 'before June 1. KNInth National to Increase Capital vno 4intn National llanlc has Issued a U for a special meeting of Its share- Milr-nn nrll I- vnl. on n 100(10(1 nrtas of Its ranltnl trAV. ntul' If nil. ytd to Offer the slock In' Its shareholders ijjrtcord as o'r April 6 at 200 a share, ".proportion of one share to three, Uie pni capital being $300,000, The last la..0'1 s,ock was at 330 a share. 'The '" rate is is per cent. During the ;"; ynrs the bank's deposits nave Waq.and are now. about 6,500.00O. , England's Sinenses Grow SilP.0''- VK 28 Last week's reve- :?' United Kingdom amouned to JD,000. j. and (he expenditures to. n.OOJ. 'rroceeds.from the 'Victory" Jfi. etc. were ll6,0.V10.O00. Advances K 'o thA'Bank'of. Knartand amounted MONEY-LENDING KATES X13W VOUK Rales on loans secured by mlied Stock Kxchange collateral for sixty and ninety days were unchanged today ut 3 per cent for the former pud 4 per cent trading rate for the latter. For four, nve and sis months the tlgures are 4 4i 1's per cent, as compared with. 4 per cent on actual transactions yesterday. Industrial loans are quoted U to '4 per cent higher tlan these figures. Prime ac ceotances were unchanged at 33 per cent for ellglbles and 4 14 'a 3 for non eligibles. . riliI.ADKI.IMUA Call. 31, per cent. Time 44'.a per cent. Commercial, three to six months, 44H per cent. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clrlni today compared with corre .poSdln. day last two mifl ,,,. .... .lnhl (SO K'V.a7S II2.3H3.138 t30.0MI.U83 ' LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS SlacXamsra ... Mlipah EaUnilon Montana North Hlar .v.. GOLDFIEI.U STOCKH nius Dull Jlooth "" "".'.'..'.'.'. L'onUilnatlVn ' Krartion Dlamonunelu II Uatay . Oro .....' . ; Mandaturm KxndaU silver Pick '; MISCKl.LANKOi: Ail r.a Vnlli' Nevada lllll Tecopa MlnlnK ' NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS mpu." vnitlf Keb. "J8. HIITTKIl nectlpt". Irai i35c: -tra flralt. Hij SBcj.mUed. Mtitmac, Plate Glass Company Expands riTTSBUnair. I'eb. 28. The stockhold rs 'of the Plttibureh. Plate Glass Cotn. Hid. AaUcd. .07 . . .311 .2.1 .ir. is .24 2.1 .02 -"3 .11 13 .02 . .114 .(Id .03 ,01 .(13 .114 .02 .('I ,ll .0.1 ,tl .IS ..10 J2 ,u .2o At 11 lJnlttlld. K. drill. 33tf84o: 40ci brown, 35 fnv kt a. aneclat meetl'n today authorxed p,in-Bnk'of,.Hn4ttand amounted to ;o,yw.vv. ."j.-v -riii,iockv dlvl- ".om. TrMUrr bHU 'outUndiw , W """"T'i lI',"Tr',:P. T 'V-- rvV 4917 NcwYorJc Slock Sales -Alaska t), jnc Alaska Juneau . . , Allls-Chalmers Co do prcf Am Agr Client Am Ileet ugar . .m Can do pref . . Am Car & ly.. Am Cotton on.. Am Hide & i,. do pfd . . , Am Ice Secur Alii Linseed . . . do pfd . ... Am Loco . . Am Malt pfd t c Am Smelting . . . do pfd do pfd A Am Sicel ."dry . Am Sugar . Am Tel c. Cat, . ' Alii Tel fc Tel . . Am Wool , . . .m Writ Pap ,,f Am Zinc & l.cad Anaconda Atchison do prcf . Atlantic II I,. At Coast Line At liulf w I . Raid l.oco Co Halt & More Harm i'n . . Hatopllas Mining Doth Klcel do w I do rights . Rrook R T . . . Rutto & Sup I'pr Cat Petri do pref Canada Pacific . . Cent Leather . . Cerro do I'asco . Chandler Motors. Mies & Ohio lllsh. T!4 M 2.HA S3 SSI,, 13 intn ni'.i I3W lllfc n idti 32!!, loi.i .llllji I'.i 1 tf.l, N2 SS stu 1 miii i:t 12 ti II SI 23", 10 .12 V4 (10 104 n.iVi 112 mo .101. no (i.i Clone i hge "U . IV ' 2Mfc I SJ as sill 12 V mils '.4 I Al V. 1 14 1214 I II U (II !(! 10 32 14 no 1 014 n.n 112 loo .. .. lo' Ho 2'4 (1.1 14 Mi 14 H4 IV, 214 ns' 112 loo (III I II 11.1 12.1 'I2I', 12.1 . . I?". inn lfl; t; IIh UN. Il-S. i 3?li 3flli 30(4 14 SOli 10 !i 10 U (S. I"J' I02(, KI'JIS. . IOO Oil?. 1.1 1.1 113 113 ali, 3 hi, 3214 .11'- . 1(1111 1.1 no no I'N. i- .12.1111 120 1I21J 10.11, 12 i; SH 01 if, IS'.i Ittj, 23 22?. .13 14 .12 1.14 1.1314 Ml .- ', Kfl!i SHi S5 i(, 38 ', , 3H :iH I OH 1, inn', 'i .Iftiv. .-.siL r.m;. .v. Chi (It West pref. :i,Vj 3.1'fc 3.lij it Sl4 SO(, RIHj, 14 lllli. 11114 Mil li 11H14111 in Chl M fc St P do picf Chl & Nun . . do pref C It I & P itfs dp. ;C (' C & St 1, 'Chile Copper Chlno Con Cop . Col Kuel & Iron. . Col (!as & i;iec . Comp Tab not, s. 1.1 4 ' AS 14 I .12 V, 1.1 1 no t. n. . . i;oa, mi, o.V5, iaj (!!4 1 1! 1 I1. ( Is 22"S. , .13 . . . 21Vj I Oil 23 3.1 Th 111 42 U II 115 201), 40 li 11.1 I 1 Con (J IJI.&P Halt . t'onsol (Ins 122 V, Com Products. , si do pref 102 Crucible Steel . . r..1' do prcf .: , . . list;, Cuban Cnno Sag. 30 li .1.1 l.l!i II 11 IS !s II II 12.1 1 2.1 I22U I22 2014 'JO 1,4 101 loi (I3T, 114 l,J Hi w 114 4 li I I '4 SO 'J, 30T 23 U 20i SVa 4l'-, 3114 2I(! 1 02 1131, SO 1IV4 4 1 14 do pief f & It C. pref . Ulst Securities . Idle , di 1st pref . . I'ed M & S . . , Clastou Williams (Jen ('hem Co f.'en Klectrlc Co l.en Motois . . .do prcf Ciondrieli, II ." . (it Northern pref 11:1 (.t Nor Ore piiln. . 32 , i.reen inn (op. (Ju'f State Steel lot Agrit'Ul do pief . , . . Inspiration Cop . Inter-Cons Corp . do pref .... lot liar of N .1 pf 11 lilt .11 er Jlarlne. . '!6iS, do pief liUern.it Paper do pief lot Nickel Kayser .1 . . . Kan C So pref. . Kelly Spiltigtleld . Kenneeott Cop . . K C Kl I. & C rhts 1121, 3, SH'i. 30 . '3 3K 3K!4 KH. 30 22 li 20 3 01-. It, 31 210 11.1 iniT. ino4 mi", so so .1314 .13 tn 112'ii 112'Ji li 32 3 1 IH4 .... (Ill 1.1 3K -'. 2(1 30t4 ll', 10 111 .'III II Inn 1.1 3S '. , I im 3'i. I -I 13 11.1 If. ll'J, .102 U.ack Steel Laclede (las . . Lehigh Valley l.ec Rub & Tire Loulsv & Nash Mnrkay Cos Max Motor .... do 1st pief . May 1) Stores pf.10114 I0H4 Mex Petrol .. .. H1!N K4 j. Jtlaml Con Copper salt. Mo Pac pr 1. . .1314 iiont rower Nat ICii.un 6: Stpd National Lead. . . Nev Con Cop . . N V Air Ilral.e. . New Vork Cent N V Chl & SI I.. N V N II & II N V (lilt Ai West Norf South Norf & West . . . I2K do pief S(l'jr Norlh American . 1 Northern Pacific. . nil 12, 12 11.1 . Ill 111 21 a, :, IIH'ii 3.1 V, O.l'l'l 10 13.1 .1.1 14 .13 14 Va -"h . . . . :i 11 2 102 102 1 ll'i 1(V, 10-1, 1 14 10 1114 ISTi. TA ISOVa 12fl4 12(114 V4 RSI2 ss ssVj 1 1- 111 31 I0H 13.1 3314 33i 13 li -"li ? IV, 3.1(4 u.i. IWJi I U HI'S. 13.1 6314 V. .13 I 44 V, ... .11 (IKli . 100 .14 .in i,4 2.1 Kir. 0.1 31 I31 24 In S3 V, 1'!i 3KVa S3l,4 o T 32 Sli 2 Mi 1214 0 4 31 I2:!i 2 I Vx sn b; 1 113 .4 1 11.1 sili Hill ST. 02 fll-J, 3(S:, II III ,13 V, 111'!, 10114 - I S.I ! .), .1.114 ... IOO 32 .1(1 2.1 -T- llii '! OIU .. . 31 13 U - 2 1 14 . . 2.1 11 121V, sn-j, (11 103'), Ins .1 1 li I no ST -318 ;a ; II'1! (ii li i.V, IV. H Sllljj Pj 41V, I I I I 11 t I Mil li 2A 021s Hi, IB I 102 14 S3 11 i)J i!(" Hh 1 4 'I, V, Nova Scotia Steel.ln.1 Ohio I-'uel Co . . . SIV, Ohio Cas ion, Onlinlo Sllier . . Si Pan Alii Pet pr. . Ill Peiina It II ... 31')', IVie Mai( I. . . 21 do pief w 1 ... lil'), Philadelphia Co. . . :s Pitts Coal clfs . . . 1.11, do pf ctfH Illli Pressed Steel Car. 1014 Ray Con Cop .... 21 If. Reading o.T)i Rep Iron & Steel. do pref . ... 102 Saxon Motors ,13')', St LSI-' 21 Scab Air Line ll')i do pref .... 32 (,4 Stjars Roebuck . .23(1 Shattuck All. . . 21 14 Sou Pacific .... 0314 Sou Porto Rico Sg.lHI Southern It It 211, do prcf SO Studebaker 101 Tenn t'p & Cm I 1.1 Texas & Vac 1.1 !i Texas Co 2SB Third Ave It It. .. 40 Tobacco Products. .1211 Union Paclflo ...138 do pief S414 United Clg Stores 1)9 t'nlted Drug is United Drug :'d pf iio United Krult . . . 140 United Ry Inv ... a 14 do pref 10 U S Ind Alcohol.. 124 V S JJubber 52 do 1st pfd 100ii U H Smelt & Ref. . soy, U S Steel do pfd Utah Cdpper . . Utah Seo Corp... S0! 20 2016 l Va Car Chein ss .is :Ih 1 Vu Iron C & C... 53 .11 51 1 Wabash , 12 li 12 VI 1211 14 do pfd A 4 47i 471)4 7k do. pfd II 214 25 23 ,y, West Union Tel.. 03 li 02 V, 02 V Westing-house Mfg 4' 471i 47")i 1 Woolworth 130"i 13B)i 130")', ,14 Wheel & Ij K.... 15 14 1414 V do CtfB 4014 SHiyi 38 l)i Willys Overland .3314 33 33 114 Bx dividend Norfolk and Wealern, l'i and 1 nr rent extra: IHumond Matih Co.. II nnd 1 j.c. ..t .Ttrai united Cigar Htorea pref,. 14 1 Southern Paclfle, 1)4 per rem; American Coal K J.. and 14 uf 1 per rent extra; Ainerlran Kiprrra, Hi l Krl and Plttsliurah, li ot 1 per rnt.; Alax ItuLber. Hi. tEx rlabla Detroit KUIaon. t Sugar Futures Are' Steady , Is'BW VORK, Feb, 18. The market foi sugar futures tolay opened steady 1 point lower to an advance of 3 points, wltji sales on the call 1200 tons. Private advices from Cuba regarding the revolt there a.ecm to be more or less conflicting a to the amount of damaje done the crop, but the trade, generally seemed to believe thst con ditlons.are still serious and thst It s Impoi. slbl'td-gtt"',ur shipped. here'jnanytHIng taintnl' ) fr -r'-t -r 2, 2 li 1.17m 102 S3 U 20 II), 32 V, 22 I 2241, (;, 2114 2114 02'ir 02-T, 1 IHI HI 21H 21"A .18 2 110 IVi 1I7 14 I8V4 . .. 22114 J 4(1 li 1 52 14 13714 14 S4 14 l1)', 00 78 M 00 13014 114 814 V 111 J 11014 5 3191 1 10(T1 2Vi 5 14 08J4 li .18 08', 1474 1.114 220 li 30 .11 13714 8114 08 78 00 130)4 854 10 110V.1 3114 may, sn li . 1085i 107 111')'. 11714 11714 J4 .111 100 10814 I I New York Bond Salcit .nvr 3 1 71 ltrt or.4 ii..w niv in'. 1iiii. lout. S,, Kll, lllih. I.DW 3 P M i!!2!l Alaska (Id cv (1 Ser A 71 71 71 tllMMMi SKi'l.-Wfnc'l," f,'" 1 iiKio A.m I'orrlgn flee R .(Ms Amr Tel ell la. 3.1IMHI ,n J, I'Oii Ainer Writ Pap icon Ann Arbor 4s .j'Miii Armnur l"o 4 4. flMHi AtrhHon sen 4 .10011 do adJ 4a . . liKitio Allan Co Line 1m 1a. til a. io unit on ci .Via. Il.l, 22O00 do Sa . . . loo I2IIOO il.i 4a .. . . (ijli 1.1INHI 0,i rv 44a . . 114", IK100 llVth Sleel rfil 3a 00 k Whmi Kraden Coplwr (la.. .. 07 .' iirnoKirn It I ..a 1IMS, ll nil U'ila IMS mi 111! S'l'i 03 a, HI'. Nil imi. i . SI- loo .. M IMI . 03, . o-.', (loon Can iloit ,1a III """ oo na lli.'O .1000 Oo Aa I H31 3IHWO ! ( (en 4a Vino i'a Uaa t Hire f,V -I'i'i. i-nnaila loulli ."is... . r.llllO Cent Lealli In r.r. lliinio Cent Paellle 3.a 4IHHI .In lat la I 3(111(1 (.'lira Ohio Wa Iniio .to i onv ,1.. . 1(1(1(1 Chl I Atlnil .'la. 20(10 Chl i:.t III ii. anon Chl lit West 4a. (liloo Chl Nnn ,Vta. . . S.1IKHI Chl 11 g Joint 4a 3(ioo U M Si p rfd 4( a KlOO rto rv Ha 30IKI rto sen ia f.noo Chl HUi tf, 4, filino Clev Sh l,ln l'i a Simon City of t'nrla . 1(100 Cnl I' I kpii Sa 1000 Comp Tab Itee (1. 10(111 Cumberland Tel Sa. 1MIIO llol t llll.l CV .la . . isnoil Den Itlo llr rM t,a. (I Kino Detroit United 14a. . SI i'noo )u Ponl Powder ms.lnl .'.(Mill Urle ronv 4a aer II.. OIH .1(100 llrla nrlor 4a . . . sl' llioo (lull HIilo If! Sa 210(10 Hud t .Man In Da . Ilmi'l l rM Sa . 4000 III Hteel deli 4ia 10(10 Indiana Sleel Sa. IlllOll Iowa Central rr .la .'.(moo Inlerb It T rel ,1a . Iiiimhi Inter Mer Mar Sa. . lono Internal Paper Sa . 1000 Kan City So Sa . (11100 l.aika Meel Sa 1030 looo Lorlllurd 7a ... 'JIlOO l,outa A Nash loon Mex Pet Co (la Ser A.ln7 Minn Mo Kan . T lat 4a. . 21100 do 414 a Iiiimhi Morrla i Raacx 34 a. '.Moon Mo Pac la w I 2.100 NYC II (!. . . . 4000 do 44 a 3000 N V City la 18.17. . . 1000 iio 4a UI.MI '.'000 do 4'a lililo SOiio do 4a 111H4 . SHOO X V (I II & P 4s. . 1000 N V N II & II (la SOOO N' V ( & V lat 4a. . 4000 N V llwy ndj S . 22000 N V Tel Km 14 a . . filino Norf A Weal 4a. . . 1SIUI Nor I'nr prior 4a limn do nen 3a 3lnai Par Conat lat Ss 'Jllllill I'aeine Tel Sa . . . lono Pennn sen tt 44 s . s I do in l'i a anno Public Herv N J Sa.. 4(1110 HeadlliR Ken 4a . . . .lono lleniRIrr Cent 4a 1IMIIO Itwv Ml Sps Sa 11131 S Mt I. 1 M ft H 4a. . . i'Milin Ml I. ft S I' ojt (la 1'1'imhi tin In Sa .'HI I iln la ,S,-r A 12.10(1 Oo Ser II 12IIUII St Loula Hnn , on la loon Stand Uaa (! 11100 South Hell Sa 70(111 South Par rv la li'.onn ill. rM la . . 3M100 South Par .'.a .'limn South Hw) kcii 4.. 2000 Texna Co e (ta SOIIO 1' S Itublar (la 12 ( C S Hleel a r Sa. SOU do a f rcK Sa . Inilil t'lllim l'.ie 1l la. 110(10 Co Kn S !' 4a. Miinio v k or u ii i i na 03 i 034 ss, ill 11.1 I'M lb 1(3, l((, I'll'. "J. no'. lis inc. 1(7,4 7 . 11111 1112 V. 10.". Hi: loll, I'M ( mi Ml", H Oil, 111,, s.'.' 111", K3 l"h 03. 01". imS "'. Hll'l ns;, IKlfa 074 ton wi: 1101, US', III', mn inn 71 02'. ns(, n.i", IOC, 101", 71", loiH, 3'i H3i S7 s, loo'. loiO. KM Kl.l't HI'! M HH (If. SI', Kl 2d (IS n.i'. 1(124 a up. (U4 ton 71 . (12 , I's US", 10(4 I PI , 74. 1004 03 niij S.l. on', I'K !(1 4 ill', Ion 71 02", V nr., 1o'. mi", 74", lon, n.i 1134 i7 Inn'. 101 (17 4 M lot (114 M', si 20 ll.a 03' i !((."! 074 07 n;s ii 1 4 in', HI', on on no SS4 si'i a4 11.14 n.i". or.a, 12(14 12H4 1204 ill n.i. m Hi7 107 107 7(14 7(1 70, . 37 .1111! 3114 , Ml4 Ml4 'l!l . r iir.ij (isi, ,lo4 lots lot"), , H7. 117", H7, 100', 10114 11101. loo', loo'. Urn', 102 102 102 1024 102H in'. . 5 S.I SS .102 103 10J 7S4 7s4 7sl . .1'I4 an 311 . oh', ns'i f"T . n.i', ii.i 034 111 034 in 11114 (1114 li!!'. mi'; mi", mi". 1n(i4 Km'. Km. .102", 1024 .in.. mi ' . 014 . 044 on hi 4 72', S3 07, s.14 (I, 111 ill 11.1 110 M4 ASS' Si- 1171. io(4 inii'i lllll lllll mi sn 1124 112, llKl'a lllll". .71 70.1. 111.'.". IO 102", loss Il1', . 07 40 . 11114 11124 ins 111 1(4 4 OS mi ?24 S3 111'. Kill Sfl K24 lno4 711 los. (I2S, 1024 10.11, ii7t, isioini ii,. r.4a huh . . ns'-. i.l.MIIFI, ,,,, ,t--yj ,.l. Uf. 1"-. IIIIIIIIIO lo S'a 1 11 1 It . IIS". 13.10110 .Io .14 a 11(21 1(44 iliino n Cur Chm (la. loo .limn Wllaiin Co (!. . . .1011 .".iiniill Weal Md lat 4a. . . 72", limn We.t Shorn res la.. . ss'. II W'e.t I'nlmi 44a.... 113 4 10.1',r 07 304 11(14 US lis 1.S4 I4 11111 mi. 1(3 4 H7 in mi", sis', 1IH lis". KI4 tun HH ', 72 ', ss'. 03 4 HAK SILVER 1017 l.otiduii (ppiuel New Vorkiienta) 77 Today. Tea. WVil. lllcli .mv .i.'i .i.'i ;(j-, ;(s,'. ;ni OBITUARIES William Bailey How land N'lIlS' YOltlC. Keb. 28. IVIlllsin llalley Ilowland, preslilent of the Iiidepeiidciit Coi por.it Inn, wliicli publishes the Independent, Hint recentl)' absorbed Harper's Weekly and now publishes the Countryside .Magazine, died In his olllce here from an attach of anslna pectoris, lie appeared at his olllee esterday liiornliiB at the usual hour, ap. parently In Rood health. Mr. Ilowland was born in Ashland, N V . In 1S4. Ho was founder and for several years publisher of OutliiR and later editor and proprietor of the Cambridge (Muss.) Tribune. Krom 1S90 to 1913 he was treas urer anil publisher of the Outlook. Charles M. Doxlson ni:THI.i:Hi:.M. Pa.. Keb. 28. Charles M. Podson, who was Identified with the anthia I'lte Industry for more than half a century, died at bis home heic. He was eighty-two years old. T. X. Harnsdall PTT.SHI'P,(1II. I-'eb 28. Tiieoiloie N'. Harnsdall. a millionaire nil man, died at Ins home here He was stricken with apo plexy lost Saturday afternoon. Dr. S. .Mason McCollin Dr. S. .Mason McCollin. seventy-four years old. died Saturday at his home III l.lauerch. He was a member of the Society of b'rlends. and was educated al the Friends' Select School, the College of Pharmacy and Jef ferson Medical College. For many cn'rs he Ihed on Arch street, and engaged In the general practice of medicine. IX .IIKMOni.MI VAltWlU In loilnn memory of IIK.S'Itr VAItWIG, who departed this life on 1-h 2. 11110. FAMILY. I1I.TT1IK. Feb. 27. JOSSIK WINKI.OW wifo of Charlea WValey llljthe and dauahler of late Jeremiah T. and Sarah Tboniaa W'inainw. ItetaUvea and friends Invited to funeral aervlea, Sal . 2 p. in., eon'a residence. Sprue at.. Col lhiKdale, Delaware Co.. X'a. Int. private. Ml. Morlah Cem. , IIOIIZIN. Feb. 24. at her horn-, lint North ern ave . New Vork. AI.ICII D.. daUBhlT of Charlea and (Carolina K. Hobln IK1V1.F! .Vh Vtt Itlllir.lVA ft ivlfa r. Albert J. llola and dauchtar of late Samnl c and Sarah A. i-rame, uiiaiies anil rrienda Imlteil to funeral. Thura,. 8.30 a. in . 034 N 47th at. Solemn r'nulem maaa Church of Our Mother of Hnrrowa 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral .Cein. KIIADI.KY ''.i C. JIAPV IM.IZAIH'.TII widow of Patrlik J. Hradley (nee -Mill. I. Itcla tUra and friends Invited to funvral. I'VI.. H:.io a m.. Bona reatdence. I'atrlek llradley. -1844 N. Uwrrn at Ilroulem maaa St Veronlca'a Chuuh 10 a. in. Int. Holy Snu1chre Cem. IIIIADV. Feb. 2(1. PATRICK, huaband of late Mary A. Ilrady (nea Iluxton) Itelatlvea and friends Invited Io funeral. Frl . S a. in. 1738 Moore at. Solemn requiem maaa Church ot St. Thomaa Aquinas 0:30 a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem, IIHERN. Feb. 27, JOHN J., huaband of Mary 1. Ilreen (nee flodgeral. Relallvea and friend., employea and Veteran, at Media Hranch. P. H. W. Hallroadi O. II. C. No. 1821 Court Hamilton, No. 00. F. of A.l rhlla. I)de, No. S4, I,. I). O. M.. Invited to funeral. Sat,. 8:30 a. m.. 3231 Locust at., IV. Phlla, Solemn maaa of renulem St, Jamea'a Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Croas Cem. Auto service. IHtluaKS. Feb. 23. nt Jlolly Ueach, N. J., MAIIV IS. I1AWUS, wlfo of Charlea Orldgea, aged 66, Ttelatlvea and friend, inWted to fu neral aervlcea, Thura., 2:30 p, m.. Church of Holy Nativity, Itockledne, nbovo Fox Chaae. Int. private Lawn View Cem. Remain, may be viewed at Pariah llouae, f to 2:30 p. m .IIUUCK. Feb. 27. In l'hlla.. REHECCA A . wife of Oavia llruco and dauahler of late William and laabella llannlns. Relative, and frlenda Invited Io, funeral. 1.127 Fdteley at. (loth and Diamond). Frl., 8 p. m. Int. Norrla Cliy (Vm.. Norrlalowii. I'm., Sat. afternoon. liUCHANAN. Feb. 2.1. at 2123 N. Slat at., CATHARINE, wlfo of William C, Buchanan. Int. private. IIURTON. Feb. 211, at 2440 8. Mole. .. CI.AHA I... wife nf William T. Ilnrton and dauahler of John, II. and late Clara II. IJIIIott. aged 30. Helatltea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea. Thura.. 2 p. in., father'a real, denre. SS20 Hprlnalleld ,1"b.. Weat Phlla. Friend, may call Wed. e. Int. .Feinwood Cem. lftlZHY. Feb. ,26, ut "Aabury Park. .V. J.. DEIiOHAH O.. widow of Oeoraa R. Uuzby. ageil R'J lltjiatlvea and frlanda Invited to funVral. Tlliua.. 12 ns:r.. -0-ln-laWa real,lnr. .Inhn Forfnan. 800 3d ve.. Abury Park. N. J. Int. private. Allentown. N. J. CANTWELU Fu. 27, ANNIE, w (low of Ml ehael Cantwell. Notlca of funantt will ba rlen from r,ldenre of daughter-in-law. Mrs. Mary A Delaney. 2627 Manton at. CHEW." Few 56. NELSON M. LlIEW, ag.d BS. ltalatlve, and friend,. Victor Relief Aaao.t Maasaaolt Tribe. No. 12, I. O. R. !.. Invited to funeral .ervlcea, Thur,., S p. m.. 600 Slate ., Camden. N. J. Int. private. Uarlelgh Cem, Frlenda may call at apartment, or W D. M Uiirrell. 427 Markat it.. .Camden. Wed., 7 (o P-CLEAnY,-Fti. 27. 7VAI.TER If,. belove. liuiband of Mary A. Cleary (nea nrennanl. Relatives and frlenda. Holy Name and. Altar nocicvr, ,'w ""v, -"."".. 1'natornci rroieci"" .T I-n,,r M, Alha tiled to funeral. .Pat,, 7:30 a. m 1211 Jarkaon at. Holamn high rMulem rnair Epiphany-. unurn. o , a, in. ..ij. .", ,vu.n,a ,'v.em. l.aani'L"' ,. ?j -..'x. .'.-' -j; -i . r rant' n.xrmmABj., ' w !KATIIH Kdward and Margaret Conlln. Relallvea and frlenda. league o Sacred Heart. Altar and Ro sary Soclellea of HI. lldward's Churrhi IMv. No. 0. A O. II , nil other aoclellcs of uhlch he wai a member, lnvlle.1 to funeral. 8at., 7:30 a in,. 22.1a N Falrhlll al. Solemn renulem inn. SI Kdnard'a church 0 a, ill. Int. New Cathedral CIm Auto aervlce. CONNOR. r'eb. 20. JAMP.S, huaband of Nora 'Connor tnee Harry). .Relallvea and frlenda, tlnlv Name Hotlelv of HI. Aaalha'a Churrlt. I relief dei'l and employea of P. It, R.. Invited lo Illlirra.. r-i , ...,, , ,w,,,-i,-t-, ,i..i. run, mount ave, Solemn maaa reqnl.ni HI, Agulha'a Churrli 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto aervlce. COUOllLtN Feb. 2B. JOSEPH P., ami of Mary and late lMnnrd Coughlln. formerly of Shenandoah, Pa. Relatives and frlenda, H.ilv' Name Hocl'tv of HI. Coluinlm'a Church, Invited lo funeral, Thura.. s a in.. 2n N. 23d at lllaii mas. of requiem St Coiiuiiha'a Church 8:4S a. ni, Funeral cortege lo proceed to (tirardvllle, Pa . on Phlla. and Headlnir train leallne Oth and Columbia ave. 10:37 a. in, Int. Ulrardvllle, Pa. Shenandoah (I'u.) papers (OPV. CUnnP.nt.lir Feb. 2, suddenly, EDWARD P. huaband of Minnie II. Cuhla-rley. Services at niollier'a residence, sit Wharton at. Int PrAILt:v.-rh. 2.1. Hl.l.AIIETH A., wife of Wllllim Hlllev (ne llnvea) Relativea nnd friend,. Altar Soilety nf the Cntbrdrnl. Invlled 10 funeral. 'Ihura.. 7.30 a. in.. 1,11st Pearl al. High irnulem mass Cathedral 0 a. m. Int. Holy crosa Cam HA1.TON -Feb, 27. JAMES II. aou of Hllen Dillon Inee tlrsgans nnd lute Jainea IMIInli. of Atra-a. Coiinlv t.tnierlik. Ireland. Relativea nnd friend. Ilv So 2.1. A. IV II . Invlti-d In (illieral. Snl . S.30 a in S41S Market al . West l'hlla. r--nirinn tnasa ol requiem i-iurcn ol inir l.adv of Vlclorv 10 a In Hit SI. Penis Cem. I1AVY Suddlil. Feb. 2(1. CIIArtl.ES t.. Itelatlvea and friends Invited lo funeral aervlcea. Thura,, 11 a. in 01(12 Hansom at. lnl private Westminster oin Iinlixrw --Feb 27, (HAS l 1XII1M1N aged SI. Funeral from Trinity Episcopal Church. Ilfililehem. Thura.. Marih 1. 3 p. in. lilt prlvatr l llellilelirtn. P.i DONTE.S Feb. 27. KATE, widow nf 1'red erlik Donlen. Itelullve. and friend. 1nllsl lo funer.vl services. Sat . 2 r. m.. 1843 N. 27tb si. Int. private. South Liurel Hill Cem. Frlenda may mil Fit., after 7 p. in. not'llinos lVb. 20, at Phnenixvltle P.I. MAIKjARKT JOHN, wife ,.f Isaac Doughlon. Haeil in. Relatives and frlenda Invited lo funeral servtcra. I'rl 2:30 p 111 . First Itaptlst Chinch. Phoenlwllle. Int. Morrla (.I'm.. Fhoenlivill. DRAKE. Suddenly. Feb. 2S. E1.1ZA11ETII A. DRAKE, daughter of late William and Mnrv A lleaumotit Itelatlvea nnd frlenda, Itlclinrd Vaut Temple. No. 101. L. 17. E. and Liberty Hell Council, No. 70. D. of I, . Invited to aervlrea. Thura., 2 P tn.. 1130 N. JOIh at. Int. Ml. Mortnh Cem Remains may be viewed Med. R to 10 p. m EONT.R Feb 2(1. EMILY (nee Gel). wife of Herman Egner. aged 40. Relallvea nnd friend., members of Columbia Lodge, No. 21, O. S of II. Invlled lo funeral. I'rl, s a m. husband's realdence, 222 Steven, at . Camden N. J High maaa Chunli nf Immaiulate Conception 0 a. ni Frlenda may call Thura. eve. Int. Calvary Cem. EMIir.ltOEit. Second Month 2llth. CHARLES 17.. eon of Enoa and late Sophie Emberger. aged 42 Relativea nnd frlenda. Sth Ward Flnteller Club. 3d Dist. Police. Phlla , Invited to funeral services. Thura.. 1 p ni. 243 S ,1th St. Int. Northwood Cem. Remains may bo viewed Wed.. "'I'lll?. '-Feb. 20. FREDERICK W. ERI1. Rela tives nnd friend. Invlti-d to funeral servbe.. Frl.. 2 P. m.. 1(132 N. 21st at. Int. Ulenwmal Cem. Remains may la' viewed Thura.. nfter S n. m. Auto funernl. FLANK1AN Feb 2.1. ROSANNA. widow of Palrlck FlanUnn. Relativea and friends. League of Sacred Peart of St. Edward a clmrih, Invlled, to funeral. Sat.. S:3n n. m., 2U2 N Ilqdlnn al. lllcll mas. St. Edwards Church to it ni. Int. Holy Sepulchre fern. FLOl'NDEUS. Feu. 2(1. at daughter's re.l dence. In Phil.,., P.I., MARY E , widow oT Isaac N Flounder,, nged 7S. Relative, and frlenda Invited In funeral, Thura., 2 p. in., residence of aon, Albert L. Flounder,, 129 E. iltli St., Media, P., Int. private. (lAI.LAdtlEll Feb. 2d. WILLIAM, bu.band ,,r tale laabell (lall.ictier. Itelatlvea and friends. Frlendlv Son, of St. I'atruk, Donegal Society: Dlv No. 41. A tl II ; all other soclellea in which he vvaa n member. Invited to funeral Frl . 8.30 a. m . 3107 Richmond at. (cor. of Tioga, 2.1th W.iidl Solemn requiem mars Church of Nativity 10 u. in. Int New Cathe dral Cem IIAI.LAdHEU Feb. 27. HI'HAN. wife of Daniel (lall.lgher. Relative, lind friends Invlled In funeral. Sal.. S 311 a. tn.. Vlllanova. Pa. Solemn lequletu inns. St. Thomaa's Church 10 a. in. Int. St. DenlVa Cem. (lAMHLE.i-I'eli. 211. EDWARD J . aon of Robert J. und Marv A. (Iambic. Relative, and f I lends Invited to funeinl. 'Ihura.. H:30 a. in, parenta lesldence 002(1 l.arclivvood ave.. . l'hlla. Solemn mass of requiem. St. Carthage's Clinch, lo a. m. Int. Holy Crosi Cein. Auto aervlce. (lENTHEIt Feb. 25. 017011017. Sr . hua band of late Mary Oenther (nee O'ltrlen), for merly of 1010 H. 24th st Relatives and friends. Ilrnnih No. 07 lllnss llotlle tlluwere' Aaso , Invited to funvrnl. Thura . s a. m.. 1 1 17 s. 24th st. High mas. ot rniulem St Anthony , Church. V:3n.H. 111. Int Cathedral Cem (1LENN Feb. 2S. MARTIN, son of Calhe rlne and late Patrick (llenn (nee Meehan). aged 2!l. Relatives and friends. League of llin Sacred Heart of St. Stephen'a Church. Invited to fu neral Thura . 8:30 a. in., reaidetico of mother. 1118 Tioga at.. Tioga. Solemn requiem maaa St. Stephen'a Church 10 u. in. Int. Holy Sep- "'GRAHAM Feb. 25, SAMUEL, husband of Mary A. Graham and aou of Rachel and late Alexander Graham aged -II Relativea and friends, einpluves nf Itoblnaoii ft Crawford, in vlled lo funeral. Thura., 2 p. in.. 3200 Wharton st Int. 1-Vrnvvood Cem. Remalna may be viewed Wed. after 7 p. in GRANT (nee Finley). Feb. 2d. MARY, widow of Robert Grant, aged (111. Relativea and friends Invited to funeral. 'Iby"-;, ;?", P. m . 3J42 N Waterloo al. lnl North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains mar be view d Wed., s p. in, lillAY. Feb 25. MARY A. ORAY. widow of John Gray. Relativea mid friends Invited to fu neral services. Thura.. 8:3(1 a. in., aon's resi dence. 210 Hermitage si , Mnnayunk. Requiem nil. Holy Family cliurvh 10 a. in. Int. West- IvEEN'-l'eb 2. GEORGE P.. hus band of Ida II. Green Notke of funeral will 1,., given, fnmi (102(1 L.Unna uve. ORISTAl'K. -At HliK-kton. Cal.. Feb. 26. JOSEPHINE DE MOLL GRISTACK. widow of Charlea F. Gristatk, nged 70. Interment at ''"llAGGlillTY Feb. 2(1. -MARY, daughter of lale William nnd Elizabeth Hngeerty (nee Itowenl. Relativea nnd friends Invited to funeral. I'rl.. 8 a m.. 1201 S. Ilonaall at. Solemn requiem maaa ,S( Anthony's Church ll-io a m. Int. Holy Cioas Cem. HALE. Formerly of Shamokln. Pa . Feb. 27. FRANK LEE. huaband of Maud A Hale. Due notice of funeral given. 11ANDI.EY. Feb. 211. JAMES C. Jr.. hii.balnl of Emily L. luce l.elbl and eon of Ruth Ann Collins and late Charles I), and grandson of lames C. and Amanda G. Handle), nged 25. Relatives lind friends. William C. Hamilton o'lge. No. SOO. F. und A. .11.1 Ami Cobden Club, employes of Prnthonnlarv'a nfOce. invited to funeral. Thura.. 2 v- in., grandfathers realdence. Ill'lll N. Hill "' ""' " t'""'" '"'ni Aulo funeral. Remalna may be viewed Wed.. 7 to i'lASSAM. Feb. 27. T.l.l.A M IIASSAM. aged -, Relallve. and friends Invlled lo funeral aervlcea Thura. I p ni . 1725 N Outh at Int In Fluhlmrg Mass. I- rt. HKGEMANN.- Feb. 27. .1. WILLIAM, bus. baud of Williellillua Louise Ileseinalut. aged Oil, Relatives und frlenda Invlled to funeral servkea, Frl.. 2 P. in.. 12.12 N. ,17th at. llKl.MROTI! Feb 2.1. at Anbury Park. N J., I.UFISA. vvlfe of Albert and daughter of Louise and late Jacob L. Tripler Funeral servicea. abury Park. Wed. eve., and at South Laurej lllll cem. Chapel. Thura, lo a ni. Relallve, and frlenda invited. HENVIS. At 1731 f. Front at.. I'eb. 2d, ANNIE MARY, wlfo of William II A. Ilenvl,. aged 78. Relallvea and frlenda Ir.vlled to aerv bea. Thura . 2 P. in., Oliver II. Hair llldg.. 1820 Chestnut at lnl private HERMES. Feb 25. KATE M . vvlfe of Frank J Hermes Inen Mulqueen), aged 4S. Relative, and frlenda invited lo funeral. Thur,.. 0 u. m.. ""34 N. 2Iat at. Solemn requiem mas, St. iflliabelh's Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Remains may bo viewed Wed,, 7 to 0 p, in Mlto service DICKEY- FU. 25. ROI1ERT, huaband of Healer J lllckev. Relativea anJ frlenda, mem bera of Woolen and Carpel Yarn Workera" t'lilon. Ixical No. 825, Invited to funeral aerv leea Frl.. 2 p. m., parlor, of Samuel R. Foster. 1728 Federal at Int. private MI. Morlah Cem. Remalna may be viewed Thur, . 8 to 10 p m. HICKMAN'. Feb 27. MILTON P.. aon of Elizabeth A. ttnd late 1 erdlnand A. Hickman, imed 21 Itelatlvea und friend, Invited to aerv lcea. Frl.. 2 P. m.. 3811 Haverford ave. Int. nrlvale. Mt. I'eaeev en . nda. Holy Nam, and, Altar Council.. No. SIS. K. (of c.i i Aaao.i Kenton; Branch. No ban. No. 8.1. J', of A., in. iin:RS". Feb. 27.. CAROLINE 31.. widow of John II lllera. ngen .-. lie auvea ami rrlcnda Invlled to funeral service,. I r. 2, n m., .107 Washington si.. Camden. N. J Int private. Harlgh Cem. Friends may call Thura.. 7 to 0 lYoLLORAN. Feb. 24, o,t realdencs of her nenhrw. Charlea Conway, Weatfleld. N. j MARY, daughter of late Bartholomew and Ellen llolloran. Relative, and friend,, St., Joaeph', 1 V M. Sodality. Invited tp funeral. Thur,., a-'in a. m.. 812 S. Slh at. High maa, of re. 8:30 a. m., Philip da Nerl 10 uim, aulem Church of St. I1 quiiri, ,.hedral Cer Holmes. Fob. 20, mary, wif of Michael Holmes. Relative, and friend,. A. O. 11., No' M. Invited to funeral. Thur.., 8:30 , m.. 1126 N 11th at. Solemn high renulem mat, hi. Walacliy'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croa. C 'l'lONE. Feb. 2(1. MARY, wlfo of Michael Hone. Relallvea and frlenda. A. O. 1L. No. 64, Invited to funernl, Thura.. 8:30 a. in., 142(1 N. Vlth ,t Solemn high requiem maa, St. Mai. ijhy'a Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Croas Cem. MUSIC RAQ TIME I " IN 20 LESSONS We'll teach ybu lo Play real ragtime on Hi, piano In 20 leiaona ,IF YOU DON'T, KNOW A r.'...-i i I... lmA If 'rtii alranrtv ni a u Vaii'II Plion NOTE In leaa time If you already play. You'll learn to play popular aonga, fog trota., "rag" any niece Call or Phone for Free Rookie t. CHRlSTkiNSEN SCHOOLS of POPULAR MUSIC K2U (lermantown Ave. 1820 Taaaer oi- Tloaa fl'tll Phone Dickinson 3701 I Diamond 6.113 J. 2004 North Thirteenth St. EDUCATIONAL ", COMMERCIAL EDUCATION New couraes are atartlns In Bookkeeping. Bhorthand. Typewriting-, etc. Day and evening eaalona lha antlro year. Individual initruc- "lSigbteen hundrtd traduataa ara lo bull &ea, now, l)n In at one. Write for full Information. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad t and Barks B treat, CTIIVEIt 1ha Beat' ilusineag, SohooL' I .J N W K. K ,(, , ji cntiiut trla.. . 1)KATIJH ' houohton'. Feb. at. bai'iaIT iCTTouoii. TON Funeral service, Friday, 11 a. m., 2S3 Hithaway lane. Wynnewoo.!, I'a, int, private. HOWI.KV Feb. 27. Mlaa MAItY IIOWLEr. tlelatlvea ad frlenda, II. V, M. Modality nf laidy of Rnsaiy Churrhi Ht, Ann's Ladle, T. A It. Society: Court Garfield, l F of A,, In vlted to funeral, e'rl., 7:30 a. in., coualn'a real, rlence. William II. Ford. I4H.1 N. Retlfleld al. Solemn requiem maa, laidy of Rosary Church B a, in. Int Holy Cros, Cein. Auto funeral. 1IUIIKH. Fob. 27,.OKRTItlll)IJ K., wife of Rudolph lluls'r, and dauahler of Kate Mcllrlda and late Francis Gels, nged 20, Itelatlvea and friends Invited lo funeral aervlcea. Frl., 2 p, m.. 3271 Memphis st. Int. private. North Cedar lllll Cem. Remalna may In vlenrd Thura.. after 7 p. ni. HUOIIES. Feb. 23, PATRICK, huaband of Sophia Hughes (nea MrCroaalnl. Relallve, and friends. Holy Name Society and league of Sacred Heart, Invited lo funeral, Thura., 8:30 a. ni.. SOI N. 12th at. Sulemn requiem maas Cnurch of Aaauinptlon 10 a. tn. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. HUPLET Feb. 2(1. MARTHA C. slater ot Rev. F. Reel, aged (IS. Relativea and friend, lnvlle.1 lo funeral aervlcea. realdence of Wil liam J. Pinkie. 1710 N. Stlllman St., Thura., 3 P. in. Int private. Omit flowers. Remalna may la- viewed Wed. after 8 p. in. . JACKSON. Feb. 2(1. It'ATTIE A. wife nf James Jniksntl (nee Dialler), aped 2(1. Rela llvea and frieiuls Invited In funeral services, Sal . 2 p. in., 2fl22 N. Orlanna at. tnl. Nnrlh vvoo4l vein Remains may W- viewed I'rl. after H p. in. .lEHSPP At W'nodstnwn. N, J., rill Flrat-dav Second Month. 2.1th, JAMES It. JESSUP. nged 70. Relativea nnd frlenda Invited tn funeral servicea. from lale realdence. Woodslown. N. J.. Fifth-day. Third Month, lat. 10:30 a. in. Int. Edgllngtoii Cein.. Clarkaboro, N. J. Aulo fu neral. JOHNSON'. Feb. 25. WILLIAM .1. JOHN SON, husband of Catherine Johnson (nee Hefty). Relativea and friends, Sona of Veterans, No 22s, invlled to funeral. 'I'hiiia., S:3(i a io , HMS N American at Solemn Requiem mass Im maculate Conception Church 10 a in. Int New Cathedral Cem. .( NES I'eb 27. EDWARD J., huaband of Vllue llnden(etii Jnnea. Relatives and friends. Red Cross Caatle. No, 30. K. of (1. E.. Invited lo funeral services. Frl.. 1 ..".o ,.. in., ir.o May land al.. Gin Int. Ivy Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed 'lliura. eve JONES. Suddenly. Feb. 2.1, MARY A., wife of Philip Jones. Funeral, to which relallvea and friends nre Invlled, Thura., 8:30 a. m., 223H 8. 23d at. Solemn mass of requiem Church oi im. Giitnonrt 10 a. in, Int. Holy crosa v-cm. Auto funeral. KAY. Feb. 27. ELIZAHETII A. KAY. aaed 03. Relativea nnd Irlcnila invited to fll iier.il from Frlenda Meeting llouae. Mulllca lllll. N. J.. Slaih-dav. Third Month 2d, 10:30 a in. Int, Friends' Cem, KELLY. Feb. 2.1. WILLIAM H. son of John J nnd bile Margaret T. Kelly (nee Hoylan). aged 10. Relativea and frlenda Invlleil to funeral. Thura. 8:30 a. m.. father's reeldi'iire. 2010 IVderal st Solemn mass of requiem Church of St, Charles llorromeo 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. KIESEL.- Feb. 2ll. RObERT. son nf Herman and l.enn Klesel. aged 10. Itelatlvea und frlenda Invited to funeral services. Thura., 2 p. m.. parents' residence. 10.17 Reno at. Int, Fernwood Cem. Frlenda may cnll Wed.. K lo 0 p. in. KOIILER. Feb. 27, T Rt'UOI.PII. husband nf Ida M. Kohler (nee Rltner). aged SI. Rela tivea und friend., employea nf Metropolitan Life Inaurance Co , Invited to funeral aervlcea. Sun., 2:30 p. m flf.31 N. Sth at. Int. Northwood ('em Remalna may be viewed Sat., after 7 p in. Auto aervlce. I.A MOTTH. Feb. 25. nt residence In Wil mington, ls-1.. FERDINAND, son of late Ferdi nand nnd Marietta Allen La Voile. 1.IGIITCA1. Feb. 2(1. KATE I... widow of tl F. Llglltcnp. ngid (IS, Relallvea nnd friend.. Invlleil lo funeral services, resldenco of aon-lll-law. Harvey W, Res lllckoritnvvn, Plymouth lownahlp. Pa.. Frl.. 2 p. in. Remalna imy be viewed Thura., 7 to n p. m. Int. private. I.INDIIOl.ME. Feb. 2.1, JAMES, husband of Nora I.lndhnlino (nee Meara). Relatives and friend. Loal Order of Mooae, No. 51, Invited In funeral, Thurs.. K a. in., parlora of C. H. Mcllvalne, I20S Rldge nve. High mass St. Ilrldget'a Church 0:30 u. ni. Int. Holy Sepul chre Cem. Remalna may Va viewed Thurs, morn. LOl'IH Feb. 20. WALTER M. LOUIS. Funeral services will be held at convenience of fatntli LOWItY. At Mooreatown. N. .7., Second Month. 2litll. REHECCA U. I.OWRY, nged 74. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Fifth .lay. Third Month, lat, 11:30 n. m.. home ot Joel Cadbury. 254 II. Main at . Mooreatown, N. J. Int. private MAAS. Feb 2(1. MOI.I.IE T . wife of Harry R. .Maaa. Due notice of fyneral will ! given. MARTINDKI.L. Feb. 27. Mlsa VIRGINIA E. MARTINDELL. daughter of lale John and Eleanor Martlndell, formerly of Trenton, N. J. Funeral from 140 New Jersey nve.. Colling,, wood. N' J. Int. private Trenton. N. J., pa pera copy. Mcl'I.AREN Feb. 2(1. EDWARD J., aon of Margaret Carroll and lale Edward J. .Mrciaren. Relativea and friends Invited lo funeral. Sat.. 8:30 a m.. mother's residence. 030 Tree at. 110th and Jackaon ats.) HlKh mass of requiem Epiphany Church 10 a. ni. Int. Holy Croa,, Cem McCRACKEN.- -Feb. 20. WILLIAM It., hus band of Into Marlon and aon of late James and .Mnrv J. Alccrai ken. lie auvea nnd rriend.. em Ploves of Keisloiia Spring Works. Invited to luneral Servicea. Thur,.. 2 p. ni., residence of brother. 2540 N. Water at. Int. Cedar Hill Cem. Friend, mav i-au vveu,, alter n p. in, McllEKMOTT. Feb. 25. at Johnstown. Pa.. JAMES McDERMOTT. son of late Philip nnd Mary France McDermott. Relativea and frlenda Invited lo funeral, Thura.. 7 a. m., narlora of Thomaa P. Cohlll. 260 S. 201h at. Maaa of requiem St. Patrick's Church 8:30 a. 111. Int. private. Mi I'ADIlE.V Feb. 20. JOHN A . husband of Mary A McFailden. Relatives and friend. Invited to funeral. Mat . .:3d a. 111.. 13 N. 7.4th al Solemn requiem maaa St. Jamea'a Church II a m. Int. O.I I allledr.ll I em. McOUIGAN. Feb. 25. JOHN. Jr.. son of late John. Sr . and Elizabeth McGulgan. Relatives and frlenda Aerie No. 42. P. O. E.I Anton I)h miller Yearly Henenclal Society, No. t: William A. lleingariner v mo, inviieu vu lunerai, cnur,., ".on n ni. residence of brother.ln.law. Clinrles Ader. 171 W. Wlldey at. High mas, Churrli ot the Immaculato Conception 0 t. m, Int. Holy I.TOSS cem. Mclaughlin. Feb. 27. elizaheth c, daughter of late Jano and James McLaughlin. Duo notice of funeral from 3054 York rd. McRORY. Feb. 24, MARY, vvlfe of Arthur Mcltory. Relatives and frlenda. members of Alter Soilety. invited to funeral, Thura., 8:30 a m.. reildenco of aon-lu-law, Mr. James J. Conway. 3.713 Mt. Vernon at. Solemn high maa, of requiem St. Agatha's Church 10 a. m, Int. Hnlv Croaa Cem. MOORE. Feb. 2(1, SUSAN, widow of WIN Ham Moore and tilecn of Into Arthur McVeety. Relatives und friends Invited lo funeral berv. Ices, S.lt . 2 p. in., ann-ln-law'a realdence, Wll Ham J Gorman. 410 N Slllh al. Int. Mt Morlah Cem. Frlenda may call Frl.. 8 to 10 p. in. MOORE Feb 24. suddenly. ADA. daughter nf Mr. and Mra. Charles w. Kerkealager. Rela tive, and frlenda Invited to funernl aervlcea. Thurs.. 2 p. m . parrnts' realdence. 4(10 Rot borough ave.. Roxborough. Int. private. Friends inav call Wed . 7 to 0 p. in Ml'nPHY. Feb. 27. nt residence "l-la a tfttll St., MARTHA, vvlfe of William J. Murphy HUH illluniitri , ,.i7 ui.tttn nitu iw4a VV raj. Due notbe of funeral given, NEUMANN. Suddenly. Feb. 2(1. CHARLES. Inisb.iiid nf Louisa Neumann (nee Gnbn. ae..i -tl Itelatlvea and frlenda. members of St. Johanna", i uurcll. invneo .. .unviai services, t rl.. 2 n in.. 013 N. 12th St. lnl. German t.utt.. .--,.. Cem. Remains may be viewed Thura, nfter a p. ni. NEWMAN Feb. 2d. LEO, A., ami of Marv and late Conrad J. Newman. Relatives and friends, emplo-es of Phlla. NaVy Yard, In vited in funeral rrl.. S:30 a. ni., 2S20 Wharton si. Solemn high mass nf requiem St. Gabriel', Chunh 10 n. 111. lnl. Holy Croaa Cem. NOTE. Feb. 20. WILLIAM, used (10. (tela lives and friend. Invited to funeral aervlcea, Thura.. 2 P. 111.. 42 S. 3d at., Fernwood, Del. Co . Pa. Remalna may be viewed Wed. eve OTIRIEN. Feb. 24. CATIIARINK. widow of James J. O'llrleii nnd daughter of lale Patrick and Catherine Gibbon,, of Mahanoy City, i'a. Itelatlvea and friends, also league of Sacred Heart of Corpus Christ! Church, Invited to fu neral, Thura., 8:3u a. m 2517 W. Allegheny -rr .- py,' M r-r-4 O'DONNEM . 21 THOMAS P., J hut! of . Veronica McOplian O'l)onnll. . Ratal laa, iioiy rvama -.ocll and friend,. Holy . lonceptlon Church, J:Jfl a. m.i Skis Ch 7).'i t f4orit nt TtnTni n. inritea to runral. Thur.. .nW at. fl<tmn rintam nauavka ifT :..iV -;-..a-" L.. "aV" V-""-."'"!, jiniii-aT.vuis.iv ,viitihioii .nurcn, vfrni-llllOWII iv ma jiivt .--tiT waint-urati .rmf TdA Owen Inn ContIlo), nred 74. AcUUtii arvJ a1 uiriiiiB, n,-u in..,. ... iii.ii.f.ii, uiiicr an gu.ata of th Home for u. A. R. Veteran, an wive, and Colonel Town To,!. No. 46. Invdt lo "-.nil. Frl., 8:30 a. m., residence of eon-J. j. vjrwen, aii ... vvuion at. loza and tiavarri JraK' i mvp.) iMolfinn maaa nf nqum. Our !! the Rosftrr Church. 10 . m Int Old Cathti FATTi KlTSOaV. IVb. 2. IIUTH r.. widow. ol f7iu Hiirrooii, itviHiirrn pan irirnatV invil1 in mnrrai m-rvica. i nuri., a p, rtl.. 1019 rroni bi, in i, r rrnwoon tfm, PAtlL. Feb. 28. JOHKPII A,, husband of Msry'I.lliabelh (nee Williams), aged 03. Rla Hvea and frlenda Invited to funeral services, Thurs., 2 p. m., BM7 Webster at. (btlow Coin. rlne). int. private, PECK. Feb, 27. JOSEP1IINB 17.. only daughter or Clayton K. and Catherine Peck, ag-ed 11. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8 a. in., parenta' realdence. 1408 N. Mtti al. High maas St. Gregory's Church 0:30 a. m. lnl. private. , PETERS. Feb. 28. MARY 1... wife of fiver ell K. Petera and dauahler of William II. and Alice Abbolt. Relativea and frlenda Invited to runeral aervlcea, Frl,, 1:30 p. m., parents' real, rlem-e. 4R42 Walton ave. Int. private, North Cedar Hill Cem. , PllENDERrjAHT. Fab. 24, THOMAS, hus band of Julia Prendergaat (ns Doherty) and aon of late William and Mary Prendergaat, of County Tlpperary. Ireland, Relatives and frlenda. Cathedral Holy Name Society. LlmerlcK Guarria, s. and I). Asso., Invited to funeral, 'Ihura, 8:30 ,. in.. 801 N. 21st at. Uolemn requiem m,aa Ht. Francla Xavler', Church HI a. tn Int. New Cathedral Cem. PURVIS. Feb. 27, MARY, widow of Joh Purvis. Relative, and friends Invlled to fu neral. Hal.. H:30 a. m., 1518 N. American at. Solemn requiem mass si. Michaels Church 10 in. ini, .-ew cainearai cem. HAKER Feb. 27. M. JANE, widow of'Jere. nilah II. Raker and mother of Rev. Jamea M. Raker, of Wilton. Wla.. aged 81. Relativea and friend, Invited o funeral. Sat., 8:30 a. m.. real dence of aim, Rubin Raker, 2.144 73. Indiana ve. Solemn Requiem maaa Church of Natlv. ity in a m. Auto funeral, REMINE. Feb. 24. at IVrlgtitalown. N, J., CHARLES RKMINK, aged 80. Relative, and frlenda Invited to funeral. late tealdenca.Wrlght,. town, N. J.. Thura., 12:30 p. m.. without other notice. Service, at house. Int.Wrlghlatown.N.J. ItlCHTI-Ml. I'el. fR 1HTIITIIA lllCIITir.. (nee (loller). wife of Ottamar Illchter. aged B9. neiaiivea anq irienqa. r rauen verein aea Kenalngton Lnlior Lyceum, Invited to funeral. Thura.. 2 n. m.. 'J.in.l TSI. Ma.ehar al. Int- Oakland Cem. Remalna may be viewed Wed.. RIDDLE. Feb. 2.1. at Valley Forge. Pa.. Rev. JAMES W. RIDDLE, aged 72. Relatives and friend, Invited to funeraT services. Thura.. 2:30 p. m.. realdence of Ferdinand Ixgan. Cor per store, near Phoenltvllle. Pa. Int. private. Morrla Cem. Pittsburgh and Chicago papers espy. Carrlagea will meet nortn-bound tralna arriving at Phila. and Reading depot at Phoenix. Mite at 1:34 and 2:11 p. m. RODOERS. -Feb. 27. JOSEPH V. Relative, and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl., 8:30 a. m.. realdence of brother-in-law. Thomaa II. Mur phy. 110 Simpson rd.. Ardmore. Pa. Solemn requiem mass St. Colman'a Church 10 a. m. Int. St. Denla'a Cemi ROGERS. Feb. 211. KATE II. ROGERS (ne Count!, widow of Henry Rogera. OlO Melon at., aged 77. Relative, nnd friends, also Lemon Hill Aaaoclatton, Invited to funeral aervlcea Wed., 8 p. m. at the funeral parlor, of W. J. Phillips. OiW N. 10th, Int. private Thura. morn ing Ml. Morlah Cem. RONEY. Feb. 20. GEO. C. RONEY. aged 73. Int. Ihura.. 3:30 p. tn.. North Laurel Hill Cem. ROT1L Feb. 2. JOSEPH, huaband of lat, Ella Roth (nre Kirk). Relative, and friend,. Irankllnvllle New Year Aaao., Invited to fu neral aervlcea, Frl., 3 p. m.. 3430 N. 6th at. Int. private, Oakland Cem. Friends may call Thura eve. SANGMEISTER. Feb. 27. HENRY F., hua. band nf Margaret Sangmelster (nee Haubrlch). aged 54. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu neral, Sat.. 7:30 a. m.. 027 N. Franklin t. Requiem maas St. Peter's Church 0 a. m. Int. Moat Holy Redeemer Cem. , SEAMAN. Second Month 2d, STEPHEN. huaband of Mell Seajnan. aged 82. Relativea and friend. Invited to funeral aervlce,, Frl.. 2 p. ni.. 2323 K. Cumberland at. Int. private. Mt. Peace Cem. SHERRIN. At Olbbaboro. N. J Feb. 2. nLLEN. wife of Daniel Sherrln (nee McKenna). aged (111. Relallvea and friends Invited to fu neral. Frl.. 0 a. in., fllbbaboro, N. J. Solemn requiem moss SI, Edmond', Church 10 a, m. Int. Calvary Cem.. Camden. N. J. Autos will meet train at Aahland leaving Camden at 8 a. m SIIOMO. Feb. 27, SARAH A., widow of rrioma, J. Shomo. aged 84. Relative, and .1. nf.?' ni'inbera of Nlcetown Baptist Church, invited to funeral aervlcea. Thur,.. 2 p. m.. residence of son-in-law. Caleb II. Collins. 48 W. (Jpsal at.. Germantown. Int. private, Mt. 1 eace Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed. eve. ,. '1"?lK'TI,Vo- -" GERTRUDE K., wife ot Robert Shouck (nee Levi). Relativea and frlenda. Science Council. No. 82. D. of L., Invited tu ."?!?. J"'rvJc"'' Thur,.. 2 p. m., SOU Colona at. (30th and Buaquehanna ave.). Int. private, ..' x ' L'em. llemaln, may be viewed Wed., after 8 p. m, ..SIMONS. Feb. 20. FREDERICK TV. C. SI MONS, aged 00. Relative, and friend,. Frank ford Lodge, No. 202. F. and A.4.t.: Slloam II. A. 1 hapter. So. 220; Kadosh Commandery, No. 20. K. T.i Lu Lu Temple. A. A. O. N.. M. 8.; of. fleers and employe, of Simon, & Strubo Hosiery (o., officer, und member, of National Asia, of Hosiery and Underwear Manufacturer,: officers und members of New Jerusalem Church, Manu facturers' Club and Pen and Pencil Club. Invited to runeral aervlce,. Frl., 2:30 p. m.t 18G4 Harrlaon at., Frankford. Int. private. SIMPSON. Feb. 2(1. JOHN, huaband of Ella Simpson, aged 34. Relative, and friend,, mem bers of Perseverance Lodge. 1. O. O. F, M. II. 7(143. invited lo funeral aervlcea, Frl.. 2:30 P. in., reablence of father-in-law. William Jamleaon, 1703 N. Mnachrr at. Int. private, ilreenmount Cem. Remalna may bo viewed Ihura.. after 7 p. m. SPIELMAN. Feb. 2(1. ANNIE, wife of An drew L. Splelman und daughter of late Robert and Annie Edgar, Relative, and friend. In vited to funeral aervlcea, Frl., 2 p. m., 8380 Jasper at. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remain, may tie viewed Thurs., 8 to 10 p. m. , SPROSS. Feb. 24. CHARLES SPROSS. Relative, and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura., 2 p. m., realdence of aon-1n-law, 2223 Pierce at. Int. Fernwood Cm. STEELMAN. Feb. 20. SARAH J., widow of Samuel Steelman. aged 78. Itelatlvea and frlenda. members of Port Richmond if. E. Church. Invited to funeral ,ervlcM, Thura-.e 8 I. m..Steelman'a Chapel. 3031 Kenalngton ave. Int. Northfleld. N. J. STEINLE, Suddenly. Feb. 26. CHARLES. husband or Nellie Stelnle (nee lloyle). Funeral, to which relativea and frlenda, alao Father Cor bin Council, No. 472. Supreme Catholic Benovo lent la-glon, are Invited, Frl.. 8 a. m.. 4th and Shunk ata. Mass of requiem Church of Our Lady of Mt, Car me I, 0:30 a. m. Int. Holy Cros, Cem. STERRETT Feb. 27. MARGARET, widow of Jamea sterretl. Relative, and friend. Invited to runeral aervlcea, Frl., 11 a. m.. hrother'a residence, Samuel Ritchie. 827 N. 24th at. Int prlvale. Friend, may call Thurs., 8 to 10 p. m. Auto funeral ST. JOHN- Feb. 25. EI.ISA QUINTARD ST. JOHN Relative, and friend, Invited to a.rv-. Ices, Thura.. 12 m.. St. Jamea'a P. E. Church. 22d and Walnut its. Int. private. THOMPSON. Feb. 20. JOHN C. husband nf Madeline M. Thompson, aged 39. Relative, and friend,, Washington Camp. No. 672, p..o S. or A., Invited to funeral service,. Thurs . 2:30 p. m.. 640 N. B2d at. Int. Westmlnstaf Cem. Remalna may be viewed Wed. ave. Auto funeral. TRIOL. Feb. 25. WILLIAM H.. husband of Anna S. Triol (nee Conard). aged 87. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral service,. Thurs.. 2 p. m., n.103 Master at.: West Phlla' Int. private. Mt. Peace Cem, Remains may bs viewed Wed. eve. Continued an Neit rasa V . .r.. .Vnial x. ' M ..; i r&. hm WINTER RESORTS WINTER RESORTS cSsfieuiIe amenea's ELand Of the Sky ..i Dt)f hWD.1 lntr yj5u,?r ln th Hart of tha Bio. Rldga Moun-Jll?Vtw'itn,.Nor,'J.c,lr?Lll- WltilnalOO-mlleradiiMairaipaak,, 6000 feet and up. Including Mount Mltch.ll. 7H fMt hlghMt Iniiit. ShVe-I'Vrlr'T b.X?i e'ata aaat of the Hocklsa. s H.ra la tha aun lSS.1iPUi i'jwlf5 br?c.in't' tavuroratlas;. aoQ-Udn air f tn. mountains. Id.al for tourliU, horqa. bushiaaa. SPORTltST 18-HOlC, All-TUHr G0IT COURSE SOUTH A saeond IS-hole course now building-. Thirty-eight mile, paved streeU, 73 miles pared sldswalks: fin Gator roads; highway connections with National UUhway. Horn. )c rUlni. mounUin climbing;, tennis, bowline oU7 Fin. eharchea. scrtoou, thaatraa. .v.Jif ri,upply. ??' ,.nif.nL,tft1' tnm ".OtWaieraj clt7.wM(I wmUr shed, on slope of Mount Mitchell. ipt5fourlf.Vrrro"tlcl'?5Jio,nl0l.nt So" V b K! unuxpaaa,q laotaj i vrta Asharille. with stop-over crlvnea.a. raodatlons to meat requirement, of all For rat nil. Klargo Terrace rfie Manor Grove Park Inn Battery Park Laneren Swannanoa-Berkelev and Glen Rack.,.- far aourtnlr Ash.vllla bUt and a-ara IwUI information, writ BOARD Of TRADE &:? ASHEVlllf , N; C . :m -3tf "ATLANTIC CITY, ! o I" -! niWaTMaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW 1 mmmm ""MM"JJ.gVaWa!l . - w .. i , h t , .jflaHfafSjaTaTaTaTai 1 Jf, j, ATIHTIC CITV. N. J. V C ViSSaHBBBBBaB ' VkMBBBuVsBBB naataAaaBUaBBBBByaBBBBBBBBBBBB ' SNbBBBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ' " R I Tnim;vDrm"ir7vTVIH 1ibbbbbbbbH' I t I lrl I'lJIVl! drxKBaBBBBBBBai1 luouJsgdimiBB lB I'" 7iTiNTicart. Pf4 Letxsons rtserr. A rocoijrvlacd ..stanirlaTd Cae.Tv600. jmTERJ.MOZKVA iX- W..m;n.l Kyv. nar Baacb.r, aUaia. CStmiRHtJf , tor l t.,Prv.ti. ruaallK it.M W.- iyV . tMr. ' niiniini-(l i ii lilii iii-TiYiaiish'iaiiiiiiiTi yCM .1 fc- . '. .'. . . . i. c. ".ita.uji ukt,, ... ..Y 'Uu&i-uki,