Ka ,-, .. ; v - Xh ,' ., V;"" EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY,. FEBRUARY 27,' i917 OF SPROUL tILL ENDS WAR t ON BRUMBAUGH 5V" Penrose Men Threaten to ,J "" TiViinn PwnKo Kr C.nn- ' current Resolution ft .FACTION LEADERS CONFER ?1 i -i li y a Bfajj uorrtjponnfiii MAnniSDUna. Feb. 27. Threats made directly from the Penrose camp that a con current resolution, which would not require the signature of the Oovernoi. would be forced through tho Legislature and that the promised probe of Governor Urumbaugh and the State administration may bo con ducted by a standing committee of the Gen eral Assembly, failed to convince the mem bers of the Legislature that the Investiga tion will be pushed, following Governor Brumbrugh's veto of the Sproul probo reso lution, which was received by tho Senate last night. Tho administration legllatlve loaders consider the probe dead now, In spite of the Word received from tho nntl Brumbaugh forces that they Intend to go ahead with their original program and hold one Action on the Governor's veto and his message. In which the Sproul resolution wan declared to be a purely factional political plan, was postponed upon motion of Sen ator William C Sproul, of Delaware Coun ty, the sponsor of the measure Before the Senato met representatives ef tho two factions of the Itepubllcan or ganization held a long conference. Those , who tool? part were Attorney General Brown and William H. Ball, private secre tary to the Governor; Senators Sproul, Crow and Snyder. The confab was regarded as a "get-together talk" by the members of the Senato Who are Inclined to believe that the fac tional bluster within tho organization Is ended. The Republican up-Stato leaders have been persistently protesting against the probe and other factional discord slnco It started. They have argued that the Re publicans will lose In next fall's local elec tions In the districts where the Republicans it ana Democrats nave nan an almost even if break If the Democrats are riven more campaign material. The State wide lead ers, In addition, see only Democratic gain In continuance of the factional dispute. Governor Brumbaugh todav disturbed the talk of harmony by appointing D IMwanl Long, of Chambersburg. to be Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding The Governor nomlnted Long six weeks ago, and then last night, after his veto had been read In the Senate, he withdrew the nomination Today he surprised the nntl Admlnlstratlon forces by appointing Long to serve until tho end of the session Long assumed onlce a tonce anil at noon ho opened bids for the fatato printing for tho next two j ears The Penrose followers, or at least many of them, declared that they feel that they have discharged their obligations, so far as the probe Is concerned, by voting for the Sproul resolution Senator Sprout's motion to postpone for the present consideration of the veto and the veto message virtually ellmlnateH any further discussion on tho floor of the Legis lature over the measure he sponsored He Issued a statement Immediately after the veto was read, In which he Indicated Very strongly that the proposition to have a standing committee conduct an Investiga tion will be advanced, POSIZIONI AUSTRIACHE AHACCATE DALL'ALTO Due Dirigibili Italiani Rovcscinno Tonnellato di Alto Esplosivo su Un Campo di Aviazionc LE RISERVE DELL'ITALIA $10,000 Fire Loss to Convent IlOLLrnAYKnrinr: rn i-v. m t-u- Weenvent of Notre Dame nttached" to St Michael's Roman Catholic Church was partly destroyed by a fire of unknown origin this morning The loss will run be tween JB000 and J10.000 II Minlstero della Gucrra Puo' Adiblre al Lavori Agricoll 130,000 , Uomlnl ROMA, 27 Kebbralo lerl sera It Mlnlsteio neli uucrra pub bllcava II seguente rapporto del generate Cadorna circa la sltuazlonc alia fronte Halo austrlaca: Nella glornata dl lerl si sono avuts le sollte azlonl dl nrtlgllerla che sono state partlcolarmente vlvacl nclta Vat Bugana, nel settore dl Plava o nella zona ad est dl Gorilla 11 nemlco tento' lncurslonl contro le nostra poslzlonl sulle pendlcl setten trlonall del Col Brlcon, In vat dl Tra vlgnolo; a Novajust, nell'nlta valto del Degano, o sulle falde del Monto Nero, ma fu resplnto dallo nostre forze die gll Inlllsscro gravl pcrdlte Nella zona a sud-cst dl (inrlzla un reparto austrlaco. dopo una vlolenta preparazlono dl nrtlgllerla, attacco' una delle nostre poslzlonl avnnzato a slid dl Vertolba, ma fu resplnto disperse dalle nostre truppe tho gll preero nnche dlversl prlglonlerl SI e' avuta una conslderevole attlvita tli p-irto dellc squadrlglle aeree Lo no stre batterle antlaeren hanno colplto un aeroplano austrlaco che e' andatn a cadere nelle vlclnanzo dl Dulno lerl sera due del nostrl dlrlglblll bonibar darono con pleno succfbso la Kta7lon ferrovlarla dl Rlfenberga, nelln. 'alle del Bronlzza; Freledo ed II campo avla torlo nemlco dl Processo, a nord dl Trieste I nostrl dlrlglblll lasclarono cadero due tonnellato e mezzo dl etploslvl sul loro oblcttlvl con eccellentl rlsultatl Dopo nver compluta la loro mlsslone. nonostante II vlolento fuoco delle bat terle nemlcho ed un vlolento sfavorevoie vento. I dlrlglbllt rltornarono senza dannl alle loro basl Mcntrc si prepara la grande offenslva I'ltalla ha aecumulato grandl rlserve dl uomlnl. La prova che essa ha uomlnl plu dl quantt ne occorrono per le attuall opera slonl mllltarl e' net fatto che 11 Minlstero della Guerra ha accordato una llccnza stra ordlntrla a ccntomlla solda" della terrl toilale perche' slano ndlbltl al livorl agrl coll durante 1 mesl dl marzo ed aprllo ed c' pronto a mandarno a cuss, altrl 10 000 pure della territorial, dl eta tr.i I 36 ed I Al annl se clo' sara' neiessarlo Ora II fatto che 130 000 solditl possono essero sottrattl alle frontl dl battnglla senza menonnre la forza dell cserclto e quindo si aspetta per li prosslmi pi Inn -vera li grande offinslva, e' verinionto slgnlflcantp imclie nuimlo nl oonslder.i clip oltrc a qiictl I pilglonlerl ill guerra uus trlacl Kimn pure Itupiegitl dal I'ltalla per I lavorl agrlcoll Tc'egrainml da Londra dlcono die I nrlml segnl ill quello che gll alleatt del "Intea hanno preparato per la prosslma offenslva sono upparsl noli . gloinata dl lerl quando II pubbllco Inglese appresn i he I tedevrhl si rltlravano nella zono dl Bipiume ed I turrhl, scnnflttl d illo fore hrlttanlchc sul Tlgrl. avev ino abhandonatn Kut 111 Am ira che e' la chlavo dl Bigdad I crltli'l mllltarl non soltanto Irglesi ma anche Italiani c fr-incesl rltengono che slamo all'lnzlo delli grande offenslva dl terra o dl mare Prnbabllmente la rltlrata tcdesca nelH zona dl Bapaume e' stata sol tanto un necessarlo raddrlzzamento della llnea dl dlfesa, ma II fatto the gll Inglesl hanno potuto spezzare la reslstenza del neniko t' slgnlflcante In quetl clrcoll mllltarl It vlttorla In glese dl Kut El Amara e' considerata come un prodromo dl altre plu" Imporlantl opera zlonl mllltarl sulla fronte sud-orlentale non soltanto da parto degll Inglesl, ma nnche da parte delle forze russe operantl a nord dl Bagdad. HI rltlene che non appena II tempo permettera alle forze del granduca Nicola ill avanzare In dlreslone sud, I'eser clto turco si trovera' nella necesslla ill rltlrarsl In fretta da tutta la Mesopotamia so vorra' sfugglre nl perlcolo dl cssero cat turalo. WASHINOTO.V, 27 Kebbralo SI e' ap preso posltlvamehte che due clttadlnl amerl canl che si trovavano sul plroscafo I.aconla, nffondalo lerl dal soltomorlnl tcdejchl, sono mortl nsslderatl dopo essere stntl sahatl dal mare Sono due limine dl Chicago, Mrs Mary llov e Miss Kllzabeth Hoy. 1 loro cadaverl "furono gettatl In mare Altrl otto passeggerl salvatl dalle onde morliono pure nsslderatl nel battelll dl sihatagglo ed una dleclni ill persone niancano. In ttittn 2M passeggerl ed uomlnl dl equlpagglo del Liconla sono stall sbarcall n Queens town, Irlanda L'ambasclatoro ntnerlraiio a Londra ha aperto un'lnchlesta suH'affondametito del Laconla II console amcrlcano a Cluoens town sla prendendo allldavlta dagll amerlcanl salvatl speclalmente per npprendere se II sottomarlno dlede It preavvlso al plroscafo prima dl nffondarlo SI sa pero' da fronte non urtlclalo che nessun preavvlso fu dalo DEMOCRATS FORCED TO VOTE LONG RECESS Republicans nt Harrisburg Refuse to Lead, but Help Vote Rest Until March 12 loin a Staff Correspondent: llARRISIU'llG. Teh 27 The Republl cans "passed tho buck ' to tho Democrats In the Legislature todav, and forced the minority party to sponsor a resolution, which they supported for adjournment un til March 12 The vote In tho House, where the recess resolution was Introduced, was 108 to B2, the Dcmorrits nnd the members of the House Appropriations Committee vot ing for the recess The Senate concurred The Democratic Senators last night re fused tn sponsor the recess resolution nnd wanted the Republicans to put It across The Republicans refused, asserting that thev Mould not take the rcsponslbllll.v for further delas When the House met todiv. Representa tive West, Montour, a Drmociat Introduied the resolution In the Itniise Representa tives Snrlg Hnd Strauss, Berks, spoke for It Representatlvo Mllllron Armstrong, of fered an amendment piovlillng for nn nil Journiuent ont until next Tuesdav lie n snmmrted on tho lloor by Representa tives Williams Tlog-1, nnd Rtimsev, Deli-wnro. HER SUGAR COSTS 13 CENTS NHW YORK l'eb 27 Becauso of the submarine risks a 400-pound barrel of sugar shipped by express to Mrs Henry Clews, Jr, In Tarls, which cost 524 nt the refinery, will cost her $28 mora In shipping charges and Insurance before It gets to her Sho must piy 521 express anil $7 marine Insurance, bringing tho cost to thirteen cents a pound Mrs Clews was formerly tho wife of Robert Goelet. and before her marriage to him was MWs Hlsle Whelcn, of Philadel phia Police Court Chronicle Some one reached out of a house nt Third and Moore and cracked Joo Debhlns on the head Then the door slammed .loo strug gled to his feet when the street stopped -, nilnir nnd hurst In the door As he didn't know who hit him he decided to whip evcrv one In the house In order to get the right man Ho attacked one family while the members weie at dlnnei and left a trail of black ees Then Joe who Is a persevering negro, learned tint the placo was n linirdlng house Iheie were still about twentv-flvn persons to beat Debhlns started to woik on tho secord floor, but he found the going more difficult The first man he questioned handed him n right swing to the J-iw an Joo went downstairs without getting time to turn around A cop gathered him up nnd brought him before Magistrate Ilaker Tho .ludge expiessed sjmpathv for Deh hlns, but reminded him that ho couldn't Mick" every one within reach Just because he didn't know the man who struck him On promising to cut out the vendetta, Joe wa8 discharged :U m. i. f . -M v, (S 26-J& C?j End of tke Montk Special Sale. Unusual Values in Wanted Merchandise Discontinued Lines and Broken Assortments at Less Than Regular Prices, Also New and Seasonable Weaves Marked Special for This Sale On Sale Tuesday A Pure Dyed Navy Blue Taffeta, with a high luster. The color and weave you will want for street frocks. 3G inches wide. Vqlue $2.00. Special $1.58 yd. Silk Waists 500 Tub Silk Waists, in white grounds with colored stripes of satin. "A well-made tailored waist." Modest stripes with the right color proportions. All sizes. Value $5.50. Special price $3.93 White Embroidered Waist Pat terns, in batiste and voiles. These are all imported and show wonderful and neat work. Boxed in individual patterns. Specially priced $3.75 White Goods Novelty Gabardine, Voile, and other heavy white weaves. Suitable for About 1000 yards of very skirting. 36 inches wide. Value 65c yard. For 48c Batiste cotton skirts. choice yard Children s Specials Children's Rompers in plain poplin. Pink and blue. Cut extra full. $1.05 Children's Slip-over Sweaters for early spring wear. Copenhagen and old rose. Sizes 4 to 6. Special $2.25 Infants' Bassinet and Crib Covers, in silk and sateen ; the silk comforts arc lambs' wool filled. Specially priced. Prices $2.75 to $21.00 A Darlington Sale of Fine Furniture The Home of Fine Furniture Interesting Furniture Values. About 25 Saving 32.00 Wing Chairs, upholstered in ti? i . t Former Prices. $45.00 Fine mahogany inlaid Desks. Special price $29.50 35.00 Tapestry covered. Easy Chairs. Special price $25.00 35.00 Mahogany Spinet Desks. . Special price $28.00 $75.00 Secretary Bookcases. Special price $55.00 35.00 Four-post Beds. Special price $27.00 denim. Special price $25.00' 250.00 Nine-piece mahogany Bed room Suite. Special price $210.00 200.00 Davenport Sofa in red velvet. Special price $150.00 32.00 Tapestry Easy Rockers. Special price $25.00 25.00 Mahogany Card Tables. Special price $19.00 32.00 Gate Leg Tables, of mahog any. Special price 23.00 A xSale'of Mahogany Small and Large Pieces for Weddintf Gifts ;rWrt Tilt-top Table, Card Tablet, Bedroom Suites and Novelties BILL FIXES TIME LIMIT FOR SCHOOL AUDIT REPORTS Measure In Legislature, Compels Ofll- clals to Complete Work Boforo First of September of Ench Yenr ill a fifnjor Corresponds t iiAnmsnuna, Feb. 27. a bin tiwt would make It mandatory for school audi tors In districts of the second, third nnd fqurth classes, taking In all districts over 6000 In population except Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, to complete their work and file their reports, before tho 1st of September of each year, was Introduced In tho llouso today by Representative W. W Jones, of Lackawanna. The sponsor of the measure fr.uiklj ad mits that school directors of Cat bon County, recently criticized In n report filed b the auditors, would like to see the bill beionm a law He says that directum In other dis tricts also favor fixing a time limit for making an nudlt, He points out tlmt In many Instances auditors havn turned In bills for several months' work, Under the codo passed In 1911 they nro named In May bv tho Court of Common Plens 'Ihey besiu their work with tho completion of the fiscal year, June 30 The Jones bill would Impose n penalty of $S per day nn each nuditor for enth day nfter Septcmhi r 1 that It takes to completa the nudlt. 30,000 FRENCHMEN CHEER U.' S. SHIP ON ARRIVAL Captain nnd Crow of Orleans Receive Tumultuous Reception on Dock ing nt Uonlcnux HOItDKAUX, l'eb. 27 Thirty thousand persons stood on the water front hero to day and cheer the American frclRht ship Oi leans ns she docked, School! and factories closed ,nnd their worKris nnd student!) swelled tho welcom ing throne The ciew imil orfliei of the boat were taken tluniiRli the streets In a parade to tho City Unit l.Mer ii lunch was clven them The American crew of the tank steamship Hold Shell the first American vessel to leave tho Tnltrd States for this side of the At lantic lifter (Sermanv'M new suhmnrlne war fare wan ImiUKUrated, thought so little of tho undersfii clnncer us they passed through the 70110 that they lined tho steamer's rails kIukIhb parodies oil "Dtutschland 1'ber Alles " Captnln Johns, the; vessel's com mander, said today that no r -n of subma lines was seen Ihn Hold Shell left .pelau nro capes Feb ruary R and nrilved here Just n few hours nhcad of the American freighter Orleans An nfllclnl welioine was extended Captnln 'lucker nnd the i rew of the Orleans todnj COUNTY OPTION BlLL TO HAVE PUBLIC HEARING Vlckerman Measure Advocates Will Have Chanco to Present Caso to 'Assembly HAimiBnUrtCl, Cob. 27. the 1jw nnd Order Committee of the House this nfter noon unnnlmously agreed to hold a public hearing on the Vlckerm.n county local option bill. Tho committee held a hurried meeting after the local option lenders had severely rritlciied what they termed attempts to jockey the bill In committee, nnd efforts to block the promised hearing Representative William T Ramsey, of Delaware," one of the "wet" lenders In tho tommlttee, urged tho rnmniltteo to set the date. No one voted against It The hearing will be held between 2 and 4 o'clock In the afternoon In the hall of the House Only the local option advocates will be heard Tho question of grnntlng either a public or a private hearing to tho liquor Interests wns broached, but no sctlon was taken toward setting any date R. P. POUTER IN AUTO WRECK LONDON, Kch. 27. nobert P. Poiter, American Journalist nnd trnveler. Is the victim of nn automobile nccldcnt In Nor folk. Ho suffeicd two broken ribs nntl minor Injuiles. Lnto detnlls are lacking, but his hurts are not regarded ns gravely serious. URGES BILL TO RAISE SALARY OF LEGISLATORS Representative Rclchcnbacker Saya HIrIi Cost of Llvlnjr Warrants In crease From $1600 to $2500 HARRISRUna, l'eb. 27. nepresentati,, Itelclienbacker, new member from Wajne declares that tho I1I15I1 cost of living well warrants his standing by the bill he In. troduced In the House last night nnd which cairles with It r substantial In. crease In the pay of members of the House and Senate Rclchcnbacker would pay each Represent tntive nnd e.ich .Senator J2500 for at. tending biennial sessions of tho I.egh. turo mid $500 additional In tho event tin Legislature convened In special session Tho present pay Is $1500 The man from Wujne would fl,x the mileage feo at tlitt tv cents per mile, 1111 Increase of twenty cents per mile over tho present rate "It's been years since the Legislature handled n bill calling for Increased pav fur Its members Piesent-day condition's nro such nnd the cost of living hero and In traveling to nnd from here Is such that my bill should meet with tho approval of every one," Its sponsor sajs Members of the piesent Leglslatuie would not profit by the passage of tho bill, since the salaries of State officers cannot be Increased or diminished during their teim of office. 1 Jr I 1 b . i A M Dv I V til 1 TVT. Ek.1 I lit 1! 2JIBTTw-fcHrfuttl .. ... ! .TTHi rtWMll. J. ;'"rn,t?HrjA .KrHlliSSSS" TSHiJVs5anS ' ' vj '-."""Wir ) 9 WauuJtSrsTstsrsr. " ? ? 1 1 ;!22S!MsMMiTKr! mil r-T;:.-i7ii;:rr? .. SBBB. mn .mum" ";:: it 9 wSSsS222r,,i,Jf,!lir J' .. Carload After Carload of Beautiful Furniture, Just Received, is Now . Being Placed on Sale s HIPMENTS arranged for months and months ago, that should have been here 111 advance of this February Sale : goods that were intended to grace our floors early in the month and the interior of hundreds of homes before this and they have come pil ing in within the last few days. Beautiful suites and odd pieces by tho score, many of which may not be dupli cated again for years because of the tendency among manufacturers to reduce the variety of their output and we have been chosen to act the role of "clearing house" and dispose of them at far below their original valuation. Exclusive furniture much of it of a qual ity and design not to be found outside of the Van Sciver Store ; and none of it matchable at the prices wc quote. It is on our floors today, ticketed at the clearance sale prices decided upon when it was contracted for, despite the advance in manufacturing co3t, and consequently retail value, for, with the coming of tho Spring season, wc shall need all the floor-space we can possibly get. We invite you to visit our Store and personally appraise these values, to see for yourself the countless money saving opportunities that could not practically be detailed or illustrated in this announcement. Now is a good time to anticipate future furniture needs. An Artistic Dining Suite in Modern Style, (10 pieces) $186.50 j2 li"35r """sSl sJ uLILInL fe'M'rk 4 A One of the most attractive conceptions of modern art-ctaltsmanship; what might bo termed an evo lution of the Jncobean style. Suite comprises, Ruffct, 51x22 in,; China Closet, 42xl5'i in.; Serving Table, 36x18 in.; Extension Tabic, 48 in., ft. extension; 5 leather-seated Chairs and one leather-seated Arm Chair. Your choice of Mahogany, Jacobean Oak or Gray Oak. A CliarminjJ Vanity Dressing Table, Dull Mariorjany A Pretty Wing Arm Rocker with Adam Medallion I y : Kink feb-. I ptf ffrm M .r3 j tip5- J J 539.75 J J A Few Suggestions From a Wealth of Unusual Values An exquisite piece in the tc lincd Adam style with cane insert in panel below the cen tral, full-length mirror. $615.00 Bedroom Suite (7 pes.), White Knamel dec orated, $475.00. $275.00 Bedroom Suite (4 pes ), American Walnut carved, $198.00. $225.00 Bedroom Suite (3 pes.), American aluut, 5150.00. $325.00 Bedroom Suite (7 pes ). English Mahogany, $255.00. $580.00 Bedroom Suite (9 pes ). Anti(uc Mahogany, $390.00. $250.00 Dining Suite (10 pes ), Jacobean Oak. $180 00. $102.00 Dining Suite (3 pes ), Jacobean Oak, $78.00. $72.00 Buffet, Mahogaii, $55. $355.00 Dining Suite (3 pes), Chinese Chippendale. $275. $86.00 Writing Table, Shera ton Mahogany, $68 00. $85.00 Secretary. Inlaid Ma hogany, $59.00. $130.00 Large Library Table, Inlaid Mahogany, $95.00. $64.00 Large Library Table, Golden Oak. $48.50. $57.50 Wardrobe, Hirchwood, $37.50. $67 Bureau. Mahogany. $47.50. $24.50 Serving Table, English Oak. $8.75. $23.50 Serving Table, Inlaid Mahogany, $12.50. $19.50 Serving Table, Fumed Oak, $9.50. $10.50 HiiPl' SSmatiTmt Graceful lines, comfort and durability chaiacterize this Chair. It has cane seat and back and carved Adam medal lion in back panel. In Mahog any or Jacobean Oak. Arm Chair to match at same price. Take Advantage of These Opportunities to Save Money on Floor Cnuprinns Mnm t s-' www vm vju x T V AS The cost of materials anil manufacture has Ik en mounting steadily upwards for months, and to-day, many of our prices arc actually below sholcsale cost and all of them under current retail figures. $2.50 Bigelow Best Body Brussels Carpet, for $1.65 yard. Extraordinary value in carpet famous for its appearance and wearing qualities. Ulir SIOCK Ol llnnr rni.rni.. la . .!..- r such renowned makers as Smith. Sanford, Bigelow, fi. ,md ,r educed prices cover the entire line ii. mat to un 11 .115 ft. rug. from an 1836 $1.70 Highest Grade Inlaid Linoleum, for 75c square yard, bhort lengths in quantities suitable for bathrooms and average kitchens; bring sizes. $106 Royal Wiltons,' 11.3x15.0 $87.50 $95 Royal Wiltons, 10 6x13 6 $78.50 $55 Royal Wiltons, 9x12 ft $39.75 $42 Seamless Wilton Velvets, 9x12 $32.50 $32 Seamless Wilton Velvets, 8.3xlff6 $28.50, $36 Axminsters, 9x12 ft $28.50J miiiiS ;u noysu wilions, WU It $52 50 $56 Royal Wiltons, 8 3x10 6. . . 'SuM $45 Best Axminsters, 9x12 ft $34.53 $30 Seam ess Velvets, 9x12 ft ),. $240 25 Seamless Tapestry Brussels, 9x12 ft $19.75 . tayvauy urusscjS, lXU It,, $13.50 Store Closes Daily at 5.30 P. M. Be sure to visii our Drapery Department. There's a Clearance Sale of Lace Curtains from a quarter to over a half off that will interest you. m ife m& wmgmm MARKET ST. FERRY, CAMDEN, N.'J, Sdvr Go, Market St. Perry Boats Land Opposite Store. J ft i , AU ,pe4Hy frietd. ' mmmimmmmmm- $ZmZS2 mmmkmim