rvrttl1 w K2?":r CHKDEJPIENI .POTEWALCONGRESSO Senator! Italian! Dcvono "di Rispondcre di Settanta- qunttro Capi di Accusa T WASHINGTON, 26 Febbralo. Tl Preftlflftnt Wilson hfl tinrlntn ntrel vsntll Conpresso ptr domandnro plcnt HOteri per la protezlone del commorclo e Aella Ita del clttadlnl Americanl cho norni ' fceatrettl ad attraerrare la zona dlchU tfata moccnta dal Bottomarlm teucsclil ! II president ha dlclitarato che la dip- nazla non e' rluaclta a sal aKuardara 1 dlrlttl del clttadlnl americanl gnruntltl Salle lege nternaionall e the In Kultn nll.i "fjuerra dl Bottomarlnl ni nl cosldctto lilocco , II commorclo marlttlmo amerlcano ' J, " non si azzardnno nd usilre dnt port I lon v irovano. .-onnnneno laiio nperm ii B$ ostlllta' da parte delta Gennanl.i non M y o' verJQcato. I'ero' vl sono tanto clrcostanzn ft (chefanno rltenern che la altuazlono c' tint' auro cne aiirgra. cosr cne una upcisione dl aglro potra' cero resa iietcsxarl-i In qualunque momento, da tin Klonm uU'nltro per la dlfewi del pin' elmienlurl dlrlttl dl nazlone neutrnlc. II preeldente ha ilomandolo qi'lndl die. In vista delta tirolin.t chhiMjrn (Iplln iiIoii j!J del ConRrosfo. nuosto Kit dla poterl dl arIi-h 1 In caso dl lilORno. poterl the II tiresldoiilo ,,ln upstanza possible kIh' In hasp alia loill- tttztone, tup che ckII uole ronrcniiutl dal W Congrcsso. SI crcne che II ronBreo accordtrn qiirtl poterl. KOMA, 2fi Febbralo Gil austrlacl liannn tentalo nuoxl at tacchl nclU zona del Trentlno mi senza otteners atcun rlsultato 11 irciieralo Cadorna annuncla Infattl net uo mp porto pubbllcato lerl ?era dal Mlnlstern delta Guerra che tuttl gll attacchi degll austrtacl aono statl resplntl Keen II testo del rapporto IartlgllcrH c" stata plu nttUa rella Riornata di lerl nello valll dell'Astlco c del TraUsnolo. alia ts. lata delle alll del Cordexole o del Suo e nella zona ad est di Gorlzla Truppo nemlcho tentarono tin at tacco contro le nostre poalzlonl sul Monte Mosclagh, sull'altoplano dl Aslago: nella Val Grande, nell'iilto But e nella alle del torrente Ponteb- bana, ma furorib retplnt dapbertutto e aublrono perdlta conslderevoll l.o buono condlzlonl ntmosferlche hanno faxorlto 1'attUlta' detlo sqtia drlK'lc aeree. I nostrl nvlatorl, ap pogglutl dallo batterlc antlacree, han no messo In ruga aeroplanl nemlcl 11 senntoro Mnngllll. nttualmento tiresl dente della Ilanca Commcrclalo ltallana notorlamente germanonio lino a tenlare n fare qucllo ihe la ma FOtnpllce quallta dl Itallano iwrebbo dovuto impeding! dl nncho oltnuto pensare, e' ootto procenjio per ret tantnqtinttlo opl dl accurn. Kssendo cena lore, egll naturalmento dora' rhpondere dello Krnvl rccuso cho fill pesano pul capo daantl nl Senatn tomotato In Alta Corte ill Gluatlzla. Kgll pcro' non e' 11 solo lm putato In que'to pcand.tloo processo, iclae che' nltrl pervonngRl Rono Impllcatl nelln aporchc inanotro ncrmunoflle In Italia ed uno del colinputntt c' II fanilBerato tena tore prlncIpe ill Ciniportale. tognato dil prlnclpo on Ilnelun ler ndopoo non l m troppo dl ponltlw) Intiirno it iieto ncandalo I cul p.irtUolirl le uutorita' lii(iilrentl tengono Begrdl per quatito u' poiillillp, ma e' fac Up linmaRln.ue che e up p irl i in tuttl I clrcoll polltlci n pirtnmentarl nella capitale e fuoil SI dice nnche l Mi.l la probihlllt.i i he d.il momento (he nl tratt.i prnlinliitniinlo di accua dl alto tradiniento c in tempo dl guerra, II proceo iioxia solKeri,l lnrco die (I.nanli all Alia Corte di (llullzl.i diN.mtl nil un trlbtinile milltare Ad ognl inodo il Roxcrno non ha deoln ancora nulla a (iietn rlRUarrin, ed p' nnzi prnhi bllp die II pnw.esn l i rlintnditu nl dnpo guerra alio M'opo dl non permetlfie clip eiiRano refc publilirhe rlrcoiilnnzp die polrpiihern h nolle enfeie lltlll nl neiiiiin I' leiio pern chp I ernlorl MaiiRilli p ill ( aniporeale rd I loro cniuplltl tio nrp jsllatl p teiiull it mchlo della pollrii mm arebbero dowito escrto fin dall tnizlo della Kiierr.i SI n' nppreo cho II pnp-i In falto pspn iioi a .il goerno Itali.mo l,i u,t Rratliurllup per ncr teliulo negrelp lo tlnoslnnrn Irla tle ullo splnnnggio dl iiinnlKnnr !crlah (he reccntcmenle fu nlUititntiatn dal Vail cano dopo che si iioperp cho rgll rumii nlean iol lunilio dell It ill dal Khrdlnl del Vntlcano loo era rlu(lto nd erlgerc una tnzlon radloteleKratlca Int.mto H mampa auRtro ledp(a ki i fa rendo una (-impigni pet ridarp al papa II perduto potpro tempoialp nelln t-prinn di olteneip I approi.iziono n ill sonnRlurarc la dWapptoi.izlonp del Vntlcano delta cim pngn.i dl Rottonmrlnl 1'uip pin II rlsuK.H ottenulo sla I InierMi di (pietlo ( Ik In Mnmp.i teutoul(.i KperaMi o cloo un i nlu lgorosi protesta da pirto del pipa contro la guerra dl barhare lnsldle Telesramnil da l.ondra dlcono che lo truppe inglel operanti ullAnore hanno aianzato ancora LO'trlngemlo i tidcchl a Tlplegar. Kl hanno conquliitalo I) vlllag glo dl Serre, n nonl dell'Ancrc, In regulto a che I tedeschl pono ntatl obbllgatl a rlple garo RuU'lntrra tinea tra Mlraiiniont e tferre Gll Inglesl lontlnuatio toal' I loio aforzl per la conqulsta ill Dnpnumo trno cul era dlretta la loro grando offcnnUa re ccnte l.e truppe IngloM hnnno nnclio ottenulo Importnntl buhofrI In un nltrn lontntio teatro della guerra, nul Tlgrl, In Mesopo tamia lie csl hanno pa phi I o II flutuo nl gomlto dl Shumrnn ed hanno In tat moilo lidlato I fort! turchl dl Kut el Aiiiua don tempo fa un oscrclto Ingleso dl 0000 uomlnl fu coMrctto nd nrrpmlcixt (HI Ingleil operanti nella Mesopotamia si propongono cldentemente I'oblettlM) dl tcnero Impegnato fori I innsio turclio In qucllo lontine, rcRlonl per Impodlro die esie vadano a rlnforzarp I tedeschl e gll nuslrlacl Pell.i penlola balcanlca o lull.i Gallzl.1. Telegramml da Vienna dhono clip si sono rlunltl nella mplt.ilp austrlaca 1 mlniitri ungheresl eil austrliLl nllo sropo d dlmuluo (Ina la sltua7tono rcouomli i dell linpero l.e rlunlotil sono preslilulp dnl piehlrnto del Conslgl t unpherese contn Tlszn, ( sendo asvente 11 inlnlslrn degll lNleii (omunp ennte Zrernln clie el tioa ninma a .Monaco dl MaUera Paulshoro (Iron in tr Uapidlj I'Atl.SBOIlO ,1 Pl) 21, iho rate Its pnpulntlnn (s Inerensing I'nnl'-bnrn lll soon be llio tnrgel lonn in (Ilnucrt i t'ount Meforr th. titmn nmp l'aul l n . h a (1 nboul ."no ipsidents ow it iia a third more and exerv nvmh sIhihb a rnpfl increase TWO BRITISH SHIPS SUNK OFF CEYLONT0KJ0 SAYS Vessels Victims of Gcrmnn Plotting, Japanese Say May Have' Ilccn Sent to Bottom by Raider TOKIO, Teb 26 The nrltMi sleamshlpi Perseus nnd War leslerhlro liae been aunk off Colombo, according In nnnouncoment today No de tails luxe so far boon receled but It wns reported there were explosions abontd both xesiels due lo German plotting The rercus as reported sunk from Lon don on February 21 and the Worcester shire on February 10 It was then as sumed they fell lctlms to the German sub marine warfare In the barred zone 1 ho Tnlclo dispatch Is the first report that they wire siinU In a section where other minors hao recenlly reported a German raider Tliu Japanese Government has a strict cen sorship on ship news nnd It Is Inrelv pos sible lhat tliu explosions' due to Grnian plotting mentioned In the dispatch in ly be slmplx an Indication thnt these esels foil iictlins in ihe raider i nlnmbn Is (lie principal seaport town nf c pi Ion mi English possession Dip I'orspus was a uteel screw liner of f7-R Ions owned by the Ocean Stenmship i "tnpani Limited nnd registered at l.iier- p nl Ihe lAonestershlre wis i steet screw tr im hip of 7175 tons owned In the Rihbv steiMislnp ( oinpitH and registered at I.ii i pool Did It Ever Occur To You that when you say you cannot afford to insure, you are advancing the strongest reason why you should insure at once? The rovi dent Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia FOURTH AND CHESTNUT STS. FOUNDED 1865 wtxMix!Mss'xwKixxsr!iaMmjm:,mmst AUTOCARS ASSIST RAILROADS S.S-.PIERGE CO. i I . "Glaoisa. Tea" 1 Dutch Fear Germany Plots Forcing War Contlnuril from !' One ships bv German submarines was tempered today by realization of the acute danger with which tho Netherlands are menaced In these massed forces Just across the line Dispatches from arfotis DutcJi cities today Indicated no nbntcment In popular anger nt the sinkings, but a general (lis position to weigh this situation against the consequences of a sweep forward by those cver-inenancliig German troops The (! 01 ma n explanation, as received bv wire less dlit not sono to quiet thp public lids explanation details negotlntlons with Herlln hi Dutch shippers for safe-conduct of tho liners fiom Falmouth after Febriuri C, when the last restriction on "subniarlii- lngs'r w removed, liow permission was granted to February 13 and bow later the German Government innounecd the ships could leave "with full safety" on March 17, or "only rclntlve safety" on February 22. The "relative cafety" for the 22d, It Was explained, was due to the fact that It was not ccrtnln al submarines would receive wireless orders to accord the D'ltch ships passage. GERMAN RETREAT SEEN AS MENACE TO HOLLAND WASHINGTON1. Feb 2G 'Ihe great German retirement before General Ilnlg's armies on the west front was In part a re sult nf a call for more men and materials for the Holland front. Allied diplomats de calred here today. Military ntt.iches of Allied embassies said thev would be 'far from stirpilsed' If the present German retirement continue. These diplomats slid that the Dutch Government, I nee n ted over recent vit dw structlon of her merchant ships, moie belligerently Inclined thah at any time since the war began, presents a big problem for the German land forces. They believe also that the Swedish menace, ndded to that seen In Holland l. contributory reason why the German Gen rral RtnIT Is willing to fall bade In th west, thereby slightly shortening the Hn sho musfdefend against Halg's batterlne and nffordlng nn opportunity to shift th men lhusi icleased to the Dutch front, It was .pointed out In Allied circles th.it Allied wai heads havo alwavs believed that Germany wns prodigal of lives nnd mui. rial at Verdun, so that, upon winning theiV tho Teutons could have then afforded fall bnck on a virtually Mialght line n? defenses stretching fiom Verdun norlhwaid through llrussels or Nnmur or IlrucM Such a line. It was pointed out. would iiiu hundreds of thousands less men lo defend since It would bo inanv miles shorter than' the piesent clrrullous line. fW &? ' r v 1 .sS ft, m 3 UT F- 1 t H Baltimore to Boston by Autocar Philadelphia Yesterday ON SATURDAY, February 24, S. S. Pierce Company, Boston's big gro cery house, wired us to haul f.or them from Baltimore to Boston two tons of tin cans for- their "Choisa Tea." The Autocar used is one that has just been purchased by S. S. Pierce Co. to be added to their present fleet they now own eighteen. Running by daylight only, the Autocar is en route via Wilmington, Philadelphia, Trenton, Newark, New York, Bridgeport, New Haven and Providence. It reached Philadelphia yesterday. Motor trucks are a necessity Business houses these days are depending on them not only for city and suburban deliveries, but for long distance shjp v '.:' ments and for quick unloading of freight cars in crowded yards. THE AUTOCAR CO., ARDMORE, PA. PHILADELPHIA FACTORY BRANCH ' ' ;The Autocar Sale & Service Co., 23rd & Market Sts. iV O" K&Wj'-P"- Wm wsiKSfSsBSi vl i iiSfai2tsiy . .. ,inii .ivi,n ' ,n ,,, ff v 'y.,'1ViWWWW'-V' jMimul Still Three, Bright, Busy Days in this February Sale 13 HE "Sands of Time" have sifted rapidly down and this morning begins the first of the three final days of our epoch-making Februarv Sale. Three bright, busy days wo have prophesied; bright, not necessarily in an external weather wise sense, but in the internal atmos phere of cheerful satisfaction which always prevails in this unique Store; busy, because every day of the month so far has been busy and no one who can possibly help it will miss these closing hours of opportunity. Trainload after trainload of furniture has been rolling in throughout this Sale to make good the inroads of each days' heavy selling and those who visit us between now and Wednesday evening will find no lack in volume or variety of beautiful "home-making" merchandise. The ten dency among manufacturers to reduce the number of their designs has given us an unusual quantity of handsome suites and pieces that may not be dupli cated again for years, and which, to avoid carrying into next season, liave been reduced far below their original and proper valuation. Final reductions have all been made, and the greatest values in furniture and furnishings offered anywhere in the United States await your choosing to-day, to-morrow and Wednesday. Welcome to our Store. An Adam, Suite in Ivory Enamel. Decorated, (4 pieces) $158 . ,., . -y -x0SS TigF s . ..1 -. A charminp suite that really needs to be seen to be appicciated. The refined Adam style is most attiactiC in the Ivory IJnamcl and each piece is beautifully decorated. Suite (omptis.es: Bureau, 44x2.1,s in.; full si7e Bed, Chiffonier (not illustrated) 3(1x121 in., and Tiiplicale Mirror Dicssine; 'lable, 40x19 in. 'ii have an ununial and vancd stock of beautiful bedioom suites, in Ivory, plain and decorated, Black I.acquei, American and Citcassian Walnut and Mahopany. Such Low Prices on Floor Coverings May Not be Duplicated Again for Years Everything lhat pocs to the making of rugs, carpets and other floor coverings has ad vanced tapi'dly in price, of late, and the tiend of the market is still upward. Reductions rang ing' from 10'. to !!:i' n are offered in our Tebruaty Sale; 1 eductions that have been made on our old pi ices those in effect bcfoie the advance, ho that in many cases our Sale prices are below the manuf.ictuiine; lost to-day. Wc quote meiely a few items from our unusually large stock; proportionate savings are offered on eveiything fiom an 18x3G in. mat to an 11.3x15 ft. rug. Choice Royal Wilton Rugs in Varied Selection $106; size 11.3x15.0.., 505; size 10.6xKU... .$87.50 .878.50 555 Royal Wiltons, 9x12 S42 Seamless Wilton Velvets, 012 S38 Seamless Wilton Velvets, s JnIO (J S3G Axniinsters. 'sl' .$.'19,731 ,S3?.50 $28 SO $28.50 $70; size 9x12.... $50; size 8.3x10.6. ,$52.3b .543.50, 545 Best Axniinsters, 9x12 . . .$34.50 S30 Seamless Velvets, 01'J $24.50 S20 Seamless Tapestry Brussels, 0x12. ..$19.75 $17.50 Tapestry Brussels, 12 $13.50 1000 d- Bigelow Bet Body Brussels Carpet, rcg $.'10 for $1.65 yd. SI 70 Inlaid Linoleum, highest grade, for 75c sq. yd. bliort length-, m quantities tunable for bathroom and average kitchens; bring sizes. c ' - " A Handsome Colonial Secretary in Rich-toned Dull Mahogany, $23.50 An attractive, useful piece that fills the dual role of desk and bookcase and .has conveniently ample drawer space besides. Note our vety low lebruary bale price. 'A Round-top Library Table in trie Colonial Style, $12.75 A very good-looking Library Table in Dull Mahogany, Colonial style. The workmanship is excellent as is evi denced in the lines of the pedestal and the finely turned scroll feet. Size 34 inches. We have a large and interesting stock of Library Tables in all styles and at all prices. MM Clearance Sale of Lace Curtains, Many at Half Price and Less In order to reduce our stock to the desired proportions wo are closing out $10,000 worth of Lace Curtains nt reductions ranging from 25 to considerably more than half. Early selection is urged for individual lots are lim ited. t GREATEST REDUCTIONS ON 1 TO 3-PAIR LOTS $1.50 to 35.00 CURTAINS Now SOc to $17.50 Included in tho Sale arc Ruf fled Muslins, Antique Scrims, Clunys, Lacet Arabians, Hond mndo Arabian. BrugReU Net Rennaisvince, Irish foint, etc. MLJwIkL Mr A little trip acrott the ferry to 'the Van Scivtr factory-etore may save 1ow from SS.00 to fSOO.00, according to the the of your jmrcha$e. A B . Va n S &mm Go. MARKET STREET FERRY, CAMDEN, N. J. Store Closes Dally t 8.30 P. M. Market St, Ferry Boat! Land Oppoaite Store. Supply Your Bedding. Needs While Our' Sale Prices Continue We are specially well equipped to supply your Bedding requirements and yQii will be specially interested in our greatly reduced rcbrtary Sale prices. We call your particular attention to our Hair Mattresses, the most comfortable, restful and sanitary type of mat tress in existence. Hair Mattresses. $20. $21.50. $24.50 up. Box Springs, (for metal or wood beds) $11.50, $13.90, $15.00, $18.50 ,and up. Pelted Cotton Mattresses, $8, $10.50, $12 up. Silk Floss Mattresses, $16.75. NOTE: All our Mattresses have good quality tickings (striped or fancy), roll edge:, ' and are made in two parts. . '- K t