nsx. 'F Ft' mar rv vu. wn mfcVjrHK, iv . .-..' . . r t . ".int. - t ' " J.'7 ' 'v ?. ' . i l ' .VI H . I . "." -"f li- A T I I I - f"" "? i , ' K .- ' ,"(. ,'. .... , '') 1 WV . nTrTiiTTyn Tiinrtrm nrrrr I nnrTTTTT i . mrrTTTlCin illf TTT(TTTT A "OV1 OO JliVJliiNlJMjt- Jjiii.ULrJU.ti x'jtiJJLiAJJxuJUJL'ja.iii., xrUJLtoJLx , j;ij3xvu-ti.4.vA , loir ft" ' " " .... s OTDIAUSTMACI IN VALSUGANA p (iAustrinci sul Cnrao Bom wtiati Ba Un DirSgibilo ' i 'LTfallnnn ir Tnnnr1intl ESTI'dI FRANCESCO II FOUR PERSONS ACCUSED OP CONSPIRING TO KILL LLOYD GEORGE H .'.. nOMA, 22 Eebbralo. i. front Hntlana sl nota una numen- jiltlvltft' tanto da parte .degll Itnllanl ( 4a. parte degll austrlacl. Kcco U testo ' rapporto del generalo Cndorna iiutibll. B lerl Bera dal Mlnlstcro della Oucrra: jCna. nolti. dl lunedl' 11 nemlco tento' &, fUtacchl contro le hostre llnee Bulla rva sinistra uei iwrrmo "i p Talsug-ana, e ad est del torrcnte Vertol- utza. nellA valle del vippacco. n ne ,Wilco fu pero' prontnmento resplnto dal iMoatro fuoco dl artlelierla e dl fucllcrla. t.i. JM.Hn irlnrnntn ill lcrl Bl S0110 'nVUto fr-'Mlonl Intermittent! dl nrtlgllerla cho t,ih Bono state speclalmente intcnso newa. yvauaia menoionaiq uei jajiim, hi-" Vnllo !M Vnnol o sul Carso. K'i'lAti' lerl sera uno del nostrl dlrlfilblll BfuK.BomDaraava con bukcssu ji j,. IviiMllltarl austrlacl nella zona n nurd-est BTXI'' Comen, suiraltoplano del Carso, Ifji'Muaandovl grandl Inecndl. Nonostanto Wis iHiohtr, f.inn rilln hMterln untlaeree fe-V'Wrnlche 11 nostro dirigible iltorno fcJVBtnia dannl alia sua base. EC' '. Zurlro teletrrafano cho lo Stato Mag- Ktlrtor austrlaco an.uncla cho sulla fronto R '"''Katlana el sonot nvutl vlvacl bombnrda- iVflnciitl da parte deU'artlgllerla Itallana spe (BBlalmente tra'Plava ad 11 mare. Sulla fronte tis trentlna 11 fuoco dello batterle Itallano e' li:rtato plu' vivace cno non sia ai bouiu, aye lalmente nel settore tra Torbole e Lopplo. Un telegramma da Arnsteraam aico cne i'pester Llovd. dl Budanest. annuncla chc lo Wi Smerl dell'lmperatore Francesco II no no state SiAirtAinKM 1I.1 Arco tier ordlne dell'lmperatore N:.Vr..iA v. ti fottn rim i:t plttinllnn. kI trova SVimI Vaceln dl azlona dello bntterlo Itallanc. yi?v'li bara fu rlmossa nella glornata del C JMAFrtbralo e su dl un afTusto dl cannon fu jtrasportata a Trento dove fu collocata nella CLreappeiia impenaic. tV iJure da Amsterdam si apprends che 11 Parone Hazal e! stato prlvato della cirlca jar mlnlstro austro-unuanco uena uuesa Effi'feaxlonalo e sostltulto con II magglor Rene- I,Krala von Szurmay. SI dice che questa e la WTimozione uai comanao in capu muotn, irnrrMiicii Federlcn Kono consceuenza UfliA uno Bcandalo nella dlrczlono dell'cserclto, . uutandnln rhn nl rlveln' rrGntemcntc auando m! J ttl nnnfAOA pha mnltl crrnmll ronnrtl (11 trUOOe Kf,U'lmasero senza vlverl per plu' un glorno. S, SI dice che I vlverl destlnatl a ouesto truppo k Ifufono usatl dlversamentc con nlena nozlone KiJ?iel comando supremo. ' W ropimnnrlnQl (IaIIa rnlnvlnnl trn. AllRtrl.1 e S'BUtl Unltl e della recente nota consegnata !"", Aall'ambasclatore amerlcano I'cnfleld nl tftf-'iKOvernO dl Vienna, chledentegll dl dcHnlro Jl suo attcgglamento In rlguardo alia cam- pagna dl sottomnrlnl, 11 Messagero dice: rar :, La nota americana mette lAUFtria in un Mk terrlblle dilemma perche' la obbllga o a kL , AT. IHAWMn In Dtln nilAotlltlA Hill oT-fil &.'vtMM-n I I cnt trkmaflril Ail n ffrottn rt nnal' In Bf,3 I DUIIUIIIHtllll - l . M j ,. Hi la sua fiolidarletfi' con la Qermanla' !ui' v 11 Tnnnln Tlnmnno illfft rh In nntfi. nmprU flna. a noco mno dl un ultimatum, clo che arebbe stato se nves9 flssato una data sffi tualunque per la rlsposta. &NIla clSrnata dl lcrl furono aftonrlatl una j,leclna dl plroscall. La Gazetta del lche'll governo amerlcano cerca dl provarc ? eh la Oermanla non si azzarda ad nffnn. a.'"' RttrA nftvl nmprlpriTip p ItpnA for nnlum fejjeh so I plroscan nmerlcanl Hochester ed ,urieans inconireranno un soiioniarino sar Kaimp affondatl Kenz'altro. 1M aggtunge: ,Non Importa Be cssl abblano o non con itrabbando dl guerra. Sarebbe assurdo. :"dono le dlchlarazlonl della (icrmanla. che K'MiChe In Un Glngolo caso si debba aver l,in)n nllr. . .tl.lf .11 ..!. ;.., mmv aiiM iivDaiuiiuit ii uuait3 un tun PtfCCKto ariato con gll Stall Unltl." From left to right are Mrs. Winnie Mason, her sister, Hnrriett Ann Whccldon, Mr. Mason, her husbnnd, and Mrs. Alice Whceldon, fifty years old, tho mother. They are charged with plotting to slay tho Premier by shooting at hi mdnrts carrying a very deadly poison. They also had designs on tho lives of other heads of tho British Government, according to secret service ugents. STRANGER WITH AUTO KIDNAPS IVYLAND BOY Child, Seized on Way to Music Lesson, Escapes in This City Albert Jamison, Jr., thirteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jamison, of Ivyland, near Doylestown, according to his own story, was kldnnpped by a stranger In nn automobile and taken to Philadelphia yes terday. Making his escape at a busy cross ing on Market street, ho went homo by trol ley. Tho boy wns on Ills way to take n violin lesson In Ardsley when the autoist stopped him to ask tho way to Willow drove. When he declined an Invitation to get in tho car and show the way the man struck him and forced him Into tho cnr. When they reached this city young Jamison took ndvantage of a delay ordered by a trndlo policeman and jumped from the car. Ho was unable to distinguish the license number of tho car because of mud. Tho man was young and wore a fur overcoat, tho hoy osscrts. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Feb. 2L'. 1IOOS It-celpts. 'JH.non. Market vrrtlt. Mixed and hutrhcra. IVl.XTiW 11I.H5; g-ood heavy, $12.?(Hl l'J.sr,. ruuth lieitvy, ftS.43OlU.0S: IlKht. 1 11! Mil'. 75; pl, JD.73& ll.SOibulk. fta.sofoiu.so. (SATTLK Heeelptn, 5500. Market Mronir. Beeves. fT. 75412. Ml rows nml heifers. JI.T."W 10.75; toekers and feeder. M.'ftffj'iMi): Texana, f8.40ffln-.4R; calves, fltSi'U'.NS. SIlKKr Receipt, 11,(10(1. Market utendy. Native and western, f74i 11 HO; lamb.i. JU.r.uw Nail Pierces Brain; Baby Dies One-year-old Frank Antoneb, 728 Kater street, died In the Cnrrctson Hospital to day as the result of n nail piercing his brain. The child was1 struck two weeks ago by an older brother with a stick In which was a nail. Ho was taken to the hospital for an operation. FUND OF $6,000,000 IS MEDICAL MERGER NEED Fund Necessary to Complete Union of U. of P. and Mcd- ico-Chi Schools Following the olllclal announcement by William Potter, president of tho board of trustees of JcfTerron Medical College, that a merger would not bo made with the tTnlverslty of Pennsylvania Medical School and the Mcdlco-Chlrurglcal College, Or. William 13. Ashton, of the t'nlvcrslty School, said that J6.000,n00 will be needed for the full endowment and equipment of tho com bined University Medical School nnd the Medlco-Chlrurglcal College. Tho statement was made In an address before tho grad uates who took part In tho annual Univer sity Alumni Day exercises in Houston Hall yesterday. Ills subject was "Tho Merger of tho Medlco-Chlrurglcal College with tho University of Pennsylvania." Tho JCOOO.OOO fund will bo needed in nddltton to tho 14.000,000 which represents tho available, assets and property of the Grnduato School. Doctor Ashton also an nounced that "thero Is every reason to be lieve that tho Philadelphia Polyclinic Hos pital will merge into the University nnd becomo an integral part of tho Graduate School of Medicine." "Tho great Stato of Pennsylvania," said Doctor Ashton, "should come to tho sup port of the University nnd help establish the graduate school upon an enduring basis." The post-graduate school, Doctor Ashton pointed out, was a great step toward the recovery for Philadelphia of her mantle as tho greatest center of medical education In the world, lost when "Philadelphia fell asleep forty years ago." "Tho llfo of Independent medical schools," continued Doctor Ashton, "Is rapidly grow ing to n close. Ono by ono they will merge nnd eventually all the leading universities JACOB BROS PIAN05 PLAYERS In this day of modern piano bulldlnir. when manv Instruments are built for price Instead of quality, It Is well to know something of the Instru ment you buy. Jnrob llrox. Is a name that for generations has been associated with tho best In piano construction and durability, while the price Is moderate, value considered. C'OHi'fiiicitt Terms G.W.HUVERCO. thi: iiomk or snuvicF. 1031-33 Chestnut St. Victrolas Records will establish a department of medicine. The universities will bo confronted with the problem of conducting two departments of medicine a giaduatc nnd an under grauatc school. Undergraduate pchools of medicine must, of course, bo equipped with laboratories for the Investigation nnd treat ment of disease, hut tho point wo desire t'j emphasize Is that they cannot ho de- eloped Into centers of lesearch work with out detracting from their legitimate pur pose and seriously Interfering with the efficiency of undergraduate work." Tho American College of Suigeons. Doc tor Ashton said, has started agitation for tho enactment of laws to protect the public ngainst untrained surgeons and ciealo a public sentiment demanding graduate train ing of men who dcslro to practice surgery. "A man cannot ho inado Into a skilled me chnnic," said Doctor Ashton, "by taking lilm on sightseeing tours through machine shops, nnd yet undergraduate medical stu dents are seeing dally, often from distant seats through opera glasses, tho most dif ficult nnd serious operations on tho abdo men, tho brain, the eye. tho ear, tho nose, throat and other vital parts of the body when wo know they cannot be safely per formed by nny one who has not had a long and practical postgraduate training In sur gery." I.O.ST IN WOODS TWO NIGHTS Children Wander Off Trying to Emulate Campflrc Girls NOltFOI.K. Va Feb. 22. I.ucy Williams and Htlicl Webster, eleven years old, were found In nn exhausted condition after having " wandered for two nights In the woods about ten miles south of Norfolk. The children had become enthusiastic over tho Camp Fire Clllls movement nnd wished to emulate the example of girls they read about who camped in the woods, They tan away from homo on Monday afternoon and started on ju hike south. They soon became lost and wandered about, crying for help. They spent Monday and Tuesday nights alternately overcome by exhaustion and weeping for homo nnd mother. Persistent bearchlng finally ro vealed a chlo to the runaways and tiiey were returned to their parents this afternoon. ttKsTEIWAY Duo-Art Pianola ' PIANO HHB Steinw&y I W Style V, upright, $550 In Mahogany Case If this piano was sold at its actual musical value, it would readily command a very much greater price. While it is made under the personal supervision of eight Steinways, in Steinway factories producing every part of it, the cost is little more than is asked for other pianos, all of which are practically imita tions of the Steinway. Steinway Duo-Art Pianola Pi.ino reproduces the art of the great pianists; or you may play any standard roll on it, or play it with your fmcets. No punipiig. N. STETSON & GO. Only Philadelphia Representatives of Steinway & Sons 1111 Chestnut Street EXPERTS DISCUSS FREEDOM . OF SEAS AT SYMPOSIUM Professor Stowell Opposes Leaguo to Enforco Pence W. C. Bullitt Sees Alliance of Russia, Gormnny and Japan Experts on International law gave their opinions of the effect on future American and world affairs of submarines, gas at tacks, pcacea treaties and blockades, at a meeting of tho Economla Club of d'hl.ladel plila at tho Bellevue-StV&trord. last night. Tho primary subject of discussion was "What la the Freedom of the Hea?" Kllery C, Htowcll, professor of Interna tional law at Columbia University, said that tho world would never return from submarine and gas warfare to tho older methods of attack, lie scored America's benovelent neutrality and the President's advocacy of the League to Enforco Peace, Maurice Leon, of New York, an author ity on International law, characterized Ger many's sacrifice of noncombatants as flat piracy. William C. Bullitt, of the Publlo Ledger Huff, declared that the great coalition of the future would be between Germany, Itussla and Japan An exposition of his nddross Is on the editorial page of today's Issue of the Public Ledger. SPKINKLE ASHES ONCATTLE Upper North Penn Farmers Observed Old Custom Yesterday LANSDALK, Pa Feb. 22. According to an old Pennsylvanla-Gcrman custom, fn,rm. era of the Upper North Penn district yes. terday sprinkled nshes on their cattle terday was Ash Wednesday nnd, according to tho old belief, If nshes are sprinkled on the cnttlo on Ash Wednesday, the cattle will bo Immune to disease during the year li V ifi 1 '(L V Everybody Believes in Protection SKalnut the elements- that's njr most woKoni rsrrjr Vander herchsn's rovers, Mads rlsht, t i.vvidi pin-en, in our own lolts. "At 10 Slon o the Sail" l.veDlhlnit In Connn FANDERHERCHtNTM r N.waceror,Phila fl ft ItBt V M ill I I EDISON Diamond-Disc PHONOGRAPH; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL! 500 PAIRS OF Ladies' Satin Evening Slippers $1 yv i 1 V $5 Values Ten Beautiful Shades .95 HOSIERY In all the latest shades to match your slippers. SPECIALLY PRICED FOR FRl DAY AND SATURDAY ONLY An immediate clearance of a full line of Sorosis Satin Evening Slippers, including all sizes and widths. This two-day oppor tunity should be investigated by every woman who appreciates correct style at a substantial saving. Sorosis Shoe Co. 1314 Chestnut Street &' m M m- C , ' pV T jv V 1 f f F 5M ,41 - '?' feW. CJ It Is With Real Pleasure that We Announce Limousines and Landaulets Available for Immediate Delivery : With the accumulation of motoring experience, the year-round advisability of the Limousine and the Lan daulet becomes more and more apparent. Protection from the emergencies of the weather is as necessary and as welcome in summer as in winter. The Limousine or the Landaulet, at an instant's notice, may be made as snug as your home or as open as the air. Experience has also demonstrated thatCadillac Limou sines -and Landaulets represent the ultimate achieve ment of thejCOcJoeed-car idea. ' - , c You will find in them all that can contribute to your comfort and enjoyment, They have reached a point beyond which it does not appear possible to advance. There is great gratification for the Cadillac owner in the following fact: That the highest aim of the serious-minded manufacturer-is to appT-oxiijiate Cadillac- performance.. Other types sometimes claim equality and sometimes superiority, but, consciously or unconsciously, it is always the Cadillac standard which they claim to equal or to surpass. Fewer cylinders or more cylinders, they apparently have but one criterion, and that is the Cadillac V-type Eight-Cylinder criterion forgetful of the fact that the high development of the Cadillac engine is only one fine phase of Cadillac performance. It is well to remember that this ha always been true since the infant days of the industry. ' 1 ..! I vi M r --.. -, & tt i . p .. HWWMlBBWMMHMrtlMaMMNMSWV.MOTOT :,