Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 21, 1917, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    ffriFKfrv! !W!jTJ"r'PTjPl
V " m. - -
; .Jktnrv Baker Arranges With
National Commerce Chamber
for Supplies .I'uixmisu
i, .oiiin.T1TON. Vc'1
1. Htens wore
j.sr.v . i p
"A Son the Potfcml Treasury
'-- ... ntin t'i fir nr
" .J rnlil ne o
gSTwint of war,
n"u '" nf war.
I; w" n. -candats, such us have shocked
i. in eii" .
.'..linn In previous wars, nrn to he pro
t ". "J' hfouBi, the co-operation of tho Nn
!' Vn i rouncll f Defence with the Chamber
t WLCmc.co of tho f nlted Ht-te-.
i resolution recently passed by tho na--,r
remw ,,rnvi.iCSr tlat the basis of
iitl0"Tv f o m pr vato sources In time of
I'll MMlude a prollt Interest In v
H Todav Secretary of TJr Baker.
i 4 TOO3. t-non rftiinn I. r.a
In war.
no nres-
lied upon
t fLd"Vnt thett. of the Chamber of Con
')iFre'f for assistance ..nd advice In the
IT, mrce for ass Commttces will be
SiffiSKS V the chaiiiber to .co-op. rate
Iji hi. julrlct depot quaru:nim:iH huwuku
f "'"th Station In ohtalnlnR supplies mi
,1 foul l,e ' . .... . ... .,.,!, nln f iifofll na
I't ....1...1 liv" law "l ""' --
h. th,v consider reasonable.
fInr- . .... ., 'nt.tn thnt nrlvnte 1-itAnffi
s? ' "it Is very ui- i"i -- .......... ,.......-
'i. .,m Into tho Government service In tho
- K problem should bo Insured u small
'.'Tn'oMhe committee on national defense
s ln,n. -.iinn!ii Cliamber of Commerce.
-' , it Is exceeding unwise to rely upon
E'".My supply system which is 'economically
It is CQUaiiy Ulivvmu iu iiciutk I.UKI-
' flts t0 n few people malting supplies for
'iki Government and the stock market spec
ulation which inevitably follows. Interest
.n bonds on Industrial plants must be paid
. .... la1.1m.ii nt theKp. bonds must lint
i. U suddenly faced with a cessation of In-
'The result of small guaranteed profit
ould be tho Instant stabilizing of Indus
trial credit and tho complete elimination
'( .lock market speculation."
E T ..?... Au tii-nian ntwl exnert nld ns suc-
'' 'tested by tho Secretary of War In pur-
timing supplies Is In line with tho best
m i.ha in inraipii ! 11 1 i 1 1 i ii-n uii.v 11 l w.ir.
said Elliott H. Goodwin, secretary of the
. chamber of Commerce. "Scores of com-
1 teilttees made up of civilian t'xperts, are
: iow supervlsinB tho purchase of nil sup-
. tiles In foreign nations. It has been found
' n absolutely necessary agency In efficient
.mobilization of Industry."
,New York Women
hi New Food Protest
i ;CcntlnuI from Page One
u' J(h telegram said, "In our opinion demon-
Itmtea Conciusieiy ino uiai iniiiut luiiv.-u ui
this Investigation, not only to bring down
' jrlces. but to let tho people feel that tho
Federal uovernmeni is in cnarge 01 ine suu-
tt-,n Tho situation Is not onlv serious
but chaotic. The housewives of nerlcu
appeal to you, -ir. l'rcsiuent, to uso your
treat Influence to allevlato tho situation.
and.wo urge Congress to support you in
' . this measure."
"At the present time Congress has three
bitrlotlo duties to perform," said Mrs.
f Sheath today. "Tho first duty Is to provide
.'adequate defense for our country, the second
' to provide production and the third to pro-
irld distribution of food at normal costs
: Uo the people "
fL --t'ersoiiaiij i cio not invor rioiing, iurs.
VjHtath said. "Hut what are these people to
j,4f07 xney are starving, j ne situation lias
J become acute, women or wealth are flood
ing the housewives bureau with inquiries
f A"
ToUrfng, . .'
Roadster ,
. Country Club '
i iS
I Fjriotor Cars , I
?,,i ,ln' H'fy hall cut down the cost of
'.! ivome!' wl,h n,en,' of money nro
2 vlng costs, can we blame the
week if they resort to riots?
,.V"iSr(,M "I1!1 ,he ""crtcral (Jovcrnmcnt
must do something. The farmers have said
iitoj arc go-tig produce only for their
own needs this coming summer. Then tho
ledernl (Jovernnient must step In and en
force production, rind having proper pro
iiuc.lon proper means of distribution must
ne proMeil. It seems to mo that tho onlv
hope of relief can como from tho Kederal
tlovernment. It Is n duty as patriotic ami
J Hal as the duty of de.ense. In the mean'
t me food riots will go on and even mora
serious uprising will occur while tho people
Mime becnuso of abnormal prices."
.Sporadic uprisings against food prices
kept the pnllre busy today In the cast side
tenement districts.
Mothers bearing babes In nrms wandered
about the streets searching for food bar
gains and Joining 1 1 1 tlo bands nt the cor
ners where ngllators called for ncllon.
Scrawny-legged children pelted some pass
ing vender with debris from the street.
Only a few courageous pushcart men
put In appearance nt the Hester street
market this morning. Hardly had they
st up their wares when a band of deter
mined women swept down on them nnd put
the owners to lllght, under the tire of their
own produce.
Flery-tongued agitators urged the wives
of the tenements to throw kerosene over
tho goods of all produco merchants.
In the meantime police were marshaled
at all strategic points to maintain order
and city olTlclnls were considering nil pos
sible means to allevlato conditions.
WASHINGTON'. Feb. 21. rresldcnt WIN
son Is determined Congress shall pass Im
mediately tho $400,000 appropriation which
tho Federal Trade Commission has ic
questcrt for the nation-wide fond-price
probo wh'ch lie directed the commission and
tho Department of Agrlculturo to mnke.
It was stated officially at tho Whlto
House today that tho President will give
his personal attention toward swinging Con
gress Into line behind his food-probe sug
gestion. As a result Administration leaders In
Congress began lining up forces to rnmpcl
congressional acquiescence.
Representative norland In thor House and
Senator Hnrali In tho Senate aro expected
to lead the fight with tho charge that there
Is universal conviction that food prices are
the subject of widespread manipulation.
Senator Dornh today demanded that Con
gress stay hero until ndequato steps were
taken to bring prices to a normal.
"Congress cannot adjourn," Uorah said,
"so long as It Is possible for us to bo of
any service In this deplorable situation
" 'We want bread' was the growing cry of
tho French revolutionists as they marched to
Versailles," Uorah said. "It Is tho most
omlnofis cry that can bo heard In n republic,
and whatever Is said as to tho effect of the
war on prices, the fact remains these people
aro In a largo measure the victims of specu
lators nnd combinations which are mllchlni?
millions out of food.
"There Is at tho bottom of things no Justl
flcatlon for this condition. Congress cannot
Ignore the cries of the hungry. Tho situa
tion must be met at once."
The Federal Trade Commission has de
tailed plans completed for n sweeping In
vestigation into the New York and Chicago
food markets as soon ns Congress grams
tho necessary money.
Ilread and meat prices and tho possibil
ity of their manipulation will be the first
line of attack.
Under present plans Grand Jury Investi
gations are to be carried on simultaneously.
New York and Chicago, It was stated,
will bo the first fields of operation "In
view of tho serious prevailing conditions."
Tho Investigation will bo conducted in
five division:!. meaSn, hreadstuffs. .dairy
products, fresh fruits and vegetables and
canned goods, sugar, coffee, teas and
The meat probe is planned to delve
Car Value
What Makes It?
A most important factor in determining the value of the motor
car you buy this spring is the stability of its manufacturer.
Assets and good will create stability.
So it is interesting to you, as an Qverland owner or admirer
to know that the assets of The Willys-Overland Company
are more than 68,000,000.00.
Its good will can best be judged by the steadily increasing num
ber of Willys-Overland purchasers.
From 3304 cars in 1910 our annual business grew steadily to
142,441 cars in 1916. Our contracts call for more than
200,000 cars this year.
It's well to consider such fixed facts before you purchase your car.
Big Four
Touring .
Coupe .
, $850
, $835
, $1250
All prices, o. b. ToUdo and subject to change without nolle
Prom. Deliveries
323-5-7 N. Broad Street
Tcl'ephone 4897 Walnut
The "Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
Manufacturers of Willys-Knight and Overland Automobiles
and Ligbt Commercial Cars
"Made in U.S. A.::
I sm a I
- s ' '
deeply n(0 th9 workings of tho packing
'' nr"1 cl''-storngo corporations.
. in I" lal,or I1 wns stated authoritatively,
wni ho subjected to particular scrutiny.
rho hreadstuffs Investigation will seek
particularly to uncover alleged cnmblna
t ons of baking Interests. Tho commis
sion believes- there havo been lllcgnl
nrgeemcnls" ,tn decreaso tho slzo or
weight of bread loaves.
Any evidence tending to show combina
tion In icstralnt of trade will bo linme
iMatcly turned over to the Department of
justlfo for prosecution.
Kach of the'llvo divisions will bo under
hip direction of mi rxpeit economist of
wido experience.
Co-operating with theso experts nnd the
extensive ricld force of tho 'commission
n stnn of lawjers, to attend to tho legal
Phases, will l, appointed If tho JiOO.uOO
ls nppropriated.
The Department nf Agrlculturo has been
rccoidlng cold-storngo ileposlts for somo
months, .distances nf uiuluo quantities
of food "salted down" In Moriige will bo
turnwl oer to the lVdernl Trade Com
mission. Dcsplto the coiivlctliin that Illegal meth
ods are largely lcsponslble for exorbitant
.". 1'inrf, ii worm-wiiio loss In produc
tion will bp taken Into account.
Iteporls from tho international Insti
tute or Agricultural of Homo, for instance,
stnto tho potato crop nf tho world was
only SC.4 per cent ns great In Dllfi ns in
1D15. lteports In many other crops nro
correspondingly -short "
ROSTOV. Feb. CI An embargo on food
shipments to foreign countries Is suggested
as a remedy for high food prices In a minor
ity .report by Francis X Tyrcll, of tho Stuto
high cost of living commission, submitted
to Governor McCnll today.
"An embargo upon food would not be un
neutral If Its object were self-protection,"
Tyrcll declared.
Tho minority report of tho commission
suggests tho following 'remedies for high
prices: Tloductlnn of cost of Government:
Increased production. fnMeied by the Gov
ernment : popularization of fish as food :
trolley freight extension: substitution of
milk for higher priced food ; co-operntlvo
means of transportation: appointment of n
commission to Instruct the public In food
Wilson Plans U-Boat
Speech in Congress
rontlmiert from Foro One
tho sea, this probably will lead to a new
flood of International protests such as
flowed In on Germany.
It had generally been regarded ns part
of the general sea plan of the Central
Towers to have Austrla-Ilungailan subma
rines assist Germany by blockading the
Mediterranean and Adriatic.
AMSTERDAM. Feb, 21. German ofTielal
dom Is intensely Interested and puzzled
by tho conferences nt Vienna between Amer
ican Ambassador 1'enfleld nnd the Austrian
Foreign Minister, according to llerlln ad
vices today. ,
Astonishment Is expressed that thero
should be any doubt In tho United States
that Austria-Hungary does not fully np
prove and support Germany's declaration
of relentless submarine warfare.
On tho contrary, It Is semiofficially de
clared that Kinperor Kail's determination,
Is to accord tho most emphatic support
of his nlly. Participation of Austrian of
ficials in the conferences which decided
upon Jhe submarine warfare was also cited
as evidencing Austria's full sympathy with
the use of a weapon demanded by tho
Allies' Illegal starvation blockade nf the
Central Powers.
Semiofficial Vienna dispatches received
today In detailing tho text of tho nolo pre
sented by Ambassador Penfleld holds the
Light Six
Touring ,
Coupe .
Sedan .
, $985
, $070
fcym., iy. .mwiii i ,i yg m
PS 4
1 ?HBSiMiiKii.!
Operation Necessary on Account of X-
ray Hums Receive! Fifteen
Years Aro
nAimtoRi:, Md.. Feb. 21. nngadicr
General William Crozlcr, chief of oidnance
of tho United Stales Ai my, will today
undergo it skin-giaftms operation at Johns
Hopkins Hospital for X-ray burns leeched
about fifteen joars ago, when be under
went an operation In which tho X-ray was
used. The bums nro on bis abdomen.
Dr. John Stalgo Davis will perfoim the
operation. it Is probable that portions
of skin will be removed from other por
tions of General Crozler'a body, possibly
his legs, to bo placed upon tho parts ef
fected. American Inquiry whether Austria slfll
allliins her promise. In tho Ancona nnd
Persia cases as "vague." Olllclals take
the position that the statements made in
tho notes mentioned were Intended to cover
thoso specific cases only nnd not to mark
out a futuro course.
WASHINGTON, Fell. 21 Tho Turkish
Government. has reaffirmed Its pledge of al
liance with Germany and Austria-Hungary
In u successful prosecution of tho war, Am
bassador Klkus cabled tho Slato Depart
ment from Constantinople today.
While tho Ottoman Chamber of Deputies
expresses the greatest deslio to "strength
en our good relations In neutral countries"
the Klkus cable declared the "foreign policy
will consist In remaining entirely faithful
to our treaties with our allies."
This action was taken by tho Chamber of
Dnputles when tho Grand Vizier appeared
before that hotly ami asked for a ot of
confidence In tho new Cabinet. The. request
was unnnimously granted.
The Slato Department In making public
.Four Touring . $1283
Four Coupe. . $1650
Four Sedan . . S1050
Four Limousine $1050
Eight Touring . 81950
ill Biij-LJ ti y
Ambassador Klkus's message hart no com
ment to offer.
Ambassador F.lktls's dispatch to the Stato
Department follows:
Yesleidny, after rending In the
Chamber of Deputies tho piogram of
tho new Cabinet. Grand Vlaler asked
for a vote of confidence, which was
given unanimously. The following
passages will Interest the department:
"Our greatest desire Is to secure to
every Ottoman the benefits of nil tho
rights which tho Constitution confers
upon him nnd In this manner to secure
tho sovereignty of tho law In the. coun
try. "And our foreign policy will consist
In remaining entirely faithful to trea
ties with our allies. In working to ns
suio and cause to How from this itl
llnnco tho greatest advantage for both
panics and to strengthen our good rela
tions in the neutral countries."
Kxnr.A ,v n' rim? r,v.:v i
IlKltMN. 1'eb ;i "We are sure of suc
cess nnd shall nllow nothing nnd nobody to
wrest this success from us." declared Secre
tary of the Treasury IlellTerlch to the Ger
mnn Agricultural Council, discussing the
submarine war
" lready the nnlgaton which links tho
tlrlt'sh ldi.H th tho rest of tho world
has been depressed to the danger point."
he continued, according to the official press
ngency report
"The tonnage which arrived In Hrltlsh
ports, ltelfferlch continued, "was In De
cember last only 2,;no.nno,fioo net. while
tho monthly averages of the last year of
peace was 4.200,000000 tons.
"Already Ihiglaml's reserve stock nf most
Important things needed for life nnd war
fare nre exhausted to such a point that
Knglaiid more than ever before relies upon
tho assurance of plentiful Importations.
'Tho British world empire, which has
already been shaken to lis foundations. Is
now tlio object of the powerful merciless
strokes of our siihmailne navy, until has
been Increased in numbers and elllclcncy.
And this will continue until tho day will
bao dawned for which rvery German heart
ardently awaits.
"Hut already today vo are close to
knowledge that Knglnnd moio than ever has
to rely upon her own soil. German soil Is
now lighting Kngllsh soil "
LONDON', Feb. II An order In council,
announced tndayv provides that vessels
carrying goods to and from enemy ports
nro liable to capttno and coiKleinnallon un
less they call at an allied pott en route to
permit examination of their cargoes.
It was explained that the otder was Is
sued as a tesuli of tho German blockade,
is true
A GREAT many pipe smokers
Jrs- believe with us that no
method of curing and mellowing
tobacco is quite .so good as
Nature's own ageing.
As one smoker an ardent disciple of Vcl
Joe puts it: "I don't like tobaccos that h;
had things done to 'em." 3
It ties up money and it takes a lot of patience 5
-i-to store away hundreds of thousands of S
,l2 -SS
which tho order itself characterized as a
"flagrant contradiction of International
Tho blockade of Germany is apparently
tnadn complete by the order In council,
which Is evidently directed nt shipping In
tho Hnltle Sea mid tho North Sen, wliero
comnieico between Scandinavian nations
nnd Germany has been morn or less wire,
strlcted In tho pnst. From now on nil such
shipping must put Into Urltlsh or Itusslan
ports for examination.
Two Rheostats in One
Two rheostats combined In one compart
unit, one n step rheostat for coarse regula
tion nnd The other a slide wiro rheostat for
lino graduations, nio features of a device
that has Just made lis appearance. It Is
particularly applicable to such work as tho
checking of voltmeters, watt-meters, watt-hour-meters,
elc. Tho theostnls furnish
voltage values nnywhero between zero nnrt
die vnltnge value of tho source to which
they nro connected. In cases of emergency
the apparatus being tested can bo discon
nected from tho device hy a safety button,
which can only lvo reset by returning tho
conliol to zero.
Hydroelectric Power in Spnln
It nppears that thero are now fifty hydro
electrlo plants with an avallablo horsepower
of more than 1. 000.000 working In Spain,
It Is estimated however, that It is practlcn
bio to produco from water quite fi.OOO.OOrt
horsepower, continues tho Klectilclan, of
Silver Bread Trays
Our extensive
eludes many new
tinctivc patterns.
A sterling silver t
eleven inches 1 o 11 Lr,
pierced border,
is excellent
value at $10.
S. Kind & Sons,
4.-."!.- I- ;ii .i .:.;:ii.. ..stf?5l
THE man or woman that
"puts on airs" ain't half
as attractive as one that's
natural, an' what's true of folks
or tobacco.
pounds of the very pick S
of Kentucky's best Burley 'B
crops for two long years. 5
But your individual verdict to- S
day, after you have smoked a S
pipe of Velvet, is one of the S
jthings that repays usfor the 5
rdict of one is the verdict of 5
niany. That's the big: reason for B
Velvet's tremendous popularity. 5'
10c Tins 5c MetaMined -Bags B-
One Pound Glass Humidors
-..-. , .. y )f
which more than 1,000,000 could be d
from the Ilivcr Kbro and its affluents.
tnl for such developments lias in ihe'
been provided mainly In Franco nnd Or
Ilrltaln, It Is Hoped that tho Interest,
theso countries In the matter wilt not -I
lost, owing to tho vast war expenditure.
One of-the best
' i
15 cent
r a y,
1110 Chestnut St
i k
SCQBBHHIzSVly3ulVHl---l-ll-H y a.1 l
stock in- flfcA ,M
and dis- W&i7 M
1 ft 1
: r-JS
v m
'(vi V!
s ,
I vi
J i
J 4S