Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 09, 1917, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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; .
U Editors Show How Feminine Set
& t winnlne Laurels in World
of Journalism
Many Problems, From Editorship to
Proofreading, Discussed . '
Woman, Hie "" "'p '"infrnld. tliv Hie-
',, iblo lift f'""l Uk- ihiIm "Itlu- vvuilil.
.. far n joiirnalli-iTi 1h rimcri ncil. lUkl lie
Sind the i-ccnea vvlin. tlio typevvr rW uml
"ijtenot reign hIip H riultiR n Evilly dure
It the tlilflliiB worlt (lint rock ti inako un
XL finished Miirk-uml-vvlilte piniliii'tliui.
This was the f"1'1 "f u mesFiim dl'llvered
tn more llian Him women ussi-mliled eMiT
dav afternoon In the t'nrtls luini.itiv mitlj.
torlum under the biihIiIwb "f the Hiii.mii
if Occupation fur Tiuliieil W1111n.11 for tin
uirposo t liiMrlne a ('unfertile uii Jour
ilium and publ!alilnB house work
Mrs. CornellUB Stevenson, who liteilileil nt
the conference. IntioiUiceri to the midlenee
usueakerH Kdnu Woolmnii 1 Phapc. ulllnr of
I. . i'it..i.tli fiittlne. nf tin- I'llltuilnl
tattof the North Ainerlc.iii llevlew; llrnei
line Kvanx of the New York Hvuilnc I'oSt,
Adelaide Ne.111. assiiriau' iimur or me
."" '. .. ....... MM..... ...
Saturday 1, veiling i-ui in---,- rniiii.-m.
women JouriullKts covered tho Held of the
woman writer fioin nngles which swung
from editorship to pronfre.idliiR
Mis.' KrneRtlne Kvunit. who has linived
the war fronts of Itnclii and the ll.ilkuni
tn search of Hewn for the Now Ymk live
Sing 1'0't, and who liaveled to the co.ihI
In the piivate rnr of the notnen'n commit
tte that canipalBncd for t'harlei C IIiikIic-i.
rave a brief rfsumu of her own n-vvKpaper
career, which beKan vvltli the (list il.i of
Ihy liauntliiB of the realms of tne I'lilrtiKu
Tribune and ended vvltli the unusual uilvlrc
that prospective Klrl lepoitern seek prelim
inary learnltiK In n school of joiirnallnu.
Mls Kvam paid 11 foneful tribute to the
newpaper Itself She said: "A Journal Is
k dally record of life. If that Is not hIr-
nlflcant, nothing clso Is. vv. e will never
have a perfect magaz'ne until we have n
perfect newspaper." HeforrlnK to women'
particular place Inn newspaper reglnie, Miss
Evans remarked "Wo nre no longer obliged
to so through the day as sob slstcis The
Jtty editor recognizes that the human fide
fa woman that used to be Interwoven Into
. ttorles about lost Topsles may be tied to
better advantage In color.ng the htorits that
have some part In the liiif make -up of
human economy "
Miss Adelaide Ne.ill. of the S.ilurila V.ve
Blng Post gave soma Interesting llguies
concerning the manuscript dopjitment of
the publication the n present "Diiilng the
7ear 1910" she stated, "there were 1 5.1100
manuscripts received. Of these. ii3l were
accepted One-third of the wrters of the
accepted manuciipts had never bad slniles
In print before These llguies will disprove
the statement that good copy Is often
thrown asldo because It docs not bear at
tached tho name of u well-known author "
"Marazlne 'work for women" was dealt
with by Mls.8 l'llzalicth Cutting, or the
North American Itev ew. She maintained
that there Is no.btnndardlzatlon of talent
and pointed out that "cornel Ing the maiket
onjiuman kindness" mid finding out what
the great mass of humanity wants are the
, two most Important requisites for the suc
cessful editor Miss Cutting advised young
women wrters to lay more stress on the
Imaginative than the executive side of Jour
nalism Mrs I'dna Woolman Chase, the editor of
Vogue, told some nf the delightful secrets
f that magazine of fashion. Summing up
needed qualities for success In her Held.
Mrs. Chase said. "There Is one talent
quipped with winch you may snap your
fingers at the most sage man editor of nnv
Woman's magazine i It Is the power to tell
Just where the waist line Is going to roam
kxt te.iMin "
Company Employing Him Gives Him
f200 and Will Make Weekly
JOHNSTOWN', Pa., Feb. 9. One of the
Boat pathetic cases ever brought to the
attention of the State Compensation Hoard
Was that yesterday of l-'ellx Zouca, for whom
an effort was being made, to obtain suf
ficient funds to send him back to his
native land, Russia. lie Is blind, deaf
and maimed as the result of an accident In
a mine In Indiana County.
Zonca wasa miner who resided In Scalp
Level. Working conditions were better in
Indiana Count), he was told, nnd lie went
there Soon after ho began work there
was an explosion of powder and Zonca was
found l)lng on tho ground, his eyes blown
out, his, left arm off. his hearing ruined nnd
'the thumb of his right hand gone
Zonca Is despondent He wants to get
back to his native land to his wife and
v children, who were dependent on him for
The company by which Zonca was em
Ployed has agieed to give him 1200 and
..Weekly pajments nfter his arrival In Itusslu.
Eighteen-Story Building at 16th nnd
Spruce to Cost $2,000,000
A J2.000.000 apartment house will be
arected on the southeast corner of Sixteenth
and Spruce streets, now occupied by the
Kewport Apartments, nnd on 151R-20.'.,2-'.'t--28
Spruce street. Abner II. Merson has
taken tltlo to the Newport Apartments from
the Newport Apartment House Company.
The proposed htructuro will be nineteen
Jtorles high. Tho entire property Is 178
feet on Spruce street by a depth of 240 feet
n the ea'st line and 93 feet on Sixteenth
atreet S. W Straus has taken a Jl, 200.000
fortgage nn the property. This was re
corded today
Look Out for This "Fake" Collector
Mrs. J Willis Martin, of the Kmerirenev
Committee. Issued H Wflrnlnir tnilnv
aralnst a "fake" collector who is lepie
aentlng himself lis nmhorlzed to collect
rinds for that organization. The 'Kmeigeney
Aid committee. Mrs. Martin stated, employs
no collectors, Tho activities of the collector
ere revealed by Allen Hale, of the Hale
wotor Company, AVuync. who contributed.
10 .Fine
r B, x t I
U ' : -I
1 fcWv VMj l;
Wife (if the President of Common
Pleas Court No. 5, who has lieen
named by the War Depaitmetlt a,
u member of tlio Citizens' Advisory
Committee for Pieparedness. She
is one of tlneo women members of
the committee.
Only a Ducking Suffered by
Four Lads Who Play
One of
The four .viumg Wisinom'ng ln who
mad.) 11 round n p mi the lulawnie Ice
Hoes M'.Nteiday vvithoit other mishap than
a ducking have fuli.v lecivered onlv ilielr
muthels ale Hill nervous
The Ihijk vk re ilaviug around the )umii
lni Matlon nt l.ardners Point .voMenliy
afteinoon when somebody suggest! d that
.Malcolm liiauslleM of :i!i,r Homestead
street, plav "llliza" ami cioss the Ico
whltcned sulfate nf the river, stained inky
by the black water breaking tluough hue
and there Malcolm st irted. followed bv bis
older brother. I'll bi, and two other hos,
Dave Martin, of ,1913 Homestead street and
flint leti Murphy, of, 39"." Homestead stieet
The Journey over whs safely accomplished
and tho ho.s ran 11 half mile Inland from
the Jersey shore to get warm. On their
trip back Mai'.ln slipped fiom a cake of Ire
Into the liver, but was caught by Malcolm
Hransdeld before he was drawn nway bv
the current Last night they 1 elated their
stoiy to their admiring "ging "
"Wo said we would do It and we done
it That's nil," said Malcolm today
Suicide Believed Due to Grief
Mother's Death
Mis Katharine Kr.17.ler, formerly of tills
city, was found dead from gas poisoning
In 11 room nt Pittsburgh today, iicioiduiK
to a dispatch
Mrs Krazler. who was a uiirto. lived for
nearly thiec months at the Tempmary
Home. 50!i N'oith Sixth street, a boaiding
home for women seeking etnplovmeut It
was fald theie that she bad been gilef
stilcken over tho death of her mother and
was very quiet She left this city .laniiiry
15 tn go tn Cleveland Her home Is be
lieved tn have been Petiolt. wheie a brother
and several sisters live. .Mis. Kiazler. who
was thought to I 11 widow, was thlitj
eight ears old.
Portraits Done in Early Days of Artist's
Career Bought by American
LONDON", Feb 9 Two portraits by
nnlnsboioiiKh. of Mr. and Mis. John K.
Koulkes, have been sold from Ihlvlat Hall
In Dcnblghshlie to 11 collector lu tho far
west of tho I'nlted States.
The paintings aiecarlv ones, done when
flulnsboiough was nt Bath from 17K0 to
1774, and nro of small size, only twenty
Inches by sixteen In each of these, por
traits Gnlnsborough Intioduced I1I3 favor
ite dog,
What can I do for this
skin trouble?
"I can't rest, I can't sleep, and most
of all, I hardly dare ro out, for when ft
starts itching, I simply have to scratch,
no matter where 1 am."
"Don't worry a bit just Rd a cake
of Kcsinol Soap and a jnr of Resinol
Ointment. Use them according- to di
rections and 1 am sine ou will cet
prompt relief, and that your skin will
be all right in a few days."
Reilnol Soap and Ointment sold by all druatliti.
for that skin trouble
Taste in the eelection
of your scarr pin
need not be influenced
by your income 'when
using 4
Our Perfected
Credit System
a plan of tmying V
best without the possi
ble inconvenience of the
large cash payment.
sss , t. s' U
I Ufq1H
Whtr ertdil hat th omj
Twilight Club Ready to Respond to Country's Call in a
Body, if Good and Sufficient Reasons are Given
, for Dashing Into the Ring
VH. days have fnllnn inwtii Kllxw.ller
Stieet, When. II, n t. miner nf slminlls
liliirrij.il kn nn 11 suunncr's night used to (all
ii'ininii a Held of .areliss grain.
That old-llnier, Charlie Lincoln. Is gelling
rus v ami huv. he savs. from the Luk of
teal flglulng. ,,nu t, ;.,t ms luteimd
Ills biass knuckbs in camphor, together with
11 wistrul Klgh, ami ligs" llossl balks for
excitement until tlit Miiillnes on Nick I'es
solaiio'M free liuul, mimter iule tin li little
heads In alaun Tin- wningir gentrallnn of
nearb ding M,,,, el'uks do lint klinvv 11
fiacluied Jiih ft, llM KMmboll. All Is dead,
IncludMig hi 1 01 up. ,11 whose tombstone wns
willtcn iiinnv in;, in eats ago' "He done
what In 1, iinii ,m , lt.rr md a lini.ee '
The Twilight flub with licailiii.Ulern at
ii'l'i Kllxwattf tlirri wants to go t" the
vvai If the win, lis ineiubeis stipulate Is
ibtlaled with 11 gcod itasnii The Twilight
f lull Is an old oigaiiUatlnn At Its "S111ul.1v
evenings" one heeil.tns to Hach niid
lleetlibveu eveiv caullllovver ear MJUth of
South street, going nutb
Neiulj eer niaii-ilgiuef In South riilln
delplila bus blnvvn a bugle of glass at some
time or nthci In id, Twilight flub. Now
they vvniit In g., 1,, ni In a bmlv Km,.,
heavies down tn bantams Hies., pugs are fnr
WHf If It Is deihurd fur Mlltlcleilt liasnii,
ItKASiiNS Kill! W'.flt
Now as to those Irarinns
Suppofe. ' li was luiznnleil "tlmt a Teu
ton striiugei should sunt with a glass
shaver on the upper finis nf Nicks beei
conllners Would lmt b- sulllc'lelit""
"Mill." It was iiolni.d nut with 11 grin
"no luolen uiiuM"'
"Suppofe the (let mans Kank a vessel with
Ivor.v nnd linrnj ubniud that tnnie ftotn
"lib, things vvniild full along as usual
then," It was pointed nut. "for the neW
ellillold kind are better, mi) how. They
can't be loaded "
Telcy-ram to Piesiilent UrRcs Him
"Compose Differences With
A telegram uiglng niedlatlnn In the iires
ent ujtlonal iilsls was sent to Piesldeiit
WINon lat night b the Penns.vlvnnl.'i
Woman's I'eni e partv fnlinvvlng a meeting
of tho linaid nf ilireetnis ami the evecutlve
c.iminlttee nf that urgani7atlnn The tele
g:ain follows
"Tho Pennsj Ivanla W'ninan s l'eace
I'artv, believing that the American iniblir
has colilliUnce In viur slnwre deslio and
abllltv to llnd means bv which to guide the
country safelv over this terrible ctlsls with
out lesort tn the obsolete nithnd of war.
would ask nii undei Heaven to ue medi
ation or otbei peae. fill means to compose
the jllfl'ereni e between ourselves and (Jer
miilfy." EiRht-Room School Opposed
VINi:i.ANI N .1. Kelt- 5 Then- Is
shaip opposition to Hie proposition nf the
Hoatd of education to riect nn eight-room
school building when ntil si rooms nro
needtd for lintncdliite use
suitable for
i m m e diate ? I
wear ; Ph . the w rp
Soft and nll .-. Wnm
warm.Stock- p I
inette back, Sa
liBht-weight "
An Exceptional Value
in Fashionable Boots
You can secure a pair of these most beautiful boots of
finest leathers and the smartest styles tor Spring.
Tan Calf
Black Kid
Worth Fully Double
Years of Experience Have
Style, and Also How to
'Tis a Feat
Buck Top jK?.
The following meinbeis nf the joimgcr
set hnic.slgnlllcil their liitiiitlon of signing
articles with the (iov eminent . AI Wagnei.
llattllng Miura, lleni) lliovvii, Jolitiny
fainpl and' that grand nbl-tliner. Chmllc
Lincoln, who Invented the phiase "pieces
of blllinl don t get in, imtllllil! '
At 1111 eleitlnn In Id in the club looms
It was ilecloVil In name Kite Hitman, ban
tamweight 1 lump, as hniinrar.v geneial. I'iIp
Is only an hnnniar.v tiirinbi r of the ilub.
mid the event of his last visit to the looms
Is lelrbiated with gieat eutlgy olice 11 Jir.
It was suggested that I'ele wouldn't like
the Idea of being a imi iepolidi nci-n'hool
otlleir. but it was poluuil out that he would
bv uitua'1.1 Joining the fin) piobabl.v hurt
his bauds. This, II was iigietd, would be
fatal. So Pi in will dlnet things pmb.ibly
from llntlle.
All Ideas 1 mi be Intent to somu envliuii
mental begliinlng Tbeie's that I'lubhoiise.
The very view Is martial To the east
stretches I'll a lieet fur twenty and one
half ;uds Then bmins up the spires of
I'essalanos mlnnn S'etwiiril lolls that
tlteless Kit, stieet with a.'O imhi mis
pill kill In the distame To the nuilh. Indies
and gentlemen, we have Soiilh Sheiulaii
street. Vesti rda.v was not as 111I1I us usual.
Smith Sheridan street had melted and was
bus) limning iluvvn To tell the truth. Smith
Sheildan stieet was as pretty a vnrligated
landscape as e,r nnzed.
"I.lka ila 1 rem li." (ninth n very old and
wrinkled l.ul.v Willi at least tvveiil) iutlii(ls
i.f vvoddeli iiillllner weighting her itnvvii.
"I.lka da war ' She was tight.
Smile one of the inmr Impetuous has
gnno ro fai as In pmii li nut one of the
windows of the Twilight flub thai IimiIis
nil South Sheiidun stieet In order to cet a
view of the treiuh unliupeileil Mlllliiiii-y
begins nt home
Decree Recommended for Camden
Woman on Desertion Grounds
A mother of eighteen i hlldren, nine of
whom me living was 1 commended a ill
vone fiom her husband today bv MnHcr
III Chancery .Inline In the fuiiiib-li fourt.
The woinaii. Mrs Anna I. Urbhaidt. foilv
elglit jcnih old, testllled that she was inar
dled In IfsSS to Ceorge (iibhardt 11 ml It
was only In the last three .vears that h" had
become abusive to her
She fin titer testilled that she cmild no
longer live with him, and the mastei terom
meiidcil the dlvoice on the gioiiuds of ile
serllnn The rustodv nf three mii.iII 1 hil
dren was given to her. and (Jebhaidt was
onleieil to I'.i) n substantial sum fm liteir
Rt'lnvv Zero in Chicago
f HIi'AiKl. Keb. 0 With the tempera
ture below 7ero. Chicago toda Is facing
a seiinus (oal shortage. An mhaigi, nn
all freight, oxeipt the most urgent goods
has lesulted in tmg up 111,1111 tars of ma!
nn ,,ut-i,f-tlie-wa sidi-ings and as a lesiilt
the -uppl.v Is tirai tug the exhaustion point
This coat is a stylish
n e v. l'ull-ilare, belted
model with semi-barrel
shape pocket s, and
comes in all the fashion
able e o 1 o r s. includinir
new vivid Apple Green,
Jlaftenta, Cojienhugen,
Cold and Mustard.
I'rniit Mrept
i nr. Ihiuiitilii
Taught Us How to Lead in
Fit Your Foot Correctly
to Fit Feet
1204-06-08 MarketSt
iflt rr'Lir
WTBtW'l I . I l
KP"Mv4 lliSH
vamp mm'": m
Buck Top fg&, ' -1
WM&A - m
Vamp Il'-K '
mar m.
the Price &M
ff'-BMMWr mt' t
ffmkMmwW m I
Alumni Want to Know When
and Why "Literae" Was
Turned to "Leges"
The iieieiinl.il battle between what the
inaii-ln-th.-stieet would call the 'hlgh
blows" and the "lotigh-liecks " but tho'-e
gifted with less vigor and vivacity of ex
plesslou bin mule felli Ity of dlitlou would
call between the elasslinl mid utilltmlan
Ideals nf ulutiitlon, Is lll.ily to bo fought
nllt on a Hew flnlil
AI1111111I of the I nlversiiy of Pcnns.vlvanla
have bleu nil Ions to teal 11 why and when
the winding or the olllclal seal of old I'enii
was clMiigeit Thev Mist noil I the vaila-
tloii fiom tin ttadltlolial on the letteiheads
of an appeal sent out b) the (ieneial Aluiunl
S01 let) tlilx vvitU fur sieedy toiiipletloii ot
the hind tn punliase and udovv the iro
vosl's liotisu b) I nlvcisitv liav This fes
tival falls miiuuillv oil Pelil tuny "'i, bv
which date the cunimlttie hopes the sum of
$75.0110 will have been plidgul It Is
speeding up subscriptions to that pill pose
The general 11 III 111 11 1 eye. Individually if
nut geuerull), imtlceit snmethlng odd about
the seal li didn't Inok Hglil. I'aml'i.if in
signia weie uilnslng Hspeclally the wold
Ing of the iiiolto was strange The wold
"leges" had been substituted for the wonted
"llleiae Some of the college alumni gave
the letter the twice over" Possibly the
nppial might be illicit,-,! to th gindiiatiH
of tile Law School "l.iges." which, as
even one knows, means "laws.' Implied lis
much Hut 110, the pleu was fimo the ( Ion
era I .Minimi Si.cletv vvhlili lias Kiancls Mi
llhenii.v, A II, I.I. li, as ptcs.dmt : Itiunee
Mather l.lpiilm ntt l'h II as si, n tar) and
l bin lesS Pa, Laid, I! S u.- tieusurer.
Al.l. HAUK AI.11.NU f AMPl'S
At ouee imiuiries were Instituted Out
on tho campus no one knew why the trus
tees had changed the wuidiiig of tlin seal.
It hail been 1 hanged. It was admitted. Hut
Wh.v was and Is u in)slei)
The seal has been sliupllllcd. The Inner
sciull, with the shield heiabllcall) bailed
"In medio." and the stripe call) Ing thice
lozenges have been omltttd and the legend
once borne. "I.lterae slue luoribus vanac."
has been changed, "leges' taking the plaic
of "literae The wording oil the outer
circle also has been muddled. once It
stood "Slgllhmi I'nlversitatls Peunsylva
nlensis f uialoiiim" , now It Is "rnlversltas
Peiinsylvanleiils." mid at the bottom the
date of the foundation of the I'niversltY,
MlJCCI. ilTIO) has beiii addtd '1 he pile
Of books sMIlliolic nf the OUadl IV llitll plus
the ti iv nun whli li w,ie the basis of lih
eial iilttiatioii 111 tlie s.vsteiii of the medieval
schoolmen, Minains a! seven but the book
captioned "I'hlloMipluu ' has been changed
rnrni t1 with
'I li, I il-t I'tffh Avenue htvles In
Wfilillint Inillntlnns, tls -,o 1,1 f,n 00
.VI.irrl.iRe iiiininiiiiriiieiils. til 01 10 $11100
.sihI.iI, rriirf-lon il. ltiistii,,H I aril
II .Mi IV. (." Hll.t fill
;.: 11 vi 1: 111 ii.iiisi.
III.STM T AMI .11 MITll sTltr.r.l
Hundreds of Men Are Profiting .
by This Unusual Sale of Clothing
Becnuso the Clothing itself is of the high Strawbridge & Clothier quality. Because
it is the kind of clothing men are glad to buy at any prjee. Bctiuse the variety is large
and comprehensive meeting every individual clothing requirement of the smartly dressed
man. Because the savings are substantial and genuine 20, 30, 10 and 50 per cent.
$20.00 and $22.50 Suits and Overcoats $14.00
$18.00 and $20.00 Suits and Overcoats $12.00
$15.00 and $18.00 Suits and Overcoats $9.50
$10.00 and $15.00 Suits and Overcoats $7.50
$22.50 and $25.00 Winter Overcoats $16.00
$G.50 to $15.00 Mackinaw $75.00 to $250.00 Fur-lined ! $3.00 to $7.50 Trousers
Coats n'ow $4.50 'to $7.00 Overcoats now $50 to $175 , in the Sale at $2.00 to $4.25
Men's $35.00, $40.00 and $50.00 Handsome Fur-trimmed Overcoats now $25.00.
Hart, Schaffncr & Marx $25 and $30 California-Weight Suits $21.00
Hart, Schaffifer & Marx $35 and $10 California-Weight Suits $25.00
Spic-span, hrunil-new Suits; made for the present senson'a selling, but for moro southerly dis
tribution. The weight is just ii,rlit for mild days now, and for wear lato into spring. All regular, and
many "stOUt" Sizes. - - Nw I.umt Ion Second Floor, t
Men Will Wear the
"Mel-o-Felt "
Soft Hat for Spring, 1917
This distinctive style is made
exclusively for this Store. You
must see this Hat to realize why
it will bo the favored stylo of the
well-dressed man for spring. In
six springlike colors. "Imper
vious" quality $3,150.
$2.00 and $2.60 grades with slight
imperfections, nt $1.25. Derby
Hats, $2.50 nnd $3.00 grades,
slightly irregular in weight, at
$1.75. jR New Location
Hfconil rloor, Mnrkrt Htrrrt, lUit
to "I'hllos Nat " Hrammatlca, Logics, A11
tronomla, Thrologta, Ithetorlcn nnd Mathe
mntlcn nre tinlouchcd,
Tho classicists of old Penn wero notlDcd
of tho cliangc by u reporter. They had Been
too bus) Willi making icsearchcs Into and
eaid-lndexlug the works of Mncitiblus,
l)ioit)slus of Hallcarnnssus, Lucretius nnd
ot In r Latin nnd (Ireek worthies to notice
the overt act of tho so-called practical cdu
(Utlon men. One professor was vexutloinly
Interrupted in an Investigation he Is making
probe. ' ns they say nowadays Into
problems of Itomaii religion, but between
cmds In his tabulated knowledge, he said
the changes wero a "tieineitduus out
rage." CA.HI'S HHLLt pi:u HH
"This Is certainly 11 casus belli," n giad
uate student uf the Latin Seminal y. Inter
viewid In the ltbraiy seiiiluaiy loom, said,
using the Continental ptoiiunclatlon, which
dirfeis fiom that siok(ii In the law court
and 1 hm luae)
Alieady there Is ronslilpialile tisentmetit
ngaiusn t.evernl lecoit uttiuks made on tho
ilanlis HrvVard Plerson. of the Whnrlan
Silmiil, was iiiitch aplilauded at a luui heuti
of the Chelsea Yacht Club for Ills ilnglng
Veibal aiisault on the classiis The )acltts
nn 11 wile Min something was vviong with
the 1 lascal Ideal A member of the den
Ibts couiiiess held here u shult. tune ago
dei land that I..1II11 was mil even useful
as a medium for physicians' presi ilptlntts
Pllnclliil William Helm Lewis nf the Wil
liam I't'llli lllgli School, In a i-erles of 111 li
cks has 1 oliimeuded the new Itoekefeller
Mhool. which Is to Ignuie dead liiuguages
and llteratutes I hese niatto.s wele for
m.tllv considered at this week's meeting of
the Classical club of Philadelphia o- er the
'alo nl. in Tlie Socielv for Pnunotlon of
Liberal Similes Is cxpectul to take eariv
action (I1I111 ileU'rmlnatlon is liprc-'a'd
that I turner and Homer f icero and Ivemos.
Ihenes. VlrRll and .. unplmu shall no! bo
iilegatid to the H'lap heap
"Iliiiuan nature has not changed since tin
fall of Tro)." It was nsseiteil at the fnl
Virsliv today "The lassies me funda
mental In education Tiny ttaln the mind
Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century
Dewees' Special Country Club Suits
S22.50 to S37.50
A smart, suapiiv -)oits suit, bearing the liall-tnarlc of correct
and distinctive, stjlr. Dampness will not effect; it will not muss.
Charming, chic colorings, l'erfcitlv tailored.
B. F. Dewees, 1122 Chestnut St.
The Clearance of
Men's Shirts
$1.00 to $1.50 Shirt
$1.50 Madras Shirts $1.15
The Shirts nt 8fc nro special
purchases nnd broken lines from
stock. Excellent selection of
styles, fabrics and patterns. Tho
Shirts nt $1.15 nro pf tvoven
stripo madras nnd prated mer
cerized madras.
For Cold Winter Nights
Many men prefer warm Outing
Flannel Night Shirts 75c. $1.00.
$1.25 and $1.50. Outing Flannel
Pajamas $1.00, $1.25. $1.50.
$1.75 nnd $2.00.
H - Kast Store, Klehth Street
a thorougbly and in strictly for Ha
ns mathematics or science or toon
TMcv do more, for they cultivate th,n
They net nit examples Of virtue; they prf
as well ui teach Itlghtly applled-
thls depends on the student they nlye I
power and poetry. Vocational and .pain.
merclal training possibly afford more fmne-' "
dliitn rontlnn elllclencv. but thev bav .
expanding nnd btoiideiilng function. Therf5 , Jffl
give tun ooy some tuoia unu inu ineinou ov
using them, nnd three only. The clasalea '
give the buy a mind to use any tools. Ther
nro universal, and with mastery over th
universal, 1110 puriicuiar or speciuo cut)
be surely mustered, They nourish the lnf,;
tellcct nnd Inspire tho spirit. 'Without the(.
..ln ,I.a ,i,ui,ila ,,erllmfli ' ' ,
Alumni of the Cnlvorslty declared thys;rM 3
would add their legions, to the phalanxes of ' ,'3
tho litimanlsts In education. The general , ;l, , i
nplnlun was voiced ny a lawyer, wno rami, -
t llllllll liir "iu ii,,,n, j,i,vmnoiiiu murium-: , ' -j
vanac. which means, literally, 'Literature fj. , 4
without morals Is vain,' or, freefy, 'Culture j.V;S
uitliout tbarutter Is empty.' Is much better Vi V
than "Legis sine inorlbus vane,' translated, "A
Laws vviiuout inoruis umuuni 10 Homing.' V .J
The phrase is more general In signification, ' jj
lliolo ipigiaiuiliaiie ill CAprrpniuo. it was tijM
auoiiieu mu m.iiu ui cu jvuia uku, wiiva . y,
tlie l.itn l)r Horate Howard Kurness nolnt- e
id 0111 that the existing motto, 'Sine inorlbus,
vmiue.' might be translated 'Kmpty-headed
wouieii without liiutalf. mid said thbl vs
no thought to bet beforo the young men.
Hut 110 t'McpUoii can ha taken to 'Liters.
sine inorlbus vnnae' 'Culture without char
m ter Is empty' Is 1111 abiding Ideal which
uny great unlversit) ina) well be proud to
set up us an exemplar for Jts students."
Cheap substitutes cost YOU same prlc
10,000 Men's Fine
Special 25c, 35c, 65c & 85c
At tho end of each season, the
foremost manufacturers of men's
Neckwear mako up all tho sur
plus silks they have on hand into
fine Four-in-hands, and sell them
to tis at much less than tho regu
lar prices. These Four-in-hands
are in every way equal to the
manufacturers' regular products.
'Although tho assortment is wide,
the number of any one pattern is
limited, nrly choosers will find
best selection. v
SlS AUle 1, Market Street
s m
t ! 11
5i ,V VVhlfe JUumoads x Whtr ertdit ha th am V
dmsi- k -for
'd" '