ma Wr 'v EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELl'HIA, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY G, 1.917 MAYOR CHANGES MIND ABOUT TAX BOARD Opposes Bill He Helped to Frame Transferring Appoint ing Power to Himself ONE WAY TO BEAT THE COAL MAN Egyptian I i- aaaa Ji S HRlliliMfilllll DEITIES cmeUimost in Cigarettes TlamEndor&rklif Jecjxe cfcvmre. refinement and .education invariafy PREFER Dttiics io any other cgarcUt. In the panelled lounrfe of the quiet club rS! H- Mir f!m bV LA Malm nfih UgtiZJ CdJe Turkish unl Ciyfplm CigartKet milvUMd !5CTiiMMMhll.l.ui.ui.u'8TOSrai5i I; ; gags THREE BRITISH, ONE NEUTRAL SHIP SUNK Total of Vessels Torpedoed in Barred Zone Since February 1 Now Thirty-five LONDON. Keb. (,. The British xteaniRhli) Win ley P'okeiltiK. (I9S tons, has been sunlt by n Herman miiIi marine In the war zone water". It va an nounced today. The Warley I'lekerlnR was owned by the Constantino nii'l Pli-Kentm Steamship Company and hulled finm Mid lfthoro. Llojd's nniiouni'CR the destruction f the flrltlfh sallintr ship Uelford and the Nor enlan bark Tamara. briiiRhiK the total of e.iels sunk In the barred zone Nine? Feb-, ruary t up to thirty-live. Thetlelfoid n last reported as sailing fiom San KrntirWi'ii for Plymouth. The Tatniirn wus limnil for Fleetwood from Jamaica. The British pteamshlp Horldlau has mIm keen sunk H'xtcen f her'oiew were saved. The Kloridlan Is n I.eyland liner, ivk steied at Liverpool, mid her tonnage Is 177". She wn! built In lt:i. ERICSSON ICEBOUND IN CHESAPEAKE BAY Stalled Ship Expected to Reach Port at Baltimore Today. Cold and Hungry Passengers nn board the steamship IX les ion, of the Ilt-iosson Line, who left here Saturday nlKht for a trip on i.'he:jpal,e Bay. were treated to polar-like experience ". la Sir Hrnesl Shackleton." when they were held fast In the lee about one mile and a half fiom Town Point. Mil. since Sunday morning. Last night the steamship. Its crew and passeim-eis. among which are twenty Phlladclphlans, slowly proceeded to Baltimore, convoyed by the Latrobe, an Ice boat fiom Baltimore. The good ship Kilcs (on was sighted at Belterton at 8 o'vlnr!' this morning and Is expected In Baltimore lome time today. .Shortage of food and coal supply, mem bers of the crew jumping fiom one Ice pack toanother over the water of the I'hesapenkc until they reached shore uiiil finally food i tunplled by the charitable residents of Town Point and vicinity were all u part of the memorable experience. The Kilc'ston left pier No. J at ("hejtnut itrtet wharf about D o'clock Saturday after neon and accord ng to schedule was due In Baltimore at 7 o'clock the net morning. M soon as the ship passed Wilmington the itrugBle witli the Ice began mid she had to tut her way down to the Oempeake and Lldaware canal at Delaware t ity. After slipping through the Iocs and In cidentally much more Ice, Captain MacNa mee, the skipper, decided that It was time to take on more coal at Chesapeake City, the Maryland end of the canal. The llrlcs loli left lhat( po,nt at 7 o'clock Sunday morning and two hours later was lit inly wedged In the Ice off Town Point. The scene that lay before the captain and passengers was a vast sea of ice. OFFERS TORPEDO TO U. S. John Hays Hammond, Jr., Willing to Wireless Invention for Coast Defense GL0lCi:.STI2rt. Mass., Keb. fi. A weapon of war for the possible purchase of which Congreis has appropriated u-aily $1,000. 000 has been offered free to the Secretary of War by Is Inventor, John Hays Ham mond, Jr Hanin.oiid's wircleys torpedo, controlled fiom shore by wlrelcsn waves and reputed to be a highly valuable weapon to be used against an invading enemy and of which the Government now has a corps of army engineers making an examination, will be turned over to this Go eminent upon notice from the Secretary that it Is deslied for coast defense purposes. With the torufdo goes Hammond's ther mite' bomb, a highly explosive grenade SEAMEN IDENTIFY WALLACE Bailor Reported Kilted by Submarine Known in Baltimore BALTLMOllB. Keb. 6, Paul Black and "Ducky" Holmes, foi email for a cattle agent here, both of whom arrived at Newport News. Va., last Thursday, said that Klch ard Wallace was a close friend of theirs, and that as far ns they knew, he had no near relatives. They said that ha generally lodged at ne of the seaman's boarding houses on the ater front here, and that he gave Baltl "?ore his home when signing on. He Igned for the present trip at Galveston, Tex. Black and Holmes said the ship passed the Eavestone on their way back. Burlap Prices Harden NEW YORK, Keb. 6,-,There was a fur er tightening In burlap prices in this mar- yesterday as a result of the International situation, though it wan not reflected In an ual rise. Leading Importers have with "awn their goods from sale, and quota !?" " largely nominal, on the basis of 'gnt and a quarter cents for eight-ounce 'Os and nine and three-quarter cents for "." and a half ounce cloths of the same "lata. Some Improvement In demand was "Ported wtth stocks especially of light lghts, limited. IRADBURN & NIGR0 Correct Mtn't Tailor Corner 13th and Sansom $35 and $30 SUITINGS $OC Cut to your measure I Blf week's selling: last week now H.?"cordl Your choice of 100 ty e. P?terns to choose Ju.71rBl1 i"? ""'chest and smartest JMICns. Sale ends Feb. 15. Ask w..,u?mpLe.! toT comparison. '""'" "t Kuarameea. I . hONT mate in 2Si.Ik th ."nj'KUMerscorntniF from ,2r Jlcrn'. JuBloBi, oalleutM. , Consult GUARDS WILL NOT RUSH TO FRONT, ASSERTS ONE "Sore." He Says, Because They Got No Fighting and Were Not Appreciated One of th Pennsylvania notional guards men lecently returned from the .Mexican bolder said today that the men wele not Inclined to show th same enthusiasm for rerv'ce against (lerminy If the evil conies that they hhovved when Pies'dcnt Wilson ' issmd his call lal .limn a nil when the all ' limits-ill It meant ival lighting, not mete miliary tialulng Tli leason. he said, was the iiunppreei.i t'.nn the Slate of l'ems,vlvaniti showed In ii'ttirn for the ei thuslasm given. This KUHidsmiin r.teil the illffcienee nf i niipreciatlton between Pennsylviin a and i Massachusetts by saying that wheieas the ', latter slate greeted Its men on their return ' w t'l n bonus, the Keys-tone state docked the guardsmen of mone "'glitfully ranted. "I'Vr Instance." h said, "we did not get the State pay t$l,.il pr day) which ran from June 211 to .lulv II III- date on which we were musteieil Into IVderal set vice, and I were docked for uniforms given to its two years ago. Man.v never woie tlie"e uniforms because they were not fit to wear and some of us nevei teceived tli2iti. "The boys gave up ifVir Jobs willingly and enthusiastically when Ihe ctiuntiy's call fur service came, thinking they wire really needed. We found Instead that it was mcrel.v an excuse to get us Into a military tialulng camp These mm nil came back home a shoi'i while ago sl months In ar rears In finances, and even now as I walk up Chestnut street four out of ever.v ten men I meet are still without Jobs. "Von can readily s-e that they are not In ii vety fine liumiir to serve the country again If they run up against this same e p?rience again. And nattnally they feel that they will be Healed the same way. "I think it would be well for the State to make amends while there Is yet time. There Is u bill In Ihe Legislature now to appropriate Jl.iiOO.dnii to lie used as a bonus for the guardsmen who were on the border. That would mean about JJrtO for every man. If'thev got that I think the humor of the men would soon change and they would be grateful instead of sole, as they ale now. "in 1 80S the State rewarded its men who enlisted, and the men who went to .Mexico ate Just as good as the men who went to tight Spain. "Now that thli ".rouble with Germany Is looming ahead the .State should be trying to get Its potential soldiers In a good humor, not n dlsgruntlej one. As It Is now The guaiilsmeu think they have been handed n very raw deal. A lot of men when they came home signed the payioll under pro test They couldn't do anything then, but the.v can be mighty hesitant If another call for their services comes." DANIELS SPEEDS U. S. CONTROL OF WIRELESS Secretary to Take Up at Once Pending Bill With Congressional Leaders WAStlLVCiTON. Keb. (1. Secietary or the Navy Daniels, in view of the present emeigency, will take up at on with con gressional leaders the wireless bill, now pending and which would give complete control of all s.vstems In the I'nlteil States t.i the Navy Department. The depaitment lias as yet taken no actual steps to take over the entire opeia tlon of systems, but the .Secretary will consider immediately legislation that will facilitate the needs of tliu depaitment and prevent Interference .with this "vastly Im poitaut means of communication." The liovernmeiit has for some lime had supervision of the Tuckertnn and Sayvllle stations, and these, u' well ns other sta tions, have been liistiuctfd to use the great est care mid judgment In the selection of operators and employes. The depaitment has taken every precau tion to prevent the establishment of activities of "lawless" or "secret stations" that flu nnautlmt Ized, Infunnntlon may be distributed. 1200 VOTEIIS SKJX PETITION Joseph O. Kerbaugh Seeks Montgomery County Commissionership NOrtULSTOWN. Pa.. Keb. 6 A petition signed by 1200 voters of Lower Merlon township was presented In court yesterday to have Joseph O. Kerbaugh. of Hryn Mnvvr, n Commissioner of Lower Merlon township, appointed a Commissioner of Montgomery County, to succeed the late Ueorge Sulli van, of Cynwyd. Suporters of Mr. Ker baugh here yesterday said that additional petitions were. In circulation In Lower Merlon vvh'ch would Increase the signa tures to 2000. The name of Israel Supplee, of Bryn Mawr, was prominently mentioned for the County Commissionership appointment yes terday. He is a Hepubllean, and has been a county committeeman. LEATHER BELTING gives Ihe greatest amount of continuous service per dollar of cost of any belting produced to day. For over 20 years we've been making and guarantee ing it to most critical buyers. CHARJJ COMPANY 520 Arch St. .Ready Money- tfniUd States Loan Society MSfW .Mayor Smith announced today lie was not In favor of the legislative bill which would take the piwer of appointing mem bers of the Hoard of ttevlsloll of Taxes from the Hoard of Judges and give that power to the Mayor. It Is reported that this bill had his ai pioval when he wont to ttarrlshurir Willi Ihe members of the Councllnianlc l.egls 1 latlve Committee, but upon his return last night It was learned be had changed his views regarding the measure. It was an nounced by the Mayor today that lie would vail n meeting of the Hoard of Hevislon of Iaes for the purpose of discussing means ir revising the measure. The members of he boaid ,-un Simon tlrnU. David N Kell and J. Wesley Murium. Durham will lie unable to attend the meeting, being In Florida. At the conference It may be sug gested that the bill be remodeled to pin ..I. t. .. .1... . .,. i in, i, uir .viiiyor maiie llie hiihiiiu- S menlH lllulor the supervision of Select Cll. I'he Mayor snld i menu to confer with I the members of the board and get their best views as to how Ihe hoard should be made . lip and peipetuated ns well as their views I on amendments and changes In the pies i ent system of assessing property. I want Mr. ilaffney. chairman of the Finance Conini ttee. to be present at the confer ence so that we can have a complete un derstanding jicfoie (lie people at llariisbuig pass on the bill I will try to have this confeience before going South." It Is understood that Hie bill as now drawn not only nrlgitiallv had tin- approval of Ihe Mayor but also the charter Itevislon Cum. nilttee ROLLING'S PERSONAL AFFAIRS UNDER PROBE Leak Committee Will Examine Private Bank Account of Presi dent's Urother-in-Lav WASHINGTON. Kill ti. -The personal bank account and ptlvato fltin'ticinl te-t-ources of It. W. Hulling, brother-in-law of Piesldent Wilson, will lie examined by the House Itilles Committee to determine If he had any connection with the "lak" of lies. dent Wilson's December peace note. This was decided todn.v at a stormy ses sion of the committee. Hulling was grilled for seveinl hours con-" cernlng Ills connection with the brokerage Hi m of K. A. Coiinoll.v & i'o.. nf Washington, through which it been established tliele wns a leak. Dolling declared he did not know until after he had nppsnied before the ociiiin'ttee several weeks ago that a message was sent over Conolly's wires b.v ,1. Kied llss.iry. a correspondent outlining the teinis of the peace document. I!epie.eulative Hairisou. of Mississippi, objected when Itepiesentatlve Campbell, of Kansas. Imputed as to wheie Holllng got the funds to enter the film. Campbell de clared this was of highest Importance nnd after a wiaugle It was decided that Poll ing's private nff.ilis will be delved Into by the rommittee In seciet. HELD FOR TAKING COATS OF FELLOW CHURCHMEN Detective Says Man Who Faces Trial Left Church Early to Raid Cloakroom Accused of stealing four overcoats from the vestibule of the Centenary .Methodist Church while the owneis of the coats were worshiping, Carey Kllgors, twenty-six years old, who gave a lodging house near Kighth nnd Vine streets as his residence, was held under 11100 bail for court by Magistrate Stevenson at the Thirty-ninth street and Lancaster avenue police station this morn ing. District Detective Farmer testified that Kllgors would go Into the church and at tend the Services. When time came to pas the collection plate, it was testified, Kilgnrs would take advantage of the con fusion and leave, taking the overcoats with him. Kour of them weie recovered In pawnshops In the ctnter of the city. JERSEY SENATE PROVIDES FOR PROPERTY PROTECTION $100,000 Appropriation for National Guard and Naval Reserve Sup plies Authorized TltKNTON. Keb. C The Senate today passed a bill introduced b.v Majority Leader McCran appropriating $100,000 for purchas ing supplies for maintaining the Xntlonal (Juard and Naval Iteserve nnd protecting public property In the State. McCran said about J5.000.000 worth of property was In volved. The Senate adjourned for the week nfter the introduction of a preparedness measure providing adjournment from day to day, to be called together III case of emergency. If not so called the Senate will meet again .Monday night. Deposed President on Way Here WASHINGTON. Keb. fi Alfredo Uon zales, Costa Itlca s deposed president, In on his way to the I'nlted Slates aboard a fruit utetvtnshlp, according to official dispatches. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Ladies and Misses Suits of Tyrol Wool Spring and Summer Models and. Colors The models, stylo, colors are original, new and are not on tile eliewhere, Alio the New Hats MANN & DlLKS 1 1102 CHESTNUT ST. (1 AMii4wtfe.y.u""" i$WYNMMIIMoe'" '. 'w Matt. "4 T : WKT ..xNbKj? Jtlii 4., " .tlB .Tfc &fcK aaaiassjfflsr;" : .rznsrwi lobl waves nlu.ivw mmir out tlie city s poor in a levensn intempt to j;et fuel for their decrepit but invaluable little stoves. This elderly woman was photographed on Sixth street carrying a basketful of pieces of wood withered from box covers and other packing. She wore no gloves anil the shoes, which nre laced with pieces of string, were out in the sole. MIDVALE STEEL CO. GETS HUGE WAR ORDER J. P. Morgan & Co. Gives Phila delphia Concern French Con tract Amounting to Millions The Mldvale Steel Company bewail work tndav nn the lnrgest Kiiropriin war nider lecehed b.v that concern slmo the lieBln nltitf nf the I'onllli't. The. contract was awarded to the .Mldvale concern by the Kreiuh (!ov eminent through the firm of .1. ! Morgan & Co several weeks ago. No announcement of It was made at that time, and It was not until today when plans for the execution of the work were an nounced at the plant that the award of the contract became known. How many millions of dolhira the order totals could not be learned from otliclnli of the com pany. The contract calls for 2"fi of the 220-tnlll-nietcr guns and sixty of the irr.-inllllmeter guns, to tie delivered to hr l-'rench C!o em inent 111 monthly lots of fifty of the larger and ten of the smaller guns. The first de livery Is scheduled for April. The guns are to be delivered In rough finish and the dual finishing will be dona in France. The work on the guns has been appor tioned among four nf the seven shops of the Mldvale .oncern In tills city All plants nf the company nre running m twenty-four hours a day now, with 10.100 men working In eight-hour shifts. The number of em ployes will have to be Increased consider ably on account of the new work. The Mldvale concern Is already working on an order for one hundred eight-inch guns for the Urltlsh Oovernment These guns are being finished complete and will For Gall Stones and Disorders of liver, kidneys and stomach take daily treatment of BEDFORD MINERAL WATER Famous Since 1804 . If in doubt about treat ing yourself ask your physician. Handled by ilnirnlstit and leudlntc grocarit. Write um It you nava any difficulty In belni upplled. Bedford Springs Co., Ltd. 1325 WJdenerBldg.,Phlla.,Pa. But" M,'" . - ,.f i-'.n "Tl f! -T.'wiir.j be ready for actual field service when shipped. The contiact at present Is about half filled Work Is also under way on an order from the Culled States Ooverninent for twenty flvo fourteen-lnch guns. These nre to be delivered at the rate nf two n month until the order Is filled. Much gun when com pleted will he worth approximately $80,000. The Mldvale concern nlfo holds outers tor large quantities of French and bngllsb shells. Hoy Nearly Perishes in Drifts SIIIINANDOAH. Pa.. Keb fi. Clarence Cart, fifteen yeais old, while returning home from Sheppton In his automobile be came stuck In a drift on Locust Mountain. He attempted to walk home nnd fell ex hausted nnd was found by fanners. His ears, hands anil feet were badly frozen. J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut Juniper Soutk Penn Square Banjo Clocks reproducing the rare and valued antique timepieces made in the Eighteenth Centur?. The Mezzanine Central Office Service ns developed by the Holmes Com pany assures tho prompt and efficient protection of your property. A burglar, fire, leak or other unfore seen irregularity, coining in con tact villi our wires, causes an alarm to sound in the Holmes "Central Office." Here trained nnd capable men arc always on duty. They respond at once to protect your property. HOLMES ELECTRIC PROTECTIVE COMPANY 8lZCHESTtSTUTST telrVfaJnut 611 M f4-5sg saJaSJIartBBBBBiSBaQII is congested. Orders are delayed. Manufac turers' desks are daily piled with "hurry ups." Western Union Telegrams are opened first. From front office to shipping room they get immediate action. Is your S. 0. S. one letter among many or a WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM which gets first attention? THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. -PALL, MALL- A MullnWin lonJotv A Qjwt let- Here WESLEYAN GKADS HONOR COLONEL JOHN GRIBBEL Head of Hoard of Trustees nnd Donor of Organ to University Lauded at Dinner Alumni of Weilean I'nlverslty. at their annual banquet at the Art Club last night, honored Colonel .John flrlbbel, president of ihe t'nlon League and head of the board of trustee of the university, as a man who stood squarely for what was good in life. Colonel firlbbel recently gave a $10,000 organ to the university and oftlcers of the Institution were present to pay personal 1 1 Unite to him. Colonel I.ouis .1. Kolb and lir. William Arnold Shaklln( president of the t'nlv entity, lauded Colonel flrlbbel, as llt fiovernor Hrumbaugh In a letter he sent legrettltig his Inability to lie present. Doctor Shaklln deplored thn tendency to tegard education as only a basis for money making and advocated a return to the old Ideals of liberal culture training (eorge I. Itodlne. Jr., president of the Philadelphia Alumni Association, presided. The speeches were Interspersed with college songs, led by a chorus composed of C 11. Smith, the ltev. Dr. Thomas S. Cllne, Harry Thompson, Frank C. llrodhead. Aubrey Sut ton. Walter II. Hrovvn and Harry Dresser. The speakers were .lames A. Develln, member of the hoard of trustees: Herman I.. Collins, Warren K. Sheldon ami Charles M. Boswell, .Ir. Wills Admitted to Probate Wills probated today were those of Kills .1. Ilanniim, BStil Larchwood avenue, which, In private bequests, disposes of property valued at $16,700; ICllzabctli M. Wagner. t:7 North Sixteenth street, $16,000. and Adam McLean, S835 Wallace street, $11,400. Business Perry's February Clean-up Sale of Fine Suits is,a Perry Sale and, therefore, unlike any other! m J We don't print ridic ulous reductions be cause a Perry Stock is anything but ridiculous ! Cutting a $43 Suit to $37, a $40-Suit to $33, or a $30 Suit to $23, doesn't sound as sensa tional as if the printed figures said $40 Suits for $22, or $30 Suits for $15 but, consider what Perry forty and thirty, and every other priced Suits are! In a Perry Reduction Sale the savings are as real as the Suits! The assort ments and sizes are satisfying to all comers, and all men have a chance to exer cise a choice ! That's what makes this Perry February Clearance Sale an Event! If s booming along today! Slip out here early fov yours t We are selling SIX o.c$40 & $43 245Suitsf0r LjgJ- $3 3Si $30 & $35 Suits for 798 and $26 7oo' $25.00 1j1Q 166 Suits for ;$lv 1389 ? $16.7 PERRY&Col "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut St! kj m i-&.K .i,i w:fa-o."JMBitt.'a