-Vr j m S jF'JV' en""" ..,- t "Vi t i" i ' " ('TO JtfxNJLNU LbDuMtl'iliLjJUiiiLxiULA, 1'UjuJJV, lWbitUAJLty 0, "i.017 'T, EV r' $-' fEW MUSICAL PLAY AND pAHELD'SEYES MT SO VAMP RISH . . " Enrnilmv Mc" Reintroduces a Star Very Far From - Wicked it .... pOT AND FUN BOTH THIN "irttriW MB Mualeal comply in three, new ."K w h Hx Dormann anil Leo Aacher, ijSffl. & BfiSu-d lumber. The.tre lul ...... Edith Pas r&'?? ...ihmoVii . . Harry Tlnh. - . mi MoBli-al pnmeitv In three act. iv Ill Day IftSihjiuchmore Tlarie William 1' e'nrlton JIKIor ,,.., i.etty YorKn Glnlm Sjkea Ethel Hk lori;e Hgan Paul PorraM I'Mnon Hlbettl jl Jeweler " P Anna item . Sylvia Janon , .Henry Lew la . ..Wllmer llcnttey fifolph Knutt ElAlplior.1 f HlPf WUCncnuriii & -n- io th musical editor. vvo wore "Vn to b"o the font from which )runK S Bara nnd all nnimhjv Wunni of The , movies, who lust can't make thenvielv liihive. As n matter ot met. vvo raw iumu iMnV 1. .u. ..- no w illil nf the do. ISdwhat nc did nee lmpre.se.: -n with Hip feeling that It must have been n very Rood r'l i.nf world ten eon back to take 'Jinna Held as a delicious vv Ickedneii Of iMnrae "jou may break, ou may ahai H??F .... Me. and so Miss Held penes l&. a very good "nutomatlc ad" for "Kol ml if." Thev follow 0W '" - According to tno oiucihi cornniuniiiuc. '... .,tt nf "Follow .vie in ironi cue hue- 'linal of Kellx Dormann nnd Leo Archer" KwVre glad to Know lt rca,ly wn8 orEnl1' 'Tevw-the. shreds of icmalnlnK Information re- ..rrllne the Jealousies nnd llirtatlons of Mar- FSjuis and Marqulte de Lunnv are just the usnai mi",- . ., , mj. irnn. left bv the comimratlv e nbsenca 5$ef riot and Mar have been filled by many 'thlnn. but principal! bv koiik" that neem It. aim at that state or utililllc..iiitn vvnirn i alavs been Held to be bliss Thus the refrain. "When they prow older thev prow LYi... .i,ev never let a HiliiB Ket bv.' Is Krrefaced by the dlwlosure that the MplliiK I? who wrote "The Vampire" had domestic K.in:.iiie-. Somewhat the same strain lurks In "The Rlrls aic Kettlnir wiser" "How would jou liko to bounce a Inbv on join we?" has Its own mef-MRo MWs Held s n celebrated orbs aro lecapltalbed In "I 'wmt to be Rood but m eves wont let me '"behave," "It's a tute little way of my " o,i "Wli.it do vou want to mike Stho'e ejes at me for when thev don't mean Iwhat the fa- The last, bv the way, Wfnould be a riot with .lolson nt tho helm SK vaudeville and Joseph I'rhnn have con trlbuted much to "l oiiow .vie in uik luuvr case it Is liivolunlnrv meiely two profes ilonal scene painters who have waked up to the effectiveness of the newer methods on the stage a'"1 l'alnted 'onw r.is and pleas lug sets, which Just fall shoit of positive distinction Vaudeville supplies a (,'ood put thoiiKh not altogether 'the" Rood pn.rt of the cast Lettle Yorke last lieard beie In "Alone at Last," and WlllUm I t'.irletoii. on of his f-.thfr and lonc-thne stock favmlte lend rfdlrtlnctlon to the peifoiin.iiue The liuninr comes from Harry tibiip, ftvivia ,ia.on, ms pocket handkerchief and Ilenrv I,els Mr Lewis's humor varies fiom 'Wont vnu see beited7' for "Wont jou be hcatul" to 'I will now sine n little souk entltvtlttled 'A Bumblebee Backed I p to Me and rushed ' " Offhand, the cnjojnient of the audience list VKHIKIU BUKKCSl'll lliaL iiic in- iiiuo,. mv - t'QUlred. On the other band, it Is not to'be aH lL & ..a.4a.1 4 tn A 4li Inutn IIIIILf lij in denied that the luml-urlvlnK pei.sonai en Ihmlasm of these tluee the tssence of iltrnnlevllle Rets them over KMr. rtomberR Is still wrltliiR the music of ai.Lvrlc. If he has missed am tiliou at bit theatre this jenr that Insubstantl il ifeant leaves not a miislu lack belli nil In Sthe critic's memorv Mi ItomherR knows Ibis business Ho can throw off ragtime Sitter and Viennese .subtleties with both inds. I "Fnllnw ATii lu IMiW tinit l,flfnlli flniip Tlnt It la n llltln hit dhnrt nil thnt l linle Biouled Joy of life which makes musical rrwiucuy, i .ii, F ...., 7, 77. ivantea, a v.ve .Mxon tirand 'Wanted a Wife," a brezv skit with JIe' of laughter and fine, clean humor pleased at the Grand Prettv RliN and clever lines contributed to' the quallt of the entertainment Theie wasn't a slow movement anj where In this piece, it swept along with Its own momentum clear to tin end. Other (list-class attractions weio the Koban Japs, Jack Maries and I.llllan ritz- jerald, Savannah anil Ueoigl.i, and Ker like's Pigs. And they were some ijIrs, too ,The little animals seemed endowed with human Intelligence The nictures were en. 'tertalnlng and up to date !' PHILADELPHIA MARKET E GRAIN AND FLOUR WllfATn .. ...... .. .. . ... '" (nfi-iiun i-i,twj num. i nt inHri"i " trpnc and lc hlfther under Unlit orirIm,s . -. ' .,r "'inand. quotations i r iok in jr"Port rleator No J rpd Hpot, $1 SO CM H" 4. - "outhern red $1 781 SJ. flinamor .So J 'l'y!$.i' ." I-'WI " leJoctnl II II IIMiH 7.1 .li.,"J,7",'','P1" IS 211 bush .supplies were RSii n,1.!,rc' were "jc hlsher, with n fair ! to location No 'J jellow. 11 H?l 11. Nn S. 0 Ypllniv tl IneM i. x . .-it.... , 11A1 y-yiJJy- ,R JelloH, 11 OHiil 10 1J.ii .8?',ce'I't". '-'"U71 lusll Thfre was a WiVkS -nu ry ani1 Prices nilianreU ic with VifSJ off",n Quotations .No awhile iisij sXS.l,,tllnda'',1 while. I17'4 (SllSe .Nn .1 while, Klh.1 UK ,Rerpl 15HII libls nnd 1 18." nil Kfytl macka rrlies wero held L",c per bbl Hli -I . "moalhy with the continued advame BIwiJ! "'. vluolatlons. per toil lbs In wood K Jj"1l cl'ar- 7 507 7'. do. stratum 17 734V uAl,,Ut0- P'tent. is aatf s BO Kansas clear. R::il.n KcJ1".. 7 7fi8, do, patent cotton Hi TiT . il 75: sprln, first clear, 18 BOW lnii?4J,.J,,l,I1t. J" 0088 83. favorite brands, l?n'BS .: ay mills, cholco and fancy patent, I'ftiur iJVkSi! ml11"' regular grades Winter felJMe7.?.U"?u,". W W. quote PROVISIONS ..", a ,a"' Jobblne demand and values 35 kJlf f m'"talned Quotat'ona followi i a. ..-- ti. iiiuarii hiiii uiniiririi. .wr. IfaucK?. ?i-. Is,"'-' wi-t?i ir. ' IlKiHrnii.f i,'."",:- i"."Tu 5"."'r-u., .!.'5 S ri Lo""lli bpneleas SJci picnic aooul KfHci b.lh;. ""iii.tf""' ..'"a.1' "" ..nl??r' ,'. Ik K.:i,r:1.""' s.uruiim m Y-r, r,rit..-cli,.V,.;c.?"' ..V.-i0x"?no. "P." J'Hc?rdol',rn,c'.':?.c..w';"'.,'P. r.-"!"".-..''y". &. In .'M " ttercei jtMc: Urd. pure ". ttl rendered, tn tub. ifiic. ks, REriNED SUGARS Tl, wvh.j ferf llit i?iV..?,.qu,'t "nd unchanged rtffln-. KdIaILv. rJ".s: Extra flna granulated, u 73c: TlileV.'Joeuoci confectloncr' A- oy5l DAIRY PiinniTr'ra l H!Tnvv.n.. Elate Shik '.. marl?t ruld Arm at the late flnri o.,.?.'iraand l"orblnir . tho limited Vufi 9.uttlonii Weettrn. frean. solid- 4ei ..tVyKt ,anc'- sDectals. 4Sc; xtraa. tniSV JJLtS. .""I". 4041o: llrits. 373c: P'Wiii' aiiJi i7JS,L.n,aIb' Prints funcy. 4ilo; nailfle ekeri.i v,'"Ji.1 "i aiiu-ucr scconua, v62c - ui.iiue vi prima jouuinv 52tii;R!,,,lfnd w 'alrlV active and Ihe m AiC'?"..". under imill iupd11. Quota- afi 111 ss .VDy "tra. Mc per doi.s nearby !.40 Dr ?.Ef.r ?"?' ""fhy current receipt!. S,..!?.' S,!?i ..?. extrai. Olo per doa ; MO D,r ..: '.'""-'."." P: "."' lMSE55 a;Tn mair.uppft ana ruled firm a thl .!...??.' P0d demand Follow Inir rThU f SHi'lV!?.'! Ne IV. full ir,amT Cl.P'a. rJ'S Wl'Bo. edeilal. hl.h... .1. ,in Sl't.0?0" hw. iH23ci do. part akima: POULTRY eifcSTfiW" r llaht and th. market i Quolitun.. Ja,r, omand. Pollowlni ara l! rooitir. :maPi,S1" '. to fl'is'lty. "i" H. lzv:wtv"K row I. vrina cnicaena aott lchorns, aorordlnK to , to situ and quality iV'rH, m: RUTH ST. DENIS WINS APPROVAL AT KEITH'S "Rubevillc," a Delightful Rural Act, Is Hit of Entertain. ing Bill It often happens that the last shall be first. This was the case with "Rubevllle." which Is at the end of the bill at Keith's ths week It provided mora solid enter tainment than nu thing else on the big nmuscmcM menu True, Miss St Denis, the olllclal head liner. Is art but "Itubevlllo" Is vaudeville Have a glance The big old-fashioned country store, the rat stove In the middle of the room with a healthy fire, the big oil lamps which hang from the celling, a doien rubes lennlng around the village band (and a Rood one, too), the quartet, the ad vance agent nnd barrels of fun Utit that Is not all There is a quartet of rube cellists, and Jerc Dclaney, with his char acter dances, and Felix Hush, who Is Just the kind of a tube that jou would see up at l'liniouth Meeting rr Lake Sunapee. II And theie wos all sorts of carr Ing on It Jut seem-d to happen Dliln t seem like unv one eve. wiote it at nil luci, u just nppr.tred as If the store had always been there The customers at Keith s felt that wa about It, too, nnd wanted tha rubes to stick around Its Just one of those things that vou can't talk about on a tvpenriter vou oURlit to see it This act beioiiRS onlv on (lie ' big time " Miss St Denis nnd net dancing nvmphs told the storv of KR.vpt. Greece and India Hi the picturesque 1 uigti irc of Terpsichore A icallstic atmosphere lent charm to the many artistic numbers and awakened In spiration Despite Its utter slmplldtv, the pose dance "Tillers of the Soil" brought the blRRest harvest of applause Ted Shawn gave the necessary touch of lomance and ihlvalrv to the sceres with a number of period dames A sincere devotion to art characterised the pioiluctlmi, which lellects much ciedlt upon Miss St Denis and hei agile nssist ants Will Morrlsey evposed the pettv vanities nf musicians and was assisted bv Freddie Clinton, a self-confessed pianist Mr Mor llsy pioved that he hail some lurking mu ill hI ability and win no end of laughter with his Reneial comment The pair received warm approval The sketch of l'aul MU'artv and Wsle I'ave started with two attempts at suicide AltliotiRh the lalk was decidedly under-taker-lsh, the act was far from being a dead one But theio are so many good things in their offeilng that the gruesome portions could be cut wav down Most of the audience laughed even at the funeral talk A closl? dance glvesa Jojous touch to the pioie gs 'Cotton Sic U tigs was the name of a sketch offeted bv Mabelle Adams and Mar lon Murta.v Two feimle drummns mee In a hotel and discover that each has musi cal talent etc eti Laughs and applause riavilla. a prettv girl in a nice white dress pl.ued an accordion which matched her costume Applause and three bows The Four Akls offered a Japanese noveltv which overflowed with merit Those I'oui llnteitalneis wuclit Mis Veinon Castle was s(eii In another film episode of "I'atrla " j a c Social Whirl Globe Musical -Vomedv and the legitimate vie foi headline honors at the Globe this week The forinei Is well represented by "The Social Whirl " Tuneful melodies. Jokes that ate v an attractive chorus nnd a number nf pleasing specialties add to the vuciess of the act The principal roles are enacted bv Jack Itussell, Lotta Haker and Al Knight 'An Innocent Hjstander." a one-act com; edv-diamntlc pHvlet drew inanj laughs nnd was wannlj npplauded The lines are clever and the members of the cast excel lent in the various roles The staging and scenic effects are all that one can desire Other acts which pleased weie the Mat zattl Familj, acrobats: llobaits and Dili songs, chatter and dances; Mills and Motil ton. In travestj , Cole and Denaliy, dancers. N'ell McKlnlev, "the happy nut," Jokes and funny stoiles, "Ankles" . novelty offering with musk, and "Visions d Art " a posing net Hospitals Ask State Aid HAIlltfSUl in Feb 6 More than fifty appropriation bills were picsented In the Legislature last nlRht Among them were the following. Philadelphia Polj clinic, $100 00(1; Frankford Hospital, 2500, Penn sylvania Asjlum $6000; Gjneceau Hos pital $30 000 , Philadelphia Orthopedic, $50 000; St Mail's Hospital, Philadelphia, $120,5011. 2",c: welghlnff 3-b lbs apiece. 24ei uelch Inir 3 lbs uplvce, L'Jfil.'lc, fowls In bbla . fanc. dr .picked, welghtnff 4 lbs. and over apiece. 24'ic. smaller sizes Jo&J.tt oltl roosters, ilr plcktit, 20i , roastlnir chickens vestern. ilrv plcked lu boxea weighing H4210 lbs per pair. "OfJOc exceptional lots hlRher. roaetlng tng (hlckena, vieatern, lu boxes weighing 7 lbs per pair, 23tjJ4' roasting chick ens western dr -packed tn bbla , weighing H to 10 lbs per pair. 23c, rousting chickens, western. In bbls, WPlghtni; 7 lbs per pair, l'l$PJ2c, broiling chickens western. In boxes, welghlnr .IfcM lbs per pjlr, L''ff-'Uc, chickens, weighing ft&Mt lbs per pair 2KC24C. do mixed sl2es 18 ttjJJOc broilers Jerses fancy, 32350, broilers, other nearbM weighing 14 W- lbs apiece uu '12c, turkejs, per lb Taney nearby. 32.l1c fancy wi stern lj(f.!3c, fair to good 30Jlc, old toms, J0f(D3oc common 24.,7c, ducka. nearby JlfiJVc do, western a.'fc.Mc geese, nearb, lllJU do western ISJJOc aquabs, per doz Wnlte weighing 11 to 12 lbs per doi , 15 Su(jft 71 white weighing II to 111 Ibi per doz HKS'.J'i white, weighing', 8 lbs pr doz I4$M21, do weighing 7 lbs per doz, tl::MI in do weighing H&OVi lbs per doi , i..21ltc2 30 dark JJffl-'.O'J, email nd No. 2. OVcWJl FRESH FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and values generally ruled steady as follows Apples, per bbl York Imperial, I34 25i Hen Davis. I33 ru. Ilaldwln, No 1, H75Sfiu: do, ungraded, 3 3 BO, Oreenlnc. No 1, M 505 no. do. un graded 34 21, Klngl, No 1, 14 flOWn, do, ungraded. 116 4, Htayman, No 1 140,1, do, ungraded, 12 303 Mi. Wlnesap, No 1, 14 SOW U, do. ungraded IJ ft0$8 no Apples, north western, per box 113002, in Lemons per box IJ 50(1(3 50 Oranges Florida per crate UNg'ht. 12 2592 75, Russet, W2 50 Tan- ferlnea. Florida, per strap, 13 W 4 Orapefrult. 'lorlda, per crate, 26y3 50 Pineapples, Flor ida Indian niver, per crate, l.'233 21 (.'ran berries Capo Cod per bbl Fancy late varie ties MM il; Early lllack. 13 O 4 Cranberries, Capo Cod, per crate, II 75&J, do, Jersey, dark, per crate. II B01 7.1; do. do, light, per crate 11,30. Htrawberrlea Fiorina, per qt 20030c VEGETABLES 'Ihe market ruled firm on choice stock, with demand absorbing the limited offerings Fol lowing are the quotations. White pota toes, per bushel Pennsjlvanla. choice, 12 21m 2.33: New York, choice. 12 2102 30 VV hltl potatoes, Jersy per basket. 110131 Sneet Sotatoea, llostern Hhoro. per bbl. .No 1. I'lW 23; No 2, ll.i T,0.' Sweet potatoes Delawoie and Slaryland, per hamper, II. 2101 40 rHveut Rotatoes. Jersey, per basket No 1, 00c tl; o " 40WHIH Onions per lOu-lb. bag No. t yellow, 7.738: No. 1 red 17, No .'..1.1.10 00 60. Cabbage, Danish, per ton, 11100113. do. southern, per hamper I1.73&2 21 Spinach Norfolk, per bbl , 12(12.73 Kale, Norfolk, PC bbl , II 1 33 Cauliflower. Norfolk, per crate. 11 1.50. Lettuce, Florida, per baaket, 11,30 2 30: do. Virginia, per basket, 1101.50: do. North Carolina, per haakei, II 1 50, Ileans. Florida, per basket Oreen, I23 50: Wax IJ 8 23, Uggplant. Florida, per box, is '1 3 50. Peppers. Florida, per box, 1203 2.1. Squssh. Florida, per box. tl,7A2 21. Peas. Florida, per basket 13,. 60 Tomatoes, Flor ida, per crate ll.503 J3. Mushrooms, per 4 lb. baaket, $101.33. General Development Pays More NEW VORIC, Feb. 6. The General De velopment Company haa declared a quar terly dividend of $J, payable March 1 "to atock of record February, 16. Three months ago $1.50 was declared. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS . CHICAtJO. Feb. a IIOOS Receipts. 16.000 huad Market 10c higher. Mixed and butchers. 111.83912 41 good heavy, I11.I5&12 Bus rough heavy. III. Miff lii.ioi light lll.nutfl.'.sa; pigs. Q: I W H0VII 10! puik. i t ., n m i i.4o. r:l"T ."....... . UA lassj aan, k siarjKvt ''iea CELLULOID DRAMAS, WEEK'S NOVELTIES THE ARTIST "SUPES" AND DRAWS ' ill (m ? SKh's .y-W -, A young Philadelphia artist who is ''cnriyitiK a spear" at the Gat lick during the engagement of Sir HeiLert Becrbohm Tree, sketched Edith Wynne Matthison ai Queen Katharine in "King Heniy VIII," while he was waiting in the wings for his cue. NEW LIBERTY GIRLS SUCCESS AT CASINO Drew and Campbell's Company With Jack Conway Please at Bur lesque House .lack Conwav and his New Liberty fllrls came Io the Casino Theatre last night, and from the time the itirtaln rose to the final clash of the oichestia there was not a dull moment In the piece Drew and Camp bell, sponsors for the show, have put much personal effect In the production The show has not been here for several vears, but Judging from the applause that greeted It last night It will never again miss f 'hill v- If the managers, ran help It The costumes are all of the "follv" stvlc and the sceneo pleaslnglv flash In be tween the two big buriettas the 'Thrie Ilullowa Girls' give a daring exhibition of slack-wire work The Liberty Four, Mnik Thompson. Frank Leonard Mike Puglla and IMwatd (irHTeu brought an nlwavs populai inversion Into the entertainment "Itllev s Vacation" Is the title of the piece, which shows Conn ay nt bis funniest For Ills foil he lias in this skit a Dutch comedian of excellent ability, Aithur Mnver Ar thur's laugh Is of the fug-horn variety, Ftta .loermi also plaved her part In good stle Altogether the piece Is of the better style of burlesque FAR-FAMED "THREE WEEKS" COMES TOKNICKERBOCKER Adaptation of Elinor Glyn's Novel Wins Approval Gordon Eldrcdge Makes Debut on Stage Here The far-famed 'Three Weeks," an adap tation of Fllnor Clljns sensational novel bj the same name, was given bv the Knlckei bocker Plnjers at their theatre last night The generous shower of applause which the various parts called foith proved that sev eral j ears of dlRcusslon of the plav have not detracted one whit from its popular appeal The lesdlng parts were portraved cleverly and effectively by Anna Dohertv and John Lorenz (lordon Fldredge, a Phlladelphinn, who has been seen numerous times In films, made his first appeaiance here on the stage In the part of 'Tetravltch " As an nctor he did as credltablj an lie has done In motion pictures Mr Lid: edge Is a relative of the late Press Lldredge the celebrated minstrel The scenic effects achieved in 'Three Weeks" aie particular worthy of mention, supporting and Intenslfilng as they did the climacteric parts of the storj Julian Rose William Pcnn One laugh after the other Is about the onlj way to describe the act of Julian Hose, the well known Hebrew comedian, who topped the bill at the Peun It was his first uppearance at the West Phlladeli phla plaj house. Ills stories concern inci dents ,of everdav life nnd cover a wide rnnge of subjects Rose works quietly and has a habit of getting to the point quickly. Incidentally he Is a Phlladelphlan and ndds a number of local touches which emphasize the laughs He was a big hit. Entertaining acts were also presented bv Ciclghton Belmont and company, (Jlee Club quartet, and Larry Itellli and the Celtic Plavcrs "The Coward" which was acted by a capable cast, proved an Inter esting sketch The photoplav, "Nina, the Flower Girl." held Interest Talbot's Band Cross Keys Talbot's String Band, which won the first prize fot musical organizations In the mum mers' parade, Is the headllner nt the Crosi ICcjs The offering of this big company of musicians Is a decided vaudeville nov elty Their program Included a wide range of selections which were plaved with much expression The act was rewarded with prolonged applause. Others on the bill were Hugh Dlaney, Kelly and Mayo, Jack Morissey and com pany and Gordon and Poweis The pictures were Interesting and timely. Continuing Plays Sir Herbert Tree's revival of "Henry VIII" entered on tho second and last week of its run at the (Jarrlck last evening. It Is a handsomely mounted spectacle In the old mapner Fine acting is contributed by Lyn Harding, the btar, and L'dltli Wynne Matthison. . The third and last week of "The Profes eor's Love Stoiy," with George Arllss and a cap'tal company, Including Jeanne Eagles, began at the Droad last night. This old Darrle comedy Is stl.l amusing, and Is deftly played by the catt. "Very Good Eddie," with Ernest Truex, Alice Dovey and Oscar Shaw, continues Its successful run at the Adelphl. This re vamped vers'on of the farce, "Over Night," I has proved one Of ins coimu uiuu spots ot the muelcat comedy season here. Itaymond Hitchcock, assisted by the youthful Ivy Sawyer, the Just as youthful Joseph Santley and the more than youthful Arthur I.owr!e. Is still at the Forrest. "Betty" Is his latest vehicle. It la a Jlrltlsh musical play. The star sings several droll songs. . Bernard Shaw's "Misalliance,'1 which has apparently made good with vehemence at tn Mine Tneaire, i uc-n unaciecv py tne ataaut fijltv MlVHf ClM OdMAlW.'U. UMa ts-s., A PATRIOTIC OVERTURE AT DAMROSCII CONCERT Tribute to U. S., Two Masterpieces and a Novelty Charm Farewell Audience Two mastei pieces and a piquant novelty on a program ought to satlsfv the most exacting concert-goer Walter Damrosch's p.utlilitv for clurmlrg trllles is pioverhlal So it was, properl) enough, he who brought to the Academy last evening tho introduc tion and march from ithnsky-ICorsakow's last opera lleside the Coil d Or" were Plaved Urahms's Hist svmphimy and tho great E minor concerto of Chopin, with Josef Ilofmauu at the piano 'I his was, indeed, roval treatment of Philadelphia at Mr Damroseli'n farewell performance this season And Just to deilaie himself patilotlcallv the conduitor begin the night with "My Countij Tis of Thee" The re turn salute from liuudieds of palms as sured him mill the N'ew York Sjinphony Society of the iimlleiice s appteclatlon of his tact und manliness .Sonfetlmes Mr Damrosch, for all his scholarlv quality and .vears ot evperience. Is a better citizen than musician It would be the emptiest llatterv to pretend that he plain llrahms better than anything else. Two seasons ago tho leader included In one of his programs the same sjmp.iony given last night Two seasons ago he did It feebly Last night after a hesitant and rather lagged beginning, he did It with curlouslv poetic grace and an unlooked-for beauty of sentiment. The andante was not, as before, tinned into a funereal wall It was Instinct with the Mrange loveliness of the great German at his best The nlle gretto was a model of dainty and distinctive treatment The last movement, with Its unusual twists of thought and tune came fioni his hands a thing of splendor and power Ills band plaved verv well, too The exquisite oboe theme, which has In spired mi much fine critical writing that one Is ashamed to speak of its content now, had tidiness and clarity In the last andante the flute und horn vied with each other In nngellc expression It was onlv lu the tlrst movement that the execution of the orches tra and the dominant figure's captainship were a hit muddy and lagging Mr Hofmann was In ciiaracterlstlc Ne, though he did not suggest tho unveiling of moods and moments that made his last local recital so sheer a gratuity His playing seemed at first cold, even 'splendidly null" Of course, It was magnificent as planlstic architecture But he apparently had for gotten that "maestoso" Is written opposite the nllegro After a while the subtle and lather sinister fascination of his stile made the concerto take on tints of the magic that Is In It The dream-ridden romanzn. the sparkling londo enchanted the audience. The concert concluded with the excerpts from the Husslan opera gorgeous fiagments of color and movement, marked In their construction b the modernism which Is not mad, and theiefoie Is agieeable The music Is vivid to the point of suggesting all sorts of pictures Oriental, lambent, dramatic flashing With no veri stout themes on which to plav, It vet proved that 'pro grams" can lie enjoved highly It was conducted con amnio d r STEAMSHIPS Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. Philadelphia tn Jacksonville nnd Best f eturn service W $39.nn All Outside Tltket, good in return Mftlilti Rooms. Meals Mo. and Stateroom Berth Included City Ticket Office 105 S. 9th Street I'hnne Inmbnnl SO 1)0 Ui'.i.il.Hl'lVlJL TRIPS With Complete Railroad, Steam hip' and Hotel Arrangements but not personally escorted. LAKKtVOOD PERMUDA ATLANTIC CITY NASSAU FLORIDA CUUA riNBnURST JAMAICA CALirOBNU PANAMA Send for booklet showing tho finest and most complete arrangements ever made for travel In the Amer. lean Tropics Let us work out your Itinerary and save you time and money. RAYMOND & WHITC0MB CO. lOUt Chestnut Bt rhlla. ,. i v 0 Tr" A sj Y7X BEBAN IN GOOD FILM AT STANLEY THEATRE "His Sweetheart" Has Plenty of Action and Excel lent Types CHAPLIN AS A POLICEMAN Scon nt Jinny Local Houses in the Beit Comedy He Has Done ' in Years Hy the Photoplay Alitor PTVNI.riV "Ills snielliriirl." Mornsco Para mount with Criirue 111 lian lnr In Mr Hfbm ant l.nunnir Mii'liiske) IMreiled by Donald Crisp Tho newest Monism film tempts Ihe critic to say that this cninpnnv Is now turning out the best average prodiutlons of niiv of Paiatnoiiifs nignul7.itln. The plinlogm phv and pi lilting nie splendid The lighting comes up again and again tn the La-hy standard The acting is ilih lu nicely cho sen t.vpcs Tin- direction is almost faultless And Hie storv keeps Inleiest hounding along Ineldent.illj. the tale Is rather "steep" In Its il.vnamlte-lo.wied golf bill, whlh serves as a illniav.: but It icrtalnly grips, and theie nre manv subtle contrasts of chaiiutct vvlili b .no deililodlv above tho average Donald Crisp's direction adds a lot to the effei tlvenesH nf the slum mincv. a Kioiind lie (mil often enough with (Irif flth In the Hlngi.iph davs and lie uses close ups spat high, but inot strlkinglj Mr. lleban's acting Is as voluble as ever He Is Mippoltid b a splendid tvpo 111 Sarah Kerniiii. who plajs his Italian mother with i.ue lestralnt and power Helen Jeiome lMdy Is ivcellent as the heiolne AftVADtv "t liliken nn." Iln e Trl iliBle. with Ihiimliv ll.ltun storv li J H ItuwUs nimled I I 11 l non 1 II West The Htoiv of 'Chicken Cnsev ' mav lie thought obvious and old in odd and new. depending n vnur rspinenio of flit inn and voui mental attitude Cerlnlnlv fictional nctiesspH who wauled paitlculai parts tn plav have) fnquentlv impersonated similar people In real life su siiiie-sfullv us to win the ciivtted clnnie Hut whethci jou've lead or seen that soil or jnrn bcfoic, our attitude toward it Is evciv'thlng and the Ince foiccs. thinugh Mr Hawks and Mr West, have taken cue of that with a vengeance Most of the plotting and nil of the direction keep vou thoioughly con vinced that "Chicken Casev" is a real and delightful enteitalmnent The acting helps, too Miss I Ml I on and Howard Hickman aro thoroughly ndequ ite vvhllo Chniles Gunn plavs uu nuthoi with reallv striking clevei ness Hut then tho fact that Director West keeps the. Wlndsm tie orf Ml Hickman'H chntnatlc critic and only lets Mr. ilium add It to his i limned glasses for one chort scene has u lot to do wltli It VI MOT ANY TIIIIATIli: "l.av Slreet," Mu tual Lone Hlar with Chirles c'lnplln Stor written Hnd dlrootid b Vlr Chaplin The St.wilcv Vlctoila, Palace, Itigent a.id Allinmbra, and mav be some more, showed tho newest Chaplin slciuav and also the best "llasj .Street" Is n slngulaily felici tous entertainment If that lsn t going a little lilt out of laugo virhallv It has Just enough plot nnd Jip-t enough Incident and it keeps the comic business moving swiftly and evenlv throughout Its vvholo length. Hut it has above all things the best acting Chaplin has had a chance, to do in months lie begins lu a mission as a contrite "bum" full of the soberest hort of amusing solenumcss He Joins the police force after an iipronrlouslv subtle momem. of liesltanc) before the station Ilemoioor less accidentally cleans up tho toughest street In the i Ity and carries us through a score of wild incidents and chases with an eve constant for the most mintito of eomlcallv human twists Pee "Lasy Street" WINTHt KLMIKT1 You Can Keep Warm Any where in A WAY But for real enjoy. menrtry nature'a'own radiator GOLDEN SUK3HINE on the Florida East Coast It shines there (or you today, and with it is every out-o'-door at traction that goes to make life worth living. Perfect Golf and Tenns, ideal Surf-bathing, wonderful Fishing and Sailing, interesting scenery and smart social life. Aik your ticket nent for full infor mation, or write for the SUNSHINE BOOKLET, beautifully Illustrated, with the full itory of the wonderful East Coast Hotels and Resorti free. FLORIDA EAST COAST (FlitUr Sjritaml NewYorltOfficei2mihhAve. Lhicaco unices 155 W MiilltonSt. Ceneril Offices t M.AugusliDe, I londi ATI.tNTir ( ITY. N. J &r" irtAvrtcant fSt'SSSSaan I A roctxir-lsed ..stanclanl J Of ejtceueivze, C-crrV600. mW3tJ.Bl ""TH. IIAOINO BtSOBT HOTELOF THE WORLD mailboraijlintieini I ATLANTIC CTTY.N. J. ?m m dr IWJa,JJj1iU r-1 (ill A r ,iii I1: tin 8 Win vSvWW M jp? jtPw M. TLn?"- 9 ctmIPH!Kw MmVa a yoff-HVttHHMWt-COMtvAiry OfW-tftff-(I7 uww w-.-nr- , VAUDEVILLE PROGRAMS above alt other Chupllns If you want to appreciate why Mrs. Klske says this foun tain head of peripatetic plrasuntry Is really a great artist, ItKtir.NT "vlnner Made ," Vllacraph.lllue nibhon. with IMIth Storey and Antonio Moreno Htorv adapted hy A Van Hureri Powell from the novel of llamlln tlarland Dlrreted Py Wlllam Wolhcrt lt Isn't always the craftsmanship that counts This film Is lacking In proper con tinuity Its events are huddled It Is over captioned Yet It remains: a finely human piece of work, one of the best In point of leallty and polgnaiicc that have been ex hibited for a lung time A lot of this np peat Is due to IMIlh Storey Her remark nbly sympathetic acting carries over In cidents lu the original novel that might have meant little, if a pietty, simpering Ingenue In el had her role The whole fea ture has the stamp nf tho authentic lack Ing In most studio-written movies It car ries tho weight both of artistic crentlou (In Ihe character drawing) and genuineness Theie is nothing startling about tho storv proper Just a well motivated talo of the love of tvo health) voung people tied to Invalided husband and sweetheart, who llnallv free them from their obligations Hits of ' business" help much in the evolution of the picture It Is In tho development of tho narrative and the ccesslvc titling tint tlie feature suffers Ht'IlY- "One Toiirli nf sin." To, with Oladis HroiKwill n ml link tandluir lor by 1. elcnez Ii.rerted h Klchird Htnnton Hall nielodtiuua ' This is n wlld-ejed one and no mistake Ohviotislv It was written In give (i lav lis Hrockwelt the! ell nice to do her favorite dance-hall girl and shlnklug maiden Impersonations Just as obviously she does them vci) well, v leu not per mitted bv tho diiector to rmo, too violently before thu lamern '1 his fault Is sbaiol with the rest nf the cast One nlwnys expects It lu t'o films nnd has to bo content with some smashing ph sical notion and careful detail as atonenie, Ah to the storv, It never seems vcrv real I ho touches nf broad comedy, tho subst ntlal settings, tho good photograph) the irnntir melodrama, will make 'Due Touch of Sin' popular In the popular-priced houses tAOV "Tlllle Wilkes I i," VVurll with Marie lrpslr Mor h VlarL .Swan Directed hy ilairv Imveupoit Heio Is a veiv amusing comedy that needs net to nothing wiitten about It It hasn't got tho terrific, over-present eomlc punch of "Tillie'H Punctured Itoinauco. hut that Is morel) to si) thiu the Kcvstono Cinnpanv didn't pi inline It This one has Miss Diesslei at In. lust amidst all the tenuis and Jo)s of Couev Island's shows The eclio Is a double domestic dilllcult) which sets two henpecked partners, main and Miss Dresslet, off to havo a good time t-'o dues the audience Ireno renwlik and Owen Mooic formed a two-star combination In "A CJIrl Like Tint" nt the Palace esterda). Chaplin ill "Hasy Street" also was dlsplajod. The Victoria had "The Hrlde of Hale." with Prank Kcenan and Marjorle Wilson, In ad dition to "llasy Street " The Strand's attraction vas "Monej Magic," lev lowed above, vvhllo Clara Kimball Young in "The PoolMi Vlrgu" came to the Helmont. "In tolerance" continues Its success at the Chestnut .Street Opera HoustH "Trade Union Woman" to Speak Miss Alice Henry, of Chicago, who Is a native of Australia and Is tho author of "The Trade I nlon Woman." tonight will deliver the first of a series of four lectures at the headquareiH of the Women's Trade t'nlon League, 248 South Pightli street 56th Street Theatre 56th Below Spruce START TOMORROW! MRS. VERNON CASTLE in- iik sr.TlIAL StllJIlEMH . DIRECT PR051 KEIT1PB PATRIA First L'pisodo 'The Last of the rightinr; ChnnningR" Every Weilnesday a Complete Episode PHOTOPLAYS omh, Soofow Compomu 'PI IE followlnx theatrei obtain their picture, throoth the STANLEY nooklnc Conmany, which la a roarantee of early showlnc of the flnet produetlona. All pletures re-lewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In jour locality oMalnlns pictures throuih the STANLEY HOOKING COMPANY. I U AHIDD A 12th, Morris Panjunk Av. ALHAMdKA Mat Dally -J. P.vg.. 0 10-0 Paramount Pictures. VIVIAN MAIITIN In The night Direction" CHAULLS CHAPLIN In "1JAMY bTUCUT A D"l I C 52D AND THOMPSON ArULLU MAT1NLI. DAILY MARGUERITE CLARK in MISS tlLOnOR WAS1IINV.TON" ARCADIA Hnu DOROTHY DALTON "' ,CK" MItS M:ilNON CAST LI. Ill PATIUA. ' .No. 'i BELMONT MD AND MA!,KCT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in Till: POOMSH VIUI1IN" BLUEBIRD IIHOAD AND SUbQULHAN.N V, AVD. Emmy Wehlen "VANITY" prn i D WTH AND I LOAH AVE. CEDAK. rARA.opvT tiikatkk Irene Fenwick and Owen Moore in CONrn ISLAND PHINCESS" FAIRMOUNT" -VhaSd avlnuu PAULINE FREDERICK in NANETTi; Or THE VVILDH ' Z.,-,-ri OTT" TIlEATrti: MAT DAILY nvK i to n. OO HiJli Pel Spruce MARGUERITE CLARK in SNOW WHITE" FRANKFD Til PHANKKOIID AVENUE Nazimova war brides" GREATNORTHERN A?E3 Kt. Ave. Charlie Chaplin EasylnStreet IMPERIAL C0TH H,ul WALNL'T STS E. H. SOTHERN in "A MAN OP MVSrnUY" , JEFFERSON ioTH sEysAU,'1; MARY PICKFORD in LESS THAN THE DUST" LEADER FOKTY-FIltbT AND LANCASTER AVENUE Nazimova "WARBRIDES" LIRFRTV linoAD and 1 C X 1 I COLUMBIA WILLIAM S. HART in TRUTHFUL TULUVER" WWkWWWkMWVtfA WKHT rHILADKLPHlA E VRE K A(i0T ff T.Tv THURSTON, MAGICIAN, cV RETURNS TO WALNUT Thrills niul Mystifies Large1, Audience, Which Wel comes Him ! A blanket of invstcr hung over the Wal' nut last night when Howard Thurston - j opened his weeks engagement. There Kt-f' many new thrills and these. Interwoven Into H-jg ino oui ones, tend to mane tno snow onsAk'r-a frtdtll .tnrlli m.ll.r- ... ttrtn TIia .l,l. .. fllpo nf flin fonlni- -fiiH tho fireni tlvn. t S notlc Scene." In this phase of the produc- , tlon a oung lady Is lifted bodily and with rtlif iilii ntili irr)(ir tniiinntr linnm Crl t i A n rt aul - .41 uu- ... iii'i(-iii. ruftih HiuirVO uu.limvii.u " I In the air Mr Thurston Invited many of VH tho audience upon tho stage to examine thlf Vt, ' feat but those who responded to the magi clan s Invitation returned to their seats mys tified, and one gentleman who went to ex amine tho Illusion loudly announced that "It beat the Old Hoy himself." "Pence and Old (Ilory," a very timely feat Introduced tho producing of American flags In numbers fiom all corners of the stage, nnd this trick evoked many rounds of upplaiiso The most nniuslng.pnrt of t!e show came when the 'Dancing Handkerchief" hopped und swung around in a gay manner with rimless ubanilon, hut tho gentleman who lout the magician the piece of linen abso lutely refused to tnko it hack, because he did not want to have unvthlng bou-iclng allium! In ills pockets One could hardly blame him A mjstlcal sketch arranged hy Mr. Thur ston himself showed tho Interior of a .Pari sian studio und tn the amazement of the audience the persons In tho sketch con tlnuall) changed clnractcis and costumes lu a muj-t ui)sterloiis manner (linuer (Jirls Trocadero An abundance of timidly and a plentiful Mippl) nt up to-datc Kongs were generously sprinkled thioughout the show presented at the Trocadeio b) tho (.linger Girls. The show oveillowed Willi wit of the cxtcmporAiii mis nrdir and nil uggrcgatlon of ugllo girls participated lu spvcral pic turesque iiumhois. The st cnery and tosluiucH weie lu keep lug with the ntinosphero of the produc tions Tho show was enjoied by a large audience. Where "Pearl" Will Re Shown Tomorrow Lvrle Theatre neaillne. Pa. Oxford Theatre n.j I (lermantown avenue. Purl. Theatre .Siranlnn, Pa Conlun Iheatri "-Ixtli and 1 rle avenue. Strand Theatre Twelfth nnd tllrard avenue. Opom House West Chester Pn , ... Oriliodux Orthodox street and TranKford avenue ..,.. HrKls Theatre 1'JS Cumb-rland street, ltrx Tlieatro Niintlioke, Pa Pumll) Theatre Hi ranton, Pa VVashlnnlon Palace Twenty-fourth and Itrown Btrepls Pllou Dream Milton Pa Cross Kejs Theatre Sixtieth and Mirket streets , . l.lori Theatre MeAdno, Tfl Hroadway Theatre I'almjra. Ta llljou Theatre llrhlscton, N J Hippodrome Theatre Lancaster Pa. Pastime Thpatre Lewlstown, l'a Strand Theatre Chester, Ta. Opera Hoiisp Lehlahton Pa, Linpress Theatre Mamyunk DON'T MISS IT! PHOTOPLAYS LOCUST B"D AND L0CtJST nbt'OLAR FAIRHANKS In "nEOrHK MIXES I.N PltANPIS X HUSHMAN and 11EVERLY BAVVE In "THE OREAT SECRET," No. 1. MARKET ST. Theatre r3Jrtet ANITA .STEWART 111 "The Cllory of Yolande." Every Welneda "THE PURPLE MASKY Eiery Prlady -THE UREAT SECItET," PALACE " MARKET STREET 10c 20c. IRENE TENWlt'lv and OWEN MOORE In "A (URL LIKE THAT" CHARLES CHAPLIN In 'EASY STREET" PARK III DOE AVE. ti DAUPHIN ST. Mat 'Jil.',. Eva-. fl:-Il. E. K. LINCOLN '" 'Tc world .. ... -"'-v- against mvr MRS VERNON CASTLE In 'PATRIA" PRINCESS 1018 MAJUCET STREET HAROLD I.OCKVVOOD and MAE ALLISON In PIDOIN ISLAND." Today. 3d Episode "The Great Secret " featurlnc Iluihman and Biyne. REGENT 103-1 MARKET STREET UMAX VOICE OROJX CHARLES CHAPLIN In "EA8Y STREET" LD1TH STOREY and ANTONIO MORENO In "MO.NT.Y MAQIC" Rl A T T O GERMANTOWN AVE. - - AT TULPEIIOCKEN 8T. Harold Lockwood and Mae Allison in PIDGIN ISLAND" RI1D V MARKET STREET ' J MJ I I1KI.OVV TTir BTn-I-i HBLOW WILLIAM FARNUM in "THE PRICE OP SILENCE" SAVOY 121X MARKET " v v-' STREET MARY MacLAREN in "THE MYSTERIOUS SIRS. M.M ;TATSII FY MARKET ABOVE tTH .' airtllLL I nil A, Mt to ll!l5 rfty George Bebah in "His SweethtMurtM- j CHARLES 1'IMI'I.IH in "4.-ASY STREET. CTDAMn GiatMAN TOWN AVENUE -OaKAlliV AT VENANGO 8TR8t Edith Stoi-ey M0neytaMafiVi, irlQQ A 1TTH AND VENANGO ST. mi inri i?r"CM . '. 1 UVU I i.it..u 41 111 THE VICTORIA CROSS" VirTftOl A MARKET ST. ' 4 1L1UKIA ABOVE Nlrff FRANK KEENAN and MARQERr WILSOtf ' CHARLES CHAPLIN In- in C1IT4 IllllUr, UJ- llAllh "ISA EASY BTRHHTV KM.TM rHKAMXHl4V Vj 7i, ji :i -UM rS t i 9" Uo. tmtetogm ts r2 rH -r' ' -"" ." '"'- vgszwrnsit MIA V AMUMRUm i -. . - . , --,J--M. ,..j r IftUM 'A,