a "V 1 . j i- v- -i ' . , - ,;. - , - - ' i-. ',,,' C' 1 L .' .'"IS- ''S fc -. . "" teVENlM LEDGERtPHIEAJDELIa; glTUftttAX FEBRUARY 3; 1917 - A! TwiimWW wrxw7 : TM iii!0Kt " -A. ft '1 P4. . Advice to Investors Buy securities thrbugh responsible ifirms who have ade quate facilities and the conscientious ness to investigate thoroughly, the ex perience and ability to advise wisely, and a reputation to maintain. RRpOKXSTOKESft, pQ 5- 3 3T- Bpfc, J ' ' s A3IH.IX.VV H1TSUI O I. g) $fo' I -J-J Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS M.mbera Philadelphia Slock Eieh.nr. NORTH AMERICAN DLDG. DIRECTORY OK ACCOUNTANTS Certified Publlr Arrounfants BURNS & HPEAKMAN JTIIK (IOUlt.SK "wri.MAM i:. mVjntkuus 02!) Cltr.STNUT ST. PARTNERSHIP NIITIC'KS ft. rX i f. $. REOINTKHKI) 1KT.I.IISIIII NOTICE IS .HKKKHY OIVUN that Harry M often bloom and l.onln llnhbrln. of Phltndlhtn, .Pa., have this day formed a lleglMirtrl TartiM hlp under the provisions r the Vnn.nylv.irilit art of July U, 1001, und Its nupplfmint. for the purpone of ensaxlnff In the bunlnt-M nf manufacturing and enllinft ladles' mil In and klrts undr the name and style of II, Kotcti btoom & Co. The said Ifarry IloufnMoom has thin day ron trlbuted to the rapltal of the firm 'stock, fixture and machinery having- a net alue of J 1 ."- . and th said T,ou1i Klihbeln has thin day con tributed to the rupllal of the firm tho sum of fOno in cash, and th liability of the mild lunula Klahbeln la hereby limited to the amount of hie subscription In arcordanco with tho pro Visions of tho abQii act of Assembly. Said partnership I" to commence on th 3d y of Kebrunrv. 1017, and to terminate on the 1t dny of February, 1030, and the articles of partnership subscribed to hy the said pnrtnis fcave been left for record In the office of the corder of Deeds. harry nosi:ni.oo.r. . LOUIH FISIIUKIN. February 1!. 1B17. A Hit AM PKTKK55KI.T. Solicitor. 408-11 rnmmnnwMllh Hide , LEGAf, AUVEIIT1SEMKXT.1 ljSKSTATK OF ANDUUV C. CItAKJ. IM '' erased Letters testamentary on the above estate bavin been granted to TICK FHOVIDKNT MKB AND TRUST COMPANY OK PHIIjADBLPHIA. all persons Indebted to the said eatate are requested to mall imi'tnent. and those having claims to present the same, without delay, at the office of the said Company. 400 Chestnut t., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. ASA A WING. Preatdi'nt ANNUAL MEETINGS JK? SOUTHWESTERN NATIONAL HANK. - llroad and South streets, At a meeting of the Hoard of Directors, of this Hank, held this day, Mr, John J. .Itfuh- Ier was elected Vice President in place of Ir. John Hunter, deceased. WHEAT SOARS HIGH FOLLOWING SLUMP Pv as r) -, c-. . I Washington News Is Taken Bullish Factor After First Drop ' CHICAGO. Feb. 3. There wan wild c. cllement In the wheat pit today Immediately after announcement was received from Washington that the diplomatic relations between the, United States and Germany hnd been severed. A violent break In prices occurred as soon as the news was flashed over the wires, as a result of : rush to 'sell by many traders who became nervous and did not know just what view to lake of the situation. However, very soon nfter Tvurds confidence was restored, market leaders being of the opinion that the fact that thlH country was going to protect ship ping ngalnst tho L'-boat, nssaults of Ger many should bo taken as a bullish factor, and 'tho close was well above the end of yesterday. May." after opening M.619;, went down to Jl.M'i when the news was received, but soared to J1.6S;, at which figure It closed, against 91.01, yesterday's last price. July opened at $l.U',j, dropped to $1.40si. and closed at $1.48, compared with $1.43i the previous close. September ended at '1.37'j. after being as low ns 1.31i Tho Close on Friday was at Jl.33. The coarse grains followed the Hume course as wheat. Leading future, ratigr us follow WhftAt - Open. II Icli. May., l.ui". i.-in'i July.. 1.441, 1.4S Sept.. 1.34b l.SH .'Corn (new delivery) MIY. . mi- im Low i :,!', 1.40, i.ai', Clone. tN4 1 .4 1.37 July.. D3H dti , Jly.. r.2i .July.. 61 - Lard May.. in.15 May. . lil.SU Rib, Hay,. 15.12 July; Pork May.. 28,20 July.. "H.or, Bid. tAsked. l7'.i an 02 ; 3, ii :t HH'i 117'i. 4Uh 1B.22 10.37 1S.17 1.V30 UR.a.'. L'9.10 13.8." 1U.07 14.77 13.23 27.70 27.30 S3'. 32S In. is tie.32 tin. in 13.23 28.32 28.110 V. lime. l.lll 1.4.1H 1.33T4 II 'IS 11(1 32U 5 IT. 111.17 10.32 tlB.12 13.23 28.27 28.U7 iU ,rTVT1riXT TnjTTTIC TT" "VTIi s't jj x. iuii JTjai.orjo unur, Hi . THEN START UPWARD Effect of Diplomatic Break With Germany Is Soon Overcome. Had Been Expected ,v. f5 NEW YOItK. Feb. 3. After dropping 20 m v vuiuia uu wit? uiiiiouiicemeni inai me ilnlted States had broken diplomatic rela- Bvjlons with Germany u heavy demand from jfelverpool and trade Interests caused a '(.ienwitlonal advance in the cotton market HHlay. There appeared to be a scarcity of Kcu. shorts and May and July sold above 15o. sX S1 Of nearly 100 points over the close of Frl- - vl'""- jfcfc.''.-i .Not a few In the trade regard the action l?l'.."W l" i,irt. w ...u.vv...n .. ..... .v... H'SflVashlngton had been discounted. In fact, RjK!ertaln conditions which have been re- Pf,!-, 1 sponsible lor great nervousness among P -.A Tiie chief apprehension expressed as to 4,. - Ihe Immediate course 01 prices was ie f.-. possibility of liquidation by southern hold- rs of the spot article. i 'i The feature of the openlng-of the, market, viiia.the purthaslng for European account. rpool was a mme uujc u. .-j .. anu im. ui...w .. -.-- ". r ana DecemDer, ror ouier lortun was most impressive, inis ueinuim. i with buvlna- by local operators, was (ban sufficient to absorb the supply ih.iMim from southern and Wall street rU generally, and resulted' In a firm 1-rltn prices 1 to .1 points net signer, tot options Bbowintr the largest1' ad- a houses operated, on f both .rolling on balance. ,Spot M wie fwwM jQ FINANCIAL NEWS 1 STOCKS ACT WELL ON GERMAN BREAK; ' DECLINE A LITTLE, THEN ALL RECOVER Powerful Buyers pick Up Securities at Lower 'Levels. Orders for Investment Congest Telegraph and Tele phone Wires as Market Closes With Big Rally High Points in Todau's Financial News Stocks in Wall street acted very well on break between, the United States and Germany. News of break nas not accompanied by wild unloadinu of securities, and after some small declines tits whole list recorered, and the closiny was strong. Same conditions tided on New York Curb. Wheat and cotton declined, then recovered. New York bank statement nhowed an increase in average and actual loans and deposits and decrease in surplus. Weekly bank clearings larger. Bar silver higher. , NHW YOlilC. Fob. 3. Wlille the news of tho diplomatic break belwi-en Grnnmiy mill this Unlled SlnttH canned uneasiness In Wnll street, there was mi rush to cell stocks on the Stock Kxchnnge. Tho rourso of (ho market was n complete suipilse to those who had expected that a rupture with Germany would bo followed by u stampede of security holders. I tint before the close the trading became excited. "Itrokers with buying ordcrx climbed over each other In efforts to obtain stocks. United States-Steel common, nfler Its advance to above lOi, waa quickly lifted to above 104, mill other stocks followed tho example of this leader. Opernlors committed to (lie bear sldo became 'uneasy over the outlook, and many of tlieni niHtle iirgenl efforts to cover, but they were outbid by brokers nctliiK for bunking anil oilier Important financial Isaues. Commission liouso orders poured Into the board from all over the country, and when tho lnaiket closed stocks were beliiR bid In nearly all euses at the rlgliest rnnije of the day. Theie had been in the early trndlni; a show of strength In many issues, with United States Steel common, which determined the tone of tho Rcnenil list, moving up lVi to lOI'i, and this upturn was followed by the majority of other active Issues. When the Washington bulletin was ubllshed, however, announcing that (lie German Ambassador had received his pasfportH a solllnc movement htnrleil. which was most pronounced hi the Murine Sasues. Marine picferred dropped fiom lis'li to fi?4. and Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies fell from 9R to HO. Then outside selling of United States Steel common came In fairly laruo volume, forcing the price of that stock in 59 -V It was not long, lunvover, before It became upparelit (lint stocks sold in these recessions were going Into the hands of powerful buyers, who had l.een walling simply for this event In order to accumulate what they considered good stocks at bin gain price. Culled Stales Steel common within a few minutes was up to above 102. Atlantic, Gulf and Went Indies recovered all Its loss In n shorl period, -uid Marine preferred was quickly back to above j. All through the rest of the list vigorous advances were In order, the sales at low levels being .o quickly absorbed that there was hardly an Instant of Interval In which the market could be called weak. Nearly nil the Important operators Joined in expressing the belief that Instead of stocks being a rale, they were a better purchase than at any time slnco the German peace proposition, made nearly two months ago. Investment buying orders enmo Into (he market In large volume, and the demand from this sourcb would undoubtedly have been larger but for the fact that telephone and telegraph communication became congested, and It was difficult to get orders through to the Kxclinnge. Hoods were quiet in the first hour, but later became active and strong, with yigoro-is buying nf nearly all (he Important railroad issues. CURB DEVELOPS STRENGTH QUICKLY AFTER NEWS OF DIPLOMATIC BREAK NHW YOItK. Feb. 3. During, tho first half of the day trading on the Curb was nervous and unsettled, but It quickly developed a strong tone when the White House bulletin telling of the German rupture was published. In the first flash there were some declines, but In a few minutes buying orders appealed from various sources In large volume, and prices of tho active Issues advanced rapidly. The trading became excited toward (ho close, when nearly everything on tlie list sold at advances ranging from 1 to 5 points. Trading in the market was moderately active, und after slight irregularity at the opening, developed strength on Increased piirchat.es. There was little feature to the trading aside from the steel and copper shares. Oils were decidedly less active, but held steady. Thero was a Mighty inquiry for the inde pendent shares, which showed fractional improvement. Motor- Mocks were somewhat Irregular, Chevrolet fluctuating at a range of more than 4 points, while United, after a small reaction, steadied. The other issues fluctuated within a narrow range on a small volume of dealings. In bonds a heavier tone was shown, with renewed activity in 1'iiiled King dom. United States Hubber Ss yielded a half to a new Jow. i.Niirvrit i.M.S Hid. Yen. i lo". .'ed. (Sale) 13 Aetna Explosives Amer-Urltlnh Mfg Amer Marconi Anier Writ Pap Can Car & Fdy Can Car & Fdy pfd . . . . Carwen Steel Charcoal Iron Chevrolet -Motors Cramp Shipbuilding . . . Curtlss Aeroplane Emerson Phonograph . . Federal Dyestuff Haskell & Darker Car. . Hendee Mfg Kathodlon lironze pfd.. Laurel Oil & Gas Maxim Munition Mldvale Steel N y Shipbuilding Otis Elevator Peerless Motors .. Poole Eng Scrlpps-Uooth S S Kre?ge w I ....... Standard Motors St Joseph Lead Steel Alloys Submarine Boat Triangle Film Todd Shipyards" United Alloy Steel:... U S Steamship Vnlted Motors World Film Wright-Martin Ail craft Kino Concentrating.... h.Vilho.mis Jlock Island 3S Rock Island A pref R4 Hock Island H pref Western Pacific w I western Pacific pref. ... 60 Wabash Pittsburgh 2'i Wabash Pittsburgh pref 83 NT.MAK! Oil, STOCKS Illinois ISO ' 830 Ohio 880 M Prairie Pipe 30S 313 S O of Cal '. 380 385 S O of N J nos 1u!i SO of NY v-S07 300 inih:i'i:nii:.nt ". stocks Barnett Oil & Gas 2 2T' CoBden Oil & Oas 13 14 Cosden & Co Federal. Oil "Vi V4 Inter Petrol " Houston Oil ' 2 314 23 0.1 II I'l 03 .0 13 11 40 38 20 .13 Mi 30 Ml 38 It K0 40 1" ft',4 l Mi 84 4 Sli 75 43H .1 37 V4 r ii 314 4 33 75 X 113 83 211 1 1 14 3D ! 3 (I 3 .-.:: 38 ; 17 00 13 17 ' I) 84 JVi 83 I4V4 5M. 38 1 1114 33 8A 71 23 35 4i 1014 11 3811 311 'A 3014 17 8V4 2014 8 Mi 81 44Mi 51i 38 M, "i UV4 to noo 278 14 15' 5 11 18 IXIIKPKXIUIXT Oil. STIICK Cnnllnueil Ye lop. Hlil. Ankeil. ISiiIpI 14 Vi 1114 Mctlltt Oil Okla Prod & It . . Osage Hominy .. Itoyal Dutch Sequoyah Sapulpa Kenning Sinclair Oil Midwest IJetllilng 14 Hli 8!li SOVi, I Mi Vi 38 14 80 MINIMI STOCKS Alaska Standard Atlanta' Big Ledge Blsbee Copper (a prosp) Uutto Copper & 7.xo . . . Dutto N Y Calumet & Jerome ..... Cerro de Pasci Consolidated Arizona... Dundee Ariz Emma Consol First National ......... Florence Goldfleld Globe Dom Goldfleld Cons Goldlleld Merger Green Monster Hecla Mining Howe Sound Independence Lead Jim Ilutler . . .' Jumbo Extei.Mlon Kewanas Kerr Lake McKlnley-Darragh Magma Copper Mines Co of Amer Nevada Wonder NIpiBsIng Mines Co Hay Hercules San Toy . .' Seneca Copper Tonopah Extension West End Con White Oak St Paul 4 ,4 a It 4 i R lVi HI :t.- ITS. 1 I In 113 714 1 7 O'tt 15 81) 15 4'K, ."0 451', iVi 7'li 3T 14 13 4 01 84 00 8T!, fill Hi 1 014 33 81 13 Hi I 814 114 Ml 311 1 : 33 118 814 114 I'il 17 71 31 17 4 55 10 8U 8 8 4 III 14U I'A 08 314 00 II I) MIS Cudahy Bs 0-i 100 Cerro de Pasco 6a 108 113 Cosden Oil 6s 108 105 Cosden & Co new Gs,...103 107 French Munlc Cs 05 0(1 Itusslan CV4s I 00 07 Husslan 614s 87 80 i Sinclair OH s 100 U0J4 Todd Shipyard Cs loo 101 Western Paclfla new Bs.. 00 00 tin King new 5Uh 1-yr. 00 00 Un King n BVaB 2-yr... 08 00 V S Itub Ss OS?; 00 13 IMC 8 5fl-y, i !l 14 30 14 4i ID 814 1T 35 ITf. HA 8 1 714 71 30 15 51 13 7 3 ii 3U 05 10S 05J4 80 00 o V, 08H 03 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS MacXamara .... Midway .... Mlzoan r.nrniiun Montana North Star ...... lleicue uuia . . . , Hid. ,IHI ' .17 .13 .'-II .14. , .87 ,Akrd. J!! .24 .10 .38 UOLDFIEI.D BTOCKB Blue Bull liooth ......... Combination Fraction DlamondAeld 11 II.... DaUr Oro Sana ivn .......... SUvar I'lck . , MISCKI.UANEOUS Arltona United Narada. 1(111 . ., Ttcopa lllnlnr .01 .08 .01 .04 .03 .03 .01 ,18 .no .jo .10 ,02 .ill ,0(1 ,05 ,05 ,04 ,03 .on .33 .18 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS VCHICAHO, Kb. . IIOOS. R'ecclpta, 0000 head. Market r.llOo higher. Mixed and butch. an. ll-f Ml kasvy, tll.TSlfti roush rj iii.'wvii. tvi iiant. ii.s4i,i.uf p'p. i. ?? .rw,k i . . . m .., jaaraci fi NEW YOKK COFFEE' MARKET NEW YORK, Feb, 3, The market for cofi'co futures opened 3 to 5 points lower ihis morning. Trading on (he call was active, with heavy transactions In March and May, first sales, amounting to mors than 15,000 bags. February . March ... April .... May June ..,. July Ausuat ... September October .. November Dacember January . . lild. Today'a opening. . 8.3508.43 .8.40 ,,8.MI , b.saeb.oo .. 8.(11108.60 .8,70 Today'a Yeaterday'a cloae. cloae, R.27W8.-.,0 8. 38 W 8. 40 8.33e8.34 8.43f8.4 H.:i7H..1M 8.47ri8.4H 8.4208.48 8.3208.S3 8.43A8.4II 8.S0ri8.S7 8.48M8.4II 8.111 W8.S3 8.S308.53 H.(UUS.B7 8.37 8. 58 8.71 8.78 8.0168.82 8.7448.75 8.A508.IIII 8.77W8.78 8.08(1)8.70 8.81&8.82 8.72W8.74 8.8308.87 New York Stock Sales Ulah. Advance Itumeiy.. 13 AJnx Hubber .... 0(1 AlnKkii Gold Mines 8 Alaska Juneau . , . n AlllH-Chalnicrs Co S31)', do pref 80 Am Agr Cliem . . 8.1 Am llect Sugar . . irji)i Am Can 30 1', do pref . ion Am Car & Fdy Co no Am Cotton (HI ... 44 Am Hide & Lea. . Ill do pief (loi)', Am Ice Sec . . Am Ltnrrcd . . do pref . . . . Am Locomotive do pief Am Mall .. .. Am .Smelting . do pief do pref II . . Am Steel Fdy. Am Sugar . . . Am Tel ft Tel. Am Tobacco . . Am Wool ... . do pfd . . . Am Writ Pap pfd. 38 Am Zinc & Lead. . 33 do pfd ... . . Annc'inila Atchison (It pfd Allan ('(Kim Line Allan Gulf .i W I da pfil ll.l 1.1 Loci pfd .. Low I5H no h 0 30 70 li 83 88li 30 I on 57 II III 38 81 I .111 18 0314 Ki:l'i 7 f,3 111 07 fNct "l-llKf, 33TI -I 1 70 1 lione. 15 on 8 0 I ' 3 i Hi 14 85 li III!', 40 118 103 7 07 114 117 35 38 103 101 131 I33'!i 803 808 Mi .'1814 38 III l li 73 1021', li III 117 37 I ' ll.l ll'& Ohio 7(1 do pfd llarrett Co . . . Ilelh Steel itn Class II w do rlgal'.i . . . llronklyn It T limns I iron llriitisvvicl: ' Ilulle .c Sup Cop. . Cal fi ttolelim . . . do pfd Can IMe Ceiil Leather .... (iiniidler Molois. . dies St Ohio ("Ill Gt West do pfd c M ,'i St I' (ill S- N W (ill H I A; Pac. . . do ctfs dp ,(- CC .t St I Chill Copper .... (iilno Coil Copper (iucll I'cabody .. col Fuel & Iron. Col Gas & Kiel'. . Consul Gas Coat Can 73 1 1.1 loo 130 vi')", lot ' 8 , 18 83 4!l 157 7014 03 All 11 31 8.1 IJOli inr, 41 8114 33 14 118 18 '4 37 185 83 Cent Insuiance Co 52 Coin Products . . . lOMi In pref ioii Crucible Steel . . . 57 do pref 110 Cuba Cane Sugar : do pief .... lid In-1 & Hudson ... I IHTn l I, & W 830 Denver & It G pref 8.1 Dome Mines 2o')i Detroit Edison . . .'llo Distilling Secur . . 3.1 Erie 8(1 do 1st pief .... 30 do .'(! pref . . . 32 Gaston Williams.. 30 (lea Klretrlctil Co. 111.1 General Motors . . I lit Goodrich I! F . . 31 do pief Ildli Great Noitliein pf.115 Greene Con Cop. 11 Gulf State Steel. .10.1 do 1st pref .... 10! Illinois Central . . 101 lilt Agrlclll II do pref 3.1 Inspiration Copper 3.1 Interbor Cons Corp 13 do pief hit llarv Corp Int Mer Murine ili) pfd lnlernl Paper do pfd Int Nickel ilo pld . ... Jewell Tea Kansas lily So. . . Kelly-Springfield. . Kcnnccolt Cop . . . l.acka Steel .... Laclede Gas Lehigh Valley . . Leo Hubber & The Llg .Vi M T Co Long Island Louis & Nash Max Motor do 1st pief do 2d pref . . . . 00 81 li 3214 08 41 . 118 18 1011 113 81 51 18 "I'd 101 73 83 355 40 I'M 50 07 Vi May Depart Stores 58 do pief 100 Mex Petrol 87 li Miami Con Copper 30 Minn & St I. new. 81 M S P& S St M..II3 Mo Kan Ik Tex-... 7 do ptef in1, Missouri Pac ctrs 13 Mo Pac w I 80 Mont Power . ... 0.1 Nat Enaiii & Stpd 27 National Lead ... 55 Nevada Con Cop. 23 N Y Air Ilrake . ..140 New York Cent . . 05 N V N II & II ... 41 N V Out lc West. 83 Norf ,-c West . . .1311 do pief 80 North American.. (17 Northern Pacific. . lo.T-, Nova Scotia' Steel 00 III 3714 38 00 li 71 10(1 08 III 8014 5.1 13 7 I IS 7314 III :o'.t fin 181, lllll 7l4 38 80 ll 17 I3VM 70 1111 fifl 1 1 14 :i3Ts 82 1201', t 83 II 20 18 118 ',:i 33 18114 88 14 32 18 !I8',4 .10 107 3.V1, 87", till 2311 20 llo 83 37 :ti 80 101 Oil ..'! I Hl'l 111 II III) III.1 Oil 1 3 14 3314 .10 13 01 81 20 (!! 38 (i 07 3? 14 1110 III '2 I 40 10 70 10114 72 Vi 8114 23.1 30 133 18 110 31 58 83 02 30 lllll 00 II 10 no 3.1 H'.lii 40 08 -t 1 103 3 00 ' 1 1 1 I 07 Vi ,18 3 10.1 121 801 . . . 38 - 01 li 37 3314 00 li 73 I0 ' ' 08 III 07 1 ' .1? 17 7(1 7314 Dili 100 130 1 "l 1 72 101 7 10 23 lT I. Ill 14 7014 03 14 .10 1 1 14 33 81 120 37 '.fl'a i, sl'u 3 ! 14 08 1214 37 I'M 8! 14 52 I04 00 I) 107 30 Oil 110 230 80 80 30 3"' 80 1(13 100 51 IIIH, 30 ('li I I 1 !, 3 r l'! Hi 3 I 1 I 1 5 3 1 a, ' Hi 8 I 314 1 8 ' 'Ji t- I t I'll 1 . 7 4- lit 3 II 10.1 10! 101 14 3514 8 Mi 5.1 ISVi on 81 " 41 08 Ml 18 inn 111 81 "t I 43 101 Mi 7.1 1 V i 14 Mi 114 -8 14 I 40 182 J10 14 no Vi 33 38 33 -4 111014 1110 -t 83 3 1 83 III) 714 13 10 0.1 8 3 14 53 31 130 01 4014 S3V4 187'. 80 17 nil 00 01 3 07 18 0.1 33 00 37 38 3.1 100 00 73 130 10 23 88 00 87 3.1 34 I 1' 7 4 I 1 -I 1 20 03 1 1 4 1 - I 5 8 14 Sugar Remains Unchanged NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Fine granulated sugar woa unchanged today at D.Tic. The last salsAn' ij)otCub. raws was at 4.83c, " . r Ohio Gas 08 Ontario Silver ... 5 On ens Ilot 0714 Pacific Mall 10 do pref 05 I'cnna It It 541, Peo Gas & C ... .101 l'eVo Marq'w I... 88', Philadelphia Co . . 38 Pitts Coal ctfs . . 38 do pref ctTs ... .100 littsbgh Steel pf. 00 Pruned Steel Car. 7 Pullman Pal Car. .100 Hy Steel Spring.. 40 Hay Con Copper.. 84 Heading 02 Hep Ir & Stl 7.1 do pfd . .'. 100 100 St I, & S F 21 30 St I, & S W 33 Seaboard A I. ... 11 do pfd 33 Sears-Hocbuck ... 8 1 8 do pfd 130 SchaUuck Ariz ... 25 Sloss-Shcft S & I. 58 Soulh Pac fliVn Southern It It ... 38 do pfd (1314 Studebuker ..v.... 100 Stutz Motors .... 40 TennCop& Clui 13 Tex & Pas 15 Texas Co, ...21S Third Ave It It... 41 Tobacco Prod ... ao Un Bag & V new, 01 do Bag & Paper 11 Union Paclflo ....134 131 134 xy4 do pref 84 83 83 United Cigar Mf(f. 42 43 43 ..... United Clg Stores 03 0 03 3 United Drug 73 73 73 United Fruit ....138 137 Vf 137 3 U 8 Cast Ir P & P 18 17 18 1 do pref 55 '33 65 II S Hubber ..... 53 81 83 U 8 Smelt & net, 64 83 84 U'8 Steel 104 00 104 3 do pref 118' 117 118 1 Ulah Copper ....107 Wabash -13 do pref A . ,. , 48 do pref H 36 Wells Fargo Ex.. loo West Maryland 1. it West Union TeDv SS Westlnghouse'Mftr 4 .1.1 llo 01 4 I 28 V4 I 188 80 07 T 105 2 00 5 01 3 5 07 III 0.1 5 54 0014 38Vi 38 38 -I 3 100 II !l 1 70 f 150 to f:i 24 1 03 1 75 11 100 31 1 85 1 1 1 33 4 810 3 130 120 , 21 35 4 3 81 1 02 88 03 100 4 40 13 15 1 815 4-10 41 1 5014 ,..,. 00 3 1 Sales in Philadelphia Net char. 14 1 r ; ' 1llch. I.01V. (ioae. 'i.in AIM In. . . 31 31 21 500 Am Hide & Leath .. 0 0 0 14 10 Am Ity Pf 0.1U 0.1 0.1 1 .10 Hold Loch. loo 100 loo ..... 10 11 & S I C 87 87 37 10 Cam Iron. 4.1 4.1 45 ..... 1000 Dlst Sec. 32 22 23 501 Eire Stor. 03 03 02 I III Elle 88 83 i 211 3 Fourth St Nat W. son 3oo .100 4-3 loo Ins CoNA 30 30 20 Ill Kenno Cop 40 40 40 I 2100 Lk Sup C. 10 1.1 10 4- 3.10 Leh Nav . 80 70 70(4 Mt 130 Leh Valley 7311" 72 73 200 Leh ValTr 21 21 21 210 Nev Cans. 2 1 21 21 800 Penna II It 31 34 54' 27 Pa Salt M. 0.1 0.1 08 100 I'hllu Co.. 38(i 38 38! lit do 5 per cent pref 30 80 30 4-2 1 10.1 Phlla Eire 32 32 32 Vi 11238 PUT tr CIS 20 28 201i 820 Heading... 01 80 80 . Ta loo.l Ton Pel . It", 4 Hi !' 2.10 Ton Mining 0 11 fl . . 300 Union Trao 14 Vi 43 13 IVi 380 IT G I ... 88 88 88 .108.1 U S Steel. 104 99 101 3 o.l Wklr&Sl 11 Vi 0 0 11.1 Cramp & S 78 08 08U .1 8.1 Yolk Itwy 14 1114 14 4- .1(1 do pref . . 3(1 3(1 30 I Tof.tl al', 27.318 lmre, iiiiiiniirril ultli (1103 lures lutt Santonin, this teck, 117,831 (hurt".; lust tiiek, 58,507 Nliures, IIOMIS Nrt HlRn. I.UM-. lit!..' Illgl, Klono Am Gas & Elee s. 00 00 0(1 r !i I.I11110 Itald Loco 1st r.s..lol!i 101 l(H 8(1(10 I) d () 3 'as IliM ...103(4 103 10314 looo lily Is 'ID. 103 8000 Interstate lly.i Is.. .1.114 10:1 .1.1 081, .10 I.10IIO Key 'I'd 1st r.s... osii 70(10 Lake Sup Ilia! r,s. . . .10 4000 Lcli N'av Imp 4s.. 103 108 I Kino Leh V ens 4'ss '03. lol nil looo do Coal lis. 10014 lo 1(1(10 Leh VnlTr 1st 5s... 01 01 looo Phlla Co con 5s . 88 88 III80I) Phlla I'llee n Us w 11031a 101 8(00 Head gn 4s 0.1 Vi 0.11, .1000 Sp A I 6s. 103 10! 2000 Schuylkill iti:s 4s. 00 00 1000 I'll It te Is 73 73 103 .1.1 U 081, .10 103 101 1 on 14 01 88 1 101 11 Vi 'li 108 . ... OO'i 73 t- Till 11 1 sil". SI30,8(KI, iniiiimriMl with M0.100 last SallinLlSI lids Heck, 8088.3110,- lilsl neek. IH8,4(M.. " Local Bid and Asked llrlll J 11 IlllOalu A Siisq 1 e. . . .In iirpf Il.ildivln liri trie Klorane . . . . llrneral Asphalt ilo rtr Krstnnp iVi i.iik" Sup Cmp .... I.hlnh Xnv I.ehlell Vul l.i'hlBh Vat Tr flu pref Ponnsylvnnl.1 I'hllu r.lottrlc I'hllu Co ilu 5 per lent laef. do il prr ctu pref. Plllla UTIr ItlMcllllB Tonopah Itiinimtl. . . . Tunopah Mln liilnn True I' II I !' S Steel York Itwy ilo prtf . Win Cramp 1 c Tenia V ' Hlil. A!i' 2H 14 .Ml 45 III 07 I .'IS 111 -', 72 21 42 31', 32', 38i 3.1 41 J0. . S7S .103', . 13', . an . ns'i YeMcnlay'a 30 nil 57 40S n.'l 27 118 14 111', 7'4 '! 54 4 8'."a 4il 411 12 JO. '4. II Hid. 211 III 4.' llj'-j lot 141, 37 13'. 1.1' SO 73 Li 12 M'. 321. Hsj 3.1 41 211'. UO'i 4'. II 41 SS loo 13 37 75 Bked. ao ml r.s I7S K3 ii It l.l'l S(l. 73', r.4 33 40 10 42 JI)'1. WO. 4". (I'i H'4 SS'a 1(H) , 14 37"i New York Bond Sales 121100 Alaska II cv 11. er A loniHI Amer Ar ilel .', 211110 Amer Cot llll 5... . 433IMHI AliKln-I'rench 5s IniiiMi Amer Hide & I, n. 21)00(1 Am Furelsn Sec 3m looo Amer Tel tit 4. 221100 Amer Tel 5b. . . . 1(100(1 Amer Tel i-w 4'.B. . liiooit Amer Writ Pun f.n . 3IIOO Armour Co 4'i... LMiioii Alfhlnon Ben In.. . loooo Allan Co Line 4'. s -"on Allan i o i.ine 3700(1 Halt H Ohio 3.11100 lo 4.s anno do cv Pn a. Ilioil lleth Steel rfd 35 14 32 310 50 00 37 03 0.1 10 13 1,1 200 41 40 00 11 Ulah l.nu 71. 71. mi, uu. 0.1 nos 1121. III'. lll.l3, 103', (MI'S HO1. . !)' 112', 101'. till .10.1 llll , h7 s7 . 04', HI'. , or. til . Il.'lli !I3' lat 111 111'. III'. Km1. :.u. . . . li.V, !'.'! . . nr.'ij o.-'s 5a .... HOT. liO'a llHloo llraiien Copper (la . Il(!' llll'j looo Hrnokltn II T 5a .. .101 nil Olioilll llrook It T 5s 11118. lllll'. 1110 louoo Can (iov 5h 1021... . Uli'n mi'i l.lllllll do 5s 1II2II Il0 Hil'4 I110110 ilo .la 11131 nil's llll'? soon Cal i;a & i:iee 5a. .loo loo 21000 Chill Copper 7a 124 l'J3'i 2IIOOO Ches & Ohio IV 4'j HI'. SI 030IIO do mnv 5a 01, HIS 1000 Chi lit Weal 4... . 71. 71V noon Chi & Nwti ceii 4. . n7't 07', 220011 Chi 11 Q Joint 4h.. . lisS HH' r.000 Chi II ft Q 111 S'.iH 87 87 5000 Chi M A H P rfd IS a lllt'j 00V. 370011 da cv 4S !"( 1'0'a 1000 Chi It 1 & P rfd 4. 74', 74. 1 1000 do 5a 70". 70 100(1(1 Col & Soulh 4S.. s.'.S S.1S r.OOll Coliiii Tab Iter Co II. SO hll 31000 Con C.aa conv ll. . 120". 120. nooo.lien & Itlo 11 4a.. . N2S X2, 12"(Hl'l)ls .Seiur Corp 5a... OH lis 5011(1 llrle conv 4a ser II.. Ill 0.1 2011011 Indiana Htoel .".. ..loi', 1"I' IIOOO Iowa Cent ref 4a II 511 230011 111 Cent 4s 1053 . . . 8M', SK'i sllloil InterU It T ret 5a ... US'). HS 2IOOH Inlor Mer Jlur (la 01 01 loooo lutein! Paper (la ....loi 101 400(1 Jap now e a 4Sa ... 70. 7lj 2000 do new IS la K. 88, 100(1 K C Kt S ft .Vn4s 70S 70S 20011 Kan tily so na s sw lOIIOll l.mka Steel 5a 1U23..101 2000O do 5a 1050 HI 20000 Lk Sh deb 4a 11131... 03 looo Lorlllard 5 loll, loooo Louis Si Ja'i 4 . . DO. 11100 Mex Pet Co Os Ser C.llKI .111 77. . nn'i .1011 Close 71's. mi'. mil. in. liia'1, mi'. II2S un'. 10.1 S7 itl'i (14 113', II4S 100 113 I'.IS no'. IHIS 101 100 H'l'S nos WIS 100 124 SI .If. 117 , IIN'i 87 now I 111 J. 74', 70 85S Sll 120i S21, (IS 115 Hll'4 511 8SS II8S lit 101 70Vi ss 7(11. so IL'OOII Minn & Ht Ii 5h 221100 .11 K & T lat 4s . . 4.1000 Mo Pac 4 w I 21000 Montana Power 5a mono N Y Atr 11 cvt . . 100011 N Y C & II eon 4. 7IHUIO do i: I nun do 41, a 2111111 NY Nil t It II. . . . 110(100 N Y O & IV lat 4a. IliniHt N' Y Itwy adj 5s ononrt X Y Tet .n 4S a 470ni N'nr Pac prior 4a. . . 1 110(10 do Ken Sa 5000 Ontario Power 5a. . . IHino faring rei r.a.. SHIMI'I l'aeino Oai 03 100 18V4 I!4 K 46 46 ..... 81 85 00 00 8 81 98 03 ,,,. 40 40 8 ,80 88. -l II llll. 100. H3S 4 (US IMS nil', lol'.i nil 1111 100 ion 5NU 5 77 77 r.n net inn mo IMS mm 104S . . r.,i- nin nil. ..108V. 107(1 107S lllll. HIP. U0ai ..104 104 104 . . 70S 70S 70S . . 3S 374 .18 . . do nn no . . ins 04ii 04; . . 1174. (171 07H . . 03'( !1K, nav, . .innu ions loo', . . oa nas 02, ..10a. 10.1U, in.m ..ninu, uiim innii ..ion. mis iniH .. 11211 02 0211 114 1131 113; n.v. cn 07. 5, 7i 83 n2 "2S 115; IHIH 71S 31 iis; 84U, I'.'U S(1S 112's 05(4 mm 71 li 51 074 SIS 02(1 811V7, 1'2S aa 5. nono l'enna sen et 4Sa 5000 IVnna en lv.a. . . 3000 l'enna 4 Via 1H21.. tr.OdO luhlp Herv N J 5a 11000 1'ere Marquette 5a.. ROOD Hemline sn 4a 11000 Hep Ir t R tt 178000 St I. & H F nit Oa . 7000 do In 5a 40ftiiiio do 4a aer A. . . . 3"00(l do 8a aer H 7000 Heahoard A Ii adj 5a 41000 South Pae cv 4a.... anon Unuih Tni rM 4a.. nonoo Kouth Pac cv 6a 1021. loo ion "30011 Knnth 11 wv Ken 4a. . . . 74 '4 73'; 74 150011 South Itwy con 6a. . .102S 111314, 1H2U, 33000 Texaa Co cv Oa ion lft.ls, 105; 1000(1 Toklo 6a 108V4 10IH. lOnli iiinnn 11 h n o n Os.... ions man, lnnu 14000 II H llunoer 11a, , . . , . ma-, moon I H Hleel S F 5a...,.lnnl 23000 Cnlon Pac lat 4a.. e. OS.' 5000 l'n Itwya R V 4a.... 31 R4000 U K et O II I Ba... 07 , 15000 du "Ss- lnio...... on; Itooo do 5S 1081 OO'i noon v. Car chm lit 5a..ino anon wil.on Co Ha 102 3(K0 Wat)-!' T lat ct 1 P 4a 83 780(0 IVe.t Md lat 4 7514 1()'"l 102'; 10.1. BREAK WITH GERMANY DOES NOT CAUSE SELLING OF STOCKS HERl Market Acts Well When News of Severance of Diplofj matic Relations Is Received Declines Took Place Early in Session Ifl.-vai ns.,, ..".,, 31 ; 35 inli nn', mm WW, ons n( inn jnn 101 in-j si 33 75i 75V4 When the news of the break In diplomatic relallons between- the United States and Germany was received In tho local financial district It was not followed by the throw I11B over of securities en the Stock Kx chanse. llefore the newo came out stocks liiul siiURlit lower levels, the decline being due largely to n continuation of the selllnp; of the Inst two days, brought about by tha announcement of the new submarine cam p.ilKd b Germany on Thursday. in taking (Ills course (he market simply followed a time-worn cuslom. In limes Kotie by when Impoilant things have oc curred tluV have been discounted in the stock market ahead of time and when tho actual news came out the changes In stock prices were lelatlvely small. This Is tho business of the market. It deals In futures. It was In Philadelphia Itapld Transit irus-t certificates that the heaviest trading occurred. That Issue was sold down to 28 early In the first hour, n loss of 1, as compared with the final figure of last night. An encouraging thing about .Transit was the fact that there were those around the room and Street win vucre anxious to pick the certificates up at n lower level, and tills. possibly more than an.vthlng else, held thil price r.rm around ine lower level. ga n-ha wlileat break was In nnmn avi-'4I . .. , . . -'i ip.i Dunning, me iinic ui iiihl aiocii aecortlnf points early In tho session. This stock hti become very Inactive nnd, therefor changes In the priro of It are not lndlctorlU of the general market Another renson !: (hat the stock Is more or less closely htMjl because of the Interests In New York which r have got Into tho company and who a.. intercsteu in me reunancing plans whlchi'J are now under consldcradon. ! While (he changes In Lake Superior Cor iteration Block were not large, tha en. pany's 5 pef cent Income bonds chanctj); nanus ni a loss ot u points as contpareaf" with the last previous sale on Wednesday (.'lilted States Steel common wna ih ,a..K active, but the decline In that issue was' nor-' large. J In the last few minutes of trading th t, iiuic mit.ivui. -uiiic; u.ii, ,,ioai 01 lha activity was In Philadelphia Hanld Tran.n trust ccrtlllcates. tho price advancing li:S 4tonl.s 41la tsaa tlAlhl asiBsi.l .A1lla .. m l7L iiwiii niv iu.y ftviiit, niiutpcilllin up R IffcC- won auove mo nnai or yesieraay. The cteiii snoweci oniy a iraciionai cnange lor the day xm xne ncaie-uown, t1 f4 T Ml Is PHILADELPHIA MARKETS ivH GUMS AND FI.OUK 1VHI1AT lleeelpls. (10,131 hush Market iiu aettled. with mile demand, mutation;: .(.ijr lota, In export elrvator No. 2 red. spot. Il.t.ise I.niij No. 2 southern red. tl.7Htft.78. steamer No. 2 red, $1 flWI 70. No. 3 red. $1 71 7(1. rejerte.l A. 1.H7( 1.72. rejerled II, 1 113 J I s CIIIIN Keis-lpta, 411.3113 bush. Trade waa iiulet. lllll prices rilled llrlll under lluht oner I1BS Uunlallons. Cur loin for Incnl tnule. ns to Inea llon No. 2 yellow. 11 13S6I1.11S. No. 3 tel Uiw. tl.l'-S4'1.13S; Nn. I M'IIom. Illu'i" 1. IIS. No. .l.yellon, tl.dsS il I.IIHS . OATS Iteielpta. S4.707 bush. Orferlnna were llEhl liiul iirleea ruled atemb. hut trade waa illliel. IJllotnllors No 2 While, IISWUSSCI atandaril white. (l7MI7Si- No 3 while, IllKP llllSe, No I while. ll.V'HIRc shiiipIh oata, 112 8 (13c KUItit lleielplB. llllll blila. anil 700.283 .Ilia, 111 aaeks Trade waa dull nnd prices were un aettled. (Juolatlona. per 100 Ihs 111 wood: Win ler, clear. t77.2.1; do, atraUht, t7.25if..i5l do. palent J7.7.1SIS; Knnaaa. idear. rotloil sinks. J7 2.15,7.511; do. atrnlnht. cotton sarka. 7 75r(N. do. patent. Cotton aarka, tHWN.'J.l aprlne. flr-t elear. $7.50417.75, do. patent. IS. 10 4i H.3.1, foMirlte branda. $H 756 H 2.1. lity tnllla. choice und fnney n.itent. tN.75tiV.25: city tnllla, rejtular grades Winter, ilenr, J75T7.23; do, alrnlithl. t7.25M7.75: do, patent. 17.7581S. Hlil Kl .O I'll waa quiet nnd uiirhatised IV e iiuota 17 ."()?( 7.75 per l.l.l . as to quality PROVISIONS Tli!.' .hm lttl' traillni: but aluii wpt flrml li'l1 Kollowlnff art th (iuotatlnn: City pft. In Hts. nmokfd and alr-tJrloil. .t4r; Ws-Mpi-m beff. In FPtB. smoked JUc; rlty bt. UnucktfH aihI ttMHleris, Htnokd and alrtlrtpii. ..rp; western h?t, KnucUlfa nnd tftidern, mokBd. 3.V'j tpcf Iinm-i. $l!fHaO; igrl. f.imliv. $aao33.."Ui lianii, .s. I rtirp'l, 1oom,. li) dil!Oo . do. iKlnn'd, Inopp. 'JO'S llll'ic, do. do. smoked, Si (if 1'tHr; othr ham., hinoltfd, rlty turd, an 1 brHtid and aeraB'. l!1c; ham p. ("molted. wrstern rurpd, Jli'. bolleij. Ijonelens. rillc; picnic tthoul drrn. H, V cured, loos. I.Vac do. smoked. tU'io; 1ipI11 In pkklp, Hrcunilnff u aprncp. loosv. lHc. brPHkftiPt baron, as to brand and nvprage, city curd, l!tc; brpakfust baron, went prn curpd. 2 It, lard. wpnt-rn rpflned, tierce. 174'. lo, do, do, tiibp. 17'ic, lard, pure rlty, Uptt Ip rpiidpfj'd In t lercen lltyc: la rd, pure ;lty, kettlv rendered, in tubs. 17'(c REFINED SUGARS TIip market wan qulpt but uteady. Itpfln pr' llvt prlrpa: laXtra line Kranulated iJ.TSc; powdvred. .Hi".c, tonfectlonera' A. (t.OSc, noft cradea, ilMl.r.Oc. DAIRV PRODUCTS lU'TTKH firm, undpr small nurrlleit, brtt trade riulet (Juotatious: Weil em. freh. aulldpnckeil crefltnery, fancy specials, -lie; extras, -iirMUo; extra first", ami -lOr: flrata, 3KW 5f .txc, sec ondn, lVt (&'3ric; nearby print, funej, 47ii; nver hkp. extra. 4.1 it? 41c. tirfttn. :iMiff4()c; secondi. 3 mAUr, special fancy brand of prints JobblnK at IN ft Mr. I'AUiH Trad was quiet, with little, change in price. Quotation follow. Nearby extras, 4ie per ilon; nearbv ilrsts. $13.11, per cusp; nearby turrenl recelpti", $13. MO pr tase. weatrn. ex traa. 41v ier doz: do. extra, tlrata, $l.i.nr per rum?: do, Hrata, $13.h(l per raae, fancy selected candled freah pkbh were Jobblns at frZiPTtoc, CI1KKHK Thp market was quiet, but ilrm under IlKht offerlnKH. Kollnwlnir are the quota llonH: .New York, full (ream, faniy held, 'j."i ftd LTi'ac; do, do, fair to Rood, held, in1 S'lM1 c; do, part fiktms, 13$fi'1c. ' POULTRY I.1VB Huled Arm under IlKht nfferlnna. but Ihprn was little tradlim. Juutatlons: Kowla. mm "lo quality, HiKriL'l'r: roovtera, Xivtc; sprlns rhtcUen, aoft-meated, 20 W 22c, White Lea-horn. iin-ordlnK In ctuullty, ll)tU21r ducks, aa to size and quality, H(H'2-V: turkeys. 2221'; KCeae, 1''(ii2L'c: plKeona. old pvr pair, 2830c; do, jounw. per pair. 20I(,2.e. DHK.sSlil waa generally firm under light of ferlnKH and a fair Inquiry. tSuuiba were quiet and eaaier. Quotations: Krtshkllled poultr, dry-packed fowls, 12 lo lo. dry-picked, fancy, aelei'ted, 2."c: v.eighinff 4 lbs, und over apiece, 24Hr; welKhlns 3ls iba. apiece, 22(JT2R; weigh Ins 3 lbs. apiece, 2062lc fowla, In bbla,, fancy, dry-picked, welBhlna- 4 lbs. ami ovei apiece, 24c, smaller sizes, 18,9221, old rooHters, dry picked, luc roast hiR clilcltena, western, dr.v plcked. In boxes, weighing H&10 Iba. per pair, 2.Vi"l.itr; ro',tinK chickens, western, in bnxea, welEhlnR 7 Iba. per pair, 23024c, roasting chick ens, western, dry-packed, in bbls.. wcijjhlnc K to 10 Iba. per pair. 25c: roasting chickens, western. In bbls,. weighing: 7 Iba. per pair, 21it22c: hrolllng chickens, western, In boxes, weighing ;.tn 4 lb, per pair, 25fi2c; thickens, weighing rfit. lbs, per pair, 2Iw21e; do. mixed aUea, IK tSU'Oc, brollera, Jersey, fancy. 3J3,"ic; broilers, other nearby, weighing M'2 iba. uplece, 3uilf 32c; turkeys, per lb Knncy neurb. 3i;tfl33c; fancy western. .'tl'tfpaSc; fair to good. 3(l31c: old toma, 2!lff30c; common, 21F27o, ducks, nearby, 23tU2rc; do, western, niv2Uet geae. nearby. lIKUlMc; do. western, lN(f2(K!, squab, per doz White, weighing 11 to 12 Him. ppr doss.. $ri..0t?in.7r. wbUe, weighing 0 to 111 lbs. per riox.. $4..'.r.i.3.i. white, weighing. 8 b. per tin.. 4CM.2i: do, welRhlng 7 lbs. per ilox.. $.t 2.iKi...4i.;.do, weluhliiK -.Cttli'a lb. ptr doz . $2.2nfti2.r.H. dark. $2U2.Su smali knd No. 2. UOt It $ 1 . , Kl.ES) FRUITS Oflertnaa were onlv nmlerate and priiea ruled aleady, lut there waa lllll.. trading-, quota l''i": T.Al,p,'t"' '""". iJil:.TVork Imoerlal. t3W iu-5i Ji'P Uavla, ta:i.3U: llaldivln. So' 1. t3.755.50: do uneraded. t33.30; flreenlni ft?' ' .'4-R!,W5'.r'l" ,ll- uni-raded. I3SC4.25: Klllfia. No. 1. tl.50iri5.,do. unt:radd, t34: Htnyman. No. I. t4V3: do. ungraded.' t2.5(l .;?V,!,Vnr."aD' ;So' ' --.50(i: do. uncraded. t2.5i)W3.5(ii apples, norlhwestern. per box. tl 50 M2.50: lemons, per host. t2.. 10 (if 3.50: oranges, I'.,!1.;, pfr rra," I,r,.hv. -.-'.lM2.75i ruaaet I2M2 50 tnngerlnea. Florida, per atrap. t34: iirapefrult. l-lorlda. tier crate. t23.50: nUie apnlea, Florida, Indian Illver, tier crale, I" "5 a. 23; cranberries, Cape Cod. per bbl Fancy late varletle. tfifitil. early blaclt.t3W4i cranlSrriV.! cape Cod. per .rote. 11.751,2. do. Jersey, dark, per crate, tl. tnvi 7.1 1 do, Jersey, light. ror crate. II 50; atrawberrlea. Florida, per qt., VEGETADLES The market ruled firm under amall aunniie. but trade waa nulet, Quotatlona; VV'hlto nola. loea, per buahel Pennsylvania, choice. t2 "5S4 2.33; Nawr Yorli, choice. t2.2.1l2.ao. VVhita potatoea, Jeraey. per bosket, tl 11735. Sweet a .;?. ;;; .." v, v, ; .,"; r.' ".". -y't and Mart land, per hamper, tl 350 1.40. Swotl ,'o.ui.fvn. .leieej. per iJB.Kei .o. 1. UOelill. .No. 2. HttilKic. Onions, per 100-lb. baa No 1 fi while. t7.30f 7 7.1; No. 1 red. .7; No. 2. mJf' Mtl.30. Cabbage, Danish, per Inn. ttloJlij.'S do, aouthern. per hamper, tl.75(2.2.1. Srlnach'' Norfolk, per bbl, t2W2,7.1. Kale. Norfolk" -BefV' bbl.. HKH.35. Cauliflower. Norfolk . ir o-..ltr,f; tl 11.5(1. I.eltute. Florida, per basket, tt.BOB ',1 2.10 tin, Virginia, per hiiskei, 1H9I.50! do ", .. . . """.".." "." .. ..'.....". ofan,, riuniiH. ier oaaaei ,reen, .lu..ou; (13 2.1. Kggplant. Florida, per box. It Till Petttiera. Klnrlde ,,ee It... ,CT n. Huaah. Florida, per hni. tl. 7592.25." Pelt?! r iuii.i., iii uu.n.i, ..,.u,'. iuiiihiu,',, J. )0f Ida, tier crate. I1.50&3.25. Mushrooms, per 4. lb. basket, tl 1.3.1. o. neani. , 'I Wax. tiy! x. I2.25K fa ,.W.25. ZX 25. Pen. n toe., Klor-W 'ma. per 4.5i'i NEW YOKK BANK STATEMENT $, Big Gnins in Average and Active Loan.,' ' Surplus Drops NEW YORK, Feb. 3. -Tlie New York liank atatemeiit this week Miown blB glm1 In both (lie average anil actual loans. Bolhj (leinanil and (Ime deposits were greater. The surplus ilroimed lti both stateinen(. i ACTUAL I Loans Net .demand deposit. Net time, deposit . . . . Cfrrulntlnn tlteforvo own vaults Heaerve aerve deserve other deposits AKKregali' rierve. . . . Heaerve required. . . . Murplu Inert,.,, i . 13.51 1,537,000 t37.ISSS.0IKl '! I . .1, noil. "11. noo ll.l'ini.non J lllS.3llll.onil 844,000 1 I 28.7(13.1)0(1 MO.CKKlJ n.'I'.MIHS.OOO 17,037,01101 25; No. a, tl. 5042. Sweet potatoea, Delawira Federal He- 101,1134,(1110 "7.87(1.0008 57,3(11.0011 non.oooj 7BS.3B3.0110 2.1, 224,0001 (122,1113,401) :il)(l.07l) " 1115.4110.510 25.1114 1170 1 Liit.wnicn jiiiij.-ii.'.imiii ia apeele. AVEItAHH Loan. t.i.r.ti.nsn.ono t3n,r,4,ooo1 Net demand deposit... 3.(103,430.000 l7.13D.00ni Net time deposit 1117.104.000 l,31,IKKk,l. Clrrlllallnli 'JS.lll7.n00 .r.fl rum fa tHeaerve own vaults. . 530.338.0011 23.4n(l.nmiltl Keaerve Federa 1 Ite- I serve Ilanka 2(11.0(11,001) "O38.O00S Heaerve other deposits 57,178.(100 .IMI.isi-iv.J Ainrrpcnfi. reaerio Tfio ifinnnn ail noannA.ill IteiSirvo required... . (122,5(11,520 "2,l(78!niwt:l .Surplus 1(111.(130,48(1 2l,07(J,HMSi (in wnien iii.i, iiin, uiio la specie, .llecrease. iit'Tsmrc HANIf STlTEirevT State banks Vij Loana Investments.., (Sold Currency bank notes Deposits &H0,577,MH ucsene on deposit.... 12.1.11114,000 I'ercentaire reserve. 27.1; Increase, I Trust comnanlea . Lnntis lnv,itm,nl, 1 TnQ'innilO tOSfi.'VfiAa) Cold 145,728,11011 ll!32,2(KI !U urrency uanK uius.. in, ,;ih,iiihi i,.iii,iihi i Depoalls 2.11)5.327.500 21.753.200 I Heaerve on depoalt... 403.(1117,100 2.200 (Hf BTATK HANKS, TIIUaT CUMI'AKItiS KOT,' REPOHTINO TO CLEAniNQ HOUSE I Loana Investmenta.. . 1743.0511,300 25,400' liold (Il,.l)!),(lll 1.327.B0(l5 Currency bank notea. n,Mi(l,7(io 418,S(Ki7! ".,. i .ia..a..i, ruin nut fiiifk n uitK nnaf lUldl ur,iunun ..n., irun, inns ,,rin,Dvw h .Vet depoalts Tl.H,h82i2(KI 3.77n,lM.l lloaarva nti r1sr.mll in KM JDII l .TMS 4ik.LMJ ,. . "."-. .7 o i a, ""J" j-f rL'fniuKu ui rcntnc, ,10.0; iiivrtruvtr, J.-. lieireane. i GOOD GAINS IN CLEARINGS 1418,550,300 4S.31fl.5l II) 21,74!1,WI() 1, 11110,2(1(1 &1 18.0111,41)111 tR3O,10(lM 1,258,000 ifl I ,1IU1,III LK.OlD,400 O.UUat,lJJll VI Total of Country for Week Much Abovejjl Last Year The business of the banks throughout th country continues to expand. For the week! ended today the total clearings were $5,605,; DOB, 393, as against $5,318,942,601 last vveekj and $4, 682, 733,709 the same week last year. Philadelphia's gain over the corre-J spondlng week ot 1916 was 38.3 per centf the third largest gain in the country. Details follow: New York.. (2 Chicago . . . Philadelphia. Ilostnn .... St. Louis... Kansas lity. S. Francisco (MtlslmrKli . Detroit . . . Haltlmora . . New Orleans 7(10,0.1(1.81.1 12,508,81(1.033 31)2,723.575 281,007,(117 17, .188,077 1I.8I13,5S0 102,2.15,830 77.244.24lt 114, 023. 045 42,0(10.735 311, 1128,1)31 29,443,104 10UI 301,(1.10,781) 'jn3.nN7.i4it 1.111, 223, 4811 --17.S. 74.7117.1131 ..311(1 0.1,138,258 ..50.9'? 48.401.1)32 . - r.n r 52.374.721) 22.4 i I 28.llU,liH8 --4S.S' 3II.4U4.113 4- 0 4' 20,159:204 VS.r Kleen eltlea Ovh day. 14, 0S3.885.558 3, 503,005, 013 18.4' Othee cllles r l five daa.. 692.481,374 489,403.286 2IUJJ ToUl all ' lij cities Ave -1 dais ....14,078.340,(132 13.974,048,320 17.7 J Alt cities one day 927.04R,4ai 708.683.380 430.1 Total all fit I fit f II ! week ....t5.0O5.893.303 t4. 082.733.709 18.T FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Foreign cxchanM (tuotutlons today were extremely nominal. in so tar as could be learned, none or in banks or odier operators are doing any thing In (he market. i Quotations follow: ' Demand sterling 4.7D. cables -4.76 7-16. j Franc cables 5.84 i, checks 6.83 , Itublo cables 28.60, checks 28.50 Ilelchsmark Lire cables Swiss cables' Vienna cables 's 5.84?;, checks 6.834. , s 28.60, checks 28.60. i : cables 67 , checks 67 H. f 7.27, checks 7.28. Ii i 5.01. checks 6.02. P. len 10.82, checks 10.80. West End Trust Company January 26, 1917 Total aules. 3,311,0O, compared with .. 7.18.0(H) last HatnrdaTi thla week, (26,337,OOU lu.t week. 122.711'i.OOO. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Feb, 3. I1UTTER Receipts, mini tuba. Generally ateady with fair trad, passlna-. No change In quotation.. KQUS Ilecelpts.. S210 eaaea. Demand good! nrlcea very firm. Kitraa. 48(4 ti 49ci extra flrata. 48oi flrsla. 47047(4 el aeconds. 40tf4Uei storage flrsta. 41c: aeconds. 30V, 40Hc lower grades. 30O89ci white. 50051c. BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared with corral spondlng day last two years 1917 101(1 lots Philadelphia. 163, 127. 717 13(1.18(1.240 tS4. 508.300 lloaton . .... 40,188,514 82,295,840 23.840,18.1 New York. ,,787.1)03.812 441.613,837 275,811,723 i ' . i Resources Gall Loans Time Loans ...... Bonds. Stocks, etc. Banking House . . . Cash i Capital ..:..;..'., Surplus . . .' Undivided Profits Deposits .' . Liabilities $4,595,253:27 ...... 84,765.00 5,588,216.68 1,000,000.00 ,. 911,432.94 $12,179,667.89 .$2,000,000.00 . 1,800,000.00 8,093,814.60 $12,179,667.89 V Individual Corporate. Trust Funds MIMtttlMttlMittM,.,,,.,,, KlttttMtltttt,,,, $5,962,467.14 S jtnnoennnni la iv,upv,uvv,.vv yP' un - V, Uokv.LBii!a KatM Wly .qyerlandi.. 'S . BAR8ILVER ., . ,.. .- ---" r A ym r r y, J - : .. Ht aavt-xjli -J'V7,,,r ' '"' ,M Wol