Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 03, 1917, Night Extra, Image 13

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    , rjwz
iThrcc Teams Tied for Lnst
Ploce ana j. nree iui
Point Targets
scored broken
10 22H7
. ; . -1JT
; . .. k -jMt
:;.; h 21.7
;.: atsi
; : 7 2211
;::;... i -m
.'...1 . 'i -"
' . ' ii 2iat
; ; 2115
iv,t Chester
lliti)nfton ..
I izfp .
liOien. ,.
CmiO'n . ,, HrllKULM.K
BiAwf t Lansdafc.
Ii ii.rMt In the Philadelphia Traiisliooters,'
Rjague "Vce Is riinmmt.ky.hlth, Uach
ITTihe ten clubs meet tne i-omiiniiiun w.
uTchimplonsHIp becomes closer.
"r i... .in. i.nil It that If the S. 8.
P wMtes pullel a victory over Its Uvula.
Ia WMte pu . ... 1)etinant.
K f"1. ."' 'i-.u.i,i nrn ile'siilte the fact
; $ut in ,... .i, whites, beat
K in.dale bv five targets. West Chester by
fe.n :rim Ch.t.r. 440 10,1 02. ,no;.d
iin necond place, one iiomi ucmuu u
f lr. ana loomed up as a candidate for the
Ei .. ..
al n.-j.' stioit may inrovv- mu wn.ii.
R chances the West Chester marksmen have
W .' h.v nnnose men ni" ."" .......
' i.r.;H, That race wll be clo-ely .fought.
tv "" .. .i .i ..m when t Is learned
R last Saturday's event West Che,.
Iv baked 40 out of 500 tarKets to Olen
Willows no
. ...,.,.... ,.,oi ii,n Itlchlaml ciovvcl oil
..T.M..l "1 rniiml. nnd a victory Is most
P ' , ,1 If nasi flsures count. Last week
h X Whites score,! 437. while Highland rolled
IV 419 out of 500.
K Willi-... H'vern.. local .hot f th, KS
L TVhlt". "" " . . , irwiiviflnni liiirl. nun
If. honor, of the league each gunner breaUing
! Unset, each. This Is nil average uf D2 4.
Meets E. C. Beall for Golf Cup as
Freezing Winds Assail .
riVEHl'ltST X C. Keb .1 A voung
Imoon fringed with Ice that left the .Volt".
Pole "he day before arrived at IMnehurst.
ind the semifinal roundr weie played under
almost Impossible goinng conditions
At the frozen finish Norman Maxwell,
of Philadelphia, and i: C Beall or i;n'.on
town Pa., emerged as victors for toda.Vc
Anal' Norman .Maxwell defeated Heniy
Seggerman, 6 up and 4 In pla.v, both men
scoring high, as It was nlmost Impossible
to hold a club
The final between Ueall and N'orinnn
Maxwell will be played a. I o'clock today.
This contest should be evenly fought, as
.both men are capable of very high-class
rolf, weather conditions being at all sult-
,, able.
;' The semifinals Norman Maxwell de-
1 ieated Henry Seggerman, fi and 4 ; H. C.
', Beall defeated 1.. W. Maxwell, 1 up (twenty
l holes),
Bowling News
Curtis League matches rolled on Ter
minal Alleys last night resulted In Beck
I Engraving winning all three games fiom
C; Evening Ledger. Lngravlng outrolled Color
StiPresi In two games out of thice. McICee
squad won two from Country Ucntleinan.
Journal Press won all three from I'ost
I press.
l. . Rlchter, Howaid, Koch, Algayer. Boda,
IjiCerman, Hosenberger and Avll lolled well
jRJfor their respective teams, getting a score
Bf f 200 or better In, a game or more. The
totalled scores follow :
, Flchttr... l.'.r, 1st ?2
Ward. .. 14a 192 m.s.
.slack. ..
lfls i.i7 isr.
llid 174 14'l
I'll! 1.111 17.1
14(1 188 1J1I
:-, Biker. .. isi 147 mn
n Slmpion 124 K.4 nil
p Cunrham. 107 lfld lM
ninoiop. ai ai 3i
' ToUIn . 833 855 SB'J
Total! . 750 811 844
143 140 1T..1
1112 143 1.11
I'll lti'l 15.1
l.lll 1111 213
221 W.J 173
21 21 21
1.10 H3 1.1.1
170 2.17 ISO
inn inn mi
Kaean. . .
Avll.. ,.
14(1 1H3 22.1
Otrmann. 161 170 '.'07
Totals . 801 878 sou
Totals . 8bJ 83t RMl)
14U 171 IS2
HIS 143
121 1S7 l.ir,
1381411 1.11
Mill . .
O Hale
II. Hale..
1.17 102 113
108 183 171
1(1(1 12(1 171
1.18 1411 170
luctrtus, lKi inn i mi
ISO 180 124
l 08 1
Totala . (101 781 7S8
Totals.. 767 838 771 JOURNAL PRESH
160 1(1!) 1,14
Kill 180 MS
155 1.18 157
Kill 152 184
134 . 15.1
.. 1117 ..
Ill . .
774 765 t00
(t Oretor.
113 181 148
133 1(12 15.1
137 147 128
170 126 11111
180 138 181
20 , 2(1
nnuss. .
Korbes .
Tolali,. 783 784 738
It m. iniion i,au MutrjK bv winning two
5s nm rrom Tool Hoom aquad won lh rhamplon.
on two from Turning.
In Kaiaton Club Section II surles last lllsht
n Keyitone Allea Rangora Jolted Terminal
-Olt hy Wlntltne Iwn attmm Trinlnnl Vela
b Jon three from Acthcs. while Scull representa.
rS Ifman, of Terminal Colts, totaled 631. gettlne
aysSai In his flrat and third setnea and 181) In his
ftHjond. Jficholas. of Vets, after startlnu with
" tr .' lwlco resisierea yu scoroa. urown, R team.
iL . sov .un in ma serona aame, jonn (Jay
R "ncludd with 212, Scull bean with 213.
Lit .!' 0I iioaney Davis, knocked down 2l( In
w au second game, and Rodney Davla himself
tf secured 200 In hts second game.
Th Quaker rity League matches ana In proved
leltlnt". The Titers won two sames from Wynd
ham. The Olanta defeated While Elephants,
ho were crippled. In three consecutive frames,
and Majestic won two from Helmont. The Wynd
nan Colts versus Maneto series was postponed.
ThA (llanla .n th i.pnnn (r.m. tmm k
Elephants by one pin, the acorea being 83,1 to
Ml, and the final by two pins, by a margin of
fii tO fla.2.
i. CftDtaln F!ddl nrniimin rolled
L'57 In his
t. win norc 10 Keep on aereai,
? tf..t. .A,..A b-. n oin 11 r.,A nno
la. Qlants.
71ooil crarked oilt a S2.1 score In hla thlnl
K' ,11111 with Wyndham. Martin totaled 608.
Pamiihall. nf Mal.sttc Seconds, secured f?!ft
vain ina mira game aa-ainsv ueimoni.
"Sure, That's
WHy They're
Called Palm
Beach Suits
Visitors to the 112th nrfnual exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy
of the Fine Arts, which opens to the public tomoirovv, will see this
powerful painting entitled "Coke," in which the artist, W. G. KrluR
hoIT, a member of the art staffs of the Ledgers, has depicted his con
ception of a "dope" addict.
Joseph T. Pearson, Attilio Picca-
rilli, George Bellows and Haley
Lever Win Gold Medas
Avruids In the 112th niiiiii.il exhibition of
the Pennsylvania Academv of the Klue Arts
were made thW afternoon fm the linger
The awards announced wip as follows-
JOSIII'K T r'i:.VII.O.V. for "Thf Tln'." tlerU
Cnl,l Mednl
ATTILIO-l'ICl'IRIM.r. fur The I'lower of the
Alps" Onorrie II. Wlilener dalil MeclHl.
tll'.OIUlK HKI.I.OWS for ' A luy In Jun.. "
Ti-mpplH dol! Medal
ll.VI.LV l.nVKIt. for "Jlnrnlng In the llurbur."
Jennie Seaman Gold Midat.
The nwardn gave geneial (-.itlsfactlon to
both radicals and conservatives. Mr Poui
sou was also tlic winner of medals in
previous exhibitions.
Philadelphia nrtlMs were particularly well
represent (I. W. O Krleghoff, one of the
staff nrllMi of the I.EDriKR", received for
his recent painting. "Coke," Iho honor of
a conspicuous place In the gallery It Is
work that has a social and moral message
. . -i.. ,.t -...-..! t.ni..a !
ni equal imporiaiK'o wiui uiB uBuieuv.. ..r..h ,
llie urust fl txnrepyion oi leeiuiK Ki"i'
the dope evil.
rorn pitizi:.s
Many vvoiks of piomlslng artists aio
being shown for tho Hist time, and aitlsts
iuoughout the country are looking forward
to a distribution of laurels to a few "un-heard-ofs."
Most of the exhibitors are
seeking the pilzes that arc offered through
the Academy. Kour prles aie to be award
ed during the exhibition..
The Academy gold medal of honor will be
awarded by the board of directors In recog
nition of some artist's high achievement In
the profession.
The Philadelphia pilze will bf awarded
during tho week of JIarcli 4. the winning
work being chosen by tho votes of visitors
during that week. Some younger rirtlst
who has not yet made a standaid reputa
tion will be a beneficiary of tho Lambert
fund. Tho George I). Wldencr memorial
medal will bo awarded to tho most meri
torious woik In sculptuie.
Tho exhibition this year will have some
thing to please naarly every taste. Theie
are enough vvoiks to pleaso thoso who
"don't know anything about art, but know
what they like," end plenty to thrill and
6atlsfy the conscience of the connoisseur.
Among 'the sculpture pieces are shown
some of the latest work by Adolph A. Wein
man, who designed tho new coins for the
United States, and Paul Mnnshlp. vihosa
"Dancer and Ga'zelles" lias received much
favorable comment
Among the paintings. Philip L. Hale, of
Boston, one of tho teachers at tho Academy
schools, Is well represented. Ills painting,
"Morning Joy." Is In the exhibition, n woi I:
to please the artist aB well as a work
having popular appeal. Arthur B, Carles,
a Phlladelp-'a painter of the modern bChool,
has cntere a late work, "Sarset."
And In the exhibition IMilladelphlans will
have a chance to sec the work of America's
aitlst laureate, John Singer Sargent. Ho
Is lepresented by three portraits, one of
the late Georgo Vnnderbllt. another entitled
"Mrs. K." and a third, lent by George W.
Klklns. The nelf-poi trait of the late Wil
liam SI, Chase, which has been shown at
several exhibitions about the country. Is a
feature of tills exhibition
Besides mere comment, there aro things
In the exhibition that may provoke a deal of
argument, if not polemics of a kind. "Billy"
Sunday, the evangelist, for Instance, has
been tho subject of one exhibitor. Georgo
Bellows, an artist of the very modern
school, while a somewhat socialistic nalnter.
has a painting entered entitled' "The Saw
dun Trail." There Is npt a little vitupera
tive feeling In It, some sarcasm, satire mnd
perhaps, some will say. Inellglon,
Tho whole exhibition shows an unusual
wldeness of scope, and tho committee which
chose the works displayed unusual knovvl.
edge of the opinions and desires of all those
who attend art exhibitions.
Tho cubists and tho ultra-futurists, how
ever, were not given recognition in this
wide scope.
Members of the committee which selected
th works for the exhibition and which will
make tho award's are: Philip L. Hale, chair
man; Frederic Clay Bartlett, Gifford Beal,
Paul Dougherty, John McLure Hamilton,
Paul King, Ernest Lawson, Jonas Lie,
Henry McCarter, Marie Danforth Page and
Douglas Volk. Tho sculpture committee
was Paul Bartlett. Charles Grady and
Adolph A, Weinman. Tho paintings were
hung by Philip I Hale. Charles Grally.
Paul King and Henry McCarter.
The exhibition will close March 2B.
iiTEEVsH WOW I GOTTA. X CT 112 VOL) 601W6 To A p NEVE HEA1 OF ft Q 1M
COiH.l FEBL HeOUS ACUOVE J I sJX oiWasb' ). silT Til TV .Vl GOING- VHO MJORE A PflLM VfV - rffl
xw'em'), ir rffitfe iffiM 'ill wSm rrWis WMh W- l I ? ' ,i9
mmmmWMwm&&mmWmWmy22mmtMWmWBte h wjmEES' iMwwh ltMlitii'BiffPWMtrtfei
Children to Save Waste Paper
IIAZLi:ro.S Pa. 1VK .1. By dliectlon
of the Board of lMucatlmi, 500O ichool
children of llazlrton were InstrucU'd to
save nil waste paper, wlilch will be baled
mid sold for the benefit of the Pln ground
Aisovlntloii Waste paper Is bringing from
seventy. five to eighty cents a hundred
Hl'KKH BOXIi in l'b 1. 1IU7. In th
pareomiKf of I'ulxiiry Miilmdlst Uplscovial
Chur'h. New VorK rlt. li. lb IIh V II .VInr.
Sl'KUIt. both of l'hlliulnlphln l'a.
ni3ll.t. l-VU. 1. UOIinilT S, Jutjan.! nf
Ktntn.i J. Abdlll ltlnll e anj frieinlx 1nilfI
in funeral iprito Alon , 1 i in., on-ln-lu'ii
residence, .Ipnco II Johnson J7 (liunce two
Olney Int Kvrrjtrefti Vm t'amden, N J
Hpinnlnn mny te iewil .Sun S to Id p in
Auto funeral
AUAMS Frb -' tltAi:i, 11 . hunbnntl of
lain A in a ml. i M Adams itKod .." lUlatlpa
and frlt-uds. members nf ,uinl n l'lre Dept .
Invited to funeral, Mon II a in. prlor nf
.1 II. Murray & Son n.'i) Market at., (.'arnden.
N. J. Int. private, Ilethel I'itu Remains may
uo lewed Sun vo.
1IAIRP neo rhambers Jan 21. KMZA
I1KTII, vvldow of David llalrri und dautrriter of
late Thomai nnd Mary Chambers, formerly of
J714 Harper st ltelatlves and frlrnda Invited
to funeral. Hun., -p. m , aiul Oermantown
ave. Int. Ml. Morlali Oem
lKU-t Mnrffatn rit S .1 , IVb I.
THOMAS I. husband (if l.lzzie HpII, Hk'ed 'J
Relatives nnd friend ('annl-ii Lodtce. No S.t.f,
II 1 f). K Kenllvvurlh (.'astle Nn !. K (I
K . of T'hlta . IM . I'oeur de I, Inn Irftdpe, So 1J,
nf l' , or renna , inviitu to funeral services.
Mn . 1 t m . n.i r lor of Srluoeiler Keulirt
.h ;llld-Arcl, Bt, . famden. N J Int. Mt
Vnrnon ('I'm
TXer Hlllm'iM IIpI.iIUhs nnil friends nlso mni
bArs of Hue Herman Unlsn Nn Til. Invited to
ai-rvlces Mon. i p In KW N -JJtl St. Int
Mount Peare (cm. Itf-maln ran be viewed
sun. In 111 p in Autn mrvlc
IIOWKK Pen. 1 MATILDA VI. widow (if
John Power, Jr Ili'l.itKes and friend Invited
to funeral services, Mon. '2 p m, 0511 N. utn
at Int private.
rtllOOKK. Feb 1. LM.A1IKTH. widow nf
Jnieph Ilrooke l)u notice of funeral will Ih
Riven from vol I Master si
1IOUN (nets Doujrhcrtyl. wife of Andrew A. Cal
houn, ntel 3)1 Relatives and friend Invited to
services, Mon., " p. m , L'5 N. fisth st. Int.
Pernwood (Vm.
CAMI'llLLL Pell. 1. PnOLINK. wife of
William H. Campbell. Relatlwa nnd friend.
Invited to funeral aervlres, Tues., Up. m , 5010
N. Kltli at. Int. private.
CAPLI.I.r I'eli. 1. suddenly. DOMDNMCA.
widow of IkiuIs Capelll Itel.itite. and friend.
Pulled to funeral. Tues. 7 :in a. m , 1100 M
7ih at. Requiem ma.s Ht Mary Macdalen de
Pa7rl' Cnnr. u , in. 1 lots. Cro. IVm.
CIIAMULRS. Jan. 27. lSAHHLLA. daugh
ter of lato Thomas and Mary Chambers, late of
214 Harper st. Relatives nnd friends Invited
to funernf, Mini . L' p. in , 30IKI Uermumown ue.
Inl Mt. Mnrlah C'em.
CIIARI.KSTO.N. Jan 30. KI.LA wife of
GeorKe Charleston (nee Camp) und daughter of
'ihoman and LPs Cump, acred '.'J. Relatives
and friend Invite, tn funerul Sun.. L' p. m.,
residence of parents, 'JSJII Klrkhrlde st . Urtdes
burir Int private (liktmid I'em.
CRAK1 1'eb 1, MARTHA M.. wife of Jame.
J. Crals, dauBhter of lata Patrick and Mur.v
Smith, of HI I'ronrls Xavler pariah, Puneral
Mon., 8:3U a m., 3014 ilaverford avc. Solemn
requiem mas. St. Avalha's Church 10 a. m.
Int Holy Cross Cem. Relatives und friends In
vited. CROMLLV At Nevadl Mo.. Teh 1. WIL
LIAM, husband of lato Marllm A. Cromley (nee.
Mfllrldel. Duo nothe of funeral, from aon-fn-law'a
residence, Ldmoud 11 tllllespie, 3ttl llereen
st . OloucVster. N .1
CPNNAVli: I'eli. 2 PATRICIL husband of
Mary Cunnune. Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral. Mon., 7:3(1 a m . l.MI N 27th st Sol
emn requiem mass St Lltzabeth'a Church 0
a. m Inl Holy Crns. Cem f
daughter nf late Patrick nnd Kllen Cu.ack,
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon.,
7.30 a. m., residence of nephew. John Manning,
Rerlln avc l.lndenwold. N. J Hlch mass St.
Lawrence Chureh. I.uurel Spring.. N. J., II a. m.
lut Old Cuthedral ('em Auto funeral.
DA1.TON Jan. 31. SARAH M.. wife, nf Wil
liam Dalton (nee Arnold). Relatives and friends.
Ladles' Auxiliary, u. I A. to II. nf I,, l;., Div.
253. Invited to funeral Mon.. H:30 u. in., hus.
band's residence. 8113 Memphis at. Solemn re
quiem mass Church of the Nativity. 10 a. m
Int St. Ann's Cem
UALY. Keb 1. PATRICK husband of late
Annie Lilly Relatives anil friends Invited to
funeral, Mon., S:3(l lu m 2130 Vino st. Solemn
requiem mass nt Cathedral Hi a m. Int. New
Cathedral Cem Autn fuperal
HUWKIt, widow of Dr Joseph w liunenhower.
aged AH. Relatives and friends Invited to fu
neral, Tuea., 1 v m 103 (Ireen lane. Mana
vunk. Services In Manijunk llaptlat Church
2 p. m, Int. Leverlnstor. Cem. Schuylkill Co.
PaDAl'HI.Y. Keb 2. OLOnafi. husband of
Carollnu Daubly, aaed 0.1. Relatives lnd trlend.
Invited to funeral. Sun.. 1 i m daughter's real,
denre, Ada Dow Ian, 2S52 N Sllllman st. lut
"VkLRINU. Peb. 2. CATHAR1NK. wife nf
John II. Deorlnc. Due notice of funeral, from
lKim Dah. st
DKRR Jan .11. JOHN, husband of Mugda
lena Derr (nee Lnrle). Relatives and friend..
Men of Holv Pumll. Altar urn! Rosary Societies,
ushers of St. Honlfaclus'a Church, members of
Pranklln and Hancock Hen Asso.. Invited to
funeral. Mon.. :3(l a m . 2040 N. 0th at. Re
quiem mass St Honlfaclus'a Church 10 a. m.
Inl Holy Sepulchro Cem
CKNZO. son of Lulcl and Maria ill Vlncenzn.
aged 30, lato nf lldltlmnre Md. Relatives nnd
friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. 8 30 a m ,
restdence of uncle. Andrew Iannone. 1418 Whar
ton st. Solemn high requiem mass st, Rita's
Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Cro.. Cem.
OONOIIOIJ. Keb. 1. I3DWA1UJ P.. husband
of Mabel 11, Donohoe (neo Miles) nnd son of
Ildward and Catharine Donohoe Relatives and
friends Invited Jo services, Mon, li a. m., tun:
8 1,1th st. Int. private Mt Morl.iti Cem.
friends may rail Sun . after (I p m
of late James and Mary Doran. Relatives and
friends Invited to funerul. Mon.. 8 a. m 747
S 20th st. Mass St. Anthony's Church o a, m.
InDOm!.-KBb.'L,"lOLLin J DORn (nee Ham
Illnn) widow of Wilson Moran Dore. Relatives
and friends Invited to services. Sun.. 7 p. m.
residence of son-in-law. Dr Tello J. d' Apery, 7U7
S 40th st. Inl private Omit flowers.
DUNDKRVII.I.H. Keb. 1 PRANK T . son nf
late Frank and Madallno Dundervllle. aged (12
Hue notice from residence of brother-in-law,
Harry P. Cord, 2415 R, 20th at.
P.lDEI.L. Feb. 2. HARVEY, ton of Victor
It. and Anna M. Ktdell (nee Jun). aged . Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral services.
Tues 2 p. in., residence nf parrnts. 4130 West
mln.ter eve. Int. Westminster Cem.
LVF.RF.XT. Feb. 2. CATllRMNH M.. wife
of Aldrldge Lverelt, daughter of lata John and
Anna Sandy, of Phlln. Relatives nnd friends
Invited to funeral, Mon., 1 p. m , Mlddletovvn
township, ltuck. Co., a. Carriages will meet
Irnllejs at Hlllcrrst, II nnd 12 m. Int. Kmlllo
M. IJ. Church Cem., Kmlile, Ilucka Co., Pa.
KAl.l.LH. Fell. 2. FRANK t, Jr.. husband
of Mary Faller (nee Punk), only son of Trnnk
and Mary Faller (nee Unger). aged 3(1. Itela.
lives and friends. Court Col, llsivkln.. No, on,
F. of A.I emploea nf Frank llellrlrk Co, In
vited lo funeral services. Tues p. m., 141
W. Luray st, (near Front and Womlr.g ave.)
Int. Oreenmouut Cem. Remains may be viewed
Mnn. eve.
FLOOD. Peb. 2. ANNIP., widow of Thlllp
Flood, Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral.
Mon.. 8M a. in . residence of son-in-law, Wil
liam (1. Riles. (120 H, ir.th si. High mass of
requiem SI Teresu'a Church lo a. in. Int.
Cnthedrnl Cem.
husband of Mary Funke (noe Mrtrler), agd 01
llelallvia nnd friends, all societies of which ha
was a member. Invited lo funeral services. Sun.,
2 p. tn.. f3J v Westmoreland st. Int. private.
Oermnntnwti Crematorium. Omit flowers.
(1A1.I.OWAY Jan 2tl. suddenly, KLI.A. wife
of William J Oallnwoy and daughter of late
.lames Mil.'enzle, aged 21' Relatives and friends
Invited lo funeral, -Tues., 8:30 a. in. parents'
residence. 35.17 Kmerald st Solemn high ninss
Ascension Church 10 n m Int si Dominic's
Cem. Huston and Prince Ldwnrd Island papers
(lAUIILII -rAt Norrlstown Pa . Feb. 2, MAP.
(1ARP.T HRINOHI'RST UMttlKR. Funeral serv
ice.. Mon,. 2 r m . undertiklng npts f D W
A II II. Monday 'III' 1)4 KhIIi st Int. prlvntn
OARRI'.i'T 111 West Chester Second Month
2d RM'IIHI. T OAllllirrr nge.l I'.elatlves
and frlemls Invited to funeral, crestnut st
Friend.' Meeting House Wist Chester, l'a
Thlrd-dav. Second Month llth. Ill a. in Int
private lilrmlnftham.
(ilLI.IAIIIl Feb 1 MATILDA, wife nf
Trederlck W. Ollllnrd. aged ns. Relatives and
friends Invited lo funeral servnes, Mon.. 2 p
m resldenro of husband, 130 liureulon st
vyissnhli l.oti. Int. private. West l.eunl Hill
(K)RMAN Feb I MARY, widow of William
II (lorman Relallvrs and friend, invited to
funeral Mon S.ln ,i in son-in-law s nsl
lenie, Dinlel P Curlln nn.'S l.eed. st.. W'esl
I'hll.i High mas. nf requleni Church of our
j. iiiv ui Miuruis in u in mi iioiy cross C m
OOl'RI.F.Y Feb 2 JOHN son of late Wll
Ham and Snruh (lourle) Relatives and friend,
laidge No .14, I. ( O M . WaVilniCon Camp
No 414, P. O S of A . Llinvvonil Avc Improve
inetlt Asso nnd emplove. of t S SrhujlUlll
Arsenal, llray's Pern rd . Invited to .ervhes
Mnn 2 30 P in. re.ldeme of brother In-I.ivv
John Stelu. 2132 S Mllllrk st lut Mt .Mnrlah
HAFNLR-Jnn. .11. SPSXN I; IMP.vnu
(nee Farrell). widow of Francis X Hnfner
Relatives and friends, members of Assumption
Ladles' T A. II Society. Invlled tn fur.enl.
Mon . 7 'III n. n ir,(l(l Swain st (rear l.'.lli
st. and Falrmount nve 1 High requiem niass
Church of the (Icsu li 15 a. m. Int New
Cathedral Cein
1IA.M.Y Jan. .11 MISS MAItflAntrr t
IIANLY. daughter of late James and Catharine
llanly (nee llanulg.ni) Relatives and friend,
nvlted to funeral, lues. 8.1(1 a m. 1403 N.
Ilith st Solemn requiem mass Churcn of Oe.u
111 a in Int Holv Cross Cem
HANNON Feb. 1 JOHN husband of lain
Mary Hnnnon. Relatives and rrlends Invited
tu funeral. Mon . H 30 n m . residence of sl.ier-In-lavv.
Mrs Bridget Hnnnon. 313.' Lancaster
ave Solemn high nqulem mass St James's
church 1" n, m int Holv Cross Cem.
IIAIIDINO Feb. 2, TACY A. widow or
Iniiathau Harding. S713 l.imsdovvne ave, aged
111) rmiernl .ervpes and Int private.
STAD. Rslatlves anj friends Invited to funeral
services. Mnn. 11 u. in. 4150 Leldy ave. Ito
mains mav be viewed Sun., 7 to u p, m. int
private. Auto funeral.
of John M and Mabel S Harshaw. aged 2
Relatives und friends Invited to services Mon ,
2 3o p m. parents' residence, 411 s. 3d s:
CoIvv.il. l'a Int. private. Remain, may be
viewed Sun. eve.
HASSLF.R Second Month, rir.t. UARRV
huband of Helen Hassler (nee Uoppe), aged .10
Relatives and friends emploiern and em
ployes of Surpass Leather Works, Invited to
funeral, lirst-dny. 1 p. m . chapel nf John II
Wttzel 232S (lermantonn ave. Int. Orecnmount
Crm Autn service
linCKKR Jan .11 ANNA Jl . wife of Wil
liam J Herker (nee Wendler) aged 21 Rela
tives nnd friends invited to funeral services
Sun . 2 p m . fatlier-ln-law's reaidenoe. 1'red
erlck W Becker. 2822 N t.th st. Int private.
Creenmount Cem. Remains may bo viewed
Sat. eve. Auto funeral
1IBNNINC1 Ptli 2 WHI.lVMlf husband
nf Annie II. HennlllB. aged 77 Relatives and
friends. If. D. llaker Post. No. 8. O A A .
Survivors' Asso . 118th Rest ICorn Lxeluinge).
Pa. Vol . Invited to funeral service. Mon 2
"The Host inkiest Location"
55th, Pine, Spruce & DeLancey
"The Heat House In Rest Loiallon"
One left on Spruce St nt, I50OII
KUlit left on De l.uncey st ut :lllii)
Nino left on Pine SI , at . 53!illi)
The beat proof as to quality of tho con
structlon. tomfort derived from the homes
could Iw easllv obtained frnm the 20 happy
families now living In the operation.
CTRHVERS Th0 "e"t Huslnes. School."
3 1 HHI tag bth nllll c-healnut Streets
Positions Guaranteed. Imter now Day or night
S-r.oH'i Shorthand Schoc, Private Lesson..
cnen s Day .10, NlBht ,-,. 300m oxford st,
A rectxpvLscd ..standarA
Corrv600. KA1IEBJ.BV2STS
Weatminster ' "vc nearlieacn. U.cva.
iviaiiuiiiaiHi tor ,o mt Prly baJhi r
water. 18 uo wkly. 12 up dally. Chas. Uuhrs.
I.AKF.W 111)1) N. J.
Only 1J4 our from New York
Onlf. Tennis. Motoring, Riding,
Driving, Trap Shooting, etc.
Dancing. Teus. Orchestral Concerts.
A. J. Murphy, Manager
C. V. Murphy, At. Manager
vvn" I d m w
W ANGER voicu K A A
2&- 05,3 j. 'jsn!'s&&'ff j i- -
i. 22S2 N. Houvler at. Int. Hillside) Cem ,
to 9 p. tn.
lipnAN. Feb. I. MirilAUL M . son of
Mathew and late Alary Koran. Relatives atd
friends, emnlmea of J Olbsnn Mcllvaln It Co.,
Invited to funeral, Mon., 8 an a m residence
of hrother-ln law. Peler J. Haney. 522t Oreen
vvny ave. Solemn mass nf requiem Church nf
the Most lilessed Sacrament 10 a. m. Int.
Holy Cross Cem.
Due notlch of the funeral
ILIKF. Feb. I, MARY ANN, widow nf James
Mnnroo lllrr, aged .1. Relatives and friend.
Invlled lo funeral, Mon.. 2 p. m. r.04 Central
ave . Cheltenham. Pa Int. Cheltenham M. II.
Grounds Remain, may be viewed sun. eve
residence i.f son, Ueorgs II lllff, 4013 (Irlscom
st Prankford
INGRAM Feb 1 IIARI1ARA A. widow nf
Huf'is M Ingram, ased Mi. Relatives and frb nd.
tnvlled to funeral, Mon.. 2 p. m., 1227 Upland
St.. Chester, Pa Int. private,
JORDAN Feb. 2. MAROARLT. daughter of
D.vld anil Annie Jordan, aged 17 Relnllves
and friend. Invited to funeral, Mon.. :i p. m ,
n.idence nf uncle, James Ilnlre, ,1.1 111 Pmeruld
st Inl. North Cedar Hill Ctm. Reiiuiin. may
tm viewed Sun., after 7 p. m. New York papers
KI1M.T.-Suddenly. Jan 31. 11ANIP.L P , son
nf late lMivnrd and Rose. Kellv. Rilttlves and
friends Invited to funeral. Mon . M u m
brother-in-law's reatdenr. Jocph Perkier. 5111
Kershaw uve . West lillla High mas. St
Oregon's Church t' 30 a. in Int St. Denis's
KllNNKDY A solemn high mas. will l.e
celebrated In St. Mlclmel's Church. 2d and Jef
ferson sis , 1ii n in . Mon . In memory of Mrs
ANNIK UKNNKDY. widow nf Jetcmtah Ken
hedy who vva. burled Feb fi 11108.
'nee Durklnl Due notice, nf funetal will hi
given, from 37.'u N Uarien st
KLU1N. Jan 30. CATHi:illNK c. daughter
of the late (lolllleb nnd Christine Klein. Rela
tives nnd Irlends also St Johenties Prauen
1'nlerstuuutigs Vereln nnd member, nf st
Marcus Herman Lutheran Church. Invlled lo
funeral. Sun 2 p in . 20SJ W. Cumberland st
Int. Mt Vernon Cem
KNIOUT Feb 1. SLLlNA II. widow of J
Frank Knight, aged 74 Relatives and friend.
Invited lo funeral servlies Mon III a tn .
chupd of Oliver J. Hair f. Son, Arch nnd Huh
sts. Int private
l.ANOF. --1 eh 1. HARRY (' . husband nf late
Anna Lunge aged 13 Relatives and friend.
Invited tn funeral services Mon. 2 p m i.-si
denre of Mr. Cnlberlnii Hall 3lr,0 ( t lot
Oiklalid Cim Remains mi) bo vlcvv.d Sun
after 7 p m Auto funeral
l..Wt.l'Y VI Atcn. N J Feb 1 JOHN
1 itsband uf Mar) 1 Lftwlcv aged ,10. Due no
llie of luneral vvlll le given.
I.KN.VIIAN .1 ill 31. JOHN C . husband ol
late Helen I.eimnan nnd son of Andrew ami
Mary T Lenahnn urd brother of the Rev
Thorn... A l.enahsn Relatives aid frltnd.. all
societies of which he vvus u member. Invlled
lo funeral. Mnn s .'in a m . 710 N 17th st
Solemn high mass nf requiem Church of the
(lestt 10 a m. Int Holy Cross cni Auto
I.F.TTS Suddenly. Jan. .11. CHARLLS II
LLTTS. eldest son of W. N and Ahlg-il Letts
husband nf Katberlne Letts (nee IHrrett). Rela
tives and friend., emplojes of IVnnn R R
zt Pluladelpliias I m
PaaH aaBlaHHiBlaaailaaaW- aiH 3 " -fa JM
tu aB r ' sk
Do You Know This Artist?.
Time and again you have seen
his work and admired it. All you
need do to learn his name and see
him pictured at work is tell your
newsdealer to reserve for you a
copy of Sunday's Public Ledger.
Seventeen photographs of promi
nent Philadelphia artists appear in
the Pictorial Section tomorrow.
?M X'M
HKATM.fi ... f. ..
mrmbera' ef 8r. O., U, A. M (if .Irayviaw Coun
ell. No. 18, llayvUw. ld Invited to funeral
services. M5 Madison at.. Wilmington, .Del.
Sat,, 8 t. m. Other services chapel North Hast.
Cecil Co.. Md., Sun., 1 p, m. Int. adjoining
LOVr!. tn New Mexico, JOHN II.. son of late
Alfred II and Susan II, Love. Funeral aervlcea,
Mon., II n. in , 1B20 N, I'ark ave., Philadelphia,
LOYD Feb. 1, ADAM LOYD. aged 72. rtsla
lives and friends. Camp No. 00. P. O. S. of A.I
Posta No. If. and 12, U. A It ! O. 1 llelsterllnc
Circle. No 13(1, (l. A. 11 I Men's lllblo Clss. nf
Lbenerer M, i: Sunday Schools employes of Pen
coyd Iron W'orks, Invited lo funeral. Mon., 2
P. m, 4220 Pci hln st , Itnxbornusii. Int. West
minster Cem Friends mav call Sun, eve,
72 'Relatives nnd friends, Lnterprl." Harbor,
No 2, A A. of M M, and P., Invlled lo funeral
serviies. Mon., i p m . IsnT i: Moamenslng
nve Int at lwes. Del., Tues.. upon arrival of
train Ic-ivrne Pblla. 7:2.1 a, m ....,.
MANOAN At Salem. N J . Feb. 2, OI-'ORtl.
lA.S'NA MANOAN, widow of (lenrgo Mangan.
aged 72 Funeral services residence of son.
Harry Mangan. n7 cpestnut at.. Mnn.. 10.30
it m Inl. Last View Cem . Halem. N, J
MiOLLlt. At Newtown. Pn . Jan. 31, l'LIKA
11P.TII C Mr(li:i'.R( iiaetl 31 Relatives and
friends. Tabernacle Society. II. V M, Sodality,
Corpus Chrlstl Parish emploe. of Alfred Wol
stcnholme . Son. Invited to funeral. Mnn.. s
a. m . residence, of William Mellor. 3U27 Dexter
st Wissvhlckon Phlla Solemn requlm maa.
Corpus Chrlstl Church 28th st nnd Allegheny
ave., 10 a. m. Int We.tml.ister tvm
McKlin Feb 2. MAIUIAIIKT Wife of John
It MeKee. daughter of Vile llernnrd and Mary
Ann MiCloskey. of v'ollegeville. County Armagh,
Ireland Relative and friend. Invited In fu
neral. Wed , 8 .10 a. m H!3S N 3d st Solemn
requlrm mas. St Michael's Churc.h 111 n m.
lut Holy Sepulchre i'em .
McKIiNZIi: Feb 2, JAMKS. husband of
Lllrabeth McKenzle. nged llll Relatives nnd
frb lids. llol Name Society of the Ascension
parish Invtt'd to funeral Tues. 8,10 n m.
.1157 Lniernld st Solemn high luas. c'hurch of
the Ar-ceiision lo a m Int Si Domlnlc'a Cem.
Prince I'd" ir,l I.' md and lloston papers copv
Mll.LINlHIAI'SLN Feb 1. LM'RA II. wlfo
of August A Mltllughausrn and daughtee of late
Samuel and Martha llrnlisoii Relatlvea and
friend. It,lfed to fu.vral services Toe. 11 n
l.i. 8122 lleriuantcivxi, ave Chestnut Hill. Int
private Omit (low, rs
(r.eo Hrennen) wlf, nf ritomas Mooney Rela
tive, and friend. Invited to funeral Men . 8-30
a in . 2(1117 Cedar st (.'list Ward) Solemn
requiem mas. st Ann a Church In n m Int
New Cnthcdr.l Cetn Pottsvlllo papers conv.
MOORL. At Westgiovc, Pa . Jan. 31. HAN
NAH P widow of Oeo-ge Moore aged HP. Rel
atlvts nnd ft lends Invited Id funeral services.
Mon . 1 p. in Int. private.
MonillS Jar 20 I'LOlIiLS'Cl! V wife of
Andrew I Vlorr's and cliughter of Pranklln nnd
lain KatherliK .lew II aged 30. Relatives and
friends Invited lo funeral services. Sun 2 p.
In., 21 W'nnd s: . Camden. N. J Int. private,
Arlington Cem Rrmalna nay be viewed Sat.,
after 7 p. m
MCRRAV At llaverrord Pa f.U 1. TAT
Rli K husband of I ite Kltpabeth Murrav (nee
Smith), formi riv of Woodland Farm, lawyer
Merlon Pn. Relative, nnd frienila Invited to
funeral Mon . I a. m . Montgomery live.. Haver
foril l'a. Solrlim requiem in is. Chun h of Our
Mother of (lood Council of Hr:'n Mawr. ID
a. m, Int. at family' muwtlii, LH.
vsm, i
NADKri Fell. 3. rttrttRTIAMA
wife of Adam Nader. Relatives arid frl
vlled tn attend funeral, Wed., SMI Brl
ii'rsnKiorii arc. an. ivicntnonu m,H cm. i,
NICHOLS Feb. 2, I1KNRY. Jiuaband of Aa
Nl hols, nged 7n, Relatives and friends. Phllalgft
!.odffe, No. 537. F and A .VI.. and other M
sonic lodges nf which he was a member. Inv-lMil
In funeral, Tues , 2 p. m , Ilustlcton ave asf
Welsh rd Iiusileton, Phlla, Int. St. Janm-i
Churchard, Olney, i
O'llRIMN. Feb. 1. KLSIB LILLIAN. dau.
ter or iidwarn i.. and l snnis McKlm O'Br en. ,:
A. Ill tl-l-ll..a Ha trlMwtAm if.ltJ ' u. I ,
ne." . ' ..r.M.t.Tn n,, ...v,,.J .,,.,,?u ,W IS-' '
titrvil services, Sun , 5' p. m, parents' realdsnea). l'
not N, 2d si , Camden. N. J. Friends may call
Sat. eve Int. Ilerlln, N. J., upon arrival Mt
10.30 n m train Mon.
O'CONNOR. Feb. 2. CATIIATUNK M.. dautti- I
ler nf late James and Ilrldget O'Connor, aged
l'n. tills unties (mm restdeneM nf hrnthee Jnhn
J, O'Connor. 12J7 Kmlly st :1.'
John and late Mary li. Peeples. Relatives and ,
friends Invited to funeral. Sun.. 2 r. m., father'
residence, 008 llth ave., Moore, Dels. Co.. P. ',
Int Fernvood Cem. '
PF.IRCK. Feb. 1. WILLIAM C. PElnC1i.-
ageci o.i. ueiaiives ana irienas invitea to l
lernl aervlcea, Mon, 11 a. in.. David Schorl
Hldg., Ilrnad and Diamond sts. Remalng may
iw vi-w,', nun. nun , p. ill. ml, privavv. i
PRLISCHL. Feb. 1. OKORUK. son of lata 'l
josepn anci naroar.i iTeiscni. agen o.. iteiatlveg
nnu irienns, si. josepn's, m nnniraclua's,
John's and SI, Patrick's Holy Name Socle
flneral Anthony Wane Circle, No. (13, 11 Cot h-
ernoori oi Americn. invnca to runerai. Mon..
8 h. m.. 434(1 Ldgemont at Requiem high mast
All Salnta' Church. Ilrldesburg, I) a. m. Inu.1t.
Holy Redeemer Cem. ,., )
KKIISH. Feb. 1, CItAHLKS P. nEESB. arecl
i,s ii-ianves nnn irienas. urieniai liage, rto.
3.5. P and A M , Columbia Ciiapter. No. DI,
R A M . Marv Commandery, No. 30. K. TI
Consistory of Scottish Rltei Lu Lu Temple,
A. ,. O. N. M. H, , Helmonl Council, No. 1D0,
A. nf 1. A . Invited to funeral services. Mon .
11 a. in. residence of stater. Mrs. Robert F.
Frankeiilleld. northwest earner 3Iih and Spring
(larclen sts lut at convenience of family.
Friend, may call Sunday, 8 to 0 p. m. Autos.
RF.MIIIl.p suddenly. Jan, .10. Ml.NNIB M.,
daughter ni Annie and late William Remhlld
(nee llcpp), In Hdtli enr. Relatives and friend
Invited lo funeral services. Sun.. 1:30 p. m..
mother's n-s,dence, 212 W, Wilder st. InL
Hillside Cem . via funeral car. Remains may
bo viewed Sat. eve
RICH. Feb, 2, PHILLIP RICK, husband of
Lena Rico (nee Koble). Relatives and friend,
also Moscosro Tribe, O. R. M , Invited to serv
ices Mon.. 2 p in., nt 3505 Wallace at. Int.
private, I'ernvvood Cem, Friends may call
Sun eve
P.TTS. husband of late Kmlly Rlrketts, aged 80.
Relatives and trlend. invited to funeral service.
Mnn . lo a. m Church of Our Saviour, liroad
vvnj end Vinla st Cuindeu. N J. Friend,
may view remains Sun.. 7 (o P p. m.. at 325
Mt, Vernon St., Camden, N J, Int. prlvat.
Arlington (em
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, 8un..
12 m , 2072 i: York st Int Union M. U. Cam.,
Wnlllngford. Pa Auto service.
Continued on Next Page
a vi